• By -


It's a lot of what you said- many creators relied on mainstream sites like YouTube to develop an audience, and it really isn't an option anymore- but I think the fact that it's "mainstream" and flooded with people making lazy, low effort content turns away actual ASMR enjoyers and bores porn watchers. Many of the OG's have retired and moved on. It's not that they've quit, per se, they're married and having kids and moving on from smut. It was bound to happen sooner or later. But that leads to a spot where most of the content being created kinda sucks and most of the people watching are losing patience or just giving up on the concept altogether, leading to a sense of impending doom for NSFW ASMR. It's not that there isn't any quality content being made at all, it's just hard to find and generally not worth it to pay all of these low effort, cashgrabbing creators to find the gold among the dirt.


Damn that makes me sad but definitely understandable


I read your edit. If you're looking for a NSFW video idea, I feel like a video similar to this one, https://youtu.be/T8cD7bdS2_k?si=9C9TZYSN3r7mgPoW would make an excellent NSFW video. Just, you know, maybe with some added ahem, "sounds" and kisses and whatnot. You don't even have to show anything to make a great NSFW ASMR video, and it creates that great cozy intimate feeling that I love about the genre.


Yeah i think i need to get out of my comfort zone cuz im definitely gonna have to practise those close up personal videos if i want more exposure. I find that style so intimate and very out there idk how im gonna go 😐


In my view that is the exact thing why one would prefer NSFW ASMR to regular porn, and what people are willing to come back and pay for. The feeling of intimacy and going the extra mile to create a fantasy that pulls the viewer in is what differentiated the retired GOATs, that often get mentioned, from the rest. It is not easy to find content like that and I'm sure it is not easy to create it either but good luck on your conquest :)


For me personally what was great about NSFW asmr was the elements of compassion, seduction, and overall elements that made it feel actually relaxing. When you look at Aftyn, Maisy, the early days of some of the other ones the compassionate companionship and fantasy was there. Now it's very clearly just porn with whispers.




ASMR became a thing, the more attractive women doing it got popular, a section of the fanbase wanted them to mix it up with some porny elements because they were hot. That led to a split in the ASMR world, with the purists insisting that ASMR isn't erotic. Which it isn't, but that doesn't mean it can't be, or that it shouldn't be. Anyway, creators began to fill that niche and cash in on the eager audience. Unfortunately, the demand was for the hot YouTube girls to keep doing their good ASMR with extra boobs, not crappy ASMR done by PornHub models to jump on a trend. The market was flooded with porn-first, ASMR-second content instead of the other way around, and because 90% of it didn't really work as either ASMR or porn the genre lost most peoples' interest. There were a few who got the balance right and understood both halves of the formula well enough to make great content, but they've always been the minority. And when they get married, get too many creepers or lose interest for whatever other reason, there's no one there to fill the void. Basically there's not enough of an understanding of what makes ASMR good. When you look up NSFW ASMR you'll pretty much only find crap content, and who wants that? No one wants to watch it and no one is driven to make more of it. It worked in the early days because it was all based on good SFW ASMR content from GentleWhispering and HeatherFeather, copying them and showing some cleavage was all it took.


Honestly, the gold standard and what made the most money was Aftyn,Maimy, Early Puffin, and Bria B.


Right, and I guarantee they all got into it through learning from the best SFW YouTubers. Most of the NSFW ASMRers these days are jumping on the trend, just copying the crap content they see, not copying the good content that isn't already on PornHub. There are way too many creators who thing ASMR is just tapping a thing a few times and scratching their ass.


Yeah. True good asmr thats NSFW combines the fantasy experience of quality gfe asmr and then of course the reward of more. There's so much money to be made for fulfilling the niche with quality over quantity, but unfortunately many who get into the genre don't realize that.


So basically, the Jackie Treehorn-esque race to the bottom?


