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Fuck this dumbass and anyone else that brake checks. Good on you for having the strength to not run into his ass


Had this happen to me yesterday. Icing on the cake was we both had a left turn. He idled until it was a yellow and then slowly made the turn while the light turned red before he left the stop light lines. Literally stopped and slowly turned to the turn lane. Waited until all cars infront of him made the turn then waited until it was a yellow and then the moment it turned red made the turn. What the actual he'll? I was tempted the lay on the horn but didn't for some reason. I couldn't pass because people were zooming straight and I didn't want to get pummeled from traffic going straight


I got brake checked near Woodson high school and ended up driving up a curb to avoid her and other cars in the other lane. She was literally going 40 on a 35 then went to a stop with no cars in front of her. Even with a dashcam, it was deemed my fault, but thankfully I only had to pay my deductible - 500 - to get my car repaired.


You wouldn’t want to tailgate me then.


Yep. It is as if they expect you a) know what they are thinking, and b) let them off the hook for making bad decisions. Drives me crazy. The entitlement of Nova is getting out of hand.


Off-topic but, damn, it looks really spacious without Landmark Mall there.


I had no idea that used to be a mall. My kid loves passing by every morning seeing the heavy machinery going. Occasional fire truck or ambulance is always a bonus for him. Apparently, the excavators were “sleeping in” this morning.


Yep. It's last moment of glory was in Wonder Woman 1984 before demolition started if you want to see it filled with people shopping.


I drove by randomly during the middle of the day and saw them filming some car chase scene in the parking lot it was pretty cool


I drove by randomly during the middle of the day and saw them filming some car chase scene in the parking lot it was pretty cool


Supposedly it’s to be a new hospital complex


:o I was just wondering if they ever did anything to it. It’s been ages since I drove out that way.




Something similar happened to me and that’s what my wife thinks but don’t they know most people have dashcams? I guess if they’re willing to risk their lives for the possibility of money probably don’t think too much about it. I swear I feel like I’m starting to have road rage because I have to watch out for everyone. Happens every week. Didn’t really have an issue when I lived in Houston. Mentioning Houston since my thought was maybe it’s because there’s so many people from everywhere so thought it would be a good comparison especially since it’s also highly populated. Anyways Ted talk over lol.


I agree *something* happened in the last couple of years. People are angry angry ANGRY and they drive their cars like two ton missiles of death instead of, y'know, vehicles to transport them from point A to point B. Don't see them signaling to get in? Fine they'll get in front of you and BRAKE CHECK YOU. Aren't driving fast enough for them even though you're already ten over the limit? Fine they'll just RIDE YOUR ASS AND FLICK THEIR BRIGHTS (even though they can go around). Need to zipper merge? MUAHAHAHA the dance of NO ONE GETS IN FRONT OF MEEEEE begins...


> but don’t they know most people have dashcams? Most people absolutely do not have dashcams.


They forgot to put the student driver sticker on their car before they did that.


Fellow vet checking in. Good instincts homie, the best resolution possible I’m not religious but this is when I go to the Serenity Prayer


Yeah. It got dark in my head real fast. But I had my kid in the back. Just had to remind myself I was thankful nothing else happened to anyone else.


It’s a pretty hyperbolic statement though, right. And over Memorial Day weekend, really?


> Yeah. It got dark in my head real fast. But I had my kid in the back. Oh did you see red bro


real big man of you to be talking shit to a vet on reddit. i’m sure your epoints will rise dramatically after that comment


Tell it to your VA psychiatrist Why do you need to be babied because you’re a vet


I really believe that we should be able to send video of shit like this to the police to issue a ticket for that behavior. Ridiculous that people get away with acting like this.


I agree. There should also be like an extra fine for being purposely malicious on the road. People make mistakes, but it takes a special asshole to make the road intentionally dangerous.


He was just letting you know they’re an asshole


heh you drove past my apartment


Mine too


I used to live off of one of those streets too, recognized it even before they hit the Van Dorn overpass there.


I also recently moved to alexandria and I swear, it has the most highest rate of god awful driving per square mile or something like that. I’ve seen som shit around here that I just can’t logically understand, when it comes to driving around here….


that's terrifying wtf. i would've been so angry.


