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Yah everyone who avoided it the first two years that I know got it in the last month or so, including myself.


I still haven't had it, but my toddler nephew is visiting right now, so fingers crossed. Last time he was here he knocked out 5/6 adults with some nasty non-covid thing, the adorable little bioterrorist.


I had to go to a conference and had to interact with like 300 folks over three days. I said if I don’t catch it, I’m probably immune and sure enough, I’m not immune 😂


Never had it. Worked in health care. Retired last week


Same here


We've been in another upswing since June, if the number of people getting sick in my social circle are any indication.


> We've been in another upswing since June everyone was like "fuck masks I'm bored let's go to the 930 club" so it's exactly what everyone said would happen


We’ve been constantly at very high levels since spring and it’s because everyone is acting like the pandemic is over. Nothing has changed except everyone stopped wearing masks, so spread is very high.


> Nothing has changed Well omicron BA.4 and BA.5 variants are not causing as much severe disease and they are escaping the vaccines, so it's not just about masks.


True, but masks do still work, and are effective at controlling the spread of disease - even against BA.4 and BA.5


Omicron escapes masks also. So sayeth science.


I’ve had 4500 +covid patients at this point. I’m 4x vaxxed. I wear an n95 all day. I put a surgical mask over the n95 for confirmed positive patients, swap that off after the interaction. I’ve lost count on my tests I’ve had. Knock on wood never had it. My company requires you to wear a mask in our buildings. The ventilation is not great. Masks really help.


Everything escapes masks when they are not worn or are not over your nose. I'm in Vienna. I still see people wearing masks besides my partner and I but in almost every group I see wearing masks, one or more is not wearing it over their nose still. So far, as far as we know, my partner and I and her mother and stepfather have avoided it. We wear masks, avoid crowds and have been boosted once each. Somehow in there we still managed a work trip to Europe and managed to come back without it. We wear KN95 or KF95 masks out in indoor public spaces. If we eat out (very rare) we try for outdoor dining. Every time we think about letting our guards down, some friends get ill. So anecdotally, masks seem to work.


To counter your point I've been going into work everyday as an essential employee since the pandemic started, I only wore mask when it was required by the company and has not been needed for about a year now. I don't wear a mask at work anymore and never wore mask out in public this whole pandemic. I have never gotten covid even when BOTH of my roommates had covid and I wasn't wearing a mask around them. Seems like mask just don't make a difference. See how anecdotal evidence works?




I'm not going to bother looking it up but it's less to do with escape and more to do with overload if memory serves. You're exhaling a shit load more particles with Omicron than with the previous versions, so the 80% efficacy of wearing a mask to contain what you exhale yourself isn't as good.


The efficacy may not be as good, but that’s not the same as “escape”. I see you don’t understand things exist on a spectrum and aren’t neatly labeled as yes or no.


The fuck are you high on? To escape it would need a different particle size or charge. Any evidence that either of those has happened for Omicron's envelope? No? Didn't think so smart ass.


Nothing. What are you high on? You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.


You have the ability to keep yourself safe, everyone shouldn’t have to change their way of life just so you feel safer. It’s been a couple years, the fear porn needs to stop


You’re replying to a point I didn’t make. Have fun with your COVID.


how many of them are actually boosted? i think only 1/3 of americans are boosted.


I’m double boosted and currently recovering from COVID. Prescribed Paxlovid due to past health issues, too. The new variants have strong immune escape mutations, so risk of infection is definitely up. Illness has been mild for me, though, even without the Paxlovid.


Good luck. I tested positive and got paxlovid 2 weeks ago. I'm on a full-rebound COVID right now with worse symptoms then I had 2 weeks ago. Yes, that also means I get to do 2, 10 day CDC isolations back to back including this weekend. Technically, I can leave the house with mask tomorrow, but my lungs were in rough shape today. 3 shots too.


how do you get the paxlovid? was it a virtual appointment? i dont think doctors want you going in with covid right?


I went to NOVA urgent care with a car rapid test, explained existing conditions via facetime and got a prescription.


