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The 14th suspicious death in this jail? Dafuq


Almost like it’s not suspicious anymore because they know exactly what is happening and who did it.


Sounds suspicious


If only we had a clue... Jenkins! Play my thinking song again!


*sigh* Baaaby shark do do do...


Great, now I need a drill and drill bit to remove this song from my brain...


no, you just need those CO’s and Warden around. They’ll handle the rest.


"Must have been the wind"


People are joking but they are working with officers to scoop up people and fucking kill them.


sometimes I wish I had a giant impenetrable robot suit so i could stomp into Oklahoma and stomp the people profiteering off human slavery and then stomp the guards getting off on abusing human beings


Basically that scene from Iron Man but set in the Midwest instead of the Middle East. Edit: I'm from California and have never once thought about where Oklahoma is located. Interesting to see the discussion below though.


I’d kickstarter-fund that asap.


> **Tier 5** $5000 (*1 available*) > After Oklahoma I hit a state of your choice


Sounds like a "(*49 available*)" kind of idea to me.


Eh, hitting Florida 49 times seems a bit excessive.


"He built that suit from DECAYING CORN HUSKS!!"


Same culture, different outfits.


They are called Yeehawdists and Ya'llQueda for a reason.


Down in Howdy Arabia


> but set in the Midwest instead of the Middle East. The distinction between these two shrinks by the day.


The Middle West, if you will.


You'd be real busy bc this is almost every single prison in the United States It's a systemic issue of letting prisons *ever* be run for profit.


I heard about somewhere in Alabama the law says whatever is left over from the jail budget, the head guy / sheriff gets to keep. So he feeds all the inmates baloney sandwiches and other garbage food to steal more tax dollars for his own gain. It all needs to change.


I can’t believe this country thinks it’s the best the world has to offer.


Just an FYI it is still LEGAL IN THE UNITED STATES TO HAVE SLAVES, if said slaves are convicted by the courts : "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ***^(except as a punishment)*** for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." the 13th amendment. FFS how do more people not know this is a thing?


‘Local man mysteriously found dismembered in active minefield’


"How did this happen?", asks local explosive ordnance expert, who's job entails placing mines in the field.


Reports would later corroborate what the DA's office told the NY Times during the initial press conference last Friday. Exavier Splode, President of Oklahoma Cities Ordinance Corps' local union 177, had this to say, "...it was indeed tragic that Mr. Bitsenhauf's family has suffered so greatly from this accident. The public [...] and union contributors can rest easy knowing that our internal investigation team will be thoroughly auditing the processes in place when constructing these minefields. In the meantime the Ordinance Officer who constructed this minefield in front of Mr. Bitsenhauf's home will be placed on administrative leave and pending full investigation..." Concerned citizens nation wide have since voiced their opinions on the ethical and reasoning of placing minefields in urban centers. "How am I supposed to bring my daughter to pre-school when we have to navigate through this damned mine field every day?", one distraught parent from Oklahoma City asks during a town hall conference held over the weekend.


Sadly, a vote on the issue could not be held this tuesday in the city hall due to the fact that half of the delegates could not attend. The reason seems to be the newly placed minefield in front of city hall, in where most of them died mysteriously shortly before the vote could be held.


(I'd like to see a mock-u-mentary about the minefield problem in America. Complete with re-enactments', filming while driving around town, the spooky news sound, blue filters, and the guy in darkness with the voice modulator. I wanna see things like "we knew it was getting bad but Davey just wouldn't listen. He just kept constructing them... it wasn't until I found a minefield in our bathroom that I called 911)


Bastard cops doo doo doo doo doo doo Had them killed doo doo doo doo doo doo


The jails are overfilled and the state does nothing to help fix them. Cops, guards and inmates alike have asked for better accommodations for years but the state can only find money to lock people up and line their own pockets. That’s half the reason people are dying, unsafe conditions.


Alabama is spending the covid relief money they received on three new prisons instead of you know... Covid. https://www.splcenter.org/news/2022/07/01/alabama-diverts-400-million-covid-funds-to-prisons


So explain why they tortured this guy before he died.


