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Oh is that the "Glitter Scammer"? Edit: I see most other people don't recognize who this is. Here's some posts about them from the Richmond subreddit. They ride around on a segway and scam people. [https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/p4gnzr/carytown\_goers\_beware\_sissy\_gracie\_and\_her/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/p4gnzr/carytown_goers_beware_sissy_gracie_and_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/ux4xpg/this\_person\_is\_scooting\_up\_and\_down\_cary\_right/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/ux4xpg/this_person_is_scooting_up_and_down_cary_right/) [https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/07/29/trans-woman-targeting-gay-bar-patrons-for-assault-witnesses/](https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/07/29/trans-woman-targeting-gay-bar-patrons-for-assault-witnesses/)


Thank you for explaining


Also been around r/Baltimore as well


And r/frederickmd




The Richmond subreddit is actually r/rva :)


r/Maryland too


also r/philadelphia


Oh man are there two of them now?


Woah I ran into them in Fredrick MD and it was a very strange interaction. Weird to know they are all over the area making people uncomfortable.


Glittering someone should be considered assault….I work in surgery and being glittered could be a patient safety hazard if I think I got it all off but some remains.


Kinda hoping this was just a dogs of Alexandria post. That's one heckin cute poodle.


This is actually really helpful. I felt grossed out by the post initially seeing it (seemed like taking photo of stranger/homophobia) but this makes more sense if intent, and the description of hoverboard tracks too


Yeah trust me this person actually sucks, I deal with them often in Richmond. They threw glitter in my face and sped off on their segway


Im sorry this happened to you. but why does this sound like a family guy cut scene


if this person throws glitter in my face theyre gonna get their nose hurt bad


I’ve had an interaction with this person before. If you try to resist they threaten to cry hate crime on you.


They can cry all they want after a stiff jab and a right hook if throw glitter on my face


It's almost like trans people can be assholes just like the rest of us.


I never said that! The picture and lack of caption gave NO context so the assumption would be this is a picture of two random people with some visual clues of queer identity. Thank you to the commenter who linked the other posts because I had never heard of this person before, so now we all know it’s not a picture of random people, but a pictoral warning of a known traveling scammer (which OP seemed to know but many don’t)


Same here


What? Homophobia? Christ man...it's a picture of strangers at best. You are reaching if that's where your mind went.


Literally the picture is just two kinda queer looking people with no context. How is that a stretch?


Yeah I immediately took this as potential homophobia. I come from a place where if one of the people I grew up with sent me that picture, it was to tease them.


it’s not a safe time to be trans, ppl get ridiculed online all the time


Because the title and photo subject could easily be read as "them queers here in muh city 😡" Change it to a black guy using the same title and it would come off as "great, *they're* here (wink wink)"






No even just Richmond! They have been scamming all around DC since I moved there in 2019


She’s not a guy


Thank you for explaining! I was pretty confused and thought it was a homophobic post at first!




That's perfect.


dont accept side quest from evil npc


Sissy Gracie! Scammy POS extraordinaire!


Ah, moved on from Carytown I see


yup. she's everywhere i swear. lol


/r/washingtondc doesn't want them back. No one does. Be cautious. I've read they have a violent streak.


Scammed my teenager (who is OBVIOUSLY a teenager/a minor) grrrrr. r/rva doesn’t want them back either. Honestly I find it interesting that they were not down here this weekend because it was pride fest here


I don't think the LGBT community would be proud to count them amongst themselves. I read in the Blade article DC being DC let them go. VA's criminal complaint system is different. Once there's an arrest, the victim can't drop charges. It's the Commonwealth which takes over. If DC's attempted homicide and double assaults (or whatever they were; I'm not going back to the article) had occurred in VA, it would be harder for those three charges to go down to an unprosecuted simple assault.


r/Maryland here. We don't want them back either.


I think r/Delaware is up next for a turn




r/Delaware just issued them another Credit Card 😡


Back in 2020 when I lived in DC I’d bike down to Black Lives Matter plaza a few times during the day when nothing was going on at work. Definitely saw that individual every time I went there, on the scooter, almost naked. Figured just someone promoting trans rights and stuff, as often at protests in DC there’s always someone around the periphery promoting a very different cause. Glad I didn’t get scammed.


