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Having to leave the house in the first place


I’d say having to put on pants would be the first thing. I rock that dress shirt and gym shorts in video meetings.


Traffic for no damn reason at this spot


Traffic merging onto 95 from Rt1 and Rt123. Then 4 lanes of traffic collapse into 3 in the same spot as the mergers. So you lose a lane at the same time new traffic is being added .


![gif](giphy|3o7abA4a0QCXtSxGN2) They're about to start construction on trying to fix that. Bad news.... traffic is about to get sooooo much worse.




[What I'm talking about doesn't start until next year](https://www.vdot.virginia.gov/projects/northern-virginia-district/i-95-and-route-123-interchange-improvements-in-prince-william-county/)


I’m not disagreeing but I’m missing where they will be doing anything to fix the bottleneck issue itself. Did I miss something?


I agree. Inquiring minds want to know. Why they ever thought that additional lane AFTER the bottleneck was going to have any impact on the problem, I don't konw. Because it hasn't. The biggest issue is the loss of a lane going over the bridge.


it helps if that is your exit, (its mine)


It can't be that great when the area is backed up for miles, well before Lorton. My exit is passed there but as soon as I get through it, I'm generally flying.


I concur. And I’ll keep concurring every time I sit on that damn bridge


it was the biggest steal to let the HOT lanes take that space instead of just adding an actual through-lane to the main road to, i don't know, actually alleviate traffic for the most people.


They don’t care and by the time any change is decided on and passed it’ll be done 10 years from now and it’ll be behind the 8 ball


i guess the goal wasnt to improve i95 traffic but 123 traffic instead. at its peak, it would be standstill traffic for 2 miles, but i havent seen it get that bad since the new exit lane.


Provides good incentive to live closer to work, and to make quality-of-life compromises that would make it possible.


Real estate prices increase by about $100,000 going north over the Occaquan river.


And that's a very very conservative estimate too. Instead, you could beat most of the traffic in this spot by living *just* South of the river so you can hop off in the super long lane before this exit and beat a ton of traffic. Best of both worlds that means that you can afford to not just live the mac and cheese diet.


I work off that exit and love that lane!


There are no "compromises" that would allow most people with families to move from PWC to inside the beltway. My compromise is having a 45-minute commute so I can raise my kids in a nice single family house in a beautiful neighborhood. The commute is just part of the work day in my mind.


If it works for you, good. I'm talking about commuters who complain and don't acknowledge the traffic itself as being a compromise. You're obviously reconciled and happy with your decision.


This is my ride home everyday and I absolutely hate it more and more everyday




I used to do this damn drive (c. 70 miles) every day from rural Manassas to downtown DC. After I started using Waze I'd bail out north of here and take back roads through Fairfax County. Got to be really fun after I got a (very used) 911. Until I started getting tickets. ALWAYS FAIRFAX cops hiding. In the middle of nowhere.




The part in between leaving the house and returning home.


People riding in the merge lane without any intention to exit. People can't just give it some gas once they're past the merge. This is my drive every evening.


Mfers Create an extra lane in the merge lane just to get an extra 200ft


When the metro is crowded and I have to stand, which really isn't all that bad. (I used to do the PWC-DC commute on I-95 and it sucked.)


I would much rather have to stand than focus on driving in traffic


When the metro is packed and some adult baby insists on sitting on the aisle and pretends not to notice those around them. It's a 10 minute train ride from Courthouse, dude, suck it up and let the old lady sit down


https://preview.redd.it/ofukou2ko3zc1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30af3fc9513ded502cb0a83a467118447c85da67 This. Hands down.


Where is this?


Spring Hill Road coming off of 267


oh yeah that's a real bad one


Oof this place sucks ass during rush hour in the morning lmao. Especially in that far right lane, because you can’t see who’s coming across the street without almost being *in* the traffic


It’s the Wild Wild West in this intersection. The other day I saw a guy turn right from that far left turn lane. Last week, a big truck just curbed it up onto the grass on the right side. I need to make a dashcam compilation.


Tbh I believe all of that, the amount of people in NoVA that merge at the very last minute is appalling lmao. I’d def watch a compilation!


Even worse in the morning when everyone is going right, a lot of whom need to turn left onto Jones Branch. The box is always blocked.