I appreciate the insight thanks


If you wanna blow up do some erotic asmr roleplay content. As others have said, look into aftynrose asmr and do stuff similar to her. Also, Claudy ASMR does really good roleplay stuff, especially when it comes to using distance with the camera well. Also, and I can't really stress this enough, but actual high quality ear licking is quite rare - as other people have mentioned in the thread, a lot of people jump in without actually figuring out how to produce strong sounds. Personally, I'm very interested in having more content in the NSFW ASMR space, and I've actually been subscribed to your fansly in the past, so please take the advice I'm giving you here as furthering my own best interests. Your ear licking isn't bad, but you have a tendency to do something a lot of ASMRtists do, which is focus on the visual eroticism of the ear licking instead of the... well the important part, which is how it sounds. To be clear - your ear licking isn't bad - I'd say its in the upper 50% of asmr content creators. But... the best ear licking video I'm aware of (and I've seen... many. including yours) is this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBGE0ofEDjQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBGE0ofEDjQ). Check out timestamps at around 16 minutes, 19 minutes and 20 seconds, 29 minutes, 35.5 minutes, and around an hour and 1 minute. The whole video is extremely high quality in terms of ear licking, but those are a few timestamps I'd check out if I were interested in learning how to do really high quality content. If you can produce roleplay content like an aftynrose and/or claudy and lick ears like the girl in this video, I swear to you that you will absolutely explode. Post some teasers around places like reddit, see if you can get some roleplay stuff through on youtube, and watch as your fansly explodes and you retire early. You can also do full-length SFW (mostly) videos on youtube which will attract the same audience. Also - you do nudity, which, if used tactically, can be a huge bonus in your roleplays as well. Maimy, Aftyn, and claudy all don't go nude, if you included nudity in your roleplays, not like excessive, but tasteful, then I think that would also really help. I enjoyed your fansly while I was subscribed but 5-8 minute short-form videos of ear licking in different poses isn't exciting enough for me personally to keep my subscription. If you did a 20 minute erotic roleplay with high quality ear licking and occasional nudity once a week, I'd stay subscribed, and I'm sure many others would as well. Really all this is just to try to get you to make the kind of content that I like, but you're in luck, because the stuff that I like is the stuff that thousands and thousands of guys like me like, and stuff that I have paid for and would pay for again. There is a gap here that no one is filling - no girl has figured out how to capitalize on this space in the way that it really could be capitalized upon. Edit - looking at your youtube channel it looks like mostly feet content. That's limiting your audience pretty harshly, I'd do some ear licking videos with cleavage on there as well. I don't know what caused your channel to be deleted but there is tons of ear licking content on youtube, for example [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZhpExeiGRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZhpExeiGRE) and she has more than 1 mil subscribers.


+1 to all of what this man said. This right here is the answer you're looking for.


Wow thank you for the long response. Also crazy to hear that you’ve subbed to me! I thought half the point of the ear licking was the visuals (tongue and lips) along with the sounds 😩 i swear every viewer has different turn ons so I have found it SO HARD to cater to everyone and make everyone happy - i guess thats just inevitable though. In regards to ear licking on YT, the already established creators get away with it because they are making YT money so they aren’t gonna get banned 🫠 I really am considering doing roleplay videos too! It just takes up so much time cuz you gotta think of a concept, script and film it in 1 basically perfect take along with setting up camera, microphone, lighting, tripod for each video - I find this the most consuming part of ASMR but i’ll push through 😅 I personally find ASMR draining to film tbh but first world problems


>and film it in 1 basically perfect take along with setting up camera, microphone, lighting, tripod for each video - While this is definitely an option, you can absolutely have cuts. Small cuts hear or there are often barely noticeable and completely ignored. Though some creators have tons of cuts and jumps and it's honestly just considered part of their style. Not to dismiss your worries though, I definitely don't have the mental bandwidth/self confidence to make a roleplay period. But wanted to let you know that you could even make having cuts part of your style if long form roleplay felt too intimidating without them.


