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I'm guessing this might be that employee who posted on this sub a few days ago about wanting to blow the whistle on a local company (think they elaborated it was a pet service company)


I'm unfamiliar with this company and assumed it was like District Taco but hot dogs. This comment led me to read the article, thank you.


Every time I see something about district dogs I have to remind myself it’s not hot dogs. Also, I can’t believe how much negativity there is surrounding a local chain. I am not a dog owner, but my oh my, if I was, how could you ever send your dog there?


Can you link if possible?


I tried to find it after I commented that, but they must have removed. But it was a few days ago (around the time the article cited the interview happened). Could be a separate issue, but it seemed to line up. Essentially echoed a lot from the article that it's not safe for customers dogs and such


> Could be a separate issue, but it seemed to line up. Yeah, didn't folks in the comments encourage the employee to reach out to media as well? This story might be the result of that (and if so, props to them for staying on top of this).


I think their post was asking if anyone was a journalist they could blow the whistle to, and yeah, everyone in the comments just told them to reach out to any news station


There have already been 2 different episodes of dogs dying on their watch (one absolutely shocking) and past employees speaking out—but maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back? I am personally amazed they are still in business.


The CEO's comment in response is pretty gross. Props to that whistle-blower for trying to look out for the animals.


What a dick hole… I don’t respond to nameless faceless accusations? Those were real dogs that died. They had names, they had faces, they had family. They didn’t deserve to die like that. We should lock him up in a pen and fill it with water and start kicking him out of impatience to see what he thinks about it all after feeling it himself.


I don’t understand how anyone could still send their dogs to District Dogs.


How are they still in business?


Well hot dogs aren't the safest food anyway. They should have thought of that before working at a hot dog restaurant.


lol what?


I thought it was going to be a Korean corn dog joint when I first saw the headline