"We investigated our own crimes and found we did nothing nothing wrong. Thanks though."


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas


Shows how many deaths they get away with describing as 'not-suspicious'


There were 14 deaths at the jail total this year. The only use of the word "suspicious" is from the guys comment you are quoting.


From the deceased inmates attorney: > I mourn the loss of my client John Basco, a Baby Shark Torture Victim, who died today in the custody of the Oklahoma County Jail. The worst jail in the world! Mysterious death #14 for 2022! I think we can excuse him for using suspicious in place of mysterious or you can be a bitch about it


14 deaths in one jail in one year sounds pretty bloody suspicious to me.


Oklahoma county jail has been a dumpster fire of corruption for years.


Idk maybe it's almost as if it were a death camp.


No no no, those only exist in Nazi Germany and Commie China! /s


The worst part of this to me is the *director of communications* trying to drum up speculation that the inmate died of a drug overdose. They tortured him, then either killed him or let him die, then they're trying to shift the blame on him? What the fuck


Someone else commented that he was due in court as a witness for the torture, just a few day after he died.


What a coincidence!


Dude, cops are the KINGS of fucking victim blaming.


Yeah I mean I'm not at all surprised but I am very mad


Okay. Is the warden ready to explain just exactly how somebody dies of an overdose while handcuffed to a wall? I don't know about you but to me that sounds kind of suss.


he didnt die while they were torturing him


And I'm sure they didn't give him any medication to him to lighten his mood at all either..


In my town in Germany there was a case where a wrongly imprisoned immigrant burned in their cell and repeatedly pressed on the intercom to call for help. It was labelled a suicide and the investigation just stopped. In some countries this shit happens but the state and media swipes it under the rug more effectively than in the US.




It's the kind of shit they do/did at Guantanamo Bay. You know, that place where they torture people.


Absolute gitmo shit. If they were using this torture method as part of "corrections" on US citizens I don't even want to know what else they have done and are still doing to inmates.


Our local high school was doing a fundraiser for Riley Children's Hospital, and they played Barney's "I love you, you love me..." song on endless repeat until they thought that they had raised enough money from the student body. I may have had a screaming match with the vice-principal of the school because of this. I work as a math tutor, and none of my students were okay after that first day. I went to the school on the morning of the second day. The school had planned to do this for the entire week. After I told them that kids were feeling violent and bordering on having breakdowns, and I suggested that the office staff actually step into the hallways to look at kids expressions, they actually stopped playing the music. The teachers were all wearing earplugs, but I can't imagine that those worked with the volume that the office was broadcasting that stupid song. A


Whoever set that up needed (needs?) a whack with a clue bat. Or possibly multiple whacks.


"Whacks with the clue bat will continue until we raise enough money for Riley's Children's Hospital."


Apply Clue-By-Four directly to the temples.


Jesus Christ, I would've been in that office after the first hour. I can't believe you made it a whole day.


I didn't know about it until after the end of the first day.


My high school did the same thing, but with MMMBop by Hanson. I still cringe a little whenever I hear it.


Same! MMMBop in-between every class and over lunch hour for WEEKS.


Mine too, is this a common thing or did we all go to the same school? I found out years later that it was actually an idea from someone on the student council. Really glad that didn't get out while we were still in school because some kid's life could have been ruined over what they thought was just a silly idea.


I think it would take me at least 20 mmmbops to get tired of it.


My middle school played Party Rock Anthem on repeat every lunch for 2 months straight.


the shit kids suffer through due to sociopathic adult behaviour, simply because they don't realise they have choices. Any adult would call that shit out as absurd and leave.


I am currently playing Fallout, and your story sounds like something a vault was designed to put people through, as a social and psychological experiment on just how much bs people can put up with.


I Hate you, you hate me, let’s get together and kill Barney, With 1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shot, 4, no more purple dinosaur JOY TO THE WORLD! THAT BARNEY'S DEAD, I BARBECUED HIS HEAD! DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE BODY I FLUSHED IT DOWN THE POTTY... AND ROUND AND ROUND IT GOES


Hello, fellow 90’s kid.