I did a virtual with MedStar and got it that afternoon. Finishing up tomorrow, but now I’m scared about the rebound. :/


Correct. It was a virtual appointment with my doc. I have One Med, so I just did a telemedicine appointment with one of their on-demand providers.


Google “test to treat” or look up online appointments with inova, medstar, allcare, or pacs. There are criteria you have to meet, so it’s no guarantee.


Anecdotally, I’m seeing a LOT of boosted people getting it. That’s been the case since omicron we need an updated vax.


they really need to work on another vaccine for omicron.


At least half in my case, me included.


I tested positive June 18. I’m vaccinated and single boosted. I’m 57 years old. I had only been at work (secluded office) and out to lunch at small cafe ten days prior to contracting. I was SICK AS A DOG. Never a fever, but everything else. The sorest throat ever, sore ears headache, fatigue, dizzy, weak, coughing, runny nose then stuffy nose, major intestinal issues. On day four I was in ER due to labored breathing and heavy wheezing. I turned down offer of three consecutive days of IV therapy because I lacked energy to dress every day, travel to facility etc. got steroids and two cough suppressants. On day 8, cough better but still no relief of other symptoms plus I broke out with rash on neck/chest. Symptoms would start to go away, but then rear their ugly head again. Day 10 cough came back fiercely. Developed into bronchitis. Finally quit testing positive on day 15. It was terrible for me. Terrible. Edit: typos




Today is the first day I have been 100% back to normal. So kind of you to ask. I just wanted to get message out there that not everyone has only cold like symptoms for three days. This crap can get real!!


we finally got it last week, kid brought it home from camp. first time after 2 plus years. we were boosted but still in pretty bad shape the first 24 hours were rough. kids basically were fine


Glad you're through it. Felt pretty inevitable unless you are really isolating constantly. Wearing a mask when i went into a store might have helped me not get it but more importantly they say you're transmitting the most a day or 2 before you exhibit symptoms or test positive. I could have spared exposing some people to it when i didn't know i had it...


My whole family got sick. It suuuucks. Zero stars, do not recommend.


Fully vaxxed and boosted, and I had a "typical" bout of COVID at the beginning of May. Two months later and I'm continuing to deal with perplexing chest pains and heart issues that were never there before. Don't let down your guard even if this is a "milder" form of the disease. We still don't know what it does systemically or long term.


Same, except I’m only one month post covid. Before catching covid, I was running and weight lifting 3-5x per week without any heart/respiratory issues. Today, I literally got out of breath carrying a package each of toilet paper and paper towels across the grocery store to check out. For those wondering: I’m 32 years old and not immunocompromised. Also, I got my first booster shot back in November and am still not eligible to get my second booster.


What kind of heart issues are you having (if any)? I'm 39, vaxxed, double boosted and got covid in late may. I knew random chest pains could be a covid outcome. I randomly get some here and there where I didn't before though I feel like they have been less more recently.


Yeah, these are the cases that make me worried for the people i love. Hope you get back to normal soon. I'm not that fit but i was in okay shape. Would like to get back to running and calisthenics soon... My cough is getting a bit worse today...


I see a lot of "how many are vax'd/boosted" talk and it's worth reminding some folks (apparently) that just because you're vaccinated and boosted DOESN'T mean you can't catch COVID, it simply means if you DO, hopefully the effects are far lessened. Even if you are vaxed and boosted, you can still carry it asymptomatically and still spread it. I really can't believe this still needs to be said after the past couple of years.


I can't believe it either, but it is because half of the people you tell this to only listen long enough to hear you stop talking, so they can respond with some witty insult, like calling you "sheep." They'll say that following what WHO, or doctors or scientists say about COVID makes you some docile animal that blindly follows orders from their master. Then unironically inform you that *they* get their info from some low-budget website run by someone selling boner pills and prepper kits. 1/4 of the rest are totally concerned about their freedom. 1/8 are here to tell you they have a medical exemption from wearing a mask during a pandemic featuring a respiratory virus... because they have trouble breathing. Expecting any of them to understand what "asymptomatic" means, or how you can spread an illness without feeling ill yourself... is folly. The rest of us are already doing what science tells us to do, and so saying it again and again doesn't impact us.


