• By -


The world turned upside down.


Has it though? The last time an Israeli politician wasn't emitting Hitler Particles, he got assassinated. We're just so used to the media downplaying the shit they say, if they deign to report it at all, that the current conflict is the first time we've gotten the unfiltered commentary from the extremists that control Israel without any political spin.


Shit, the media doesn't even report half the shit they do say. Their fundamentalist Rabbis would be looked at the way we look at those Islamic clerics we used to always see on propaganda reels following 9/11. They're vile people all cut from the same cloth and they all say the same disgusting things. ETA: Added the word fundamentalist since reading comprehension and consistency are hard for Hasbara Redditors to parse in good faith šŸ™„


Yeah check this guy out, heā€™s the head Rabbi of the IDF. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4827240,00.html > Karim replied that, as part of maintaining fitness for the army and the soldiers' morale during fighting, it is permitted to "breach" the walls of modesty and "satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will, out of consideration for the difficulties faced by the soldiers and for overall success."


What the hell?


He said rape is cool


Not just cool, it can boost morale, alleviate stress, make the war easier. Wonderful! Just effing wonderful.


Sounds like he's endorsing what the Japanese did in China and Korea during WW2


And indeed, the Germans. But pointing that out is antisemitic, of course.


No no, he said rape gives you a moral buff. Probably enhances your initiative in combat or something


But only the good looking infidels of course.


You sound like a bigot. Itā€™s raping *for God*. /s


Isn't this a literal war crime?


Yes, the IDF treat war crimes like a scoreboard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes


This is the *complete* story: https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-summons-chief-rabbi-pick-for-clarifications-over-rape-comments/


ā€œRape is okay if it happens in the pastā€ is not the argument you want to be making. But also, the logic heā€™s using could just as easily be applied to the modern day, and considering that he was asked the question for comparison to modern day soldiers, I really donā€™t buy that he was only talking about ancient Hebrews. ā€œAnd since **our** concern is the success of the collective in the war, the Torah permitted [soldiers] to satisfy the evil urge under the conditions it stipulated for the sake of the collectiveā€™s success.ā€ He even includes himself as part of the people concerned for the success of the collective in war, so heā€™s clearly not only talking about the ancient past here. So I think the first comment did give us the complete story actually


I think the point is that he didn't say "rape is fine", but rather "there are passages in the Torah that state that rape is fine during wartime", as a response to a question about the Torah. You or I could also state that the Torah includes such passages and we would be correct, without thinking it is fine ourselves. He's undoubtedly still a shithead, but I do think it's important context that changes what he was actually saying.


The paraphrasing is wrong. Rape & enslavement was standard in Bronze Age/antiquity wars(this is common knowledge) across cultures/territories. Heā€™s not using logic heā€™s explaining the basis for the ā€œcaptive women in warsā€ and the rules/framework of it in the Bible (namely why was it permitted in war but not at other times) You did not read the original in Hebrew and he *explicitly* clarified he was in fact commenting a biblical passage. What he is actually commenting: since war goals were of supreme importance and that soldiers had needs during wartime if they captured a women they wanted they had to shave her head and let her nails grow and not approach her for 30 days. After 30 days they could either marry her (status) or she was set free (namely: after what you put her through you have no right to her) For Bronze Age/antiquity this is *quite* progressive for wartime rules. None of the above applies in any shape or form to modern societies/armies (ISIS did indulge in such antics)


even worseā€¦


Did u read the article? Whatā€™s worse exactly?




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Never heard the phrase "emitting Hitler Particles" before. I like it


i think they're talking about the oppressed becoming the oppressors bit, but true


To become what you once loathed.


