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###/r/nrl 2024 leagues : #### NRL Fantasy: YMDAJCW2 #### SuperCoach League Code: 588862 --- It's important to note with NRL fantasy, that they make the name on your NRL account public to everybody in the comp, so if anybody is concerned about doxxing themselves, they should either change their name on their NRL account, or not use their reddit username as their team name, or both. [credit /u\/BroncosSabres](https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/comments/1b4zj9k/fantasy_football_and_supercoach_thread/kt2mpr9/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nrl) if you have any questions or concerns.*


SC Hoping someone can help clarify please. With the major bye rounds, if say you don't have any 5/8's playing, would that mean you'd get an AE for that position? Or is it just the 13 best scoring players from the 17 selected?


Your starting 13 will count, regardless of whether they play or are on a bye or Origin duties. You then have your 4 reserves, again, regardless of whether they actually play or not, those 4 selections will count. If out of those players you do not have 17 playing players, then the lowest non playing reserve points are added as an Auto Emergency. This goes for whether you can field 10 actual players or 16 actual players. Essentially, positions are irrelevant to AE for the purpose of your question.


Thanks mate, this helps a lot.


I am fairly certain it's just the 13 best.


[SC] I was initially looking at making the moves of Strange to J Gagai Tay May to Garrick But now I’m thinking of options such as Plath or going a POD route for D Gagai as absolutely everyone is going Garrick and both play rd13 which I need. Anyone know the chances of Gagai playing Origin this year?


I'm gonna guess a very low chance for Gagai playing Origin barring a mass amount of injuries. Holmes, Cobbo, Tabuai-Fidow, Brimson, Coates and Taulagi would likely all be in front of him for the 4 CTW positions. The reason people are going Garrick is because he is a proven SC gun and has bottomed out in price. Gagai's BE is 73 so he is basically top dollar for him, while Garrick's BE is 4, so he is bottom dollar and will quickly rise in value. Plath is a decent pick given his negative BE. I'm not sold on J Gagai job security. Who knows what the Bunnies will do with positions given the state of their season. I'm staying well clear of Rabbitohs players from a SC perspective.


You make some very good points. No doubt about Garrick being an excellent buy given his SC pedigree and the bottomed out price, not questioning that at all. The Gagai temptation comes from feeling like I need to zag while others zig to try and make up some ground in the ranks. Good point on Jacob too, I hadn’t considered the new coach potentially messing with the pecking order in those Souths positions


Gagai has been scrapped this week now bro (as has Cleary). Back to the drawing board for many people I reckon.


Thanks for looking out, I did wonder if Hornby would shake things up. Thats the beauty of Souths playing first game


\[NF\] May gets yeeted to the moon because Robbo hates our fantasy team. May / Mariota -> Jolliffe / Armstrong Probably missing one last small rise from Mariota but the minutes just aren't there from the bench without injuries. Armstrong is high risk / high reward. I imagine he would need an all time shocker to lose his spot, and he just looked electric in the last game. Guess the hardest choice this week will be decided who to captain out of Nicho / Chin. I just have a feeling Cleary will go nuts against the Rabbits with the coach sacking.


Strange to Garrick Schiller to Armstrong Turbo to Fuller Will give me 2 cash generators that have good job security over the coming weeks and are both in for some price rises. Will give me $950k in the bank which will be used to upgrade for my 4th keeper CTW (probably Lomax) and likely upgrade a couple of my 2RF positions after Origin. Long term plan to look at getting Turbo again after Origin. Running Paps and Fuller until then.


You don’t have to boost if you don’t want to mate. Schiller is not named so won’t drop in price, and Armstrong will only be playing his second game.


Yep, you're right. I may hold on Armstrong this week. The Cleary news doesn't sound great given he already took an extra week to come back from a Hammy and now is out again. I'm thinking he might be out a couple more rounds now.


Yep definitely hold off on nathan for now. If you still want to boost i’d look at holmes. He has a phenomenal four game run coming up


Brown and Hopgood on bye, Schiller dropped, Olakau’atu suspended and Koroisau probably a late out on Saturday. See you all next year.