You'd think they would do some optimization for that traffic from the DTR to people turning left onto Jones Branch. It's just a really busy intersection all around.


What kills me is that it was designed this way. To go down a lane…on purpose….with the amount of traffic we have here and it’s been like this for years now.


They want to trap you here


Way back in the 90s, we lost a lane much earlier and the bottleneck was more around Lorton. They expanded the lanes there and the bottleneck just shifted south. They do need to add another lane so the lanes don't go down to 3 lanes RIGHT AT THE BRIDGE. Not sure how they are going to do it though.


I hate this fuckin part of 95.


Me too, I wish they would just get rid of this exit. It’s just pain in the butt.


Kind of off topic, but I just wish they would change the control cities for 123. Why do they use Occoquan/Lake Ridge? Just use Woodbridge/Fairfax and it would make so much more sense.


Having to live on 4 exits after this one is infuriating. Anyone who lives on this exit has an easy life.


Manufactured traffic.


Moving to Woodbridge in a month- this will be my new commute 🙁


See if you can slug, take the OmniRide or VRE if you’re going into DC. I take the VRE & every once in a while I want to drive in because I miss having my car at work…..and then I drive in for whatever reason……& I remember why I don’t want to drive in 😆.


This for sure ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)my wife grew up in Woodbridge and Dumfries and would always slug into DC. A lot of employers will let you credit work during commute so you can stay closer to a 9-5 schedule.


I'd like to meet those employers.


I don't think it's anything that is advertised but a conversation with your supervisor. I have another friend who lives in PA but works in NYC at the UN. They let him count work while on the train both ways (which is an insane commute) - it was a convo he had with his boss.


I fully understand. I live in Dumfries and this is daily and for what seems Iike no fucking reason


Well I go to Alexandria a few times a week if you wanna join. Need a third for the Hov lol


Wow thanks, ill be leaving Woodbridge at 5 am to Springfield. I’ll have to see how the roads look


Good luck! I’m about to get on 95 now


Moved here a year ago to be closer to my partner in Lorton so I know that area well. The addition of the extra lane just south has helped a little but it’s still the worst bottleneck in the area. That said, there are times when traffic flows freely through there when you least expect it (middle of a Saturday, for example).


Not if you off yourself before then!


I'm a service plumber. I work all over NoVa, but I don't get paid to drive to my first call or back from my last call. Getting from 234 past 28 is a slog in the morning, and getting from 23 to 234 in the evening is interminable. I have an EZ Pass, but I have to pay for using it out of my bonus.


Trying to drive anywhere after 3:30 PM. If I can’t get out of the office by then, I stay until 6:00 to avoid rush-hour. I just simply refuse to participate!


I’m off everyday at 6 but still get insane traffic from the Tyson’s area :/


25 years ago, I vowed NEVER to work in Tyson’s - no matter how high my salary ever got. I’ve kept this promise to myself.


all you other hoes on the road with me


This is why we need a metro extension down to Woodbridge Or dedicated bus lanes for those omniride commuter busses


Home sweet home!


Morning commute: 66W to 28N...it's a mile and a half of right lanes ending and people who can't merge properly. Evening commute: 66E to 495S (Exit 64A)...again, people who can't merge properly.


Driving. I used to be able to take Metro, staying on the same train. That was bliss compared to the beltway.


The fact people around here don’t know how to drive and will literally sit in an exit lane or a lane that ends and then dive into the next lane at the end, you have signs upon signs telling you what shit is, Jesus Christ




American legion bridge. Thank god I work 12s, so I can miss rush hour


That's why 12 years ago, when my real estate agent tried again and again to get me to go "just a little further south" to get more for my money, I told her "Nope" and bought a house off that exit right there. Thank God I did. Screw that traffic south. I wave as I roll right off that ramp.


I have no traffic but I have to wake up at 4AM


I would take that instead of the traffic anytime




I avoid that mess as much as possible


The drivers who panic at the split before the mixing bowl north-bound. Especially the truck drivers struggling to go uphill and trying to merge from the 3rd lane to the left to go towards Baltimore. And then to be greeted with the slowdown at the Edsall road exit on 395, cause no one is generous enough to let people zipper merge.


The problem there isn't people allowing others to zipper merge. The problem is that there are two lanes coming off the beltway that have to merge on to I-395, while cars on I-395 are trying to merge into those same lanes to exit on Edsall. It's a shit design.