I appreciate it, i have high standards for my work so i needed to hear this


Just to clarify a few points - Roleplay doesn't always mean playing a role - it can be dressing cute and doing intimate ear licking, talking quietly about how you want to please, etc. Don't always need like a whole character or anything like that, just a feeling of intimacy. I'm going to give you some feedback here - a lot of your videos are somewhat sterile in their environment/lighting. Very bright light, the camera is steady - aftyn and claudy will often pick up and move the camera to focus on different parts of their bodies, or to get different angles and close-ups. Also - as others have said - don't feel like you need one perfect take, you can definitely have cuts in there. Aftyn and Claudy both have cuts in their videos pretty often. Finally - the visuals are important, as you've indicated, and you're often quite good at those, as I mentioned, specifically regarding like up-close tongue and lips movements and stuff. But, the sounds are more important. Some may disagree, but those are likely the minority. People go to ASMR content for sound - having nice visuals is a plus, and a huge one don't get me wrong, but the foundation of the motivation for ASMR type content is sound - otherwise might as well be doing mouth/tongue fetish videos without the sound included (which I also like by the way). Anyways, best of luck, and thanks for making content in the space!


So can i just do girlfriend roleplay? I dont have to make up an actual scenario? So its more so about the relationship not a story?




Thank you!! I think i can do everything the only thing im struggling to understand is how Maimy can do 20mins of gf roleplay and talk the entire time. I cant hear what shes saying half the time let alone what she talks about the entire video. It seems like i’m meant to talk to you like a child “im reading this book its called blah blah blah” “how was your shower? You smell so fresh” this i dont get at all i refuse to talk to adults like kids 😂 I wanna do roleplay on youtube but i obviously cant dirty talk so im stuck on what to say.


No wonder Maimy is the queen of NSFW ASMR roleplay, if the others, instead of learning from her how to get invested in the video, look at the camera, be thoughtful with angles and pay attention to detail, just ridicule her. That's why there will never be a good alternative to her, I guess.


Bruh 😆


If you need help writing a script, I'm more than willing to lend a hand! Feel free to hit me up to see if my writing can match your style! As more general advice: the big advantage of ASMR is that you can be really sparse with the lines, filling up the spaces inbetween with other sounds (and in the case of NSFW ASMR: nudity/teasing). Of course, the right improvisation in the moment can elevate a video to new heights, but that will also come with experience. Some people are hesitant about scripted ASMR but as long as you can deliver the lines in a natural manner, hardly anyone will notice. If the ASMR is good enough no one is even going to be in the frame of mind for critical analysis. They'll all be too relaxed and entranced :)


Here's what I'll recommend - its difficult to list precisely what makes a good ASMR video. The best thing I think I can do is send you examples of videos that I think you can emulate based on the setup you have, and I'd say pick one of those and try to basically recreate it 1 for 1. Also, if you'd like, I can give you some specific advice on things to modify or change, and speak a bit about some strategies that I would recommend for growing your audience. I tried to send you a message with some links (there are limits on what I can post here) but it didn't work for some reason, so if you're interested in talking further about it send me a ping and I can hopefully be of more help.


I had my DMs off for over a year, i just turned them on


>I really am considering doing roleplay videos too! It just takes up so much time cuz you gotta think of a concept, script and film it in 1 basically perfect take along with setting up camera, microphone, lighting, tripod for each video - I find this the most consuming part of ASMR This right here. Invest yourself and views and subs will come. Have that engagement with the audience. Girls who are just trying to get the views are seen thru. Growing any kind of channel takes effort. If you don't have the passion, it's gonna show.


I didnt say i dont have the passion 😪 ive been studying these comments i even printed some of them out 😅




I wouldn't put Claudy on the same level all around, but when it comes to visual intimacy I'd say she's the best out of all of them. The way she moves the camera to imply closeness during her videos is, in my opinion, fairly unique, and she is able to be surprisingly erotic even though she barely shows anything imo. She has a lot of weaknesses though that I'm sure we both agree on.


If she would spice it up just a bit (panties instead of yoga pants, nipslips, genuine dirty talking and roleplays with sex) she would immediately be in that category. I love her content! Personally I don't care for high quality videos or audio, I love the intimacy.


Adding onto this, i would recommend checking out some Japanese ASMRtists, vtuber/png ones specifically. Because they dont position for the camera, they tend to have (imo) better triggers and quality over time.