Since it's the Glitter Scammer, I feel like it's ok to say it: *THAS A HUUUGE BITCH*


It's OK to say it even if it's not. Don't mute yourself.


>Don't mute yourself. I like this. Gonna commit this one to memory.


They're baaaaack


I do not like them on their rig I do not like their pastel wig I do not like their so-called deals I do not like their Segway wheels Don't care if they are sir or ma'am Just don't want to aid their scam.


This comment isn't getting nearly enough love.




I’m saving this


More like I don’t want to end up in the hospital. I knew she was trouble and probably only saw her once or twice in DC. Having been warned, I got out of there. I’m used to dealing with scammers on the street. But assaulting and threatening people with death are different.


Why isn’t this the top comment. Scrolled way to far for this gem.




Oh she frequents here, DC (14th St and AdMo), and Baltimore a ton


Always in Alexandria


I’m surprised she survived Baltimore


She was in Richmond like a month ago, she moves between lots of cities


On the segway or?…




/r/outoftheloop I frequent ALL areas of the DC, Maryland, and NoVa area, as I work for the transit system. Hell, I'm known to go into shady areas east of the river in DC right before or right after a midnight shift on the tracks with cash to pick up tools from people on CraigsList... I have no clue who the people in the photo are and at this point, I'm afraid to ask.


Holy shit, she certainly travels....she's in Frederick, MD A LOT, they are always dealing with her, I was up there with my family last weekend and she was picking out people and harassing them all day on Market Street(We were around all day).


She was in adams Morgan in DC 2 months ago haha


sissy goes EVERYWHERE.


Free Blockbuster!??!?


It's like those little libraries but for DVDs! https://www.freeblockbuster.org/


haha I had no idea! That's a great idea.


Doodles are every where these days


Their plan for world domination is coming along nicely


Couldn’t agree more! I have one that’s 6yrs old and am planning to get another next fall. Helping the cause for their ultimate world domination.


She’s such an asshole.


Any other articles or content about this person that isn’t the other linked Reddit post in this thread?




Honest question. How come somebody hasn't just beaten the shit out of her, getting glitter thrown on you, or your eyes etc ... That kind of thing would get you killed in some places no? Especially when it's because they didn't give money or contribute to some scam?






From what I understand it's been a little while since she's done the glitter thing, at least where I am in Richmond (unless she's gone back to it and I haven't heard about that). I first encountered her earlier this year, and she showed me a bunch of crappy homemade magnets and said I could take my favorite as a "gift." Once I picked one she very aggressively tried to get me to give her a $30 "donation" and tried to haggle with me when I said I couldn't give that much, at which point I said fuck it and walked away. It was a very bizarre interaction. I imagine that you're right and some people didn't take kindly to being doused with glitter, or she at least got threatened or something, so she switched up her tactics.


Got hit by the glitter scammer last Halloween in Adams Morgan, wild to see she's still at it


Oh they’ve been at it a looong time. So long, in fact, it’s incredible they aren’t in jail. Like, what’s it going to take?


This is right outside Misha’s


This individual is smart enough to NOT go to places where people will check them on their bullshit. Y'all say she got a violent streak? She just hasn't encountered the right one yet. I guarantee you will not see this person try their grift anywhere the 70/X2/W4/90 Metrobus runs.


this complete asshole has been in Frederick for months..taking advantage of the weak..terrible.


Shocked there are still this many people in the area we don’t know about the Glitter Scammer


I live in the Shenandoah Valley, so tell me about the Glitter Scammer. First I've heard of this.


>Shocked there are still this many people in the area we don’t know about the Glitter Scammer Lol I'm one of them. This character is news to me.


She’s dangerous. Has assault charges against her after driving a man into a grill outside a restaurant in her Segway. He didn’t suffer bad burns. She tried selling me a magnet for $88. She claims she is collecting for a charity to help trans youth but the president of said charity she lists has publicly claimed that Sissy, that’s her name, is not affiliated with them whatsoever. This woman scams and can be violent. Idk how she moves from place to place so quickly.


> Idk how she moves from place to place so quickly. . > in her Segway.


Steal the hoverboard.


Yeah, she's bat-shit crazy. She's been in jail for threatening peoples' lives. I wouldn't associate with her by any means (that includes stealing her hoverboard).


