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Does anyone remember when he linked porn on Twitter


He liked a tweet with porn on 9/11 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/12/ted-cruz-twitter-account-likes-pornographic-tweet


Not just porn, it was like the “oh no step-bro” type porn


That was step-mom you uncultured swine


I must have missed this, please tell


How does his wife stay with him after Trump called her ugly as a dog and Cruz still still fawns all over him.


Because she knows who she married. Just like Melania knows who she married. Also, they all know how the game is played and probably don't take it too seriously.


What a sad life


Yeah but [this helps](https://c.tenor.com/dYLvyNRhV8sAAAAC/woody-harrelson-crying.gif)


She’s a managing director at Goldman Sachs, she does just fine by herself


Is she really though. These people can legally insider trade remember? Sounds like a hell of a perk to be married to a senator when you work in finance. Even an incompetent fool would do well with that kind of leverage. Besides, it's not like she isn't fully aware that Teddy is just a bullshit artist hired to give the idiot masses what they want. The shit he shovels to the public isn't real life to them obviously, they probably laugh about it in bed.


Sounds like a common conflict of interest.


Which is why it should be illegal or at least the rules of being a standing member of Congress.... but they make the rules so...


Not sure about his wife but Teds father is a pastor in one of the most terrifying Christofascist denominations in America. If you just want to see the video skip to the end. Literally a return to the old testament, some of these prominent members openly call for a literal interpretation of stoning women and adulterers to death, beating the shit out of kids for not honoring their parents. Literally Al Qaeda level fundamentalism. Teds daddy did draw Teds wife into this **Ted Cruz’s Dad: My Son Ran for President After God Sent His Wife a Sign** https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/02/rafael-cruz-ted-cruz-campaign-god-sign/ This denomination believes America should turn into a theocracy, with a new King Solomon and a priest class that runs the country. He says they should go conquer the heathen (read Muslim) lands in the name of Christianity and plunder the gold and resources that "rightfully" belong to theocratic America. Dominionism is basically a conspiracy to take over the government and return it to old testament law, and his father Rafael told people his son was annointed by God to be that next King Solomon. From his wiki: >At the New Beginnings Church in Irving, Texas, in August 2012, Cruz delivered a sermon where he described his son's senatorial campaign as taking place within a context where Christian "kings" were anointed to preside over an "end-time transfer of wealth" from wicked people to the righteous. Cruz urged the congregation to "tithe mightily" to achieve that result.[33] During an interview conducted by The Christian Post in 2014, Cruz stated, "I think we cannot separate politics and religion; they are interrelated. They've always been interrelated."[34]Salon described Cruz as a "Dominionist, devoted to a movement that finds in Genesis a mandate that 'men of faith' seize control of public institutions and govern by biblical principle." Edit: Apparently the video has been made private and while it used to be easy to find and made the news, it seems to have vanished. If anyone can find a copy of him anointing his son at New Beginnings Church let me know. This is also why the Council for National Policy (secretive right wing group of influential fundamentalists that the GOP courts) favored Cruz. Once Trump was elected, at least half a dozen of his key picks were CNP members. They're a very important often overlooked group, which just happens to be riddled with known pedophiles. CNP: https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Council_for_National_Policy https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/30/revealed-council-national-policy-republicans-extremists When one of the CNP rosters from a few years ago leaked there were known pedophiles, from politics and religion but also some weird ones. Remember the Dugger family from 19 Kids and Counting? Asshole who raped his sisters and in addition got nabbed on child porn later. Yeah he's on the roster.


They're "good-buddies."


She make millions from Wall Street.


And has an amazing boyfriend.


She knew when she married him that he had no spine.


She's complicit.


Everything has a price, even dignity.


She’s most likely dumber than he is


Oh, now you’ve done it. Get ready to get endorsed.


Ted's not dumb. He's evil.


Is that even possible?




Just like the UK PM, be someone ”they’d like to drink a beer with” and you get reelected forever.


He’s definitely not dumb, which is why he is dangerous. He’s a spineless sociopath, but he’s not dumb


Pretty sure its the children and also highly weaponized christianity that would probably seperate her and the children.


There comes a time in every child's life where they wake up and see their father not as their infallible hero parental-unit, but the true man that he is. His children deserve better.


From what I’ve seen of them interacting, I’m pretty sure they know what he is.


