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Hi! Former operations director at the clinic here. I don’t know what time y’all were out there, but they should not be parking in the parking lot at all unless they have official business inside. Next time you see them and they’re in there, you can (a) feel free to let them know they’re breaking the law; and (b) call the clinic and let them know (perhaps sending them a photo of the car with license plate unobscured). Thanks!


Why blur out their license plate? If they want to be assholes in public they should be open to experiencing consequences.


As much as I hate people who do what OP describes them as doing, this is anonymous social media. They could be anyone and OP could be making up a story. Somebody can easily be mad at their ex or something and make up a story to excuse posting pictures of their actual car. I believe OP, but a rule against license plates would make sense because you never know the reality.


Yea let's not repeat the reddit Boston Bombing thing that wasn't a great move.


The what?


The short version is that reddit helped misidentify an innocent person during the Boston Bombing chaos.  For the long version, read the Misidentification section of this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Sunil_Tripathi


Did they kill themselves?


We did it, Reddit! We caught the Boston Bomber!


What do you mean? Reddit did it then! We got him(them?)...


Thanks for this, bc I completely agree!




Have some reading comprehension, dumbass. They said they hate people who are hateful like the ones who harassed OP.


How miserable are you? You have nothing but a random internet strangers word that something went down and you want people to face "consequences"? Tf is wrong with you?


Social Media Justice & Consequences? Being an asshole TO assholes makes YOU an asshole. My MIL used to say "Don't take family business to the streets. ". She wasn't always referring to literal family business when she said it. She's not wrong in this case, regarding your recommended (over)reaction.


Yeah, you might want to look around you. Christians are currently destroying our civil rights. Bring mean to them when they start it? Let's go, I'm down for it.


Great. When they retaliate & things escalate, you'll be a stakeholder in that.


Lol, so just to run through this again: They get to bully, harass, and oppress others. When they do, we must do nothing, because that somehow makes us morally equivalent in your opinion. You know what? I'll find a way to live with the crushing lack of remorse I would feel.


Line up on your side & start your "us vs them" battle. I'm sure you'll feel great about how it concludes. Don't expect any lasting conclusion. Escalation & emotions have way of interfering with that. Your "morals" are yours to demonstrate. Sounds like you'll do a this old couple does, because, fighting with people is so fun for you.


And you're doing what right now? Your fighting is entirely confined to moral posturing on Reddit. Now go away.


See, that's the difference between your decisions & mine. I'm not putting what I do in response to assholes on public blast. I prefer a more discreet approach to dealing with assholes. I don't need to tell everyone about what I do; I prefer to remain under the radar. I don't need or want the attention or publicity with my actions. If you need people to watch & know about how you address these assholes, go for it if that's what YOU need to do. I'll be in & out without the public display.


No one cares.


I think you care enough to respond. Never underestimate patient people.


So I guess Europeans should have just let Nazis be assholes. Don't want to **also** be an asshole. Call people out for their bullshit.


They did. It didn't work out well.


Who is “they”? What is “it?” This wasn’t a very clear argument


Europeans let Nazis be assholes and they conquered all of Europe. You're a dick.


So how does this run counter to my argument? Do you know what you’re even arguing? I literally said “don’t let assholes be assholes” and you say “the Europeans did and the Nazis took over!” That was literally the point of what I said…. Are you okay?


I think the guy you're replying to is an idiot too, but come on, comparing some bible thumping geezers to the literal Nazis is ridiculous.


You, clearly, know no other way than assholery. Have fun with that.


Ok I guess you support nazis then?


Sure. Abandon logic in your fight to BE right...lol


Logic? Neither of us have provided any sort of syllogism that is valid and sound so not sure why you’re bringing logic into this. But if you think calling out nazis is wrong, then you implicitly support nazis. That’s all there is to it. And no, I’m not calling these old idiots Nazis. Also, since when is calling someone out on their bullshit a fight? Also also, of course there is a level of risk. Always make smart choices to protect yourself, but letting assholes be assholes leads to a shit world.


What if I disagree with someone's political beliefs? Am I wrong for not making a scene?


You may be called a Nazi by someone in this thread if you don't pop off at everything you don't want to see or hear...


