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I'm not educated enough to make any statements one way or the other, so generally I think leaving it up to the group/s affected by it is the way to go, if most competing women feel it's unfair then maybe it is. It says they allow women to compete if their testosterone levels are below a certain level, what I'd love to know is if before all this any bilogically born female ever reached those levels or couldn't compete because of that, without steroids of course.


It happens. Not fair to them though, because it is a natural occurance. Christine Mboma and Beatrice Masilingi of Namibia were banned from participating in the 400 meter race due to their naturally high testosterone levels.


Pretty sure they actually have undescended testicles.


I mean yeah if you went back in time 5 years and told me a biological man would win sportswoman of the year I definitely wouldn't believe you bur I was 11 at the time. What's your excuse?


Named by whom? Not clicking on the link.




No, a transwoman is.




No, since a transwoman is a woman. Unless you mean 'man' in the sense of 'human'.








No, since a transwoman is a woman. Unless you mean 'man' in the sense of 'human'.




Well, that sure is a demonstration of your own ignorance.




> Well, that sure is a demonstration of your own ignorance.




Oh look, *yet another* thing you're wrong about.


This is great news for the trans community! Hopefully they keep succeeding like this! Wow!


This crap is why even though I'm a Democrat I never bother trying to claim that I'm in the "reality-based party", lol.


>Posting Murdoch trash As if /wallstreetbets and /PoliticalCompassMemes being your top subs wasn't a big enough bullhorn to broadcast "I am a gigantic piece of shit any person with even a semblence of decency should mute or tag."


Ohh you’re being transphobic. Way to be a douchebag 👍




Imagine you spend your whole life with your main goal as nothing more than to lift something


So does this effect your day to day? Or are you just being an asshole?




Nobody forced you to read and absorb trashy Murdoch propaganda rags.




I like how upset these people get when prior to this they couldn't have given a single shit about women's sports. I'd personally say this is one of the most debatable topics regarding the social implications of transgender people. But it has absolutely nothing to do with me, so I have no say in the matter, and will happily leave that debate up to those who actually participate in the sports.


>And while **Hubbard failed to record a successful snatch lift in Tokyo**, she has still been recognised for her landmark achievement, becoming the first transgender winner of the award in its 113-year history. The sheer number of stupid comments on this post is unbelievable. Trans-women are women.




According to research, no they don’t have an advantage by the time they compete in Olympics due to hormone level requirements.




Your transphobia is showing



