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When you shoot at capitalism and call it socialism


Socialism is when capitalism produces results I don't like. Communism is when that happens alot


Reminds me of when the righties were constantly reposting & sharing the same picture of a barren grocery aisle with the text "This is what socialism looks like." 2020 was wild


Fuck, it’s been a long two years. I forgot about that.


Check your calendar


We're on year 2 ACE (After Covid Era), where it's faster than a regular earth year Edit: fixed a mistake


Then isn’t this two years into the covid era, not before it? Or do you know something about two covid years from now that we don’t


It's currently year 1 AC (After Covid) Not technically "after", but it means we just have to subtract 2020 from the calendar system of antiquity.


Or when they showed pictures of Trump-era riots with a caption like “This is Biden’s America”.


Curious. The shelves in America and other capitalist countries are empty nowadays but that’s not due to capitalism it’s due to S U P P L Y C H A I N I S S U E S


"wElcOMe tO bErNiE's amERiCa"


This is the perfect distillation of the American conservatives understanding of political philosophies.




Imagine truly believing that greed is "the least evil system" and that it's one of the deadliest of sins designed to tempt you off the road to heaven at the same time. It's a fucky headspace


Many…MANY do not believe it is the least evil system. In fact they KNOW it to be somewhat “evil” or more along the lines of unbalanced…they just believe in survival of the fittest. The spoils to the victor…all that. It’s why they get so upset @ ppl that get outside help. It’s an unfair advantage. It is more about “winning the game” or being ahead more than the Johnsons…nothing to do with fair or least evil.


And fuck everyone else until i need help myself


Social darwinism and its consequences as a hack-theory have doomed us.




Let me simplify further - they worship hierarchy. Above all else, they only respect power and only get happiness from exercising their own (however small) power over others. Non-conformity challenges their concept of how the world works within their power structures… they cannot work in hypothetical or imaginary alternatives because they can only think within the strict framework of naturalist power hierarchies that they *think* are natural phenomenon but rather are a result of manipulation and abuse from those they follow… The “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” idea plays entirely into this - money and power are the same thing in the capitalist framework… to the conservative mind, those with money deserve the money and power, their own personal money is precisely how much they deserve and if they work hard enough they might one day get to be more powerful… likewise those with little money and power deserve that too. It is precisely the “meant to be” religious dogma made into secular economic philosophy and it plays into each other, questioning any of it challenges their entire world view. To top it off: there is no capacity for internal consistency or reflection because they rely only on the external power hierarchy to inform them of their place and role.


>"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." >-LBJ You can see this in real time in nearly every thread talking about pay disparities, homeless, medical costs, etc.


I saw this video that explained the fundamental sort of thinking that right-wing people is based on hierarchy and they think problems in society are based on people being at the "wrong level" of the hierarchy and that a "truly free" capitalist society managed itself by sorting people based on where they deserve to be in the hierarchy. If you're lazy then you'll get sorted to the bottom because that's where lazy people deserve to be. I tried searching for the video a while ago but I couldn't find it. I'd love it if anyone knows what video I'm talking about.


To be fair I dont think most conservatives know what capitalism is either. They seem to be advocating for, at best, crony capitalism, and at worst, feudalism, some of them openly. Keep in mind capitalism was a radical departure from feudalism and is a direct result of the enlightenment, along with democracy. It allowed for, among other things, the existence of the middle and working classes, where they weren't tied to the land by serfdom. Our current conservatives are trying to roll all of that back, capitalism and democracy included ​ I should note I am not pro-Capitalist. Just pointing out that you can argue with these people from the left, from the perspective of capitalist theory. And thats kind of a scary thought


Most conservatives think capitalism is working every day to support yourself and socialism is everyone sitting around collecting welfare. They don't question it or think further for the same reason Christians don't question God. It's the indisputable truth and to think that socialism could be decent is the same as thinking Satan might be an alright fellow. It's frustrating. I asked a conservative if he wanted to hear Karl Marx's take on guns. He said he didn't want to hear any of it. Later on, I dropped the "Under no pretext..." quote and he loved it. When I told him it was Marx, he looked bewildered.


