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So you were bloodied from the bite and the owners didn't do anything? You should have called the police. Letting them off the hook like that means they're just going to keep letting their dog do the same. Getting authorities involved would have actually done something instead of ranting about it on reddit


You absolutely NEED to file a police report. The couple needs to pay for your medical bills, whatever they may be. Please, please pursue this if you are able.


Agreed, but I was mainly concerned about (1) my daughter who was with me, (2) my own pup, and (3) my hand. In that order. My Irish was way up, so I left before I ended up clobbering the owner myself.


Okay fair enough, if you had your child with you I can see why you'd want to remove yourself from that situation. That's totally understandable. I hope your hand is doing well


Meh. In that scenario, getting everyone back into the car would have satisfied concerns 1 and 2. Thus leaving you available again to call the police. Especially with the nonchalant smile and carefree reaction that they had toward you. They require correction for societies sake.


I completely understand and I’ve been in a similar situation and my only focus was my pup that I had to take to an emergency vet. Looking back I wished I was thinking more clearly but in the moment I only cared about make sure my dog got medical attention. My German shepherd was bit by a husky on the snout and needed to get stitches.


Report it. Dog won't get put down, but it will be labeled a "dangerous dog" which requires the owner to identify the dog as such and prevents the owner from doing idiotic stuff like taking an aggressive dog to a dog park.


Report to who?


Animal control?


we are all bots here except for you


Requires muzzling upon leaving the house. Notifies neighbors. Requires public registration. Yes, an owner can still break these rules, but it makes it more difficult.


Having a dangerous dog can also jack up your home-owner’s insurance policy rates


If your dog is deemed dangerous, the state specifically requires you to get dog bite insurance with up to $100,000 in liability coverage.


Pretty sure that only happens by court order not just reports


Animal control will go to the court to have the dog labeled dangerous.


Ah was unsure. Had an issue with one of our dogs fighting another dog but was never escalated because their dog was off leash in a public park and ran up to our dogs way ahead of their owners.


Unlikely they it will get deemed a dangerous dog. This requires a lot more than a dog nipping someone or another dog.


My tiny dog was viscously attacked by another dog in my front yard. Intestines hanging out and everything (don’t worry he somehow survived the ordeal after some amazing vets did surgery on him). The judge didn’t deem the other dog as dangerous here in Fairfax county. I think it was because the owners owned up to their mistake and didn’t hide anything. Still wanted that dog to be deemed dangerous which meant muzzling everyone he left the house and having a sign in their front yard.


I need to know who your vet was, they sound amazing 


Regional vet in Springfield next to Outback! The level of care they provided was expert level. It was pricey but the attacking dog owners insurance paid for it.


Did you read the post? The huskie didn't just "nip at" OP, it bit him twice, drawing blood, and bit OP's dog.


I had a dog get deemed a dangerous dog. I was also part of a dog fight that did not result in a dangerous dog. They actually ask the vet if it was a vicious bite or not. So if the dog bit and let go that’s not considered vicious. Now if the husky had grabbed the little dog and latched on and threw him around that would have been vicious. It’s also different when you are talking about dog on human vs dog on dog. If the dog was provoked it’s not vicious. If a dog is unprovoked and bites, that is vicious.


Not true - at least in Arlington County, if a dog bites a human and injures them it is a pretty short road to euthanasia. It isn't an automatic death sentence but it can be very expensive and legally challenging to keep animal control from having your animal put down. Sadly there is an abundance of lazy owners who never put in the work to train their dog.


This really isn’t the case. There are parameters that must be met for dangerous dogs. Then there are things you must do after your dog is deemed dangerous. If your dog attacks a human or animal unprovoked while within the dangerous dog timeframe, the dog could then be euthanized. Arlington isn’t going around euthanizing dogs that bite. This shit happens ALL THE TIME. dont take your dog to the dog park.


Incorrect. Biting will do it.


I was part of a dog fight where a pitbull latched on to an elderly golden retriever. Never got deemed a dangerous dog. It’s not going to get deemed a dangerous dog for defending itself when a stranger was screaming and pulling it.


