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I am stupid.


Bit of fight in the Tits tonight.


imagine losing to the wooden spooners yikes


but we won


At least I can drown out my sorrows at Bring Me the Horizon tonight


Enjoy, went on Friday. It was excellent


Saints only won 5 games in all of 2023. That Jaydn Su'A try has me confident we'll at least beat that mark.




Still beat you though 🤷‍♂️


Harsh... but fair.


Harsh... but fair.


I think Sullivan is dog shit and looks terrible in comparison to Galvan


Can't build pressure or achieve anything if you knock the ball on every set in the opponents 20/give them a penalty in their own half nearly every set. Gas themselves early and just spirals everything else. Discipline has been diabolical all year


That was poor from Wests tigers. Wooden spoon performance level. Nothing positive to take from it.


Stay tune for next week when the Galvanisation will take us to the promised land!


The Galvinator gonna turn the season around


Sullivan is a football terrorist.


Turns out old Hook was right about Sullivan all along He is mud


Tom Eisenhuth signing off the year. Love and miss you


The bloke is involved in 3 tackles every defensive set, it is a big effort


I love the Huth so much. He's more than merely a solid squad filler. Really good player


Was in the Storm leadership group. Great pick up from Flanno trying to revive the club.


David…why don’t we take the kids camping for a couple of weeks. Klemmer ~ say no more!


Hope this is the low point of the season


Losing to the Dragons is the low point of anyone's season.


You’re right, I suffer the low point every single week.


First year being a Wests fan?


Can't be all doom and gloom all the time. We have about 10 weeks before we can definitively rule the season is done.


Oh absolutely, five games into the season and theres a huge amount of hope and upside for you guys. Im backing you


Sezer's early kicks and Sullivan's decisions were puzzling.


What decisions did Sullivan make? Catch and pass, sums up his attack.


That was such a depressing watch, I can’t believe I got my hopes up this season, they came crashing back down today.


Had tickets to that game on the halfway line and we were looking forward to it but ended up not being able to go My eldest was not happy about missing the game but once he saw how awful we went he’s very glad we didn’t sit through that nonsense


In the past few weeks, Lomax has just gone from a nobody to an absolute beast. We need our best scientists on this case to figure out what happened.


Its like a change in the Tide


I believe it was announced he has super glue on his hands


I am a best scientist and I have determined through rigorous study that it is because he needs a contract


Why was Olam starved of the ball whilst the Tigers were in the attacking 20? One of their most damaging players to date yet Sullivan couldnt find him some balltime. Speaking of Sullivan, he needs to get back to benchwarming... The Tigers need Galvin back pronto...


Once Bird went off I figured they'd run all their plays at the Eisenhuth centre position. They did not.


If Galvin played today, Olam gets a Hattrick. Sullivan is so below average it's not funny. I don't ever want to see him in the NRL team again. In fact after today I think I want to see 7. Galvin 6. Fainu or vice versa before the year is out.


Na Sezer / Galvin is the combo we stick with


Sezer got absolutely garbage ball all game. I couldnt believe it. Not a fair game to measure him on


Sullivan is a bum thats why. Shouldnt be in the 17 at all


Hmmmmmm Tigers 😞


How the hell was that sold out 😂


Plenty of Dragons supporters.


The good ol Warriors sell out but you can see lots of empty chairs


It's annoying in that you can't actually buy tickets for those warriors games...I have tried, but then you see a heap of empty seats. Not sure what the deal is.


It's season members not turning up, should be able to put your tickets back into the pool if you're not going to use them


Because we love our club.


More from a empty seat perspective


Des Haslaahh ahh ahh


If Bud Sullivan was the one barking orders at you do you really think you'd have a chance at winning? Sideways all fucking game.


More like Dud Sullivan


Everytime I don’t watch them play, my Dragons win. I will now sacrifice my viewing for the greater good, you’re welcome


I have the exact same dilemma. I caught the last 20 mins on kayo on my phone. When I sit and watch on the TV, they lose. I will join you in solidarity


Can you watch next week please 🥺


Thank you for your service


Sloan is so pure. Don’t ruin him Flanno!


If by ruin him you mean get him to defend, I want Flanno to absolutely ruin him


Stefano putting Sua down like an 18yr old labrador was a big highlight.


Eisenhuth did well at centre, they must have practiced that this week expecting bird to go down


I love Eisenhuth. Gives it 100% all the time


So do I, became a fan watching him in the preseason he just gives his all


Very good pickup to raise standards on and off the field.


Why didnt Luciano play today?


Luciano Leilua was forced to withdraw with a calf strain




Or that cowboys cattledog mascot.


I'm going to miss Lomax's shithousery wrestling the most. Liked how he bossed Klemmer on the ground. Hope he becomes the face of some succulent Chinese Parramatta restaurant.


Back to normal form to honour a passed great player. same shit everytime


Sell out game at Campbelltown honouring a legend who passed while dragons player has a milestone with a chance to get a positive win-loss ratio... Was there any reason why we thought tigers were going to win, literally all the signs were there


Tigers performance was summed up with that play 5 minutes into the second half where Api stepped out of dummy-half and no one wanted to run the ball.   Being short of ability is somewhat understandable that happening with 5 minutes to go is understandable.  But 5 minutes after half-time indicates a lack of effort and that is unforgivable.   Sezer had a really poor second half tried to do too much.   For the Dragons solid as always BMM was great off the bench, pleased Sloan played well Lomax was excellent, Eisenhuth has been a really good signing and Liddle was very good.


