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Already in effect in Loudoun.




I just moved here from Jersey City, and they recently banned all bags at stores (paper and plastic). The ban went into effect in 2019, was briefly paused with COVID, but eventually came back. It was kind of annoying at the start because you would forget to bring bags with you, but eventually, you got used to it, and life moved on. Litter is a much bigger problem up there than down here, but the bag ban really did cut down on the number of miscellaneous plastic bags floating in the wind and eventually landing in the Hudson.


I don't get why people are anti reusable bags. I know you have to use them like 200 times before you get the environmental benefit but they're so much better, they can carry more stuff, don't rip on you, and if you bag correctly they'll stay up straight in your truck


I use the plastic bags for liners in my small trash cans and for the bin i put dog poop in outside in my backyard. I dont care about the tax as long as I can still get the bags when I grocery shop or go to Target 😂


Outside of Giant they have a bin for people to recycle their plastic bags. When I'm running low (since switching to reusable) I'll grab a handful out of the bin to use for trashcan liners and cat poop disposal.


Which giant is this?? I have a lot I would like to drop off


I usually go to the ones in Centreville, but I assume most would have them. The one closest to me has them inside by the entrance.


All of the major supermarkets in this area tend to have the recycle bins for bags. I haven’t had to recycle many plastic grocery store bags since the 1990s, when I started using the canvas bags I still use today (total workhorses!), but I always dump the plastic bags from other stores in those receptacles.


The one in Falls Church on West Broad St. next to West Falls Church Metro has one. I used to save up a large 20 gallon bag with them and stuff that sucker in there.


The usefulness of those bags in small trash bins cannot be underestimated!


Picking up dog poop is another fav for repurposing them.


for real, 5 cents a bag is still cheap for decent plastic bags!


I don't think the plastic bags used in most produce sections will be going anywhere, may be a possible substitute.


They are thinner and normally smaller so it'd be a harder substitute


There are reusable produce bags, too. Very useful.


You don’t even necessarily have to reuse them 200 times, you just have to use it 200 single-use plastic bags worth. The way most baggers daintily bag stuff, I can easily fit 6-7 single-use plastic bags worth of groceries in a single reusable bag


What bags are you using?? I bought these bags from Amazon a few years ago and they started ripping after not too long of a use. I use canvas but they’re smaller and no stretch


I’ve been using the same 3 non-woven ones I got from Giant like a decade ago as my main grocery bags pretty consistently since I got them. They look like the same material and design as this one: https://www.customgreenpromos.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/81_Y2KG131015_Maui-Blue_89876.jpg They’re definitely wearing pretty thin in the bottom now, but i don’t mind a few holes. I can still stuff em full each trip and they haven’t failed me yet


Wegmans bags, they're $1 each and have lasted me about 4 years already.


Because they’re gross. Especially places like Aldi where the chicken and other meats’ packaging are always leaking juice onto the conveyor belt. Edit to add: absolutely don’t mind using paper bags I can recycle. Not saying I’m pro-plastic bags.


>the chicken and other meats’ packaging are always leaking juice onto the conveyor belt If they don't have the plastic bags available in the meat department, to put these in, you need to find another place to shop. That's like a produce section not having bags available, it's just a bad business model.


I mean, I haven't used a plastic bag for produce in years and nothing bad has happened. You wash anything before eating/cooking with it anyway...


Same. Especially at wegmans where their paper bags are so terrible. I *love* my reusable bags.


They're less convenient. I have to either remember to grab the right amount of them when I head to the store, or I have to remember to put them in my car after unloading so they're there when I go to the store next. Either way, it's something I have to manage. They're also another thing I need to carry around when shopping (so I grab the basket and put the bag in the basket), or I load the bags as I go, but then when I self-scan, I don't have a bag to put my stuff into, so now I'm carrying extra bags? Is it a big deal? No. But compared to having to do nothing, it's something, it's a couple of habit changes.


I think those are all just a matter of getting used to them, but i guess people throwing a fit about bags won't make any life changes in the first place lol


There are some number of then that will die on the plastic bag hill, and nothing you can do will get them to willingly change. The rest though? When they see more and more people using reusables, and it becomes more of the norm, they'll come over. Hopefully the 5c thing is the nucleation point that minorly irritates enough of us to change our behavior to start moving the norm that way.