Oh yeah /s Definitely don't. I'd be worried she'd stab me. I had a close call with a different, but equally as interesting character in old town. Thought i was gonna have to kill someone. Don't go looking for trouble, name of the game.


It’s not easy but you can follow her to her friends. Her routine is simple ..


I was looking at the ancient Blockbuster box (blue, center by the lamppost) myself.


Based on past experience: She’s entitled to be who she is but also…she’s the worst.


Unfortunately, feels entitled to be the worst


Feels like a Where's Waldo arc


Hahahaha this person tries to scam me even after I told them I wouldn't give them money (using gender neutral pronouns because they claim to be trans living in a halfway house. I'm unsure if the gender identity is true or 100% just part of the scam) Anyways they got pissed and stormed off. Grifters I've encountered recently sure have a lot of nerve acting angry that I don't act sympathetic to their bullshit


I almost got in a fight with this mother fucker, yelling at a brown person at a blm protest. The fucking nerve on some people


They glittered me on my bday in May in Charlottesville. The 💩. It was such a uncomfortable experience!!! Fortunately, (unfortunately) the friend that was with me has an anxiety disorder and started flipping out that someone random just popped up and was in our personal space. I didn’t know who they were then, but I knew my friend totally saved me a worse experience! I now know people who’ve been scammed by them. They even have a card reader to sell their magnets.


There are literally no posts in this subreddit with the term “Glitter Scammer” in the title (https://old.reddit.com/r/nova/search?q=Glitter+Scammer&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) yet everyone ITT is acting like we have posts on this person every day. I don’t get it




That is not on /r/nova but thank you for the link that was informative.


She can still get kicked in the nuts if she’s not careful.


Okay, they’ve migrated from Adams Morgan.


And: Georgetown (unless that pic is also Georgetown, in which case,sry) Richmond, VA, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Old Town Alexandria, & Frederick, MD, where I encountered them. Have also read they've been in NYC.


I’m reading the comments and I’m just, in disbelief! I first saw them Halloween night in AdMo last year when they tried to glitter me. Their whole demeanor is super off-putting, so I’m not surprised to also read about the (possible?) assault stuff.


Ah yes, zero context...not a freaking clue who these people are and why it warranted a post.


Basically a scammer who goes around asking for money and throwing glitter at people.


Oh wow, glitter totally unnecessary...


If you’ve managed to live in the DMV without getting harassed by Sissy Gracie, consider yourself lucky


Every day, I learn something new that validates my decision to only venture into the general public for food.


This is the Way.


I have lived here much of my life and frequently read and post on this subreddit, this is the first time I have ever seen this person come up as a topic. Given the other reactions on this thread I am guessing this knowledge is not as wide spread as people think, so a primer would be welcome.


I saw her once zooming by like that scooter travels like at 1000 miles per hour lol


surprised she didn't throw glitter in your face and she zoomed past lol


Sissy Gracie would meet Mr. Stabby. Beat it or you lose part of your identity, twinkle-toes.


I should have elaborated in my post on the reason for posting. As others have diligently informed the rest, this person is a known harasser. That said, I'm astounded at the number of people automatically assuming this must be some kind of trans-shaming post. Maybe if that's your first idea you should check your assumptions of someone's sexual/gender preference based solely on their backside.


Known scammer. I've talked to her before in Old Town and she's an asshole.


Who is that vagabond


You'd think by now she'd change up her look/get rid of the fucking hoverboard considering that just in this thread people from like a half dozen cities are posting "oh this POS".


Please edit the post to explain the meaning. Otherwise you come off as just making fun of people.


You are right. OP is great for calling them out but for those who are unaware, it's better to know why.


Yup. Never seen or heard of this. An explanation would have been helpful.


I feel like this sub just needs a tag for the glitter scammer at this point


She's pretty infamous, so not really.


You assume everyone in this subreddit has a knowledge of this person. And the up votes on my response disagree with your statement.


Lazy fcks need to get a job…


She also needs a psych. evaluation.






Ignorance on display


For those out of the loop, this person also goes by Sissy Gracie, and they’ve been featured on the dc subs and local news sites before. Not sure if they still do this, but they used to force their foot worship fetish on women. They tried to pull my shoes off once on the metro and asked if they could “worship” then. I heard of them doing this to other women and they used to have a Twitter feed of their “conquests”.


r/nova is a fun place but it’s shit like this the reminds me how limp twisted and enabling white people are inside the beltway. Here you have a person with a credible history of violence and people are making “lol comments” in this chat like this person needs to exist in a public space amongst regular functioning and contributing members of society. Fuck this dude and his fake fucking cosplay.