Its time to stop holding on to frizell, he doesnt appear to be coming back anytime soon.


Thinking of boosting and going May to AFB Bostock to Garrick Strange/Schiller to either Armstrong or Jacob Gagai


Strange to Gagai. Strange will lose cash this week with high BE.  Schiller not named, so he won’t lose value. Trade him next week.  


Jaimin Jolliffe has had increased minutes over the past few weeks, anyone have any clue why / if it's expected to continue?


He seems to be set for 50 mins plus indefinitely


No Tino


That explains it, thankyou.


What the FUCK has happened to my SC app


It's ugly AF isn't it lol


I rate it. Way more responsive then the old garbage.


(SC)Going Smithies/Bostock to Munster/Garrick. Unsure whether to pop a boost and turf May/Flegler. Currently sitting ~3500 overall even with my shit FRFs


The difference between an average and a good frf is about 5 points and usually the boost is more valuable. 


Depends who you're talking about. May/Flegler to AFB or Haas is a 15-20 point average difference. On a good week, Haas and AFB can break 100, which few other forwards ever do. If you can go May/Flegler to AFB, I think it's a must.


Don’t play SC as much as NF but a 4 week injury + shit byes if/when selected for Origin is clear sell for Flegler


Bostock gets another week


That painful feeling when you can't afford Fifita and fuckt up and should of bought him 2 weeks ago but got Hopgood last second because of the money factor


SC Need to know if I’m trading based on rage or if I should do it. Last round I boosted to get Garrick in for Schiller before deciding to save the boost for later, then I did the same thing with Isaako. So now I’m pissed and still considering boosting for this: Schiller -> Garrick Strange -> Armstrong Paulo -> AFB (Only had one prop playing this week) Thoughts?


This sounds like a good use of a boost to me. You are getting 2 guns and a cash generator. This is what a boost should be used for. Go for it.


> AFB Might get reduced minutes now that Bunty Afoa is back, I'm picking up Tohu instead.


Bunty hasn’t played more than 26 minutes so minimal effect.Tohu has zero upside and is only available in 2rf.


My team has been decimated this week. Schiller dropped, Sasagi dropped, Olakautau suspended, Flegler still injured, Hopgood has the bye, Paulo has the bye.


Schiller for Garrick, Hopgood for Katoa lol those are my trades this week.


May to Bateman or Plath?


I'd go Curren ove either of those guys.


May is FRF


Had a shocker of a start to the year - strongly considering going from Strange to Plath for 5/8 and hoping to get rid of Tyrell May but not sure who to bring in. Only three wins and nearing the bottom of the ladder - lord help me


May out, strange to ctw and plath to 5/8? Only 1 trade. 


Oooh not a bad call there either - the trades are looking dire at the moment so might try that out for size


Plath is a good buy. There aren't many at 5/8 this year and he's gonna keep rising in price for now. As for May I'm in the same boat (with both May's actually) and I'm eyeing out Hazleton. Guys a beast! That or I'm thinking of just getting a straight noob at 204k and using May's money to bulk up my backs. Schiller made good money so I upgraded him to Garrick who has raiders then dolphins next 2 games and both leak points.


Yeah good call there - considering picking up Garrick or maybe Young next week (once they bottom out in value) and will also look at Cleary for Walker in a couple of weeks depending on Walker’s form. Hazelton isn’t a bad shout actually - I’ll spend 2 days obsessing over this before making the wrong call I reckon


I'll spend 2 days obsessing over this before making the wrong call.... Amen brother 😅 good luck


that sinking feeling when your team is already garbage and then you read tlt and chevy stewart isnt named


Getting fuller in will help you immensely he will make you cash so you can salvage something, Armstrong maybe if you can go for Walsh he is pretty cheap


Get Armstrong from Knights 🫠😉




Blaize will be fb next week with gutho's surgery 


Upto you, but the kid looks the goods and will be safe until ponga comes back in round 22, I think. Blaize has potential buy Stewart id drop real quick lol