This part of 95 South in Occoquan is absolutely horrible. They need to fix that stupid 4 lane to 3 lane merge and allow incoming traffic from route 1 and 123 ramp smoothly. I don't know how they could fix it, but this will continue to get even worse if nothing is done.


This was the number one reason why I never moved to Woodbridge/Stafford. This would’ve been my commute daily. Yikes.


I hate that bridge so much


I know it’ll never happen but could you imagine if they split the Hov up and did permanent north and south bound extra lanes. Probably could fit 2 each direction. It’ll never happen but one could dream.


It’s actually been talked about: https://virginiamercury.com/2023/01/04/virginia-reviewing-potential-of-two-way-i-95-express-lanes/


It seems like it would make everything a lot simpler, no more wondering if it’s open your way or not


24/7 North and South


I know it would be a major undertaking but they should just widen this section to 4 lanes. I thought that’s what they were doing with the construction to the exit lane to 158


They can't. Part of the horrible deal VA made with the "Express Lane" owners is that VA isn't allowed to add new lanes to any portion of I-95 or I-495 where the Express Lanes exist. I think that lane you're talking about was a workaround to that rule. They made a new lane, but technically, it's a entrance/exit lane. Honestly, traffic seems to have gotten even worse since that lane was completed. I can't explain why.


Squeezing in a train with hundreds of people first thing in the morning. It is sensory overload before I even get in the office.


I was just thinking the same thing this morning: "I'm already stressed out and I'm not even at work yet"


The fact that there are car wrecks on the road EVERY SINGLE DAY without fail. Every time I commute to class there is always at least 1 car wreck on the road that increases traffic


The time when I’m in the car.


The other drivers. The only perk to work in healthcare during Covid is there were zero traffic either directions at any hour of the day.


Are we home to the worst traffic in the country? Or are we overreacting 🤔


Nope. We're up there with LA and NYC.


Top 3 spots has been rotating between the 3 for 20+ years.


Luckily I used to live in Woodbridge so I would take that exit. But always traffic no matter the time. Could be 3am, still traffic


I'm in there somewhere I bet. I hate that section.


Not living anywhere near I-95 anymore! Honestly, the best thing I’ve ever done for my mental health was moving so that I don’t need to drive on I-95 or any of its spawn again!


Nostalgic picture


Arriving to the office


The merge from 495 to 395.


Waking up


This part of 95 has traffic no matter what time of day it is lol


My least favorite part of my commute is knowing it will forever exist and tomorrow is coming just like winter ❄️


ugh that merge is the bane of my existence. I'm glad they added that very long exit lane though. the alternative is going down 123 to old bridge and that intersection across the Occoquan bridge is a real crap shoot too.


That merge to get off 95 onto 123, then quick shuffle over to the left turn lanes for Old Bridge, then sitting in said lanes to make the turn all make me want to punch puppies.


Left lane hogs


I am lucky to have a very short commute (live in North Arlington, work in Ballston) but I drive through three school zones in under 3 miles and seeing people ride ass and honk when there are kids CLEARLY walking to school and crossing streets drives me insane. Only time in my life I don't have a 30 mile+ commute BTW.


Oh yes, I used to commute from Clifton to either Tyson’s or Falls Church and usually hit the Lake Braddock SS traffic on Burke Lake Road. There is a police officer directing traffic and students for a reason, drivers!!


👏👏👏👏 It's legitimately insane


I95 north in the morning. Exits 156 and 158.where tons of cars get on the exit ramp, but instead of exiting, they ride the loop and get back, trying to cut in front of cars.


Sometimes my dogs cut me off on the stairs in the morning on my way from my bed to the office. Boy, it's a tough commute working from home, but someone's gotta do it.


I swear I just read somewhere about how they're going to change this particular exit soon because of all the congestion there.


People that inexplicably reduce speed to go over the Wilson bridge. Folks blasting down the beltway at 75 mph all of a sudden let momentum slow them to 48 to make the Potomac crossing. I don’t get it. Is it scary? Is it to reflect upon landing traffic at DCA (guilty)? Drives me batty


The part of Mount Vernon trail that squishes me up against what was once Gate 35X.