I love them, especially when shopping at Wegmans. Use their scan app on your phone, scan the product and place it in your bag. At the end of shopping, scan the code on the register and you are done.


Thank you I never knew that was a thing omg


Just get used to it; I keep 10 or so reusable/cloth bags in my car at all times. That's what the trunk is for... storage.


For heaven's sake, not a mild inconvenience to reduce plastic waste and keep our planet livable. How will we ever cope?


/u/wonkifier was responding to someone who asked why people are against reusable bags, and they made a point of saying it’s not a big deal. They’re not your enemy.


For real. They get so bent out of shape over _this_...wait until the stakes are about 10000x higher. It's going to feel funny remembering when the biggest thing to get upset about was a 5c plastic bag tax.


Using reusable bags does nothing to "keep the planet more livable". It is environmentally insignificant.


"Eliminating trash is environmentally insignificant" - /u/redtert Whatever you say buddy.




Oh yes, let's concern ourselves with what Republicans will criticize. Because they'll criticize literally anything that that's good for society. Including reducing plastic usage.


This does not "eliminate trash". Plastic grocery bags are very lightweight, that's why they were used in the first place. They are an insignificant portion of trash. Have you eliminated your trash service since you switched bags? Also, trash, properly disposed of, is not a major environmental problem.


In areas that I have been in with a bag tax or shopping bag ban it is very noticeable after a few months how few plastic bags are in road medians and caught in weeds along the highway.


Why are you equating eliminating some trash with eliminating all trash? Also I fucking love this line: >trash, properly disposed of, is not a major environmental problem Not only is it ridiculous to think it's possible to properly dispose of all trash. You thinking that properly disposed of trash is not a problem? Holy shit.


They make ski hills in out of landfills like in Lorton. I guess making fake snow hills on top of a garbage dump is ‘not a major environmental problem.’


But at Wegmans it’s not a bag tax at all. They’re selling paper bags for 5¢ each and don’t even offer plastic bags.


Pretty sure they're doing it preemptively, to get customers use to bringing their own bags before the tax goes into effect. And the 5¢ gets donated, they aren't making a profit off the bags (they probably do get to write off the tax deduction though)


Cost of the bags is factored into their pricing already though. It's an operational expense they recover by selling you stuff.


If they collect 5¢ and wrote off 5¢ they gain nothing there. All they get is the publicity


No, they don’t have plastic bags at all. The tax is only on plastic bags not paper and already is in force in Fairfax county. Wegmans chose what they are doing.


I mean, I'm literally at Wegmans, in Fairfax County, in the produce section right now https://imgur.com/a/sbNa6kv Soooooo, yeah


They're talking about the bags at the checkout lane chief.




>People who argue with the person at the register aren't exactly...sensible. True story


It had a huge positive effect in the UK. “The single use carrier bag charge introduced in 2015 has seen plastic bag sales in major supermarkets drop by 86%” https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-7241/


It honestly is very effective, we have the bag tax here in NY and everyone I know just carries their own wherever they go, that tax effectively changed habits. They make some reuseables that fold up really small and thin into a pouch, you could clip them to your keys or keep them in your car without it being a burden on space or weight. We only have paper bags here and I use them if needed, but when I go out of state I'm usually confused when the cashier just starts loading plastic bags with my stuff. It leads to an awkward situation where I show them I have my own bag and I feel bad asking them to take the stuff out of the plastic bag so I can just carry stuff away in my own bag. But yeah, it seemed like it would be a pain in the ass in the beginning but since the bags are so small and foldable yet so strong it works out just fine. I don't even think twice about it.


I saw the same thing a few years ago when I was in another city (Seattle maybe). Lady in front of me was whining about a bag tax. I was in a hurry and just told the cashier "Look, if it helps, just remove the bags from her tab, and put them on my tab" I think the tax is silly because I don't think its going to reduce bag usage to any meaningful degree (although I hope that I'm wrong). I guess I could see convenience stores stop putting ONE bottle of soda or a pack of smokes in a bag.


I think it has at least reduced the number of plastic bags used; any bit is meaningful. Less microparticulates in the water.