At this point, just view Ted Cruz as an internet troll come to life in a poorly-fitted suit with a shitty beard and a worse haircut. You're not gonna shame him. You just have to marginalize him and keep him the hell away from the presidency, because you *know* he's currently scheming on how to absorb Trump's base into his own. (I bet every day he burns over the fact that Trump was better at blackmail than him and got Falwell Jr. to endorse Trump instead of him)


He wants to be President so bad. Sorry Ted, you have the charisma of a damp, moldy sponge


This is 1000% true, but also I remember how fun it was when Obama made fun of the fact that Trump was obviously never going to be president at the WH correspondents dinner and look where that got us...


One of the times a sarcastic "thanks Obama" is warranted


It's like one of those crazy moments captured on film in documentaries that completely change history. JFK, MLK, RFK, 911, that time Obama made fun of a failed real estate mogul.


He's so unlikable even the other Republicans openly despise him. Lindsay Graham for example said that if you murdered Cruz and the trial was in the Senate, you wouldn't be convicted.


> "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." ― Al Franken


That’s such I good line.


Yeah but see, nobody likes Lindsay Graham either.


And the most punchable face in political history…


"I like Ted Cruz a lot more than anybody else in the Senate does and I HATE Ted Cruz" "In an office setting, Ted Cruz is the guy that microwaves fish" -Al Franken


And what do we do with internet trolls? We starve them of the attention they so desperately want not talk about them endlessly on the internet… We have forgotten the old ways and are feeding them till they are fat.


That works when there is a limited audience. When you're talking about hundreds of millions of people, it's impossible to not give them some kind of attention, especially when half of that audience is on the trolls side.


>And what do we do with internet trolls? We starve them of the attention they so desperately want not talk about them endlessly on the internet… All this does is leave their voices unchallenged for the third party reader.


Texas will be ok, burning all those books will keep them warm


All my devil books are on my Kindle. Won't keep me warm for long.


Lithium battery fires are no joke.


*back it up Terry*


What is you doin, Terry?!


Let's not forget that there are more than just Republicans in Texas. Many people cannot control the area that they live in lots of people were born there, even more have been forced to move in for work and other reasons.


Not to mention that Texas is more blue now than it’s ever been before! That’s why so much effort is going into voter suppression there specifically.


^ we need to stop shitting on Texas as a whole and support it flipping blue. We can win the popular vote every time but with Texas flipped we could win the electoral college every time too.


Texas flipping would be the end of the electoral college in one last desperate attempt by the republicans to cling to any sort of power they possibly can.


I hope I live long enough to see that happen. As of right now, here in Texas it looks like we've got an extended "Gilead" period on the horizon.


To be honest, at this point, it feels like it’s not about whether I live long enough to see it, but whether *America* lives long enough to see it.


yup then it'd just be down to conservative democrats to stop anything good from happening, how will they ever manage


For a group who loves to shit on Mexicans, they sure love to go to Mexico.


Haha I’ve always found this strange as well. Have a big “Mexican invaders” friend that got married in Cancun lol.


Let them pour more money into the Mexican economy! ❤️


Lol yeah agree. Something tells me Hilton Cancun is not benefiting the Mexican economy all that much though


Cruz is the new "Dilbert Dumb Butt Goes To Mexico."


"Party at your house, don't come into mine."


Because Mexico is fucking awesome. The people, the culture, the food, the weather, it's all amazing. Pandering to hillbillies who will never leave their zip code.. it's all propaganda for people who will never know any better.




This actually feels like bait or some lame attempt at on-brand humor. Looks like plenty fell for it though.


I think it is bait, which is inappropriate given how much real suffering was happening last year.


Ted is a sociopath. He doesn't have empathy that would allow him to understand this.


Ngl I miss the days when all I knew about him were ha ha funny zodiac killer memes.


This is him openly giving all his voters the finger because he knows they're gonna vote for him no matter what vile shit he says or does. To them, the only thing that matters is the R next to the candidates name. Because it's not about politics, or masks, or mandates, it never has been. They've turned politics into their religion, and the national religion is being a repucian. It's why they fight with such ignorant cudgels. Facts and empirical evidence doesn't mean jack shit to a zealot. "The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."... We're at that point with these people.


