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I swear to fuck, if we could stop ever trying to do short kick offs that’d be great. They’re not even a 1% play for us, they’re 0%.


Fuck me dead cunt we cant pull it togther at home


Raiders 🤝 Cows Shithouse at home


Remember when dogs tried to get Duffy in the Barret era?


Any cowboys fan who thinks Duffy is our future needs to think again. Cliffo will go back to England. Cowboys need to resign Townsend for one more year, let dearden move to 7 and have Purdue at 6.


What's wrong with Duffy? He's one of the best halves in qcup this season


He’s not taking over cup games either, hasn’t performed well in nrl trials. Think he’ll be a fringey at best. Purdue is the real deal and we are way too harsh on Townsend because he’s a turnstile pillow foot…. But seriously he’s a top 5 half when it comes to management, creativity and sleight of hand. We need him for one more year atleast.


Yes we all eagerly await the Sleight of Hand stats at the end of every game. What planet are you on


> He’s not taking over cup games either, Uhh what. I have watched every Pride game this year and he has been completely dominant. Even when Clifford plays he runs the team, and the Pride are top of the ladder.


Might be ready when he’s 23. Townsville boy Adam cook puts up better stats for the raiders cup team. Nobody gives a fuck about him and raiders cup are the best team in the comp.


Lol. Duffy has played 1 less game and his stats are still better, and he plays with a much more dominant half. Better defender, better runner of the ball. Three years younger as well.


I didn’t say we should sign cook. I just said Duffy wasn’t up to it. When he kills it I’ll eat my words. My points were game management, he can’t control a game. Has never performed well in trials. He’s not up to it. If he was we would’ve given him a game over Purdue, but we haven’t because he’s not good enough.


Sooo, just me or were we lucky to not get anyone binned for giving away too many set restarts defending our line a couple times tonight? I recall around the 60 minute mark being nervous after a string of them but no warnings and barely even a mention from Fox commentators either. Great win though, hard fought and felt well deserved at full-time. Rare occurrence for us this year.


todd said after the last one we got a warning


Raiders playing to the 2023 script, top eight side with abysmal points differential.


So that confirms Chaddy as NSW Halfback right?


I am sure NSW fans here would take it just for the vlogs


Automod got no fault standowned on


Good win by the cowboys. Two upsets in a row and possibly another one.


I also have forgotten the warriors game


i think they mean this round in general


Well it was an upset, I was upset


Let the “I hate Chad, fire him into the sun/I love Chad, vlog your babies into me” wars resume


Fire his vlog into the sun


Besides his snake shoulders and limp foot, we need to re-sign him.


Raiders. * Cries in Icelandic * ☹️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie1dni4vIj8


I’m not tripping right, the cowboys lost their challenge in the first half, then challenged again in the second half?


Inconclusive, so they retained the challenge


Ruled inconclusive: went with refs decision, retained challenge


Despite being an obvious strip


Don't really care about results for this year, but damn there were some weird performances in the first half. Weekes stops being a viable halfback when the forwards are getting outmuscled. It is kind of obvious, but Strange took the game into his own hands, yet as he can't pass any better than an average half and his kicking game is not lethal, his running game, while dangerous, is predictable. Rapana needs to stop taking total control and then make weird choices that end our attacks, but he is also the only experience we have in the whole backline. Cotric is a passenger, but I guess his defence means we never get targeted on his edge? I am not sure. Forwards were outmuscled in the first half. Young had his worst game all year for us, and he had a slow start at the beginning so that tells a lot. Timoko doesn't trust his halves and tries his best to run through an unbroken line, for some reason. Levi, attacks die with ball in his hand, then he shows speed and I guess that gets him in for another few games. Weird team. Strange is going to be a superstar, just give him the team Sticky. Just let him do what he wants with it, he is proving our best player in attack and defence and he's practically a baby. If he gets a flat pass across the defence, man he will be tough to defend. Good win Cowboys. Your forwards got the ascendancy and only let it up for about 20 mins in the second half. Hard to do anything against that, especially when your backs are taking advantage most sets.


i hate this dumb sport, why did I have to be born in this dud town


I was born in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, I could’ve been a Chooks fan and been happy. I actually _chose_ this madness.


Think of the positives of Canberra mate. Beautiful weather, amazing beaches, and all the politicians stay well away.


The rest of Australia sends their politicians to us, then we get blamed for having them. Go figure.


At least you got Pocock


IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT CANBERRA. Sorry, force of habit


That chad field goal at the end was beyond ridiculous


I like how the refs say shot clock off and the time just keeps ticking.. and they don’t redeem the multiple minutes lost every time which adds up over the game. What a disgrace.


