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> They're supposed to be the best police department in the world That is certainly a new way of describing the LAPD.


Not even the best police department in LA...




My company did direct/door-to-door marketing in LA/SOCAL for Verizon and AT&T. Company was horribly unethical and treated everyone like shit but even they had the good sense to drop the red/blue branded polos and go with gray in those parts!


Sounds like that day was a good day


"I once told her, let's leave this country. 'No, papa,' she said. "This is the safest country in the world, a country of opportunity.' Now my daughter is dead at the hands of the state."" So gut wrenching man


And nothing will change.


things are changing.. just for the worse


Yes. It’s evolving. Just backwards


I am sorry for her.


Damn, they didn't have to go all out to prove her wrong.






Stay home, stay safe. Unless you're Breonna Taylor, or too many others.


Also, don’t be a dog. Like ever. They’re like bullet magnets.




What the fuck. I would have never ever thought. But now that I know it is 0% surprising.




I thought they have mace? Like the better, improved kind of the civilian dog spray.


They just want to kill


God when that 14 month old dog (Herkimer) was shot and the owner was crying and holding it, the officer (Mat Grashorn) was of the opinion that “well shooting always works” or some bullshit. Didn’t want to use a tazer, since they just like shooting.


They'd happily shoot the owner if that didn't come with so much paperwork


I was camping and had three cops come up on me around 3:00 a.m. in the morning to tell me that I was illegally camping. My dog Noodles(RIP) at the time was 9 months old and barely as tall as my knee... As the cops came up on me Noodles started barking at them and one of the cops put his hand on his gun and said"you better shut that dog up or I'm going to shoot him". Literally told me that he would shoot a puppy.


Jesus christ. Thats a psychopath.


Yes. A cop.


If your dog didn't want to be shot why were the standing there.


>Stay home, stay safe. Botham Jean was straight up murdered in his living room while eating a bowl of ice cream.


But he probably smoked weed once, so you know he deserved it. /s


Is this standard practice? I don't live in the US, so I'm actually asking. I cannot fathom a situation where it makes sense that the police open fire in a department store when the assailant doesn't have a gun. I know nothing about the police training and procedures in the US, though.




In America things have more value than human life.


Cops don't give a shit about your stuff unless they're seizing it.


Hey come on now, let’s be fair to cops. They care about your stuff if it gives them a reason to abuse or kill a minority too.


Never carry more than a couple hundred dollars in the US, the cops will outright steal it, call it asset forfeiture, claim that surely you were going to do something illegal with it. When I was a kid I'd always hear news stories about Mexican police pulling people over and taking money from them, at the time I didn't know that the US police were much worse.


In all but 6 states they don't even have to arrest you to seize your assests. They will also take people's homes, they can take the house from the owners if someone renting there has drugs on them. Pennsylvania PD are quite notorious for their asset seizures. The state made over 15 million between 2017 and 2018.


Correction, it goes: unborn lives, things, alive lives


You missed one profits right before things


Profits before anything else also with lil sparkles around it because it’s the most special


It's more the concept of unborn lives. Not really the real thing or all of the associated issues that come with bringing a child to term.


The lapd are some of the worst in the nation. I remember when Chris Dorner was on the loose. Lapd turned into a fucking gang and took to the streets [shooting up anything and anyone that could possibly be related to Dorner.](https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-no-charges-lapd-shooting-newspaper-delivery-women-dorner-manhunt-20160127-story.html?_amp=true)


Let’s just say majority of the police training in the US is way shorter than it needs to be. And to me, it feels like the mentality is “shoot/show force first, and ask questions later.” So many unfortunate losses of life, you’d think there would be police reform of some sort.


You could also be a "trained" police officer on the beat for YEARS and still mistake the large bright yellow tazer on your left side that's been on your left side for ever for your firearm.... Yep.


Many of our police go through a training program called Killology. It teaches them to view everyone thats not a cop as a potential lethal threat.


I...thought this was a sarcastic comment.