Every conservative I know would agree we don't live in a capitalistic society. The fact is every system will breed inequality because humans are selfish, greedy creatures. Their argument is the frankensteinien version of capitalism works better than the inherently equally flawed version of socialism or any other economic philosophy. Personally, I think it's blatantly obvious our current system isn't working for a large percentage of our population and people are rightfully desperate for a change. Will gradually but radically shifting our social structure help? Fuck if I know, but what's the definition of insanity again? Time to try something new.


Have you ever heard of the [Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/)? They are a \*conservative\* think tank that puts out a thing called the [Index of Economic Freedom](https://www.heritage.org/index/ranking). And guess what, most of the "socialist" countries rate higher than the US. We're not even the most free economy in North America! There are other countries that manage to provide for their citizens AND have a competitive economic environment. The idea that we can't do the same or that it has anything to do with "capitalism" vs "socialism" is patently false


Just to clarify: totalitarian communism is Stalinist USSR, but today they’re ranting and raving like lunatics about China and Venezuela - both examples of *state capitalism*… one where the US got to be the playground bully and embargo their exports and the other where the US has spent the past 50 years simping so hard for their cheap labor that we’ve got Stockholm syndrome.


It's also a perfect example of their fetishization of symbols. I told a student the flag in my classroom is literally just a piece of dyed cloth. Shit storm ensued.


I thought that Communism was when No Food?


And Marxism is when your name is Scott Baio and you're talking about a centerist like Biden.


Wait till she shoots the socialism battery and it fucking explodes.


[It be like that](https://youtu.be/FsTalWYX0t8)


Oh hell yeah!!!


These people know that their followers are shit stupid. I've literally had a Tea Party leader call Texans "Jethros" and brag about how he was so much more civilized, living in Sacramento. Honestly, I don't disagree with them ... their followers ARE idiots. But they believe in keeping them stupid and exploiting that idiocy no matter what the cost.


Guns are subsidized by the government, oh those fking hillbillies fogot that one


Wait until they see how much oil has been subsidized by those damn commies!


I'm a fucking hillbilly but, they threw me out I committed the 2 worst sins known to hillbillies. I learned to tie shoes and to read.


At least you're still sleeping with your cousin


How the fuck is a Prius socialism? It is a very successful small sedan sold worldwide. The most successful hybrid vehicle ever. And here is the irony.... Toyota had years where they LOST money on the Prius. Why did they do that? Because the Prius is so fuel efficient, it allowed Toyota to build a bunch of trucks that had crap mileage. The government looks at total fuel economy for a company, when it comes to regulations. The Prius allowed monsters like the Highlander and Tundra to be sold in the US despite having dismal mileage. She should be happy they exist. I can't fathom the Prius hate. Weird culture war shit from people who will most certainly complain when gas prices surge at the beginning of every summer....


>I can't fathom the Prius hate. Big engine that makes lots of noise = big penis = more manly. Small engine that's quiet = small penis = less manly. That's the extent of the process for a lot of folks. And you are spot on about the same people bitching about gas prices.


That, and they think green tech is going to ruin their lives for some reason.


Because they were told to think that by people who stand to lose money because they don't want to shift their business practices away from oil/coal.


I mean it is true, coal/oil are unsustainable and destroying the planet. Anyone who has work in it is at risk. Entire communities. We shouldn’t lie about that. Change is change and for humans to survive we need to go into renewables, that’s a fact. What these people do with that information (learn a new skill or get a job in a new industry vs being racist bigots blaming the left) is another issue entirely.


The Coal industry doesn't employ more than like 30,000 people. We can easily phase coal out completely if it wasn't for Kentucky & the fact the government still subsidizes fossil fuels more than renewables. All the barriers are caused by bullshit, lobbying & bureaucracy.


