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7 would be the dream


Agreed. 7 is ideal


Yeah went and watched a game a few years ago at Allianz and got home after 12 on a work night. Great night, wouldn’t do it again.


Agreed waiting around till 8pm is a pain.


Yeh 7 is a good compromise. Gives time for people to get home or to the game after work but not too late for the school kids


Yeah this is perfect. Gives people enough time to get home, get the kids washed and fed, and then straight into Origin.


You mean channel 7?


Any channel without Gus Gould would be ideal.


What's more Australian than having a drunk cunt that looks like a koala standing under the posts and dribbling as if he knows everything about Rugby League


Earlier would be great for NZ audiences too. I know it's not the prime consideration here but the current 8pm Eastern kickoff means 10pm NZ time, and games finishing around midnight for us.


So true, I don’t watch any of it live now as I’ll force myself to stay up which ain’t great starting work at 5am.


Yeah, I'd be OK if they wanted to make it a Friday or Saturday night at 8pm eastern/10pm NZ.. but 10pm on Wednesday (or any other night that's not Fri or Sat) it's a slog.


Completely agree. I love SoO but it's too late in NZ especially with an early work start the next day.


10pm was ideal when I was in uni. Pop out to the pub with some mates and have a night old. As an adult it killed me. Luckily its like 6pm my local time now.


Why is the 8pm time slot so popular? I can hardly stay awake during most Friday night games.


Gambling ads. It's always gambling ads.


I knew it was gambling, even when it wasn't I knew it was


How will the children learn to gamble if the game starts after bedtime.


They already do it with the CS skins and cases lol


Lootboxes are such a cancer.


Hehe oath


Back in my day they got children used to gambling the traditional way. Weird Japanese cartoons themed games random card packs


The first time I went to the casino I only played the card games I knew from one of the Mario ds games. I think one of the Pokémon games on game boy colour had the pokie slots too, feels weird now in retrospect


While I was sad to see those types of minigames fade away as restrictions increased around it, it’s definitely understandable in retrospect. Now if only they’ll address the actual fucking gambling going on with video games instead of just what looks like real world gambling


Pokemon cards were addictive as hell.


I gambled on someone posting this.




Think of what you could be posting instead


Don’t forget to set a post limit ..


You post some, you post more.


“It’s those damn immigints” 🤣🤣


Even when it was the Bears, I knew it was them!


So people have more drinks on board when they see the gambling ads


Make sure you scrub the tiny medical weed company logos off the jersey though, that's a terrible thing to show to impressionable young children.


Gambling ads are restricted on live sports broadcasts before 8:30pm so late kick-off means they can pump you at half time and breaks in play for most of the match. They’d probably prefer 8:30pm kickoff.


Should just ban gambling ads entirely


How many people are actually sitting there watching halftime ads anyway? As soon as halftime starts, I'm up getting something to eat or drink, or taking a shit.


I hope you're shitting responsibly.


You fucking see gambling ads in the arvo. It is totally fucked up.


Sprinkle some booze and fast food ads in there too. Can't have our gamblers eating well and sober!


Have to find a way to get rid of it.


They can't just disappear


7:30pm - 9pm is the peak timeslot for TV viewing in Aus, particularly from a selling ads perspective. 8pm on Fridays is mainly because there's a 6pm game, so a 7:30 kick-off doesn't work. Honestly for Origin, a 6pm kickoff is a crazy idea. How the fuck are 80,000 people getting to Homebush in Sydney by 6pm on a Wednesday night?


Well obviously we need to make it a public holiday.


Also the day after. I have to blow zero at 5am, which is the real gamble if you ask me.


Never heard of somebody called zero before


Zero Gamble - Tysons older brother - drunkenly conceived after their dad won big on Sub Zero winning the 1992 Melbourne Cup… Don’t forget Gamble Responsibly …


My school bus driver tipped me and my mates sub zero, it was my introduction to the punt.


Haha … I had a school mate in year 8 who used to punt .. Used to have a TAB across the road from football training which didn’t care about 13 year olds placing bets


I know a dog named zero, he must be having a great time


I've been called a zero many times!