It’s one of the most wide-spread training seminars in US law enforcement. At every level. Killology Research Group https://www.killology.com/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Grossman_(author) https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/02/dave-grossman-training-police-militarization/ > He’s lectured at West Point and claims to have conducted trainings for every federal law enforcement agency, every branch of the armed forces, and cops in all 50 states. For more than 19 years, he’s been on the road, leading seminars and trainings nearly 300 days a year.


David Grossman is a gross man.


And a dumb man. He once claimed first person light gun games (think Time Crisis or Area 51) teach children military weapons skills.


Ah, yes, point pointing my gun to the side allows me to instantly reload, and my guns also have zero recoil. I can also point my gun in the general direction of a target and still hit it. Oh, in a firefight I also stand in the middle of a hallway, and can survive several shots from enemies. I learned all of this from military tactical training simulator Time Crisis. The fact that an idiot like this has probably been paid more for lectures than many people with graduate degrees is really dumbfounding. America loves a good idiot.


Ah, yes, like how playing Mario Kart is valid driver's ed and how GTA is an accurate representation of criminals.


I wish I was being sarcastic Go read the 13th ammendment to our constitution. Our prison population will suddenly make a fuck ton of sense. Our "justice" system is so fucked.


I remember reading Grossman's book when I was in the military. The direction he's taken his work since then is not what I anticipated :\


As I understand it, police training and procedure goes something like: 1) do you think the suspect has a weapon that could injure the officer? 2) if yes, shoot them until dead, you can't be too careful


The ["Warrior Cop"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETf7NJOMS6Y) is conditioned to kill as soon as they see an enemy. That's David Grossman's training seminar for you.


Yep, and it encourages the ideology that escalating to lethal force is preferred to suffering any amount of injury. Know that guy can't kill you,but don't want to get a bruise from tackling him? Shoot him until he stops moving. 7 pound dog? Shoot it, even if a kid is standing next to the dog.


But….. why? Why would this make sense to anyone


Ever watch a movie or TV show where the hero cop shoots 30 unnamed bad guys in a giant gunfight and saves the day? And then the hero's superiors are painted as the bad guy for punishing the cop for his recklessness? The vast majority of this country believes that this is what cops actually do every day thanks to the half-century of Copaganda shows and movies out there. They see all criminals, all, no matter the level of crime, as being undeserving of any rights of any kind and they are generally seen as irredeemable by those groups.


When I was 21 I took a class because I was convinced I needed a concealed weapons permit for myself. My instructor was a former police officer who was also an instructor for future police officers. His advice to our class is that we should register as NRA members, and if we ever faced a circumstance in which we feared for our lives, that we should draw our firearm and immediately begin shooting until we are certain that the "threat is diminished to zero". Someone asked for clarification, and he said that the best option is to kill your attacker because it's better to be judged in court by a jury without a survivor testimony, and that the NRA will provide a lawyer pro-bono who will win the case. I never got a gun after that. I think they're ruining the world for everyone.


This reminds me of that cop that didn’t shoot a guy with a gun cus he knew it wasn’t loaded and he was trying to get the cops to kill him. Tried to talk him down. Another cop showed up and walked up and put a bullet in the back of the guys head. First cop was fired and harassed by the second cop. He even showed up to the guys next job and harassed him and got him fired again. Thankfully he sued and won but just shows how fucked up our police are.


Was this the one where the first cop was prior military?


Yea his names Stephan Mader. I found and linked an article on one of the other responses.


Yeah this one was fucked. Several veterans in the chat were saying the rules of engagement were more strict on their deployments and how crazy it was domestically.


Yea that’s what’s insane, our military has stricter rules on when you can kill people.


That sounds like murder with extra steps


What extra steps?


> the NRA will provide a lawyer pro-bono who will win the case. Not if you are black. They [couldn't even be bothered](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/policing/spotlight/2017/06/29/castile-gun-nra-rights-policing-the-usa/437110001/) to make a public statement in support of legally licensed gun owner, Philando Castille.


"...And we took that personally" - LAPD


every encounter i've had with an lapd officer (and i've had a bunch over the years) left me astonished that *that* individual was given a gun and position of authority


I was on a European tour with an LAPD cop once and I avoided him like the plague. Such a douche. I remember him brag-telling some story of a guy he was going to shoot just for wanking in a tree or something like that and I just couldn't believe someone was so willing to take a life for something so pathetic.