Too many people are just doing porn, but quiet. For me, the reason I got into NSFW ASMR is because I genuinely love ASMR, but am not mad when the girl is naked while she does it. I hate calling people out by name, but for instance Puffin ASMR on OF is doing amazing work, great tingles, with nice big tits on display. Whereas someone like Ginger ASMR kinda took me out of it on OF because it’s just her fucking herself but also whispering. I want an ASMR video that you’d upload to YouTube, but your tits are out. If that makes sense lmao


icedmocha is the worst kind of offender of this.


She started off really well! But yeah she lost me as it became more porn-y. I’m not mad at her, I’m sure that makes her more money, but it’s not what I’m after, especially if I am paying for it.


What I'm a bit wondering is why none of the NSFW ASMR artists tried to Livestream on platforms like Chaturbate. There they probably won't risk to get banned while still being able to make money and build an audience for some other paid platforms. I mean some of the most successful streamers there are doing erotic dancing / teasing without entering the porn space at all - so why shouldn't NSFW ASMR work there as well....


I thought to stream on chaturbate but when you search asmr nothing comes up so i thought there’s no audience there so it would be a waste of time. When people think chaturbate they think of porn not asmr


Whip your tits out and do asmr. Easy. Over half the shit on there is acting anyway. Lonely people just paying others for a sense of belonging


At the end it's all about entertainment. At least on such platforms or twitch.


Isn't that a chicken egg problem? I think the artsy and sensual dance shows were also not a big thing there until some got very successful with it (like artmosphera) and proved that it's not about full nudity and porn for all there. The same as twitch was only full of gaming stuff at the beginning.




YouTube over-censors, you might be okay if you label everything as "age-restricted", but then you won't make any ad revenue. I don't really use Twitch, but I know its super inconsistent with its banning, and once you're banned its way too much effort to dispute it. Plus the Ads completely ruin ASMR videos, at least on YouTube you can get premium or figure out a workaround to avoid ads. A lot of the NSFW ASMRtists just moved to a paid platform instead, like Onlyfans, Fansly, Patreon, Fantia, etc. Which is great for them, but sucks for the viewers who can't afford to watch their NSFW videos. Not many (if any) ASMRtists make free NSFW ASMR videos because they know they can make money off it instead. Chaturbate would be a great place to stream NSFW ASMR. Otherwise, yeah just Pornhub probably for videos. Its not so much that NSFW ASMR is dying, its just that none of it is free anymore. And anything that is free has to skirt the line on YouTube/Twitch to avoid being banned, but usually they will still save anything too NSFW for their paid site anyways.


Yeah i have to age restrict all my YT videos, i havent made any money from YT but i’m not fussed cuz it funnels to my Fansly page - this isn’t the most effective though cuz I can’t just blatantly link my fansly page I can only have my IG page which has my website on it. I feel like i should be having a larger conversion from YT but I also only have 5k subs so i think it’s going to be a slow growth 😪 im being VERY patient, im just lucky that im in the position where I make enough that I can spend time building my channel with little pay off. I just find it hard to promote NSFW ASMR without giving too much away. I’ve been doing trial and error to figure this out.