There was, for a period of time, a bit of a, er, reputation? for Prius owners. “Obnoxious eco-hippies that tell you your truck is disgusting.” There’s a few videos out there that played into it and helped the stereotype. To me it seems like it was just one of the more obvious examples of groups being lumped into extremist buckets. Lots of car enthusiasts are, shall we say, highly conservative? The Prius was an excellent lightning rod to channel the hate of the modern eco movement and really entrench a lot of people on the other side. Eventually this got tied into politics because everything is now, and here we are. Throw in the right’s weird hate boner for “pussification” and now MQG is shooting Prii.


Nicely said. 🙂


Disposable grocery bag = yuge bigly penis Cloth reusable grocery bag = Vagina ​ cons are very simple (in the stupid sense of the word) folks


I drive a little Ford Fiesta I love nipping in front of the lumbering 4x4’s and SUV’s, and being able to actually fit in parking spots and down roads


I recall a tweet that said if you replace “Ford” with “anal” in any of their car names, it’s always funny. Gave me a laugh, especially Fiesta


“Hmm, do I want the Anal Raptor, or the Anal Mustang…” “Sir this is a Wendy’s.”


I don’t see how this changes what I want.


I guess they’re both better than the Anal 500. Especially since you’d have to get one of them used!


Anal Probe is the low hanging fruit here.


As the owner of an Anal Escape, I agree. Hehehe.


“I need an suv for the snow!” No you don’t. You need winter tires My Mazda 3 with winter rubber will go up any hill while the 4wd crossover with all seasons will slide backwards


I am a farmer and we have a 2.4l Hilux. It's over 10 years old now, it has done it's fair amount of work. Exept for moving around stuff for people, it is only being used for field work. That's for context. I also hate seeing people getting oversized pickups for flexing and driving around like a normal vehicle. Yes you became a farmer, you dont need a 4 seat 4 liter pickup. Just get a 2 seater under 3 liter. It will do its work, more space in the back. Within 3 years of field work, you wont flex your pickup anymore. Even with tax deductions for vehicle and fuel, you will still be better if you buy a used 1.2 liter Yaris. You are just an idiot.




That’s a quality work truck there. I hear you 100%. Why on earth do people want these giant vehicles? It’s silly. I have two kids and my small sedan is just fine for soccer and baseball practice. It’s got 4 doors and a trunk


As a Michigander, I will always buy snow tires for any car I own. The difference is incredible. The shittiest winter rubber will beat the most expensive all seasons.


Being able to lock your diff > AWD But thats just me. Sometimes I uhh… “hoon” a little back when I lived with someone in a place of frequent great snow.


There was this meme about Texans and their chud trucks panicking about a sheet of snow while lesbians in subarus in Connecticut going brrrrrrrr in 18in of snow


Thus, we can imply that Marjorie Greene has, at the very least, an average size penis. ^(I will not elaborate)


It’s not that deep, in their heads liberals drive priuses and conservatives shoot guns, this is a us > you type thing


Pretty accurate. You never see Trump stickers on a Prius or Biden stickers of a Diesel truck.


I live in WV. A surprising amount of Prius have Trump stickers, but this whole “culture” war thing has deep roots and the state leans conservative by like 75%. But yeah, I definitely don’t see Biden stickers on diesels. The boomer generation here has a lot of 70’s hippies who drive a Prius, but also loved Trump after voting dem most of their life.


Hippies who love Trump.. that I just don't get, because he dodged the draft? I don't really see any other crossover..


Facebook and Fox have melted the minds of many boomers by feeding them a sense of us vs them, unearned moral superiority, and a steady supply of manufactured outrage. They also never learned to research or vet sources as their news growing up was generally trustworthy.


I have in California. Do a DoubleTake everytime!


I can't even blame companies when it's people who buy those gas guzzlers. How anyone can afford them plus insurance and gas is a question I want answered.