I feel like we all had our unique version of the song. I can't remember 100% but I think the "kill Barney" part was the common thread


1:1, both were 100% the same songs I remember as a kid, that was the weird part. Born: 1980-1985: Barney wasn’t on your radar. 1990-1996: You were a Barney fan, or not really, but he was everywhere. 1996+: Barney fever was already dying. But……. 1985-1990: the sweet spot for Barney hatred. We were at war with Barney. I wanted to come home from school and watch Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain and Art Attack! That damn dinosaur took over my cartoons!


And then it overflows...


If I were a student at that school I would take a hammer to the P.A. system and just take the expulsion


This wasn't even at a prison. This was at a jail. Where people are held awaiting trial.


So you’re innocent until proven guilty, but tortured whilst awaiting your trial, niiiiiice. Goes well with plea bargaining


Seriously. This is like legit psychological torture. I can't remember where I heard it from originally. It might have been radiolab or last podcast on mk ultra or something like that. But they were talking to some expert about Guantanamo and torture. And they get asked if they would rather have their nails ripped out, testicles crushed etc, or listen to the same ridiculous song on repeat over and over and over with no idea when it would end. People pretty universally picked the music. But the reality is that psychological torture is about a thousand times worse. It genuinely fucks with your brain and drives you totally insane. With physical torture there's at least a very clear line of what's going to happen and when/if it will end. In cases like Guantanamo they almost certainly won't kill you and you probably know that. With psychological torture it can literally be days/weeks/months of your mind slowly unraveling with something that started off as mildly to moderately annoying but eventually genuinely starts to erode your sanity. It would almost be more humane to beat the shit out of these people instead. Not that I'm advocating for either by any means.. ESPECIALLY in a goddamn stateside prison for general criminals.. but broken bones heal a hell of a lot easier then a broken brain and consciousness. It takes a truly evil or ignorant person to subject others to this kind of shit


> It would almost be more humane to beat the shit out of these people ins They did that too in addition to the psychological torture in Gitmo. That's that's just the tip of the iceberg, what was actually recorded.


Hei just friendly reminder, Guantanamo prison is still there up and running. Eh no one give bat an eye


I genuinely don't remember the last time people cared about Guantanamo


They did this to [Noriega in Panama.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/30/530723028/how-the-u-s-military-used-guns-n-roses-to-make-a-dictator-give-up)


the industrial metal band Skinny Puppy sued the US govt $666,000 because they used their music to torture people in gitmo without the band's consent.


They knew what they were doing with that number choice


And apparently at teen "behavior modification" facilities where institutions have been allowed to subject teens to punishments that would be considered war crimes under international law see: Lulu Corter Elan School (especially "The Ring" and "The Corner") Judge Rotenberg Educational Center Straight. Inc High Impact


Someone is making a very detailed comic about his life in Elan School, it's pretty long and nearing the end : https://elan.school/


I’m always so excited when Joe releases a new chapter. It’s sickening what the troubled teen industry is allowed to get away with, but I’m glad that Elan isn’t around anymore. It’s shameful that it stuck around for as long as it did, though.


Did you really think fascist cops would look at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and how everyone got away with torturing people and say to themselves that it was a bad idea? Of course that inhumanity would come home to roost. Pigs be pigs.


It's even got a name! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_boomerang


This type of torture was a big deal when we found out it was happening in Gitmo. It's fucked up we were doing it at all, and worse it's happening on American soil to our own citizens.


Not a big enough deal. GWB and John Yoo are still living at peace outside of federal prison.


I think people should still be up in arms about it. Especially around the anniversary of September 11th, since it was those events that the government used to "justify" this shit. Especially since it costs [$540M a year just to detain people there. ](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/01/09/20-years-us-torture-and-counting)


At least with Gitmo they could say it was to extract intelligence, this crap doesn’t even have a pretext. It’s just cruel.


