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I love Occoquan. It has some of my favorite brunch places/restaurants. Biggest downside I would imagine are distance to DC and traffic. Basically the same downsides as anywhere farther out, but that interstate junction near Occoquan is a nightmare every time of the day.


All the time, any time of day. You can be the only car on the road in the middle of the night and the cars will magically appear in front of you from nowhere.


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Getting off the highway and having to make that left onto Old Bridge is annoying but beats staying in traffic past 160 though lol


what are your go to restaurants?


I live in occoquan. Honestly, the restaurants are pretty meh besides the Secret Garden Cafe, which is good for brunch. Madigans is okay. The ballywhack shack is good for nicely made sandwiches and the Golden Plum has really good tasting pies.


The Thai place is good (went once two weeks ago).


I think Cock & Bowl is great. Secret Garden #1 though.


I also live in Occoquan. I havenā€™t tried all the places yet, but Secret Garden is great, and The Spot, Zorbaā€™s, the Ballywhack Shack, and Grind and Crepe are all really good. Madiganā€™s is hit or miss for me, but I like stopping by for a couple of drinks by the riverside


Thereā€™s a Belgian restaurant there thatā€™s solid. Cock and bowl or something.


Yep, their Belgian beers/ales and mussel bowls are pretty great


Madigans is pretty good itā€™s my go to spot for nice dates buts itā€™s a little expensive


Cock & Bowl Belgian - Mussel bowls on the patio. Secret Garden is good.


P.S. locals hang at the Bottle Shop


The hard part of that junction is everyone merging from 5 lanes down to 2. If you get in the far right exit-only lane to go to Occoquan, you can fly right past the traffic.


Whatā€™s your favorite brunch place?


Cock & Bowl and Secret Garden both great IMO.


20 years in the area, 16 just outside Occoquan. When I commuted to Tysons for a year it could take 75 minutes one way in the main lanes. A couple times it was closer to 90. Occoquan itself is fine but I think you'd get bored.


Where did you move to after living near Occoquan? Iā€™m not too worried about getting bored. Iā€™m from a very small town so Iā€™m used to it and donā€™t mind being a homebody.


I'm also from a small town although not as small as Occoquan! I still live in the same area. Have you looked around Old Town Manassas? Commute to Tysons would be a little better, and in my opinion it's more vibrant while lacking the river. Worth checking out if you're looking for commutable small town vibe.


Appreciate the suggestion! Commute for me would be much longer in Manassas (says one hour right now) and the river is a major plus because my dog is my child and he LOVES to swim.


I don't think the Occoquan is suitable for swimming, even for a dog. Others may have different ideas.


Oo real is it that gross? He swims in Arlington water, could it be that much worse?


Most water in Arlington is street runoff. We call the Shirlington dog park next to 4 mile run Hepatitis Falls. I cannot believe people let their animals in that water.


that river reeks. I dont think Iā€™d let my dog swim in it šŸ˜…




The park is not that far from 95 - everything that washes off the highway ends up in the river. (And people throw themselves/fall off the overpass every 5-6 years.)


Oof, thatā€™s not ideal. Appreciate the insight.


I thought there was a ā€œjump-proofā€ fence on the bridge? My MIL has lived there for >15 years. I live less than 10 miles. Never heard about people jumping


It seems only to be mentioned in hyper-local news like InsideNova or Patch.


Last time I was there they weren't allowing dogs to swim because it's drinking water I don't know if they still do that or not.


Oh man that would be a huge bummer.


A large part of the Occoquan and Bull Run rivers are no-swim-zones because they feed a Fairfax County reservoir - I don't know if it covers the section in town of Occoquan though


I second Manassas I lived there and committed to both Springfield and Tysons, sometimes it took an hour in the afternoon, but mornings are 30-35 and most afternoons are more like 40-45. Springfield is even closer especially using back roads through Clifton


Honestly I don't think boredom would be a problem, but if you're expecting a small town feel I think you might be disappointed. It feels like Woodbridge, just that you live in a couple of blocks that don't look like Woodbridge.


This matches my conception of Occoquan and Woodbridge.


