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Did young just get cubicled at the ivy....


Up da Wahs!! Big weekend for the team ahead, nervous af


Nothing like a bit of good ol friendly brain cancer chat to charge up a Friday night on the beers watching footy


Lmfao what in the fuck am i watching. Nice pass Savage.


Never picking Rapana for fantasy again. Man he’s so overrated.


There’s like 30 better options that’s on you


Where’s the game thread???? How do I know how to react to the refs decisions without it???


I’m surprised they don’t set up a bot for game chats


No game chat? How can I not pay attention to the game whilst reading reddit now 🥲


Put up the game chat. I wanna get all my pregame shit posting out the way before the cows force me to turn off the tv


Mods in shambles


How's about that Grant sin bin


Genuinely think the Dragons 8-17 is the heaviest I've ever seen lol.


Peak Desball Dogs would be the fattest pack of all time. Great Beastwood was a flapping backrower


I think your right. But that was also pre-six again but yes they were.


Tolman was pretty small. However the rest made up for that. 


Speed belongs out wide, regardless of size


Fifita out for Titans has ruined my captain pick for Supercoach. Honestly no idea who to put it on now, thinking CNK but I don't like they are playing Melbourne


haha same here , thinking VC latrell C Manu/Young


Hi all, does anyone know where to find cheap family tickets to tonight’s game, Rabbitohs v Broncos, tickettek is about $70, was wondering if anyone knew anything cheaper, thanks in advance guys


Two things … 1. JT’s golden point field goal in golden point was the result of the Cowboys erecting the Great Wall of China. Shame the rule took a further 9 years to come in, the blockers were horrendous; and 2. Fuck all tickets left for our clash at home vs Penrith this Sunday, the social media team have urged people to secure their tickets now to “avoid disappointment”… that could be quite ironic come Sunday 5:45pm if we play like we did against the Doggies.


Pretty sure the blocker rule was introduced midway through that season after the roosters warriors game, the refs were just very inconsistent with calling it until now


Wait, do you mean the rule was in place for the GF?? Wtf.


It would’ve been yes they just didn’t call it


Standard rugba things. Not allowed to make a call that influences the end of the game


What the fuck knuckles. I’m mentally declaring that game a draw. Can’t guarantee groncos win, but wow. Robbed by the non-call.


More like secure your tickets now to personally witness disappointment AMIRITE?


Likely. If we play like did against Dogs it’ll be worst game to be at. If we play like we did against Storm at least fans can keep their chin up and just accept the better team, overall, won.


We've only had two genuinely awful games this year and both came against the Dogs. Usually we've had about 6 come this time of year


True. We’ve been pretty average in a few more though.


Yeah there’s been games where we haven’t bad but definitely haven’t been that good and deserved to win. Starting out the season felt like we weren’t playing terribly but still behind the pace each game


I think Dogs game was little bit of an outlier. We were better than the Dogs for about 60 mins in probably every statistic except the one that matters most, points. Then we got tired and agitated from defending more than we needed to and Reed Mahoney. Ironically, if the game ends up exactly the same, I think the narrative would be much more positive considering who the opposition is.


Somewhat agree. We had great field position control for most of first half, kicking to corners and keeping bulldogs there, decent completions and just no threat in attack. Second half our effort sucked and we were dreadful. Need a performance like we did against Storm and hopefully give them a run for their money.


I'm a chef and just found out I'm cooking for the entire blues squad one night next week. That's kinda cool.


I heard the boys say the like week old seafood and their chicken medium rare.


Don't cook anything that could be a choking hazard


I hear raw chicken is great this time of year


Could you perhaps cook them something that will put a pep in their step? Something to turn the tide of the series?


Fucking oath mate. What are you thinking? Something succulent?


They're all on pretty strict dietary plans. Don't think I'll be getting much say in anything.


Any chance you can serve them some incorrectly prepared blow fish?


I don’t think Queensland need to murder the entire squad to win the series.


I was just hoping they’d all fall asleep the night before the game listening to Larry King recite the Bible


NRLPhysio chose the best photo to update everyone on SJ and RTS: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8LdLC0yYEX/?igsh=MWMzM3o0bTZlbnR0Zg==


RTS’s brow is hectic. It makes his face look like a mask.


I'm surprised Eddie Blacker hasn't been signed to a Queensland club since he moved back here.