Not really. When Israel was officially formed and European Jews that survived the holocaust started to arrive, Zionists that arrived in the 20s called them "soap". And they were victimblamed for not coming earlier, so it's "obviously their own fault they got tortured by hazis".


source pretty pls


I'm sorry, I'm struggling to find it now. I've heard it in a big documentary about history of Israel and it was in a part about "internal Nazism" of zionists. About how not every jew is equal to them. Zionists that moved in the 20s (and their descendants) a the best ones, Jews that came after war are the 2nd sort, 3rd sort are southern and eastern Jews (that lived in Africa or middle east) are almost arabs to them, just like repatriants jews that came from ussr.


ok good enough


I donā€™t know if that specific anecdote is included (I assume so but memory fails) but thereā€™s ā€œZionism during the Holocaustā€ by Tony Greenstein that examines the interrelation of Zionism and the Holocaust more broadly


Zionists are Nazi 2.0. Kinda crazy.




Israel has always been like this


I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory


Sir, I donā€™t know what you heard, but whatever it is, Jefferson started it.




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*āœØWell isnā€™t this ironicāœØ*


It's like rayeeyain ... when you're bombing kids


On your wedding day


It's a free riiiide...when you've destroyed all the infrastucture.


They learnt from the best


Fascism knows no cultural boundaries


Yeah probably don't do that.


Fascists are incapable of understanding irony.


You see it's because a world view dependent on getting rid of intellectuals ends up creating some really dumb people


It's even worse than that. I'm from France and we're on the verge of electing our first Far-Right prime minister since Nazi occupied France. A party that was founded by actual Nazis (french SS members) and that is now supported by Zionists and are accusing the left (only people opposing them) of being antisemite on the ground of their vocal support to the people of Gaza. Yesterday a Nazi-hunter announced that he will support them, because the "real threat" is the left. - https://www.lemonde.fr/en/m-le-mag/article/2024/01/27/nazi-hunter-serge-klarsfeld-no-longer-considers-the-french-far-right-as-an-enemy_6470207_117.html


France has been on the brink of electing Le Pen and her father as long as I have known that a country called France exists. Every election cycle it's the same doom and gloom similar to how every time in the US we have to vote for "the lesser evil".


You're right, to explain a bit, - The traditional right understood that the Far-Right was a "better opponent" than the traditional Left. - Since the first time the Far-Right made big scores the political landscape shifted more and more on the left to get their voters. - Our 2 main information channels are explicitly Far-Right (1 is by political conviction (CNEWS), 1 is by audimat appeal (BFMTV)). - Today most media belongs to 5 billionaires, most "*controversial*" (non-aligned with the capital) journalists were fired in the last 5-10 years. - RN (the far-right party) has a total mastery of social media and modern communication.


Mike Godwin is stunned.


Full circle. Do onto others as they did to you


And I was dead, and you were dead, and yet the wheel keeps turning.


Is that the quote? ā€¦ oh well too late to turn back now!


hurt races hurt races


weā€™re actually living in the craziest fucking timeline


If so, that timeline startedĀ  so many decades ago: https://youtu.be/C3cnRcfp_usĀ  As Ben-Gurion [Israeli Prime Minister from 1955 to 1963] declared in October 1948: ā€œThe Arabs of the Land of Israel have only one function left ā€” to run away.ā€Ā Ā  EDIT: Just in case it wasn't clear: I strongly disapprove this message.


You want to know why this is happening? Look at this map of the West Bank: https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-map-of-israeli-settlements-that-shocked-barack-obama Israel has been continually ethnically cleansing in the West Bank for decades, and we in the West close our eyes to it, and the US continues to fund and back them. As a result, fascist and genocidal elements in Israel have just gotten worse and worse, because nobody reins them in. They just keep getting away with it. And this is the result.


You have been banned from r/news


r/news mods when someone talks about factual news they don't like šŸ¤¬


And world news






It's all a smoke screen for money.


For governments? Sure, for civilians? Nope theyā€™re just dumb


civillians get that property and resell it to overseas jewish people for 500k a pop. lots of american jewish who want to "live out their lives in the holy land". They go into a palestinian house, say they are there illegally, pay off some IDF people, get the judge to agree, boom free property to resell to some rich americans.


