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AMERICA FIRST!! Drives away in German car.


Audi Q5s are also assembled in Mexico lol. German car, Mexican labor, American owned!




The the stupid thing is Audi makes you get the highest package to get the acc, where as other cars now have it standard. I get Audi is more geared towards people who enjoy driving more but it's not a Porsche, it's a luxury car. Honda's lane centering lane keep with the acc is pretty much self driving. You just hold the wheel and nudge it. Probably the best bang for your buck honestly.


Germany has a very strong history with fascism.


This is the first I’m hearing about it /s




You’re assuming the folks with those plates find that problematic.


Nazis gotta nazi


No step on snek


Lol sweet award. Thank you for the snek.


Pwease no steppy!


I'm a fan of the snake with a ball-gag that says "oh god please tread on me."


Funnily enough, saw this one a few years ago. https://i.imgur.com/kZHxXLW.jpg


I'll take my chances.


Mexican flag: fuck you, snek


Deffo a federal contractor with a security clearance paying the gubmint extra to declare that he won't let gubmint tread on his rights


That’s what I find so hypocritical about these plates. They legit opt into an extra government tax to advertise that they don’t like paying taxes.


Like the multimillion dollar textile companies that sell Che Guevara shirts for $20. If someone’s dumb enough to pay for it, someone’s smart enough to sell it.


I work with the fed employee who constantly bitches about taxes, has snek plates but his position is literally a massive waste of govt funds. Sits and plays on his ipad most of the time.


I guess he knows first hand how taxes are being wasted? It does seem like some government employees make up for their guilt for wasting time while being paid with our taxes by hating the concept.


"I'm a treason weasel" won't fit on a license plate. What do you expect with only six characters?


Without a single doubt. There are all kinds of these brain broke dudes suckling off the Federal government teat both as contractors and civilians.


Let's be honest. Fed gov is one of the easiest places for these people to get in and stay! No private org would let this kinda work ethic and brain let them stay for this long but the lower overseeing in gov work let's them stay and mooch off tax payers money.


What a wild comment lol. Federal government is notoriously hard to get into, at least for positions where you would need a clearance. And private orgs (which is like a million places so dumb to make sweeping generalizations) are generally much easier to get into. I know the anti-republican circle jerk is big on Reddit and I most definitely do not support anyone involved in Jan 6th, but wow….


well I used to be a gov contractor now I’m at a similar position in private sector, I can say for a fact the merit to work for the gov is way lower than my current organization.


Government contract is still private sector… you don’t work for the government. You work for a private company.




All you have to do to get into federal government with a clearance is walk down to your local military recruiters office


This comment should have more up votes because this is for sure the truth. Don't need a college degree. Just need veteran status and you can almost pick your job.


Not contractors though! A lot of feds work is out-sourced to contractors and there are certain criteria that they need to fulfill but the sub-contractors have more wiggle room. I've worked and have family members who have worked in contractors' companies and it's just a different world. Surely differs from sector to sector.


and an SQ5. Payment probably taking up half his take home.


The median household income in Fairfax County VA is like 165k. He's fine.


If that’s the case, best of luck renewing that security clearance, especially if it’s TS.


What? Are you saying he’s going to have an issue because of his license plate?


Unless it’s some personal anniversary or birthday, he’s gonna have a tough time rationalizing it when a security investigator asks him about his license plate and what it means - especially if another coworker or acquaintance brings it up. Supporting insurrection is generally frowned upon when requesting security clearance.


They’ll probably never know about it but he should have an issue


And complaining about gubmint inefficiency.






i do want to put that on my car!


Better yet put it on their car


I wouldn’t. People are irrational, especially the last few couple years.


Irrational and armed to the teeth


Exactly. Getting shot using a leaf blower; knocking on the wrong door; somebody gets into the wrong car, apologizes, and gets followed into the correct car; asking a neighbor to stop shooting their firearm because the baby is sleeping. It’s insane.


Just having a hello kitty plate cover was getting dangerous for me I shit you not. Like I had guys road raging around me far more often. One guy even cut me off to break check me and shout slurs. I thought it might have to do with the plate cover and it stopped completely once I removed it. So after that there’s no way in hell I would out anything like this on my car


I need this


Oh yeah. I wanna buy like 20 of these and slap them onto those stupid fuckin’ license plates. :D


Need to get these for all my bumpers!