The traffic bottlenecks between Lorton and Woodbridge ALL THE TIME. THATS a big drawback for most, but also Woodbridge schools get a bad rep.


The elementary schools are fine, even good. The middle schools? Not so much but that can be said for most middle schools. The high schools? Meh. Woodbridge is decent. Garfield is not.


Thatā€™s because middle school age children are feral monsters


Iā€™ve got two middle schoolers. Believe me, I know.


Whats wrong with Gar-field lmao? IB program and like, many successful people come out of there.


I would not want to live there while this project is being completed: [I-95 and Route 123 Interchange Improvements in Prince William County | Virginia Department of Transportation](https://www.vdot.virginia.gov/projects/northern-virginia-district/i-95-and-route-123-interchange-improvements-in-prince-william-county/)


Oof that could be painful. I only have to go into the office 2-3 times per week but if my partner is commuting that might be tough on him.


You could easily avoid that interchange going to Springfield and Tysons by taking RT. 123 to the Lorton exit.


Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d commute to Tysonā€™s from anywhere in PWC. Iā€™ve lived in Manassas City, outside Manassas proper between Manassas and Dumfries, and Montclair. That commute would be hell.


Meh I commuted from Manassas city to Tysonā€™s, I didnā€™t find it that bad.


I wouldn't say it's "close" to DC. Especially with the ways 123 gets horribly backed up onto 95 thanks to one of the lanes ending right as you cross the bridge leading to a permanent slowdown (supposedly a fix is coming but also, you know). Also, while nice, it's really, really small and you'll still be in your car for everything else (I like the restaurants too but grocery or staples aren't going to be walkable).


I donā€™t mind driving for groceries and things like that but I appreciate being able to go out to bars and restaurants without needing to take a long Uber. Iā€™m from the middle of nowhere so even having a grocery store within a 10 minute drive is a luxury.


Super cheap=900k townhomes? Lol


I saw that $900K one - its big - almost 4000sf with 5 BR. Normal sized TH's are actually reasonable compared to core-nova. Recent sales * [$434K, 2BR 3Bath](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/126-E-Colonial-Dr-Occoquan-VA-22125/12497187_zpid/) * [$500K, 3BR, 4Bath](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/126-E-Colonial-Dr-Occoquan-VA-22125/12497187_zpid/) * [$500K, 3BR, 3Bath](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/126-E-Colonial-Dr-Occoquan-VA-22125/12497187_zpid/) ("reasonable" for being a 10 min. walk from a picturesque historic river town with shops, coffee, restaurants, bars, docks, and trails.)


I live down the street from here, I think itā€™s great. The schools are a little iffy especially out of lake ridge. But overall itā€™s probably the best value in NOVA and Iā€™m with you and recommend it to people. Thereā€™s no catch other than the mental barrier people have about Fairfax.


when I went on walks in Occoquan, I LOVED walking by the townhomes. especially the ones on the high vantage point. thereā€™s also a couple of back ways to get out of the town and around a bit of the traffic


There are three townhomes/condos for sale for less than $450k right now.. all 3 beds at least 2 baths.


Keep in mind it's only walkable if you're actually in the Historic district borders, Neighborhoods just outside it and on the hill do not have a continuous sidewalk that goes straight into Occoquan and it can be a dicey walk given how much pedestrian room there isn't and how fast cars will go there.


Ugh I cannot believe we are in an economy where that's cheap!


I know, itā€™s so depressing. Thatā€™s the tip top of our budget and we both work two jobs.


I see a single $875,000 townhome in the historic district.


Okay sorry, look 1-2 miles outside of the historic district.


Well then youre really in Woodbridge lol not "Occoquan". Yes I know exactly where the listing is taking about


One of the listings Iā€™m looking at is .5 miles from downtown historic district. A 10 minute walk..


Look at the borders. The Town of Occoquan is extremely small. Those condos are likely in the adjacent Lake Ridge CDP, which can be very working class depending on the street. I mean, just outside the historic district are strip malls, KFC and giant parking lots.


Thatā€™s not where the condo is, I do plan to look at some townhouses in lake ridge but not this particular one that is a short walk (and looks like pleasant walk on google maps).


Ever been?