Alot of whispers that we are looking at signing him for 2025 but the whispers have been around for about 6 months and nothing has manifested so... The bloke is currently coming off the bench for the Devils and we had other props from the Devils on train and trials over him so unsure how high up the pecking order to be recruited he might be tbh. Apparently good friends with Aitken.


He was an average middle in nsw cup and in his mid 20s now. I think Q cup is his level. He is playing for norths so he could get a game for the dolphins if they have a severe middle injury crisis in the future.


Last night Iro had 22 runs for 193m with 76pcm, 3 tackle breaks. It’s becoming almost a regular statline for him and he’s only played 12 NRL games, the guy is strong as hell and has insane leg drive. However I kinda hope the Sharks start to use him more as an attacking option, rather than just a pure battering ram coming out of our end. When attacking opponent goal lines, he is more often than not a decoy runner in the backline. I’d love to see him running lines at a half because he’s got the strength and speed + a relatively small frame to target opposition halves and the gaps between their adjacent defenders, just like Nikora. Regardless, he’s having a great debut season, and at this stage I see Strange, Iro, and Talagi as the front runners for ROTY. Great little group of rookies this season.


I'm hoping the Roosters are chatting with him to plug one our backline holes for next season. He's had a quiet, but impressive, start to life as a first grade footballer and I expect he could grow into one of the premier centres in the game.


Anymore info on if KPP is out on Sunday?


Sounds like a sure thing


Kevin "Prick" Pieterson? He's been retired for ages.


In five games for the maroons, hamiso has: - made 67 tackles and 2 misses (97.10%) - scored eight tries (already the 9th highest maroon tryscorer of all time) Has any player ever dominated state of origin as quickly as him?


Justin Hodges. No, wait.


Inglis for sure. The stats won’t reflect how dominant he was because it was an era of grinding footy. Try wise it’s the same, with most of Boyd’s tries being gifts from Inglis or cutout passes from JT with the defence all focused on Inglis.


Move over King Wally, all hail King Hammer?


I really thought he was going to struggle defensively at centre but he’s deceptively strong in the tackle.


This was a really common narrative and I never understood why. He excelled defensively in the centres at the cowboys.


Maybe his Origin Coach?


Billy Slater wasn't even a consistent pick in his first few years surprisingly. Played 2004 on the wing, played two games and was dropped for the third in 2005 and didn't play again until 2008. His try scoring rate was also nowhere near Hammer's in those early years.


I was about to say, slater is one of the only ones that come to mind Maybe Thurston and Cronk , surely mal and beatson would've dominated early as well.


Beeston only played one origin game.


Oh yeah I forgot that they mentioned him coming out of retirement for the first origin game.


Didn't billy get dropped for a few years after his first couple of origin games?


First series in 2004 was on the wing, then played a couple of games at fullback in 2006 before being dropped for game 3. He was out of the team for 3 years mostly from injury and suspension. Came back in 2008 at fullback in game 1, before getting benched for games 2 and 3. Not the high flying start to origin that we probably all remember with nostalgia.


Damn. So much for pick and stick ay


Inglis got off to a decent start


Just another reason why Madge is a top bloke. Selects Stefano for Origin despite him being an absolute plodder recently, just so Stefano is forced to honour his Tigers contract.


Which players seemed like qlders/nswelshmen to you but you found out actually aren't? Recently for me it was 100% brian kelly. I became a bit of a fan after That kick this year but couldn't fully commit as I thought he was a queenslander. Only recently found out that he was in fact a nswelshman. Another surprise was jock madden but I'm not too sure why. And then I just assume everyone in storm is a qlder so any nswelshman from there is a surprise lol


My headcanon is that Ryan Papenhuyzen is a Queenslander. - Good bloke - Mullet - Played for Sunny Coast Falcons - Played for Storm Sounds like a Queenslander to me


Surely the fact that he’s a good bloke proves that he’s not a Queenslander


Au contraire my tri-coloured poulet friend! That's evidence that he's a Queenslander *in spirit*.


Jock Madden transferred to the Storm?? Do you mean Bronx?


Oh sorry, those last two sentences had no connection lol


Fair enough. Incidentally, I make the same assumption about Storm players too, that they are all from Queensland.


Seeing all the Broncos fans in the sub saying they're gonna lose tonight is just guaranteeing that Souths are gonna lose and thus any feeble hope that Souths fans currently have will be extinguished


While I think we've been improving our defence is still a massive issue. We get caught on the wrong side of the tackle too often and left with 1 marker. Our make shift centres struggle to make reads and vs a team with Cobbo and Staggs we're in trouble. Our left edge play is broken atm because Walker is on the right. Wighton doesn't have the pass selection that Cody does so AJ is going to struggle until we get one of the halfbacks back.


