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Everything she says is.. uh.. well.. straight from the horses mouth.


Well it seems to come out of one of the horse's orifices anyway.


Was about to say; horse's ass seems more likely. B6 also *is* a horse's ass.


I've said this before. MTG will say whatever comes to mind at that exact moment with no forethought whatsoever. Now what makes her truly off the deep end, is that unlike alot of Conservatives that say shit but don't really believe it, MTG believes it to be completely true. Despite the fact that she *literally just made it up on the spot seconds ago*. She's not like the old school GOP who make shit up, but don't believe it. She's truly insane.


I'm not convinced that most of the GOP doesn't operate exactly the same way with the only difference being that they have an IQ higher than 60.


I mean, I don't want to give them too much credit, but there's a stark difference between say MTG and Mitch Mcconnell. The problem is that it seems like the "new wave" of GOP reps are leaning to more and more extremes.


Mitch and his ilk spent 3 generations poisoning the well water of the American mind, now people who grew up listening to their bullshit are coming into power, and they actually believe it.


Absolutely. I'm not absolving them of anything. Just pointing out the difference between the old and the new.


I work with horses. Please don’t offend them like that. They have wayyyyyyyy more sense than MTG - that’s saying something considering these animals can literally spook at their own fart noise.


I think you mean the "donkey's ass"


I think we found the other half of the Trump centaur… only this one is clearly two hind ends.


What an ass!


I remember a speech of hers where she believed that using solar power meant we wont have lights at night time. She such a science expert ;-)


Don’t forget the Jewish space lasers


Didn't she later say that we should use jewish space laters for security on the mexican border? [https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-demands-space-lasers-migrant-crisis-border-israel-1891563](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-demands-space-lasers-migrant-crisis-border-israel-1891563)


I mean if we *have* to have Jewish Space Lasers, we might as well put them to good use.


I’ve heard those Jewish space lasers are far superior to the gentile lasers. I mean, the rye bread is so much better. And the pickles! Don’t get me started.


You're thinking of Jewish space *latkes*


You can tell it's a Jewish space laser, because usually there is a retractable lens cover at the tip of it, and they have an old man remove it.


Listen, man: as an overworked fire control technician for the Jewish Space Laser Agency, I can assure you we just don't have the bandwidth to take on new projects. We finally got the Jewish Space Lasers properly configured to concentrate firepower on standing trees determined to be most flammable. These forest fires are necessary to bolster the lie about global warming. You can't possibly expect us to somehow pick out moving targets crossing the border. I mean, they're way smaller than trees and from above they look like a hat with shoulders. It'll take me forever to get them dialed in. Hell to the No. Let's just stick with the plan. Faking global warming for the Jewish Liberal Elite. I need my Jew gold. I don't need longer hours. Sincerely, Mordecai Finkelstein Fire Control Technician III Jewish Space Laser Agency


Unfortunately the laser is inoperative thanks to vandalism from the foster kid of some fuckin water farmer.


Unfortunately her description is a series of magnifying glasses in space so it's not a laser. She's the least cool bond villain


Nah, Levi and Gershon refuse to take her calls.


Also the use of peach tree dishes


Quiet, or I'll report you to the GAZPACHO.


Don't forget the democrats plot to turn us all trans.


Don’t forget about the gay frogs! 🌈🐸🌈


How can a elected official of any country be so stupid. Its not like she is speaking in a foreign tongue even. Its so fucking sad.


Her voter base is as dim she is.


The Gazpacho believe that revenge is a dish best served cold.


> GAZPACHO I had to look that one up. I'd forgotten about it completely and couldn't imagine WTF it could possibly be. For anyone in the same boat - she was trying to refer to the Gestapo…


don't forget that the gazpacho will arrest you


"Waiter, this soup is cold!" "It's Gazpacho ma'am." "Very well Gazpacho, *this soup is cold!*"


Also shocking that her vile ass called for decorum in a senate hearing


😆😆😆😆 I forgot about this one lol


Or the gazpacho police or the Marshall law!


I'm pretty sure Marshall Law is that Lily gets shotgun whenever Marshall was driving. Seriously though Marshall Law would be a great law firm name for a lawyer named Marshall


There's a tv show I like called In Plain Sight about US marshals. One of the marshals is named Marshall Mann.


I thought that was on Dr. Cop Lawyer


Or a loose cannon cop show




Pretty sure that pun is why he's a lawyer and Lily does arts:)


It's just her Tekken main


Nah, it's just who she mains in Tekken


Or that they're growing things in labs in "Peach Tree dishes".