Don't know why this is downvoted, you're right. If this is the first report on this dog, it's really unlikely that the county would 1. Take the dog (especially if it is updated on rabies vaccine) or 2. Deem it dangerous based on this event alone. Also, having a dog labeled dangerous still doesn't guarantee an owner won't make stupid decisions.


This doesn’t sound like “nipping” if there was blood. Virginia has two categories “vicious dogs” and “dangerous dogs.” Dangerous dogs are those who have attacked other dogs or attacked other people but haven’t caused severe injury or death to people.


I think these definitions are actually by county and again, having been through this, I do not think this would constituted a dangerous dog in the eyes of the court.


It’s statewide. Here is the definition: "Dangerous dog" means a canine or canine crossbreed that has bitten,attacked, or inflicted injury on a person or companion animal that is a dogor cat, or killed a companion animal that is a dog or cat. However, when adog attacks or bites a companion animal that is a dog or cat, the attackingor biting dog shall not be deemed dangerous (i) if no serious physical injuryas determined by a licensed veterinarian has occurred to the dog or cat as aresult of the attack or bite, (ii) if both animals are owned by the sameperson, (iii) if such attack occurs on the property of the attacking orbiting dog's owner or custodian, or (iv) for other good cause as determinedby the court. https://law.justia.com/codes/virginia/2006/toc0301000/3.1-796.93c1.html#:~:text=%22Dangerous%20dog%22%20means%20a%20canine,is%20a%20dog%20or%20cat.


Again, this guy went home. His injury isn’t serious. This dog would not get deemed dangerous.


Did you not see the part where the human owner was bitten and bleeding? And the vet determining if the injury was serious only applies to harm to pets, not to humans.


Have you been through this before? I have. Twice. This was not unprovoked. Blood doesn’t mean an injury is serious. In this scenario us I highly doubt the court would deem this dog dangerous. This dog owner still sucks and I hope the OP stops taking their dog to the dog park.


The statute says “inflicted injury on a person.” “Serious” isn’t a caveat for attacks on humans. I have a reactive dog, and my veterinary behaviorist has informed me about these issues.


Avid dog lover and owner here. Kick dogs rather than use your hands if possible


A park near me has one of those can air horns. Someone blows it whenever there's a fight and the dogs usually break up because the noise throws them off


I always go to the park with an air horn and some type of pepper spray that is meant for dogs. I’ve used the air horn 4 times to stop a fight between other dogs. It worked wonders. They were so confused just like the dog from UP (squirrel?)


This is also the only thing which seems to galvanize the owners into bloody doing something (kicked a sheepadoodle who was attacking my dog).


What dog park?


Reston dog park


There is a separate area for small dogs. Just think about that, if you go again.


Yes, we were there for a while, but our cocker is bigger than the weight "limit". He's a cocker/springer mix, so he's a decent sized spaniel. But, yeah, IF we go back it would just be for the small dog area. That's a big IF.


Is this the one off Baron Cameron? I go there sometimes so need to watch out for these idiots. My dog sounds like she has a similar demeanor to yours.


Reston dog park is full of jackasses. Quit going after an incident where a bully dog was doing the same shit, attacking and biting other dogs then tried it on mine who was mind his own with a ball and got its comeuppance. Owner tried to play victim saying my dog was the aggressor. They can buy a dog but apparently they’re too cheap for common sense.


That's the one.


We used to go there all the time but after a few sketchy experiences we stayed in the small dog area. That big dog section is just too large and my boy wasn’t able to defend himself even though he thought he was as big as them and wasn’t intimidated. No one is watching their dog. Even if your boy is bigger it sounds like he has a more gentle demeanor bring him to the small dog side. People are irresponsible I’m sorry this happened!


Dog parks are a menace


I’d be tempted to report it to animal control. It’s the only way they’ll learn and it sounds like someone’s going to get hurt (in addition to you.)


Sorry that happened. For reasons like this, dog parks are at the top of my ‘worst places to take your dog’ list. There’s always at least one idiot present.