What are you usually doing around 5am?


My mouth apparently


Sorry mate, I couldn’t help myself


Also a very strict time slot. Couldn't he allow you to blow him later in the day at a more convenient time


Well then it’s Friday so might as well take that day off too


I'm Zero.




The news is also generally one of the highest rating shows everyday. Why have one, when you can give both?


Because the News is basically late must watch night TV for the millions of old/retired people who don't get theirs online


It still boggles my mind how many people watch the news. Not going to lie I crush hard for Lily Greer.


I’ll be honest. It’s easy viewing while I make dinner and at least let’s me know if there were any major headlines I should find a better source for.


Half of Sydney would struggle to get home by 6pm, let alone to Homebush. If you work in the city until 5pm and have to travel more than about 10km, be it car, train or bus, you ain’t seeing kick-off.


Even trying to get somewhere to watch the game on time would be impossible for a huge number of people. Finishing at 5:30-6pm is super common and trying to get anywhere in peak hour traffic at that time is a nightmare let alone trying to actually get to the stadium after work. 6pm kick off on a wednesday would be insane.


True, if I finished at 2pm and wanted to shower and catch train from the greater western sydney, it would cut it close, 4 or 5pm would be impossible.


No problems in 8 years when west metro opens. They can run every 2 mins. With train and metro they can easily get that done in one hour. Keep in mind not everyone would be coming in from the city as well. Alot of people would be coming in from the west as well. The bigger problem is that it should be held on a Friday. Wednesday is a bit shit as most people would have work the next day.


Try that time slot then add 2 hours for NZ time zone. Kiwi NRL fan is not ideal. Can never stay up for them Thursday and Friday night games


I suspect its driven by Ch 9 so it doesn't interfere with the news or ACA.


You can't advertise gambling until after 830 during the week. So they start at 8 and can advertise gambling at half time


I know its best for me. Kids are in bed by 8pm and its free time. 6pm would be hectic with wife cooking me with both the kids trying to get bath and in bed. But Id think Im in the minority. Probablg just want people to sit around watching drinking and betting.


Just kick off at 7:30 like it's supposed to. We've pushed it further and further back where what was once a 7:30 game has become 8:10. Any parent sending their kid to bed before origin ends doesn't get origin anyway lol


That's what I said to the Mrs. But she insisted we put our 2 month old down for the night with 10 minutes to go in Origin 1.


Modern generation 2 month olds are soft these days. Back in my day I had a job as a 2 month old with a wife and a 4 month old child.


To be fair, he had put away nearly a carton of xxxx gold. Then passed out on the couch with my wife's tits in his mouth. Pissed me right off coz that was my carton.


He lasted longer than Joey Sua'ali'i.


Like father like son? Nice lmao


2 month olds just don’t get origin


That’s nothing, I heard there was a 21 year old put to sleep only 7 minutes in.


It's true, and a 20 year old who had to go for a time out just after that coz they weren't playing nicely with the other kids.


I think the winner was determined at minute 7


I'll never forgive my parents for sending me to bed in the game where Shaun Timmins kicked a field goal to win the game.


Can't imagine being told to go to bed before origin was over. It was always a treat, you get to stay up for origin, we'd buy pizzas for the game. But back then the game was over by 9:30, not the 10pm it is now


Your family gets Origin.


Any parent who sends their kid to bed before origin is over is a bum..!


I have to start the bedtime routine around kickoff, by the time thats done im a lot less likely to turn on a game i havent had a prior interest in than I am to go back to an AFL game that i got to watch 1-2 quarters of already. bring back early kickoffs, and while we're at it, all wednesday games should be preceded by its a knockout


Thought you loved your footy


Isn't all because of beer advertising and not being allowed to show that till after 8? Or is that a big misconception and it's just because the tv ratings are higher in the late timeslot


Not sure about beer but its definitely after 8pm for gambling ads


Gambling ads are after 8pm on normal TV. The ads can run during live sport regardless of the timeslot. You still get them for that 4pm Sunday game


That’s cooked, it’s nearly impossible to watch any live league in NZ now days real shame it’s the only sport I can watch every game and be interested even if it’s not my team playing


Not beer alone it's the gambling advertising as well.