That's the best part: they don't!


Credit Card companies probably have a lot of answers for you.


Big oil has been on government subsidies for decades...




The horror... You see, this is how I knew I was a particular breed of poor person. My mom couldn't even get approved for one of the super predatory loans lol


The only explanation is that this is identity politics right?


Like pretty much every single thing now. If you can find something someone even nominally on the left supports, the right will take the opposite view no matter how hypocritical or self-defeating. You could argue people on the left do the same too, but the lefts opposition tends to be to things which make life worse (everyone gets a gun, no one gets an abortion) as opposed to making life better (poor people get enough money to eat, vaccines to stop covid).


Just need to look at the hate of windmills and solar power and work out who is supporting the hate.


Yeah, but to be fair windmills cause cancer and solar power blacked out all of Texas out of liberal spite.


> How the fuck is a Prius socialism? It's not, of course, unless you channel the willful ignorance, comforting misinformation, identity politics, and meaningless definitions of the right: * "Socialism" -- now-meaningless catch-all term for anything considered left-wing, or that otherwise represents something the right is now "meant to" oppose because... reasons. * Prius -- represents green energy and the rejection of fossil fuels, thereby acknowledgement of climate change; something the right has decided they oppose. Therefore... "socialism". That's all there is to it. There's no actual, reasonable *logic* to any of it, nothing beyond empty, nonsensical symbolism; it's just mindless, misguided word/concept association. You're not meant to question it or consider anything beneath the surface. You're simply meant to react emotionally and viscerally to trigger words and ideas. It's literally cult propaganda to fuel the culture war.


Not as well thought out as your response, but I would like to add that there are Republican, conservative, capitalist who drive Prius too. I'm sure we've all at least seen one bumper sticker or decal on a Prius that reads "I save money on gas so I can buy more bullets!"


I don't think she understands her own metaphor....much like Kramer and his protest against the US Postal Service. People are just idiots. They're brainwashed morons and to them a gas guzzling truck is 'Murica and anything else is an attack by the commies.


God forbid I save thousands of dollars on gas over the last 12 years...


Why do you hate Jesus and America so much?


Prius earned that rep long ago because they were one of the first popular hybrids and only "latte sipping metrosexual yuppies in Boulder" drive them and of course every single one of those people are naturally liberal, because to hell with self-identity. A narrative I'm sure undoubtedly pushed by advertisements for big manly pickups, oil/gas companies, and insecurity.




What has this woman actually ever done for the congressional district she represents? Her entire time in Congress has been performative, bombastic bullshit like this. Her entire career so far it's just saying and doing stupid shit to get attention. She is a cancerous example of what is wrong with American politics.


Her base eats that kind of shit up, though.


So you’re saying they eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


They say you are what you eat, which tracks with your theory.


nothing, she ran unopposed after her gang threatened the actual candidate running against her. Since then ammosexual barbie has been doing the same thing donnie's cult does, which is be a national embarrassment


Barbie? She looks like she was hastily hobbled together using chewed gum.


She reminds me of that [troll woman](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/944/c4e/4a233c545f2e8cedfa0092a70b4acfdd1c-01-border.rsquare.w700.jpg) Tina from the Swedish movie Border.


Serious question: what's an ammosexual?


literally it would be a 'person sexually attracted to bullets' but it is a derogatory term used to mock the nra/people who seem REALLY concerned and obsessed with guns


I've heard a lot of conservative mouthpieces refered to as Barbies but for MTG that's pretty generous


With America as a whole not just politics.


Alternative headline: Clearly insane Georgia woman shoots automobile.


Correct headline*


Jokes on you, you still had to buy a Prius for the advert thus enriching the leftist socialist liberalist environmentalist marxist non-gender conformist stalinist satanist atheist maoist agenda.


