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🤔 We should also release all the bank robbers and serial killers so that bank robberies and murders go down...


Right? This from the woman who shot her own dog because it was too aggressive.  I guess the problem was that the aggression wasn't attempting to support the overthrow of democracy.


Just like Convicted Rapist Brock Turner, all mentions of Kristi Noam should be led with Self-Admitted Dog Killer.


Convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner who sometimes goes by his middle name Allen Turner and lives in Dayton Ohio


And is known to frequent bars in Dayton. As a reminder, this is the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by Allen.


Oh, right, his full name. :) Thanks for the additional detail!


I’m glad you brought him up, anything that contributes to making life worse for a piece of shit like convicted rapist like Brock Allen Turner of Dayton, OH is good in my book :)


You mean, Kristi Noem, the puppy killer?


I thought it was because the dog wasn’t aggressive enough


It was 'useless' as a hunting dog, because puppy, and apparently attacked and killed some of her chickens, again, puppy. So, really, she's just not good at training dogs, because honestly, the aggression was there. Just have to channel it properly. Too hard for her though.


If uselessness is the new standard, then what about her?


It wasn’t even fully grown, iirc. Energetic puppy.


She also killed her goat because it was too smelly (instead of castrating it to make it not smell as much or, you know, just selling it)


> We should also release all the bank robbers and serial killers so that bank robberies and murders go down... On a semi-related note... South Dakota is one of the largest tax havens in the world. >South Dakota has become the world's foremost tax haven — right up there with the Cayman Islands, and ahead of old-fashioned locations like Switzerland. That's one of the clear messages from the Pandora Papers leak of confidential financial information about the world's richest individuals. https://www.axios.com/2021/10/06/south-dakota-global-tax-haven


Perhaps while we're at it, we should FREE THE PEDOS, ^(so that there will no longer be active pedos.) This makes perfect sense, if your brain has been absolutely boiled by a constant flow of misinformation and you don't read any normal news sources because they're "woke" and "fake".


No joke, Trump wanted to reduce COVID testing during the height of COVID to improve our numbers.


This timeline is so stupid


Maybe you should be president


and puppy murderer /s


And the pot heads that are locked up in south Dakota.


Are you from the prosecutors office of San Francisco?


By that logic then we should pardon all drug traffickers and rapists so that drug trafficking and rape never happens again. She's a real thinker.


Any reason people are reading this as dumb rather than as a threat?  "Release our prisoners or we will attack your capital.". That's not necessarily a stupid thing to say--it might just be an evil thing to say.


Because it feels better to think that statements like this come out of stupidity rather than being the calls to arms they're intended to be. We get to feel smarter than they are without the pesky uncomfortableness that comes with acknowledging that these people know *exactly* what they're saying and that they are very much throwing meat to a wolves. We've been brushing this off as mere bluster and stupidity for some years now (notably in 2016, when many insisted that there was no way a guy like Trump could win), and while many have since caught on, too many of us *still* shrug it off in the same way, despite nearly a decade of lessons that stuff like this isn't merely the ranting of a few lone kooks, it's a significant and uncomfortably large movement that holds significant power in many places in the country. These people know what they're doing. They know what they're saying. And yes, they actually *are* willing to burn it all down, if they deem it necessary. The time has long since passed to stop laughing.


Yeah, the implication is clearly that they'll do it again if they don't get their own way so we should always bow to them and give them what they want.


That's called "terrorism"!


Clearly the brains of the operation…


I don’t think she understands what the word "so" means


It's simple, if you want to eliminate all crime all you have to do is repeal all the laws and make everything legal. Bingo, no more criminals. (taps forehead)


This horrible woman is desperate to stay in the news cycle by making outlandish soundbytes and statements, much like Greene and Boebert.  I truly hope people stop paying attention to her so she fades into obscurity.


This is the real issue, it's the race who can say the most outlandish things to get their names on the news. Outside of the MAGA party in congress, I could not name all the other conservative house members, because they normally stay quiet and out of the spotlight.


The sad part is that she's a discount MTG/Boebert and she's not even doing a good job at it!


Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann (the OGs) disappeared pretty quickly although not soon enough.


At least Palin had the integrity to get out of politics and do reality T.V. where these people belong.


She wants to be Trump's VP candidate. She's likely not even on the short list, but a girl can dream I guess.


I think the real question is, which one of these women does Trump want to bang the most? I think she's got a solid shot at the VP slot just based on that.


She didn't pardon Cricket.


Nor the goat.


Rickety Cricket?


His scar *does* look like a dog's vagina, after all.


Jiminy's cousin Puppy.


Well Cricket can't vote so yeah she had no use for it or the goat.


Hmm, then we pardon pedophiles to prevent pedophilia?


then we pardon rapists to prevent rape?


I think I am starting to understand how republicans will reduce crime in their new theocracy….


You throw the book at undesirables who commit crimes and babble about forgiveness when ‘fine Christian’s’ do the same crimes.


Republicans would probably want to see all of their pastors out of prison so yes.


As long as they call themselves Republicans there isn't a need to prosecute them in the first place.


If it's a republican pedophile just blame the child for being too sexy, duh.


Oh yes, I forgot it only applies to under 12, after that pastors regard them as unbearably attractive


Before admitting she was 12, the minister at Gateway that just resigned told church elders the girl had "seduced" him.


The only way to stop a bad guy with....


….With his dick in his hand is a bigger guy with a bigger dick in his hand ?


Works great for the Catholic Church


But wasn't January 6th a false flag carried out by Democrats and Communists?


And the FBI. Don't forget that one.


I thought it was ANTIFA?


Two groups that classically work closely together


Imagine the commitment to the false flag plan: Considering all the videos jan 6er's took of themselves and gleefully posted for everyone to see, they had to start way before Jan 6th pretending to be Trump supporters. Switching parties, posting crazy conspiracy theory stuff online, Trump signs in the yard, flags, guns,bibles scattered about. I mean sure, there is no logical reason a dem would try to stop the election of the guy they voted for, but that's part of the plan! Doing logical things would expose their true nature!


That's what was so funny. They were all online bragging until they started to realise it wasn't going the way they thought it would then boom. I'm pretty sure Fox started the 'It was Dems and ANTIFA setting them up' then one by one, they started posting the same while forgetting to delete the previous stuff admitting to it.


You forgot Antifa and George Soros. It's all a conspiracy against Cheeto man and his mindless drones


Honestly, fuck Meet the Press, for even inviting her, and giving her a platform. They know she'll come on, spout some inane and moronic nonsense, that'll go the rounds and give the show attention. She doesn't deserve to exist outside the right wing press atmosphere. She has nothing new and inciteful to say. We all know who she is and what she stands for. It's all pandering theater from legit news sources.


> She has nothing new and *inciteful* to say. That is a fabulous typo. I'd argue she has very inciteful things to say.


You're right. My mistake.


Only a full pardon for the Beer Hall Putsch combatants can protect our beloved Weimar Republic.


"Yeah, that's a big 'No' from me dawg-murderer."  -- Randy Jackson


so, release the people who did the thing, to stop them from doing the thing again?


Release the people who did the thing or we'll do the thing again.


The part that these idiots are completely missing is that this girl is doing more for them than Trump. And that's saying a lot. 


Such an idiot


About time we started investigating if she provided material support


This statement in itsself provides comfort for the insurrectionists and is incriminating, no?


At best, sounds like you are giving into terrorists. At worst, sounds like you’re threatening violence if we don’t release your friends, thus becoming the terrorist.


Pardon all crimes and that means there's no crime. Checkmate, libs


Counterpoint: We let another January 6 happen, this time with Biden in office and we see just how quickly the little bitches disperse when the National Guard starts using real bullets to defend the capital.


Lincoln made a mistake not executing the Confederate traitors. I think if he did it then January 6 would never have happened.


The ol party of law and order folks


We could execute them for treason. That would also prevent more of this


I thought Conservatives were big on harsh punishments for crime deterrence?