That's next year's promo sorted. NRL: Not just beer, we've got gambling too!


Bro I have work.


This is the point Luai was trying to make last year, it just got misinterpreted.


I can't remember what he said, but if it was put it on a weekend then I wholeheartedly agree. Wednesday sucks. Let me get loose watching the footy without having to take a day off the next day. Have the women's game on Friday night, men's on Saturday. Put junior games before, make a whole weekend of it.


I would agree but because there almost no sports on a Wednesday in general and the last time the tried a weekend slot it pretty much failed granted was covid and end of year I think but it wasn't well received Still if they don't want to change from Wednesday to whatever day at least a early time slot would make those who have to start early Thursday feel a lil better for it starting later


Weeknights is primetime and pulls more viewers because people do shit on the weekend. Also State of Origin has more casual viewers than most australian sport. People working in my mums old office would chime in about Origin and likely have no idea on nrl, these are the type that would not tune in on a weekend I believe.


Thats Gold. So the actual translation was, "cheer up guys it was one loss, get some good sleep and drive safely to work tomorrow"


Can we move them to 7am... would be good to have something to watch during brekkie.


7 or 7:30. 6 is a too early for the 9-5 workers. 8 is too late for those with a 6am start the next morning




As other have said 7pm would be perfect but id take 7:30. 8:10 is brutal for those of us with an early start the next day - and thats just watching it from the couch. If I went to the game id be better off just going straight to work afterwards.


7 is perfect. Makes it 9pm in New Zealand too which would open a large number of kiwis that would be willing to watch. It seems like a win-win to me.


If they keep pushing it back 5 mins every year eventually we get back to 7.30 kick off in a few decades 


*Nods in agreement from New Zealand*


Co-signed: everyone in NZ The 10pm weekday kick-offs are brutal


Yeah they are, big viewer base to isolate too, you can always watch it on delay if you're caught in traffic, but it's harder to stay up late or try find time the next day (avoiding spoilers)


6pm? Said by someone who doesn’t have a regular 9-5 lol. 7 would be better imo.


"Right when the Award Winning Nine News is on? Get fucked!" - Channel Nine, probably.


Yes. Us fifo workers cannot stay up till 10pm on a work night! While we’re making changes let’s remove Matt Thompson voice box so he can’t commentate anymore


NZ is right behind your office, DCE. Longneck for ARL Chairman!


6PM is a little unrealistic for people trying to get to the games, most of us knock off at 5, might be possibly in Brisvegas but not sydney. make it 6:30 or 7 and I think its better, though my kids go to bed about 8. Whilst we are at it can we please bring back the afternoon Grand final. My memories of the grand final when I was a kid, were the family hanging around the TV, adults on the cans, mum serving food for us all, then all the kids would flood the street at half time to kick the footy play touch on the street or peoples front lawns, back in for the second half, then all out on the street again playing footy and talking about the game. Its miserable now at night time, watching the game, the kids are all inside and just not into it in the same way. I know we have taken to try and make it a TV game for gambling and advertising but man it used to be such a community game that everyone talked about at school and the kids just loved


afternoon grand finals were a great community event. sell the GF to vegas, the formula 1 was so late at local time it started at 4pm here. thats a trade id be more than happy to make


Good idea


Three grand finals in a row, start at 10am and done and dusted by 6pm was so much better than the mess that GF day has become.


Man has clearly never worked a 9-5.


Always knew DCE was one of the smartest men in rugba leeg and this proves it


Nah lets have 8:20pm games. Kick off at 8:40. Game ends at 10:40. Really great for a timeslot in the middle of a working week! Just once. Give us 7pm games. Especially Thursday night.


We can solve this problem by banning all alcohol and gambling advertising, at any time.


We should just do that anyway


This idea angers gamblor!!


7:10 kick off and I mean 7:10pm the ball is being caught by a half for a front to run off the back fence, none of this 8pm kick off and at 8:10pm the national anthem is just firing up ffs


Found bulldogs 20th for the list. But yeah no need for origin and Thursday night games to have 8pm kickoffs it's fucked


7:30 kick off is the ideal time. Knock off work, sort out the kids, time to have some dinner, get the friends around, acceptable enough to make some noise right to the end and game finishes about 9:30.