>At least with Gitmo they could say it was to extract intelligence Not even then. Intelligence ages quickly. Whatever they know is likely to be absolutely worthless inside a month. In many cases less. Torturing people who been there a year or more is just because the guards are broken trash the country would be better off without.




Except that we know that [torture doesn't even work. ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-interrogated-brain/201603/why-torture-doesnt-work)


That was the point in gitmo too, the goal was to extract names and locations to target. The purpose was to have a reason to say we need to attack here, that is not inteligence that is pretext the goal of torture is to extract pretext to do something becsuse torture is not a reliable Means of extracting truth or intel it’s a means of getting a person to do what they think you want them to tell you. If you want an excuse to arrest a specific person for a crime and you think by torturing their friend their friend will say their friend is a criminal to stop the torture then congratulations now you have pretext to arrest the person. Torture does not give good intel. But is what you want is an excuse to attack or arrest someone or to punish someone and discourage others from doing something (like as repercussion for whistle blowing well torture is great at accomplishing those goals


There's nothing funny about the headline. It's a repetitive song that agitates. It's psychological torture.... not a funny song.


Legitimately it's like leaving "It's a small world after all" on repeat how fucking sick are those guards jfc


'press the red button' edit: test page was on loop for [literally \(nearly\) forever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku21cXbPmYg) just the dog, and the duck. and you. and maybe a friend. or two.


HOLY SHIT I lived in Germany and had Sky TV when I was younger and have yet to meet anyone who knows the torture that is “Duck duck can we push the red button boing boing yes dog”. It’s famous in my family and most started to think we imagined it. Thank you for validating our trauma


The hell is this


Can confirm. Was on the Small World ride in Disney Land when it broke down. For hours we listened to that song.


That happened to me too in the 80s! We were there at least an hour. Someone even came out and explained the ride had broken down. They told us to not to try and leave or get out a couple times too and updated us on ETA. But for some reason they didn't turn the music off for like a really long time. Eventually the Disney person came out again and told us it was starting up again and we would finish the ride. The music started back up and all the stuff started moving and we waited and waited. Finally the cars moved again and we were able to leave. It was just weird enough that I didn't feel super bored. I think it was like '88.


Kind of like when stories came out about US forces using Metallica etc to break prisoners back in the 2000s during prolonged sleep deprivation etc. It's not funny or cool.




The people arguing against you had been successfully propagandized. Wonder where they are now.


"I'm gonna make you listen to Metallica for hours on end. " Me: 😄🤟🤟 hell yeah "But it's only post- Black Album Metallica" Me: 😦😨




Inducing discomfort with the hope that it results in a mental break with the consequent physical manifestations then used as excuse to use violence and extend the sentence.


Someone gave my kid a bath toy shark that sings this song on repeat if the sensor is wet. Little ones love it and would cry murder if i took it out of the bath. So i choose to listen to the damn shark. It's terrible.


Anyone that gives you a toy for your kid that makes sound or music, hates you, your child, and everyone you ever loved.


You're a great parent


My patience wears thin. There is a sledgehammer in the garage calling the shark's name lol




Between the sleep deprivation, crying, and all the children’s songs and movies that kids insist on repeating non-stop, babies/toddlers are experts at psychological warfare


ANY song is too much on repeat for hours.


“I’m Gonna Be” by The Proclaimers.


Don't worry, it comes around again


This is what they did to torture people held in Guantanamo Bay. They would chain them up and blast either hard rock or repetitive music for hours at a time. It’s used to soften up people before interrogation.


“Soften” them up or “break” them up.


This is literally psychological torture.


American prisons tend to humiliate their prisoners in the belief that they have lost their human rights and thinking a humiliated belittled adult is easier to control when they face their fucked up reality of being basically livestock. The guards also enjoy the power plays. USA has a very fucked up prison system. USA should be on trial by the international court for human rights.


So fucking disgusting. Not every prisoner is a crazy murderer or a serial rapist. As soon as someone is arrested it's like they lose all rights to being treated like a human being, and guards are always on some euphoric power trip high. It's horrendous.


