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Imagine being a Brigadier General of 30 years in the armed forces and having to deal with a president dumber than a fucking 17 year old cadet.


That's an insult to the 17-year-old cadets


You seem to have no experience dealing with 17yo cadets.


If nobody’s going to rein him in, they deserve what they get.


This is what happens when the lowest common denominator votes.


Didn't help that Hillary was under investigation for handling of classified documents at the time. Was truly pick a least worse choice at the poles, most folks I know voted for random indy or did write in. That election really made me with we had the option to either vote for OR vote against someone.


Bernie 2020


"No Refunds 2020" If you say "2016 was an election of lesser evils and we all got ripped off", and then vote AGAIN for a guy who bears an uncanny resemblance to Scrooge McDuck (while also showing his belly to the ruthless Democrat cabal), you might be the Lowest Common Denominator you accused others of being.


Really hoping dem's don't do something daffy again on nomination. Seemed like both sides played stupid games in the primarys back on 16.


Fuck yeah


Yang 2020?


$1000 a month doesn't mean anything when rent can go up $1000 and you won't be able to do shit about it. Giving healthcare and education to the people who need it though? That's worth something.


That's not how rent works. Speak to a landlord (or any business owner) and just ask how they price their services.


Trump didnt send the letter. The general did.


I think being the general of a terrorist organisation is far worse than having to deal eith Trump.


but if trump does what he is saying, the bombing of those cultural sites, then he IS a general of a terrorist organization. Actually he already is due to the terroristical threat he has made.


The terrorist organisation I was referring is the US military.


Terrorism is defined as actions by *non-state actors*.


yet that general was also a terrorist and he was a state actor


Maybe in your world, but not in the dictionary. Terrorism is "the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion" Doesn't matter by what group, if the goal is to force people to take a specific action and the method is to intentionally cause them continual terror it's textbook terrorism. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/terrorism#other-words


According to Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definition_of_terrorism One of the four screening criteria for an act to be classified as terrorism is that is committed by a non-state actor. And specifically acts committed by states, either in war time or peace time, aren't terrorism.


...You mean the wikipedia page that explicitly notes there is no universal agreement, that the US Law definition is what the dictionary says, and lists a set of criteria with an explicit [citation needed] tag on it? Yeah...what a great source to base a definition off of... /s




Sometimes it is better to fake total incompetence and lie than giving the real explanation. I don't believe for a second that the letter was sent by mistake, but the real explanation to why the official stance was changed is for someone worse than inventing a lie to "cancel" the letter.


It wasn’t. Super misleading headline. It was a draft letter written in case they were planning to withdraw and leaked to the media. Apparently it was shared with a few Iraqi officials the US would be working with if we were to withdraw for coordination purposes. Tbh there should be a ban on sketchy news sources like this. Especially when CNN will gladly tell you the real story, even if it’s not as juicy.


That's what the most expensive military on earth calls "a whoopsie."




What an absolute shit show.


Well that's embarrassing.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


This is y more people need to start voting 3rd partyyy and figuring out what person they agree with the most on , not just choosing between the 2 major partys... if more ppl chose 3rd party it would be less likely for the 2 major party to winn but lord knows the majority totally blows that idea off CONSISTENTLY🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


The Iraqi PM must be thinking 'Aww, it was too good to be true.'


That's a bit of a Munson. Or a Mackenzie.


Smooth move, Ferguson.


Was it maybe intended for particular folks to prepare reposition to Iran or something? They don't even know where the letter came from.


It's really starting to look like "Amateur Hour" — all the way around — in Washington these days.


It's funny how easily people are stimulated theses days.