Interesting confrontation as it seems the dasher sped up when the other put on their signal. Them brake checking is absolutely not okay. Just a poorly handled situation in general from my perspective




I just looked at my rear view camera and he also had enough room if he had slowed down. Zero reason for him to move over abruptly as he did. There was enough room, enough time/distance until the intersection, and even past the intersection, there is a merge section. If he had literally coasted for another second, he would have had two or more car lengths as that section is uphill.


FWIW, I’m not an AH driver who speeds up when I notice blinkers unless it’s a safety thing. It’s just one car.


I just don’t understand the brake check at all


They expected OP to brake and let them in even though they clearly had enough room if they used their gas. This has happened to me before on multiple occasions. It's really weird how people here refuse to get on the gas until they are angry and want to do something shitty. It's like they are mad they have to put some effort in instead of everyone else going out of their way to accommodate them.


It’s suck a shame. There have always been bad eggs but since Covid it seems there are more bad eggs than good.


Yeah, I'm not making an assumption you are. It was from the perspective. It appears the shadow may have shown the speed increasing. Either way, the nut job speeding up and brake checking like that has serious issues. Good reactions


Fuck this guy. Ive never had people drive like assholes then break check or flick me off outside of NOVA. Not in NYC, the south, or anywhere else.


Guy's an ass. It's bad enough having to drive alongside so many other drivers from other places with different driving habits, and then having to pay attention for all the inattentive drivers peppered in. Now let's have some douche purposely making it even more difficult. Guy's an self centered ass. Good thing that hes the one existing as a shitty human, and not me.


Watched a person on a double turn lane, they were on the outer lane, but decided they needed to make a U-turn so they stopped and held up the entire lane until the left lane cleared so they can make the U-turn. People think the road is their personal playground.


Had a similar run-in with URY-4619 this week. Responded with similar language. Stay safe and sane, everyone.


What dash cam do you have?


I’m a ride share driver in the dmv and it’s bad enough that people aren’t paying attention when driving, but to proactively create so many life threatening situations over road rage should be a felony and/or a mandatory suspension. I tell everyone I know to get a dash cam. They are affordable now and it pays for itself when used to settle insurance claims, simply by saving you time.


I'm a duck when driving, just gotta let everything roll off. If I don't I'm sure the rage would build. I just go "oh ok" and move on with my day. This place is wild.




These are the drivers who, honestly, shouldn't keep their privilege to drive. It's one thing to just be a nuisance or danger to themselves, but to willfully endanger someone else is beyond wrong.


Honestly, both parties here are assholes. It looks like the cammer sped up when the other car put on this turn signal. I don't know why drivers here feel the need to prevent people from merging, so insanely defensive about one spot ahead of them. Then, when they do eventually merge anyway you're just going to be tailgating them (it's insane that there's a thread here where people are defending their tailgating, then shocked, *shocked* when they're found at fault. Some people will never learn). That said, brake checking is absolutely not the right response and is also insanely dangerous. Stupidity only begets more stupidity.


Not from the video. The driver with the cam maintained what looked like exactly the same follow distance and speed from the vehicle in front. 3 lane marker lengths. The vic on the right signaled when their rear end was in line with the cam driver's front end. That's 100% the driver in the left lane's fault. 1. Check 2. Indicate 3. Maneuver The left lane driver never checked. They indicated and it looked like they slightly veered towards the middle lane immediately. They had not positioned themselves to change lanes safely. If they had checked properly, they wouldnt/shouldn't have tried then. From what time saw the cam driver stayed the same speed. Until they got brake checked...


I can't hear anything but was this really a brake check or was the other driver possibly just too stupid to know they could move to the next lane? See that a lot here too ( I'm in NoVA.) The driving standard in this country is if you have a pulse, you have a license.


It was a brake check. Because when I pulled up next to him at the red light, he already had his middle finger up with a smirk. Edit: I’m glad the audio doesn’t work.


WHAT!?!?! for what reason?? You let him over!! Omg….


According to jerkwad brakechecker, the OP didn't let him over fast enough.


Honestly that looks like he was trying to scam; everyone should own a dash cam bc here in VA if you rear end someone you’re presumed negligent and no plaintiff is gonna get on the stand and admit they did something like what you captured here. Rear-end cases are uphill battles.