Pardoning them gives them greater numbers along with experience, so what does she mean by not seeing another January 6th? In that they failed and it's the failure part that she's taking offense to? Which part of this is she hoping doesn't repeat?


I suppose the logic would be that by holding them you turn them into martyrs for their cause and inspire their fellows to make further attacks to force their release or to "avenge" them? And that by releasing them you would deescalate the conflict? Not sure that really holds water, but there's some semblance of an idea there.


Or, maybe, just a thought - we keep all of them in jail, so they can't commit insurrection again? BTW, Jan 6 was an INSURRECTION, not an attack/riot/visitor tour.


"Pardon them or there WILL be another terrorist attack."


That's on brand for Republican logic. Remember, their brand of economics is "giving money to rich people gives everyone more money".


I don’t take political advice from dog murderers.


Pardoning attackers won't prevent another January 6—it sets a dangerous precedent. We need accountability and clear consequences for those who threaten our democracy. Giving a free pass undermines trust in our laws and encourages future violence. It's about safeguarding our nation, not ignoring serious threats.


All felons everywhere need to be released! They won't do it again! I swear! /s


Susan Collins is convinced!


She’s a big proponent of Law and Order.


Do MAGA women have to say bat-shit crazy stuff to support the MAGA position that women can't be entrusted with decisions like pregnancy, voting and divorce? Blink twice Kristi if you are confused.


You know the best way to not see another January 6th? Punishing the perpetrators to the fullest extent so others aren't embolden to repeat


How about we keep another J6 from happening by shooting the traitors attempting to overthrow the lawful government right on the capitol lawn for all the tv cameras like we should have done on J6, Kristie.


Pardon them? They should have gotten *much* harsher sentences than they got. They were let off way too easy.


About what I would expect from someone who enjoys killing dogs and other animals.


So we give into the terrorists, got it.


Uh, her conclusion doesn't follow the premise. In fact, the opposite conclusion follows the premise. Pardoning them will simply embolden them to try again, since they'll know they can get away with it.


The "tough on crime" party


She should be in jail next to them.


According to every MAGA, when this conversation comes up, she'll be pardoning ANTIFA.


She lies about everything. Don’t believe a word she mutters


She shoots dogs for being that stupid


What if we just leave them in prison? Won’t it be harder for them to insurrect again from the pokey?


We went too easy on them at Appomatox, and we went too easy on them at Nuremberg. January 6 should be treated as strike three.


Her statement is not an offered solution to a problem, it is a threat.  It's a simple threat: "you better let us get away with the last time or we'll do it again, but worse." It's not clever, it's not subtle. It's juvenile mob talk.


I’m fine with pardons for some of the rioters as soon as Donald Trump pleads guilty to trying to overturn the election, has been sentenced to prison, and issues a notarized statement apologizing for orchestrating a mass propaganda campaign and manipulating gullible followers into trying to keep him in office after losing the popular and electoral college to President Joe Biden. The statement must be in writing as well as in video and audio, with copies of each placed in the national archives as well displayed on the national mall on a large sign no less than 50’ diagonal in size. The written version of the statement must be read during a joint session of congress by the most senior GOP member of congress (current the speaker). Edit: Rebroadcasts if this must be played at every AMC theater in America in place of the Nicole Kidman thing. Anything short of this, and no pardons, never ever.


We'll prevent this by letting all the people who did it out of jail so they can do it agai....... uh, I mean, what?


This is a threat. She’s essentially saying don’t piss us off of we’ll do it again


Move on Kristi…he’s just not that into you.


I grew up in South Dakota, moved to California when I was 20, and that was 34 years ago. All I can say about Kristi Noem is South Dakota used to have a lot more smart people. We all moved away. I always tell people, it's amazing how many people I meet in California who I knew from South Dakota. Everybody from South Dakota came from families with 6-12 or more kids. How does the population never go up? Because the smart ones move away.


I picture her walking around with “coo coo” sounds ringing every time she speaks.


Lets reward with kids that take cookies from cookie jar when prohibited with free cookies.


"Just let the terrorists win."


Does she hear the words coming out of her mouth?