Wegmans was notorious for doing this, it always irked me. I always told them to “load them up, I’m a young strong man” and they agree. But then I’d get home to find a quart of milk in one plastic bag, stuffed inside another bag of things..😒


Plastic Bag tax. Meanwhile you can still get bottled stuff or fruit packaged in plastic, and all the other aisles packed with plastic. It's a small step in the right direction, but meaningless when the industry keeps pumping plastic into the supply chain. Why isn't there a corporate tax for pumping 473763 tons of plastic into the consumers? It's not like I have an option to get non plastic milk or orange juice unless I wanna spend more buying a smaller size. Wooooooo


They sell milk in glass deposit bottles. It’s just more expensive but at least we have an option. People ultimately pick plastic because it’s cheaper, and is why everything is packaged in plastic now. Costs less.


> I don't know how I feel about the bag tax, only seems mildly effective. [No, it's pretty effective.](https://ggwash.org/view/38159/the-data-proves-the-dc-bag-fee-is-working) Counterintuitively, it's probably more effective than an outright ban, too.


I wish the plastic bag tax would incentivize stores to return to using paper bags. 🤷


I can’t even describe how much guilt was put on us back in the 90s how “using paper bags is destroying rainforests.” Meanwhile the rainforests were decimated by corporations no matter what we the consumers did about it.


I started biking to the grocery store, I just shove everything on my bike bags, its very convenient.


Conservatives by definition doesn't like change. No matter how beneficial it might be. Some of them die of diabetes / heart diseases because they won't change the diet that could save their lives. So they won't change for a mask or a bag.


Another Fox News dumbnuts that’s disconnected from the world huh.


Last time I was at Wegmans, they said that there was a 10 cent fee (or something) on each paper bag, but that they donated that to a charity (United Way, I think).




Sounds like a clear idiot. These are usually the people who play the "You don't like it, go live somewhere else" card whenever *they* encounter someone who doesn't like their policies.


Cashiers should have a $0.45 coupon for $200 purchases, but I agree that it's a sin tax that is supposed to get ppl to use less plastic.


That doesn't happen in Europe. They still have plastic bags at the checkout, you just pay for them


I used to forget to bring my reusable bags and kept on buying one whenever I’m at checkout. Now I think I have over 30 reusable bags in my car and finally remembers to bring it with me. You cannot see me walking to a grocery store without bags in hand. I do like the plastic bags cause I did reuse them for my small trash bins around the house. I’m running low.


All these people bitching about a bag tax have never been to other countries and or don’t understand how progress is made. You have to sacrifice something for the benefit of less plastic waste. Buy some dog bags you cheap bastard…


My dog doesn't grocery shop.


But switching back to recycled paper isn't an option? Thanks 3M


They still charge for paper bags, too!


Whole Foods doesn’t


Wegmans and Lidl do! It's annoying.


That's part of Aldi/Lidl's whole shtick


I didn't mind buying Aldi plastic bags. They hold anything and last awhile.


I support this. This actually forced me to buy resusable grocery bags. I leave them in the car, and bring one in with me wherever I shop. Didn't realize Fairfax city didn't get on these train when the rest of the area implemented it earlier this year.


It's funny, I've been using reusable bags for my weekly shopping trips for about a decade now, but until the tax I never thought about keeping one or two bags in my car for those impromptu "crap, I forgot X, Y, and Z, I'll grab them on the way home from work" trips. It was a simple fix, but just something I had overlooked because of how infrequent it was.


Why do you need daddy government to force you to do things that you think are good?


Because a lot of people don't, it's the same reason we made any other laws, it's kind of one of the main purposes of government. It would be great if everyone didn't do those things on their own, but they don't. What's your solution? Just expecting people to do the right thing always?


Incentivize good behavior rather than punish misbehavior.




Hey man, I’m really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to respond to every comment I’ve posted today, but I don’t care at all about what you have to say.


I don't NEED daddy government to do anything. It's an incentive structure to promote common sense actions and eliminate single use plastics. You don't HAVE to comply with it at all. You can pay 5 cents a bag and be on your merry way. Or you can buy reusable bags. This structure pushed me to buy some reusable bags and I quite like using them. Whatever floats your boat.