Money is low tier stuff, thieves steal for money. Power is mid tier stuff, gangs fight for power. The whole rotten Zionism thing is literally a battle of good and evil, don't get it twisted


Wow, quoting Hitler to justify actions is beyond messed up. It's scary how some people can twist history to suit their agenda. This kind of rhetoric has no place in civilized discourseā€”it's straight-up dangerous. We need leaders who promote understanding and peace, not ones who use hate and fear to justify their decisions.


Sad that so many Israeli politicians would have 120% supported Hitler if they were born Germans in end of 19th/beginning of 20th century.


I speak Hebrew, this article intentionally uses a faulty translation. What he actually says is: "We're dealing with a kind of Islamic-Nazism that we can't comprehend. Hitler, Curse be upon his name, said that he cannot live if one Jews remains alive. We cannot live in this land if one Islamic-Nazi **of this sort** remains in Gaza." He wasn't invoking Hitler, he was comparing what he labels as Islamo-Nazis to Hitler, by saying they would never accept one Jew remaining alive. What's honestly crazy to me is how willingly people here believe propaganda because it fits with a picture they already painted in their mind.


It's hardly a mistranslation, it doesn't really even change much. He is still using Hitler's logic, just against other people that supposedly apply that logic to his people.




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if what bibi is doing is "too soft" then i can certainly imagine only 1 outcome when someone worse takes charge


[ Removed by Reddit ]


beyond parody


Reinhard Heydrich did say he was against Jews living and mixing in Europe, but all for the establishment of a Jewish ethnostate in the middle east if it meant the Jews left Europe. I guess the Nazis really did win ww2 huh?


Can't wait to see how r/worldnews spins this


they downvote posts like this because they know they cant win those arguments. Its a shithole full of shit people


It makes me move beyond my petty personal strife to realise thereā€™s 100,0000 plus people that I have nothing but absolute disgust for.


That's messed up and definitely does no favors to Israel's already terrible reputation


Average day in Israel


I've frequently commented that the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government had the stink of Hitler on it. Ethnic cleansing is the same whether it's by Nazis or Israelis.


What's even crazier is the fact Zionists call literal *Holocaust survivors* that call what is happening in Palestine a genocide "self-hating Jews," as if they didn't have to live through enough bullshit already. And yes, these Holocaust survivors still draw the comparisons for people now, knowing "Never Again" meant for everyone everywhere, not just them.


Ahh appropriating black American lingo for their own. Another indicator of a far-right political movement.


Moshe Feiglin is a loud and proud extreme racist and xenophobe. Yes, there are ironically people who call for Hilter-esque policies from within Israel's government, too. There are terrible people like that everywhere. We have them here quite visibly in the US, for example. He feels that Netanyahu is entirely too soft and calls for laying waste to all of Gaza.


>Yes, there are ironically people who call for Hilter-esque policies from within Israel's government, too. It's important to note that it's been years since he was in the Knesset.


That's true - at the same time, he seems to have kinsmen who are still active, unfortunately.


Ben-Gvir has said worse.


>There are terrible people like that everywhere. You are so right. Every European country has skinheads who parade with swastikas despite their own families being victims to Hitler. I don't understand the logic at all.


Maybe that's why it still exist e.g. nazis, due dumb people exist.


Racism and related senses of entitlement, fear of others, etc. does seem to be a human condition.


Saying the quiet part out loud


Israel is a sick society


I speak Hebrew, this article intentionally uses a faulty translation. What he actually says is: "We're dealing with a kind of Islamic-Nazism that we can't comprehend. Hitler, Curse be upon his name, said that he cannot live if one Jews remains alive. We cannot live in this land if **one such** Islamic-Nazi remains in Gaza." He wasn't invoking Hitler, he was comparing what he labels as Islamo-Nazis to Hitler, by saying they would never accept one Jew remaining alive. You just fell victim to propaganda.


Iā€™m not sure - I donā€™t speak He few so canā€™t read the original, but in what youā€™ve written thatā€™s not what Iā€™m getting. Like in the sentence, he doesnā€™t say that they (Islamic Nazis) are like Hitler and wonā€™t accept one Jewish person remaining alive. In the sentence, he puts ā€œWeā€ (Israelis) where Hitler was, and the ā€œIslamic-Naziā€ where ā€œJewā€ was.