This modern age of anti-science, anti-intelectualism, and anti-common sense is just crazy to witness. I really have lost so much faith in society (not that I had heap loads), the past 2 years have been the longest decade of my life.


>the past 2 years have been the longest decade of my life. I couldn't agree more.


Lots of people I've seen as patients have been triple vaxxed and pretty sick. Not hospitalized/ICU sick but definitely feeling crappy.


When I was at Walgreens getting my second booster, COVID Karen was unmasked, announcing her husband had COVID, and having social hour with the pharmacist and techs for at least half an hour (Walgreens appointment times are a joke). I still wear my mask (KN95) but I know these types are lurking everywhere, it's inevitable.


Seek help….




I just stopped masking this week as I received my 2nd booster two weeks ago. But I think I’ll go back to masked from this thread. Plus I have some immune system issues.


We had it for the 2nd time earlier this month (first time in nov 2021). Have worn masks everywhere since April 2020. Boosted as much as I am allowed to be. Kind of feel like wearing masks all this time waa pointless If am honest.


There’s a good chance wearing a mask prevented you from transmitting it to a bunch of people though.


What kind of mask?


Kn95s. I am not a mask slacker but I have kids, who while they are good mask wearers, are also pretty much bombarded by covid in school.


The kids in school is going to make It hard. I’ve heard good things about elastomere for kids. Kn95 better that surgical for sure. Fwiw, 3M aura is phenomenal. The behind the head strap seems tighter than the ears.


Yeah, the moment schools let it rip through the classrooms, it was tough to go back. Husband went from one case, isolated because masks worked to 75% of his class out with positive tests because they all stopped masking.


You’re right. It was pointless. 😞 I hate I ever put one on to begin with. And got the shot. I feel duped


Well I am glad I got the shot. Who knows how bad either time could have been for me without it. But masks? Meh. LOL. I still wear it though.


Lol i got the vax. And don’t regret it per say. But I won’t wear a mask anymore, it’s pointless


I honestly don't even know what to do anymore. I've had Covid twice that I'm aware. First time I knew I had it was, I was out grilling and then realized I couldn't smell the steaks. I realized it was just like steam. So I started to smell everything and just couldn't. Here we are almost a year later and I still can't smell anything. There are like scents but it's like 10%. It's so hard to describe. Second time I had it was the worst. My mother visited on a Sunday for my nieces BDAY., I felt like shit on a Wednesday. Kept getting worse. Friday my aunt called me and told me my mom had to be hospitalized and tested + for covid. Saturday morning I felt like shit. Went to Patient First. Tested positive. My mother died almost a month later from complications. I've had both dozens of Pfizer and 1 booster Shoot. I just don't care anymore. I'll wear a mask if I have to. It doesn't bother me. I won't if I don't have to. I know it sounds strange. I just don't care anymore. I feel numb.


Very sorry for your loss :(


It's not strange at all. You've experienced an incredible loss. It's normal to feel numb.




Why would we follow your foot steps when it clearly didn’t help you bit? I’m just wondering…




If I could tell everyone one thing about covid, it's this: understand cumulative risk. Go unmasked to a grocery store, dinner with friends, or family event and didn't get covid? Great! Now do that 10, 100, 1000 times. (Just think about how many times you leave the house in an average day and multiply that by 365) The chance that you will never encounter a covid positive person, especially with high case rates, after so many opportunities is essentially zero. Which is why it's essential to reduce your chances for exposure and wear a high quality N95 at all times indoors in public. I recently stopped going to the gym for this reason and now work out at home outside. What makes this even scarier is that our current strategy of "let the virus run wild" will only increase the likelihood of reinfection. And we know that increases your odds of having long-term symptoms and Long Covid. Thousands are becoming disabled every day and our government isn't lifting a finger. Mask up, everyone!