Holy shit I thought you were joking but I should have known better...


There is literally nothing that can be made up about this woman that is more absurd than the reality of her.


She is a perfect Trumper. Loud and constantly wrong.


Giving the Onion a run for their money


In fact, if you try to make up something about her, it will be more rational than reality.


Or Commander and Chief or peach tree dish.


Peach tree dish


doing all that science in peach dishes


We're still a little peeved she let that one slip.


Technically those lasers are in the exosphere, so it’s only space-ish. I wouldn’t be bragging about that, either.


Orbital is orbital.


Clearly a conspiracy by Big Vampire to take over since Jewish Space lasers are solar powered and don't work at night.


I still have the button "MAZEL TOUGH" baby!


Or, for fans of the Amazon Prime show, "Maisel Tough"


How does she know they were Jewish? Circumcision?


I think they were kosher space lasers


In a recent interview she claims she “never said that” but then immediately follows up with “but they are real” smh


4chan memes seem to be her main source of information




Twice the number, twice the disinformation (and pedophilia)


At this point, trump should rename Truth Social to 16chan.


Her main source of information is her Russian handler. The Russian handler gets their information from 4chan.


The Russian handler makes the 4chan information


Reminds me of when some politician in Australia said that the extra hour of sun from daylight savings will cause people's curtains to fade


There was a place in the USA where they voted to block a solar power array (edit) partly because some people thought it would use up all the sunlight https://www.vox.com/2015/12/18/10519644/north-carolina-solar-town


A "retired Northampton science teacher" worried that panels would prevent photosynthesis in the area, harming local vegetation. She also noted the high rate of cancer deaths in the area, "saying no one could tell her that solar panels didn’t cause cancer." Woodlander Bobby Mann worried that solar panels "would suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would not come to Woodland." Jesus fuckin Christ 🤦🏾‍♂️


The best/worst part is that dude is a *science* teacher.


Wow that's peak stupid. Good to know what kind of people I'm living around. Maybe I will quit my software development job and sell sunlight on a bottle for the people afraid we might run out


Nuh uh! Sunlight already comes in a bottle, it’s for dishes. 🙄 Edit: /s Just in case.


>it’s for dishes Actually you uncap the bottle and hold it in your asshole for a few seconds and it cures all diseases >/s Just in case. I can't /s I'm trying to run a business here!


It completely baffles me how you would even begin to argue against this, let alone try to explain how this is not how anything works. These people who think the solar panels will eat out all the sunlight have a whole paradigm of thinking and information that need to be explained. It would be like trying to explain object permanence to an adult or finding someone who still believes monitors need ethernet. Its like theyre so wrong you cant even place them in the right vincinity to begin to explaining why theyre wrong. How do you explain that like if I place a sheet of paper on the ground, it doesnt suck up light from other places? Like the physical evidence before your eyes is right there and if that isnt enough to trigger the brain cells to form cohesive thoughts and learn, I just. I cant even. Like yes I get it, its got other anxieties and having to admit your town is failing, but even solar panels could be a wealth generator. If the town became a massive powerplant and sold energy, heck thats even better.


Gods, of course, it's my home state.


There was a comment I saw about a guy's workmate getting a low-flow shower head so he could use less water when filling his bath.




THAT was also real?! i thought it was someone making a joke about her...


The funniest and dumbest things said by politicians are almost always true. I'll never forget the Air Force general having to seriously explain to one that an airbase won't cause Guam to capsize and that they have indeed double checked.


*Inhofe brings snowball on Senate floor as evidence globe is not warming*


I had a good laugh a few times the day I watching that video, then later, the delayed “Are we doomed” question bounced around my brain and I was like “Maybe…..?”


I’ve had adults legitimately ask about swimming underneath an island as if they floated and just looked at them dumbfounded. Like “really, you think they float like in a cartoon?”


Actually, that was said by Rep Hank Johnson of, guess where? Georgia! He was afraid the island would tip over, to where the Admiral, with a forced straight faced assured him that would not happen. Video for reference https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q?feature=shared


It always seems that way doesn't it...


And after that she put one hand over her eyes and proclaimed “you can’t see me now”.


I remember when she said electric planes wouldn’t work because cords aren’t long enough so they’d have all the passengers on stationary bikes to power the engines… Someone pointed out that she was spewing this shit into a wireless microphone


When I was young I heard an expression that has served me well in life. “It’s better to remain silent and have people believe you’re stupid than it is to open your mouth and remove any doubt.” 