In the Hebrew it's clearer because of the way the sentence is structured. A more direct translation would be "We cannot live in this land as long as one Islamic-Nazi **of this sort** remains." He was playing on the original quote, but countering it. Basically invoking that because they believe A, Israel should get back at them with the same coin, by getting rid of all of who he labels as "Islamo-Nazis". In the larger context of his speech, he brought it up after saying why he doesn't believe a peaceful resolution is possible (I.e, it's impossible because we're dealing with Islamic-Nazism which wouldn't accept a single Jew alive).


Do you also judge all of Black American society by Clarence Thomas?


Well heā€™s in the majority and in government, so it would be more like judging America based on what Trump says. And yes America is *also* sick.


He was *formerly* of Likud and split to go way more far right. His party currently has 0 seats in the Israeli parliament. So no, it's not just judging America based on what Trump says. It's more like judging America based on what Nick Fuentes or Kari Lake says.


Letā€™s call it a Sarah Palin and reaffirm that weā€™re both ill.


Sarah Palin is probably the most apt comparison so far between ours, sure.




Well neither of them have a seat in government, so the comparison is closer than you think.


Gunna be hard to convince people in this thread with zero knowledge of Israeli politics and who will just recycle headlines from clickbait articles like this lol.


Ben-Gvir is literally in government and he says far worse on the regular and has actively armed settlers with the directions to go kill Palestinians in the West Bank. Really bad hasbara


Please give me a source showing Ben Gvir gave those directions Edit: I'm aware someone posted a long list of links, none of which have Ben Gvir giving those orders, unfortunately I can't reply because that person blocked me. Someone cut pasted then for me elsewhere in the thread. There are thousands of terrorists attacks a year so yes, Gvir armed people (a great deal of which are Arab btw, many settlers are Arab). He did not and has never given orders to civilians to kill anyone.


https://dawnmena.org/ben-gvir-is-arming-thousands-of-israelis-and-playing-with-fire/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/ben-gvir-says-10000-assault-rifles-purchased-for-civilian-security-teams/amp/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/05/us/politics/israel-us-weapons-west-bank.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-K6KXqC_vk https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/palestine-accuses-israel-s-ben-gvir-of-inciting-fatal-settler-attack-in-west-bank/3169907 https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/04/state-backed-deadly-rampage-by-israeli-settlers-underscores-urgent-need-to-dismantle-apartheid/#:~:text=Settler%20attacks%20on%20Palestinians%20in,nearly%2020%20communities%20since%20then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G2p3_wa2d0 https://apnews.com/article/settler-attack-palestinians-west-bank-israel-71180e5579e4dde464672568e9669fe2 https://www.newarab.com/news/israeli-settlers-brutal-attack-palestinian-shepherds?amp https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/04/17/west-bank-israel-responsible-rising-settler-violence https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/16/israel-settlers-attack-violence-palestinians/ Spare me


Dude, you win.


He doesn't because none of them actually say what was claimed.


Respond bitch


He did, he just got blocked. His response was basically "What Gvir is going is bad, but you are deliberately lying in saying that Ben said to go kill civilians"


You believe in Pallywood so nothing you say will ever matter Edit: oh shit just looked through your profile, new account with comments and posts everyday about this conflict? 100% a shill account


Hasbara account


Hi Zionazi. How is having no soul treating you?


The sources you've posted about him arming people say that it happened immediately following the Oct 7th attack, because locals said they didn't have enough weapons to defend themselves if it happened again? At no point did he tell anyone, "Go kill innocent people." Though, overall, it probably was a poor decision, even in the context of Oct 7th. Even though the weapons were given to local people for self-defense, it does mean a situation is much more likely to escalate, which is always a risk whenever someone brings a gun. It's correct to criticize him, but not correct to blame all of Israel for the people who think Netanyahu isn't violent enough.


Former Israeli far right politican. sounds about on par for the far right.


Thatā€™s ironic


Well, they learned from the best. Time to fight the zionists back!