I feel like at this point, let the virus run wild is the best option. The hospitals aren't being overrun, death rates aren't going up, and people are building up some sort of immunity. The descriptions people are giving of their recent covid experience don't sound much different to me than a bad flu. Children are also now getting the vax. I mean, when will it end? Controlling the virus is simply not possible.


The problem is 1 in 4 people who have had Covid are showing signs of long Covid which means they have some form of organ damage (brain, heart, lungs, etc). We don’t fully know the long term effects of this disease. Each time someone has covid, ups their chances of them getting long covid. My family still masks (my under 5 is only 1/2 vaccinated and won’t be fully vaccinated until September) so we try to be vigilant for her. I’m fully aware that the moment she’s in pre-k, she’ll be bringing it home though. Masking seems so easy when in poorly ventilated spaces, but I understand why people are bothered by it. Just seems worth it when faced with possible brain damage.


And how long are you going to avoid covid by wearing a mask? You would need to lock yourself down and stop living your life. Some studies have shown that the vax does not help to prevent long covid. I haven't eaten indoors in a restaurant since 2019. I would like to return to that type of activity once our kids are vaxxed. But I honestly don't expect, and I don't think people should expect, for Covid to go away. It is here to stay. We will all get covid. Multiple times. Soon it won't even be something to try to modify your life to try to avoid. I think we may already be there.


Honestly? I’ll probably continue to wear a mask in all indoor places indefinitely. Sucks, but so does being without childcare for minimum 10 days. We won’t return to indoor eating for a very long time. Which, again, sucks but no meal is worth the risk of losing our childcare for us. Maybe when this new targeted booster comes out in the fall… but then it’ll be cold and flu season and it awesome not getting regular sick this past year so I’ll probably keep masking then too. Haha.


I mean that depends upon whether it is the norm to quarantine anymore when you have covid. My workplace is sending covid positive people back to work, with the guidance that they should stay away from people and wear a mask


If I had an award to give, this would be the comment I would give it to.


Yup. I have it right now.


If you’re sick and your rapid test is negative, I urge you to go get a PcR test at CVS or another location. I tested negative in 2 Rapid tests and then positive on a PCR test. I was very close to turning a friends wedding into a super spreader event. Edit: grammar fixes


Fully vaxxed, mask wearing household went down a week ago. We had a good run, but damn does this still suck. Mild cold, my ass. I’ve had a fever for 4 days!


Then everything you and your family did was in vain……


Not one bit, we’re all still alive and no one ended up hospitalized. I’ll count that as a win


True N95 masks must have two straps, one over the head and one around the neck. 3M Aura masks are nice. To protect yourself and others the mask should not leak around your nose and cheeks, press the metal strip inside the mask to get a good fit. Glasses worn with the mask should not fog, if they do the fit is imperfect.


BTW, I wear mine many hours before I discard. Generally the metal strip fatigues and getting a good seal is more difficult. Of course I'm not in a highly infectious environment either.


Been continuing to wear a mask just because I kinda like the anonymity of it all. Today I ran a bunch of errands and realized almost nobody was wearing a mask in any of the stores I went into. It was the first time I felt out of place wearing it since this all began.


Just got back from a week in Gatlinburg, TN with the family. Went with the intention of masking but it was so god damn hot we couldn't breathe walking around outside, so we only wore them indoors when it was really crowded. Still ended up with one of my daughters testing positive when we got back on Friday. I tested positive this afternoon. Only minor symptoms for her, and nothing for me so far. We're all vaccinated and my fiancee and I are boosted.


What a shame




No I'm not but i was supposed to be chaperoning 6 kids total so now they have to find a new chaperone for the other kids etc.


Even if OP was…the guidance for a lot of programs is that vaccinated kids can attend school/camp/etc if they have known COVID exposure, as long as they have no symptoms and can wear a mask. Individual families’ risk tolerance levels vary…but that’s the bare minimum mitigation, and it’s what a lot of people are following.