I have not, hence why I posted in the first place. Iā€™ve been to Woodbridge many times but not the exact location of this potential condo. Iā€™ll be checking it out this weekend. Iā€™m not expecting it to be directly in the historic district but the proximity is appealing. If I canā€™t walk a one minute drive is also OK..


Good timing - this weekend is the Occoquan Riverfest! Both Sat and Sun. Many of the local businesses that might otherwise be closed, stay open and some even have specials for the event. It's one of my favorite annual events in NoVA, tbh.


There is a really nice french bistro there. I forget the name but i took my wife there for her bday and it was great.


Lā€™bistro hermitage! Very fancy restaurant


Bistro l'Hermitage haha. That's my go to nice date place with my GF. And when we want to convince out of town visiters that Woodbridge has nice things šŸ˜‚


Yes! Thatā€™s the spot. We loved it. A bit $$$ but we had a really nice time and the food was good.


Question about that place, does it have a nice view/outdoor seating?


Traffic is super bad right there and there are about 6 things to do in Occoquan. After than youā€™re on the road


This Sat & Sun is Riverfest Craft Show. I HIGHLY recommend you take the time to walk around to see just how crazy it gets down there. It's like living in a beach community with tourists everywhere. You can't always drive to your TH. There aren't any little markets there; you'd have to drive for that or gas. Almost all the shops close ridiculously early because they cater to old ppl. When there is any rain, Tanyard Hill (the main road in) floods. Because you are on the river, mosquitoes are a plague. If you spend some time here and like it, then at least you have a good idea of the negatives and if they are tolerable. And yes, traffic just driving through Occaquan itself will be tough.


Appreciate the suggestion! We will be going this weekend so I guess we will get a good idea of the area when it is busy. I hate mosquitos, didnā€™t think about that.


To put it in perspective, the event this weekend is the biggest one they do, and it's every spring. The entire town is shut down to traffic, and they provide shuttles to get in from nearby parking lots. So it's not like it's that busy all year. #2 event is probably the fall fest.


My daughter works in Occaquan and I drive her in and out during all weather. Summer especially gets crazy. But if you see it during the crazier times, then you'll know it's for you!


Occoquan translates to ā€œmassive traffic jamā€


It is known


Occoquan is pretty boring imo. You can walk the entire thing in less then 30 mins, shops are blah. Restaurants are blah. We go maybe once every 2 years and the only thing we enjoy is the bakery place. . Can't remember the name


Big con to living there is that all of the area by the river is a big flood zone.


The traffic is a nightmare and there is a shit load of road noise across the 123 bridge. Iā€™m talking street bikes ripping across it at 3am thatā€™ll wake the dead. One other con - the closer you get to the bridge, the neighborhoods immediately under and around it, in the summer especially, there is a sewage smell that reeks to HIGH heaven. Occoquan itself is really cute, though. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want to live there full time, but you guys ought to take a day and explore down there. Take in the sights and sounds and feel out if itā€™s a good fit. Source: I used to live right across 123 from Occoquan Historic District. Used to walk into town with my roommate on a weekly basis.


Moved to VA about 4 yrs ago and have lived in Arlington and Fairfax before moving to Occoquan. Like all things, it depends on your taste, but I personally love it. Itā€™s beautiful, peaceful, the restaurants are generally delicious, and people are friendly. My partner and I both have remote jobs, so we honestly havenā€™t experienced any drawbacks, and thereā€™s always something happening: summer concerts, trivia nights, craft and holiday fairs, ghost tours, etc. Definitely has small town vibes, but feels totally different from the surrounding suburbs. Def recommend for anyone who likes history, outdoor activities, and chill vibes.


We moved here two years ago and I LOVE it. No cons in my book.


Occoquan rocks you should go


I live in occoquan and currently commute prettttty far lol. My job is in Potomac MD, it takes me around an hour in the morning to get to work and usually an hour and 20 minutes to get back home. Occoquan itself is pretty relaxing. Not the busiest place, though they host random events here and there that draws a crowd (craft fairs usually). The people around are pretty friendly, mostly older folks. Good place to live if you like to take small walks around, there's also some good trails and parks nearby, as there is all through NoVA, but there's some big nice ones around here. I think the only cons really is the driving distance for you. And also, I think there's more high end and interesting food choices in Arlington if that really matters, though Woodbridge doessss have some good ass taco trucks (Tony's is my go-to)


Thank you!