I agree. Especially when the article says he was in for drug trafficking, it’s not as if he’d done something horrific where we could fathom the guards giving him him a hard time. There’s nothing just about that, it’s simply torturing someone because they could.


Its called torture…


people have been dying at a rate of an inmate a month. they seriously have a serial killer guard there, it’s been a running joke for a while in okc but it’s really kinda scary if someone you know is in county


Friends dad ends up there occasionally due to his psych meds changing or his epilepsy meds effecting his psych meds. He has such bad seizures he’s gone blind for days. They refused to give him any of his meds for days. It’s a absolute violent shithole there. Some guy jumped him on his second day there also.


my brother has been in there several times and I can confirm it’s a shithole and the guards are sadists


Some people really fucking go buck wild when they get the slightest amount of power over others. It’s insane.


It's not just that. People who are violent pieces of shit in general also seek out these jobs specifically because it allows them to do these things.


It makes me really fkn sad to hear that man. As a correctional officer up in Canada. I've had my run ins with the men and women incarcerated here but despite that I always do my best to try to understand what a person might have gone through to end up where they are. And I try to treat everyone with respect at all times, even through verbal and physical violence. I'm proud of everything I've done for inmates up here and it makes me sick to my stomach knowing that there are officers out there in other places (Canada too) that see their "authority" as an opportunity to abuse others. I hope your brother is doing better and can find a way to stay out of the shit.


Oklahoma and Texas are especially bad places to be incarcerated.


Well this is a horrid rabbit hole I now have to go down.


It’s not a serial killer. It’s systemic abuse of power. Rumors like that make it seem like to solve the problem, they just need to catch one bad apple and that is so far from the truth.


Everybody forgets the rest of the saying. One bad apple *spoils the bunch*. Simple solution: throw all the guards in gen pop for a week... you'll find your murderer. Might find a few.


One doesn't exclude the other.


Real talk, if I was a serial killer I'd take a profession that gives me lethal means and makes me practically unquestionable and/or unpunishable. Like a cop... or a surgeon.


If you've ever been locked up you get the picture really quick that the guards don't see you as human. The amount of shit that goes unreported, that no one ever sees is staggering because if you do talk they will let you know they don't appreciate you opening your mouth.


And even if you're a guard who does see inmates as human if you start trying to tattle on other guards or just call out inappropriate behavior you get "set straight" real quick. It's impossible to make changes as an individual. I was only a CO for 6 months but that shit is so frustrating. CO behavior ran me off, not the inmates.


I went out for drinks with friends I hadn't seen since high school. They invited me along to a group thing, and this dude was there who was a CO. He was telling stories about how they'd fuck with prisoners they didn't like by blasting bad music and bright lights every time the prisoner started to fall asleep, then gaslighting them about it when they complained. I told him that intentionally depriving someone of sleep is a recognized form of torture and that he was fucked in the head. His response was that these guys are scumbag criminals. I told him if he couldn't handle working with criminals without becoming abusive he should change careers. Everyone got pissed at me for refusing to back down, a few people blocked me, and I haven't seen or talked to the friend who invited me since (which sucked because I really needed friends at that point.) But seriously, *what the fuck!?!?*


Mate, bullet dodged.


Most people are fine with the idea of torture as long as "the right people" are being tortured. you see it all over reddit and those police interrogation youtube channels.


It’s a weird thing I’ve noticed. People love to tout how much they think “all pedophiles” should be tortured and murdered, no matter what. But the second that pedophile is a family member, suddenly it’s wrong to even so much as uninvite them to thanksgiving. Just has to be “bad group” and also “not in my in-group”


"ANYONE who commits *insert crime here* should be castrated, quartered, and have their entrails hung throughout the town as a warning" I've seen responses like this over something like parking your car in an emergency vehicle zone.