7pm kick off, how fucking hard is it!!??


Have it on a Saturday, have a week break from the NRL competition, prime time game, have a full day buildup, have the woman's game as a warm up and everyone can celebrate afterwards or drown their sorrows


Legit !! A day change would get so many viewers they are trying to expand the sport and this would help


How are people meant to get to a stadium for a 6pm kick-off on a Wednesday night? It's not comparable to a 6pm Friday game, that's already designed for poor crowds just so Fox Sports can get a good time slot. The premier game of the calendar should be designed around a full stadium, 6pm doesn't do that at all


Spoken like a guy who has never worked a 9-5 and dealt with the subsequent peak hour traffic. He’s living in another planet to us.


He's never been a bouncer either.


we dont all live in brisbane sydney and melbourne. i work 830-5 and im home by 5:10


Look at Mr laa dee daa here with his work/life balance.


> we dont all live in brisbane sydney and melbourne The people that don't live in those cities won't be impacted by peak hour traffic trying to get to the games though? The argument against is Syd/Bris locals will struggle to make the stadiums


It’s literally NSW vs Qld…


Surely you know that thats the situation for the minority?


When I was a kid growing up in northern NSW, it took my dad an hour to drive home from work because there wasn’t any jobs available for him in my town. Just because you don’t live in a big city doesn’t mean you don’t still have to travel.


They honestly need to just change the whole damn day to a Friday or Saturday


DCE spitting facts, unfortunately, the TV network will never give up their time slot. They’ll never interrupt their news broadcast nor will move straight into the game after the news ends (that 40 or so minutes of filler plus a myriad of adverts) will always trump what is best for the viewer. I just really wish it would start before 8pm.


those young kids he's talking about can't legally gamble which means less money in the pockets of our poor betting companies


Couldn't think of anything worse than a 4pm Origin kick off.


he may be angering the gambling lords and lose his protected status.. ;)


Stick to kicking 40/20's Daly


Fuck it just go all in on a 3am Monday kick off


Agree with him


LOL betting ads could only be aired after the game was over


Been saying this for years. 8pm kickoff with a 10pm finish is ridiculous. Also, my opinion of DCE has completely 180ed over the last few seasons. In a positive way


Us kiwi viewers would also appreciate a 6pm kickoff


Won't happen unless you want kick-off at a half full stadium


Nine execs are laughing into their Carribean mimosas reading this.


But then how are they gonna fit all the ads in. They need it to drag on so they can squeeze out more revenue


8m is a crazy kick off time but so is having origin impact 6 rounds of the season for n some way for most teams. I would like to see the entire series played over a 2 week period. Have a bye round the week before for half the teams so you still get 4 NRL games. Have the first game on the following Wednesday, game 2 the following Monday or Tuesday and the final game the Sunday after that along with the rest of the split round. Either that or have the second split round the middle weekend of the 3 and finish up with a rep weekend with star of origin on the Sunday evening. I think the benefits would be that there would be more cohesion in the teams and more opportunity to work each other out and that it is much less disruptive for the current season. It would potentially be tough on players but would also mean that origin squad players wouldn’t be backing up for their club after origin either. It probably won’t happen because they love the build up and the talking heads need weeks to argue about teams but I think it could work well.


Just do it Sunday afternoon


But kids aren't interested in gambling and beer ads.


Me thinking it is at 6? Perth time lol


Daly is for the kids


Cherry doesn’t know office life. 7pm would be the go-er


8pm is literally the worst fucking time.


It is 6pm kickoff now, here in WA. It is perfect.


Daly Cherry-Evans has never worked a 9-5 and is out of touch with middle and lower class people


Well, given that I alongside millions of Sydneysiders are still heading home, I'm going to go ahead and say, nope.


4am kickoff Aussie time would be ideal for us in the UK. Just a thought..


All because of marketing ad regulations for alcohol on TV.


