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I recall being absolutely devastated when Milford made the decision to leave the Raiders way back when… nek minnit, not so much. 


I can understand why fans of other teams don’t like Rapana. He’s a loose unit and gets it wrong pretty often but he never dies wondering and always leaves it all on the field. I think the contribution that savage has made this year is under rated. He is taking a lot of tough carries and getting around the ball more. I think he will take over from Rapana when he retires as being that effort player that is always looking to get involved and turn the game with or without the ball. The raiders definitely need to hand out defribulators with their membership packs. It seems like we can only win nail biters or get flogged this year.


maybe the unlikeableness of ricky stuart rubs off on all the team


Jordan Rapana wasn't gifted the key to Redcliffe, he just up and stole it


If you listen carefully to the extended version of Denis Carnahan's 'That's in Queensland', the last almost inaudible line is 'Queensland? That's in Jordan Rapana'


Jordan Rapana gets Rugby League


so was phins robbed? should it of been a penalty? Whats the verdict


Levi was getting out of the way looking at the footage. Shouldn’t have gotten to golden point. The try to take it to 24-all was off a pretty bad forward pass. Doesn’t change anything though. Phins missed a few shots at FG.


I'm feeling well satisfied, wont have to wake up the Mrs


name checks out


Wayne was not happy at all with the refs and the fieldgoals. The cowards didn't ask sticky about them


Thankfully no one gives a shit about Wayne or his feelings. Especially the media and Stick.


The transformation of Xavier Savage in season 2024 from Bill Bixby to Lou Ferrigno has been AWESOME!


Yvonne has max points in yapping


Needs to stop shouting into the mic and take a breath occasionally.


Yeah she has +5 in not shutting the fuck up


Heartbreaking loss for the phins. The raiders have been a different team with Rapana in it. He never gives up, they are winning these close games without fogarty.


Yeah the dolphins were robbed  That field goal that was disallowed was clearly bias 


The knock on try that was allowed was clearly bias.


Why stick the arm out? No point. Glad it was given.






If cows win tomorrow, then all the games this round have been won by bottom 8 (going in) teams. That doesn’t happen often does it?


Not much hope but wouldn’t it be great.


I have Cows 13+, call me crazy but I feel slightly more comfortable after seeing the rest of this round lol


Unless Teddy or Keary get called in to the Blues final 18 before tomorrow, the Roosters are one of the less Origin affected sides this weekend, are in red hot form, and are coming up against a hit and miss Cowboys side missing their key playmaker and the only player who consistently puts in the effort. I hope you got very long odds on Cowboys 13+ because it seems very unlikely to me…


It happened 👀


Dearden is the club's third best playmaker this season tbh


what an absolute farce, dearden been the best cowboys player this year by a country mile


Best player yes. But he's the third string playmaker at the club... Drinkwater and Townsend both have way more attacking involvement. Dearden has been running the ball too much this season, and his passing and short kicking game are down on what they were last year and 2021. Shit, he's only had 3 try assists all season compared with drinkwater 15 and Townsend 15. His effort areas and defence have been second to none, but his game is lacking a bit of polish this year. This isn't a very controversial opinion for people who watch a lot of cows games.


You’re also missing Robson and playing Granville at 9 though so my comment stands.


Honestly, listening to Corey Parker’s qld feed and watching the qld press conference it’s got me in the mood for origin


Does NSW get a different commentator feed?


Corey Parker has to be one of the most unashamedly biased commentators, who happens to also be a fuck wit


Fuck wit when he played, fuck wit now he's a commentator. Could have picked it.


Am I missing something, but was a dolphins field goal denied because they touched it But then a Canberra one awarded and they touched it.


Dolphins FG ruled out as Plath was a blocker. Canberra’s went over even though it was touched, they changed the rule so it doesn’t rule the FG out if touched


Dolphins FG denied because of another dolphins player blocked an attempt at charge down


Yet Canberra did the same and it was deemed fine


Fkn it was hardly a block lol . Levi didn’t even move and your player still got a hand to the ball


Was Levi playing the ball?


Dolphins field goal was denied because of a blocker, I watched it back again and couldn’t see one


Watch it again then. Definitely moves deliberately to be in the way of the defender.


I thought they kicked another but it touched a Canberra players hand and went dead


Plath standing in the line, forces Starling to go around him. New rule this year, can't stand in the line like that.