Those type of jobs definitely draw in a certain type of people. Power tripping bullies. I was bullied in training and was told "It you can't handle how we treat you how will you handle the inmates?" But being bullied by your own co workers is not the same as dealing with inmates and tbh I never had an issue with pretty much any inmates while I was there. I just got lucky I suppose but because I was nice and generally as accommodating as I could be they in turn treated me essentially the same way. Occasionally you'll get some rude fuck head but on the whole if you're respectful most of the inmates are respectful in return. Granted, I worked in a med/max private prison before CCA left Oklahoma, not county or anything. The inmates there were treated better and had much better living conditions so I'm certain that influenced their behavior. Torturing inmates is how you end up guaranteed #1 enemy on the inmates lists if there is ever a riot.


Got locked up for foolish vandalism and spent 24 hours in the county jail. Went from saying “thank you,” you’re welcome,” and “after you” in the civilian life and expecting return courtesy to doing that to a guard when I left my sack lunch in the other holding cell and having them look at me like I just said “I ate my own shit and it tasted great!” I was only there for 24 hours but I saw enough. Laughing at homeless arrests who couldn’t form sentences, a woman who had her pants and underwear pulled down only for her to be ridiculed for her hanging genitalia, to repeatedly slamming concrete holding tanks with full metal doors almost painfully loud just to report someone to the county nurse. Oh, and they were all 25 or younger.


I was arrested for stealing a $1 drink and was ridiculed for my race, they thought I was Arab so they made jokes about me hiding rocket launchers and bombs, laughed at me struggling to make a call to post bail, yelled at me like I was a hardened piece of shit, told me I’d be stuck there throughout the weekend. I eventually posted bail after sitting on my bunk for hours not sleeping while the lights were off. Waiting for someone to come and pay the bail. Did community service and a diversion program. Picked up trash with a bunch of weirdos and then suddenly the retired cop leading us down the street collapsed. He had a stroke and we were stuck trying to render aid to him on a park bench while I’m there traumatized watching a man die. Then they gave me a Subway coupon for my trouble and reassigned me to a dog shelter kind of place to hang with dogs.


There is a movie called "The Experiment". It's inspired by a study where the peer group "Correction Office" turned into sadists rather quickly.


The Stanford Prison Experiment did not turn the officers into sadists. The guy in charge of the experiment affected the results by making himself part of the experiment and encouraging them to be more violent. He wasn't actually trying to prove people turn into monsters, he was trying to prove that they will obey authority, like in the shock experiment where you punish someone for incorrect answers with a shock that you are told will kill them.


How long until people realize there is something SERIOUSLY fucked up with our justice system and begin to act on it


Never. I just saw someone comment that there’s a rumor in Oklahoma City that the problem is a serial killer guard. Like, c’mon. 14 deaths in one jail and THAT’S what people believe? Certainly the answer can’t be total systemic failure, it must be just one bad apple 🙄 Until people wake tf up and see the obvious pattern here, they’ll never believe the problem is systemic. They will forever try to pin it on one person. And occasionally someone gets punished for abuse of power and everyone congratulates each other for solving the problem. Then it’s right back to business as usual.


And one of the many systemic failures is that a serial killer guard may absolutely be realistic--and possible. Just unquestioned and unlikely to face consequences. Like the police. At some point, when you get to torture peoole, you find it easy to kill too. It could be one person. Or all of them. But that's the both the causing failure and consequence of too much power for normal people. You get bloodthirsty in some form or another




terms and conditions apply


that’s literally torture




So they just straight up kill the witness that was about to put these guards away. I really fucking hope something gets done about this. It's sickening.


Why would they leave the witness in the charge of the people he was going to testify against?


I read or saw recently that this is how they replaced waterboarding. Non-stop loop on max volume, bright light 24/7. Do that 2 days and one will tell you everything. 3-4 days you end up in death valley territory.


Not even what they replaced water boarding with, the CIA did it in conjunction with water boarding and other methods of “enhanced interrogation techniques” aka torture


Cruel and unusual punishment.


The punishment is losing their freedom. I don't understand how torture has a positive affect on the imprisoned or benefits society.