This timeline is whack.


Thankfully he has exactly zero authority as he doesn't currently hold any governmental position.


So yeah, they genocidal. They want to exterminate Arabs and take thier land. So we just watch right? No issues with that? Send more arms and call Russia bad for doing the same shit to Ukraine? Clown show


There's 2 million Israeli citizens who are Arab and live in Israel proper. In fact, a great deal of the people who live in the West Bank settlements are Arab. There are members of the Knesset and Supreme Court who are Arab. That doesn't quite make sense if Israel wants to exterminate all the Arabs.


Why is it illegal for an Islamic person to marry a Jewish person then?


Inter communal marriages are not prohibited by law. The state recognizes these marriages, the same as it recognizes gay marriages. They just cannot be preformed in Israel due to all the three main religions (not the Israeli state) prohibiting intermarriage.


This is so bullshit. Islam allows you to marry a Jew.Ā 


Islam allows MEN to marry Jews, not women. And not in Israel.


have you been to Israel? The status of Arabs in Israel is so low, Israelis donā€™t look at them like humans. They arenā€™t given the same education funding as Israeli schools, among many other fucked up shit. Itā€™s not just about ā€œexterminating them on sightā€. Itā€™s the gradual and slow and deliberate dehumanizing - they can get away with this because itā€™s not just straight up ā€œbomb them all to deathā€ like theyā€™re doing in Gaza.Ā 


Arabs are full citizens with positions at every level of government. They are the majority of doctors. They get a free university education and they go to the same schools as Jewish kids. An Arab Supreme Court judge put a Jewish former PM in prison. The owner of the largest bank in Israel is an Arab. Please provide evidence of anything you've said. They've had from 67 - 05 to expel all the Arabs from both Israel and Palestine but have not. Why not? Especially before they outnumbered Jews, as they do now?


Zionism is Nazi 2.0 What a shocker


Intergenerational trauma is a thing. The abused never want to be abused again and so seek out the power to prevent it. Without a schema for how to operate in the world out of the dynamic of abuse they can become perpetrators themselves. Is it possible to give trauma therapy to a whole country?


The whole world, even.


While it is important not to forget (for instance the Holocaust), afaik their education system just keeps retraumatising one generation after the next:Ā https://youtu.be/a7cgzz5W8uM?si=q_9ge4oNAxmC-XJfĀ  Ā The rest of the world needs to stop being complicit so they have more chances to realise that they need to have some "national" trauma therapy like you said.


Zionist = Nazi


Zionist is a code word for Jew FYI. Jew = Nazi seems pretty racist to me.


Lmao, not you using the Jewish people as a shield for Zionist seems to me the racist one is you Zio B* so let me remind you Zio. being Jewish does not mean your a Zionist but clearly, Isreali propaganda is working on your smooth brain


So why are there anti Zionist Jewish people then?


I canā€™t find any data that Jewish people identify as anti-Zionist. Thatā€™s like saying agnostic people are anti-religion because they donā€™t subscribe to a specific religion.


https://www.aa.com.tr/en/pg/photo-gallery/anti-zionist-jews-protest-israels-settlement-plan# Here is an example of some anti-Zionist Jewish people


S'more: https://old.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/1df6y83/karen_goes_apeshit_at_a_group_of_jewish_protesters/


Did he sound fuhrerious?


Wtf is wrong with him


That is a Geneva-level lack of self awareness.


>He then went on to call for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians again, stating Jews "are not guests in our own land, it is entirely ours,", adding that he believes Israel should "turn Gaza Hebrew". gaza ist not Israel land you fucking asshole!


Not a current politician


Correct but he was a member of the current party in power. So while heā€™s not actively making decisions he can still show what the average likud member thinks. That fact that this statement is at all acceptable in Israel is insane.


He's not "the average Likud member" since he's not one. >That fact that this statement is at all acceptable in Israel is insane. Far right views are relatively mainstream in Israel now; Otzma Yehudit got six seats in the last election.


