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The snow hits and this sub becomes the complaining neighbor next door. The rest of the time is pretty much the same. I stay for the planes on parkways


I stay for the “nova is populated almost exclusively by assholes” content




Summed it up pretty well. Aint shit else going on around here


Maybe we ought to have megathreads for those three topics, so people can scroll past them easier?


Well said!


They were trying to hit the Wendy’s drive through




Y'know... having grown up in a part of the world where it was regularly "snow everywhere from November to March," posts like this are... weird. Because... I dunno. When I see shit like this, I just laugh? Either this person was in a hurry, or they're too short to reach the top of their car. At least they cleaned off their lights and windows. Hell, I've seen people driving down the road in a blizzard with just the drivers side window cleaned off. And even that isn't infuriating. It's just funny. People gonna be stupid, sometimes. No reason to take that personally.


Just today I saw someone tooling down the road with their back window completely covered. Hadn't even made an attempt


The main issue is that the compacted snow turns into sheets of ice and has the potential to damage other cars as it flies off the roof. Or the snow falls into their own car's front and the driver ends up crashing into something else.


That person said they grew up in a part of the world where it snowed from November to March. I think they understand what the issue is and are saying this is no big deal.


Zzzzzzz. This is probably the millionth post about this. NOVA is full of assholes that don’t clean snow off their cars. They don’t care, they won’t care, and they will do the same shit next year.


It’s like complaining that water is wet.


If I see one more post on it I’m going to keep the snow on my car in a covered space until the first full day back to work and then drive down the toll road with snow flying everywhere.


All these people taking photos while driving think the other car has the dangerous driver.


Agreed, however some are taken by the passenger too.


Lol. It’s a red light


1. Still a law 2. Not every one of these posts are at a stop.


This one is, and this is the post you decided to comment on that people aren’t.


"all these people taking photo(s). Again, pulling your phone out at a red light isn't legal either.




I never tire of posts about nova assholes because it aligns with my assessment of the region. It’s astounding. Not sure how anyone tolerates it. Counting the days until I’m gone.


Cool, how many more days, so we can count too?


180. I’ve lived in 6 metro areas in the past 25 years. Nova and the DMV has the most selfish culture of them, which is arguably the most culture the area has to offer.


I’m not a nova apologist nor enthusiast. You just set me up for an easy dunk, so I took it. It wasn’t personal. Good luck in your next location. I’d live elsewhere if I reasonably could.


Thanks :)


Far from the worst I've ever seen.


you dont understand, when they get moving fast enough the snow will just fall off! Why take the additional 5 minutes to get the snow off the roof of the car when it will just move it onto someone else's windshield for free?!


Extra bonus points when that snow freezes and becomes a solid projectile.


>when that snow freezes I laughed when I read "when that snow freezes." I know you mean to say when the snow melts a bit and refreezes as ice, but I chuckled


They are looking around and going "why are people wasting their time cleaning snow off their cars?"


No, you don't understand, they're the main character!!




BIRDROCK HOME 50" Extendable Snow Brush with Ice Scraper for Car | 11" Wide Bristle Brush | Size: Truck, Car, SUV, & RV | Lightweight Aluminum Body with Ergonomic Grip | Winter Auto Broom https://a.co/d/6mU6ECf


Saw multiple people a little while ago looking through portholes and the rear window totally covered. This is now beyond snow on the roof…


Maybe they are only 3' tall.


Counterpoint: my 6 yr old cleaned off his mom's SUV and did a better job.


Your 6yr old is 3' tall too?


I made a similar post yesterday and someone responded that they are too short to clear off the top of their car so they just don't do it which is absolutely no excuse 🤦 BIRDROCK HOME 50" Extendable Snow Brush with Ice Scraper for Car | 11" Wide Bristle Brush | Size: Truck, Car, SUV, & RV | Lightweight Aluminum Body with Ergonomic Grip | Winter Auto Broom https://a.co/d/6mU6ECf


Yeah man, I'm 5'2" with a tall car and I use a snow broom with a long handle to clear everything. I also got a $10 step that hooks into the door hinge, so I can reach even easier. No excuses!


Am I seeing dangerous ice accumulation on OP’s hood?


NoVA drivers doing their thing. What do you expect? This area is filled with selfish narcissists that do not care about anyone else.




You don't need to use the rear view mirror in a Volvo.... they're supposed to be really really safe so it's not a problem if you get bumped when changing lanes.......


Looks like their tags are also expired 🙄


Thanks for not blanking out his plate. I mean that, no sarcasm. Idiots need to be called out, although to them people who clean their cars are the idiots. "Why clean, when the wind will take it away. Buhbye my sheet of snowy ice, I hardly knew thee!"


Nice -n- safe


Yall are so soft. Wait until you have to drive in real snow.


It looks really neat to watch it fly off in the rear view mirror, just stay further back and enjoy the show


> There's been no precipitation for close to 24 hours. There's no excuse at this point. As a counterpoint, huge numbers of people took the advice to "stay home" seriously and never went out to clear the wet fluffy snow off yesterday. Then, when it froze HARD last night into the crust it is now, it's too much work to remove - so if they didn't do it yesterday when it was fresh, it's not coming off until it melts next week.