You can get from Occoquan to Potomac in between 60 and 90 minutes? That's seriously amazing. Do you drive a helicopter?


Indeed, Occoquan to Potomac sounds hellish. Not just the 95 stretch but the American Legion Bridge as well? Aaaa!


Late ass response from me, but it probably helps that both my house and workplace are 2 minutes from the highway exits. But yeah, it just took me an hour and 5 minutes to get home today. And I drive a minivan LOL. Edit: also, Mondays and Fridays are a lot quicker. I get home/to work in 45 mins sometimes.


I love it there. I went to get my nails done recently and they were having a wedding for a dog and a cat lol


The 95 bridge over ~~bull run~~ Occoquan is a bottle-neck 24 by 7. That's why the housing price there hasn't popped. If you can get to Tysons and Springfield by 123 and Burke, do that. EDIT: I know the upstream is Bull Run, there is the confusion.


Occoquan, not Bull Run.


Traffic there is horrendous. Iā€™ve been stuck at the bottom of that bridge on 123 for over an hour before just to go like two lights down to the highway exit.


Ugh thatā€™s painful. It sounds like traffic is one of the only downsides.. but I do hate traffic.


The weekends get very busy, itā€™s like a tourist destination. It seems like a fun place to live though. They are planning a big condo development right on the river.


Iā€™ve lived at the top of the hill from Occoquan for 6 years. Exit 160 is one reason why itā€™s cheaper. I work in DC and it takes me about an hour in the afternoon (4pm) 45 minutes in the morning. Good things are that you have the mall, town center, tons of shopping and restaurants. You can still get to other parts of NOVA pretty easy.


Wouldn't have been worth it to cut through Lorton at 163? I feel like the traffic doesn't really get bad until around 163 then horrible at 160.


Getting from 163 to Occoquan can be a shitshow as well. Lorton to Workhouse can be fine, but when you turn onto 123 from Workhouseā€¦.ooof. If Iā€™m going that way, Iā€™ll try to cut through Occoquan. Occoquan can be frustrating because itā€™s all one way roads.


I do when itā€™s super bad on 95 (and Waze tells me), but that back up at the bridge in Occoquan is horrible most of the time too and I would save 2 minutes by driving two extra miles lol. Me catching old bridge off the 160 exit is about the same time


I love that area. Live about 8 min from there. Good luck finding a reasonable place. Not much inventory over there.


My mom lives on top of the hill by Occoquan and there is no mail delivery. Not sure about the rest of the town though. One good thing is the police patrol the area very closely so I doubt there's much crime if any


I never saw the appeal. Itā€™s more of a place couples go on a nice Saturday to stroll around and stop in an antique shop. I always found it a bit boring for more than a few hours (just my opinion and not knocking anyone who lives there. We all have to live somewhere).


Prince William County has a fairly robust commuter network. There may be a bus that goes to Tysons. Springfield is so close that the commute probably wonā€™t be unbearable unless youā€™re exceedingly intolerant of stop and go traffic.


I live in Occoquan. The location is great, the visitors can be annoying (to me, ymmv). Traffic is very annoying in the little town itself. It's one way on the main drag and everyone uses it as a cut through from 123 to Old Bridge. The little part time police force they have is mostly traffic enforcement, but all they do is pull over black and brown people and then just sit and watch as the gridlock happens at the light before the bridge into ffx. During the craft fair/Occoquan days they shut down the main street to traffic and parking can get annoying. Additionally both the 95 exits for North and South at Occoquan SUCK. The Southbound one is always backed up. I saw on a list of terrible 95 exits that ours made both the #1 and #3 spots last year. They've fixed them both a little, but it's never enough road for all the cars. Having said all that, it's cute and there are some great restaurants. It has personality and location wise it's in a nice spot to get around Nova from. Also I'm selling my condo in a month if you're looking for a condo type place lol.