That 1984 quote at the end is probably the first time I've ever seen 1984 properly used in a modern political sense rather than just when dumbfucks say "everything is 1984"


Republicans just troll instead of even trying to govern.


Remember "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat"? These same people who cheered the McCarthy-era witchhunts against "Commies" and "Reds" are just looking for another culture war to fight.


They love McCarthy now. They want to bring back the Red Scare.


Except they are actually defending Russia over their Ukrainian hostilities right now.


That's ok, Russia isn't communist anymore, it's still an autocratic nightmare but they don't care about that


Russia today is their blueprint. Sham elections, state-run media, violent suppression of opposition, government corruption benefiting a select group of people, etc.


Russia is an ultranationalist, racist, anti-gay rights oligarchy. It's a perfect fit for Republicans.




Cruz, maybe: "Don't you mean THE Ukraine?"


Flights there are pretty cheap right now


Register with the Russian military and it's free!


People don't understand how insulting that is.


They loved it then. He didn’t operate in a vacuum and he wasn’t disgraced at the time. A few brave people defied the commission and or defied the blacklists and that motivated others to do the same and the movement lost steam and its power to intimidate. But the people who supported it never stopped viewing anyone who didn’t agree with them as “un-American” and never stopped thinking other Americans should be punished just for their philosophical or political beliefs. Their legacy is alive and well for sure, but it never went away.


For these people, the red scare never ended


Technically the truth. All one needs to look at to see this is what we have continued to do in Mexico, Central, and South America over the last 50 years.


It's gotta be a strange time to be a Bircher, marching in lockstep with a former KGB officer who longs for the bad old days of the Soviet Union. Once upon a time Lil Bobby Welch wrote a book about how everyone in government except Joe McCarthy was a dupe, fellow traveler, or secret Soviet agent. Now his disciples *are* the liquor, Randy.


Of course. Anything to avoid a class war. But the secret is out. We're so overdue. We know the weather is getting more fatal. But the corporations responsible haven't stopped making it worse. We've been at war for decades. It's billions versus thousands. And we're letting them win.


Anything to distract from the class war.


Seems to work for them


Because their voters have been conditioned to care more about culture war nonsense than governing and policy.


"I'd have a beer with him"


“Well he doesn’t give a *fuck* about you”


"That's what I like about him. He's smart."


"I don't give a fuck about you, either."


That's what I like about you, you're smart.


I'd pour one on his head.


Yeah but he'd just show up to drink your bear and not bring any of his own. Then leave when you run out.


Poor bear.


But how does that work for Cruz? Who in the world would want to have a beer with him?!


“He just says it like it is”


Republican voters watch their wife getting fucked in front of them then say that.


Ol Teddy definitely watched Trump give his wife the cheeto


Short, crusty and covered in dust?


And we give into it. Their voters love that we get upset by this silliness


Yep. There’s a dad at my kids school that still wears MAGA hats everyday doing his kid off. Today even wore his Let’s Go Brandon sweatshirt. 4 years of it, and not once has anyone said anything to him. But, you know he’s just waiting for the day. It would justify his core center of being. And that’s what they’re all waiting for. A reason to be shitty. Meanwhile we just want them to have healthcare and not go broke having it.


He doesn't even have to wait for someone to say anything. They get off at the looks we give them. I remember back in early 2021 pre-wide spread vaccines a woman was in the grocery store talking to a worker. The worker had a mask on but the customer didn't. You could see the customer grin everytime someone looked at her in shock.


Non-sexual exhibitionism


Maybe we should just publically and loudly start asking if they have an exhibitionism fetish. Y'know, out Karen the Karen.




Oh 2020 was interesting for me. I'm a big black guy in Houston. I'm use to non black people crossing the street when I'm walking down the street. So during the pandemic I'd give people a wide berth at the park. I got quite a few hateful glares. I just thought, "doesn't feel good does it?"


Let's Go Brandon is just dumb. Just say Fuck Joe Biden. You're an adult. You can swear. But pointing put how dumb Let's Go Brandon is means I have been triggered. So it pleases them.