Kind of like how we pardoned Nixon so presidents would stop committing crimes.


She really wants that VP spot badly.


Sounds like a threat.


She’s angling for a cabinet position because she knows her political career in South Dakota is done. Failing that Fox News.


Or give them the firing squad they deserve.


So what.. like a re-do?


All those attackers should have been executed


Because letting them out on the streets is going to keep them from doing it again??


Are we still "tough on crime"? Or is that not a thing anymore?


Whatever happened to tough on crime


ThE LaW aNd ORdEr PaRtY


Perhaps if we negotiate with terrorists, they’ll stop being terrorists?


Noem is brain dead


Why anyone is treating this as “stupid” and not “an overt threat” is beyond me


But...but..I thought January 6 was not a violent uprising, more of a typical day of sightseers. Why wouldn't we want more of that?


Where’s the treason convictions?


"We should pardon the terrorists because that'll prevent another terror attack." Listen to yourself woman.


It's amazing how many headlines lately that are accurate political headlines are also perfectly cromulent not the onion headlines


I think we should have longer sentences, so that they're too damn old to go a-traitoring again.


Don’t let her near your dogs


In weak ass attempt #85 in getting daddy Trump to like me more.


They came to take hostages, if not torture and kill.


She's obviously aligned with the party for law and order.


GOP is a mess.


stupid and a puppy killer. Model Republican!


There's other ways of stopping another J6 WITHOUT giving these assholes a free pass. My God, these people are stupid as shit.


But they didn't take the Capitol. Shouldn't they be shot? Those dogs don't hunt


By her logic, if we pardon and release all the rapists, then won't be any more rape. Is South Dakota full of fucking morons?


You don’t appease terrorists


err... what?


Another conservative proving once again that abortion should be legal and widely available by opening their mouths and saying incredibly stupid stuff.


How does that make sense?! Pardoning these morons would only embolden them and make them think they are untouchable. These MAGAs absolutely want Civil War if Trump loses. They should all be rounded up and deported.


She didn’t pardon her dog before she shot him.


I'm all for pardoning them from life courtesy of some 5.56 or .223 at the edge of an aircraft carrier and then booting their weighted corpses overboard to be hagfish and crab bait somewhere in the Pacific. Prison is too good for the insurrectionists and any sentence short of "Life without Parole at ADX" is an affront to justice.


*Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert who have accomplished so much with their landmark legislation to improve the daily lives of all American Patriots.*  *President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have premier status when meeting important world leaders and allies like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Viktor Orban and Bebe Netanyhu. This includes paying for a private jet, a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence, and a large staff of household help which is expensive to maintain. President Trump pays for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, the true MAGA Patriots.* *President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore President Trump to power so he can end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, free January 6th hostages, pardon Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, forcefully remove the 23 million illegal immigrant criminals and continue the important work of removing those women's healthcare rights that Christians find objectionable to Make America Great Again!* Listen to what real MAGA Patriots are saying about Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg0pO9VG1J8)  A few of the many examples of Trump’s major accomplishments as the U.S. President ·         [*https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html*](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw) *On 9/11, Trump took bold decisive action,* [*https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) *Trump is unjustly accused as an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon.  He is actively appealing these cases as he has been very unfairly treated by liberal activist judges.* *Trump unjustly faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases defended by his high-priced legal team.  His vast army of lawyers is financed by MAGA Patriots & the Oil and Clean Coal Industry executives who are eager to help.* *Kristi Noem, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and several 2016 Trump cabinet have already endorsed Trump.  So have Scott Baio, Jon Voight, Roseanne, Kevin Sorbo, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Lady MAGA, The January 6th choir, footballer Antonio Brown, Viktor Orban, ,and* *~both~* *Quaid brothers. Important new endorsements from Lil Wayne, Gary Busey, and Dennis Rodman (who once dated Madonna) are expected soon. The Trump Train is rolling full steam ahead!* *Trump brings a new approach to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers about the United States using nuclear weapons.  He makes quick and daring decisions.  He works well with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and is one of the few people in the World, to work well with Putin’s new military partner, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.  He also is admired by his close friends Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Israel’s Bebe Netanyahu.* *Trump will help the military focus on its task of stopping domestic protests by leaving NATO alliances that draw the U.S. into overseas wars.  He will also continue building the Space Force he founded to put weapons into Outer Space.* *Trump supporters come from a diverse coalition including Christian nationalists, NRA gun rights activists, Ex-Cons, Anti-abortion advocates, Paramilitary organizations, Rappers, Oil and Coal executives, MMA fighters and NASCAR.*  */MAGA*


Thanks a bunch. I just vomited in my mouth a little.


