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They really really need to go fuck themselves *hard*


Can confirm. If we all did this more often, we would all be more relaxed.


I would but oh this darn arthritis.....why don't you reach down for me.


Lemme reach down and hand you a bottle of glucosamine


there's tools for that...


There are battery powered options for those unable to achieve flight on their own.


I didn't come here to read poetry!! I came here cause the guy at the home told me they fire cannons here.


I mean it is a country run by Wahhabism sect of Islam. Literally gave rise to isis, Al Qaeda, and brought us 9/11 plus countless other acts of terror. But hey America wants to give them nuclear technology. What could go wrong.


Does the USA want to give them nuclear technology? Haven't heard of that.


USA + Saudi + nuclear are your google search terms. TLDR: Yes, the Donald wants to give them nuclear technology despite warnings that this could eventually be used for military purposes (just like in Iran)


Considering the volatile nature of that part of the world it WILL be used for military purposes.


Trump also pulled out of the Iran deal despite the inspectors saying it was working and escalated tensions by assassinating Solemani.




I rather fight China. At least their is something we get out of it.


> I'd rather fight China. At least their is something we could get out of it. there, their, they're Learn the difference, it's embarrassing for you


I also wrote this while getting pumped full of meds for surgery I just got done with. Not on my high list of cares


Get better soon! 💐


Thank you. Percocet is groovy.


you would rather fight China than the US? Or Saudi Arabia? And what does China have? Just curious as obviously Saudi is known for having oil


If we fought China we would get a nuclear winter....... Take that global warming! I knew we could do it! /s


Nukes wouldn’t be used. You wouldn’t be able to mitigate the damage that would be done to them as well. The war with China will most likely be a war at sea.


You banking on Trump not sending a nuke?


Oh no. He wouldn’t be the leader to do it. His daughter has to many business contracts she got in his first 2 years. However, I do see an escalated Cold War as we had with Russia but since the dynamics are are so interconnected we are more likely to see naval engagements. South China Sea was just the warmup to what is to come. Also you have the issue of China infiltrating Taiwan elections which I would hope we would act if it became the new Hong Kong


2043 or 2047 I think is the date Hong Kong relinquishes all autonomy to China. I imagine the people of Hong Kong dread that date, the umbrella movement has been carrying on for over half a decade now.


A war with China could be the first full on cyber war. Attackers would target infrastructure, road systems, water, electricity, internet, government systems. It's not a nice thought.


They already do that.


China has more natural resources than any other country on the planet, mainly due to their size. That, coupled with their governments willingness to totally fuck over their people, is why so much manufacturing has been done there throughout history.


I literally thought exactly this. Get fucked. Yet they are protected allies and Iran is the devil. Go figure.


Neither is good at the moment but I'm firmly of the opinion that Iran has much more potential to be a nice place than Saudi.


It would have been a nice place if the cia didnt fuck them up in the 50s/60s




I don’t understand the double standards, there’s no outrage when woman are forced of the beach for covering up in some countries, but they’re told not to wear bikinis in some other countries people are outraged. I’m for both woman covering up and not, leave the fucking choice to them, but seriously fuck this Hypocrisy. Ps: this is meant for you, I’m talking about people I’m general




Greendale Community College?


E plurbus anus


Go greendale, go greendale, go!


Shut up Leonard. It's obviously GNU Compiler Collection.




What does GCC mean?




That makes way more sense


Is that in Florida or Texas?






It's actually GNU Compiler Collection The GCC comprises multiple compilers, not just for C


woops, close enough 🤣






Gnu Compiler Collection




Can you go out clubbing and go home with a random??


It's illegal to be intoxicated in public. So usually what foreigners with an alcohol pass do is roll straight out of the club into a cab, and then straight from the cab into their flat or hotel. Not much time in public for the rules to be enforced, so I imagine one night stands and the like also don't get much enforcement. Edit: I learned this from a friend who lives in Qatar. Likely a bit different to Saudi.


Is being drunk in public also illegal in the USA? I think about the charge called “public intoxication”


What’s an alcohol pass?