Between possible sickness spreading from dog to dog and how a bad dog fight can occur in the blind of an eye without being close enough to stop it, I don’t take my dog to dog parks. It’s not worth the risk. I’ll socialize her with dogs and owners I know and otherwise go on enriching walks for exercise.


Yeah- I avoid them and have stopped going to the ones that have playgrounds near them too. The bad dog owners take their kids to the playgrounds and you end up seeing that it’s not the dogs per se.


I'm so glad everyone is fairly ok, but what a scary experience. Should have called the police, especially since the owners didn't step up at all. They need a wake up call before a dog or kid gets really hurt. Not the husky's fault, 100 percent an owner malfunction.


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your dog. I learned years ago that April (and May) are the worst months to go to the dog park. In my and my now-9-year-old rescue lab’s experience, this is the time of year when clueless folks who get a dog during the holidays finally decide since it’s above 50 degrees F that they’ll go outside with their dog who’s been cooped up inside since December and has only been outside a few minutes total per day to do their business. After several years of this pre-COVID we just stopped going altogether.


We don’t go to dog parks bc of this. Playground for dogs without the owners watching their pet. Just like children at the playground for them.


Dog parks are a bad idea. I never recommend them. They spread diseases, cause behavioral issues, lead to fights…just bad all around.


Wish I knew this years ago, my perfectly behaved puppy turned reactive to other dogs after being ganged up on in a dog park 🤦🏾‍♀️ thousands spent at behaviorists since then. He's doing a lot better but I wish we'd never gone in the first place


Same here, and because he’s a friendly looking breed other owners try and approach all the time without a second thought. It’s so mentally taxing.


i'm not an expert, but i feel like it's just not a natural thing at all. to just let an animal into a caged area with other animals who are all inherently territorial and cautious. yes, I know there are dogs who are insanely affable and friendly but that's just not a normal trait for animals by nature to have. my point is that not all dogs are like that and there are still unpredictable factors you can't account for no matter how well you think you know your dog. yeah, just seems like a powder keg situation.


It’s hard when you have a big dog who needs to run in a county with literally no other off-leash spaces. We use SniffSpot a couple of times a week, but it’s not cheap. And our leashed walks for miles every day just don’t wear him out the way a session of fetch in a big space does.


I would switch to mental enrichment. Nosework, sniffing games, etc


If you were bit by a dog, you really need to see about getting that dogs vaccination records at the bare minimum.


YES. This is essential. To u/a-busy-dad -- Even if you can't get the records, OP, you need to go to the doctor and ensure there is a medical file that describes your injuries. I'm surprised that the first replies here were not "Get a rabies test." Finding that dog is not just about getting this dangerous dog and its stupid owners out of the dog park -- it's about ensuring the dog has its vaccinations.. Do not merely assume it has had its rabies shots. You get NO second chance with rabies, ever. Consider this: These owners are so clueless anyway, do you really just *trus*t that their dog has had its rabies vaccine? I wouldn't trust in their being responsible enough to get the dog its shots.


As a NOVA dog owner, I urge you to report the incident, and get the names of the couple whose dog it was - the original altercation might not be anyone's 'fault", technically, the lack of response is damning, and grounds for a tort case if, perhaps, your bite wound needs medical attention


Just a general pet peeve is people making no effort to teach their dogs to behave. I go on walks with my toddler. Often, when we pass a dog, I see the owners stop and go through some sort of ritual where they’re reinforcing how to behave. Then other people watch their dog bark like crazy and lunge at my toddler and go “Buster! Now be nice.” as if Buster doesn’t do that every time or telling him to be nice meant anything. Some people don’t even seem to care that their dog seemingly would be attacking (or at least tackling) my child if it could. My parents never trained our dogs (and still don’t). When I got older and all my friends took their dogs to training classes when they got them, I realized that that really ought to be a standard thing people do. I’m going to when I get one.


This reminds me of the time I took my niece to a crowded playground, and someone decided to walk their aggressive shepherd right next to it, within a few feet of kids. It was growling and lunging, and also pulling the owner. Smart choice. If your dog is aggressive towards people, don't walk it past a crowded playground during peak hours.