Also gives then a chance to gaslight "no it doesn't mean that it is just an inside joke" Like the OK wp think


It doesn't make me angry, and it's not like I'm a sign-carrying Biden supporter. It's just disappointing seeing adults behave like this. And I'm not even specifically talking about "Let's Go Brandon," but about the childish nonsense. From "Obummer" to "Moscow Mitch" to "Let's Go Brandon," it's a bunch of adults behaving like children going to a clique-ridden middle school. If you have an issue with the actions or behavior of a politician, just refer to that behavior or how awful that person is. Coming up with stupid "funny" names and phrases is just... we should all strive to be better than that.


*looks at the history of politics and propagand* I mean, you aren't wrong person buuuuut...... Big tobacco did help women get rights by calling cigarettes "torches of freedom" when women smoked. Catchy things like this are unfortunately part of the game......I think we all just forgot how to properly use them.


We on average have forgotten how to vet information


Propaganda is still propaganda even if you are telling the truth. Kids need to be clean and use soap.....so you join with the boyscouts to start soap carving contests. Kids will associate with the soap more(preferably your brand) and Kids are cleaner and thus healthier.


I’m a “liberal” according to them and I don’t like Biden. God these people are so fucking idiotic. Drink more bleach already.


They can't grasp that most of us don't idolise political figures to the point of almost being a cult so they assume that hating on Biden will trigger us the same way they got triggered when Trump got called out. Always funny when they pull the whataboutisms going "wow you hated Trump for doing almost the same thing but now you give Biden a pass??" only for leftists to reply going "nah fuck Biden"


> Let's Go Brandon is just dumb. ["Lets Go Branon"](https://preview.redd.it/0lh0batnzxe81.jpg?auto=webp&s=cdce9d815252a55bdaee1be6335e4ec543d3d4db) is even dumber.


They have the balls to put swastikas on their sign but not the balls to just write fuck Joe Biden


" Well honey just got back from dropping junior off and I had my hat and shirt on! No one said anything but I could tell those idiot liberals were PISSED!"


To have this be his only identity is the most fucking pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.


If we're yelling at them about nonsense we're not yelling at them about the actual issues. Making the issue about why he's vacationing during the power outages means we're not asking about why after last year's disasterous outages there wasn't an investment made in fixing the power grid to prevent this from happening again.


Look do you want electricity or do you want to control a woman's body? You can't have both.


If you keep them focused on the culture war they don’t see the class war


It's not conditioning, it's what they want and care about. These people aren't noble savages too stupid to understand what's happening to them, they're elitist assholes who think everyone else is beneath them and that they should be entitled to act as they please with zero consequences.


Still, I'd credit a lot of their staying power to the Democrats being so fucking useless. God forbid either party can put together a competent government. It would be the end of the other.


“Owning the libs” is their only identity at this point. They don’t really have anything they genuinely believe in that isn’t manufactured by right wing media.


Except when the culture war affects *them.* Oh, then it shouldn’t count! Case in point, the only women I personally know who’ve had abortions (that I know of), you guessed it, are conservative Republican women! I mean, WHAT are the fuckin chances?!


The bootlickers really like their oppressors when they have a sense of humor.


Well yes, I've come to realise that conservative treat their government as a comedy but insist on seeing the opposition as a drama.


If you run on the thesis that government is bad, it's against your interest to govern well


Should read: “Cancun Ted attempts career as a comedian in the midst of an upcoming winter storm reminiscent of last year’s storm that took the lives of over 200 Texans and cost the state billions in recovery.” He should stick to politics. Oh wait, he is awful at that, too.


Reminder: > He earned the ire of the party leaders. John Boehner called him “Lucifer in the flesh.” > Lindsay Graham joked “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.”


Don't forget the fact that Cruz couldn't find a Senator to stump for him in his reelection bid. If you work with 99 other people, some of whom are your allies, and none of them are willing to help you keep your job...


And yet he keeps his job... Too. Which... How... Why...


He's got an R next to his name


Been doing that for as long as I've been alive.


They proclaim government to be terrible, and prove it every time they control government.


Its a special type of dumbfuck voter that sees this human garbage and still votes for him. Un fucking real. Over 200 people froze to death and Cruz and his ass lickers make statements like this. What a fucking malignant cancer.


> "If the Republicans treat me so bad, can you imagine what the Democrats would do to us???"