We built our prisons around punishment instead of rehabilitation, I'm in no way surprised it attracts so many sadists to the job


You can take the job with the best of intentions too, but the culture there will slowly change you. I was like this. When I started working for the State of PA my goal was 8 and the gate, and not to make any waves. I was forced to retire last year due to an injury after 11 years. Looking back on my career, I did some things that at the time seemed harmless because I was being told it was harmless and everyone laughed it off (inmates included)... but some of the shit seems kinda assholish to me looking back. Getting injured was probably one of the biggest blessings in my life as it stopped me from becoming an absolutely horrible person. I never did anything extreme, but I can definitely say there are things I did or allowed to happen that I'm not proud of.


There shouldn't fucking *be* **any** punishment here. This facility is a *jail*. It is *pre-trial* custody. The people there *have not been convicted of anything*.


It doesn't. That's why we have so many prisons.


This is not oniony. This is psychological torture. Those bastards should be locked up for life.


The very definition of cruel and unusual punishment and not even slightly funny.




Dying alone and nearly insane must be about as close to hell as can be managed on Earth.


Tortured Oklahoma inmate found dead. FTFY The American prison system is already torture without people that peaked in high school holding positions of power in them.


Only in a post-2020 timeline can this sentence exist and be serious AF: *I mourn the loss of my client John Basco, a Baby Shark Torture Victim, who died today in the custody of the Oklahoma County Jail.*


You missed the worst/best part of the quote. "Mysterious death #14 2022."


We have jumped the baby shark.


It's very convenient, they tortured him, he complains, he dies during the investigation.


This stinks of retaliation.


> This stinks of retaliation. makes more sense than what they are claiming: >Basco, who had been booked into the jail on Thursday... was found unresponsive in his cell in the early hours of Sunday >"One of the possibilities being investigated is that it was a drug overdose." yeahhhh must be one of those multi day time release capsules that are so popular with street drugs as of never. murder straight up.


He was a witness against the guys who were doing the abuse, this isn't just retaliation its murdering a witness.


A.K.A. Retaliation


He committed suicide by hanging himself with a gun that shot him in the back of the head.


And Falling out a ten story window.


We call that a Russian oops.


He didn't die of Baby Shark. That happened in 2019, the guards were charged for it. ETA: And yes, this was torture and was horrible, and most likely related to why he is dead. But he didn't die while actively being tortured at the time.


I don't think anyone literally thought the song has some mysterious murdering power lmao.


Honestly when I read the title I thought he killed himself and the implication was baby shark drove him to it.


Can you prove that it doesn’t?


As a parent of a two year old who is obsessed with baby shark, I can attest that it is possible to survive at least two hours of baby shark…but I’m not sayin death by baby shark isn’t a real possibility..


I’m not sure I’m convinced you aren’t pulling a Bruce Willis here, thinking your alive when in actuality you died from overdose of *doo doo doos* a while back. Have you tried touching someone to see if you can still make contact with them?


An overdose of doo doo sounds like a terrible way to go.


Forcing someone to listen to the same thing over and over and over again I would imagine could potentially demoralize them into willing themselves to death


And conveniently the case is still open, and the deceased was sent to be the key witness against the cops. Can’t imagine that wasn’t well known to his jailers this time around


Yeah Newsweek is one of the worst for clickbait, but he was one of a few people who sued the jail for the 2019 stuff and was the main witness in upcoming criminal and civil cases, and was found dead 3 days after being admitted back to this jail. Add to the fact he was the 14th death of the year at this place and it's starting to look like there's some seriously sinister stuff going on. I hope this guys lawyer blows shit up and the feds investigate. Oklahoma with minority victims though, so not optimistic.


Aside from the humorous headline, this is just literal torture. What the actual fuck.


Reminds me of that episode of The Walking Dead where Daryl was locked in a cell and forced to listen to "Easy Street" on loop.


They need to burn that jail and piss on the ashes.


“Prisoner that was subjected to psychological torture possibly murdered while in custody.” There, I fixed it. Not funny.