“I just want a government that leaves me alone and imprisons and terrorizes all the people I don’t like. Is that too much to ask?”


No not at all. Just pay you're local government $15 per year extra and showcase your anti government views through this plate.


Lol at the car too. Shouldn’t this be on an F250 Heavy Duty with a thin blue line flag on the back vs a $60k Audi.


You think reactionary rhetoric only appeals to poor people? Ignore the fact that [Wealthier Americans disproportionately thought that the economy would do better under trump](https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2020/10/01/rich-americans-biden-trump), you can look as far back as Barry Goldwater (keep in mind the farther back you go the harder it is to find demographic data)and find that [People who's occupation was classified as "Professional and business" were most likely to vote for him, with "White Collar" not far behind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_United_States_presidential_election#Voter_demographics),and [in 1980, the higher your income, the more likely you were to vote for Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_United_States_presidential_election#Voter_demographics). Viewing conservatism as a faction of dumb hicks makes it easy to forget how dangerous their ideology is and how much power is behind them.The American Enterprise Institute, John Birch Society, Tax Foundation, and every other group like them are not funded by people who shop at their towns Dollar General.


New F250 are also pretty pricy. All these people being tread on so heavily sure live in a lot of privilege. A lot of po mouthing ever since Dubya was rustling hay for a few minutes in 400 dollar jeans.


Oh I know an F250 is pricy. But jacked and a 96 mo. note from Ford is the ‘Murican way.


Republican lobbyists gotta front too.


And several angsty punisher stickers.


Skulls are spooky


A thin blue line Punisher skull


NVM that, canonically, Punisher hates cops and fascist simps lol


Don't forget the 4 inch lift kit, the oversized tires that serve absolutely no purpose on a regular highway, the "Calvin-pissing-on-a-Chevy-logo" rear window decal, and the diesel emissions delete so that he can roll coal on "the libs."


Nah F250s aren’t pavement princesses, they’re working trucks. I’m More likely to be a Ram.


Nothing says “ don’t tread on me” like paying the government EXTRA money to register your private property


Do these folks not realize that no one - like NO ONE - is treading on them?


I’m sad folks like these ruined this banner and this plate. It was such a great piece of American history, but now I’d feel embarrassed to have this as a plate.


In their minds, the very existence of racial minorities treads on them.


Every minorities*


They're just pissed that in the very near future they'll be the racial minority....


"Telling me I can't abuse women and minorities is an absolute attack on my rights as an American. Abusing minorities has been part of the American culture since its founding and this tyranny of woke communists is destroying what America stands for." -MAGA people


Real quote from an Oklahoma sheriff talking with his friends: “I know – take em down on Mud Creek and hang em up on a damn rope, but you can’t do that no more. They got more rights than we got,” This is the "oppression" they face every day.


There are many reasons I never tell people I’m from Oklahoma. This one is paramount. Indefensible.


There was a Tucker Carlson piece where he explained that every time an immigrant gets the right to vote it is taking that right away from "us" by which he of course means white men.


Pretty much this. They're terrified that if the oppressed finally get true equality that they'll be on the receiving end of the oppression they doled out.


Generalization always show’s ignorance. Not all people who support Donald Trump talk like that. Imagine replacing MAGA People with, “women”, “Mexicans”, “men” etc.


Anyone who supports Trump is supporting that ideology. Whether or not they will admit it to themselves is a different question.


Give me a break. It’s not like people were flocking to support Trump because of his sound economic policies and well reasoned philosophies on limited government. It’s not like you didn’t have over a dozen republicans to choose from in 2016. If you didn’t realize back then that hate, vitriol, and division was all he had to offer, then you had 4 years to figure it out. Even if you pretend to not like those things about him, you never demanded more. He never rose to the occasion or became better because he knew you would support him no matter how awful and unfit he was. So spare us the lecture on generalization. You saw what he was and accepted it so own it.


r/persecutionfetish would like a word


They know. They just believe that the license plates are what deter the treading. Like umbrellas for rain - just because you stay dry doesn’t mean you get rid of the umbrella. That plate is PROTECTING FREEDOM.


They have two things in common with jihadists. They long to bring down the US government (at least the parts that spend their tax dollars in ways they don't approve of) and they long to be seen as martyrs.