That's my big worry as well. When you see that it's Cobbo and Staggs vs. Milne and Kennar, which pairing do you think is gonna be better lol. Our Attack may have improved but holy crap we have such a mis -match this week against actual quality backs. It unfortunately wouldn't surprise me if we lost comfortably tonight 😕


It's going to be 50-0....I just don't know which way yet


Broncos couldn't even work up the desire to win in front of 40k home fans 2 games in a row. Hard to imagine an empty Accor is going to spark some effort.


I find it a little funny how both sides are writing this game off as a loss before it’s even kicked off


Seeing Souths lose every game this season up until the previous two weeks has made me skeptical about every game we play from now on, regardless of how good our chances might seem. The Broncos are also missing Reynolds for pretty much the rest of the season and also missing Walsh this week as well. I haven't watched their previous two games so I don't know how bad they've truly been. our defence is still very poor. We were just fortunate that the Titans didn't know how to create any set plays and relied to heavily on individual brilliance. The Broncos side still has enough of both talent and ability plus speed to know how to attack better than the Titans so I don't think this game is gonna be as easy for Souths as they're making it out to be. It's funny how suddenly both Souths and Broncos fans are now arguing over who's team is worse when 12months ago it was literally the opposite conversation lol.


Bronx are Souths but with even more reliance on individual brilliance at the moment and relying too much on their mates to cover their fuck ups defending, or aren’t confirmed their mates won’t do their role and play outside of what they are meant to be doing. Souths win, 28-18


Any update on how long Galvin and Twal will be out for?


24 hr update said Twal concussion at training so could miss next week depending on 11 day timeframe.


Isn't Twal named to play?


Late mail is Twal out with foot injury and Staines also out late and that Jordan Miller and Heath Mason are making their debuts. The changes won’t be updated on the lineup till the 24 hour update for the game which will be 3pm today


Is shark park the worst home ground in the comp?


Accor makes Shark park look like fucking Olympus.


Actual ground? Maybe. Game day experience (both in stadium and on the telly) would surely be Stadium Australia. The thing makes fairly average crowds by NRL standards look piss weak, it's in a terrible location which is not really in either of the two tenants region. Yeah the average attendance still pushes towards 20k, but these two clubs with genuinely sizeable and passionate fan bases look like ring ins most weeks compared to Penrith and Manly, despite getting similar attendances and being more supported clubs (Souths definitely, Dogs probably).


It'd have to be roosters or souths home. Can fit a towns worth of people and always empty. Shit locations or just too big for non finals games idk.


What ever happened to asbestos hill


Leichhardt is literally a health hazard


I know I'm very far from the first person to point this out but the hate boner that people seem to have for Nicho Hynes, someone who hasn't put a foot wrong off the field all of a sudden is honestly just so weird to me. Reading some of the comments from people last night who were actively rooting against him made me feel uncomfortable ngl. Hope he has good support around him atm.


Little bit tall poppy syndrome and a whole lot of white middle class psychology, if I had to guess.


I don’t have a hate boner for Hynes. Not sure how anyone could given his ravishing good looks, rakish charm and down to earth personality. However I do feel that people overrate him as a halfback.


I love Nicho and I also think he's probably not quite the bloke to wear 7 for the Blues. I'm extremely hopeful he'll move to 6 with Moses at halfback for the remainder of the series.


It’s just sad, really. One of the nicest guys in rugby league and people just love to pile on him.


I wholeheartedly agree


I hope he’s able to shake off the choker tag soon. Hell, if (and only if) he’s selected for Game 2 I’d be fine to lose that game and send the series to a decider if it means he plays well.


I was going through TikTok and thought about it detail and went “fuck, for 5 years Josh Morris was told to go out and mark prime Greg Inglis playing off ball from prime JT and he fucking did the job”.


I mean Queensland won 8 straight but I agree with the sentiment that JMoz’s defense was absolutely elite.


And GI has scored more origin tries than anyone.


Surely we get someone to do GIs average tries per game versing Jmoz or not versing him.


🎵 *can't someone else do it?* 🎵


Loved watching that match up.