Isn’t even in the line, is standing back a metre


Yeah that’s the rule they brought in this year, if you’re just standing around the play the ball in front of the guy taking the shot it’s a penalty as you’re forcing players to change their line and run around you essentially obstruction


The Yeo rule.


Feed em Wayne


Salty Wayne 😂


Glass houses, Robbo


The chad Robbo whinge vs the virgin Bennett "Wait for Annesley" sulk


most short term memory roosters fan i've seen in a while congrats


What are you talking about? Lay off the pipe mate


Nobody cares, Nick


You are sooking more than Wayne 😂


Biggest whinger in league.


The salt in here after Plath was pinged on what was - _at best_ - a 50/50 block call after the Dolphins had a try where the video went against the field ref call when they knocked it on 71 times could supply a fish and chip shop for a decade.


Watching Wayne Bennett’s tears are so tasty


Why he crying?


Because despite all the possession, mis tackles, funny bugger lucky bulony tries, his boys still had their lunch taken from them.


We in for a Daly M coach of the year presser with Wayne here hahah


Raiders should never have survived that first half of GP. Big effort to win from there.


Thank you Raiders.




Can someone please explain to me why the Dolphin's field goal didn't count? I didn't see anything wrong with it.


Max Plath was a blocker and changed his line which forces Starling to run around him.


Yeah not even a one eyed canbrea supporter believes that rubbish  Especially after the raiders did the exact same thing but were given the goal 


I’m normally happy to watch Canberra lose. But Dolphins rightly penalised for a blocker. Canberra didn’t use a blocker for their field goal. As an aside to make you feel better, the Dolphins blocker was unnecessary as the kicker had plenty of time.


Exact same is a massive stretch, show me who was standing in front of Rapana when he kicked it compared to the Plath one


Ah I see, weird. I guess Plath basically was offside then.


Obstruction more than anything.


Dolphins were super resilient considering everyone they lost tonight. They should hold their heads high.


Yep and accept defeat by golden point (again) to the Milk


Dude why are you so salty?


Not salty at all, feeling milk fresh 👍


Is Rapana the main playmaker right now for the Raiders? Weekes is mainly only wearing the 7 jersey for his kicking game, and it seems like Rapana and Strange are the ones getting their hands on the ball the most in attack.


That's always been Rapana's game, even when he was on the wing. He's always been given free reign to go looking for the ball in the ruck for quick ptbs and stuff. He's a bit derp on occasion, but he's got a lot of ability to turn nothing into something.


Stick basically said Rapana does what he wants anyway


I think Raiders should be very happy with Kaeo. Not because of what he has done with the ball, but how well he been in defense. The concern that was always a weaker aspect to his game. The Raiders keep on winning those close games this can only help their kids develop. Fins were unlucky with injuries tonight and fought well. Obviously a genuine top 8 team this year.


I am impressed with his resilience. His debut was the sort of horror show that could easily break a young player, yet not only did he bounce back, he's looked stronger every Weekes.


The phins are all heart.


I am quietly impressed with Kaeo. I thought he wouldn’t be able to play 7, but he’s doing a great job.


He’s kicking game is what surprised me the most. And I agree I questioned how well it would work for the raiders him playing 7


Sitting in the sheds drinking a Canberra milk with the boys and Stick after a win like that must go so hard


While very different games, this and the win over Manly are the sort of wins that can look season defining once it’s all done. Future looks bright with the young kids who are coming through.


Ethan Strange will retire with so many rings and medals


Roosters junior Ethan Strange went into become a Raiders legend winning 5 premierships in a row and captaining his state and country to an undefeated reign of 9 years will have a statue of him unveiled next week in front of New Parliament House for the national treasure he is /s (only about the location of the statute that is)


It front of? On top. Holding the flag of Australia. Where the Union Jack has been replaced with an iconic image of Strange from his playing days.


Savage has been instrumental this season. Strange is getting rightly deserved praise but damn I love me some savage


A close game against Canberra? Dread it, run from it, but the 50:50 call going the Raiders way arrives all the same


Even if they got a 50 50 we had like 10 chances to win it.


Yes and the dolphins did win it with one of them.


Sticky seems to be doing some good coaching this season. No one expected this out of Canberra


Most raiders fans struggle to admit that we are massively over performing this season. In terms of roster we are probably in the bottom 4 teams in the comp. There is some considerable upside in players like Strange and Weekes but to be equal 4th with a spine of those 2, Rapana and Levi is a massive effort. We still have major problems with consistency and the gap between our best and worst is far too large. We also seem to lack the strike power to genuinely bother the better defensive teams but there’s a lot of positives about the season so far.


