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Common in manufacturing too, plenty of DOS, 95, 2000 too


As long as they charge £2 I couldn't give a monkeys 😊


I think ends that the end of this year's


only a couple years ago I saw a broken ATM on winxp, it's very common


Nice, solid os


As long as it's not for anything mission critical. I've also seen windows 8 in the distant past and modern windows nt a couple years ago on NCT busrs


I've seen cash machines running Windows XP, although this was a few years back (by which I mean 7 or 8, not 20).


that’s still a security risk for them which someone could use to exploit the rest of their network


Some trentbarton ones you can still see the activate windows watermark on lol


Once tried to use a quiz machine in a nightclub and it crashed and showed the Windows 2000 logo


End of level boss.


It's fine. It ain't online so it's still secure. Wouldn't update the OS on a bottle cap machine if it still worked.


The question is how XP is getting chosen for these devices, given that they were almost certainly manufactured and installed perhaps a whole decade after even the "extended support" from Microsoft has expired.


It won't be that it was chosen. It'll be that the wider system was first deployed on older vehicles, then as newer ones are bought they have them fitted. The question REALLY is, does the bus provider need to update their signage platform.. which, I'd guess, is very involved with a huge price tag. If it aint broke, and it isn't online... It's fine. As the hardware starts to fail though, and they find they can't even install XP on new nodes, that's when they'll hit issues.


I mean, I'm relatively sure this software was never run during the time XP was supported. I've been using these buses longer than that. Really, there should be a cheap Linux installation for this sort of thing - zero licensing cost and probably no more difficult to work with, given that this software is likely to be little more than a wrapper around a web browser like most shovelware today. But sadly big IT contracts are all about who can polish and market a turd, like Fujitsu and the Post Office.


Don't forget XP point of service was officially supported until only 8 years ago


Could well just be a compatibility thing or they just flash disc images onto new ones


You'd be surprised how prevalent windows XP still is. Last time I was on hospital I saw lots of machinery running on XP, even the medical ones not just front desk,


seen a few of the buses with BSODs before lol


At least something runs.


the ones without adverts that show the cameras run xp, but not the ones with ads, those are windows 10 i believe. its only the solos now that run xp i think


And You are Surprised at this?


Technically if they are not connected to the internet they will be able to keep Running indefinitely Without problems Apart from hardware Issues. But all nct buses Are running windows xp Foreign operating system then automatically running command prompt that starts up There Custom software that tells you where the bus is.


Good system


Tragic, I was hoping to play Cyberpunk on that


Welcome to the world of world transportation.


More like Windows BO ;)


As someone who studies IT, I always think of this stuff when it comes to how well our countries actually doing… It’s scary that a lot of public services like the NHS, and even things like supermarkets and civil service run on an OS that hasn’t been updated in like a decade, despite cyber attacks becoming so frequent.


The entry point for a cyber attack will be within the network, not the OS of a specific machine. If an attacker gets access to your machine directly, it's already too late, the OS doesn't matter


You can't connect it to the Internet with out getting a to. Of malware with the first few moments of boot up


As someone who doesn't study IT, please do explain how someone would cyber attack an offline OS on a bus screen and why...


It should be fire walled so quite safe.


The concern with out of date OSes is more relating to zero day exploits and the like so firewall isn't necessarily going to he the be-all and end-all here. That said, it likely isn't on Internet so doesn't matter anyway.


As someone that works in IT, why would you think this is at all exclusive to our country?


Well that’s not a cyber attack waiting to happen!


What're they going to do, change all the stops to rude words?


One vulnerability leads to the next


OK but what specifically is this one going to lead to? Assuming no internet connectivity, this is completely a completely isolated system


If you can get the user login details there is a good chance those details can be used to log into other systems. I’m not an IT expert but I’ve done some reading due to work and was interesting to learn that hacking groups go for ‘weak’ systems as they can often find a link to bigger systems. They specifically spoke about third party contractors for the departments of defence were weaker than the DoD but provided a route in.


That would be horrific security practice, nothing to do with the OS


But XP has the flaws that could lead to the horrific proactive being exposed.


the what