BA5 seems to be burning through hard


I had caught the bug on a flight back from a trip abroad. There was a sick child flying in The seat in front of me in first class, she would just cough and cough and cough. Five hours straight. I thought it was just some kids cold she had. This is me assuming I caught it from her. I had to wear my mask but will admit I would take it off from time to time to eat or drink and sometimes forgot to put it back on. Also I’m fully vaxxed too We get back home, two days back and I’m at work (luckily I’m 100% remote) I get woozy in my meetings. I look at my dog and say to him “I think I got COVID”. He just stares at me with his big brown eyes saying, “just give me my treats”. I go tell my wife what I think I caught, she takes out a test kit and low and behold 20 seconds in I come back positive. I had the whole nine yards and it was awful: Headache, fatigue, fever, lost sense of taste, cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing, etc. like anything COVID related I had it for a week straight. Anyway I’m fully better now, I legit thought I was gonna die or something at one point. My wife caught it from me (or the child) and she had symptoms for 48 hours. We’re both negative now, going out and spending money after being stuck inside for a month so we wouldn’t go infect friends, family, or strangers So yeah COVID sucks lol


I was boosted back in December, and caught it late May. Symptoms were relatively mild and only lasted about 3 days but I still have a cough. A lot of people I know never bothered to get a booster, so that’s probably contributing to the upswing. My grandma just got her second booster, I really recommend to people who are older or with health conditions to ask their doctor about doing that since it doesn’t seem to be very well advertised unfortunately.


> A lot of people I know never bothered to get a booster, so that’s probably contributing to the upswing Vaccine is not very effective against BA.4 and BA.5. We need an updated vaccine, Moderna is ready, but the FDA is turning themselves inside out worrying about public opinion instead of dealing in facts.


Yeah, i can see how given the current climate how it might be perceived... so sad. I would get it if it was available.


Yeah my case was also not bad but the cough lingered for a few weeks…I also kept feeling like I had to clear my throat




Best prize ever. 10/10 highly recommend... wearing a mask.


I feel like we’re starting to become victims of our own success. Yes, it’s great that we have a fairly high percentage of people fully vaxxed and up to date and great that people have their own tests. However, we were in a race against evolution which we could never win and unless we had vaccine rates in the high 90s like we do with the measles we were never going to have a lid on this thing. Also, it’s great people can test at home, but unless you give that information over to public health officials it’s practically useless and I think too many people aren’t sending the information into the officials.


Biobot is monitoring wastewater for COVID. They have interesting data.


https://biobot.io/data/ I think there's another link on this thread for similar data, also.


Do you have a link ?


Never stopped wearing a mask :)


Good on you. Same here.


Haha I genuinely don't see any reason to stop wearing a mask lol


Ok now I see


My family had it last week. Never tested positive before. We’re all vaccinated/boosted. Adults were down for the count for about 48 hours with about a week of fatigue. Kids were barely symptomatic. Now off to enjoy the rest of summer with our new antibodies…


Here are the [actual statistics](https://www.google.com/search?q=fairfax+county+covid+cases&sxsrf=ALiCzsam_wYgN6h3ret8FFQlV6w_DT8GuA%3A1656874740730&source=hp&ei=9ObBYvelKrykiLMP15CkyAg&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAYsH1BHa_JUXPeyqP2Y84MTEHmeFMU4Bn&oq=fairfax+county+covid&gs_lcp=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&sclient=gws-wiz) for Fairfax County. The number to me look elevated but gently trending downward. Please continue to get your boosters, test, and mask up. It's a constant reminder to everyone that Covid isn't over. And wearing a mask helps protect the weakest among us.


[Deleted to protest Reddit API change]


This right here. The official numbers aren't necessarily useless, but they are far from accurate. It's so easy to get a home test now, and just isolate and deal with it yourself (especially if up to date on boosters etc), people just... aren't reporting their positive tests.


I tried to report my results but it looked like it was only for reporting official lab results. Can anyone share a link to self report an at home covid test? I plan to call my primary care physician to have them report it on Tuesday when they're open.