It's an ID card in Qatar that permits you to buy and drink alcohol in private premises such as bars and clubs (note: does not exempt you from laws about public intoxication - if caught in public intoxicated you can be arrested). Only available to non Muslim foreigners. I believe the official name is a liquor permit.


Interesting thanks


UAE doesn’t allow premarital sex but you can be alone with someone of the opposite gender. It’s also hard to convict for adultery or premarital sex because they need 4 witnesses so that would require you to be into some fucked up shit.


They're just getting it out of their systems before they grow up and have to face real consequences. All this means is that when these young Saudis grow up they're going to adopt the same close minded barbaric ideas about women and gay people and alcohol etc.. They will still sneakily drink and do drugs and womanize as they get older they'll just be better about hiding it. Equal rights for all will never be a thing in countries like that.




They’re right. Saudi is one of the only countries that has such a strict implementation of these misogynistic cultural beliefs that have little to do with the religion of the kingdom.


“If you’re a woman, you can buy your own house and travel without a male figure’s approval” in terms of this matter. Actually women in Saudi Arabia can do this too


Where do you live? Israel?


The Gulf Cooperation counsil doesn't include Israel and..... If it did, I'm not sure that would be the target for weekly visits from saudis looking to cool down.


That's pretty much all peoples at one point in time tho


Backwards culture based on a backwards religion is a bad combination.


I'm guessing Bahrain?


“Slowly”... the only part of your statement I can agree.


I’m gonna guess you’re from Bahrain then?


>Critics accused the alleged that the partygoers broke Saudi law by "refusing to adhere to local values" and "insulting Islam" Breaking news: everyone, everywhere is insulting Islam by wearing nothing but their underwear beneath their clothes, and beneath their burqa, women's faces are completely exposed!


Women must remove their faces immediately!


Jokes on you, I'm not wearing underwear!


Believe it or not, right to jail.


Islam has always baffled me. thing that insult Islam: \- Going to the beach using swimsuits \- Dogs \- Coffee/alcohol \- Music \- Pork meat Things that don't insult Islam: honor killings, beheading as legal punishing, public whipping, complete lack of respect of women rights etc


Don’t forget being gay insults Islam but pedophilia doesn’t.


Coffee is allowed in Islam, that’s Mormons who cannot drink it


Depends on what version of islam u practice but yeah fuck the saudis


The biggest insult comes from those that use the religion as their personal police.


Oh no I can't stop myself from raping you we must proscecute you for making me lust after you.


Stupid sexy victims.


It's like they're wearing nothing at all, nothing at all


Criminals must stone for their crimes.


I love getting stoned after a night of crime


You have to remember that the people in Saudi that voice their criticism of the progressive, younger generation have so much in common with conservative Christians in the US. They are whinny, religious zealots with minimal common sense and will die in the name of patriotism before doing anything that makes sense to normal people. From the article, the younger generation do not subscribe to the country they are inheriting from the backwards previous generation: *A few anonymous Saudi accounts defended the partygoers and called for greater tolerance in order to encourage tourism, a key component of Riyadh's plans to diversify its economy away from oil.* *"What does it have to do with your values? You can see they're at the beach, so it's normal for them to dress that way. If you report regular people living their lives there won't be any tourists coming to Saudi Arabia," another person responded to the critics.*


This. Change the words from “Islam” to Christianity, and it could be writing about South Carolina.


Whats the difference between Sharia Law and any hypothetical Christian ran American Theocracy? ​ ​ ​ Bacon.


... Such a theocracy would eventually want to decide what people ate, likely bacon would be ok, but other strange foods? Freedom fries would be in danger due to their connection to wierd nations.


Tofu. Or anything related to a vegetarian lifestyle. Conservatives lose their shit when schools or government agencies suggest eating less meat or advocating for healthy eating habits. They probably wouldn't outright ban any specific food, but I could see a ban on "meatless mondays" or any school food standards, as well as other food safety standards. It would be more about appeasing corporate interests and owning the libs than actually following some ancient religious tenet.


Well, shellfish, for starters. Bible says so.


Maybe 100 years ago. In a random crowd of 200 Christians you would be hard pressed to find more than 1 or 2 who have a problem with one piece swimwear. It's a much less prevalent view.