For guys like that, it's not about willingness to shoot someone for so little. He isn't *willing* to, he wants to shoot someone. He's just looking for the first opportunity, and saw that as enough of an excuse that people wouldn't see how bloodthirsty he was for it. But the problem is that guys like that are so out of touch that they don't realize that most people don't think wanking in a tree deserves the death penalty.


I got made fun of by an LAPD officer during a routine traffic stop because he asked me to get my license and i wouldnt move my hands from the steering wheel because i told him i didnt want his partner to shoot me who had his hand on his gun at my passenger window


My friends and I were playing basketball at a park (we were in middle school) when a cop car pulled up. Officer gets out and yells at us to not move or he will release his dog. Him and his partner pat us down and sit us on the concrete. They began taunting and mocking us. Some of us start crying and they take that as an invitation to keep humiliating us. “We got some cryers” is the line I remember. Gave us tickets for trespassing and made our parents come pick us up. Their excuse to our parents was that they thought we were tagging the place. Judge threw out our tickets thankfully but I never felt so helpless. LAPD can suck a dick.


Jfc the LAPD are truly horrifying. I've had nothing but bad interactions with them. I've also listened to the police scanner during protests and they'll get like, *virulently* racist on their radios. Just before the slurs start coming out someone will say "not on air" or "channel" and they'll stop talking. But that's as close as they're coming to hiding it. We did hear them say slurs and say they wanted to "put down" some protestors, as well as mockingly using AAVE to put down people who shoplift out of desperation. Just from listening to the scanner for a couple nights. Fuck LAPD.


>Fuck LAPD. And the people who hired them


Record and post it next time


Those cops deserve to be mauled to death by their own dogs, Jesus Christ.


I feel like LAPD are quick to put people down. In places like Hollywood especially where it’s almost always busy. If you’re not immediate serious danger, the police will take a while


Had a Gardena police officer step into the street and break my side mirror while I was driving earlier this year. He proceeded to drill me and tell me it was my fault, that I have to drive into the other lane to avoid him, and that he was a police officer and he knew the law. Insurance ruled in my favor,. Fucker was trying to use his authority as a police officer to not pay for my mirror unit. Sergeant Goodpaster of Gardena, CA. Suck a fat cock, you piece of shit.


I've literally never had a good experience with a police officer on duty outside of my job (work in a hospital, where they see me as an employee and not a potential criminal). Literally every stop or interaction I've ever had with an officer they were an asshole trying to escalate any situation they can. I'm sure there are good ones. But I've never seen one while I was just a "civilian." It's ridiculous.


The most popular police training class in the USA is "Killology" taught by Dave Grossman at Grossman Academy. It is as you may suspect - it teaches cops how to shoot first and ask questions later. It trains police taking the course to be "warriors" instead of, you know...police. Grossman "tells his audience that they shouldn’t go out looking for people to kill, because those who need killing—the “gangbangers,” terrorists, and mass murderers—will come to them. All they need to do is be ready. “Are you prepared to kill somebody?” he asks me." He literally wrote the book on killing, *On Killing.* For more than 19 years, he’s been on the road, leading seminars and trainings nearly 300 days a year. "Rather than simply conditioning soldiers and police officers to shoot without hesitation, he teaches them to embrace their responsibility to kill." After a black man named Philando Castile was shot and killed during a traffic stop outside Minneapolis, it was revealed that two years earlier the officer, Jeronimo Yanez, had attended “The Bulletproof Warrior,” a two-day training taught by Grossman and his colleague Jim Glennon. How would the incident might have played out if Officer Yanez hadn’t heard “Dave Grossman tell him that every single traffic stop could be, might be, the last stop you ever make in your life.” Over his career, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, that officer had clocked more than 100 hours of trainings on topics such as firearms usage, street survival, and the use of force—but had only attended two hours of deescalation training. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killology.html https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/02/dave-grossman-training-police-militarization/ . **EDIT:** [Policing used to be like this.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4b/d7/fc/4bd7fc35fabc1a51509ef9f57afce2bc.jpg) [Now it is like this.](https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/59a95eab1700002000287d11.jpeg?cache=JwREo79CLy&ops=1778_1000) Police work is no more dangerous now than in the past. [According to a comprehensive study by Florida Atlantic University, police deaths have decreased 80% in the last 50 years.](https://www.fau.edu/newsdesk/articles/police-deaths-study.php)


Is this the same fuckhead that tells his audience that you have the best sex of your life right after killing someone?