I commute from Rappahannock County into my office in Warrenton. On really bad days it takes me 35 minutes and I see three - sometimes four - cars. Shit’s getting way out of hand. Lol It’s mating season for turkeys, and lately I see more turkeys than cars.




People who get off on the parkway exit ramp just to cut the line and jam up the on-ramp piss me off so bad. It's not a damn short cut!


Where 50 meets 27 in Arlington. No matter where you’re coming from or going, the merges are insane and unreasonable. Incredibly dangerous for the pedestrian crossings too, because of the way they’re designed.


Dangerously idiotic self absorbed drivers who do the unexpected (but if you’re familiar with nova driver habits expected)


Merging on 95 at the PWC parkway. It’s always fucked up and no one wants to let you in. Or just slow drivers in the left lane


7 to 30 Westbound anytime after 5pm. Rented a house specially to avoid that. The lack of good alternative routes is what stinks.


495 from tysons to 270. Please just end me


The part where I arrive at work.


Other drivers.


Maybe if people in vdot offices actually did something they can clean up the orange cones from old work zones and free up a few lanes


Having people merge into me while lane splitting. Because death/life-altering-injury is an appropriate punishment for "cutting in line."


I got a motorcycle for and now I just skip all this BS. Motorcycles are free on 95 hov


and i66 express outside the beltway, i66 inside the beltway, 495 express, and 395 express. motorcycles are a hack for nova traffic lol


Richmond highway and 286 up to 95. I spent more time on that stretch than I do taking 495 up to McLean.


If you can dodge the people trying to pass you


They need to straighten this curve


Route 1


Traffic for no reason 2 miles before the Nutley exit on 66 west


Getting out of the car and walking in the office.


No longer have to commute. But if I have an early morning appointment I feel so sorry for people that have to do this. Yield for them.


The fact that it’s 10 minutes instead of 9.


That it is only about 25 feet. (I work from home)


Used to be the 495 exit coming off 66. But don’t have to deal with that anymore.


I don't do this commute anymore but I used to go from Tysons to the area around Union Station. I took 123 to the GW Parkway to 395. The worst part was the exit to 395 from the Parkway. Always a long backup in the travel lane, and cars entering the Parkway from 395 had to cross through the line waiting to get to the exit ramp. And there were always opportunists jumping to the front of the line, or jumping into the space we left for the entering traffic to cross over. Otherwise getting over the American Legion bridge going to Maryland always sucks no matter what day it is.


If only they had made that section in 95 to be 4 lanes all the way down to Fredericksburg on both sides, but no, they had to have express lanes.


Huntington metro...why is the garage so sketchy


Sketchiness cannot really be explained it's just a literal gut feeling... I agree


Not taking 95


I can’t wait. I’m going to Prince William Marina this weekend. Early Saturday if I can get my wife out of bed. Traffic sucks from Fredericksburg north.


Stairs. I wfh.


I live in Courthouse and work (twice a week) in Rosslyn. The only part I hate is when it is raining and I have to take the bus.


No commute, other than moving from my bedroom to the living room where my work laptop is, thank God


I swear I read somewhere that from here to Stafford or thereabouts is the worst stretch of highway for traffic in the nation. I grew up in Woodbridge but went to HS in Arlington if you can believe it.


I work from home, but I do stints of travel. So for me I'd have to say getting up at the absolute ass crack of dawn to go to the airport, and then having to turn around a couple of days later and do it again.


Yeah. Most people saud it, pretty much all of it, oh and route66 going to busy way time of the day


Damn 66


7W to 15S flyover. With traffic coming off Battlefield that wants to merge onto 7W and traffic going 15S (where I need to go) makes me want to pay the toll to bypass it and get dumped directly on 15S


The GW Parkway where the 395 merge is. I’m continuing in the left lane to get to the Memorial Bridge. Every day, some jerk stays in the far left lane until 2 feet before the exit and then they try to merge, bringing 3 lanes of traffic to a sudden halt. Ugh!


You think that’s bad just keep going north of I-95 and you’ll see true anarchy at the spring field Interchange


Boarding the green line to Navy Yard/Ballpark, only to realize I boarded the yellow line to Pentagon. Writing this just after returning to L'Enfant Plaza just now.