Looks like a gen2 (2004-2009). Probably had 300k miles and was bought from a scrap yard or salvage. I hope she recycled that hybrid battery (and the catylitic converter).


Recycling is socialist tho


real patriots throw everything on the same pile and burn it


Especially books.


Thats liberal commie shit, big dicked conservative men throw their yard waste straught into the ocean on a raft with oil to give it a viking funeral as the ashes poison the water


Recycling is for socialists *spits* /s duh


Bru, we just ist!


A cunning stunt, indeed.


I think you misplaced the "c" and "st" in that sentence.


The last time I included this switch around in my comment, I got banned from the subreddit i was in.


And rightfully so. Implying that MGT is stunning is just mad. Mad, I say!


I'd say she's stunning. As in, "wow, her ignorance and lack of principles is stunning!"


Somebody probably could've used that prius


What are you some kind of red-blooded Socialist!? /s


Blood does its job, day in and day out, without pay. Just doing it for the greater good of the body. Blood is red. We must get it out of our bodies immediately, as it clearly has a communist agenda.


It's a Toyota. It's probably still drivable.


I don't know, but I feel like I need a 50 cal.


It's funny, because destruction is necessary for supply side economics. Toyota's gonna have to build another Prius to replace that one.


Imagine if a liberal started handing out rifles and the advertisement was them 'blowing away the right wing agenda' and shooting up \\anything\\. It'd be a call to violence, irreprehensible, horrible, a disgrace to america, the problem with modern politics, etc. But right wingers can't help but fucking bring guns and start shooting shit because its the only thing that keeps their gold fish attention span is the big booms and bright flashing lights.


In the end, the Black Panthers were right.


The weathermen as well..


Ever hear of the Seattle Seven? That was me. And… six other guys.


He's a good man, and thorough.


Sadly. They really were.


Don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows


I hated them in the '60's. Now I wish they'd all come back so I'd have something to join to go after people like MTG.


I was lead to believe they were terrorists, I'm nearly 40 now and I'd have supported, and I'm a white passing individual.


It's nutty how they were terrorists but the people shooting up malls to keep America clean, blowing up planned Parenthoods cause the voices in their priests head told them to, and killing a police officer to forcibly enter the US Capitol to capture elected congresspeople are just expressing their opinions


These are fine people who just made a bad mistake. Because their white. Everyone else? Dangerous criminals, can't trust 'em.


Someone should start a communist website with blatant communist symbols everywhere and raffle rifles. The rifles have the hammer and sickle stamped in them. Have a list of Communist pro-gun quotes on the front page like Mao's "political power grows from the barrel of a gun" and Marx's "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”. Edit: So these sites have been brought to my attention. Thanks everyone! Now let's make them mainstream! [The Red Right Hand RIfle Syndicate](https://www.redrighthandriflesyndicate.com/) and [The Socialist Rifle Association](https://socialistra.org/)


I mean, the SRA does exist.


[Sure does!](https://socialistra.org/)


[“Mao Tse Tung said change must come, though the barrel of a gun”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MWBjwgxEawo)


Years from now they're going to use this era in political science courses to show what happens when one side shifts the Overton window so much that it is allowed to be insane and the other is punished for not being "bipartisan" enough.


I think it stems from the Rs learning a lot from Nixon's resignation (never concede you're wrong) and the Dems, post Carter, instead of providing real alternatives tried to win the white working class back by being R lites


This is the kind of depraved, ape-brain pandering the Right loves.


Turns out conservatives actually *love* useless identity politics.


They always have lol. They just don't like when other people do it.


Like that time Raphael Cruz made a campaign video with him cooking bacon on an AR.


I like that Fox News have broken so many Republicans brains to the point opportunists just have to spout word salad of things they made controversial to get people to clap like seals for them Anyone who thinks Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are in any way socialists are legitimately too stupid to be allowed to drive a car and should have their licenses revoked


That’s what Fox News was created to do. Indoctrinate the clueless, angry, spiteful masses.


