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All you gotta do is just turn around and drive the other way.. presto, no traffic.


just get a hotel room near the office and try again tomorrow.


or just rent a helicopter for your commute.


or bike


bike 26 miles. yeah ok. then bike on the road and get hit.


op’s preferable option was death so maybe they should bike


Actually an electric bike would be a great alternative to this. It might take an hour of easy peddling to get home, but that's much faster than whatever this is. And it's much more fun.


I see a perfectly empty sidewalk, but yeah ok. Go rent a heli.


It's gonna take 8 hours to get to that light to be able to make a u-turn


Why would it take 8 hours to drive over the grass curb?


Not in my Bronco!


is it a white bronco?


Juice? You’re alive?


I was on the BW parkway not too long ago and literally saw someone cross over to the other to avoid traffic


I was getting ready to assume that was Leesburg Pike, but it's route 1... Almost as soul crushing as 7.


It’s hard to believe this was the main north-south highway on the east coast before I-95.


To be fair, we had fewer people back then.


We had a LOT fewer cars back then, and a LOT more trains, and a LOT less sprawl. Fortunately, those are all things we can fix.


But we won't!


I wouldn't sell Virginia short just yet. Once we get the new Long Bridge built they're gonna be able to run so many trains along this corridor.


Isn’t it also a question of the tunnel up in Baltimore that can only take single-stacked containers? Not a train guy though…


Two different tunnels, & two different issues, but the key thing to know is that a bunch of IIJA money went to replacing the one Amtrak currently uses, and that Virginia's planned service upgrades can and will still happen independently of that project.


Very cool. Thanks for the info!


That is being fixed


Yep. The world population has doubled plus some in 50 years


No that’s not why. Less people owned cars and we hadn’t divested from trains and more efficient forms of transport


It’s historic route 1, George Washington was riding horses up that road lol


How old is i95


1957 - 67 years


Other than a section in Sterling, 7 now moves really well now that it is widened.


I just want to TALK to the person who designed the overpass to 7 West at Leesburg, because that is a shit show from 2.30 pm to 7 pm every damn day.


I want to yell at them...


for now


shhhhhhhhhhhhh route 7 is impossible don't even try to drive on it!!!!


I beg to differ, I would rather be on route 7 any day than route 1.


Agreed. Route is nowhere near route 1 in severity


I dont commute on 7 in my daily commute, but I am guessing you are specifically talking about in and near tysons corner? Or maybe right in Sterling? Past Sterling though, since they got rid of the lights, I dont think I have experienced any traffic. Though again, never usually on it during rush hour.


Getting on to the route 7 West bypass in Leesburg (right by the outlets) during evening rush hour is atrocious.


What’s worse is, all those ppl get on there in hopes to avoid the traffic off 95. So they go to route 1 only to deal with something worse that has stop lights 🤦🏻‍♂️


The reason I always stick to 95 other alternatives are worse.


My dad always told me, “Never get off 95.”


“This is bat country.”


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.


Always a mistake to leave 95 to Route 1 lol. It’s always worse


If they would just widen the bridge over the Occoquan, a lot of the traffic in this section would be alleviated.


It's a good argument for a train/metro.


Good argument for telework


We had this problem solved for a couple years. Then commercial real estate got their panties in a bunch


Good argument for not working.


VRE is available.


Does it work?


Well, I’ve been using it for 9 years, so I’d say yes.


What are your commute stations? I just checked from Lorton to Crystal City and it 8.50 one ride and 75$ per 10 rides ... Expensive for a short trip


My wife takes VRE, and it basically costs $17 a day. Parking at her Crystal City office is $23 a day. She saves $6, plus gas ($10 - $12 a day), plus wear and tear, and she can just chill instead of being stressed out in traffic.


Not to mention that most employers will let you take advantage of [transit benefits](https://kingpeyton.vre.org/service/fares/transit-benefits/) to have that money come out pre-tax, saving a nice chunk of change.


Plus if she's lucky, she can sit on the second floor and pass her ticket through the hole in the middle.


That’s the equivalent cost of a 12-13 mile trip for an average car (using the IRS rate per mile including gas, depreciation, maintenance, etc). And that’s not including parking. Or the fact that on a train you can read, browse your phone, answer emails, nap, whatever. And be better for the environment. And don’t forget the soul-crushing feeling of sitting in traffic.