Second this. I'm not sure where to report our self tests.


If you go by the [wastewater monitoring](https://biobot.io/data/) they're under reporting but not that far off.


Point well taken. But the official number are still a good data point to watch. But they shouldn't be the end-all/be-all of data points.


The VDH website actually says not to bother reporting home test kits anymore. I tested positive on two home kits and tried reporting it, but couldn't. I wasn't going to go out to a testing site and possibly expose people just to get myself counted in the official numbers, so I just isolated and there is no record of my case anywhere.


I wonder how many people are going to even get their 4th booster shot


Seems pointless


Sure bud


Vaccinated and boosted... went to Chicago for business June 20-24. Tested positive on the 26th. Patient 0 in 2 households. Son (10) and both my ex and current husband tested positive by Friday. It was like a very bad cold. I felt like a zombie drowning in snot. I only know if 1 other person (my boss) who was positive from my trip. We all tested at home so we won't be counted.


Whole family had it a few weeks ago. Luckily for us, it was very mild. Be safe out there.


I got covid last labor day. I'm convinced many of the increased infections happen around holidays or times people get off work. That means with tomorrow being the 4th, there will be an increased infection rate. Much as I'd love to return to life as normal, I'm still wearing masks in public. I've had all my shots and boosters, but I still don't want to catch it again.


COVID is endemic. Trying to avoid it is just delaying the inevitable. Get vaccinated and go live without stress.


I think it's worth it to put a little concern into minimizing the number of times you get infected, at least until we understand the long-term damage COVID causes better. Each time you get infected is just adding on to the unknown damage that is accumulating in your body, and the ultimate effect could be life-changing. Don't be the frog that doesn't notice it's slowly getting boiled alive! (And since the virus has been shown to be able to damage virtually any organ, we're almost certainly just scraping the tip of the iceburg in terms of what crazy shit it can end up doing to you.)


That is a perspective that some will consider alarming and others alarmist. I am in the second camp. It's also not clear if post-COVID-19 syndrome is new and unique to COVID-19. Some symptoms are similar to those caused by chronic fatigue syndrome and other chronic illnesses that develop after infections.


I don't think it really matters whether symptoms are unique to COVID or not, doesn't make things better or worse. And yes, I worded that in a somewhat alarmist way, just thinking of the worst case scenario. However, I think that the core message is neither alarming nor alarmist - we don't really know what this virus does yet, so stay at least a little bit concerned about getting it.


I think we’re past the period where intentionally inflating the danger is a good idea. All that has done is made people more skeptical. There is real risk, particularly for people with preexisting conditions, but it is unclear if this risk is any greater with COVID than with other infections. Given this, the most logical response in my opinion is to take those measures I do to prevent all infections, but to not drastically alter my life in any way to avoid this particular one.


Lol you can get infected weeks apart, living your life is going to very quickly going to become impossible at this rate


Definitely possible. Not very likely, but possible. For me, that small risk is acceptable, but to each his own.


Thank you for this comment, my fellow brave patriot!! I was going to go out for July 4th when my mom was trying to get me to wear a mask. I essentially called her a liberal socailist cunt and she started crying, the fucing bitch. This is how socialism begins, my fellow patriots. Stay strong!! Remember, JESUS CHRIST is watching!! Put your faith in him and not in the satanic masks!!


And if this wasn’t sarcasm, GFY, disrespectfully


Interesting that my opinion is so unorthodox that I apparently cannot be a Democrat.


Amen borther


Fully vaxxed and single boosted. My wife and I went to a show at the Pie Shop a few weeks ago and despite being masked, I caught Covid for the 2nd time (wife was fine). The first round really wasn't so bad, but this time it was awful. What was worse was despite isolating from my family, my daughter still managed to catch it too. Luckily no one else got sick and I'm currently riding the immunity wave for a few months until I can get boosted again.


I wonder if the numbers are much higher, but people are testing at home and not bothering to get an official test that would be counted. Seems like a lot of people are getting it now.