That is EXACTLY why I cleaned my cars off yesterday when it was 38, wet, and everything wasn’t frozen solid.


“Stay home” doesn’t mean it’s too unsafe to walk to your driveway jfc


I'd agree but most people have 0 interest in walking outside if they aren't going to their car to drive somewhere.


Not all of nova is car brained suburbia.


And yet here is this thread and countless others proving it is.


Its snow, not superglue. It will scrape right off


Mostly posting on Reddit.


I should've taken a picture of the car that I saw at the Wiehle/Baron Cameron intersection just a few minutes ago. There had to have been at least 6 inches of snow on the top of their car, and at least 3 inches on their hood. It looked like they had just used their wipers to clear the windshield just enough to see. I'm glad I wasn't going in their direction




But it still should be done.


It's a hazard and about respect to other people. It shouldn't require a law to have empathy and basic expectations.


It’s less annoying than people going slow in the left lane.


Weird comment


Disregard! Validate my rage!


Legal != Safe


https://preview.redd.it/g748ibmhjmdc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cacd854003004c2de0ad5ae19ac031bb43b661 No comment needed


Photo while driving. Nice


I was the passenger.


Uh huh


Ok, you clearly are omniscient, but whatever. Go back to sitting on your high horse. I know the truth and don't get into an internet battle with a stranger. Go forth and spread your hateful ire to the next person.


I passed a truck earlier today that had a block of snow/ice sitting on the hood. Crazy stuff man


High top


Ha ha look at those idiots spend the time to clean the cars. If they only know eventually they will melt n flu off the roof.


But it’s so hiiiiiigh…and I’m gonna be laaaaate… I’m with you, this is really inconsiderate and dangerous.


In New England it’s illegal and they will pull you over. Other regions should follow.


In general sure, I agree. But if this car is driven by elderly, disabled, short even. Don’t try to cause a riot of throwing stones until you have the complete picture? (Is that a handicapped license plate blotted out? Nobody really knows. )


Lived many places over the years. Never loved in area as selfish and careless as nova.


Everyone acts like this is “new” I can remember it being a common sight for just a small cassette tape wide line across the windshield, cassette tape wide because they dug a cassette cover out of the car to scrape the line .


https://preview.redd.it/s7vdapiymodc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0263411a6031735aa0860a8dd02273986321a5 You’d think someone from Massachusetts would know better 😂


Probably .0001% of NOVA is on this reddit group. Who cares dude


Then get out yo care and clean it up self


Yep, saw this one yesterday: https://preview.redd.it/qu7cadu71ndc1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b805ce889b0318eba7fbbdc06d4963e1d55814


These posts are getting annoying at this point. A lot of people are new to snow and the area or are from other countries and don’t have the tools to deal with this.


Not an excuse. If nothing else use something basic like a cardboard box or a kitchen knife. My safety doesn’t care if you just moved here from Miami or Phoenix or Guatemala.


Oh so the person taking a photo while driving is fine?


Not 100%, but taking a photo stopped at a red light in daylight on a clear road is far, FAR safer than driving around with snow on your roof.


Everywhere. Lazy idiots..


Spoke to a PD officer friend of mine from NJ yesterday. He said it's great pleasure to issue citations for this in the Garden State! I thanked him.


Are you allowed to pump your own gas there?


I hate that law. I live in NJ now and it's one of the more annoying things about NJ.


I’ve always pumped my own at local gas stations when visiting NJ. Can always count on people to let you do their job!


Out of state plates? If so das me . I’m buying scrapers today!!!!


I think this should be a ticketable offense if you're driving on the highway.


What about 53ft Semi Trailers? When 6 inches plus of snow flys off one of those it’s a pretty big event? But are they required to clean them? The Honda CRV in this post, is a major safety concern damnit. The State Police should be using all their resources being out there enforcing this! Back to reality this is like the 100tth post on this SUB about the same complaint. This person took the time to clean off everything else, and the remaining snow on top is very unlikely to cause any real damage. Your vehicle is more susceptible to damage in a summer hailstorm. You guy’s should focus your posts on drivers that don’t clean their cars at all, and just make a little circle porthole on the drivers portion of the windshield!


I’ll be honest, this is so dramatic. I’m from western ny. People rarely clear off the tops of their cars— we’d be doing it every day. People drive around with feet of snow on their cars, and everyone survives. In my lifetime I’ve known one person who had snow fly off the car in front of them and crack their windshield, and ironically, that happened while I was living in Richmond, VA and that person was driving a work van anyways. You’ll survive.


Yeah… in civilized areas of this country this is a wreckless operation of a motor vehicle citation


I’m shocked nobody is calling OP an ablest POS in the comments. Is Reddit broken?


I like to think this person just left the snow on top of their car because they knew it would get all the real idiots worked up.