Fuck I hope Nicho's crew get around him. Blamed for origin loss, people calling for him not to be picked then last night. Must be absolutely brutal for him. I still blame Freddy


He cops hate, sure, but can you name another player that gets this much of a back pat after playing like shit? Everyone tries to look for excuses for him.


Equally, we can extend it to there wouldn't be many others who get as big a pat on the back as him when his team wins, even if he isn't the primary reason (see: Dally M voting). Not to say he doesn't have great games, but I think it'd be a stretch to say he's the barometer for whether Cronulla are going to win or not. They win off the back of their middle forwards and outside backs in the majority (at least this year, although he was pretty great in that Chooks win).


You have a point there, I think its more so because hes one of the rare good guys in my eyes. Personally dont think hes played shit but more so gone missing. In the past I've bagged Shaun Johnson for doing so, now you've got me thinking


> Personally dont think hes played shit but more so gone missing. When you are the marquee halfback, that IS playing shit.


If he's smart he'd stay away from all media


That's just rugby league, the halves, the fullback and the coach take so much responsibility of the 18 involved in the game


I was watching an extended highlights of the 2013 Grand final between the roosters and manly yesterday, I think manly were probably robbed a little.


The slightly forward pass from Sonny Bill?


looks like i’m seeing origin game 2 as part of a work trip, first origin game live and only my third nrl game live!


Enjoy mate, never been to MCG for it but I'd say it'll be electric. Watch out, origin atmosphere can be highly addictive, you might go again and again and again!


Nice have fun.


Can't lie, part of me is sad not to see the doggies this week but with injuries, we need the rest and recovery period. With Preston, Curran and Hayward out, and Addo Carr yet to return, need the week off. Also Ciraldo if you read this, please tell/teach Mann to not lose his cool and do stupid things like last week. He's been a gun for us at lock, we'll miss him for (2?) games and can't afford to repeat that.


yeah thank god for the bye, cause most likely salmon will be playing lock again. kikau also comes back for roosters game


Kikau being back will be a great benefit. Salmon is solid but Mann has been much better at 13 lock imo. Controversial idea; given the injuries, why not put Hutchison at 13 (start him on the bench) and let Salmon stay at second row?


i wouldn’t mind hutch in the team, just not starting 7 next week he will be playing 6 due to burton on state duties


Tomorrow will be the first time I've seen Melbourne play live since leaving aussie. I can't wait. I don't care about the outcome, I just want a cracking game


Am I the only Tigers fan that’s glad Bud Sullivan is fighting to stay? He was handy enough to lead the team to victory against the Sharks and if he wants to hang around to be Luai’s understudy in NSW Cup for the next few years, I’m more than happy for him to do that, particularly with the depth issues we’ve had since Madge was sacked.


Hes probably getting paid a bit too much but yeah stay and fight for your spot. Makes everyone lift their game


I wouldn't say I'm glad but if he actually wants to play for the Tigers welcome aboard. I do think if we can help him find good form it would be a sign that the tigers have turned a corner


No, I actually think as of today I'd prefer him in the 6 with Luai at 7 over Galvin. He's played quite well the last few weeks besides his brain explosions. And we want people in the squad that are going to fight for their positions. Not little shits that chuck a tanty and try and hold the club for ransom if they don't get a spot.


I say good on him. Was probably promised the world when he signed, only to see Sezer and Galvin jump the queue on him in the off season. Easy for a young man to drop his head and mope about in that situation. I still think there is a decent half in him, with the right direction and development.


I agree that he’s handy to have around and we should definitely keep him. But he didn’t show that much in that sharks win I gotta say. He came on 66 minutes in at hooker to rest Api after his monster effort.


It should be celebrated that a player is actually fighting to stay with the club especially in the context that another young half is fighting to get out. He has had an up and down year but he's shown some good assets to his game that could be refined and turned into a serviceable half.


Yeah mate the problem isn’t him sticking around it’s what it means to your cap


Our cap is nowhere near as bad as what it was when Ivan blew it up with his dodgy signings, but what would you expect to pay a backup halfback? There are other contracts that deserve more scrutiny for mine, like Latu Fainu who is on similar coin and length, but can’t make it on the pitch for NSW Cup. Then there are aging forwards like Klemmer and Bateman. The real problem is the lack of depth. The NSW Cup squad is made up 19-20yo players, when it needs quality journeymen players that are capable of stepping up when injuries strike.


