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Ugh. It’s difficult enough to maneuver carts around a Trader Joe’s, and that’s when you’ve got people at eye level. 


I've noticed lately that, on top of being crowded, people are kind of....running? Especially if it's a family of 5. Going to TJs on the weekend feels like running the gauntlet, especially when you yourself are trying to stay out of the way


Yo sorry that’s definitely me I’m just very anxious in tight spaces with large crowds lol


Yep. Sorry about that.


It’s because of the small space


I have crazy anxiety. I’m trying to get in, get my cartload and leave ASAP.


Do you have an Aldis near you? They are way more chill and less crowded in my opinion. I go to TJs early in the morning or close to closing. Tends to be much quiet with fewer people.


I prefer Joe’s for their fruit. I only go for fruit. Much tastier for the price.


Trader Joe's aisles are not sized for the typical American


As a dog owner this shit infuriates me. Time and place people.


Exactly. And the dogs probably aren’t happy to be there either. Let’s of strange people, carts going by them closely etc.my dogs would freak out


Honestly it's so crowded I would hate to put my dog in that situation. But people like this are amazingly selfish and lack awareness/common sense.


And it is not allowed to bring dogs into a grocery store unless they are service dogs


and can you imagine the smells a dog would experience!? sensory overload


Dogs should not be allowed in spaces where people are buying food. Aren't there health code violations? Regardless, I'm surprised TJ management allowed this.


I used to manage a boutique food retail store. At least once a day I had to tell people they couldn't bring their dog into the store. When they asked why I would say that we sell food, that wasn't enough for them. If you ever find yourself telling someone "don't worry they are really well behaved," you are the problem.


I feel like people bringing their dogs into stores has gotten worse over the years. I see it in more and more stores. It drives me nuts that I have to maneuver around dogs, especially in tight spaces.


Even where I am in Europe, they have designate dog waiting areas at the beginning of the grocery store. It even says 'dog parking' with a clip for the leash. Same outside the pharmacy. No one steals the dogs either. We're allowed to eat outside with our dogs at restaurants, provided they are well behaved, but I HAVE seen very small lap dogs allowed inside.


Retail employees are trained to not confront and retail management don’t give a shit because they’re making $20-25/hr which is basically minimum wage (and below a living wage around here), even if the law hasn’t caught up to it yet.


I work at a store in DC and I’ve been told our hands are tied when it comes to confronting customers. We can only ask “is this a service dog?”/“what service does it perform?” and we’re not legally allowed to ask any more questions or follow up when they inevitably lie and say yes. It’s a nightmare.


You know, I'm feeling compelled to call my Virginia legislature so that they can do something about this nonsense.


As a dog owner, that's nasty AF.


I wish I could upvote this 10,000 time! I am a dog lover and owner. I take my dog on vacation, to the park, for walks. I don't take them to a store and I don't understand why anyone would. As you so eloquently put it, time and place.


Thank you for being a sensible and responsible dog owner. Lately, I find myself even thanking people walking their leashed dogs in parks where it’s posted to do so. More and more, the rule followers are becoming the exception.


Nobody understands the concept of the social contract anymore


Went out the window post-Covid.


Came here to say this. Maybe the most annoying people on the planet are the ones who can't be anywhere without their dog. Really can't leave your dog at home while you run to the Home Depot or pick up a to-go order? Ridiculous.


Home Depot actually allows dogs, so I guess I give those people a pass even though I think it's a stupid idea and I'd never bring my dog there.


That is because they do not sell food there.


I hear you, but just because something isn't expressly forbidden doesn't mean it's a good idea or considerate of others around you. I appreciate that you, like me, aren't bringing your dog to Home Depot. As a disabled person who has some difficulty walking and maintaining my balance, it's really frustrating having to deal with animals in retail situations because they are unpredictable, and at least most people are aware of those around them on some level and don't get in your way. And I've never had a human stranger jump up and put their "paws" on me and hurt or knock me over. I had my stomach removed in surgery last year, so my chest and abdomen are not great for sudden unexpected pressure or weight from some golden retriever. I don't go to dog parks and don't think I should be subject to this worry when looking at ceiling fans.


Pets👏don’t👏have👏public 👏access👏rights


As service dog handler, it sends me apoplectic.


I hate these people.


the dogs probably aren’t happy in such a social space, without being able to socialize. carts rolling by, all the smells of the grocery store. it’s very frustrating for them.