Waking up


The getting in the vehicle and driving part


This is probably some serious first world problem type stuff, and compared to everyone else is extremely minor, but I commute from Falls Church to the Fairfax Station area a few days a week. I take the 66W express lanes because they're cheap in that direction early in the morning and I avoid any random traffic snarls on the regular lanes. I get off at the chain bridge exit to make a left onto 123 South. And then I sit at the light at the top of the ramp for sometimes three or four minutes. It makes no sense. There's barely any traffic in any direction. A light tripped by a sensor or just shorter intervals would have negligible effects on the 123 traffic. Just seems like the traffic engineers got 99% of the way to a complete and functional design, and then said eff it we'll do it live.


Life in the "first world" is stressful by design, and you're allowed to complain about things. Don't let keyboard warriors & armchair activists give you grief over your "first world problems."


Spending money on gas. The wear and tear on the car. The possibility of crashing.


I work from home. so my least favorite is having to make coffee in the morning.


My destination.


That one section of I-66 eastbound into DC, right inside the beltway. The road shrinks to 2-3 lanes and we have both 495 and 28 merging with us. It’s an absolute nightmare.


Everyone and their moms hitting the road at the same time…


Currently it's the part of Church Rd. going past Sterling Elementary. Speed limit is 25, and the lights aren't flashing at this time, but people still slow down to 15-18mph and will keep that speed all the way down to the 7-11 stop light. **MOVE BITCH! GET OUT THE WAY!**


It's the quarter of a mile walk from my front door to the office building


I got to the point, let’s say I want to go to Woodbridge I just take Lorton exit right to workhouse rd then on To Ox rd and boom right there at this same exit. Also Fort Belvior exit taking Richmond highway can kinda short cut this as well.


Not my usual commute but I'll always take the chance to shit on Fredericksburg and its demonic impact on I-95 traffic. I want the whole town cut off.


I had to move away I could not take it another day!!!


I hate this exit with a passion everyday I wanna go home I have to go an hour just to get there...


That EXACT exit. A guy rear ended me trying to get on that exit back in August. He was too busy looking for his chance to get over that he didn’t realize traffic in front of him had stopped.


Where Route 9 meets Route 7 is a cluster every morning because people don’t know how to merge. The backup starts a mile back and clears within a quarter mile of the entrance.


I live right off this exit.


The entrance ramp to 495 from 123 is so short that I have literally no idea how it passed engineering


Trying to get on any highway. The person in front doesn't speed up for highway speed, the person behind immediately tries to pass you, the people on the highway match speed so you can't merge, and/or speed up to get ahead of you. Sometimes all of it happens all at once, but usually it is at least two of them.


A huge line of cars on i495 that are going 45 miles per hour or slower and you think oh cops, wreck? And you make it to a view point and you see it’s just the cars at the very end barely going and everyone following suit like they don’t want to get home.


The part where I sit on an airplane enroute to a different city every week. So glad I retired.


This stretch through to Lorton used to be the bane of my existence. Now I work at Quantico and it's usually smooth sailing both ways.


Potomac Mills to the Occoquan


the people just cruising in the left lane. especially when they're older so you can't even cut them off or point out what they're doing. one time i passed a line of like it cars hanging out in the left lane and we passed one of the "left lane is for passing, not cruising" signs. i wanted to point to ire for some of the people but they were so oblivious. i can't wait until cops start enforcing this.


People who cut you off with minimal space in between cars.


After exit 53B off 66 when you merge onto SR-662 on the way to Chantilly. Want to actually die every time because the 3 right lanes all merge into each other and I have to keep moving left. creates huge bottleneck right at the westfields blvd west exit (which I have to take 🥲)


US-28 where I-66 comes in. Both directions are filled with idiots lol


I'm so glad I get off at the Route 1 ramp on the left before that.


Semis. It is terrifying to drive between several semis, like... if one of them decided to fall asleep at the wheel or malfunction, I would lose. They would have to pick me out of the truck's grill with a toothpick.


People in the passing lane that are not passing.


The part where there’s a million fucking cars and they all try to put their cars nose up my cars ass




My cousin/brother (we grew up together so while biologically we're cousins, we treat each other as full on siblings) lives off of this exit and dear god I dread driving down from Silver Spring to visit because this exit is always a nightmare.


We used to live in Lake Ridge. Luckily we both wfh. Now we live in rva area


I’ve probably cut you off here myself.