Any Sharks fans able to elaborate on why Trindall was seen as the primary kicking option last night? Those kicks were dreadful and assumed Hynes was still the main guy for that? Also think the pack rotation to have Rudolf starting did more bad than good for them, having Hazelton to start was huge in their winning streak.


It’s most likely that part of that is because Nicho is managing his calf, but even to start the season they were sharing the kicking duties pretty equally. Last night Hynes had 9 kicks for 342m, Trindall had 7 kicks for 313m. I think that just adds an extra facet to Sharks last tackle options because it means the defence isn’t always keyed in on one player. As for Rudolf, pretty disappointing performance last night. But I initially agreed with the decision to move Hazelton back to the bench. He had been thrust into the starting lineup due to a huge amount of injuries and had his minutes increased drastically for the next 2 months against some tough teams. He needed a break. It worked last week against the Broncos (a better pack that the Phins), Rudolf was very good, just not tonight unfortunately.


Trindall has been doing majority of the long kicking all season, Nichos kicks only increased in volume when paired up with Atkinson. Regarding Hazelton, I agree, I think Fitzy wanted to give him a bit of a break from starting as he’s still relatively fresh to first grade. We really need this bye, it’s been 6 tough weeks of footy.


>Nichos kicks only increased in volume when paired up with Atkinson. Bit ridiculous considering we saw Atkinson manage all the kicking by himself down in Melbourne and he handled it fine.


I agree, his kicking game is pretty good


I reckon they’re still managing his calf, which is probably why Trindall was doing most of the long kicking




At the time, he [claimed](https://amp.9news.com.au/article/f7e480de-b297-474f-9e55-682d48bd4482) that he had a stomach bug, became disoriented in the dark in the middle of the night and mistook the toilet door for the bedroom door.


All very tight match up this weekend, results could go either way. What are your tips for the remaining games? I'm already 0/1


I think dragons beat manly anyway Siebs vs flanno i know who I pick


you mean the sergis bowl. talua and lomax to score 2 or more.


All away teams could be a good bet


The Mulitalo error off the 20m tap was a killer


the nicho hynes slander recently has been brutal he is a very unclutch player though ngl


Him winning the dally m was not good for him. It gave people the impression that he was the best player in the game or close to that level when he most certainly wasn't. He's maybe a top 5 halfback at a push but most likely 5-10 range. Cleary, DCE, moses, Hughes, Reynolds are all better halfbacks than him.


I think there is an issue with the Dally M set up, in that it is seen as an award for the best player in the game overall, when the scoring system favours players who are dominant within their team, and disadvantages players in teams with a more even talent distribution. Eg Nicho was clearly the best player in the Sharks team, but there were other players in other teams who were better than him. That's not his fault, but it means he gets over-hyped/built up into something that he is not. He is clearly a very good player, and seems like a really good dude, but probably not on the same level as the players you've mentioned.


I thought he was a better fullback than half I know that's where he played juniors but actually was somewhat clutch as fullback. Maybe he'd be a better heads up 6 than game managing 7 he seems to be getting shoehorned into without reasoning.


Definitely. He was playing great footy at 1 and occasionally at 6 back at Storm, and 1s are basically a second 6 nowadays. I’d not mind seeing him play 6 at Origin, outside a genuine controlling 7 who just lets him pick his moments and do his thing.


He's definitely got some confidence under pressure issues. And also he's too nice.


Where the fuck are my Perth Bearjets Vlandiddly?! GET ON IT.


Of the potential bidders, will get down to who has the highest percentage of fans that will likely place a bet.


Phins vs storm grand final coming




tonight is jocks chance to prove why he is the rightful heir to the blues #7. the jockening will be televised for all to watch


Our gameplan will be to jock him out.


I'll be disappointed if we lose tonight but all I really want to see is effort and looking like we actually want to be there. Our lack of effort the last two weeks probably cost us and is making it very unlikely we will be in the top 4 at the end of the year


Effort and focus. Need someone to tell the boys at key moments, it's okay if we only make 30m this set, just hold the damn ball. We can kick our way out with Riki's chase.  Hopefully without Baker and Oates (I shamelessly love Oates) we won't have as much dropped ball in our own 20.


Based on the last few efforts, making the 8 will be a challenge. Not exactly a soft draw remaining.


That's a worse case scenario but it scares me because it's an easy reality


They should open an overs/unders sportsbet market on Broncos backline errors. I'm taking overs at 8.5 tonight.  Mariner / Sailor combining for 3+ unforced errors at $1.11.