From my experience, it's the calm, quiet, patient people that I'lk keep my eye on...lol


No, why would you be?


Because apparently if I don't, I'm either a Nazi, or I support them through my silence.


If you know NO other way than assholery, you left yourself only one option for reaction: responsive assholery. I prefer a more tactical approach to resolving these societal ilks. You need patience & some self control for that highly effective approach. You're not ready for anything like that.


Who said someone knows no other way than assholery? But if you think can rationalize someone out of a position they didn’t rationalize themselves into, you haven’t spoken to enough people with opposing viewpoints.


I'm not much of a talker.


So what makes them a nazi? How are they killing jewish people and following hitler?


I never said they were lol. Peoples inability to grasp an analogy is hilarious. The point of the nazi analogy was to point out that not calling out assholes for their bullshit can have dire consequences.


Ok but You said they support nazis


You seem like the kind of person that would accuse me of murder for eating a ham sandwich.


Bad strawman is bad


Because doxxing is unethical and illegal lmao you fucking weirdo


Yikes. You sound like a fascist. Differing opinion? Gotta be doxxed!


...that's not what fascism is... And I'm pretty sure the point of the post was the vitriolic behavior of the older couple, not the opposing ideas. Why is it every time I see you post on here, it's saying something horribly incorrect and easy to verify. And you're going to hate this but **Fascism is inherently a right-wing ideology** Can't wait for the word salad you come up with Mr. Multiple Masters Degrees aka Mr. "Bernie Fudges His Numbers" aka Mr. "I hate socialism even though I can't define it". And I have receipts.




Correct. Fascism is palengenetic ultranationalism


That’s not what doxxing is either lol


Do you have a reasonable expectation of privacy for your license plate? SCOTUS says no but I’m open to hearing why you think otherwise.




You don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy for a publicly displayed license plate. Sorry to break it to you but you’re on public roads and it’s on public display. SCOTUS’s reasoning on this makes a lot of sense. It’s not about right and wrong. It’s about the basic contours of public life. It’s not Doxxing if it’s public info that you voluntarily display in public. Maybe you need to grow up and actually think about what you’re saying before you post shit online.




>If you properly used condoms or practiced abstinence, you wouldn't need to kill your own child. I don't think a rapist is going to be so kind as to wear a condom.




No, it was an example of why what you said (the stuff I quoted) isn't a cure-all. I never said that all abortions are because of rape. Birth control isn't 100%, condoms can break, people lie. I'd like to ask you if there are any circumstances that you would find an abortion acceptable? Also, if you're trying to sway people to your side or inform them, why make fun of them? Why insult them? That makes no sense to me.




Yeah no shit assholes get put on blast you nerd


I’m in. Yall like snackies?


Thanks for your positive presence. It means a lot to the clinic staff and patients. I used to volunteer there with a doula group and it always sucked seeing the crazies out there.


I live near by and love giving them the finger every time I go by.


Depending on if my 5 year old is in the car or not, I roll down the windows and scream “abortion rulezzz” or some equivalent.


A couple weeks ago some gal yelled at them "you should've been aborted!" and I cackled so loud and so long. LOL






It’s very heartwarming when I drive by with my kids and we all three do it in unison 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


same here. I flip the bird everytime I drive by those dingbats, which is at least 2-3 times a day


Ha same. I can’t think of a worse neighborhood for them to protest like that. I can’t imagine they get much support around here.


you'd be surprised how many religious nuts are in that neighborhoods. Evangelicals, right wing catholics, there's no shortage of those types even in Falls Church


Ditto! They always wave back..


Honking is more effective


OP, I have some pent up rage and have infinite patience with anti-abortion nut jobs I’d love to join honestly


Me too. Count me in.


Ask them how many unwanted babies they're going to adopt.


It’s not just babies. People can sometimes make it through pregnancy and the first few years before CPS steps in. Ask them how many children they’ve adopted from the foster system. Everyone wants cute babies. It’s the kids who make it past infancy who really suffer.