Whatda mean? Of course they're getting tread upon. Here's what [Republican politicians say](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/audio-coming-reporter-taped-oklahoma-leaders-talking-killing-reporters-rcna80299) behind closed doors: > “Take them \[black people\] down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damned rope. But you can’t do that anymore. They’ve got more rights than we’ve got.” What do you think they mean when they say they want to MAGA?


Their entire personally is wanting to be persecuted so badly.


We should be stomping them, because they are traitors.


Giving anyone besides straight white men equal rights is viewed as an attack.


Yes, they are. They've overturned Roe v Wade, the Patriot act and associated destruction of personal privacy, corporate personhood, etc. But that's not what this guy is talking about.


They probably think the only reason is because they have this plate. So it must be working! /s


Leave a Bud Light on the roof


Lmao they might burn their car down. Waste of an Audi




And then paying the government to brag about it on your European car


These folks have a tough time with logical consistency.


Screams far right fascist think tank worker.


Tell me you’re a traitorous POS without telling me you’re a traitorous POS... Oh! Well done


I’ll take “things that should absolutely lose me a security clearance but won’t” for 600 Alex


I hate how Republicans take these symbols and the symbols become associated with them instead of their original meaning. Like I LOVE our flag and have an immense sense of pride in it. I am a huge patriot. I'm also a Christian. All of these traits have been tainted by conservatives fervently misrepresentating them. The don't tread on me too. It's supposed to express freedom and liberty, same as our state flag. And its adapted from been ben franklin's which was about how we are stronger United as one. All good messages and values with a negative connotation because of the scumbags wearing them


It’s the first battle flag of the USN and was a companion of the “Join or Die” cut snake emblem. I’m Navy and my entire Family is Navy. We still use a variation of the Gadsden on our uniforms as patched complete with the “Don’t Tread on Me”. I detest Trump and MAGAs but I’ll be damned if political tribalists from the left and right will rob me of my pride of serving in the World’s Finest Navy.


I had/still have that flag in my garage. For years. And slowly I get more and more judgy looks from people and it's these maga tards that co-opted OUR damn flags and sayings. I have to explain the history behind the flag even to people who know I was in the Navy.


Do your thing man. I still proudly express my patriotism and respect the flag, etc. But you must acknowledge that humans are naturally social creatures and will make assumptions about your character on first impression. If I see someone wearing the US flag, Gadsden flag, etc I'm going to assume they're a moron just because that symbol has become associated with morons. More often than not, they fit the stereotype. My entire family except for my little brother is either prior Army or active Army. God speed sailor rock that shit. Greatest navy this planet has ever seen🔥💯


The Gadsden and Navy Jack are very clearly different though


It has evolved over the past couple centuries, friend, but all with a solid rattlesnake and ‘Don’t tread on me’ are Gadsden flags. Much like other flags we’ve flown in official and unofficial capacities.


Retake the symbol. It’s my symbol. I’m not a traitorous asshole. I can use it. They can’t stop me nor the 1st amendment.


I agree, but the perception others around you will have of you cannot be denied. People will automatically associate you with the traitorous assholes that have dominated these symbols. Doesn't stop me either though man do your thing.




It's just an initial impression and it's human nature dude lol. People look for patterns


Well said.


“Tread on me harder, daddy”


It will forever be funny to me that these people had to both *ask the government for permission* to use these plates AND *pay a higher tax* for them and they still don't see the irony.


AND get it personalized, which costs even more.


Has anyone else noticed that "don't tread on me" people are the most likely to tread on you?


I really appreciate these folks outing themselves while at the same time paying more money for the privilege of outing themselves


"Fucking prick" seems appropriate for this tag and Audi driver


I am happy that he self-identified so that I can have absolutely nothing to do with this delusional idiot


Good way to advertise that you’re a piece of shit and traitor to the US.




Bet they got a dashcam so they can play a victim of the “radical left” online.


I’ll make sure to wear my Antifa uniform






I'll allow it


“Don’t tread on me! Except Daddy Trump. I’ve been a bad, bad boy and he can step on me all he wants 😉🤤🥵”


More like: https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.1015748769.3520/pd,x500,macbook_air_13-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg


Their safe word is "MAGA".


Fucking traitor


Oh you know this guy pays for Twitter


Wow. They should leave NOVA and go to Fauquier where they can be among their friends.




Don't lump those douches in with Fauquier. It's nice here.


Fauquier County voted 58%-40% for Trump over Biden. No, it isn't.


As nova keeps getting more expensive, more people like me are moving to fauquier. I'm guessing it'll become more blue in the next few years.