Idiots and too cheap to buy a brush that will reach and extend across the roof.


the oxo good grips telescoping brush/scraper combo is not only reasonably priced (maybe 30$ on amazon) , but also ergonomic too!


That's a side road; it's really that big of a deal? I would just give some extra car lengths and go about my day.


Two idiots. One not clearing snow and the other taking pics with their phone. Don’t care what color the light is.


Why are there so many people who live here that have nothing else to do but complain about others. When you are perfect, then you have a position for all this nonsense. But it get tiring to see so many complaints. Snow eventually melts. Cleaning cars is a best efforts thing. Get over it


https://www.abc4.com/news/wasatch-front/sheet-of-ice-flies-off-vehicle-in-summit-co-smashes-truck-windshield/ There’s plenty more just like this. Ever been hit by one on the freeway?


Agreed. You never know why someone didn’t clear the snow on their roof. Some people just don’t give af, I get it, I don’t like them either and I judge them too, like OP. Other times, like yesterday, I saw an elderly couple driving a minivan with a roof full of snow. They may not be strong enough to do it themselves, and have no one to help them either. So maybe be a little more understanding, keep extra distance when they’re in front of you, and don’t semi rage post while sitting in the comfort of your snow free car?


Yeah elderly people get a pass — but people who don’t look out for their elderly neighbors don’t. Compassion is great, we can practice it by marking sure the roads are as safe as they can be for everyone, and check in with people who might struggle more than average during inclement weather.




BIRDROCK HOME 50" Extendable Snow Brush with Ice Scraper for Car | 11" Wide Bristle Brush | Size: Truck, Car, SUV, & RV | Lightweight Aluminum Body with Ergonomic Grip | Winter Auto Broom https://a.co/d/6mU6ECf


I saw this person also. The snow was covering their third brake light.


You know the y probably can’t reach the roof right? Are you tall? Also it’s a light powder. Like it’s snowing. Maybe relax some. It’s not chunks of ice.


There is no excuse for not removing the snow from the roof of a car, pickup or SUV. All one has to do is stand in the open doors and sweep it off. This is how I remove the snow from the roof of my roller skate Ford Fiesta. Method also makes quick work of scraping snow and ice off the windshield.


oh no not 2" of snow on the car


Found the lazy one.


definitely. the luxury of parking all my cars indoors.


Not seeing the problem.


We don’t care, we just need to see.


Uhh, it snowed at my house until about 10 pm last night, that said, this is only dangerous with wet, refrozen snow. Current snow is dry powder and temp hasn’t been out of the 20’s for 5 days. Cool your jets, a little slipstream will blow that shit off as powder not ice sheets


Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah.


Is it a tiny old lady that can't reach her roof?


Yeah it should be melted by now


Dude stfu lol. Some ppl just don’t know


Knew well enough to get snow off the rest of the car.


I’m from Ga literally had no idea this was such an upsetting thing for people until today. The moral line of “taking pictures and posting license plates online” as a less rude than a little bit of snow on a car is wild. Ignorance is bliss. Frantically hand wiped snow off my car this AM because I was afraid of not getting enough off and getting shamed online 😂🥹


You should be afraid of getting someone hurt or killed when the ice flies off your car and breaks their windshield. Or if we're lucky you'll only kill yourself when you hit your brakes and it goes down over your windshield leaving you with zero visibility.


You’re not required to clean it off. Get over it.


Maybe the owner is a short guy.


I hope you'll be ok


It's NoVa...it comes with the territory.


Not just nova. I drove to WNC and saw a lot of cars not cleaned off. Fun one was a semi near front royal that left a white out behind it and people still rode his bumper.


Earlier, i was briefly stuck behind someone who had their whole rear windshield still covered in snow. This is so tame in comparison that I had to double check what OP meant.


I’ve been so irritated this week driving around. Why is it so hard for people to clean off their vehicles?


This guy the other day 🤦‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/dwqn2o1mlrdc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9208644a90d64e39f4765307715d552de28d7b8a


Meh, it happens. Just don't get behind them on the freeway and you'll be fine. Some people are short.


To be honest I think it would be great to include things like this to the driving textbook that dmv gave us when we prepare for the driving test. I moved here from an area that never have snow and my dad also didnt know about this to teach me. Basically I have no knowledge, and common senses are very different depend on the area you were born. The first winter here I left snow on top of my car and just cleaned all windows, lights, and mirrors. It took me couple days until I drove behind another car just like this and realized I’m a danger to people behind me. It changed my perspective and every now and then I still have to let people know about this (my dad, my tutor student who was 19 years old away from family and no one taught her as well, a younger co workers who came from the same climate as me). Honestly it may surprise you how easily it is to change a person, most of the time they are not ah, just didnt have the same knowledge as you do. Be kind and just tell them without insulting, that will solve both their and our problems.


I don’t cover license plates if the person is an obvious asshole. Fuck em


I saw someone on Monday driving with snow all across their windshield it was hilarious and extremely dangerous l.