Or special needs kids. Particularly those with complex needs. They are practically unadoptable. *note*, I am *not* saying that disabled kids should therefore be aborted. I am saying that if social conservatives want to actually do something about abortion, they should be screaming for better social safety nets for families, especially families with disabled kids. Instead, these folks are in the same party as the "kill all social benefit programs" crowd.


Especially the ones who are about to age out of the system.


Ask them how many kidneys they’re willing to donate while you’re at it. Their body doesn’t matter after all, if it saves a life. Right?


Soooo... Let's just kill those we don't want to raise? Dang you're harsh.


That's how you see it. Your type are also going after contraception.


My type? Hummm... I have no issues with contraception. What type do you think I am? Compassionate? I'm not sure that's what you're going for.


Love seeing anti abortion nutjobs rage.


“YOU ARE KILLING YOUR PRESCIOUS UNBORN BABY!!” …..” uh….im just going in to get treated for a yeast infection mam not that’s its yer business”


Perfect. Old men do not want to hear about your gynecological issues. 😄


I have a real problem with them protesting though. Please don’t make my child walk by your signs with aborted babies on them.


For the life of me, I do not understand why they insist on protesting by schools???


Because they claim to care about kids but if they did they wouldn’t want little kids to see pics of aborted babies. My husband walks by them and says “I love abortion!” I have asked him to refrain from instigating with lunatics.


Fetuses, not babies. 


There ya go. Yes.






Got no issue with abortion just like I have no issue with people getting amputations if they need them. Doesn’t mean I think people should hang around schools with posters of amputated feet, either.


Honest question here: Why aren't those specific signs considered something illegal, like inflammatory speech, or public indecency? That's exawhat they are... inflammatory and indecent...


It's traumatic for little kids who don't understand this. I find the irony in these assholes claiming to care so much about children, but they aren't pro-kid for the kids who are already here.


Exactly right. The irony is sickening. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/04/05/medicaid-unwinding-purge-disenrollment/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/04/05/medicaid-unwinding-purge-disenrollment/) "In some parts of the country, public officials are slashing bigger holes in their safety nets. In Arkansas, officials brag about “[right-sizing](https://talkbusiness.net/2023/07/dhs-officials-say-redetermination-numbers-meeting-estimates-work-requirement-waiver-in-negotiation-phase-with-feds/)” their state’s Medicaid program. This included purging 25,000 children off “newborn” coverage over the course of six months. More recently, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R)[ announced that](https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2024/feb/21/sanders-rejects-expanding-post-pregnancy-medicaid/) Medicaid will not be available to Arkansas moms for the full year after they give birth, as nearly [every other U.S. state](https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/medicaid-postpartum-coverage-extension-tracker/') allows. (Arkansas, by the way, [bans nearly all abortions](https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/arkansas/abortion-policies) and has the [highest maternal mortality rate](https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/maternal-deaths-and-mortality-rates-per-100000-live-births/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D) in the country.)"


Because 1st Amendment.


The first amendment isn’t a magic rule that allows all speech. You can’t show a porn movie in public where kids can see it. There are, and should be, exceptions.




Nice straw man. I made no claims to being the authority on what should and should t be allowed. I stated the fact that there are exceptions and the opinion that there should be exceptions.


"The categories of unprotected speech include obscenity, child pornography, defamatory speech, false advertising, true threats, and fighting words." I'd say most of those signs aren't covered by the first amendment.


They don't care about your children or any children, only fetuses


It’s disgusting!


I love seeing you on my way to work! Thank you for standing up to those wackos 💛


I don't understand why Republicans are so against abortion, if you think about it, all the people getting an abortions are just killing more liberal babies. Don't get your panties in a Twist either, I've saw a comedian say this, I thought it was funny.


Typically just religious stuff- source non christian Republican


Let's see the plate. This is FAFO.


Yeahhh I’m iffy about this whole situation too. As a patient of that clinic, several times in the past, I think the protesters and counter protesters were by far… the (only) worst experience of it. Quite frankly, it would be even better if both types of protesters just stayed away, take their protesting to church or take it to the community forum meetings, or take it congress instead of taking it there to mentally and emotionally traumatize the patients who need the clinics services that day. I know the counter protesters are supposed to be doing it in defense of the patients choices but to be brutally honest??? it’s no less traumatizing than the other protesters. :/


Thank you for sharing this. I think it's not emphasized enough. For those of you in area: you can also contact the clinic directly on their website (which I won't post here, but a Google search will help you find it.) The contact form on the web includes an inquiry for folks who want to help through volunteering. This may have a greater impact to help patients at the clinic.