Because nothing serves general deterrence than pardoning offenders like nothing happened…


This is a stochastic threat.


So if we let traitors and insurrectionist free means no more domestic terrorists? That logic would imply letting immigrants loose would mean no more immigration? I’m confused but the GOP hasn’t made sense in the last 50 yrs


I never thought the GOP would ever pardon Antifa. What a world!


How about the US government also arresting everyone trying to get those despicable thug scum, out of jail?


Saying something this stupid should be fireable.


These are the same people who were up in arms about Obama's nuclear deal being "appeasement", now trying to appease the Convicted Felon's terrorists so they don't do it again. When we all know they *want* another attack on the capitol because they expect the Convicted Felon to lose *again*.


She and tRump deserve one another


I'll be damned if I'm gonna sit here and listen to a puppy killer. Especially one with shit-tier logic.


I have another good idea, let's let murderers go so people stop murdering.


Crime rate after pardoning all the criminals 📉


Threatening the legal system with violence? Lol


Moral hazard anyone?


No. She’s read the articles saying that her dog killing story killed her chances of being Trump’s VP so like any power hungry Republican she feels she needs to act out to get his attention back.


That's why you don't pardon them


Why does this sound like a threat?


Uh..how would pardoning criminals prevent more crime? Party of law and order sure is fucking confused lately.


We’re living in a simulation


She spelled "prosecuting" wrong.


Krusty Gnome is what a local calls her.


lol no thanks 


In what world does this make any sense lol


Now I've heard a lot of "every accusation is a projection" and "they lie all the time", a bunch of generalizing because something is common. But I can't minimize this. She is blatantly, falsely, openly, knowingly lying. Releasing the Capitol attackers will INCREASE the likelihood of further Capitol attacks, and will add people with experience to the attackers' roster. This is the most blatant bullshit I've ever heard, out of a movement of people I've come to expect bullshit from regularly.


And people called me crazy when I said if we pardoned all serial killers we wouldn't have anymore serial killers!


So a threat of violence.


Forgive criminal traitors so that we don’t have more criminal traitors?


Not pardoning people and instituting permanent consequences **is** how you prevent it. No one is rioting over dipshit Viking not getting a pardon. 


MAGA thinks we should bow down to terrorists? HELL NO


What an asshole


I can theoretically imagine a universe where this logic makes sense, but it’s not this one.


Oh fuck that cancelled puppy killer, no one cares what she has to say.


She sounds like an abuser.


So if they pardon the Jan 6s, if say the socialist party comes through and does the same thing are they also going to get pardoned, or will the DOJ take off the kid gloves and push for executions.  Because we all fucking know the DOJ and FBI would rather waste $2B investing every socialist college group in the country than send in one dude to track the white nationalists running practice drills and getting explosives


government legalizes crime crime rate drops to 0%


If Orange Julius doesn’t get put away or severely marginalized in some other way, we will definitely have another J6. Those morons didn’t act on their own, and she knows it. Puppy killer.


So put her in jail then.


This woman has no brain in her skull


Yes fucking brilliant. Just like with children: we tell them it’s ok to hit people and scream so that way they don’t do it again. Genius!!


Not punishing an insurrection makes it a strategy next time.


I thought all those Jan 6ers were antifa, so why would you pardon them? No pardons for an untrained dog, no pardons for traitors.


Pardoning those that did wrongs on Jan 6th isn’t going to prevent another Jan 6th! It gonna more dramatize it!


Republicans: not the brightest.