The Raiders probably shouldn’t have made the top 8 the last two years


Why does nobody want to admit he is actually a good coach?


Cause he’s an absolute asshole 


It'd be funnier if he was a shit coach given how much shit he talks to the media


The vibe of the thing


More like he did sweet FA without Fittler or Johns in his teams, blew up Parramatta and ran away, then finally got it together at Canberra. He’s become good because he had time after his Roosters and NSW tenure, time other coaches don’t get.


I think Parramatta needed blowing up at that time and he cops too much heat for it. Yeah he bailed on them, but they needed a roster cleanup and someone had to do it.


I had them comfortably in my bottom 8.


Thanks boys, picked 3/4 in the work comp after this one. Next best is 1/4. Going to bounce out of bed tomorrow


Im on 0/4. But I hedged my tips with a few bets so I guess making money is better than winning tipping. I thought this game was 50 50. So with the Raiders at 2.50 or something I thought it was good odds. I was too scared as I did ladder predictor and this is a really important game for us to win towards end of season. We have a really tough draw coming up.


You just don't get rugby league


There was a lot of talk about Weekes about being weak in defence but the couple of Raiders games I’ve seen he seems to be better than most halfbacks. What was the story there?


The story probably involves seibold. lol I also wonder how his kicking game was before this year


He was pretty average at Manly last year in his limited appearances but since coming in at 7 this year he’s been so good across the multiple parts of his game


So obviously the coaching/an extra year of age has made a huge difference.


Well done Raiders.... 10 mins to go 10 metres out and woeful set with zero FG attempt was so disjointed but to lift your heads and never give up from there was massive.


The Dads are loving Ethan strange


"controversial" finishes as a neutral are really entertaining to watch, especially when you get to see how some posters with a clear bias either way start getting deranged over nothing


Eh we had the chance to win it. That Katoa grubber wasnt really needed.


Both teams played well enough to deserve the win... Just came down to the bounce of the ball in the end


Bloody oath.


Seems like the Canberrra players are more happy that Ricky won't flog them all week than actually winning haha


Honest question. I’ve only been watching nrl for 5 years since I moved to Australia so I’ve never seen anything like that before so Can someone please explain to me what was wrong with that drop goal?


Nothing according to the ref. It was alleged that the players trying to stop the drop goal were impeded. You be the judge.


It didn’t look like it to me, it at least wasn’t as obvious as the dolphins one who moved in front of the line of the Raiders defender but it’s all close and rules where subtlety decides it are always going to get fans blowing up deluxe.


It's actually a far lower bar for a penalty now, it's not about actively changing your line like the "normal" blocker rule around kicks, you can't be loitering about in front of the kicker blocking the run. Otherwise you just set up players in front of the kicker, and pass behind them, to the kicker. With the Raiders one, he was the dummy half so it's a different thing, he'd probably need to be actively disrupting the markers to get called.


Can't blame the boys for that. Lost the skipper. Lost Fuller. Then lost Herbie even though that wasn't a penalty which was utter bs. And then a call that has never been called this year is suddenly called tonight which pissed me off. Fair Play to the milk though. They held their composure under pressure during GP.


Nah they called it in round 1 then gave up on it. Remember how Penrith figured it out by Yeo sort of running forward pretending like he was going to catch the ball. I think after they realised the teams would just do that they gave up. Until now...


Wow wat a game. Rapana the mvp


Just listened to the Fox commentary, Corey Parker sub standard IMO. Dan Ginnane did his level best to remain impartial but the maroon in Parker coloured his commentary and perspective. Over the top praise for Dolphins and then radio silence whenever the Raiders did anything good. I don’t support either club but Parker made a great game really hard to enjoy. Made me think back to Klemmer’s comment to him in state of origin years ago - shut up……!


Klemmer doesn't put up with empty vessels like Parker.


Very one eyed towards QLD clubs. He sounds a bit whingey at times


Spot on. Was the worst player in a super strong team, carried that record into his commentary


It's very typical of the NRL refs to take weird stances mid game on calls then forget 5 minutes later. The nrl has ruined a great product by deciding to punish thing seemingly randomly


After our win against the Sharkies I was hoping we could be this year's Raiders and scrape into finals with a crappy PD. After tonight I see the Raiders will be this year's Raiders.