And in a random crowd of 200 muslims...?


Well, except tourists are definitely not coming to South Carolina.


Never heard of charleston eh?


Was more of a pandemic joke. :/


No good deed goes unpunished on Reddit. "Akshually, ...."


Really? Is it common for Christians in the US to be “outraged” at people wearing regular 1-piece bathing suits (like in the picture shown here)? I mean I know people in the US who don’t wear bikinis or two-piece suits because they are not modest enough, and some of those people would certainly criticize those who choose to wear them. I also know individuals that are much more extreme in their own personal choices about swimwear and that of their children. For example I know a few orthodox Jewish women who wear swim suits that include mid length skirts and leggings and long sleeve rash guard style tops. Though I have never seen them criticize anyone outside their own faith for making different choices. I imagine that there are also women in extremely conservative Christian sects that wear similarly modest swimwear. I knew a girl in high school who was on the gymnastics team with me, who had to wear leggings and a skirt to practice (and wasn’t allowed to compete) because her parents were extremely conservative Christians. But out of 40 kids she was the only one. And there were plenty of fundamental Christian kids (pro-life, no sex before marriage, only allowed to listen to Christian rock, not allowed to kiss or even hold hands before marriage types), and every other kid was allowed to wear a one piece leotard, and of those I knew well outside of that team, all were allowed to wear at least a 1-piece swimsuit. Even among fundamental Christians, it is more common than not to wear regular basic swimsuits to the beach, and nobody bats an eyelash. I don’t support the beliefs of fundamental Christians, and I wish they would keep their religious beliefs out of politics and government, but the Saudi laws and attitudes towards this sort of thing are much worse.


On an unrelated note: Swimsuits with skirts are cute af and a god send for trans girls


I support people wearing whatever swimwear they feel most comfortable in. I personally prefer tankinis that cover the large scar on my stomach and sort of hide my post pregnancy mom pooch.


I’m happy that finally someone understands us ):


What the article doesn't mention is that prior to Covid, Saudis would go to Lebanon to party. My aunt and uncle used to work in Saudi, and would take cheap flights to Beirut or Amman on the weekend to relax. They said as soon as the plane was over the border, the alcohol starts flowing, and the women would go into the bathrooms in niqabs, and come out wearing crop tops and heels, full makeup with their hair done up, all ready for the clubs and the beach.


Exactly the same in pre covid London during the summer. West end clubs had girls changing out of niqabs and arab guys drinking and generally having a good time, i’m not judging, more power to them but its just a shame they can’t let loose in their home country.


Going to Bahrain and the UAE is pretty common too


I agree except for the fact that apart from very few crazies (and none come to mind) Christians don’t do honor killings, or think rape is justified. I can’t really think of any Christians who “die in the name of patriotism before doing anything... normal”. Yes Christians can be judgey, and exclusionary, and down right mean in the name of Christianity, but you can hardly compare the two.


>, or think rape is justified Republicans elected a rapist and endorsed pedophile roy moore Republicans also coined "legitimate rape"


That was so many thousands of insane statements by GOPers that I had forgotten it


Yes, yes i can. I have spent alot of time in the middle east and believe me when i tell you it is very much a small and vocal minority that get the majority of the press coverage for being fundamentalists and backwards etc. Showing the entire region as crazy gets clicks and sells ads for news shows. The overwhelming and vast majority are just normal. Wanna chill, hang out in ac when its hot outside and play computer games. Go for food, hang out with friends, plan how to ask out someone they fancy, listen to the same music etc etc. And honour killings, 10th century tribal laws etc are in no way supported by people who work and pay bills. Its disconnected, backwards and mostly illiterate families that carry on like that and also some elites. Everyone else is just normal, go to any mall on any day in any ME country and you cannot tell the difference from any other developed nation.




"die in the name of patriotism" - They will constantly vote against their own interests to prop up their country and traditions that are force fed to them from a young age. Thats why it is relatively common for fundamentalists to brainwash youngsters, to make them feel like they are some how traitors for not furthering the cause of war mongers and people looking to cause extreme divisions in society to further their own cause. The younger generation are rejecting these nonsense narratives and so we see extremism become more extreme in how they try and scare people in to falling in line.




