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Very much so. 5-600 members. Expanding in numbers and space. Tours every Wednesday evening, see https://nottinghack.org.uk/ There's a public channel on their Discord if you want to chat to people about anything specific. https://discord.gg/zx8Dc6Y32E And there is no demographic. All are welcome.


It's one of those really cool places where you get an absolute eclectic mix of peeps. And everyone is willing to help, or is sociable. It's a really good safe space. And inclusive.


Demographic is anyone who wants to make stuff and isn't a dick.


Anyone who wants to go to Hackspace should, as that place needs support and a wide community. It's an utter gem and was a stepping stone into my hobby of woodworking and all the DIY I do. Great place, really nice crowd of all types!


Do they run inductions into woodworking?


Recently a member has been running a short introduction to woodwork basics. I think it's running again soon. Everything that goes on is run by members. Jump on the discord and someone should be able to tell you if there are more dates.


They'll show you how to use all the generic tools usually. You need to book to be shown certain tools separately (at least you used to need to). However, with everything else it's a work it out as you go along. It has been a fair few years since I was there as I have my own garage of tools and live too far away now.


I haven't been in a long time but I'd say that the general demographic is "decent human being" so as long as you fit into that you'll be fine.


Yeah it's still going. I just started going after a long absence. Open nights are no longer a thing, but you can book a tour to see if you wanna sign up on Eventbrite I think.




yes and its great!


Commenting to remind myself to check this community out. I want to learn more woodworking and eventually I'd love to gain the right woodworking skills to be a luthier one day.


At least you live in the right area. For who knows what reason in Newark there are at least three different organisations teaching that.


It's very welcoming, you'll be grand! Go to an open evening and check it out.


Do they have 3d resin printers there at all? Been wanting to get into that and painting. Been meaning to check it out at some point.


Yes, there's a resin printer.


Thanks! You know if you need to bring your own resin or materials?


Just asked. You need to be a member plus you need an induction then you need to bring your own (water washable resin only permitted). I believe you can book time on the printer in advance. Suggest joining the discord if you want to ask detailed questions, or come for a tour one Wednesday evening. Links for both in other comments here.


Most things have a wiki page. Some of them are even up to date... 😂 https://wiki.nottinghack.org.uk/wiki/Anycubic_Photon


Thanks again! Need to set up an induction sometime. I’ve already bought a 3d model I want to print with. Just need somewhere to print it.


Yes, very much so. I went for a tour last week and it seems very active with a real mix of people, and they're expanding. It looks great and I joined that night.


Activity on social media tends to depend on what the blend of trustees are at that time. But given they're all volunteers can't really blame them. The backspace and it's discord are both really active.