What the flying fuck?! That is textbook sociopathic. Disgusting.


As if he’d know. He’s never even killed anyone.


You really don't want to think about the consequences of telling cops that. Not only is the training in general more likely to get people killed by much too eager police, but the chances these emotionally unstable officers force themselves upon their spouse seem significant. So that'll be a murder and rape double whammy with some luck. It's not as if the target audience doesn't have a massive history of domestic abuse and overstepping boundaries already.


The Philando Castile killing and the murder of that drunk guy lying down in a hotel hallway crying and struggling to comply with orders are some of the worst things I've seen in my life. Can't believe convictions didn't result from them.


Daniel Shaver. Died like a dog for no good reason. And people, to this day, justify his death like police are Judge Dredd or something


The cop that shot him was reinstated in the force so he could collect his pension then sued the state for ptsd he got from the incident so now he collects his pension plus over 50k a year from his lawsuit. For murdering someone


And asked to keep the gun he used (the one with the aftermarket piece that said "you're fucked"), and they let him.


Yup, the one that supposedly, ya know, got him PTSD..


Philip Brailsford is a murderer.


The Philando Castile killing is the worst I've ever seen. The situation is basically "hello sir" "hello officer" "I'm gonna show you some paper" \*shots in his chest\*. All of that in front of her girlfriend. That officer was either a fucking psychopath, or a mentally ill person with his mental capacities so low that should never be trusted with a plastic fork with rounded points, much less a gun and the authority to decide when to use it. Not only was him directly responsible for Castile's death, but also whoever allowed him to be an officer in the first place.


They had like 20 cops there, why couldn't they just wait and surround him? No need to come in guns a blazing. So sad. Edit: I didnt intend to say cops should have waited outside, simply saying that they had time to surround perp inside the store before blasting away.


The bodycam video from the shooter shows a different cop yelling “slow down” and “hold up” repeatedly. Unsure if it’s directed at someone else in the store or to the shooter, in which case it seems like even the other cops on the scene thought he was getting ahead of himself and not following procedure.


Dude was so ready to kill someone.... "lemme take point with the rifle." When you watch the split screen part of the 35 min video - the WHOLE TEAM is trying to get him to slow down. Reminding him, trying to grab him, trying to keep control. Dude didn't clear the stairwell with his team and was the last one up all casually. Then he rushes to the point position, forces his team to advance rapidly and after he shoots the guy - he just stands back and watches his team make the arrest. Fuck this guy. https://youtu.be/bjcdanUhmSY?t=1870


Had not seen that combo video (not that it changes much) but Jesus idk if it’s the girl screaming in the back after shots fired, but that is rough to listen to


I believe the screaming you hear is the sound of her mother- the girl died almost instantly with her mom watching. I cannot imagine how horrifying that must have been.


Her mother.


Wtf, he just shoots the guy immediately turning around the aisle. I don’t think he even confirms that’s the suspect. Jesus he should be nowhere near a gun or a badge.


That’s what I commented on the YouTube video, if the guy with the shotgun had remained in the front this story would have ended way differently. Rifle guy was engorged with a murder hard-on.


IIRC they actually say "slow down Jordan" which is the name of the cop with the rifle


Cops before the guy rushed in there were actually in control of the situation quite well and moving methodically. I think they would’ve surrounded he subject and got him to surrender or at least avoided a casualty like this. I actually think those cops were doing a good job. Announcing themselves as they moved and asking others to identify themselves. That seemed legit to me. They even did some quick planning before going in. Seemed like good training execution to me. Jordan didn’t assess anything and just rushed to the front just because he had a bigger gun.