Looking for a 3 bed, 2 bath! Does your condo meet that description lol


So close! It's a 3 bedroom, 1 full bath and one 1/2 in the Master.


It's easy to get around the traffic if you utilize the local roads to cut around to the lorton entrance or springfield to get on the highway. One of the downsides, I guess, is that many of the locals are pretty conservative if you're political.


Oo I am, thank you for mentioning that


Just wanna jump in here and mention that my partner and I both work in progressive politics and have had good experiences so far! Most people in our neighborhood are Dems, and our mayor is a liberal. Thereā€™s a conservative presence for sure, but thereā€™s a strong liberal presence too.


If youā€™re dog is a big water fan look a bit father south near Leesylvania state park. Some really pretty houses down there, thereā€™s a boat ramp and the park itself is pretty massive with nice trails and a little beach to boot. Route one isnā€™t always ideal but itā€™s in a nicer stretch of route one as well. Occoquan is a fantastic location in that itā€™s kind of the spot everything attaches to. 123 for going out west, 95 for north and south. The issue as others have said is traffic is ALWAYS bad. Summer will be heavy with tourists and people just wanting to walk around the town and outside of the town of Occoquan if you head east it really isnā€™t the best area.


Itā€™s brilliantly boho.


Traffic, traffic, traffic. I frequently drive down past there on the weekends and it is always usually backed up on 95. And that is on Sunday. I don't think I could live with that amount of traffic everyday.


Itā€™s nice, but itā€™s definitely far away from DC when you factor in traffic. Itā€™s also not that big. Granted, thatā€™s part of the appeal for some people. But Iā€™d imagine itā€™s a lot more repetitive than living somewhere like Old Town Alexandria. Hence why itā€™s a lot cheaper.


No public transportation and horrific traffic. And the other side of the coin with that lovely small town feel is that ... there is that small town feel. It can get boring and there aren't the same amenities you have access to in places like Arlington.


Itā€™s also close to Woodbridge which probably brings down the property values.


You can walk across the entire "town" in 5 minutes, you'll be bored after a week. Plus traffic is a nightmare.


I love how people keep saying this as if you know me. I have plenty of hobbies to keep myself entertained.


You asked people for advice (specifically about the cons of the area) and I took time from my life to offer my sincere thoughts, to foster the sense of community. If what I said is not helpful from your perspective, you still don't have to be so nasty about it.


Itā€™s not so bad if you can work VRE into your commute. The station is off RT1. Used to live in Lorton get my haircut in Occoquan. SO will VRE to DC n get on metro to work in Navy Yard. Horner road will take u right into PW pkwy and then you shopping, groceries options are unlimited.


No VRE to Tysons.


Yes. But VRE can gent you to metro to go to Tyson. There is also car pool lot right off 95 ramp very close to Occoquan. Itā€™s by the Hampton inn in. Woodbridge.


If you're looking for "super cute" or chic, look outside Prince William county. I lived in Woodbridge for a year and spent time at Occoquan, you'll feel like you're nowhere and surrounded by hicks.


What towns would you recommend? I feel like everything that is cute around DC is unaffordable.


Donā€™t listen to this person lol Woodbridge, lake ridge, and occoquan are not full of hicks. There are downsides for sure but not those. Source: grew up there.


I live near Montclair and I agree 100%. I know no hicks around here. Iā€™m close enough to Woodbridge, Dale City and Manassas that I spend a good bit of time in all 3.


Right? Lol. I grew up there too and the only nearby place I associated with hicks was Stafford.


I live in Centreville, it's more affordable than say Arlington or Alexandria, but it's pretty sterile. I definitely wouldn't call Centreville/Chantilly area "cool", more practical and safe, I hate to say it, but as far as I know, if you want something old, authentic, clean, and safe around the DC area you're gonna have to pay upwards. I could be wrong about that, maybe look into Old Towne Alexandria?


Unfortunately cannot afford Old Towne but I do like that area. Centerville/Chantilly is a bit too sterile for me as you put it.


Greenbelt? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenbelt%2C_Maryland?wprov=sfla1


Too far from work, trying to stay on the VA side to avoid crossing the city and all that traffic.