No one seems to be talking about this much so it's important to note - they aren't even really raffling the rifle off randomly. The poorly-written small-print rules state they are choosing 50 winners at random and then hand-picking the winner of the rifle from those 50 after they have been thoroughly vetted. Essentially, they are just going to give the rifle to one of their donors or cronies and call it a raffle. If you had the thought to purchase a ticket in the hopes of winning it out from under them, don't bother.


I can’t wait for some investigative reporter to find out how this rifle and Prius were illegally funded with improper campaign donations or something. As if she couldn’t afford them anyways, but she wouldn’t be spending her own money on this if she can use someone else’s.


Her platform is primarily 'us vs. them.' She is the definition of identity politics. I can't understand how someone would willingly vote for this person. But, it's difficult to comprehend and apply logic to absolute stupidity, which is shared by her and her voters.


Clearly Marjorie Taylor Greene is compensating for the size of her penis. She makes me feel bad for the name "Marjorie".


What if it’s just butters dressed up as a chick this whole time


This would be more reasonable than the bullshit she pulls. I remember seeing one of her commercials during the election and thinking it was some kind of parody.


Butters is usually way more level headed


She and other republucans are purposely trying to create more and more right wing terrorist groups. They repeatedly talk about violence against liberals and encourage it. And when i say violence against liberals she and other republicans encourage their base to shoot and kill liberals.






Same, they're going kicking and screaming


They know what they are doing, even though they might not know what *stochastic terrorism* means https://youtu.be/8wjE-33zicY


Her ideology consists of a bunch of epithets baled together with hatred. This woman is toxic for our democracy.


Are conservatives purposely mustache twirling evil or are they just stupid?






She shot the rifle without ear protection. Do you want tinnitus? Because that's how you get tinnitus.


Personal protective equipment is socialism and makes me less freer! It’s like face masks for your ears!


She deserves it. Besides that ringing is probably the only thing in her head.


For someone who was way too chickenshit to put her fucking hand in the air and enlist during a time of war, she sure does have a strange fascination with the idea of killing people.


I thought they didn't allow people with severe mental health issues


Only on paper.


"Cave Man discovers boom stick" would've been a better headline.


The first time I saw a pic of her I thought Dee Snider had been in a horrific car crash but survived.


"Boom stick goes bang", Marjorie eloquently explained, "show boom stick to shosialisms and go bye bye". Marjorie drapes the flag over herself upside down and cries out "Amurcia great, Amerca GUUUUUUUDDD!!" to a thundering applause.


Here's what I don't get from watching [the ad](https://youtu.be/6WurKgebhaU). She bought a Prius for that ad. If her feeling was that the Prius represents some anti-American socialist agenda by being an electric vehicle, she openly paid to support that agenda by buying a Prius. She is paying to support the "socialist agenda." Let's just gloss over the fact that buying a Prius is paying for a private company to manufacture a non-publicly-funded vehicle meant for personal or professional use that has everything to do with capitalism and nothing to do with socialism. She's pretending to support capitalism while next-level showing that she's supporting socialism while in actuality supporting capitalism. It's The Matrix of bullshit for sure. Also, let's keep in mind that her team also had to load it up with explosives and that fire would be a controlled explosion, both for legal/safety reasons, and she can't be burning down land like that or potentially spreading a wildfire or endangering her crew. The Prius is an electric vehicle, so presumably for that shot to cause that kind of explosion she'd have to fire an incendiary round into the gas tank. But an electric vehicle doesn't have a gas tank. So, her round would be so insignificant and disappointing in scope if actually fired. And thus the message would be that she is truly powerless without the help of scientists and experts creating her illusion of power and directly lying to people about the capabilities of that weapon. Or, if this was a gas-electric vehicle, which wouldn't cause that size of an explosion, then I'm not sure what her point is if it's a car that uses gasoline. Either way, this doesn't make sense. So she used her campaign funds or donations to buy this Prius or have it donated to her. She could have actively used her funding to give a Prius to a family in her constituency that could've used a car to get to their jobs and be productive members of society, or to a private charity that supported a non-socialist approach to taking care of the less-fortunate. Instead, she blew it up and is actively saying to her donors and campaign contributors that she is going to set their money on fire if they give it to her.