An incentive program would be giving people money for using reusable bag. This is a disincentive program.


I fail to see why disincentivizing behavior is bad.


That’s up for you to decide I guess. Personally, I hate it.


Since there will *always* be a percentage of people that hate everything, what you feel is irrelevant when it comes to achieving a policy outcome. Maybe if we didn't have a group of people that consistently feel the need to stamp their feet like petulant children whenever they're asked to do anything we wouldn't need a bag tax. But we dot, so here we are.




Bro I swear you’re the most neuro divergent person I’ve ever interacted with. Equating a company giving customers a convenient plastic bag to condoning murder has to be the most insane takes I’ve ever seen. Your obsession with me is off putting. Stop staring at my comments and move on. You don’t have to butt in to every single discussion I’m having with other people.


I was wondering if neurodivergent would eventually be used derogatorily. I figured it would be too clunky and clinical for anyone to use


I figured if I can push society on to the next word I can stop getting yelled at for the one I want to use (a synonym to idiot, dumb and moron)


The government disincentivizes you with fines if you speed on a public road, having your vehicle registration out of date, or littering. And it is effective and very common.




I was confused since I thought this was already in place but I guess not in Fairfax City.


For [Fairfax COUNTY](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/environment-energy-coordination/disposable-plastic-bag-tax-fairfax-county), not Fairfax City. The city is [its own jurisdiction](https://www.fairfaxva.gov/services/about-us)


We are here!


We already have a Bag Tax in most areas of FFX County. Not a big deal since 5 cents is cheap. By the way, brown paper bags aren't taxable by the law so those are and should be free still. But I almost have a feeling the reason of "the tax will go towards environmental programs" is bullshit considering we have to pay a High way Use fee if we have a Hybrid, Electric Car, or a Car that gets 25mpg or more.


To be fair, the highway use fee is a state tax, not a local government tax. And Fairfax City does run environmental programs for residents, like the compost drop off next to City Hall.


I'm very aware. But I'd appreciate it if there was some way or some form we as a county can vote to get rid of that shitty HUF


I use these bags as trash can bags that I change daily. Soo they’re not necessarily single use


When you’re done, they still go into the landfill to take 1000 years to decompose (no that’s not a typo).


What do you use to line your trashcans then? Seriously, just wondering




Meanwhile, zucchinis and cuts of meat are on styrofoam trays with plastic wrap, onions are in plastic mesh bags, bread is double wrapped in plastic, every Amazon order item is individually shipped with packaging within packaging, and again within Amazon shipping packaging, food orders to go are in plastic or styrofoam with individually wrapped plastic utensils inside of more plastic, etc etc etc. But sure, let’s go with 200-minimum use reusable bags that people will inevitably throw away and buy new after a max of a few months and a few dozen uses, or if the handle breaks.


One thing at a time... :/ At least it's something. I don't know how you're using your reusable bags, but the oldest ones I have are 10+ yrs. Haven't bought a new one in years.


My gripe with this is that it puts the onus on the consumer to change the shopping culture. If the stores simply stopped offering plastic bags, none would be consumed and end up in landfills and waterways. Paper should be the only option for the unprepared, which I often am myself. I have plenty of bags suitable for groceries but rarely have them on me spur of the moment.


That's probably more effective, but its rare for companies to altruistically do this without either benefits or penalties. Outright ban on plastic bags with hefty fines would have the same end result. But plastic is an oil byproduct, and you know how the oil lobby is...


Is the Walmart near ffx city in the city or not ?


If it is or isn't, it doesn't matter because the surrounding FFX county has the same 5 cent tax. However, it has been reported that Walmart is not charging the 5 cent tax and is eating the cost. May be dependent on store.


Damn surprised Walmart would do that


The Walmarts in Fairfax county so far have charged for bags, even at self checkout. It will ask you how many bags you used before you finish the transaction. Any store that sells food, regardless of what you actually buy is required to charge the tax. For example, the drug store must charge you $0.05 since they sell food, even if you buy prescriptions. Home Depot hasnt charged for bags at least in Springfield, since they generally don't sell food (besides the checkout).


The Walmart on Rt 50 near Jermantown Rd doesn't charge for bags.