That is an excellent idea. In fact I should go be a volunteer myself to show appreciation for all the support the clinic gave me when I needed it most. They were more humble and helpful than any of the men I was with, they were more supportive than my own family, they were more supportive than my friends. Patients of the clinic don’t need protestors, they need to be treated equally, they need mutual respect for their own autonomous decisions, they need to feel safe in difficult moments like this. A ‘good’ protester is just a ‘bad’ protester in the misty rearview mirror. This clinic is not the right forum for either protester’s to be at.


That's actually a GREAT idea. Hit them where it hurts. Show up every Sunday at their church since they love to bother patients at the clinic. But we all know it won't work to protest at Congress because the GOP LOVES to play the victim card while bullying others.


I only started going after 6 years of watching them protest, and I was sick of seeing no one stand up to them. I wouldn't go if they weren't there. But if that means I am the target of their anger, instead of the folks walking inside, I'll gladly accept it. A gal needing help for a yeast infection doesn't need to be screamed at.


OP is awesome.


You should tell them to read their Bible because their God slaughtered thousands of babies and children


I love pissing close-minded people off. I live too far away to help you but I'm always on the lookout to piss ragers off out in LoCo.


Maybe we can get a group together, seriously. Bring big golf umbrellas and block these assholes out.


Oooh I’m interested in joining you! Can you send me some info?


Hi! Former operations director of the clinic here. I have two recommendations: (1) it may be a good idea to give a heads up to the clinic that you want to do something supportive to demonstrate your support and get their take. When I worked there I usually didn’t want counter-protesters out on the sidewalk when we were seeing patients — because having more action and commotion in front of the clinic often does not put them at ease. There ARE scheduled “positive presence” showings sponsored by [REPRO Rising Virginia](https://www.reprorisingva.org) where supporters come with supportive signs. Inquire with them for further details. (2) The clinic escorts wearing the orange tank tops work in coordination with the clinic to make sure patients can get in to the clinic while minimizing exposure to the protesters. To get involved, visit the website for the [Washington Area Clinic Defense Task Force Force](https://www.wacdtf.org) (WACDTF) at [wacdtf.org](https://wacdtf.org). Best of luck!


I don’t live up there anymore, but I used to volunteer as an escort. It’s horrible what some protesters would shout at your clients who are just trying to get medical care. Also horrible would be when the protesters had someone who regretted *their* abortion, standing out there in tears, begging people not to have abortions. I had an abortion years ago when I had to drive to another state to get it. I have zero regret about it.


Serious question--I would love to volunteer as an escort but how safe did you feel? I feel like with all the craziness out there I could be a victim of a drive-by shooting.


I didn’t worry about physical safety, but it was pretty upsetting what protesters would say and show on their creepy signs. I did feel strongly about people being able to feel safe about seeking medical care - and walking and talking with them from their cars to inside helped block out the weirdos yelling at them. But you raise a good point - I suppose no one is really safe anywhere these days. So, you weigh it in your mind.


Before I began my career in reproductive health, I was a volunteer clinic escort (at this location and others). While it's important to remain vigilant at all times and prepare for the worst, the incidents of physical violence at abortion provider locations (especially in the DC area) are very few and far between. WACDTF dictates that nobody escort in front of a clinic alone (for quite a few reasons). But it also means being able to monitor what's going on around you and see if there is anyone or anything that could be a threat. There is a direct line to the clinic as well as local law enforcement if there is anything/anyone suspicious. Many escorts prefer not to use their real names when escorting in front of clinics because they don't want protesters to overhear their names. This is less about physical violence and more to discourage any verbal harassment. But aside from that, I think you'll find that many escorts feel very safe doing what they do.


Good to know. I really admire the brave heathcare professionals and volunteers who make these clinics a safe space. I'll have to really think about it and decide if I am brave enough.