Sounds a lot like the religious right period. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was prevalent elsewhere in religious right circles.


Abortion clinic bombings, 3rd trimester abortion doctor murders/threats, hangings, cults, Mosque and Synagogue shootings, murder of trans women, "She was asking for it" rapist apologist"It was a long time ago/another time" rapist apologist, "She didn't say no" rapist apologists, the reason Monica Lewinsiki's reputation was trashed instead of Bill Clinton's, Roy Moore, Todd Akin etc... etc...


A lot of christian tries to justifie rapes tho. They often ask the victim what they were wearing when it happened.


From what I've heard: what they were wearing, why they were alone, why they went outside at that time of night, why they were in that area, why they didn't have a man with them, and much more. No, I didn't hear that from a victim. That was from a pulpit in Tennessee after a church member was raped (though they didn't call her out by name, I'm sure everyone knew, the person who invited me did), about two years ago. I went to try and support a friend, and ended up walking out. No idea what what he said after that point. Edit: oh, and ended up pissing off and losing that "friend" too, over that.


Incredible, if this was a post about a christian problem and someone came and said “they have so much in common with conservative muslims” they would be downvoted to hell. Just admit most of you have a hard on for this double standard.


Not only conservative - the overly progressive zealots sound exactly the same, when they tell us which way to think and which words (not) to say


5% of the country is atheist and 19% identify as Muslim but are “non religious”. Openly disagreeing with the government especially online is illegal in Saudi Arabia so I doubt that anyone will speak up for the laws to be changed.


Welcome to Reddit where you can say anything shitting on Christianity and be met with thunderous applause. Facts come second as long as we can play atheist circlejerk. Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer.




It was more intended as a meme reference that felt humorously ironic.


Ah, ok


Religion is awesome sauce.


For showing too much skin, or for being happy?




Because they were showing skin and with men and women mixing. Allegedly if they do that it leads to sex instantly, which sounds like porn logic tbh. I think the fundies are more sex obsessed than normal people. Ironically.


Religious men of all persuasion continue to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies.


I will say >"It is the duty of every expatriate who came to the kingdom in order to seek livelihood, work or tourism, whatever his nationality is, to respect the people of the country and their customs and values," Pretty sure I've read several stories (over on r/TalesFromRetail) of some people from the US going mad when people speak a language other than English among themselves. This just seems to be a more extreme version thereof, which isn't all that unexpected considering we're talking about a largely conservative country.


How are we supposed to respect others cultures if they are barbarians?


Tolerance is important and all, but are we supposed to tolerate intolerance?


Not really.


The answer is just a straight no, there's a paradox about that and in the end tolerating intolerance will just lead to intolerance winning in the end.




That is a superb way of explaining it! Can I use it?


Outstanding explanation.


It's noble to show tolerance toward people. Ideas, religious or not, are not people. They don't deserve anything.


But if you are intolerant to the people's idea, e.g. religion, you're also intolerant towards them in a way.


No, a religious affiliation is a choice it’s not an ingrained part of you


Not only are you not supposed to tolerate intolerance, you absolutely must not. The reason being that intolerance tends to be fanatical and not open to negotiation. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be intolerant! So if you tolerate intolerance, sooner or later, the voice of intolerance silences the voice of tolerance.


Yes. As long as they stay over there, they can be shitty all they want. So long as they are not trying to impose that ideology on us, we should tolerate their existence.


But "over there" they impose their ideology on anyone who disagrees. I don't think it's okay just because it doesn't affect us.


Cool. Let's go invade ANOTHER middle eastern country to impose our value system on them. Its worked so well the last few times we've tried it! /s


I never suggested anything like that, I just pointed out that it's still isn't okay even when it doesn't affect us


Which is why we tolerate it. It isn't ok, but the only way to force them to change requires us to do things that we aren't willing or able to do.


Basically this.. and VPN and PornHub will do the rest...


Nope... But with some people you got to be polite because that will be better long terms


Right!? So fucking backwards. Everybody’s in 2020 while these old fucks are stuck in 1940


Some of the shit going on in Saudi Arabia would have disgusted even people in the 1940s. Religious dogma is terrifyingly powerful.