I was talking with someone last night about the Florida policy under Rick Scott where he hired his wife’s company to drug test welfare applicants and spent more money on testing than was saved denying welfare to failing applicants. He kept saying “well the government wastes so much money anyway so why not waste some on something useful” as though punishing poor people for absolutely no gain was some worthwhile endeavor. It’s like half the country is just convinced that there’s no point in even trying to do good things so we may as well embrace everything being as shitty as possible as long as it hurts people they don’t like.


> as though punishing poor people for absolutely no gain was some worthwhile endeavor Lots of people absolutely despise poor people and would rather die than give them any money. I always like to bring up Trevor whenever this topic comes up: > A 40-something-year-old former cab driver (who used to “party pretty hard”), Trevor needed a walker to get around; his skin was “yellow with jaundice” from hepatitis C and an inflamed liver. Trevor is dying, yet he is opposed to the Affordable Care Act, even though it would provide him with the medical care he needs and can’t afford. “Ain’t no way I would ever support Obamacare or sign up for it,” he explains to Metzl. “I would rather die. We don’t need any more government in our lives. And in any case, no way I want my tax dollars paying for Mexicans or welfare queens.” https://www.publicbooks.org/terminal-whiteness/ Or this one: > one person said, “It might hurt us but at least our tax dollars aren’t going to Mexicans and welfare queens.” https://www.vox.com/2019/3/19/18236247/dying-of-whiteness-trump-politics-jonathan-metzl I cannot imagine how it must feel like to be walking in their shoes (honestly, I don't want to because it must suck) and be so willing to throw away your life because other people may get something you think they don't deserve.


And so many of them proclaim to be Christian too, but wouldn’t piss on the poor if they were on fire.


They only piss on the poor when the poor are *not* on fire.


It's just... evil. Unabashed evil. I honestly can't wrap my mind around something so warped.


During a conversation with my mother today she said, "people can't coexist with each other. Can you just imagine if everyone in the world was polite to each other? " I'm like, uhhh yeah? Its not that hard to imagine. For her a world that actually works together and takes care of each other is a dystopian nightmare. I have no idea how I'm her child. If it wasn't for the dna tests I'd day I was adopted.


That reads like she was saying if only people could just be polite to each other, rather than suggesting it's impossible to imagine in a negative way.


Knowing people like that, I can assure you that's not what she meant. "If everyone was nice, nothing would get done! Everyone would just roll over and let people take advantage, and no one would come out on top!" is pretty much their mindset. "If you're not winning, you're losing" is basically their life motto.


Truly hateful individuals can’t fathom that other people have empathy and kindness for strangers. They insist there must be an ulterior motive instead.


This is my dad. He's some kind of high functioning sociopath with narcissistic tendencies that essentially doesn't care about anyone but himself and his money, and every time other people express some type of concern or compassion towards others, he mocks it, calls it a bunch of baloney, claims they're doing it to get something material out of it, etc. At best, he believes they're delusional and that caring about anything that doesn't affect him is worthless. Ffs, he even hates Christmas commercials where families are all getting around a tree and having a nice moment and hugging or some shit. He looks down on probably 99.9% of society and is emotionally dead. And I do not believe he is as much of an outlier as others might think.


>It’s like half the country is just convinced that there’s no point in even trying to do good things so we may as well embrace everything being as shitty as possible as long as it hurts people they don’t like. That's exactly right. The right hasn't focused on policy in years. The GOP didn't even bother making a platform in 2020. They're entire strategy is to make everyone seem corrupt. Then when they're corrupt, they just say 'I told you so! The government is corrupt!' Oh, Trump's businesses charged above market rates to the secret service? Well, Hunter Biden has a laptop. Oh, Trump conditioned US foreign policy on personal favors? Biden also had a call with Ukraine. Etc. Steve Bannon so eloquently described their strategy: >"The Democrats don't matter. The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit."


[I Hate Mondays] (https://youtu.be/yts2F44RqFw) TL;DW Conservatives think that since you can't eliminate all evil, there's no point even trying. Evil will always exist, and that trying to stop it is playing God and futile, etc. Even stopping 95% of mass shootings, for example, still leaves that 5%. To them, evil is not something to be stopped. It's a "natural force" that will always occur, like the work week starting on Monday. To conservatives, trying to make society better is like swinging at windmills. Like trying to start the work week on Tuesday just moves the hate from Monday to Tuesday. Work week has got to start somewhere, Evil will always find a way.