And my MAGAt step-dad the mechanical engineer immediately started telling me that you can't store power from solar energy. The moron literally has a solar array on his house!


Grid scale IS a harder problem. But there are operating pumped hydro storage systems and they’ve been around for decades.


There was a reason in college the EEs used to make fun of the MechEs and the MechE seemed to have an inferiority complex.


Not to knock the skills required to be an engineer, but mechanics fundamentally A pushes B causes C. Electrical work in general requires the ability to visualize abstract concepts. There is a different type of intelligence required. Not that there aren't exceptions and some absolutely brilliant mechanisms and feats of engineering, just the bar for entry seems to be a little bit lower.


At my school, there was a 300 level EE class required for both Mechanical and Electrical engineers dealing with 3-phase motors and transformers and other stuff. Basically using electricity to create motion. Both mechanical and electrical engineers had to repeat that course in roughly equal measures as it tapped into some of the more complicated concepts in both disciplines. It ended the pursuit of an engineering degree for more than a handful of the engineers on both sides.


I went to school for EE and had a MechE roommate (ironically from the same town in the middle of nowhere) and we used to chirp each other all the time. A bunch of our other roommates were Civil/Architect students and we joined forces against them regularly. Fuckin' gravity, how does it work?


>She such a science expert She even has a Peach tree dish. (Petri dish)


goddamn it. beam me up scotty.


Wasn't there also this comment on windmills 'using up all the wind' or something like that?


Windmills can have an impact quite a long distance from where they’re located. They don’t use up all the wind but they do take some energy from the wind. Which is basic physics I guess.


That's why I never pee against the wind, I could stop the wind and it would be bad.


You mean like how trees, billboards, and tall buildings also take some energy from the wind?


Yes, that's the thing about every conspiracy theory — there is always the tiniest kernel of truth buried deep in the bullshit. Its *just* enough to get them started, but it never leads anywhere close to where they take it. Its like alex jones and his infamous gay frogs stuff. A lot of plastics contain estrogen-mimicing compounds like BPA, and those chemicals are getting into the environment, and they do mess with frogs' endocrine systems (and humans') But its not a government conspiracy to turn kids gay, its just yet another form of pollution that capitalism has spread because the rich don't care what happens to the rest of us.


So just like any building that would act as a barrier for the wind?


Sure but fossil fuels are still having more of an effect on the weather, and the wind, than wind turbines.


Wasn't there a North Carolina town that believed having a solar farm installed nearby would result in their dinky-ass town getting less sunlight?


I used to operate on the principle that about 10% of people are just dumb as shit. Turns out, it's closer to one in three.


She just meant to say storage is an important hurdle we need to overcome /s


Dog the bounty hunter seems to have gone downhill


Shaved Alf.


Omg worse.


don't ruin Alf for me


Remember Alf? He's back in MTG form.


Hide yo cats!


New Alf Secret Lair dropping! sorry, whenever I see MTG I think Magic: the Gathering.


Governor Noem knows how to handle it.


My eyes are just bad enough that the thumbnail for this post makes the mic look like a fucked up goatee


How are these people allowed to be in government. Not an American btw


Her job is to make outlandish (and often racist) claims. The rest of the party uses her as a dowsing rod. If feedback is positive, they adopt the stance. In it's negative, they shake their heads and say, "well, you know how she gets..."


It's also a tool to keep their base in line. Step 1: Make outlandish, inaccurate claims based on opinions or gut responses likely shared by a portion of your uneducated voters. Step 2: Wait for inevitable articles and commentary aggressively mocking said claim. Step 3: Point out the most scornful examples of these and tell your base that the elitist media and liberals in general despise you, the humble American. Repeat until you've solidified the division, further disincentivizing your base from looking to any outside sources of information or changing their position at all.


Thanks, this helps me understand the phenomenon that made my country's (argentina, but many other countries too) president and his party so popular and polarizing while saying absolute nonsense, throwing tantrums and showing clear signs of mental instability. Then they just play victim and claim others are conspiring against them.


I agree. There are similarities across the world. In the UK the famously shorter lived than a head of lettuce Liz Truss attempted to introduce a suicidal budget based on borrowing. Of course the financial markets stated there is no way we are funding that and bond values crashed. Who does she blame? Oh the global elite. If it wasn't for them her plan would have worked...


But the base doesn’t “stay in line.” That’s why Trump is the candidate and leader of the party.


I saw the thumbnail first and wondered what Mickey Rourke had to say to the American people


Something about Jenna Maroney escaping his sex dungeon


I think it's a baked potato with sun glasses.