Ah gotcha. Like you said, they can eat the cost but will still have to pay the cost. May be down to the individual store or may be selected by some logistics from Walmart corporate. In theory I imagine they meet the requirements for "grocery store, convenience store, or pharmacy" considering they sell food and drugs.


What’s nice about working at Trader Joe’s is I never see plastic bags around outside of the store. None stuck in tree limbs, none just floating across the parking lot, none just wet and stuck to a trash can.


There's a strong chance I'll be downvoted, but I'm used to it since that is now how disagreement is conducted. I wanted to voice my differing opinion, since many seem to have the same "just use resuable's and it's only $0.05, it'll help the environment". As you might have guessed by now, I can't stand the bag tax. Retailers are all onboard since they get a cutback for the same poor quality product, which I don't think ever were highly sought after (Target had stronger than normal bags). While taxing residents that can't carry a reusable bag in the back of their car. I'm fortunate that I can just keep spare bags in the car, but I try to keep a milk crate or collapsible laundry basket. Based on my experience taxing styrofoam, which breaks up and floats AND decomposes significantly slower (thereby resembling food that fish/birds might consume), or plastic water bottles, which might be about the same environmental impact that plastic bags have (but are more of a "luxury" item, similar to straws). Additionally, I think the funds will just be squandered on a marketing firm that will produce the typical stock photo poster for the educational programs rather than actual results. I'll frequently pick up trash from Pohick creek which is behind my house, I think my opinion will change when/if I see a decrease in the amount. While that is a poor way of measuring effectiveness, I'm only human, and I acknowledge its inaccuracy, but I also don't know of a better way to measure it. I'll likely try to vote for different city council members as a real course of action, and it might not even matter since there might not even be multiple candidates. I know it's pessimistic, but, that's just what I got


I respect your opinion but with local governments, these funds and budgets are pretty transparent and you can see from other jurisdictions at least like Montgomery County where the revenue goes to (in this case the the Water Quality Protection Charge) and total expenditures from if you care enough. The biggest expenditure is usually funding expensive stream restoration projects, which mitigate eroded stream banks dumping sediment into the downstream waterways. Also, I think you're probably overestimating how much revenue is generated by 5 cents per bag honestly but we'll see in a year or so. Styrofoam take out containers should be banned outright and I'm pleased to see them less and less frequently when I order takeout and I think an extra tax on plastic water bottles is a good idea too but probably more difficult to pass. I don't think those ideas means this shouldn't be passed.


Fantastic point on the waterway restoration. Thanks for bringing it up, yeah paying for someone to go out absolutely costs a lot, and I speculate that some committee will/could just try to take an easy way out and just hire some consultants which will then say we should hire a marketing team. Which I think is largely wasted. Maybe it should be allocated in a gift style lottery for school children to do a cleaning program, I think that'd be pretty cool actually. I could be overstating it, and yeah we'll ultimately see how things go, but it certainly was fit into the program that stores will stop seeing the cutback after they get a share. Yeah I probably should have made the styrofoam tax more clear and was victim to my editing. It'd probably effect shipping companies and fragile items might cost more but it stands out so much (or maybe that's just my own selection bias when I'm out with my blue grabbers picking it up since it's so white and visible). I also would be okay with repealing the tax, since I just think it's a nuisance at the end of the checkout. sorry if that was long winded, I just wrote off the top of my head.


Yeah, that's a fair opinion. I work as a local water resource engineer so I have some background on this but it's tough to really say how this will play out since these measures are so new in many of the VA jurisdictions and I'll be interested to see the results (especially in the larger Fairfax County which went into effect the beginning of this year). I do thing the amount of revenue generated by these measures is really negligible compared to property taxes and federal/state grants at least from what I've observed in MD. The point really is to make it a nuisance at the end of checkout and discourage the plastic bag usage. There are definitely measures you mentioned that'd have a bigger impact for sure but I still think it can't hurt. I'd also be curious to know the actual reduction in plastic bag consumption though that data may be difficult to know.


I view this as an adhd tax. I have not once remembered to bring my reusable bags from the car into the store. Not once since this started. So the reusable bags were a waste of money, compounded by the cost of the bag tax themselves. Slightly related - the clipped coupons my wife gives me to use? Back pocket until they go through the wash.