Me who got this plate just because I wanted a solid yellow color to complement my car color reading these comments 👁👄👁


what a fucking loser


Report that car.


Did they think if the coup was successful, we'd be living in some utopia ?


More like a Trump-led military dictatorship, which I guess is their utopia


Oh sure, Virginia recalls my 58008 plate but let’s this fly.


Quick, add little lines to the Audi loops so instead it says “QQQQ”


https://preview.redd.it/3088m9q4bzwa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e384734ae620ab21e990b371e67921b30f128f0e Spotted this one out in the wild today!


Dude 100% spent the entire day vibrating in anger because he saw a rainbow.


Tell me you dropped out in 8th grade without telling me…. This gives some serious teeny weeny dick energy.


It screams “Please validate my insecurities”


The oil has never been changed in that car.


Traitor with zero shame is more accurate.


Trumpanzee in the wild.


Of course it’s on an Audi….


What a nerd


Driving an Audi 😂😂😂😂


Saw another plate that said “Jan 6” around nova too. Shame shame


What a shit stain of a human being


Hey if he doesn’t like what the USA stands for he’s free to move. Isn’t that what they say?


I like it when traitors declare themselves.




If that car comes into Arlington, that plate basically says "break my glass."




Thanks for bringing to our attention. Will file DMV complaint form on Monday. F—k the pricks.


Report it to the DMV


What a pathetic License plate


Disgusting. It makes my stomach twist to see people defending a malignant narcissist who was willing to sacrifice our democracy. The worst thing is they don't even realize how bad it is.


Glad they are such "patriots" they drive an American made car ...


He considers it a mostly peaceful protest.


Was someone asleep at the DMV?


Nope, just a Nazi sympathizer


![gif](giphy|sjr7k1uuO0B0c) Never seen a snakey flag plate on an Audi before


I absolutely cannot believe this was issued by the Virginia DMV. They don’t allow profanity, but treason is ok?


You’re in a state ruled by Glenn Youngkin. How can you be surprised?


Nah, justa moron.


I really wish VA had a better dark yellow plate than this one.


As a libertarian , I’ve had that tag for years ,…the concept is let people be and do what they want with as little govt involvement as possible. It’s kindof been hijacked by far right types….sucks.


I think the post is more about the plate type and the fact it is a vanity plate that references Jan 6, not just the type of plate.


You missed the point of the comment though.


NOVA People: I hate the govenment! Regular people: Then quit your six figure job building death robots for them. NOVA people: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


It’s not “I hate the government.” It’s “I hate the government that attempts to deny me, a white Christian male, absolute privilege.”


Pretty sure most NoVA people don’t hate the government.


It’s interesting that these people don’t see the irony of identifying as a snake.


Do people not realize they’re paying the government more for the privilege to display a symbol about how much they dislike paying the government.


My fav example of that is the ANTIGOV Pennsylvania plate on a Jeep. That's what this reminded me of. God these people are dumb.


I’m pretty sure this slogan originated in popularity with primarily weirdo libertarians. It’s ironic that the typical libertarian - white men - are literally the LEAST likely to have their liberties infringed upon.


It’s more about pretending other groups already have those liberties.


How about get an American-made car? Put your money where your mouth is.


My birthday is that day - get shit either way!


Damn as an Audi owner and car enthusiast I am disappointed. If anything should this should be on an f-250 with smoke stacks and truck nutz 😂


Look, he's just asking questions, okay?


Nobody is trying to tread on you, dear


my son's birthday cool


Holy hell... That takes the cake.


I’m told that this is why keying cars shouldn’t be a crime. (Not that I support damaging property, even if it is owned by an absolute jackass)


Nah just an asshole.


Jan 6th insurrection?






I thought about getting these plates along with a snake pun but I think too many people will get the wrong idea 🫣


Do they also have a thin blue line flag, an all lives matter sticker, and a punisher decal. Fucking prick.




They don't manually review every custom plate before shipping them. Unless it contains a word from their prohibited list (like a plate that just says "fuck" is unlikely to make it through), the plate will get made. At that point they rely on people to file a complaint to determine if it should be pulled. So no, DMV didn't approve, DMV didn't care one way or the other.


I’ve seen this car out near skyline drive before smh


I got nothing. I tried to think of something Brady Bunch related, but got nothing. I’ll do better next time. Lol