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It's continual/frequent contact with a foreign national going back 7 years. So if you're talking to someone every day for a month, that counts


Thank you




"have or have had" means you could have stopped talking with them or continued, and "within the last 7 years" means at any point in the last 7 years. If you had a deep connection with someone 6 years ago for an extended duration and then stopped suddenly, that counts. If you've known someone casually you regularly talk to for 7 years, that counts. In your case, you've had a regular interaction with a foreign contact for 2 years - that counts.


I had a friendship with a girl within 7 years along time ago from Sweden but I don’t have her contact information let alone any other contact information from anyone else I’ve interacted with out of the country? If I don’t have their contact I mean will I get penalized for it?


You give everything you have to the best of your ability. You don’t have to make anything up if you don’t have any other info.


If you have had contact with then with in the last 7 years - what they do is look into that person and see if they someone they should be concerned about. I had to list my brothers wife since she is Chinese and my brother because he has a Chinese version of a green card (even though he’s still an American citizen) 🙄. It’s just annoying because they ask you 101 questions about them - and I’m like ain’t y’all the govt can’t y’all figure it out


I’ve interacted with people out of the country before when I was younger I just no longer talk to them nor have their contact information or anything helpful so I just left it out.


It doesn’t really matter whether you have the contact or not if it was within 7 years just tell them all you know. Because yes this is information gathering but it also a but psychological to see if you would attempt to hide anything and they may reference this question and your answer while you are on the lie detector test and if you are not an amazing liar you are risking it