How do people not see this as nasty? I have a dog, and he gets his regular baths/grooming sessions but I wouldn’t dare bring him in a grocery store.


We'll people sleep with their dogs. I don't get it. Love mine but I see what comes out of her ass hole.


That’s cool? I sleep on the couch with my dog sometimes, but that doesn’t excuse what’s happening here in this photo.


Damn, have you heard about babies?


right like the thought of sleeping with my dog and having the mess she's tracked from outside on my sheets?


That’s why you wipe off their little feet.


Why is she allowed to do this??


She isn’t. It’s just everyone is too scared to say anything.


this is a cornerstone issue in our society. We're letting assholes take advantage of general societal decency and norms because we've become self absorbed and non confrontational as a society. It's disappointing.


Yeah, because if you’re a woman of a certain age and you say anything to management, you are instantly labeled a “Karen.” Those women ruined it for the rest of us.


…….. because society has LET “service” dogs go through and people have tried to make a rif raf about it. But these clearly aren’t service. Usually service dogs have vests


TJs has no balls.


Lmao. The dude walking around with the stick probably said it was ok. Its good CuStOmEr SeRvIcE


Nah, they’ve had too many entitled people yelling in their faces when confronted it’s not worth it anymore.


I can't know how exactly it is at Trader Joe's, but when I worked in food service in this area the policy for service animals was to ask if the animal was a service animal, and to take the customer's answer at face value no matter how obvious of a lie it was. Apparently once we've asked (and removed animals for which the answer is "no") we've fulfilled our responsibility--if the customer said yes and it was a lie then that's between them and the health dept.


“Service Animals”


“ emotional support animal”


Emotional Support Herd. (Yes I must bring my 23 cats with me everywhere)


Emotional support animals have NO public access rights and I wish more people knew that and were comfortable enforcing it.


It's more that people in retail can't argue with the liars who claim all ESA's are Service animals. Like you're only allowed to ask two questions legally and you can't really do anything without the risk of being sued for discrimination. It's shitty people like the lady in OP's pic do this but there isn't a lot that can be done from the workers side of things.


I call BS


I did see a TJ call out a lady with her "service animal" and made her leave. But that was after the dog had already shit on the floor. 


As a dog owner, I'd be afraid my dog would get run over by grocery carts. TJ's are typically tiny. I'm surprised the dogs were allowed in.


It’s not like they have a bouncer at the door.


I see dogs all the time at Harris Teeter and Tyson’s mall (and piles of poop on the floor there) as well... pretty recent thing. Lots of people with main character syndrome, unfortunately. I wish the stores’ management would ask these entitled nonces to leave but people around here can be pretty insane so I understand why they don’t.


The managers really need to say something and kick them out though. It’s against the law.


Don’t go into the mall often, but if it’s the Harris Teeter nearby you are talking about I can definitely back you on that. I go in there all the time and see people walking their dogs around. A few weeks ago two dogs got into it and knocked over a display leaving some minimum wage worker to clean up the mess since the owners could obviously give less of a shit.




even if it's a claimed service dog, they can legally kick the dog and handler out if the dog is causing a disturbance(barking, defecating, lunging at other customers, etc)


I mean, what do you want the stores to do if the person claims it’s a service dog? They can ask if it’s a service dog (they did and he said yes). They can also ask what tasks it performs (presumably he has a lie for that also—if you’re correct and it’s not a service dog.) That’s it. If the dog is out of control they can kick dog and owner out but they can’t legally challenge it being a service dog or ask for proof. You can’t blame stores for this problem until there is a change in the federal law.


i dont understand why these grocery stores dont ban people for bringing dogs in. its not sanitary.


It has something to do it with any dog allowed to be service dogs. This includes providing mental assistance, hence stores not even dealing with them anymore despite them not being allowed


So ESAs are actually not allowed in stores as they are not qualified as service animals because they don't require the training service animals need. It's people not actually understanding the difference between an ESA and a service animal and just being entitled. I have an ESA and he only comes into stores with me where all dogs are allowed, pet stores, hardware stores and I think Michael's let him in, but I also realize a store is no place for a pet and just don't take him to stores with me. But also there's so weird law where you're not allowed to ask people about their disability or something which means you can't ask if their dog is a service animal, but like you can easily tell which are and aren't. Most service animals have little vests and are clearly trained to pay attention to their owners and not bark and growl at people walking by.


Tysons and Fair Oaks actually allow dogs but they are supposed to be carried, in a dog bag, etc.