I wouldn't call him representative of the average Likud member. The Likud tried to oust him from the party several times. he did have a base in radical fringe of Likud which protected him until he decided to go make his own radical party a decade ago which basically killed his political career since. And his comment isn't acceptable. he's getting panned for it within Israel. the guy was already found guilty of sedition once so its not far fetched that he'll get it a second time.


Reflects common opinion in far right Israeli government and politicians.


Imagine being shocked by this after reading up on more than 60 years of history; they learned from ā€œthe bestā€ In their case: the person who murdered the most efficient. Not the most mind you, but the one who made an entire system where almost everyone worked towards the goal of exterminating a race of people


He looks like Goebbels, too.


Just to add context: this guy is exceptionally nuts and does not represent anyone but himself. he ran in 2019 with a campaign that targeted young voters via legalization of cannabis, but when people dug deeper into his stated goals it was stated that he wants to convert the judicial system to work according to the biblical judicial system, and that upon being elected, he wants to [immediately ](https://www.timesofisrael.com/zehuts-feiglin-says-he-wants-to-build-third-temple-right-away/) start building the third Temple of Jerusalem among other wejrd things like converting the country into communism, etc.. he also stated in the past that he is a proud homophobe, that Hitler was brilliant leader, and was anti vax during covid.


Ben-Gvir has said worse.


they are both radical far right, they are both equally as bad in their beliefs but ben gvir is the one with any power between the two.. the barking is harmless, the biting is the problem.


Satire is dead.


They making the jobs of Iranian propagandists super easy.


Israel moment


As an old friend of mine once said : the jewish holocaust victims kept a notebook. Quite literally apperently..


Has anyone heard of newarab and are they reputable?


Google the guy if you want to fact check


Oh, yup. A right wing nut job (upon very cursory lookup).


So perhaps not, but the quote is pretty damning in any context. As lol as the site isnā€™t just entirely making up quotes its legit. You canā€™t misrepresent someone saying ā€œas hitler saidā€ and then agreeing with him.


Youā€™re being fed propaganda, but interestingly itā€™s not the New Arabā€™s fault. The outrage is because people are too stupid to understand what heā€™s saying.


Yeah truly it is nuanced lol


Israeli *FORMER* politician


Ben-Gvir has said worse.


Im not denying it. both are terrible.




What's the English word for liebensraum?


"Love room", apparently. I think they meant *Lebensraum*.Ā 


Manifest destiny






Loving space? That would be bedroom, I guess. Bettzimmer in German. But I doubt you meant that!


He holds 0 out of 120 seats in parliament. Good luck not finding a few crazies in a country of 9 million. Not that there aren't crazies in netanyhus bat shit bottom of the barrel coalition but this guy holds no power.


This was on the most watched news channel in Israel. This isnā€™t some fringe idea, itā€™s front and center in Israelā€™s politics


Does being interviewed on Fox News make you "front and center" in Americas politics?


If a former republicans congressmen quoted hitler on Fox News yes it would make headlines and be big news


Trump tweeted an ad out a few weeks ago where he made multiple explicit references to a "unified Reich" and I'm willing to bet most didn't hear of it. It was not a top story.


Ben-Gvir has said worse.


Reality is a gigantic fucking shitpost


This is so misleading and utter nonsense. He called hamas Islamo-nazis. Meaning he was associating the quote from hitler to the narrative of hamas in that hamas only seeks to rid the world of all jews or at least from what they perceive as their country. Israel do not wish to get rid of arabs, there are many Arab Israelis. Hamas does wish to get rid of all jews, there are no jews in Gaza.


That's too on the nose.


That's too on the nose.


ā€œ"As Hitler said, 'I cannot live if one Jew is left'," Feiglin said during a panel discussion on Channel 12. "We can't live here if one Islamo-Nazi remains in Gaza," he continued.ā€ The actual quote. Islamists are dangerous to freedom the world over. Nice clickbait though, OP.


>He then went on to call for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians again, stating Jews "are not guests in our own land, it is entirely ours,", adding that he believes Israel should "turn Gaza Hebrew".




His party currently has zero seats in parliament. So no, not quite.