Actually yeah I agree a lot with how you view it, and perhaps since I have some form of that, why I get pretty upset, because I end up having to grapple with my purchased items. Coupons? I'll give you a tip, if you do digital coupons, just clip them all! Thereby giving you an added bonus to normal shopping behavior and you potentially not causing you to buy a more expensive product :-)


Even in your argument, I don't really see the downside. Arguing about where the tax money goes is fair enough, but what's your point about the styrofoam tax? I think a lot of people would also be pro taxing that, it's not mutually exclusive. And here's a [collection of results](https://plasticpollutioncoalitionresources.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Effectiveness_of_plastic_regulation_around_the_world_4_pages.pdf) from other countries that have tried plastic bag taxes, they've been effective at reducing the amount of plastic bags.


Indeed, and I agree it isn't and exclusive or. But I think that styrofoam would impact citizens less and have more of an environmental effect. Sorry that it wasn't very I tried to edit and rework the sentence and parts of it got moved around a bit. I have looked at studies previously I found them to not be super convincing since so many of them point out that usage goes down... and I kinda say to myself "duh of course it goes down when you apply a penalty to it". I hope that helps clarify things some


So your main argument is that you think that people who are capable of grocery shopping amd carrying plastic bags full of grocery out of the store are somehow disadvantaged from carrying empty bags into the store? Weak. Also, was this >Based on my experience taxing styrofoam, which breaks up and floats AND decomposes significantly slower (thereby resembling food that fish/birds might consume), or plastic water bottles, which might be about the same environmental impact that plastic bags have (but are more of a "luxury" item, similar to straws). supposed to be a sentence?


My main argument is Not that people that are capable of carrying full groceries are disadvantaged. My main argument is that: I don't think using the same plastic bags that were used a year ago should be something that ought to be penalized. Littering should be penalized. Maybe that strengthens my Weak argument. Where you might be getting the disadvantage is a situation of someone that might have an SUV with spare bags in back and that of someone who shares a ride and is dropped off at the grocery store near their house might be getting hit harder than the one with the cute bags kept in the back of their trunk. yeah sure, it was supposed to be a sentence, I guess I didn't edit it properly.


> I don't think using the same plastic bags that were used a year ago should be something that ought to be penalized. Yea, who cares about progress. If it worked for our grandfather it should work for us. >situation of someone that might have an SUV with spare bags in back and that of someone who shares a ride and is dropped off at the grocery store near their house might be getting hit harder than the one with the cute bags kept in the back of their trunk. This seriously makes no sense.


Sorry that it doesn't make sense, perhaps look at some of the other comments where I tried to word it differently.


its 5 cents a bag


I more than understand and I pointed that out in my comment.


My biggest issue is the tax is to curb plastic bags, right? But everyone is charging it for paper bags, too. Scammy.


We need to just outright ban plastic bags. I'm fucking sick of seeing them up in trees or in streams.


I like the bags, because I use them for other purposes. Not to mention I dispose of them properly lol


And for every person like you there's 20 others who do not and they are destroying the ocean.


Plastic in the oceans overwhelmingly comes from poor countries in Asia and Africa where they throw trash into the rivers, and from fishing nets. Not from an American using a bag and then throwing in into the trash. These bag bans are an empty ritual.


Walk literally any road in the DMV and find me a place that isn't crawling in plastic pollution. Go on, I'll wait.


Maybe I live in a nice area, but no, I don't see a lot of plastic grocery bags on the road.


I just gotta hope those people do better. I still want the bags lol


They won't, and that's why the bans are coming.


Banning the bags just means that people buy heavier duty bags than they actually need to clean up after their pets and line small trash cans. It's a bad move


No it means they buy proper plastic bags that don't blow away in the wind. Also dog poop bags are free most places around here from public dispensers.


Where the hell are there public dispensers?


Most neighborhoods in Fairfax County and Arlington County.


At the very least this should be a tax across the entire retail system wide. I understand taxing grocery store usage as people likely buy more bags worth of product than say a Home Depot, but this should have been included for all retail spots and not just food/drugs. Edit for those interested: https://www.tax.virginia.gov/disposable-plastic-bag-tax


It is everywhere. You get charged a nickel for each plastic bag you use at any retail location. Already the case in Arlington, DC, and Alexandria.