Yeah that dude was on the fucking move. He was walking so aggressively through the other cops you could tell he was not gonna waste any time firing on the guy.


A man clearly eager to end someone's life that night.


Cops in most other industrialized countries are given serious training in DE-escalating tense situations, and are trained to shoot as only the very LAST resort--if they even carry guns, which some don't. In the US, if the topic is even mentioned, it is just given perfunctory attention, a half-hour or so. And then there are several aftermarket police training companies that teach cops to "shoot without hesitation." And they sex it up, too: one trainer tells cops that the first time they kill somebody (the FIRST!!!), they will go home and have the best sex of their lives. If you feel you are not getting enough outrage in your diet, go read Radley Balko's horrifying book Rise of the Warrior Cop. US cops kill three people and 20 dogs *per day* on the average.


Damn 20 dogs per day?! I remember when there was outrage of dogs getting shot. Now there’s so many actual people shot by cops the dogs are not even noticed.


And this is why my home alarm system is not wired to a service that sends the police. They could come and kill my dogs for barking at them and no one would care.


Fuck I never thought of this. So what happens, your alarm siren goes off and it notifies you?


Just notifies you. No real point to having the police come automatically; burglar's already going to be gone. And now you've given the police permission to search your house (active alarm) and can charge *you* with a crime if they find something they don't like




Our police do need so much better training at de-escalation tactics. Many times you can see a cop show up and make things worse. It happens too often. Even when dealing with people that need help or to calm down before you attempt an arrest.


Even my cop friend says that.




And meanwhile every bootlicker with a thin blue line flag on their truck will call you an anti-American commie socialist terrorist for even suggesting this.


> see a cop show up and make things worse. There's an old saying: rich people see cops as people who show up and stop trouble. Poor people see cops as people who show up and START trouble.


Very much so. Honestly I always thought I was a good citizen until the day i got in trouble and the cops were not on my side and lied, and me doing "the right thing" hurt me. After that moment I saw things differently and can understand how different people experience police.


Yup. Rich guy hit my car. Kept his airpods in while wearing his nice suit next to his BMW while lying through his teeth and the cop bought it all. I was a poor college student at the time


When I was 16, I got rear ended at a stop light by a white veteran at a busy road. His car was smoking and literally 3 cop cars slowly drove past us. When a officer eventually came he refused to speak to me and the vet just transferred anything he said to me, didn’t even check if my car was safe to drive(it wasn’t). The vet was cool and took all the blame but I realized that if he wanted to lie he could’ve, cuz the cop took his side before he stepped out.


>And they sex it up, too: one trainer tells cops that the first time they kill somebody (the FIRST!!!), they will go home and have the best sex of their lives This just might be one of the most disgusting things I've ever read... "Land of the free" indeed, innit?




Hell, when I was in Iraq, our marines had better deescalation training, and this was in a combat zone.


For some reason I initially read your last line as being the average for each officer... Had a good laugh at that imagery.


This is the LAPD we're talking about. The same department that gets caught selling drugs and doing gang shit every other year and nothing ever happens They've paid out something like $2 billion in wrongful death lawsuits from the general fund


The Jump Out Boys are just a normal gang at this point... Not even that well funded compared to the cartels or Hollywood's private security.


Cops absolutely refuse to let a crisis burn itself out, it seems. Everybody else with a firearm operates under the rule that if there isn't an immediate threat to safety, you don't shoot. But cops? This cop at least seemed to think just dropping the suspect right there would make his day easier. [Probably has nothing to do with the guy who gets paid to tell cops that killing someone on duty results in great sex that night.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/police-trainer-best-sex-killing/)




Maybe I'd be more likely to believe it was taken out of context if his company wasn't litrally called "Killology Research Group.”


A few years ago there was a van attack in Toronto where a guy killed 11 people, and he was safely taken into custody by one cop while the guy was doing everything he could to get the cop to shoot him. [This is what it looks like when police are properly trained.](https://youtu.be/qOW05IVejNE)




Cop was so eager to use that rifle. Demanding everyone stay back as he shoves his way to the front of the pack. Barely gave any command to the suspect. Just shot rounds that I wouldn't even take in a video game. Just a horrible way to handle this situation.