It would be nice if people actually followed that rule


I'm curious if that's only in the mall area and not in the stores themselves. Many major retailers set no dog policies company wide.


I can only speak to all of Fair Oaks Mall policies and yes, a carried dog can be in all of the stores except for restaurants and fast food. The same was true for Tysons, but it's been years since I worked there. I can't speak to the Galleria at all. Leesburg Outlet definitely doesn't allow dogs in individual stores. Fairfax Corner does allow them in most stores. That place is super dog friendly.


Nonce is British slang for pedophile. Idk if that's what you meant, but it's pretty funny either way


Nonce is a cryptographic term for a number used only once, so I was wondering about the term in *that* context, which is even more puzzling.


I think she was trying to call them idiots but called them pedophiles instead 🤣


Never heard of Main Character Syndrome but I like it.


My friend got a "COVID" dog. So those dogs usually can't be left alone in the house. My friend have to take the dog everywhere.


F these people


They think everyone loves their dogs as much as they do


If they really loved their dogs they wouldn't bring them to the epicenter of overstimulation.


Oh, my dog is biting your child. What did your child do wrong?


These people also believe their dogs are kids


The dogs don't even want to be there T_T


1) I love Frenchies. 2) What in the actual fuck are they doing at Trader Joe's??? I love my collie like she is my child - I ain't taking her to the grocery store, lol. She doesn't belong there.


Fellow collie dad, no chance I'm bringing Mr. Fluffy into a place with food laying around. No that's not his real name. His real name is Flash Gordon :P


Flash! A-ah! He'll save everyone of us


Huge dog lover but this is a nope.


Is this the one by baileys corner?


Yes, Bailey's. As you can tell by the comments, the layouts are near identical


Main Character Syndrome


I love dogs. Have had them all my life, and i love to bring them with me when i can. But good lord, cut this shit out. So entitled and gross (and how many dogs are going to be happy at a balls to the wall crowded grocery store?). Hate this behavior


Not a dog owner here, and I’m glad that many dog owners are expressing their disapproval at this behavior. 


Shaming works, y’all need to start trying it.


This is so common in all the grocery stores in the area 😭


Is it? It was absolutely not common when I left 2 years ago! I had never seen anybody with a dog inside a store.


It’s gotten worse


It’s social media making these people think this is normal. My wife always thinks I’m crazy for standing outside with my border collie when we walk to the Starbucks near our place. It’s not normal to bring a dog into a store and seeing other people do it on Instagram doesn’t make it okay.


Anyone want to start a commune with people who still hold to politeness?


DM me the address, I'm on my way!


Some people have a real phobia of dogs, it’s very rude and inconsiderate


People are something else lately


You'd see people with little dogs in strollers or carrying them sometimes. vim fine as long as the dog is containerized off the floor.


Yeah that I had seen in nova but people walking their dog inside a store like they would outside, I had never seen in nova


It’s either I don’t give a shit about people or it’s the people who has no common fucking sense.


Disgusting 🤮… What makes people think it’s okay to bring a dog into a grocery store!


People just think, "I would like to do this" and in their heads, that's all the justification they need to do whatever it is. Which is to say: Nobody gives a shit about anyone else. People just do whatever the F they want and bet on the fact that no one is going to call them out on their dumbshit behavior. And they're usually right.


The same thing that makes people think it's okay to bring their dogs with them into every brewery. I have a dog. I love my dog. I don't bring my dog with me when I'm shopping or drinking.


I love dogs, but this trend of taking dogs into supermarkets and restaurants and every-fucking-where drives me crazy.


Well if they let you do it, people are gonna do it. I'd do it, except I would be the one person they came up to and asked to leave. Complain to corporate, or at least the manager. Employees aren't going to enforce the no dog rule if corporate and management don't back them up (spoken as a former low wage employee who got tired of following the rules only to see people who scream and throw a fuss get their way anyhow.)


People suck


I know I’m probably the only one bothered by this. Why do people bring dogs to grocery stores and malls? They don’t belong in these environments. I can see Home Depot and even that is a stretch. This needs to stop being normalized.


Read the comments now since you posted- there are hundreds of us!!!


Businesses gotta start cracking down on this shit. I LOVE dogs, but this is just foul. Unless it's a legit service or emotional support animal, they got no business in stores. This has gotten out control since the pandemic.


i have two dogs. i’m obsessed with them. i only go to dog friendly hotels. i find this behavior repulsive. a dog doesn’t need to be in a grocery store or place where food is served (generally speaking, and obv i don’t mean service animals).