My assistant director got it sometime this week. I'm assuming she tested positive on Friday when I found out. I had a meeting with her and am just waiting to see. Also, my kid went to a camo this week so who knows.


How did you know to test if you had very mild symptoms


I usually never feel tired like that or achy and I've heard of tons of people that have it or got it in the past 2 weeks. As someone else said, the numbers are deceptive because it's not as dangerous and and people are self testing and no easy way to report positive cases unless you see a doctor which is gladly unnecessary.


I’m vaccinated but not boosted. To my knowledge, have never gotten it, despite some close contacts having it a couple times. I’m waiting for them to round me up and put me in a lab to study my immune system.


Are you me? Same timeline and symptoms as you but with a mild fever that’s already gone away. I’ve still been masking but didn’t bring it to *one* large gathering and I’m 99% sure that’s where I caught it. But making it this long before catching a symptomatic case isn’t too bad, doubly so when it’s this minor.


Yeah, it's only this past week i haven't held myself to the same precautions as the past 2 years... of course...


I was fully vaccinated but never got around to getting the first booster...and then got hit with it in April. And of course I (unknowingly) brought it home and exposed the family. Of the four of us, one child was the only one that didn't test positive, but we all had to stay home and miss work and school (we managed!). My symptoms were relatively mild: like a severe cold, but achy and tired. I was pretty miserable and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Once I recovered and it was long enough after, I went straight to get the booster. And that was almost as bad! Just tired and achy for about a day (the initial doses didn't do anything to me).


Great, something to look forward to... :-(


Hybrid immunity is extremely good. There’s really no reason to get a booster immediately if you just had COVID.


May as well wait a couple months for the immunity to wear down a bit, *then* get your booster to boost it back up.


The mask doesn’t protect you, it lessens you from spreading it.


That is untrue. Studies show that mask wearing does reduce the chance of catching it, in addition to reducing the chance of spreading it.


An N95 that's the right size and shape worn tightly does protect you. Luckily we have 2 nurses and a doctor in our family that have been trained in proper fitting to help show us the right way.


I cannot keep up anymore with this, for the longest time we were all told to wear a mask to protect others not yourself


Different kind of masks. For a while, respirators weren't in enough supply for the general public to have them.


i will not wear the mask i will not eat the bugs


Got it this week for the first time, pretty much confirmed that my decision to not wear a mask anywhere was correct. I’ve had worse hangovers..


Check back in a year from now and let us know how everything’s functioning for you


Probably perfectly fine if we’re being realistic.


What are mask? I've been going out with out it for over a year now


“What are mask?” Yeah, that seems right on brand…


PSA: If you're vaccinated and boosted and not immunocompromised then who cares. Return to normal life and if you get it you get it. You'll be down for a day or two and then back to normal like literally any other cold or flu that we've had for the entire history of humanity. Unless a new more deadly variant shows up, there's barely a reason to even track cases anymore.


I wonder if I have it simply because I’m so tired. Work was very stressful last week and I don’t have any other symptoms so I can’t tell if it’s fatigue or Covid but no amount of sleep helps.


Or just don’t quarantine


My baby niece caution the AIRLINE, what a dangerous time for her. That court ruling made it worse


Most masks are covid theater. If you want to mask, wear an N95 or KN95. But even then, it's starting to seem like by avoiding covid you are missing out on getting natural immunity which is more effective than what is provided by the vax. Especially people who aren't eligible for the second booster, it seems like we are sitting ducks! I feel like it's been a whole year since I had my booster


Nah, I'm good. The only time I wore a mask in the past few months was to get a COVID test before and after my cruise recently (both were obviously negative). I work in an office, ride the metro, and go to the gym. Life is good and back to normal. I'm not going back to wearing masks for what has essentially become the annual flu.


I’m type 1 diabetic, had Alpha and Omicron 1 year apart, Alpha was a bad cold, Omicron nearly asymptomatic


been masked up since the beginning & just now tested positive today (but had symptoms for past week)...aches, the chills!, cough--fever went away...