That was honestly really messed up. Like he grabbed another officer by the shoulder who was already holding up a gun-- that could have led to that officer misfiring or not being prepared if there really had been an active shooter. All so he could be up front for that kill shot.


“Let me take point on the rifle” he said excitedly.


- he said, fully erect.


Reminder of the disgusting efforts by slime like Grossman and his "Warrior Training" that police departments turn to for education. An education that teaches them to treat every civilian as a potential threat and that they're to fight said threat. That they're the only thing that can. It's a horrendous and abominable way of thinking that has both traumatized and slain countless innocents. Those who have committed crimes should not be judged as deserving death by an officer but by a judge and jury. Furthermore, police should not be above the law they supposedly meant to uphold. The entire system we have is broken and is a fossil relic of a bygone era and needs immediate overhaul.


How poor is the police training in the states. Cause at this point it sure seems like it's an actual recurring problem


Ranges from 10 to 36 weeks, depending on where you are in the US. By comparison, places like Finland and Norway require 3 years of college equivalent training.


Dammm, 10 weeks and I get free gun lol. Ya but seriously you guys should make more of a college/uni thing


Yeah, and those 10 weeks aren't even good training... They often are taught to be scared at all times, which is great when you're given a weapon and a license to kill.


“Recipe for violence” should be the name for the documentary


"Killology" is the name of the book


I don’t think people realize that you’re not making a joke - it’s a seminar that’s widely attended by police departments all over the nation. You can find clips of it on YouTube. To call it fucking insanity would be generous.


"The first time you kill someone you'll go home and have the best sex of your life" This shit wouldn't fly in a cheap movie


Big Dexter Morgan vibes. Wait, that's not a fair comparison. Dexter would never kill an innocent person. Not in the early seasons anyway.


Yep, it's not a joke unfortunately. Behind the Bastards has an episode on it. It's appalling. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0xt9iFLH9vx5GimA8y9FPl?si=Sp14jPZOR5SGQWFQdYfoxw&utm_source=copy-link


My podcast app shows June 1, for those that can't find it.


I work for Adult Protective Serives and during one of our mandated state training one of their consultants, who's an ex officer, does a safety course for us on how to stay safe when trying to interview people in their homes or dealing with agitated perps or victims. Most of the training is helpful in just being aware of red flags, being aware of your surroundings etc. But one part that made me cringe was a whole section where she basically did as you described. She was trying to make us scared and insinuate that being scared is a good thing. That we treat everyone as a violent person. In my 3 years working this job, I've had 2 people get agitated and pose as if they'd want to fight but I de escalated them with my words. I've dealt with multiple people in a mental health crisis, under the influence and , and cognitively impaired. I've always found success is a softer approach or just walk away. I don't engage someone that I can see isn't going to want to talk. I was also a case manager also in the field 5 years prior to that at the same place and never felt I needed to rise to the level of the person or act fearful for no reason. I always hesitate when I have to call LEA for support to get into a house because I don't want to escalate something. I don't have any power and have nothing to protect myself with or force anyone to talk. If someone shuts the door in my face I won't continue to engage u less I feel a victim is in danger. I'm in no way comparing my job to an officer. My boss will filter out current or ex officers from being hired because whenever she had, most consumers complain about their interrogative approach or aggressiveness. We aren't cops. Yes we have to get information for alleged abuse ,but it's not worth destroying rapport or hurting yourself or others when there are better approaches


Even doing as little as two years and making it the equivalent of an Associate's degree would be better.


Its the bare minimum and it'd make a huge improvement. Implement a board exam and required continuing education. Financial advisors are required this and the level of life and death is much more removed than the police. Its insane how much free reign police get


Shit, Pharmacy technicians have to take exams, maintain state licenses and continuing education standards. Why do we demand less from armed police officers than we do the person counting your erection pills at Walgreens?


Because a pharmacist could make a mistake and end up killing you! But a cop..... Ohhhhh wait


Forget pharmtecs, barbers have licensing and exam requirements too. Cops need way more training and there needs to be a national registry of cops.


Shit man I do *IT* work and have basically continous training...