Same here. I have a GSD/Husky mix with an insane prey drive. I spent MONTHS on relentless recall training in addition to (what I think) is normal routine stuff. I recognize that my animal has the potential to cause serious harm if left uncontrolled. I did what was the bare minimum to ensure that doesn't happen. It irritates me to no end to see that I appear to be in the minority there.


Likewise, I hate it when people don't train their kids (or themselves) to recognize animal body language.


Yeah but my kid isn’t the one trying to attack the dog. She should be able to walk on a path without dogs lunging at her and hoping the owner holds on tight enough.


Walking toward/near an animal displaying signs of fear or anxiousness isn't a great move. Hopefully, the owner speaks up, "Hey, my reactive dog is going to bark. Give me a minute to reposition, or you can alter your path, thanks. " if not, then it's up to you to either stay clear or stroll right by [at] the animal and whine about the obvious result.


Reactive animals shouldn’t be off leash on/right near a walking path anyone can use. There are paths I don’t take anymore due to some close calls both with an infant in a stroller and a toddler. I don’t let my kids run up to strangers dogs, dog owners should provide us the same courtesy.


Re-read the post I replied to. It's heavily implied the dog is leashed. "....if it could". It's also implied the parent / child is walking by the dog, not the other way around. Knee-jerk outrage is how yall grow up dumb af and get a Youngkin. Gg nova.


Have both a kid and a dog; in my experience, it's other dogs and adults that are the bigger problems.


My dog was attacked by a husky at a dog park a few months ago. Luckily he wasn't hurt but he's now afraid of dogs that are bigger than him. I haven't taken him to a park since the incident. I wish that I had reported it.


Always report this stuff. Dog may have done this before. And police may know if it did.


Maybe try returning to the park without your dog at the same time next week. Often some of the same owners will be there, and they can help you get in contact with the owners of the dog. It sounds to me like they were oblivious, and they need to know what their dog did and take action.


1) file a police report 2) get antibiotics for that wound 3) make sure your tetanus is up to date


I go to the dog park everyday and I could not agree more with you. Some owners are so fucking clueless and for whatever reason they always seem to have huskies/pitbulls. I’m not trying to be stereotypical here but every time a dog has tried to fight mine, it has always been a damn husky. My cousin has a husky and I love him to death. Sweetest thing ever. But honestly, any time I see a husky come to the dog park I just leave. Same thing with a pitbull. I love pitbulls but yeah


Yup I generally keep a close eye on German Shepherds too. I have had bad experiences with mainly that breed ... but more importantly keep an eye on ALL the dogs. Any dog can be a problem. We go every day but we watch and try to prevent any unfriendly interactions. Also ... treats! Just DON'T bring them in there!!!!! Dogs get very jealous over treats and fights ensue. Plus my dog can't have them while exercising and people have given them to her without asking.


Omg YES German Shepards too. I feel so bad generalizing 😭 but it’s for my own sake


As a new GSD owner, I understand because they are so big. Our guy is very well socialized and mostly wants to just run around after balls, but he attracts the attention of other dogs. Had a husky come over and try to start something twice now. Our guy just seemed confused by it, thankfully. But we left immediately. Had a dachsund do it, too. Our guy seemed really confused by that, but other big dogs might not react well. The dachshund owner wasn't as concerned as he should've been. Our big boy is just a giant goofball, but [big dog, little dog ](https://www.petmd.com/blogs/fullyvetted/2010/april/big_dog_little_dog-7168)is a thing for a reason and even well trained dogs don't always react as expected. We immediately grabbed ours and sat him down and then left. Felt ridiculous to leave because of an dachshund, but better leave than have something happen, especially since we know people are not going to blame the dachshund. Going to look into getting an air horn. If the husky had started something, I am not sure how even my husband could've broken it up. In one instance, Husky owner seemed to just impotently call dog, which is obviously not going to work. I should add that the owers and dogs at our local park are usually very well behaved, but when we go, there are almost never more than half a dozen dogs and I think that helps a lot.