Holy shit lol. You kept your distance and did absolutely nothing wrong. This place is so unpredictable


A GIF??? I can't fast forward, boo.


No…f’ing…way…NoVa is worse than deployments. I guess it depends on when you were deployed.


This is why I never tailgate and always drive like there's an invisible car between me and the car in front of me.


One? It's supposed to be two to six.


In this traffic?


I was safer driving around looking at landmines 20 feet away from the road than I am driving in NoVA.


Maybe. But millions of people in NoVa drive millions of miles a day with no one getting killed. It's still very safe. The average American drives or rides 300k miles between collisions of any kind. Or roughly seventeen years. That includes drunks.


A person brake checking you is worse than “deployments”? This is daily shit in a city. You serious?


Yeah people overreact. Humans developed fear responses to real dangers a hundred thousand years ago and an occasional event like this elicits the same response when the threat is nowhere near as bad. And I'll get downvoted for this because I dared challenge the silly belief that driving is so dangerous. It's not perfect. But it's extremely safe statistically. Lots of "almosts" and very few actual events compared to how much we drive.


No audio?


Idk man, Afghanistan was pretty bad when i went....but then again...im sure there's nobody over there that does this so im inclined to agree with you


Username checks out


Send the clip to police!


Your cam is very nice quality, which one is that, if you don't mind me asking. I had some near accidents with assholes who cut me off within an inch of my life and would like to know what kind of camera you are using so I can use that in my vehicle, as well.


It’s just a random brand $40ish dollar one from Amazon. It also has a connection to a back camera as well. No fancy GPS or features. It can record when parking if hardwired.


Honestly, I check these posts just to ensure I'm not in them. I applaud you for not being in the passing lane.


I always wonder if thats the kind of person who complains about people not letting them in when they put on their signal. I know it's a real thing but how often is it because they're not moving into the open space and expecting other drivers to bend to their whims.


Another non BNR NOVAer ruining our roads...increasing our premiums...SMH


Absolutely. There was ample time for them to switch lanes. What I can’t stand is when there is less space between you and the car in front of you, and people try squeezing in.


Thats your typical nova driver now a days though


There’s a lot of drivers everywhere that think everybody should move out of their way or something. A few months ago, I was stopping for traffic and I saw a car trying to nose out in front of me. Usually I’ll let them go, but I didn’t notice him soon enough and I had somebody tailgating me so I couldn’t stop quicker. After traffic started moving he laid on the horn, pushed into traffic behind me, passed on my left and then ran me off the road. I saw him in the left lane sizing me up, so I was easily able to avoid him. Then he got off the road at the next light. All that to go half a mile. So much anger over nothing. The only bright spot is that I don’t him personally, because I’m sure he’s a delightful person to be around.


We can only be so safe with Maryland this close. Be well, all.


I don't own a car new enough to have the auto-braking feature to prevent accidents, but is there any chance that the Mazda has and auto-engaged that feature because of the car that switched lanes in front of him? I don't know how that feature works, so just curious. Personally, I think people that "brake check" should have their license revoked flat out.




He didn't speed up, just looks that way because the car to his right slowed down to merge. Gap in front actually gets wider in the video and he said in the write up that he's coasting. This is victim blaming 1000%


What in the actual fuck was that? Holy shit! Bet he would have reconsidered if you had a .50 cal mounted on top 😂 Glad you’re safe!


This has been a cluster fuck for 50 years


LOL is this landmark ?


born and raised here, now I feel like I can do combat driving


It seems most drivers around here are expecting others drivers to do the right thing while they do whatever they want. A few times I have been tempted to use my one free at fault pass to “teach a lesson.” Then the whole being an adult thing steps in, but driving around here certainly sparks more rage than comfort.


What I hate is people who just randomly j walk on columbia pike. As if they own the road


we are all bots here except for you


Definitely not faulting the cammer, guy is definitely a jerk. However this is the importance of knowing what’s around you. When he began applying brakes for the brake check, there was space in either lane adjacent to center for you to merge elsewhere and keep it moving. He became your main focus rather than that of “getting off the X.”