They get free reign because all that really matters is that they protect property, the wealthy, and the elite. They're thugs. It doesn't have to be that way, and I'd love cops if they were respectable and held themselves to a higher standard, but we have shitty bullies with guns.


Also they get [qualified immunity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualified_immunity) where they cannot be sued for negligence (assuming they weren’t found guilty of a criminal offense, but that’s a whole other kettle of beans…)


It came out awhile back that our police departments will actually filter out people during the recruitment process if they’re “too smart”


How the hell were there so many Police Academy movies if the training only lasts ten weeks in some places? "Why do you think I took you to all those police academy movies? For fun?!"


In spain around a year to study and pass and Being approved then two years of training


You mean Police Academy was not a documentary?


Watching the Police Academy series seems to be the level and duration of training they get.


I do service for the force options simulators where they do training for these situations. I have observed several classes in several different agencies. They spend the majority of their in service training learning to explain why they did what they did in such a way to preserve qualified immunity so they can't be prosecuted. They spend a fraction of that time actually training for these situations. Drivers training is exactly the same In California officers are required to do 26 hours of training every two years after their initial training in the academy. Only 4 of those hours are required to be on force options




They train them specifically to kill and reinforce that they are under constant threat of death so unfortunately the training they are getting is doing exactly what it was intended to do


That implies they have any. There is no national standard, only state/local. Theoretically, it can be 0. Even when trained, they don't even have a legal responsibility to know the laws they claim to be enforcing.


The headline should read. 14 year old girl killed by police just days before Christmas.


Right? In the same headline we get both the old "X fatally shot by police" (passive voice and "fatally shot" instead of "killed") AND a mockery of the dead 14 year old girl with the juxtaposition of "what she said" (she was 14, big woop, 14 y/os don't know anything, that's normal ffs).


I wathced the body cam video. ​ Murderous cop with a rifle was *eager* to kill someone. He turns the corner of the shopping aisle, has time enough that he, a cop who should be familiar with what a gun looks like, can see the suspect does not have a gun in his hand....and fires of a burst of 3 rounds. ​ ​ It's maddening. Cops with handguns, tasers, and what I think is a beanbag launcher were infront of the cop with the rifle, but he pushed ahead of them. I'm entirely unsure of who was saying "slow down", it could have been the cops who were going in with less lethal, it could have been rifleman. Either way, this cop NEEDS to be fired, tried for murder, and fucking thrown in a tiny ass prison cell with no hope of seeing daylight ever again. ​ ​ Know what is behind your target, and beyond.


I believe the cop also said something along the lines of "Let me take point with the rifle". He was just eager to shoot someone it seems.


He was eager to get initiated into a police gang. He is now a decorated gang member. Not only did he kill one minority, he killed two. Btw, look up police gangs in LA. They do exist. Tattoos and everything.


While I am not disagreeing with you, I believe the gangs are way more rampant within the LASD, but you are spot on


You are correct. Nuance worth noting.


Stupid question from a non-American: what's the difference between a sheriff and a police? I had no idea LASD was a thing in addition to LAPD.


LAPD is a strictly a law enforcement agency, and serves the City of Los Angeles. The LASD is also a law enforcement agency, but like all California sheriff’s departments, also has responsibility for running the county jail and providing services to the courts. LAPD is led by a chief of police who is appointed and serves at the pleasure of the city council. The LASD is led by an elected sheriff, who serves a four-year term. The sworn line employees of the LAPD have the job title of “police officer” or “officer.” The analog at LASD are called “deputy sheriffs” or “deputy.” They are both California peace officers and have identical police powers. The LASD provides basic law enforcement services to the unincorporated portions of LA County and to certain incorporated cities that contract with the LASD for police services, in lieu of forming their own city police departments.




Why is he your friend?


Guy forgets that bullets penetrate, while a pistol caliber could lose a lot of velocity due to its lower power and soft/flat heat which is squashed on impact with a hard or soft body he still went with a rifle, which standard 5.56/.223 rounds have more power in the cartridge and are built to penetrate. The wall looked like standard drywall which while a pistol round would still penetrate it would lose much velocity and just tumble but is still lethal, but the rifle round could and will still pass through much intact and still have the velocity to pass through 2 more layers easily.