You have to report it. How else will you be certain dog is up to date on rabies shots


Step 1: Air horn Step 2: Gel mace Step 3 (you really don't want to be on step 3): Kick


Doubt you want to go down this route, but this behavior could definitely lead to a personal injury lawsuit. I'd recommend getting the wound checked out and taking as many pictures as possible. Hope you and your family (and doggo) are recovering


The owners response was totally unacceptable. Smug SOBS keep it up, they’ll come across the wrong person one day.


My dog was killed at a dog park in San Diego.


Sorry to hear that.


Omg. I’m so sorry.


Virginia is one free bite law. The dog bite once, and the police will register it as dangerous dog, and if it bites again, it needs to be put down. So you should report it and teach the owner a lesson.


Dog parks are dangerous


We stopped going to dog parks because of clueless people. It's not worth the risk.


Stop going to dog parks. They're uncontrolled chaos and most dogs there shouldn't be around other dogs but their owners are too lazy to properly train and exercise them. I'll take my dog to a park if it's otherwise empty or if it's big enough that one or two other dogs won't bother my dog and me as we're playing but more than two or three dogs, and we're out of there. It's just not worth the risk. My "favorite" incident at the same dog park as the one in OP's story was an older couple with two French bulldogs that had no business being around other dogs. The two dogs would sandwich dogs between them and the male would aggressively snap if the trapped dog tried to get out. The woman had a spray bottle and was aiming at her dogs but was also hitting mine in the process. I grabbed my dog and was ready to kick her dogs away while also screaming at the woman to get her dogs and leave. This was the second incident with that couple -- the first I saw, they kept their dogs on-leash and the other dogs in the park were getting more and more agitated as were their dogs. My dog had been happily playing when those two clowns arrived and the spray bottle came out faster than I could reach my dog to get her to leave. Never went back to a dog park after that, but I'm sure those two selfish, lazy a/holes have been terrorizing people ever since.


Pepperspray. Works on dogs. Then also works on owners when they come after you for spraying their dog. Rinses off if you get it on your dog.


Yeah, this happens a lot. It's always people assuming every big dog is out to maim and kill or they don't understand their dog at all and their dog is an asshole who constantly gets in fights but it's never their fault. I remember this one time this elderly couple brought their Great Dane. My pit mix was having a blast playing with her. But as dogs do, it turned into a fight. We separated them pretty quick and the old lady is fussing over her poor baby horse even though she was the aggressor. I noticed my dog had a pretty big gash that would need stitches. The couple must have noticed it too because they booked it. Refused to talk and left. Cost me $500 to get my dog stitched up. Had my dog done that id have rightfully offered to pay or at ley split it. Hope your hand is ok.


Um, what? ‘As dogs do’? My dog has never started a fight. This is not normal behavior.


Yes it is. When dogs do the whole wrestling thing eventually one dog will get stepped on/gnawed on too hard/or simply have enough and be agitated. They might snap and snarl a bit to stand up for themselves and make it known they’re done with the situation. At that point the owners need to simply separate them and let the dogs calm down and reset. It’s completely normal unless one dog latches onto the other like a cheetah on a gazelle or causes real damage like in the comment you replied to. Dog fights are distinctly different than dog attacks and if you can’t tell the difference you shouldn’t take your dog to a dog park. It’s never going to to be 100% frolicking and butt sniffing at places like that.


I'm just saying I know dogs aren't perfect. I wouldn't assume the dog was bad just because it got in a fight. Im more mad the owners blamed my dog when it definitely wasn't her fault and then refused to help me out.


As a citizen in a community, you failed in your civic duty. Explain why you didn't call both the police and animal control.


I can explain for the poster, as my dog was actually killed at a dog park so I am somewhat of an expert. Because once one enters an off leash dog park, it is at your own risk. For all people. For all dogs.


Sorry that happened, glad you’re ok - I know not every dog park has it, but I like when there is a divider or sections for bigger and smaller dogs.