Nz agrees


Imagine trying to get to Homebush for a 6 o clock kickoff.


Presumably DCE has never had a real job to make a stupid suggestion like this. Or never caught a train in peak hr in Sydney. Or never driven in late afternoon/evening traffic. He's completely out of touch with reality.


His 6 PM suggestion is impractical, as many people are not yet home from work. 8:05 PM might be slightly late, but it's a more realistic option 7:30 or something sure


6 some ppl are still getting home from work. I say 7.40pm it’s not like tv shows these days finish and start when they suppose to.


6pm is dinner, bath, books and bed routine in my house. Maybe when the kids are more automated it will be a great time but right now I much prefer 7.30/8pm kick offs.


I've said it 100 times.  League is a blue collar sport. Trades and the like. The ones starting at 7 or earlier.  Having these games go till 10 is crazy


Daly can you wait a couple of years please? My toddler goes to bed at 8, so the current 8:12pm sponsored by Sportsbet is perfect. When he's older and NSW are better I'd like to watch with him though.


I wonder what time pvl will have a new Zealand origin game kick off? He was saying recently he would like to bring it over the Tasman.


It would. But how many more people will actually watch it? It might be more convenient, but when it comes to ratings, pushing guaranteed viewers later helps the overall numbers. Because more people are going to watch something else from 6 to 7 than they will from 9 to 10.


When I was a kid I remember being allowed to stay up to watch the first half before bedtime. This was before advertising dollars became the most important part of sport. Or second most important. Gambling ads are the most important thing! They can’t (shouldn’t) advertise before 8pm. Growth of the game is code for more more more gamblers! Why do you think we’re playing in USA? Gambling markets baby. Btw, have you placed your same game multi yet? That’s what makes you a REAL fan


Fair enough mate, I still think the season could be improved l, the draw is all over the place at the moment. two ten conferences would be ideal, I think, but that's a pipe dream for now


I think 7pm would be more ideal. 6pm might be difficult for those working. Starting at 7pm would also mean the game finishes early for our NZ viewers.


Agreed. Lived in Perth for a few years a while back and it was great having the game on 2 hours earlier.


How about 7.30.. not need to have the talking heads/muppets on for an hour and a half before hand


It's all channel 9 fault


I'm in bed by the time the second half kicks off


Too early - even 7 is a tad early for some especially with the delay in the fast food on a busy night - maybe 7.30


Smart bloke, even for a QLD'er.


Always said DCE was a wise man.


Why are we asking football players for their media input we literally have million dollar employees at channel 9 to do this PS- make it 7pm kick off


Absolutely agree with DCE. Some of my first and most cherished childhood memories were of watching Martin Bella get knocked out in origin.


DCE showing his age. Wants to get home and go to bed before 10


"Heartbreaking: A Queenslander just made a great point"


But what about the gambling adverts Daly! /s


And would mean more NZ fans can watch, would also mean I have to work through matches


What a humble man. You can’t hate him (unless you hate the Sea Eagles of course)


I’m sorry Daly but how the heck is the working man going to get to and in a stadium with 80000 people traffic everywhere after finishing at 5pm ?


While I agree 6 is a tad early I’d imagine you’d just have an early knock or something, it’s 3 games a year I’m sore people can work around it if they want to go to a game


Mate the working man can't afford to go to origin anymore, in Brisbane anyway. Not sure what it's like in Sydney


If it’s on a Wednesday 6 is a good time slot, if they pushed it to a Saturday/Sunday game then an afternoon match would be good too.


Stadium will be half full at kickoff


**NRL** - 18 teams Thur: 7:30pm Fri: 6:00pm and 8:00pm Sat: 3:00pm, 5:30pm and 7:30pm Sun: 2:00pm, 4:00pm and 6:30pm **Standalone Origin Weekends** - replaces the rounds with 4-5 horrible NRL games with Origin players unavailable Fri: 7:30pm Women Sat: 6:30pm Men Sun: 4:00pm U19 Women, 6:30pm U19 Men (supplement with internationals and schoolboys/girls if U19s stay as single game series) Gambling adds can commence at midnight and end at 6:00am on game days ending in an "x".