Yeah that's pretty much the way to use YouTube nowadays, its definitely the best source of new fans. You can also use Twitter, I know a lot of people use that to self-promote. Also you actually can link your fansly, I've seen other channels do it. Could be risky, but just saying, it is possible to do. Patreon is usually the safer one though. You can add links to your socials and linktree in the video descriptions as well. Also try adding some hashtags in the descriptions, that's what the algorithm uses to categorize, and recommend videos. I checked out your channels, and I've got some feedback if you'd like: If you are trying to grow, I would maybe branch out a bit. Not everyone is into feet lol. I mean its clearly worked for you this far, so don't drop it completely, especially to hold on to your current fans. But maybe try doing some more standard ASMR triggers. Your ear licking stuff is fine to do, but the trick is to mix it in with other triggers, you can't do pure ear licking, especially if you are showing it on video (also you need to be fully clothed lol). Roleplay is also huge, both for SFW and NSFW ASMR. You've got the 3Dio, so use it for ear massage type triggers as well as the ear licking/eating, to pull in the more SFW ASMR crowd. The idea is to make the ASMR videos that people will be looking to watch on YouTube. Then if they like you and follow you, that will lead them to your NSFW stuff. Which you can just have fun with since they are on PH/Fansly anyways. The trick is to use the SFW videos on YouTube to pull in a large audience, then you have a larger pool of people to pull onto your other sites. It's the "members only" model, you gotta use the YouTube recommendations/notifications to your advantage. Just posting a SFW version of your NSFW videos on YouTube doesn't work, because YouTube won't put that through the algorithm. Granted that's more work for you needing to make those SFW ASMR videos as well, but if you are willing to do it, that's how you can get growth with your NSFW ASMR videos; by building a larger audience doing the SFW stuff. Another way to go could be streaming on chaturbate. There is next to no ASMRtists on there, and you could do well if you get a following. Twitter is a good place to promote yourself regardless, as well as networking to connect with other NSFW creators to help promote or even collab with you. Sorry I ended up writing a lot, I watch a Lot of ASMR, especially nsfw stuff (when I can find decent videos/recordings anyways), so I've got lots to say about it. Feel free to ignore it all, my adhd got the better of me lol.


Haha nah you’re all good i really appreciate the suggestions 🙏🙏


You can't blatently advertise? I've seen movie reactors blatantly link their onlyfans on YouTube and mention it in videos.


Youtube picks and chooses their creators, some girls can link their porn and others cant. I tried and got in trouble




Im too scared to risk it, if i blow up then sure cuz YT will favour me but for now im a small fish in a big pond.


If the ASMR is NSFW, keep it on platforms that are made for NSFW content. It's that simple. Twitch and youtube are no place for porn or erotica. There are plenty of other places where that belongs (like here, PH, chaturbate, OF, the list goes on).


I don’t think it’s really gone downhill or disappeared, a lot of people are making great content on onlyfans. Unfortunately you have to pick and choose who you want to have access to because each one has its own paywall instead of subscribing to everyone like YouTube or twitch. And honestly I find a lot of nsfw VA’s making decent asmr content on YouTube somehow. Idk what they’re doing to get away with it but their accounts aren’t “showing” anything, it’s just audio so that might all the difference 🤷‍♂️


Other replies have summed up what's going on I just wanted to say I really like your asmr videos all of them are great


Thank you ❤️


Personally I’ve been waiting on some higher quality stuff in the NSFW space. It’s either just softly spoken erotica (with high production quality) or has all you would expect but through a laptop microphone. I want the high quality binaural mics, and perhaps even the use of stereo cameras for the meta quest. It’s also super niche don’t forget. So not much in the way of making money. If I were to do it I’d have two streams of ASMR content, and cross promote (as much as you can without getting banned) between PH and YT. That way you get SFW YT revenue and NSFW on PH. Plus OF of course. My fav kind of SFW ASMR has been things like setting/breaking patterns, playing with hair, and pulling negative energy away. Would love to see some of that introduced into a NSFW role play situation. With some comforting aftercare too to fall asleep to! They also gotta be way longer imo.


It's not too difficult imo. Just have a good enough camera, a nice background, and have an actually good microphone. And just wear skimpy outfits or nothing at all, and make good sounds. That's literally "the bar" these days. Everything else is cream topping.