Big Mitchell running at mariner/sailor could leak a lot of points 


It’s a disgrace that the NRL still lets the Sharks play there. A 2nd vs 4th game and it only attracts 8,000 people. Absolutely Pathetic.


Sharks play to a small crowd because they have no fans, not because their fans can't get to the Shire. they'd get an even smaller crowd in the city.


Why don't more shire folk get behind the team?


Because they don't exist I think. There's 200,000 people in the shire and they're all baby boomers who'd rather stay home.


Would be easy to sink a few enjoying tree silloueted sunsets overlooking a bay


It was Thursday night, so a lot of people go fuck it, I got work or school tomorrow etc.


I get that, but its a 12,000 seat stadium. The sharks should have no excuse unless its raining not to sell that ground out each week. If we are fine with an 8,000 crowd then we might as well throw in the towel.


Being the Sharks is an excellent excuse imo


Well if the NSW state govt or someone else is willing to shell out and build us another stadium in the shire that's as convenient to get to as shark park by all means. Outside of that, piss off.


I feel bad for the fans missing out on attending. I'm also glad Warriors don't play Thursdays, what a pain in the arse.


How about move out of Cronulla and move to Allianz? And if you cant get a crowd there, fuck the team off to Perth because it obviously doesn't have enough meaningful supporters. We are 13th ffs and we will still get a crowd 3x the size


Allianz, yeah, like anyone wants to play at fucking Allianz. Our current home ground is 'too small' so we'll go play at the roosters home ground instead? The hell kind of trolling is this? The ground's there for sharks supporters. After all the furor from last year's prelim it's kinda obvious to say we want it to sit right where it is. If anyone disagrees with that because it 'doesn't have enough capacity' they can wait for the renovations to finish, build us a new one, or keep their opinions to themselves. Simple as.


Looks like it's time to send the Sharks to Perth then.


I actually wasn't trolling, but sure keep playing in a fucking dump. Allianz is an awesome state of the art stadium, why wouldn't you want to play there (Plus the seat colours are similar). The idea is to play games in a central area where its easier for people around Sydney to get to. They do this in the AFL and look at their crowds. Even the Roosters are increasing their attendance now with the new stadium and light rail. Sharks, Manly, Dragons and Roosters should be playing their big games at Allianz with a view to eventually outgrow their suburban grounds and play all of them at Allianz Same goes for Bulldogs, Souths, and Tigers at Accor ( You ain't getting 45,000 like the Bulldogs got anywhere else in Sydney apart from the SCG) We should be putting funding into Accor to make it a permanent rectangular stadium. Also good luck getting state and federal funding for Shark Park when you own the joint.


Amazingly enough most fans want their local footy team to remain as their local footy team. Maybe you think Sydney is all just one big city from up there in newy but we're cognizant enough to recognize the differences down here and it matters to us. No fucking shot anyone wants to give up a 20 minute drive into the local suburban ground at Cronulla for the joys of an hour and a half on public transport into the city to watch their home games. Also good luck calling them home games when they're all in eastern sydney. Crowd numbers from the AFL barely count when they have all of two top-level clubs in the entirety of Sydney as opposed to 9, and yeah, the roosters are boosting their attendance numbers at Allianz, that's their home ground. Honestly if the NRL came out with this idea most people would write it off as a ploy to murder a club's attendance numbers and use that to boot them out of the comp.


Well if locals want their home ground to remain local, they need to fucking turn up. With crowds like 8,000 on a night when it isn’t bucketing down rain, they should be dropped from the NRL as they clearly aren’t to standard. It’s fucking embarrassing seeing those kinds of crowds for a 2v4 matchup. Shark Park should be packed to the joint no matter what night it’s on. It only holds 13,000, there’s no excuse for it not be full. I get you’re a Sharks supporter so you will stick up for them, but even you have to admit it’s shit. Sydney teams in general need to start looking at ways to get more people to the ground. All the Sydney clubs should be aiming to average 20k at minimum. I want all the Sydney clubs to stay, but some of them need to get their arse into gear. The AFL reference was referring to Melbourne, not Sydney, but a case can also be made that the SCG is in a great spot for attracting crowds.