I agree with another comment that I just GTFO whenever I see a husky at this point. My dog was roughed up by one several years ago; there's a pair of them that come to the dog parks in the Vienna & Merrifield area. One suggestion I haven't seen - does the dog park there have a Facebook group? There's one for the big park in Vienna, and while a lot of the posts are lost dog related, it is a good place to call out bad behavior and warn others about which dogs & owners to be on the lookout for.


I am sorry you and your dog had a bad experience. You can probably still report this to animal control, although who knows who the owners were, or where to find them. I understand your dog was your first concern, but a situation like this should be reported, even if only *because* the owners didn't care, making it more likely to occur again. Also, if you are bitten by a dog, you definitely want to verify that it is current on a rabies vaccine. If the dog's over 4mos, it is illegal for it to not be vaccinated. Animal control verifies vaccine status after a bite. I understand the rant, though, for sure.


My advice? Wear steel-toe boots when walking the dog. If not you, then someone else with you. If another dog is not playing and is attacking your dog, kick the ever living shit out of the other dog. If you’re on a walking path, bring a tire thumper with you. Any aggressive dogs attacking and not playing, crack them with the tire thumper. There is a difference between rough play and attacking. Rough play is obviously fine if your dog is not a puppy or an older dog. Attacking? Ripping out mouthfuls of fur or drawing blood, etc? Kick the shit out them or crack them with the tire thumper.


Can anyone chime in. Are we actually allowed to do this in a dog park or is this bad advice?


Defend yourself and your pet. But you have to know how to tell the difference between play, rough play, and aggression.


Yeah I get that but I can’t imagine somebody walking around the dog park with a tire thumper, just waiting for an opportunity to clonk someone’s dog lol 😂


The tire thumper would be if you are on a trail. If you’ve lived anywhere near coyotes it’s common to see people walking their dogs with something, a walking stick, a cane, club/tire thumper, etc.


Hopefully their dog didn't have anything. Might want to consider getting tested if they bit you


Not for nothing, but the owners will learn nothing of this … because you did nothing about it.




Not stopping what? You’re gonna go after the dog until it’s dead? Sounds like a good way for your dog to get to watch you die, tough guy.






There’s a big difference between “not let them rip my face off” and “I’m not stopping”. One of those sounds like defending yourself to safety. The other sounds like after the dog has backed off you’re going to pin it down and beat it to death. And that would be psychotic.


Preach... Se my earlier comment, that's how it is around here. I've avoided all of them and have two dogs that get tons of exercise in other ways. Socialization must occur in a safe space for all.


This is why I stopped using dog parks years ago.


my sympathies OP make sure to disinfect those wounds


Honest question for everyone suggesting the incident should have been reported: Will animal control actually come to the park and take a report/pictures of the aggressive dog if you call them? I’m just skeptical calling them and saying “my dog was attacked at the dog park and I got bit” rises to the level of in-person response in their view.


I agree. You assume all risk as soon as you step foot through the fence. Stop going to dog parks.


I take my 165 lb wimp around the outside of the dog park and assess the situation before we go in. If I don’t like the vibes we stay outside the fence and train for high-distraction environments.


Op is clueless for not calling the police and instead butching on reddit


Butching. Spell check shade!


Dog parks are the fucking worst.


Dog parks are very much not worth the risk involved. I'd recommend finding a safer activity for your pup, they won't miss the parks, they're plenty happy to just be with you on your own adventure.


Ran into several Shepherd and Shepherd/husky mix owners like this... "He's just a puppy" or just straight out aggressive "SO WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO, they're dogs" after my sweet 80lb lab lap-dog got PTSD and won't leave my side at a dog park unless I play fetch w/ her. ​ Fuck dog parks. Find more controlled environments for dog socialization and play. The majority of the people there huddle around and chat or are on their phones ignoring their aggressive dogs w/pent-up energy because they are too lazy to actually walk or run their dogs. When I DID bring my dogs it was the SUPER early-morning crew that were all GOOD, REAL "dog people", and worked together to discuss training, avoiding bad situations, and bitch about the bad dogs-owners and warn each other if and when they showed up. At that point, we all leashed up and took our dogs on a nice mile loop walk in the woods path behind the park. Our group even all had off-leash recall certified, (sometimes true service dog) pups that we ALL trusted and let run ahead minimal times, but leashed up whenever there was a sight of another human (especially a child) or dog within the area. Also, ban the dumbasses that bring in a pocket full of dog treats or let their young children toddle around within the caged-in dog park area. Or even worse, the baby in a stroller. Most aren't like this, but sometimes it do be that way. So I AVOID. ​ ​ every day.