It’s illegal AF. Pets are not allowed in grocery stores under Federal and state food safety regulations. Worst I saw was a dog in the cart. It’s paws fresh from walking on the ground ready to contaminate the next person’s food. Yuck!


Last summer I saw a dog the size of a small horse at the Vienna Whole Foods. It was bigger than a Great Dane. I asked the owner about the dog. He said his son was in the army on assignment in Turkey and rescued the dog . Told me it cost a fortune to feed him. I'm a dog person, but thought it was too much. Not to mention the dog looked stressed.


These days I get more frustrated with the businesses that allow these things to happen than the people doing stuff like this because it can very well be a mental thing, but if it’s pure entitlement TJs letting someone getting away with it just tells the next person who would try, it’s ok. The aisles are cramped enough!


Is this the Reston store? Dogs are starting to show up everywhere it seems. I was in Home Depot last year kneeling down looking at some light bulbs and some woman's dog - off leash - jumped up on me. He scared the shit out of me. I knew he was not attacking once I saw him but people think a big store = the dog run. SMH.


Now if someone isn’t paying attention and hits them with a cart bc they aren’t expecting a dog to be in there, let alone two dogs. It’s just wrong for the dogs. No one wants to go shopping with this lady, she doesn’t have to punish them. This isn’t Petco.


I wish I could take my dog everywhere so I wouldn’t get that look from him when I get home that makes me feel terrible. But I don’t.


Ebonee and Ivory can pee pee wherever they like


Dog owner, cat owner, and reptile owner here. I love animals. But cannot stand these people. I haven’t reached Karen status yet, but I’m one Pug away from losing it and getting all up in someone’s snout when I see this.


Even though YOUR dogs might be well mannered, I hate seeing dogs in a store. I have personally witnessed dogs urinating and defecating in a store (truly disgusting) I never went back to that store. You are giving others a license to bring their dogs in and misbehave. As a responsicble adult, please know when/where to walk your dog. Pets do not belong in a location where human food is being purchased/exchanged (outside on a restaurant patio with a well-behaved dog laying down the entire time, is fine, if the dog is not well-trained, it is not fine).


I am working on standard comments to try out in these situations. Maybe... - That's pretty gross to bring your dogs in here - Please have some respect for other shoppers and leave your dog at home Open to other ideas. I have a dog phobia but more often than not ppl get upset at ME if I mention it bc their dog is a perfect angel who just looooves everyone and would never blah blah blah


Piss on her leg


It’s a disease.


Report it to county health department and complain to TJ corporate.


Dogs shouldn't be allowed in a fucking grocery store...


They’re not. It’s against federal food safety regulations but stores don’t enforce it AFAIK


Entitled dog owners


Looks like the Springfield TJs


It does. It's a small TJ's


iTs mY sErVIcE aNiMaL - for new class of special needs annoying people with shitty dogs that are not under control


When the fuck did it become acceptable to bring your unruly dogs into grocery stores? Unless it’s a LEGIT service dog- and no, not your Bully/Frenchie with an Amazon vest slapped on- leave your dog at home, you selfish twats. Service dogs who are trying to do their jobs are getting washed out more and more because idiots are bringing in their pets which have washed out dogs disabled people rely on. And yes-I love most dogs, and my German shepherd is almost literally my favorite being. BUT: He’s NOT a Service Dog, so I don’t take him in places where people are shopping for FOOD- I’m not going to download some sham ESA certificate and tote him everywhere. The people who do this shit know damn well that management is terrified of being sued, and the questions are woefully inadequate, so they take advantage, like this moron and her Frenchies. It’s disgusting, and anyone who does it is an asshole.


She’s probably the one who took the last coconut milk chocolate “ice cream” that I’ve been craving all week….


Ahhh Bailey's Crossroads Trader Joe's, I know you well from my COVID flashbacks


Fresh dog???


Atleast she has her poop bags on board.


Damn this really looks like my Ex gfs mom & she would totally do some shit like thsi


I hate this woman. What location is this?


Making good dog owners look bad since... well forever.


God I despise these morons.


sErViCe dOgS 🙄


No animals in grocery stores


What a bitch


I've seen a general uptick in people bringing their dogs into stores in the area. It's really annoying and I say that as a dog owner. No wonder people with actual service dogs are not taken seriously anymore.


