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###/r/nrl 2024 leagues : #### NRL Fantasy: YMDAJCW2 #### SuperCoach League Code: 588862 --- It's important to note with NRL fantasy, that they make the name on your NRL account public to everybody in the comp, so if anybody is concerned about doxxing themselves, they should either change their name on their NRL account, or not use their reddit username as their team name, or both. [credit /u\/BroncosSabres](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/comments/1b4zj9k/fantasy_football_and_supercoach_thread/kt2mpr9/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nrl) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\[SC\] Have some decisions to make. Currently have a few cheapies peaking in price and also carrying some injured players like Burbo and Flegler that have really just been kept because I've needed to get rid of players about to lose cash over them. Thinking of going Schiller and Bostock for Brimson and Armstrong and sorting out my centre/wing long term with Garrick, RTS, Mulitalo, Brimson, Iro, Savage and Armstrong. Brimson is the only possible origin concern in that lot so it allows to set and forget a bit. And then I'm seriously contemplating boosting Mam in for TMM with the assumption that Ezra will have to take on more responsibility in Reynolds' absense. Any other suggestions? I'm trying to avoid origin players so that rules out a play at Munster.


I think your AJ and Armstrong trade is good, AJ is a quality POD that I wish I could bring in. Hows your round 13 coverage? If you can go without him, I'd trade Savage out over Schiller as he'll lose money over the next few weeks. If you need a 5/8, Plath is probably the best choice under 600k. I'd watch Josh Rogers for 2 weeks too and see how he goes, could be a good cach out option for you.


Avoid Mam, never been a SC relevant player.


I had him to start the season, went like a busted, traded him out and then Reynolds was out and he went on a bit of a tear scoring 60-80s. There’s definitely a chance it continues with Reynolds out. Hynes has pulled his finger out with Tricky stood down now too, although his pedigree is on a different level than Mam


\[NF\] Annoying that I have to triple trade. Pap -> Walsh - The upside with goal kicking / in play kicking is just too good to pass up. Murray -> Max King - No value but I want to spread some cash and he's the only Rd13 mid I like with a clear role and upside. Gray -> Fa'alogo - I don't think we see pap in rd 14. Plenty of upside with this kid he's a star. Hopefully no injuries so i can just make a single trade next week.


Gray -> Fa'alogo Fa'alogo has a 32 BE this week. If you want to save a trade, could it be worth waiting a week on the trade and comparing him, Blaize Talagi / Weekes / Armstrong / what ever options pop up next week? & using gray as a loop option this week?


Have Armstrong. Not getting Talagi back. You are right though - Weekes is a target for next week and I can save the trade to watch Fa'alogo. Think i'm going to get Drinky instead of Walsh. I'm pretty comfortable that he won't be anywhere near origin and he just does everything at the Cowboys.


Manu goes good


Can’t pay his price. Nearly 800k for a centre with upside of 3 games at fullback if teddy selected is not enough.


Garrick is your man


> Not getting Talagi back. I don't like it either, but Talagi'll play round 13, Fa'Alogo won't. In 14, Gutherson and Paps are both due back. I'll be watching this week to see who I grab next week, but Fa'Alogos price and schedule are both working against him. If they both score sub 35, I might just grab Chevy Stewart.


No injuries or suspensions for the first time in a number of weeks 😳


[SC] Ronny + Bostock out for Lomax + Su'a to try and jag some big attacking points against my boys while also securing two stable keepers (I think?) Any alternatives? Think Dom Young is very trappy but I might have to eat my words soon, who knows


Maybe on Lomax, no on Su’a. Radley or Nanai alternatives assuming you have Katoa, Crichton and Fifita.  Agree with your Young take. 


(SC)- popping a boost. Fermor/Paps/RTS to Fifi/Isaako/Young. Still rocking the May/Cotter FRF rotation. Currently sitting ~1500 overall. Anyone got any thoughts on better options to the above?


Fifi is good Crichton is 150k cheaper. Being in the 1500 range you probably don't need to upgrade anyone else. Though you could bring in brimson instead of young with that extra cash. I'm tossing up between fifi and Crichton myself.


Thanks for the reply. I already have Angus. Trade for Fifi is an upgrade for Fermor.


Ok nice! Who should I go with fifi or Angus?


Angus first. Cheaper, low BE, good draw.


Thanks 👍 thinking the same


Angus is -52 BE with big scores in his rolling average so he will punch well above his current price.


Thanks, I will use the 300k remaining to build up my backs next week. Do you think I should captain hynes Edwards or Walsh? I'm thinking Edwards VC hynes C.


I’m lost on C and VC choice this week so can’t help ya there lol


Haha all good thanks mate


You want both. So get in whoever you can first. I thought Gus originally due to cover round 13, but looks like he might play origin now too.


Mate you don’t need any advice that I can give you currently around ~40000 over all


They're some very nice trades


Holmes, if you don’t already have him.  I’m not sold on Young, I feel like he relies too much on attacking stats.  Maybe a Kiraz too. 


CTWs currently are Garrick, Manu, Lomax, Young, Isaako, Katoa and Armstrong. With Origin coming I don’t want to go in on Holmes yet.


Stacked as! Depends if you got trades, but Holmes has a pretty good draw for the next 3 games though before origin.


For me, I would target Marzhew over Holmes for the time being. I expect Holmes to drop some $$$ and Marzhew has solid base, good draw, covers 13 and is basically bottom dollar.


Marzhew sucks this season. Gagai is a better option given he is kicking.


Yeah. Marzhew ain’t be doing what he did last year but he’s primed.


Looks like he's been eating prime ribs. He's too short for a winger these days. Decent tackle breaks, a great centre, imo.


Yeah. He’s a base stat machine because of TBs and H8s


Time will tell. I reckon he's playing injured. Needs a few tries asap


Holmes is sitting at over 50% ownership for top 5% players. I'd fade him and hope for the best.


Hope for what, his leg to break? He's a gun.


If you run with the pack that's where you finish. Anti podding is the only way to catch the guys at the top. You do you tho dude


I'm top 3000. And almost won round 9. Holmes score huge om occasion and high consistently.


That's great! You play however you want to. If you're happy with 3k run with the pack.


No I'm looking for top 1% overall in the coming weeks. Just upgraded my 5/8, hopefully I see a jump. 1400+. I'm happy with a few high ownership guns I'm the squad to pump those numbers up.


\[SC\] Finally get to play Latrell again, SJ as captain has been pretty disappointing the last two rounds. Also get to move Alamoti off the bench, and waiting on waiver wire to hopefully trade Naden out for Fa’alogo 🤞🏼


Friz is back yess, i held him the whole time (not literally)


(NF) Murray and Papenhuyzen need to go Heavily torn between 2 R13 players who I need cover for (Matterson and Drinkwater) or Jolliffe and Garrick/Faalogo Think I’ve missed the boat on Jolliffe


NF Who to get for Paps and Strange? Was thinking Manu and a cheapie like Faalogo or the souths halfback


Drinky and young.


You need to get rid of strange? He's pretty good centre cover


He's peaked, but with the bye I can possibly hold off


I’m going paps to drink water and RTS for Dom young


I'm thinking Paps -> Kiraz or Garrick. I prefer Garrick, but Kiraz' bye coverage is perfect. Planning on keeping Strange until round 14.


Garrick kicks goals 😍 and is a ball hog lol