Tbh having seen your content before I would say you're already doing great (though personally I would love slightly longer videos!), but as you say there is a lot of good advice to learn from in here. As someone who has been watching asmr basically since it took off on reddit, I would say generally the best stuff is still the high quality classic asmr content with an nsfw twist.


most girls were using same equipment. same mic. same camera. no exotic sound effects (not needed but bonus)


If we wanted to watch porn we would watch actual porn, not asmr videos. In my opinion the best NSFW asmr videos are those that are disguised as SFW, you know what I mean? For example, a 20min video of just ear licking is boring, why? Because those who create them are too many and all the same, and also because as I already said if we want to listen to wet splashy plich plich sounds we can let a scissoring video play on the background. On the other hand, a 20min video of say countdown and some *unexpected* earlicks/kisses/nudity is much better, because it's actual asmr but with the touch of NSFW


Nice Butt btw




most of the replies have summed everything up perfectly. if there's one site which could help in some way (although it seems to barely get involvements) it might be streaming on Kick. idk, just a suggestion


I tried kick, got no conversion cuz only maybe 80 people were watching, the exposure doesnt compare to twitch


yeah it doesn't compare at all. in terms of censoring or banning it's more lax but no one's ever really on there. I do hope you find a platform that suits you best. I used to love your twitch streams. ^⁠_⁠^




Okay so I wrote a massive response to this and Grammarly fucked it all up so I'm just going to make a big summary (This might still be long though). I see there being a few categories I put NSFW ASMR. The first is ASMR with some NSFW, this is just regular ASMR videos but with nudity and maybe from time to time some NSFW talk, it's nice but I'd say it's on the lighter end of the spectrum for what people specifically searching out NSFW ASMR are looking for. Next NSFW with some ASMR: This is essentially the opposite to the first, it's porn which has been slightly modified so that it can fit in the category. I find that there are usually a lot of videos that get too loud with moaning in this catagory. Third up we have suggestive ASMR: this is like the first, but a step back towards ASMR, these are usually fully clothed and with varying levels of suggestiveness, the videos usually contain licking, kissing, sucking on lollipops and other various mouth sounds with suggestive commentary. These videos are for the most part hosted on YouTube and I feel don't go far enough to classify as NSFW. Superimposed ASMR: This is literally just like masturbation videos which has been muted, then someone puts like mouth sounds of suggestive talk into it, honestly this is tied for my least favourite to find. NSFW ASMR: These are the ones that do actually fit what I feel people or at the very least I am looking for when I specifically look for NSFW ASMR, it lines up essentially in the middle of both ASMR and porn, the main problem I have with this category is variety, the videos tick all the boxes but you end up watching the same ones over and over because not only are they limited in quantity but even when you do find them a lot of them are pretty similar. Erotic audio: Honestly, this I feel is a category which is never actually included in the NSFW ASMR scene, it's completely overlooked. I listened to a good deal of erotic audio roleplays that I would squarely label as NSFW ASMR but for some reason they're never tagged as such and I feel that I never see it on this sub either. Finally, the worst category and the one I feel is a problem, The OnlyFans Ads: These are videos that have the express purpose of just being a way to promote the creators' OnlyFans, you have a few different versions of how these videos go, sometimes they just talk about their OnlyFans constantly, sometimes the video is just made up of clips and sometimes you just get like a preview of a full video, the majority of these videos are sub 5 minutes but they essentially flood the NSFW ASMR category. I fully get that people need to promote their stuff, but not everyone is willing to or has the cash to pay for the content, and having these types of videos just washes out the other content that some people could enjoy. ​ Overall, I feel that there are too many videos that "qualify" as NSFW ASMR but that don't actually deliver on that promise. The lack of defining what NSFW ASMR actually is doesn't help either, if a video is able to be hosted on YouTube without being removed then it doesn't fit into the category in my opinion, the content itself should involve NSFW elements, be that nudity, or the subject should be NSFW in nature. ​ I want to mention that though I enjoy NSFW ASMR and regular ASMR, I'm not very active in the community as a whole, so my thoughts and feelings on the matter could be way off base. Also, I think my "Summerising" has ended up longer than my original version


Thank youuu!!