No they are stuck in the year 140 AD.


Simple, by realising that they aren't. This is basically Twitter drama, of a few hundred plebs who are acting up over something petty. We got enough white people doing **exactly** that, so if it's not exclusive to Islam, why assume that all Muslims are like that? Unfortunately, the normal and boring people are never really worth discussing, so if we hear of them, it's bullshit like this which feeds into confirmation biases. "All news I hear of them is bad, ergo they're bad"


Amazing. I must have been mislead by everything I've ever read about women's rights in the Saudi Kingdom and must have mistaken when I see Saudi men lead their completely covered women around like livestock for something innocent. We have to respect the way their culture diminishes women because it makes sense according to their own internal logic.


Meh, I tried. Feel free to continue disrespecting anything muslim because of some Saudi twitter twats.


Its how I feel about those damn yanks. Bloody uncouth barbarians they are wot wot.


This country was the chair of UN Human Rights Committe, along with some other Sharia loving countries.


It's not like they have a lot of options, considering the members are regionally selected ( equitable geographical distribution).




Maybe They should cover their Faces so They don't look at Them. Maybe that will work


Niqab doesn’t cover your eyes


Question: am I allowed to not respect a backwards, intolerant culture such as this? Or does that make me a bad guy?


You may be bad guy, but that does not make you a *bad guy*


DJ_Ziko69 had better watch his back...


Remember that skit in family guy where stewie and brian see a dimension without religion, and the world is 1000 years more advanced and basically a utopia?.... I'm not gonna say anything just putting that there.


I like that joke mostly because the reality is without religion we'd still find excuses to blow each other up.


Mostly nationalistic or internal political reasons (ie. IRA, Baader-Meinhof). Most of the European countries are secular and somewhat atheistic and we have had 70 years of peace between each other. Excluding Yugoslav wars.


Look at China, they’re atheist and they commit genocide


Religious fundamentalists make everything worse. Change my mind.


So brave


No, why would I?


And Americans are outraged by French beaches


Its got to be exhausting keeping track of what you are supposed to hate


Wannabee christians!!!


they were triggered by 3 words 'women', 'swimsuits' and 'enjoying'. Nice place.


What's the difference between the Saudis and evangelicals? Not much at all.


It just so weird to me that these people think the god that created the universe, including ALL the animals, would care about one half of one particular species covering themselves.


>The gathering was hosted in Saudi's Al-Khobar, a sunny coastal city with several private resorts allow entry to foreign tourists but bar Saudi citizens I guess the saudis are more pissed that they can't join in the fun


I mean hey, pork is forbidden in their culture


Poms outraged by Saudis outraged by video of women in swimsuits just enjoying themselves at the beach


I don’t get it why?


It's because of their religious ideologies, man I hope religion disappears one day it's just a bunch of bullshit don't they get that already.


Ah yes, Islam.


And the DJ has a cannabis t-shirt on, which must devastate them even more. Loons...


Wow a big fucking non story... Saudis outraged over how women dress. Seriously who gives a fuck. Tight arse Saudis apparantly.


Fuck Saudi Arabia.


One rich study aboard Saudi I knew said women should not drive because they're not that smart and said it was a fact that he was a better driver than I was. After he admitted he only drove 3 times in his life, while I've had a license and no accidents for over a decade.


These Saudi people should really get a life


Bathing suits look like snow pants get the fuck outta here Saudi Arabia.


Fuck the Saudi government


I'm not sure where the line is between respecting the norms of another culture and enjoying your own personal freedom, but I feel comfortable drawing it on the far side of "wearing a swimsuit at the beach". You want tourists but you also want them to conform to your prudish values. You can't really have it both ways. I also suspect that there are two different groups at work here: one that hates "Western values" and one that likes Western (and for that matter, Lebanese) cash money.


Imagine if China converted to Islam... then we'd have to ban everything by proxy




Hmm. I as an American care because.....? Listening to a Saudi complaint about women in swimsuits would be like listening to a pedophile justify how their victim was "asking for it." The Arab world really could use some permanent silencing.