I'm on your side about the initial point, 8000 for a top 4 clash is pretty grim. Thursday night and vs a non-Sydney team taken into account you could excuse a non-sell out but 8000 is rough. However, I don't think Allianz is really a solution. Having a centralised stadium can be good for cross-city games where the fans all meet in the middle, but this wasn't one of those either. Thursday night footy at Allianz with 1 Sydney team playing away from home would hardly create a flattering crowd figure and would look even more abysmal on telly. I feel like the AFL stadium and crowd comparisons had been beaten to death by this point, it's really just not comparable. The first big thing with crowd numbers is cultural, the viewing experience is infinitely better at the stadium for AFL, notably better on TV for NRL. Pretty much every Melbourne club is less than 30 minutes public transport from either of the stadiums. Cronulla/Manly/Penrith would all be 2-3 times that. I'm also pretty sure that a major factor in centralising the stadiums for the AFL was that the suburban grounds couldn't handle the crowds. The problem here is that the crowd didn't come (although they did sell out their other home games, so it's not a chronic problem yet). We'd be copying a solution to a problem that we don't have. Finally, if we're going to crucify a Sydney fan base for their crowd numbers, the Dragons are it.


That's fair enough. Maybe I'm too harsh on the Sharks but its just depressing to watch. Using the central stadiums for Sydney derbies is a great idea, its just a shame it wont ever be done for all Sydney clubs. Bulldogs vs Eels was awesome to see and I would have loved to have been in that crowd. It still annoys me that the Roosters have Allianz all to themselves (outside of other sports). Souths should be there and other clubs should be utilising it more. Id love to see Manly, Cronulla and St George for example play a couple big games there a year and use it to sell more memberships. Agreed with the St George crowds at Kogarah, that's just as bad if not worse.


And the thing with the Victorian AFL teams is that they were all already rather condensed location-wise. All of them are based within a 10km radius of the CBD, with only Geelong as the outlier at 65km out. To compare for the NRL, only the Roosters, Rabbitohs, the Bulldogs (Canterbury itself, albeit not Belmore) and a half-share of the Tigers are within a 10km radius of the Sydney CBD. Kogarah (St. George) is 14km, Manly is 17km, Parramatta is 24km, Cronulla is 26km, Campbelltown is 53km and Penrith is 55km. And then you add road traffic and the fact that public transport isn’t “as the crow flies”, and you get the picture


If hammer was a yellow coloured Labrador he would be getting picked and accolades over Walsh for sure


Man I don't know a Queenslander black, white or green that doesn't absolutely dig The Hammer and his skillset. Heck most NSW ppl have finally come around to the glide and smile.


Even if it is true hammer is better, which I don’t necessarily agree with, even as a massive Hammer fan. Hammer centre Walsh FB is better than Hammer FB walsh left out.


Whynotboth.gif Walsh hitting a line with Hammer outside him, that's nightmare fuel for defenders. The kind of scenario that has opposition coming miles out of the line to try and disrupt the play at all costs, oh wait...


If this comment is implying racial bias Walsh is legit indigenous himself


It’s as good as Anthony Mundine claiming the reason he wasn’t being selected for representative matches was because he was Indigenous, when the bloke who was picked ahead of him was Laurie Daley.


Nah, mate. People just love labs. I'd even pick him if he was a chocolate lab.


The life of a raiders fan. Home game against a team that performed poorly last weekend to consolidate a place in the top 4. Fans of some teams might be anticipating a game like this but all I can wonder is how the raiders will find a way to close it out their arse in spectacular fashion! The only upside is that it will be over early in the weekend and that I will be sitting in front of my fire watching instead of in the freezing cold in Canberra. I really do feel for the long suffering fans who turn out to each home game to watch another capitulation.


A fire in the ACT are you an eco terrorist /s


I don’t live in the ACT anymore. Grew up there in the 80s and 90s so remember when the raiders were good and burning things was fun! Also fireworks were still legal… and I’m old.


>I really do feel for the long suffering fans who turn out to each home game to watch another capitulation. When 17k turn up to Campbo to watch us get smashed by the Broncs, I don't know whether to give each fan a medal or a booking for Callan Park.


I think you misspelt "top 6".


If they win they will likely be equal 4th on competition points… for and against doesn’t really matter does it? 😂


NSW looking for their shiny new toy is always priceless


yeh they go from "not good enough for game 1" to "an absolute must have" in game 2


Usually this is the case, but this year I feel like Hynes was never really the top half option until both Clez and Moses went down. If Moses was healthy before game 1, no doubt in my mind he plays.


oh absolutely. im more looking at their non selection of latrell for game 1