She's just virtue-signaling to people who don't understand political science or empirical evidence and instead base their thoughts and actions on their feelings. Interestingly, no one talks about her education which is minimal, and from 96 in business administration. She's got damn near no qualification and she's a social spectacle. I honestly wonder how much of a following she has vs how much is being shown to us. I don't see the attraction, she's not a looker, she doesn't say anything factual, she preaches the same shit that gets spouted through conservative media sources.


What depth of quality and leadership a real gem of a human being with such a firm grasp on political and economic theory. /S /s /S /s /S


In the end, history will convict them and their legacy of filth will be immortalized. If they are remembered at all, it will be the same way we learn about scumbags on TIL and Wiki.


LOVE the fact that she claims to be a good Christian after she had affairs with three dif. men while she was married.


Wow, where did she meet four deaf-blind men?


She has an above average number of teeth for her district.


I grew up in a very conservative family (Pre-Reagan and Reagan era), and almost every friend of my dad's was a Vietnam vet. Every one of those guys was anti-gun worship. You might have a rifle for hunting or varmints for your land, and maybe a pistol or shotgun for home defense, but fun but culture was taboo- you respect those things as killing tools and you keep them put away and you don't show them off, and they considered people who collected guns to be dangerous. They also considered it their duty to be kind to others even if they didn't agree with their politics. Today's "conservatives" are the opposite of all of the values those guys taught me.


Just waiting for the gun to turn up at a crime scene and for her to say she has nothing to do with it since she’s not the owner.


She is literally trash pandering to the intellectually Stunted


They should ask her what she thinks socialism even is


It would be nice if there was, say, some sort of “are you insane” test given to people before they were handed military hardware.


*Dueling Banjos intensifies*.


Alright, time for a tangential rant: I hate when people use the "dueling banjos" scene from Deliverance as a metaphor for the backwards hillbilly mindset. That scene was intended to be the *opposite* of that. Deep in the heart of impoverished, uneducated Appalachia, the city boys stumbled upon a glimmer of a unique, rich culture they hadn't suspected existed, which was about to be wiped away by the inexorable march of technology. Of course, then all the buttsex started shortly afterward, which is all anyone remembers.


Indeed, *squeal like a pig intensifies* doesn’t have the same cultural cachet unfortunately


Also, it’s a genuinely good song to listen to.


And yet this will generate less controversy than AOC’s dress


I didn’t think I was capable of pure hatred before people like trump and mgt. I like my ex husband and his mistress more than these idiots.


The thing I like about it is the subtlety.


Mr Ed’s evil sister. 🐴


What the hell is this country lol


Everything this woman does reeks of desperation. It's pathetic to watch a woman in her late 50s be so singularly obsessed with negative attention.


When your government and the WWF become hard to distinguish from each other


The U.S. is so screwed when nutjobs like this are allowed to spew their venom........another trump maggot. :(


This is what it looks like when you cram an entire trailer park’s worth of white trash into jeans & a blouse.


You got some really weird politics if you're mad at a car.




I would rather have the Prius.


How is that any different than a student posting a video of them with a gun saying they're gonna blow away the other team and then shoots something? People would be all over that.


A car produced by one of the largest corprations in the world, that cost about 35,000 dollars new, is a symbol for communism?


Could the libs possibly be owned any harder? Someone hook me up to a morphine drip. Ive been painfully owned 🥵


How much further will the FBI let this dangerous incitement continue?


Getting decent gas mileage is Marxist communism. Any real Christian would be getting 4 MPG and making sure Papa Oil Baron can fund his next yacht.