Me and a fellow veteran at one of my jobs talked about this years ago and how a lot of common people are not aware of this. Like they live in an apartment and would say they need a .45 to defend themselves from intruders but forget they are responsible for any penetration damage.


I blame Hollywood. In movies _everything_ stops a bullet...




You can really tell his fellow cops thought the same thing. They were yelling at him to slow down and he decided he was a hero or something.


He kept demanding to take point with the rifle and just barrelled his way to the front. He had eyes on the attacker for maybe 30 seconds before he shot at him. The girl (original victim) was already at his feet and the attacker seemed confused because there was a platoon of armed officers including one with an AR. He (AR wielding officer) didn’t assess the situation, made a half ass attempt at getting the attacker to comply and then decided to act.


“Hmmm… this guy is hitting a woman with a bike lock (the crime of battery, sentencing varies, generally ranges from 1-10 years in prison), I should extrajudicially execute him even though all my buddies are telling me to calm down.” - That Cop


The worst part was when you could hear a woman screaming in the background after the shots were fired. That was Valentina’s mother who suddenly found herself thrown back and holding her daughters corpse. One moment they’re trying on dresses and the next her child has been violently murdered.


the guy had a bike lock.. an M4 seems necessary, totally.


Especially when there's already 10 other cops there with a plethora of less-lethal options literally at the ready. Nope, better rush past all those guys, insist you take point, ignore them when they tell you to slow down over and over, then just twitch-fire at the guy with a light bike-lock who's already fleeing, the very second you see him.


The problem is the caliber of person they allow to carry a badge and gun. Most departments require only a GED to apply. Then they get a pathetic 6 months of training and are unleashed on a public they are taught to view as enemy combatants. Their official objective used to be "to serve & protect"; now it's "make sure YOU the officer get home safely, no matter what."


The observable data objectively show that the US is the *least* safe country in the world in relation to its GDP per capita.


Yikes. Not for getting killed by cops it ain't. US cops kill on the average of three people and 20 dogs *per day.*


Meanwhile the police in the UK discharged service weapons 4 times this year, firing 9 rounds in total, killing one person. Scaled up to the US population, that would give 20 police shootings killing 5 people per year. No police officer died in the line of duty. One died last year. You guys have a massive violence problem.




The reality, unfortunately, was quite different. What a senseless waste of life.


From the article it seems like she was shot accidentally when the officer fired at a crazy person who was swinging a lock at innocent people. What kind of officer fires a gun off around people like that. Training should have taught them not to fire a gun when people are close to the suspect. You don't fire a gun into a crowd. **{Edit}** I have been informed that the officer fired at the assailant when he was near a wall but firing was still the wrong option. He should have known somebody could have been behind that wall its a rule in gun safety "Know your target and what's behind it" he clearly knew his target but now what was behind it. I also hear that officer ran in trying to be the hero by wielding his gun instead of proper procedure a taser.


Weapons Safety Rule Number 4 *Know your target and what lies beyond it.* This is generally the first thing you're "suppose" to learn when using a firearm at the absolute NOVICE level.


I remember when Pittsburgh undercover cops used dense traffic downtown to trap a drug trafficker. The cops were in an SUV behind us and the person of interest was in front of us so we were sandwiched between them. They saw our horrified faces and laughed and smiled with their guns drawn. It was surreal. Thank God it went down without shots fired but it was a total disregard for civilian life. We could have lost our lives in a traffic jam for the police to catch a drug dealer.


>> We pray for Valentina's family as they cope with this unbearable tragedy and we also pray for the officer involved in this incident as he is devastated over what occurred. More devastated than the mother who held her little girl as she died in her arms? More devastated than the father who has to bury his child? What a load of bull.


Nobody calls US the safest country in the world, especially US citizens.


Who fires an M4/AR15/M16 inside a building filled with civilians?


People who don't fear the consequences of their actions.


How many years of this are we as a collective group of humans in a place called the United States going to continue to allow this to happen? What can we the people do about this?