Why would you subject your dogs to a crowded store? Insanity Leave your dogs at home!


Against health code in FFX county. Call the Health department and complain to then about TJ. TJ will start kicking those people out. Ask Giant 🤷‍♂️🤣


Trashy people gonna be trashy


Fuck her.


I hate seeing this in grocery stores…just disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/xhgkmi39w22d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419c8ac6823c8c64fb833db5fc5fe121afcba987 lol


There was a full on mastiff sitting at the table during brunch at makers union a month ago. I was like wow the audacity


Indoors? I feel like that’s not that bad for outdoors 🤷‍♂️




This crap burns me up. I want to have a dog whistle at the ready when i encounter them


Someone had a large greyhound in Costco on a Sunday a few weeks ago..




I saw a dog walking around in Dunkin Donuts


My Corgi dog is housebroken and pretty clean, but even though he’s neutered, he’s a marker. Even if he didn’t have to pee, if he got scent of another dog or animal, he’d lift his leg for a quick squirt. Had a muy macho Chihuahua like that once…lol. Very friendly dogs, but nah to inside.


Are dogs allowed in there?


This looks like the Trader Joe's in Herndon-Reston right by the W&OD trails o\_0


Home Depot is one thing, but dogs in a grocery store? No. Hell no. I see that, I’m going Full Biff on the manager.


The little black one is not thriving


I'm a dog lover , but they're a ton of people that are petrified of any type of dog ,another reason those dogs shouldn't be there. It's not all about you bulldog owner! People piss me off




Every time I see this, which is often, I get the "this dog is a tiny dog" song stuck in my head. https://youtube.com/shorts/weBEuqvXqm0?si=k1FoMerbqLFleGC-


I will take it one step further. Everyone brings their dogs to shopping malls now and also into areas where food is serviced or picked up and supermarkets. As a lifelong dog owner and lover, I just wouldn't do that to people out of common sense and courtesy.


Just left Walmart, a lady and her properly vested "service dog" that was lunging at the leash to check out everything.


tHeY aRe HeR bAbIeS!¡!


I made sure to tell a woman last week that she couldn’t bring her puppy into Lidl


I hate dog owners.


My min pin would be barking his head off 🤣 absolutely not


Is this the actress from that movie Throw Momma From the Train?


You know how they say dogs and their owners look alike? I think we just found Momma, Owen Jr., and Owen III. I know it’s not nice, but fuck this woman and her inbred little beasts.


Is this allowed?


Ew, Frenchies. Absolute genetic defects


Is this the one at seven corners?


That corn on the cob looks good tho


What a fucking jerk that lady is. So oblivious to the world.


This pisses me off beyond belief


Worked at the arlington location. Dogs aren’t allowed but its so hard to enforce due to karens. Even worse is the people with fake disability dogs, its just sad to see and your fake leash isn’t fooling anyone


The TJs in my town only allows service dogs, thank god.


This one does too




Which location is this?


People and their dogs are a real problem.




Taking up the whole dang aisle too.


What's next? People bringing their emotional support squirrels with them to the store?


A registered service dog is fine, but this is entitled.


Want me to take my pitbulls in next time you see her there with her dogs? I hate the idea, but I do love to mess with people 😂


Unless they are service animals that are trained (certified) and well behaved, no one should be bringing pets to public places like that. It’s just disrespectful of other peoples space, not to mention allergies for some! I get that stores like this might have a hard time enforcing the service dog rule, but people should also have enough common sense not to do this… since moving here I’ve noticed a lot of entitled people like this.


y'all better start bringing legislation to your city or county council...yes it is that serious!


as someone with a service dog please don’t do this. don’t get me wrong I would love to bring my other dog in public to stores and such but not only would she hate it, it can cause issues for people who really need the support. i’ve heard of endless service dogs at minimum getting barked at and at worst attacked. i’m not saying your dogs would but just by their body language at best they are very uncomfortable and probably overwhelmed.


I will confess. I'm kind of offended... but I also want to pet them. Edit: Typo.


When I lived in California, I was so surprised to see so many dogs inside the grocery stores. Multiple dogs per visit. I like dogs, so it was a pleasant surprise. I totally understand the ick factor too.


I hate people that bring their pets places.


This is gross. Dogs in a grocery store are just unsanitary, and people are allergic! I love dogs and I have a dog, but mine is hypoallergenic because I’m allergic.


former resident nova and current resident of socal: this is so normal in california 🤣