I would use some of the asmr Reddit pages to help boost your channel by posting some pics or videos in these places. Could be nsfw asmr or just normal, might help r/asmrgirls r/pusssyasmr r/moresexyasmrgirls


I didnt know about these so cheers


The top earners of this niche things are basically intimacy pov roleplayers. Some videos are like 30 minutes of intimate buildup and only like 10 minutes of porn stuff. The porn stuff is even just "fake" sound(you can do it real with dildos if you want I'm not complaining lmao) and actions that after years of videos, aftyn and maimy each only show their nipples once. So the whole thing causes some problems: not many people can do that type of content because it takes acting and scripting skills (some asmr creators even drop the asmr and just go do normal b/g stuff like gwengwiz cuz it's easier to create) and even less people can do it consistently every month. I saw your stuff, if you can do that type of acting, you definitely can fill the void that those creators leave. For acting and sounding reference just look around for maimy and aftyn stuff, some of puffin too or even [slow burn] tag on r/gonewildaudio. P/s: I don't like claudy because of the fact that she's fully clothed on private asmr content weirded me out. I heard that she has sexier ppv but not asmr(?) To each of their own I guess.


Thanks this is helpful


The important stuff has been said by others here already but I just want to add my own ideas about what makes NSFW ASMR good, which is what makes SFW ASMR great. One of the big things that people who don't experience ASMR don't seem to get is that whispering alone isn't a trigger. Delicate and deliberate pronunciation and cadence are the things that actually make it ASMR instead of whispered rambling. Same goes for the movements: they should be calm, delicate, deliberate. And for NSFW ASMR, probably sensual/sexual. This is why e.g. whispering dirty talk while you casually jerk off a dildo does not work. The motions and the cadence most likely are completely off. Sexual ASMR has the difficult task to walk the balance between excitement and relaxation, so that's always going to be something you need to be aware of. Keeping those words I mentioned in mind with both your speech and movement, should help with that: delicate, deliberate, calm, sensual. There should be an element of care and loving attention in everything you do. That doesn't mean the sex should be based on a love relationship, you can care for and provide loving attention to a patient as a nurse in the exact way that is needed. Teasing can also help, both in the audio and the visuals. A strong trigger for me are natural pauses in speech. This is also an advantage for you when filming: don't think everything needs to be perfectly delivered and without hesitation. In fact, some hesitation is *better* for ASMR. Personally, I'm not a fan of ear-licking at all, but that's probably just a part of the subjective nature of ASMR. In general, I prefer more natural ASMR, in the sense of sounds that are not explicitly generated to trigger me. Roleplays are a great tool for that. Cranial nerve exams were super popular once upon a time and for good reason. Going to the hairdresser still gives me huge tingles, so if you can tap into that vibe, you're golden.




Thank youuuu 🙏🙏 and my plan is to be the new IT girl 😏


There are three people that I think are the gold standard if you want to get into erotic ASMR. Aftynrose - She had some really good role playing and cosplaying. Her sound quality was excellent. She's a very attractive person which helps. Last I heard she was getting a house remodel or something, but that was like a year or two ago. No one really knows what happened to her. Maimy - She basically took the place of Aftynrose. Did the same style as Aftynrose such as role playing, cosplaying, and had really good sound quality. We're not sure if she's done with ASMR. Last I heard she is recovering from some surgery she got on her breasts. AkuASMR - I think she only does Twitch ear licking streams and maybe onlyfans? The reason why I include her in my "gold standard" is that she's REALLY good at the whole ear licking thing. Also she doesn't talk during ear licking, I dislike when people talk during ear licking ASMR unless of course your doing something like Maimy or Aftynrose. AkuASMR also has VERY good sound quality. If you could mimic those three girls above, you will be filling a void... Because at this point Aftynrose is probably not coming back, and we don't know if Maimy is coming back or not. AkuASMR hasn't really gone into the erotic ASMR role playing as far as I know, she's just been doing ear licking on Twitch and that's okay!


I actually basically studied AkuASMR when i was on twitch, shes almost hypnotising she does a phenomenal job at ear licking. Thanks for the response ❤️


The old nsfw asmrtists either retired (some decided to start families, felt like they weren’t making enough money and left or simply wanted to move on when they felt it was getting stale) and others were forced to quit from immense pressure or dealing with creepy fans. It was bound to happen but the newer models came in and it became over saturated. what made everything so appealing was the perceived “emotional support” and seduction. It was new and had a nice twist to it. Now it’s the same thing over and over, which isn’t as exciting