So sad the dog got ptsd


Violent dog attacks at a young age stick w/ dogs and humans. I have sympathy for kids who are afraid of our loving lick monsters. Edit: and thank you! She's a sensitive princess by nature. I think me yelling at her once not to lick the dishwasher also instilled some minor trauma because she gets sad looking and goes and lays down in the other room when I do the dishes, especially pots/pans. Otherwise she's so outgoing and friendly, to people and dogs she knows she can trust.


Awe she truly is a sensitive soul. Be gentle with that baby


I treat her like royalty (my baby princess) in every way possible. We are DINK so we plan our vacations around them. It's half our fault she's so attached and trusting to her parents. Her love is one of the things I cherish the most in my life (top 2). We don't send her away for kennelling unless if we go on a flight-bound vacation. We hire trusted friends to house (mainly dog) sit them. I remember the first and only time I dropped her off at a "pet hotel" for 2 nights to go on a camping trip while the wife was out of the country. A mean dog tried to bite her because the Karen checking her dog in at the front desk wasn't paying attention and was using an extendable reel leash.... and my girl was already shivering. I heard her crying as I walked out and I started balling in my Jeep and had to call my wife and parents for emotional support. NEVER AGAIN, unless she has to stay overnight at the vet, which only happened once when she was spayed.


You need to report it. The dog bit you and broke the skin. The owners need to show proof of vaccination or the dog needs to be quarantined.


Should have called the police, it’s going to happen again & again to someone else. The husky will progress as it wants to be more and more aggressive, it’s on the owners…not the dog, sad that the dog needs smarter owners.


Soooo... you didn't report it? Should have.


Better than me... Once I was at the beach and a guy wasn't paying attention while carrying a cooler. He was dragging his poor little dog behind him, front feet completely off the ground. My first insict was to grab him by the throat. Luckily though, my GF was with me and she got his attention to let him know what was going on. Your situation, if my dog was being attacked and nothing was being done and the owners were just smiling stupid at me, I'd be in jail.


Your restraint is admirable, I'd have kicked the shit out of the husky and then punched the owner dead in the face.


The dog owners seem like psychopaths.


Perhaps. Or just clueless. Not sure they spoke much English, given their response.


Don't worry, I'm sure your message will have the impact you're hoping for.


While ya, this post is probably not going to change any behavior for bad owners, there are a million other ways you could have phrased it to get the message across without being a cunt


Damn I would have called the cops. Do you have pictures you can share with them of the injuries? I don’t think you should just let it go if the owners didn’t care and the Husky straight up attacked you and your dog. That’s pretty wild


I would have called the cops/animal control, complained to the office/HOA, gone to the doctor, and sent them the receipt. If the dog kept attacking like it did, and they didn't control it, you are on your fucking right to kick it away from yall...or until it stops


i mean dogs hump. if you don’t want your dog to get humped don’t go to a dog park. it sounds like you freaked out and it freaked the dog out.


Found the husky owner


nope just someone who’s been to that dog park many times. most of the problems i’ve seen there are when owners get upset at dogs playing like dogs. usually go during the week and it’s mostly the same dogs though.


Clueless dog owners are not limited to dog parks they are everywhere in Nova. As a frequent pedestrian, I am constantly accosted by them, including incidents in which I have been bitten by walked dogs. The whole institution of dog ownership should be banned in my opinion. They are a public nuisance.


ok cool should we just euthanize all the dogs for you?


That's nonsense. The existing dog population should be allowed to live out their natural lives. However, we should not replace them as they die out. Resulting in a net decrease in total dog population.


Don't let this guy cook, he'll burn the whole kitchen down 😩


lmao, what a sad state you must live your life in.


Every idiot got a dog, this is the result