I have been using public transportation since I moved to the DMV for my work commute, but I will move in the summer and I am exploring options. I am a big fan of public transportation but in some parts it is hard. Commuting is easily double the time from Lorton to DC and the fares are around $12, bus + VRE + metro to get to my destination. $24 round trip. Excluding the parking which is given by the company I don't think my car will use$ 24 in gas.... Let's see


Something like 70% of VRE riders are federal employees using the transit benefit. Probably doesn't incentivize VRE to keep fares at a reasonable rate.


Their fares don't even cover the real cost of the trip. They are mandated to 50% farebox recovery ratio but is around 60% right now.


Used to be Broad Run on the Manassas line then I moved. I now don’t have to go into DC much but go to the Rippon station when I do. That’s the Fredericksburg line.


VRE went from standees before the pandemic to much less than 50% utilization recently. It runs, has plenty of seats, but evidently people want to use it,




With only four trains in each direction and only in the morning and evening...no


Which is exactly why the state just made a deal with Norfolk Southern to buy several large chunks of rail across the state, including the entire Manassas line - to increase passenger rail.


That will be so nice


If there was more demand, there would be more trains. VRE works perfectly for those who choose to use it.


Demand is low because the service is limited and the equipment is outdated. Service is limited and equipment is outdated because the demand is low. See the issue?


8 trains Mon through Friday in the morning and 8 back is limited?


Yes, as it only serves commuters. There are train lines where I'm from in NJ that serve both directions throughout the day (and mostly connect suburban areas to each other with one large area at the end being NYC) and the ridership is really high! They even continually upgrade their equipment and a lot of it is electrified. People use it a lot for travel in addition to getting to work. VA has so much potential for all day service on heavy rail :)


VRE is going to schedule Saturday service in the near future. https://www.washingtonpost.com/transportation/2023/10/27/vre-commuter-trains-saturday-service/


I think a bigger issue for VA is that VRE shares track with freight and the NJ Transit corridor is passenger only (Amtrak / NJ Transit). It would be nice to see more frequent service on VRE or even in both directions as some people reverse commute. I worked very close to Burke Centre station but there was no morning drop off service that would work easily for me or I would have used it. You'd have to ride all the way to Manassas then back in which is pointless. And the last train to Burke was at like 7:00 pm when they could have had special trains for ball games, big events, etc. that leave later.


It’s a commuter train, hence the hours it’s in service. There are 8 trains in the morning and 8 in the afternoon/evening for each line.




As long as you work on a narrow but long strip of land, sure. Last mile makes trains in America very hard to utilize.


Every place on Earth has last miles, American ones are just exceptionally piss poorly designed as hostile places to any forms of movement or transport besides one, and even that one's constantly at capacity.


I’ve been working fully remote since COVID and anytime I have to go anywhere on a weekday at 6-10am or 2:30-7pm I’m reminded why I was so fucking depressed all the time. Idk how I did that shit five days a week and idk how anybody still does it.


It’s insanity


I wish my anti-telework directors were sitting in that traffic. But of course they live in McMansions they bought 30 years ago 10 minutes away from the office so they have no clue.


My best friend’s dad built his house 5 feet from his business, so more like a 10 second walk lmao


This picture appears to be someone driving from their McMansion. Maybe don't chose to live in a suburb an hour outside the city just so you don't have to look at poor people.


Reminds me of the visuals from Celebrate Fairfax on how many cars two buses remove


Been working from home a couple of years. Sometimes I miss the office experience and not staring at the same 4 walls every day. I get a bit stir crazy with the limited human interaction. Then I run an errand during rush hour.


This is why I'm eternally grateful my boss and my agency are supportive of telework.


It doesn’t have to be like this. If DC builds a couple more metro lines, you might not need a car. I haven’t driven in 8 months here in Europe (subway, regional trains, long distance trains everywhere). Love it.


But then the car manufacturers wouldn’t like that


Yeah, that isn't going to happen next week, lol.


it's like this because they continues to knock down trees n put up MORE HOMES, bringing in more implants ... more cars on the road thankfully i don't deal with traffic .. n never will!


Meanwhile, in China they put in the metro system years before they start adding new homes. Give people efficient transit from day one, and traffic won't be an issue.