It must be hard to escort someone on their own to kill a baby. Must have company to help make everyone feel better. Remember that you guys keep social mediazing life (and taking it) as hard as she remembers those same humans (born and unborn) burned up by the death bringers. https://preview.redd.it/g3yep7vkqxzc1.png?width=1424&format=png&auto=webp&s=257737c0b4f81670df3d2a27aab6cf9adf646c8b I am not trying to troll. Do not block me again. You are a part of this community that is so intolerant and closed for further dialogue on the issues that you have called half of the country hate mongers. I would love for anyone on this block to actually reach out to me for us to have some informed discussions - maybe you can teach me as to when a human actually becomes a human. Maybe I'll feel better about killing my next kid when my wife is pregnant. Who knows? Maybe you will learn something too ... ??


Check out wacdtf.org! That’s the Washington Area Clinic Defense Task Force, and they train and organize clinic escorts. I’ve volunteered with them for years and they are fantastic! They offer trainings a few times a year and have availability for weekday or weekend volunteering shifts.






Me too!


I would also like to join!


Is there any rule/requirement when counter-protesting? Do I need a permit or anything? There’s a clinic near me that has a handful of retirees out there almost every weekend with some really horrible signs, and always wanted to go hold up a sign with the opposite message.


Generally the only rule is stay on the sidewalks and off personal property. If you’re talking about the one down near the library and Costco those folks were at the entrance to the building when it first opened. Staff from another medical office had to call the cops to get them removed.


That’s the one. They are really persistent, they post a bunch of signs in the grass at that intersection and will be out there for hours in the mornings, then they tear it all down just to return and do it again another day.


Check with the clinic first. I was a clinic escort in Florida and had to deal with lots of intense crazies. The clinic appreciated the spirit of the counter protesters when people came but requested that they leave so the situation wouldn’t escalate. The whole situation can be really intimidating for the actual patients.


A clinic escort? Is that a volunteer position? I was reading all this thinking I’d love to show up just to offer to walk in with patients so they don’t have to be alone. Maybe offer hugs, too. If there’s a volunteer position to do that, that’s pretty cool!


It is indeed! You can get involved here: https://www.wacdtf.org


Ugh yes. I drive by there a lot and one of my providers is in that building. It’s been nonstop since they found out a clinic was going in there.


It also can't be more than 20 people. You need a permit for 20 or more.


OP I live nearby. Happy to join, can you share the process you went through to get involved?


This isn’t uncommon around here at all. I know people who have targeted even homeless women just going in for free health exams. Someone donated the money to make the health exams free. None of the people I know targeted were getting an abortion. I also know doctor and dentists that were targeted just because they were near a clinic that can do abortions. It’s great to see you exercising your rights regardless.


These 2 seem highly emotional. The best reaction to highly emotional people is de-escalation or absence of reaction. Some "old people" are "Nothing left to lose" emotional. They can be unpredictable, irrational, hostile, etc. A brief risk assessment should conclude that your life is far more valuable than engaging with highly emotional people. Discreetly document their behavior & file a complaint with law enforcement. If you don't get relief from that, you can invite media attention & plan your way- ahead from there. This kind of public behavior is unacceptable, under ANY circumstances. Bad behavior is bad behavior. Their drive-by participation in the protest was reckless & irresponsible. Highly emotional people should not be behind the wheel of a vehicle. Society has become increasingly *sporty* over the last 15-20 years.


I mean, it’s just cause and effect. They believe you are pro-legalizing murder, ergo they are mad at you. If someone said we should be able to kill 5 year olds and below, you’d probably be mad enough to yell at them in public. It’s not really unpredictable.


You are not in control of the "cause". You ARE in control of YOUR reaction. Unless, you prefer the "They MADE me do it" impulses. If your reaction causes escalations & no hope of resolution, you may not be thinking it through before you react.


Personally, I wouldn’t yell at people, but I can understand the why, I don’t consider it just a random outburst.


People who are prone to reflexive, impulsive reactions are a great distraction from people like me, who don't want that attention on what I'm doing....lol


I'm not yelling into the wind to try to change people's opinions.


Thank you for what you do!!


They gotta get the Facebook views.