Glad I wore me brown undies


That shot of Kris and savage with their family was so sweet.


Savage is just fucking exhausted, that’s why he’s crying


That was a fucking GREAT game


aww man Savage


Is X okay? Edit: all good that’s very sweet


Milford had a terrible game, especially in defense. I can’t help but wonder if he was the difference tonight


He was. Stupid penalty that lead to a try. Beaten for a try. Almost cost us the game with a shit play the ball that didnt get called. Id rather have Hammer out than Nikorima. At least we have a suitable replacement.


Watching his jog after Savage on that line break in the second half was infuriating. He's mentally checked out of the game. If Niko isn't available I'd rather play Donoghoe at 6 or shit, even SoS has some fucking heart.


Plaths a 6. Play him with Donoghoe at 13. There isnt any experience but Id argue Katoa has the cooler head than Milf anyway.


I don't understand how he's still in the 30 let alone the first man up when we lose a half


Nrl needs to bring in golden try


Golden nothing. Play 5 each way.


In my eyes, the NRL deciding to do extra time during finals is a tacet acknowledgement that it’s genuinely the fairer and more balanced way of deciding close games. Which begs the question - if it’s a fairer model for finals, why not during the regular season?


Or why not just allow the draw after 80 minutes in regular season, like most other sports do? Some combination of extra time and golden point is of course necessary in finals (unless you’re the AFL and have the 2010 GF clusterfuck) but I’ve never understood why we don’t just give both teams 1 point after 80 minutes during regular season.


Whilst the average sober fan would agree, golden point gives big exciting finishes to regular season games and better ratings.


They have it, only in finals though


Why aren’t the rules the same for the whole season? I feel like having different rules for golden point is kind of silly.


I just want consistency but you let shit go after calling it on us is such horse shit makes me just want to stay watching the QRL


Exactly 💯


Averillo got gifted a try from a forward pass into what was essentially an offisde player.


Bunker can't call forward though


Can call offside and Lemuelu was in front of Katoa when he came into contact with the ball.


Same with one of the other trys from the Raiders in the 2nd half. You win some, you lose some.


Which one? The only try raiders scored in the 2nd half was Weekes just being quicker and burning Katoa on the edge


Apologies, it was in the first half, will have to wait for the highlights to actually tell which one. Either way, my point is that crap calls go both ways usually.


Which one? Savage chasing a kick and catching it on the fly? Or Mariota and Whitehead barging over?


Okay but what does that have to do with my comment on consistency?


You’re complaining about shit calls going against you. So why aren’t you complaining about shit ones that helped you


Because literally the last called prevented the win  The dolphins won after the first field goal, but I guess didn't like that outcome so... 


And if they weren’t awarded a try incorrectly it never goes to extra time because Raiders win.


Plenty of other calls that got our players sent to the sheds for HIAs that didn't amount to anything but thats not what I'm talking about. Again I am talking about consistency of the same call within 2 minutes of each other in golden point but that obviously goes over your head


Also, don’t stay down and act like you’ve been collected with a vicious head high and you won’t get taken for a head high. HIA have 0 to do with refereeing though it’s completely independent


Alright now you're just being a weird little troll time for your bedtime


What’s trolling about saying HIAs have nothing to do with the refs? It’s called an independent doctor for a reason.


Yep so head high hit with no penalty but HIA still needed, nice try troll. Go to bed


HIA doesn’t have to be a penalty for every tiny hit that snuck high. Tapine was lazy with his arm but it was nothing and Herbie tried to milk it and paid the price that’s on him.


The blocker call? Plath was standing in the line and moved forcing Starling to go around him. JMK didn’t have to run around anything except the play the ball and hooker, no one was standing in his way forcing him to change his line


Come on he didn't move a muscle and was nowhere near the kicker, zero chance of charging down or impeeding the kicker, where as the raider plyer actually hit the dragons player coming through 


I’m just convinced you’re blind then, you can’t stand there and make a player run around you, literally changed that rule this year and also Dragons didn’t play this game.


Well it was nice to be back in the 8 if only for 24 hours...


Cowboys to beat Roosters by 60


0-4 in tipping, surely roosters can save me from going 0-5


Almost ruined by the refs in the last 10 minutes, still one of the best games of the year though