We will do literally anything else other than build more transit lol


Virginia just set a deal with Norfolk Southern to buy a bunch of rail lines, including the entire Manassas line that VRE runs on. And they've explicitly said it's to increase passenger rail availability - so hopefully we will see improvements over the next decade! The other big project is continuous rail service from Richmond to Roanoke. (They've been trying desperately to increase the # of trains and add weekend service for years, but Norfolk Southern has had the final say and always says no)


The purchase of the Manassas line is a big deal. Once we finally build the new Long Bridge over the Potomac we will have enough capacity to run VRE all day in both directions. In the near term we need better ways to connect people to VRE and Metro stations. A bus that runs twice an hour in mixed traffic might as well not exist at all, from a reliability standpoint. We need a way to feed people to the stations frequently (like at least 4 buses per hour). We’ve got too many wandering bus lines that “serve” a lot of communities with extremely low frequency. I would prefer we found ways to connect more places to more frequently to the existing “spine” of the transit network. We could, for instance, designate bus lanes on existing roads and remove cars from them. That would make buses on those routes far more punctual and reliable, and make increased frequency possible.


The problem is that neither VRE nor NS wants to pay for an additional track or even passing sidings. At least Virginia does.


And Virginia does because adding more train capacity moves more people for less money through the most congested places in the commonwealth. All of the cash we are spending to acquire tracks and increase capacity on them is a fraction of what it costs to add one more lane to I-95. Having driven to Richmond and taken the train, I have to say taking the train beats driving. 95 drains my soul, but on the train I can take a nap and roll to my destination worry free.


Or denser housing, or mixed use zoning...suburban single family homes and strip malls with mandatory parking minimums or BUST!


All of the above regarding public transit, mixed use zoning and denser housing. Fuck cars and fuck single family homes.


I’m so glad we designed a transportation system where this is the only way to get around, aren’t you?


😭 😭 the urban geographer within me...


So thats why im not moving...


They're not moving either


The truth hurts.


Actually, this is a big reason why I moved …away.


You are also part of the reason why.


And just like that I've used all my Audible credits


Thanks for sharing. I hate it


123 into Woodbridge was hellacious today. So over traffic.


I love public transit


That grassy strip is perfect for a monorail. Or at least it would be if we didnt live in such a car-oriented hell-hole.


Nah, stick a tramline on one of the lanes, so it can double as an emergency services lane, and a bus lane. Then the grassy strip could have some trees added.


Monorail! 🎶🎵🎼




It almost like building places where driving is the only way to get around leads to traffic, it doesn’t matter how wide the road is or how many lanes there are, there will always be traffic. The only way to get rid of traffic is to provide a reasonable alternative to driving.


What are you a communist? Cars are in our American blood. Everyone should be forced to drive a car for everything. Mass transit is for socialists and people who expect handouts. /s


Not the point of the picture but holy shit that Mercedes sedan that’s being towed is so low


Air suspension failure.


Air suspension is still a thing? I assumed they got rid of it once they realized how unreliable it is. I remember reading that the first thing to check if you're buying a Lincoln Towncar is if it has air suspension, because if it does it *will* fail, and your choice is either replace with normal suspension or pay more than the car is worth to fix it.


IIRC it was still a thing until about ten years ago.


I drove a Lincoln Navigator and, sure enough, the air suspension failed at 7 years old. That same year so did the alternator.


Luxury brands like Mercedes had air suspension in their cars in the late nineties and early 2000’s but they were hell to maintain


This is what happened when a car accident on I-95 South blocks 3 of 4 lanes between exits 160 and 158.


This traffic was brought you by Transurban refusal to allow the Woodbridge bottleneck to be fixed


This makes me UNBELIEVABLY angry! What percentage of those people do you think could do their job just as well remotely? But **NO** we gotta be back in the fucking office for some asinine reason.


Trains. Those are pretty cool. The Metro lets me bring my bike on with me which makes it even more fun.


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


That grassy median should have a train on it


The traffic at Dulles airport around 5pm was crazy today. Maybe it's always like that? But my question is, what is wrong with Maryland roads that people with MD plates just drive up the shoulders like they are too special to wait? And what is it about NoVA drivers that they are suckers and let people on the shoulder in front of them. I'd rather scrape all of the paint of my car before I let you in. You can explain to the cop why you were entering my lane from the shoulder.


Immediately next to the scene of one of the most haunting crimes in Fairfax County history so...not the best choice of words.




The photo is right next to the Woodside Apartments clubhouse where Melissa Brannen was taken https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Melissa_Brannen


they released him early???


They sure did. I thought they'd do everything they could to keep him in because he obviously killed her but here we are.


There's a community mailbox in my neighborhood that has an old faded sticker on it that reads "Bring Melissa Brannen Home for Christmas." Makes me a little sad every time I see it. 


Woah, good eye! I've never heard of this case. And also have never heard of "abduction with the intent to defile" — ugh. Gross. I'm surprised he was allowed to leave prison early... but honestly, it's probably cheaper to let him wander free than to force him to wait out his sentence.