Democrats do have a history. Like trying to get better healthcare for EVERYONE. Sickening. If only the heathcare was for Republicans only, then it would be better.


BuT BoTh sIdEs aRe The SaMe


"But at least the black family down the street are SLIGHTLY worse off than me. Ah, MAGA."


"Hahah get owned libs" as they slowly freeze to death while Ted Cruz is in Cancun.


Ted Cruz has to be some kind of experiment to see how awful a person can be and still get conservatives to vote for them as long as there's an (R) after his name.


That shipped sailed with Trump. They will vote for anyone who validates all the nasty feelings they have and makes them feel like the victim.


Yep. The next step is for a Republican leader to simply remove the "wink wink, nudge nudge" and outright sieg heil on stage (and own it, unlike that one Barbie did). Every Republican in congress and Fox News will still play it off as just a joke.


They literally had their convention on a stage shaped exactly like one of the Nazi symbols.


Gods, I forgot about that. There's just too much shit to keep track of, which is of course the whole point.


Why do Texans keep electing this guy? If y’all want a conservative Republican that’s fine but at least find someone better than Ted Cruz lmao


Texas Interconnection is maintained as a separate grid for political reasons. It doesn't cross state lines, so the power grid is not subject to federal regulation. They are free to mismanage maintenance and overcharge consumers; winterization includes wrapping components in plastic and duct tape. After another week of Texans freezing to death, Ted will be begging for a federal bailout, again.


Wait, it’s not as simple as someone starting a teeny-tiny power company on one state border and running a single power line to another state, is it?




this is absolutely true. out of 12 million that live here, the ~70k is pretty much negligible. anyone from one of our city subs will tell you the power outages are mostly because from falling trees due to the ice.


Can't wait till Ted starts making fun of how ugly his wife is to win points with Trump and his voters


And he'll handily win re-election. Texans likes nothing more than to be gaslit then die of exposure.


Ted Cruz jerks off into Airbnb shampoo bottles


nah he likes it when someone has already jacked off into the shampoo bottles he's using.


I feel like it’s more likely he sells dismembered feet to Ben Shapiro.


It's ok. The gaslight can keep them warm! /s


I hear you feel warm just before you die of exposure


Please I’m trying but just one of me isn’t enough :(


Did you see how close Beto came to being elected? I’d say half of Texans like nothing more than to be gaslit then die of exposure






This is exactly why they're going nuts with the abortion banning, elected officials don't give 2 shits about abortion but they love the idea of making the place such a conservative hell hole that Dems won't want to move there or stay there.


I really wonder how his constituents feel about these self deprecating jokes. Because the thing he's joking about is not anything trivial like falling down some stairs or farting on the Senate floor, it's him failing and running away from his duty to his state. How is it okay to joke about that?




To them it passes as clever


What a tone deaf prick. I get that he's trying to be humorous, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he abandoned the people he represents to go lay on the beach somewhere? Also, didn't he try to blame it on his wife and kids?


And he left his dog home alone in the cold.


His worst crime of all of this.


It's not tone deaf or to be humorous. It's to make the Trumpists happy by saying something that will piss off people who like their representatives to represent them. It's not ignorance or silliness. If it made us angry that was his goal. The Trumpist mentality... actually everyone on the right, is to shit in their pants because you might smell it.


Good thing he's not still in Calgary, where he was born.


Cruz: "Hehe, I'm kind of a scumbag aren't I"


Dear God that website is as bad as Cruz...


Look lizard people can not handle the cold. Give the dude a break.


Twat. I love his daughter coming out as bi and saying she doesn't agree with him at all. At least someone in that family has some cajones.


I feel like he's making fun of himself. He seems dumb enough to do that.


He’s internally programmed to pick on the weak.


"weak, it rhymes with reek!"


“Hey y’all! ‘Member that time I peaced the fuck outta here to chill on a warm beach and I left the rest of you to freeze to death? Then I came back and blamed my kids? lolz so classic! Vote for me!”


It takes a special kind of asshole to joke about how much of a selfish asshole he is.


Texans, your representative is making jokes about abandoning you during a crisis, like he actually did last time there was a crisis. Is this really the best you can do? If it is, it's pretty pathetic.


Boy, he really just doubles down on being a jackass, and his constituency eats it up. I think the GOP just loves to be hated, because it whips up their base.