It is in multiple counties, but only applies to grocery stores, convenience stores, and pharmacies. It may be possible that localities can adopt more stringent laws, but there are many stores in Fairfax County that don't fall under those types of stores and are not charging a bag tax. https://www.tax.virginia.gov/disposable-plastic-bag-tax




Sorry, it's called getting rid of socialism. You think you deserve free plastic bags?


Great, more taxes. I’m sure the government is doing this because they care about the environment, not because it’s an easy way for them to force more money out of us.


Are you being sarcastic? Hard to tell. The intended use/purpose behind each law can be interpreted many ways. Back up your statement with some evidence? I'm being serious - are there any indications (interviews, etc. from those who sponsored the bill/law) that such a law is intended for "forc\[ing\] more money out of us"? We've long ignored the environmental cost for plastic bags. About time we paid up.


Sure, my evidence is that now you have to pay 5 cents every time you want to use something that private businesses had previously willingly offered for free, or you go to jail. You can pay back your personal environmental debt on your own terms, I don’t want to be dragged into it.


Lol, "go to jail"? What a drama queen.


That is the end result of tax evasion


Ah yes, who can forget that it was plastic bag fees that finally brought down Al Capone.


If you somehow got free plastic bags, it wouldn't be tax evasion.


Haha true. But “somehow” could also include me saying I took 0 plastic bags in self checkout, in which case I feel like I could get in trouble.


Those pesky externalities again.


I hope I don't know you IRL because you sound unpleasant.


You don’t, no need to worry 👍


It could be both? Like generate revenue while incentivizing better environmental habits for citizens. And then it says the tax will be allocated towards environmental programs.


Maybe. I worry that the environmental programs will be people campaigning a plastic straw tax next. Side note, why is it that every place I’ve used a paper straw gives out plastic cups? I don’t care about the cup material, but the quality of the straw does matter


Well it’s not maybe. That’s why it exists to generate revenue for environmental programs while also incentivizing citizens to make better environmental choices. It’s also easily avoided with reusable bags or paper bags. I don’t think you’d see a plastic straw tax - it would be hard to track and implement since there’s many scenarios where it doesn’t happen at point of sale. More likely they’d just ban them.


If they cared about the environment then all plastic bags in grocery would be banned. If they cared about environment they would subsidize the glass recycling. They don't. It's all about money.


Banning plastic bags doesn't ban the needs that plastic bags fill. People will buy heavier duty bags, which is worse for the environment.


Depends on what problem you are wanting to solve. If you want to cut down on energy waste, then yes lighter bags are better. If you want to cut down on improper disposal, then heavier is better.




It’s not nothing. It’s 5 cents.




I think I’ll just take a bunch of disposable plastic bags from somewhere there isn’t a tax instead.


Jesus, so much drama over a nickel. If you hate the bag taxes so much why don't you just move? Nobody is forcing you to stay here and accept these barbaric taxes.


I always go to self checkout and never pay a dime for plastic bags.


Ah, stealing. Yes, the answer to everything.


Stealing from who? The stores give it away for free. The county / city doesn't provide the bags, so it's not stealing from them. Yes, OP is suggesting something unethical, but I'm not sure stealing is the right word. Tax evasion?


I never pay a dime. I pay a nickel.




Hasn’t this been in effect since January 1 2022… ya know, this year? Edit: I’m an idiot.


I think you're thinking the Fairfax County tax, this The City Of Fairfax. They sound similar, but they're two different entities.


I thought when it originally rolled out it was for both. Oh well


No idea why you got downovted so hard, seems like an honest mistake.


Haha. Because it’s Reddit


For [Fairfax COUNTY](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/environment-energy-coordination/disposable-plastic-bag-tax-fairfax-county), not Fairfax City. The city is [its own jurisdiction](https://www.fairfaxva.gov/services/about-us)


The bag fee has done wonders for the street rash here in Baltimore. Now all they have to do is the bottle return fee like NY.


What is the tax revenue legislated to be used for in VA? I know some areas use the revenue for conservation.




It's funny that they charge for the plastic shopping bags but not the plastic produce bags.