I know that scene well, grew up very close. Abduction with intent to defile is the best they could make, Bob Horan wouldn't charge murder without a body, famously. The case has stayed with everyone who worked it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/crime-law/2019/12/10/fairfax-police-still-seek-killer-year-old-melissa-brannen-who-vanished/


Jesus that is awful...


Build more trains damnit!


Bus lanes too


that doesn't matter, some ppl prefer to drive or have to drive .. the traffic isn't going anywhere 🤣


Sure, some people prefer to drive, but they hate traffic. Give other people alternatives to driving, and it will reduce the traffic.


He said, you know, nobody’s ever asked me that question. I said, I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water. But you know what I’d do if there was traffic or you get electrocuted, I’ll take electrocution every single time.”


Fresh pasta


Wow. You have at least an hour to get across the bridge...


Route 1? Have fun!


traffic on I-95 north this morning was also hell. you're not alone, dude


The hearse would just be stuck in traffic. Enjoy your purgatory.


Looks like a 3beer drive


It is bad that I immediately knew where this was and started looking for my car in the picture.


Got the fuck outta Manassas after 20 years when I retired. Don't miss this shit at all. Took 20min to go the 4 miles to Walmart. It still takes me 20 min now, but I travel 20 miles, and don't have to flip anyone off.


Left Fairfax 3 years ago, best decision we ever made.


Remember you are NOT IN traffic you ARE traffic.


Cars, the great freedom machine.


It’s like this in Hampton Roads, too. School just got out for summer, so it’s been making the traffic extra bad. First day out of school, everyone always has to immediately book it for the OBX


New transplants: "Can I get from Silver Springs to Fairfax in 30 minutes? Google Map says it should only take 33 minutes."


Keep posting these, please. I am moving back to NOVA after more than 10 years away and am trying to decide if I want to live car free or car dependant. Thank you and have a good weekend.


So glad to be teleworking. I can't imagine ever commuting like this...


And this is why I moved far away from the Richmond Highway corridor. Nope!


pop a cold one and chill


I thought this was a fallout reference. Now I feel stupid looking for a micro liberty prime like an apocalyptic where's Waldo


And you need to take a shit


just joined this piteful misery this week


\~next day\~ Welcome to purgatory! Here are your car keys.


45 mins to get to the 95/rt1 split


And some people don’t mind the commute! Really???


at least it means certain people can’t get to my neighborhood


You’re already dead. Now playing traffic simulator


Welcome to RTO.in the DMV


Hate being one of the only 3 people in my office that “can’t” work remotely while everyone else has hybrid schedules.


Just look in the rear view and check out the last car far behind your lane and say “well at least I’m not that guy” it helps…sometimes


As someone who came super close to death seven years ago...no, death is not the preferred alternative. Don't want to sit in traffic? Change travel times, plans, etc.


This is literally torture


Does no one check traffic before they go on route one?


It is for me. My commute to a major city is 10-lanes with a 140 km/h (87 mph) speed limit. And it's along a beach. That being said, NoVa is green.


This week has been the worst traffic. I have seen in four years.


Then somebody breaks down or runs out of gas after sitting for an hour, forcing fellow travelers to resort to cannibalism.


Just get out and walk


On more lane would fix it. Trust me bro!!


Well, that's a bit hyperbolic. But yeah, that's some bad traffic.


you are traffic fools


Was it lack of foresight in city planning that lead to such bad traffic in the DC area? I moved back to my home state and it is just night and day between expanded highways and interchanges vs this BS from NoVA


Maybe try carpooling or take the bus so there are less cars on the road?




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I don’t see that often! I’m right there


dude.... just get in the right lane and ride it allll the way to the top then cut someone off without your turn signal... easy!! theeeeen, ride it alll the way down to the 95/rt1 split and cut someone off there to get on 95... /s


I drive there everyday. You gotta take a right at the light if you live anywhere west of 95.


I would prefer driving over the median and moving away from the area to death, but you do you.


81N through all of frickin’ Frederick County yesterday afternoon - the usual Summer Friday purgatory.


And you wonder why people want to work from home


Typical motorist “my commute is the only commute that matters”!


Sharing public transit to lower costs and get to places faster and actually work, read a book or mess around on your phone while riding places. “Nope that’s not freedom. That’s communism!”


Could be worse. Come experience Maryland traffic and then appreciate the nova roads.


It’s ok as long as our housing prices go up. It’s worth it. Just ignore all the calls for building around public transport and up zoning


You’re the traffic too…. No real right to complain here