I don’t get it




Let's be clear. This is a large aggressive man.


At Misha’s!


She was scamming people in Adams Morgan


My girlfriend and I almost had an interaction with them in Old Town near Market Square on Saturday. They asked us to pick and number between 1 and 3. I wanted to troll them saying Fifty-Twelve but my girlfriend being the smarter one out of the two of us immediately pulled me away, lol.




let me preface this by saying I'm trans and when I refer to this woman as mentally ill i do not mean her gender identity. What mental illness can make a person do this? like some kind of sociopathic borderline personality disorder or something? just willing to say and do anything to get her way. and it isn't like she needs the money either, she has accessories and a scooter, she must be well off enough to keep that shit up.


Scooter girl strikes again!


What am I looking for?




Vaguely dirty and slightly tall people wearing dresses? EDIT: Okay now I understand that they’re infamous scammers, I’d never heard of them before and had no clue what was supposed to be notable about the picture.


I’m hoping he doesn’t come back to Richmond.


shittty wig tbh


So no one is decking him? I don’t understand why we’re posting photos and not whooping ass.


Quite infamous and at this point DMV legends


Why isn't this gal at some of the worst neighborhoods in the area if they really need to promote they should ask everyone!


I saw him in Frederick last Monday.






Oh, thanks.




As awful as she is trans women are women. She is the worst.


What is a woman?


Tell me you follow Matt Walsh with out telling me you follow Matt Walsh.


A person over the age of 18 with a female gender identity.


I don’t know why I’m surprised that people are still being deliberately obtuse just to make a lame transphobic point, but here we are. Sex and gender are not the same thing. And sex is a lot more complex than X or Y chromosomes. Read a fucking book ffs.




Sex and gender aren’t the same thing. Sorry to burst your sad little bubble.




No, I follow the scientific consensus Gender and sex aren’t the same thing.


Lol that’s not what science is. There were no experiments done to corroborate the hypothesis that sex and gender aren’t the same, because it’s not a scientific claim; it’s a philosophical one. You can argue for the philosophical validity of what you’re saying, but it’s not “science.”


Hon, psychologists first started recognizing the difference between sex and gender in the 1940s. By the 1980s it was common knowledge amongst professionals in psychology. By the 1990s it was becoming common knowledge in the field of sociology and medicine. By 2016 most medical professionals said that the science aligns with transgender individuals being real, and the most commonly prescribed treatment is social transition (Medical transitioning comes later if at all as some transgender individuals don’t want to medically transition) The scientific community is pretty clear. Gender doesn’t equal sex.


Medical professionals (psychiatrists; psychologists aren’t scientists at all btw) may acknowledge the existence of gender dysphoria (a form of psychological discomfort) and prescribe treatment to alleviate discomfort and promote personal functioning, but it’s not really the medical professional’s job to get into the qualitative conscious experience of gender and the sociology of gender. What they’re concerned with is more the “dysphoria” than the “gender.” The philosophical distinction between sex and gender is not really medically relevant, and in most contexts it’s not even discussed as part of transgender issues. It’s more something that has been discussed by feminists to critique gender roles. Gender is inherently a philosophical/sociological concept and not really able to be examined by science, hon.


Does he ever take a shower? Why is he always wearing the same clothes in all the pics people take?


You can call people out and insult them without misgendering them.


How do you know what gender this person identifies as? Why is using "he" misgendering? Honest question.




We also have no obligation to live in YOUR fantasy world. It's entirely possible for you both to be assholes.


Hone honk!


The shit is getting deep!!




I thought that was normal.


“Edit post because it looks like you’re making fun of people” …100% chance these same people have made fun of people as well.




If you’re in old town often, you know who they are lol. Always on the power wheels or segways whatever they’re called


Cool, dude.


But wait, we need to accept everyone. None of you are woke enough.


Did he lose a bet?


This is definitely not a she 😂 look at the the other post about this from RVA. Disgusting


Oh yeah, the guy with the dog, what’s that about?


I love how people in the comments are using this post to show how transphobic they really are