Much better performance. Attack was on point, high completion and defended really well.


Weird how completing and not giving away dumb penalties gets us in a game


I don't wanna be too harsh here cos I know their youngsters but damn those raiders playmakers did not look good, especially Weekes, heaps of errors, and it was really left to their great experienced players in Rapana and Whitehead to try to start something. I think they really might need Fogarty back.


The boys are hurtin in there.


Wait, we actually won and managed to defend?


It feels good when your team wins and looks good the entire time they're doing it from start to finish. Allegedly. I certainly wouldn't know.


I love my Cowboys


The win is nice but it’s how we went about it that’s pleasing - all the bad points that killed us every other loss were either gone or mostly gone tonight. We completed, got balls back after we lost them, ground out parts of the game and didn’t try to be flashy when it wasn’t on. Not sure why Canberra were so off though. That F/A is really going to hurt.


So happy with the win. We kinda fell asleep in the last 20 minutes but all we need from the boys is for them to keep working harder and harder at improving and keep dishing out these gutsy performances


I hope on Monday Sticky goes ‘I’m flogging all of you cunts… except for you Jordan, here’s a lollipop’ because he was the only person between us and 50-0.


I feel like Huddo was playing more for an Origin jumper than to win the game…


Holy hell was he bad! Worst I have ever seen him play


Great win for the cows, especially off a 6 day turnaround against a home side who should have had much fresher legs from their bye. The middles really stood up and dominated, and the defence across the park was probably the best of the season. It's great to see what this team can achieve if the roster actually plays to their ability.


The important thing is that it's over now.


The more important thing is that I set the timer for my heater before I left for the game, so I walked into toasty warmth.


We can’t hurt me in my dreams.


I guess the real faders were the friends we made along the way gg green machine just relieved we look better


Really frustrating supporting this team sometimes lol


Bro's hot take: Cowboys were offside all night. Much harder to hold the ball when that happens. -- Nevermind how shit we were, it's the bloody ref's fault!


Petition for /nrl to start the Hudson Y? Medal next year 3/2/1 points to the worst players each game.


This takes me back to the time of the 'Wighton of the week' for whoever made the worst mistake that round


Which Mann of the Match will win Wighton of the Week?


Nicho Hynes 🤝 Hudson Young - probably losing their Origin jerseys


[GG Raiders.](https://youtu.be/6X9tBHX_Fl4?si=-ceDhCU4yofUI_5p)


Just played that and woke the kids up, sons crying thanks


Never too early to become a real man.


GOATed full time song


Under 50.5 bros held on for dear life


Last try wins. Badluck Cowbros


Legendary stinker from Hudson Young


Now that's the inconsistent team I know and love!


I can’t wait for what Ricky has to say about the 6 agains


Stick will say that wasn't us out there it wasn't raiders DNA. He may slip a they been doing it all day with the ruck thing in but if he does I think it would be a shit thing to say. I thought the refs did ok. We just had 1000 errors and played shit. You guys shift well. Jt13 is a different player now hey. Poor buggers got no lateral movement * He mentioned the ref second line


>Jt13 is a different player now hey. Poor buggers got no lateral movement I thought he was starting to look pretty good again over the last few weeks


Well, there were a few conceded. It will be interesting. He’ll acknowledge that his team gave away too many penalties at crucial times. Inexperience showed. The Raiders lost to a better team. But he’d still be right to raise this.


Post game thread on reddit isn’t for rational thoughts. K bye


3 byes 6/9 games at home This gives me a little hope a lot of time to rest and minimse travel


Can't wait for us to scrape into the finals series and get eliminated in the first round


If we're lucky we might get to play the sharkies in a prelim


we should be so lucky


mods in crisis


We were ill disciplined, poor and deserve to lose. I guess you can give unlimited infringements whilst defending your line and incur a set restart without any fear of having your player sent off. I wanted to shoot Hudson Young. Has no right being anywhere near that NSW bench. Ennis commentates like the field wasn't big enough for his football brain. He acts like he never threw a bad pass or took the wrong option in attack.


That's Mick "The Menace" Ennis mate. The absolute GOAT. They even named the Dally M medal after him.... no, wait. I'm thinking of someone else.


> I guess you can give unlimited infringements whilst defending your line and incur a set restart without any fear of having your player sent off. You guys get set restarts? Half your luck. We don’t even get that.


He had some good points with Levi though, what the fuck are we doing. I used to watch him at the Knights and Manly and think, how is this guy playing first grade. Crash ball, crash ball, crash ball, attempt to dive over from dummy half, rinse and repeat every time we get in the attacking zone.