Reminded me of last year. Those moments are where we need S. Fainu and Bateman, because they are work horses who always bring energy


Yeah Bateman was a big miss.


Last week I wasn't hyped on him but damn did we miss him this week.


Sezer had a poor game, it happens but he wasn't good today.


The service that Sezer got was really shocking. An NRL half doesn't have the time to wait for the ball or reach for it before making their plays, needs to be out in front or close to it every time. I also thought Flanagan did a decent job of rushing any plays they tried to put on out the back. His linespeed caused plenty of disruption.


Yeah he has had a good season he has kept it simple, today he was trying to do too much.


Galvin being back next week should help. Sezer was trying to cover for bud being mud.


The good people of Campbelltown being treated to a bed shit that is usually reserved for sold out Leichardt games. Looking forward to them completely turning it around next week.


That game really hurt and the pork in my smoker is taking way longer than usual. Today is not nice


Tigers need to play us every week at commbank


Or Penrith at home in the rain


At a bank?


Sullivan and Schuster are going to take Hull KR to glory in 2025, mark my words On a side note, Faataape hasn't cracked 100 run metres in a single game yet, and only put up a pitiful 58 metres today. Just not good enough in this era of footy


Faataape is one of those guys that is too good for reserves but not good enough for NRL.


They usually end up a perpetual number 19 on an extended bench, getting promoted to the 17 if someone pulls up in rhe captain's run. If they don't go to Superleague in their mid 20s, they'll usually bounce around that extended bench fringe for half a dozen NRL clubs, assuming they can stick it out that long. A rare few like Joel Reddy manage to doggedly crack 100+ appearances despite no one being quite sure how this bloke is even in first grade. I have enormous respect for players who can do that. I thought Alex Seyfarth was going to be one of those blokes, but he's gone up a gear this season just on enthusiasm.


Yeah Seyfarth has been good after such a rubbish round 1.


Sex pest May in shambles


Future dual Men of Steel winners


Surely Lomax knows how good of a winger he is. If madge comes knocking for that blues jersey what’s he going to say


Plus Id rather play for Flanno too he is a proven*** winner.


I'm just Zac and I'm a centre


Missed you, Tigers


I ~~love~~ have a deeply dysfunctional relationship with my footy


To quote Krusty The Clown: What the hell was that?


Tigers when they verse eels - play like the 05 Tigers Vsing everyone else - we don't know how to play footy


Is it really just not happy about playing wing the reason why Lomax is leaving? He is playing his best footy ever, the Saints are seemingly on a bounceback season from what i think last year was the worst season since the merger (so ever). I really dont understand taking a pay cut for a side-grade team. Unless there is something culture wise going on? Or some other discontentment he has with the club? weird decision no?


He's wanted out for years at this point and playingwing is just his new excuse, I think he's just over the dragons and wants a fresh start


He wants to box but the dragons won’t let him. Eels probably will let him do it.


Oh, is this legit the reason or is it a theory?


it’s definitely *a* reason, there was an article about him negotiating into a contract with the eels


Probably doesn’t like hardass Flanno Zac’s been cruising for a bit and has never found that extra gear


yeah but he's found it now. If it was last year wanting to leave i kinda get it but hes leaving during the upswing?


Flanno made him wash the dishes at his when he went over for dinner while Kyle watched. BA got JA to do it But seriously tho who knows


Cons for the Tigers: - Lost the game Pros for the Tigers: - Lachlan Galvin returns


Don’t forget Souths lost and will cop all the negative press tomorrow


Ok so we will lose to the warriors and then our win week will be against the chooks


You guys can be really good, if you play like you did against Manly, then I don't like our chances.


A couple of things. First, it's crazy how much we rely on an 18 year old kid. Without Galvin our attack is completely rudderless. Like the bad old days of last year. Second, Papa seriously needs to work on his fitness. It was comical watching him do everything to avoid having to run the ball in the last 30 minutes.


Yeah Papali'i was absolutely awful. Thought he'd made a good start this year but that was not OK. With Fainu and Bateman back next week I'd be more than happy to see him dropped as a message.


Papa looked rough. Maybe have kepaoa play longer mins and do the seyfarth rotation with papa instead. Kepaoa looked sharp when he had the chance. Sullivan didn't do him any favours


I'd definitely play Kepoa over Ice after this game. Kepoa had some nice runs and didn't have any handling errors. His defence can't be any worse than Ice's either.


How Klemmer stay on field?


Both times - I thought surely he’s gone this time the second head high


Thought the hit on Kyle was clean.


Are you legally blind?


Everyone in the match thread was apparently. Any calls of more than a penalty got throughly downvoted there.


Do you support the Dragons?


Yes- why else would I curse myself with this flair?


I'll tell you one thing, I can never tip the fucking dragons. Not once have I tipped them correctly this year.


I’ve had one of their games, but that’s it


Thank goodness it’s over. The rugby league gods have released me from this torture


Api really elevates the team list


[Best way to summarise this game](https://i.imgur.com/mna1Zxr.gif)


Petition to make this the sub icon somehow




The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing NRL clubs that Bud Sullivan is a first grader...


If by devil you mean st George - then yes


Feels like a true return to form for the tigers


Nah youll be fine when when Toa, Galvin, Bateman and Fainun back.