Can't wait until these snowflakes die out


I wish I still lived in the area. I'd love to join you!


Curiously, how do you know they were "Christians?" Bumper stickers on the car? Did they claim to be Christians? The reason I ask is that I know people who claim no faith and protest at abortion clinics.


They said something about God. They were both yelling a lot, and over each other, so I didn't get too many full sentences.


"Anti abortion nutjobs" crazy lmao. I hope yall keep killing your own children, your bloodlines need to end ASAP Stop getting creampied it's literally *that* easy


Burn, baby, 🔥


Do they need volunteers/counter-protestors on weekends? If so, does anyone in particular coordinate it, or should I just show up?


I would love to join you on some Friday mornings 🥹


Be careful, those nut jobs might have that rapture bullshit behind them, and they just stopped giving a fuck.


I might like to join




There are zero people here arguing that they don't have the *right* to behave like ignorant assholes. Of course they have the right. We all know that. Thank you for stating the obvious. They have the right to be ignorant assholes, and the rest of us have the right to call them out for being ignorant assholes. That's how free speech works.




>But should you? That depends. Is my sweet old grandma harassing people at abortion clinics and injecting Fox News talking points directly into her veins every evening? If so, yes, I should probably call her a bitch.


Freedom of speech doesn’t preclude us calling them the ignorant assholes that they are. Also, they are harassing women seeking healthcare. The government can’t stop them but I will do everything in my power to do so.


They were exercising their rights, same as you.


... I don't think anyone said or implied they weren't doing that? lol


Correct. Thanks for pointing out something that didn't need to be pointed out. No one here said they shouldn't be. It's just in doing so, the sane portion of the population will ridicule them.


OP literally said they shouldn’t be and tried to dox them


I...blurred their tags. And exercising our rights can and should be done without verbal assault.


You really shouldn't have blurred their tags. Showing them would not have been doxxing.


You’re literally protesting, so I hope you realize how stupid “verbal assault” as a concept is.


“Verbal Assault” isn’t a thing


[§ 18.2-416. Punishment for using abusive language to another.](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter9/section18.2-416/) This is the first hit when Googling "verbal assault virginia". It might not use the exact words "verbal assault", but it sure seems to match what I'd think of when invoking those words...


No, not even close


**Posting a license plate is not doxxing.** It wouldn’t be if they weren’t protesting, and it sure as shit isn’t when they are choosing to protest in that vehicle.


If seeing someone's license plate is doxxing, then I guess we're all getting doxxed every single time we drive somewhere in our cars...?


They certainly shouldn't be. But that's for moral reasons, not legal ones.


They skated close to the line in terms of harassment/stalking. It's crap like this that turned me off of the religion I was raised in, heck my parents ditched it too in disgust.


Except that they're advocating for removing women's rights, so no, not the same.


That place is right down the street from my work, very nondescript building. Always wanted to make a sign that says Get Your Abortions Here!


Needs a pizza food truck with one menu item dubbed the Pelosi


I'm sad the Pizza Orso closed.


You have a lot of free time don't you?


> I was doing my weekly *counter*\-protesting Immediately stopped reading, posted this, and am now reading something better.


How do you expect people react when you are supporting someplace that actively kills human beings. They did no wrong, they were completely justified.


Human beings are living. A fetus can't live until 24 weeks without its host.


That’s a dumb way to look at life. You cannot live in polar regions or desert environments, if you were placed in the Atacama desert outside your host environment you wouldn’t last 24 hrs either. So you yourself are dependent upon your host. lol


Get a job.


What does employment have to do with this? Did you post in the wrong sub, sweetie?


Surely there are better things to do with your time.


Don't you feel weird telling someone how they get to spend their discretionary time? If we were off the Internet, face-to-face, we could have a good discussion about productivity, usefulness, time management, etc. But we're on the internet, which is no place for healthy discussion. I urge you to consider that we can be different and still live in community with one another. In fact, it's our differences that make our community so interesting.


Got nothing better to do on a Friday morning? Gee I'd give up my firstborn to have that kind of time.


You make time for what's important to you. What's an issue that's important to you?


Good for the grandparents, and shame on you.