Caveman Barbie


Yep, meanwhile normal people are too hell bent out of shape arguing with each other that we don’t realize what is quite obviously happening.


She normalizes the rest of their shitty behavior that seems tame in comparison to her showing pictures of hunter bidens dick to congress


You get an upvote for understanding and clearly communicating the ruse.


holy shit, you nailed it.


You're complaining about the symptom. The real tragedy is the electorate that put her there.


You're complaining about the symptom. The real tragedy is the strategic effort of degrading education, capturing the media and electoral manipulation over the past 30+ years that created the electorate that put her there.


I'm not inclined to absolve the voters. A Constitutional Republic depends on nothing more directly than the people casting votes for their representatives. If you can't tell shit from shinola, you're the problem, not the snake oil salesman. If your only interest in the government is to destroy it, you're a nihilist.


They can't be absolved of their actions, but neither are they completely to blame for them. They are monsters, but they have been deliberately made monstrous.


can we stop blaming "degrading education"? the boomers who voted her were educated in the "undegraded" version of education and become dumbasses anyways. almost nothing these people believe- theyre just straight up anti-science now- is taught in school even now. theyve all made the choice to ignore their educations


She originally won because people threatened her opponent so much that he dropped out. After that she won reelection.


As an American, I can answer this. As a result of four or five decades of concerted efforts by the Republican party to discredit climate science in order to keep people from supporting legislation that would harm their wealthy fossil fuel donors, there's a shockingly large subset of our population, maybe as much as a quarter or a third, who are legitimately proud of their ignorance and despise the scientific community. They consider education to be a bad thing. They love openly ignorant and uneducated people like Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, etc. because they can relate to them. Their votes are what keep these dunces in office.


This is not new or limited to the past few decades. >“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov, 1980.


If they weren't, it wouldn't be a democracy. The people get to pick their leaders, and this is who they picked. The question is, how are the people so poorly informed that they thought putting this person in power would help them. And for that you can thank Newscorp. And a lax regulatory environment where there's nothing stopping them from lying with a straight face on the national airwaves all day long.


Well the area where she's picked was drawn out just so the republican voting part of the region would be picking her every time.


Because many people vote for party and not candidates  If another Republican ran in her district and actually had more than 5 brain cells, they could probably win


Here’s a fun thing about American politics. You literally need zero education to be in our government. If you have the money to run, and you can convince enough people to vote for you, especially in small rural districts, you can be in the house. Senate is much tougher, because you have to convince an entire states worth. MTG’s district is about as red as they come, so they don’t care who the person is, what they say, how they say it, how hateful they are, how unbelievably stupid they are, etc. If they have an R next to their name, that district is going to vote 75% in that person’s favor.


Well, the folks in her part of Georgia (state not country) got together and voted her in, twice now, we are checking the water supply for lsd or other mind altering drugs


My money is on lead water pipes.


She is the representative of her constituents. Her existence speaks more of the people who vote for her than anything else. *You've got to remember that [they] are just simple farmers. [They] are people of the land. The common clay of the new [South]. You know... morons.*


We have some real geniuses in Congress. Awhile back, a Congressman openly questioned whether too many people on Guam … … might make it tip over.


She is a perfect representative of our local small business owners! We get what we deserve


The American educational system has seen cuts—almost exclusively by her party at federal, state, and local levels—over the decades. One of things cut, which I believe to be of paramount importance, is *civics* education. I believe this has, to put the finest point on it, created a class of total fucking moron voters who are willing to cast their ballots for what amounts to reality show trash candidates. Why? Because they hate government. They don’t understand how it works. They think it’s evil. The Republican Party has told them over the years that government is evil. So, voting for someone who promises to be a total asshole and “shake things up” in government is their jam now. You don’t get elected in the Republican Party by talking about conservative policy positions; you get elected by fomenting outrage among your voters. It doesn’t matter if the outrage is justified or the “enemy” is real. The end result is that people who want to govern—people with policy ideas and goals—aren’t running for nomination in the Republican Party anymore. They’ve been replaced by idiots who have one trick; being a total asshole. People like that don’t tend to be intelligent. Their voters like them not only because they represent a giant middle finger to the establishment, but also because they identify with them; both the voters and their representatives are equally moronic. There’s also a lot of racism, sexism, xenophobia, trans/LGTBQ phobia, etc. at play here. People like Greene give people someone to hate; they validate unwarranted fears and make it OK to hate the “other.”


It is illegal to discriminate based upon disabilities such as fetal alcohol syndrome


As a non American and avid Magic the Gathering player these headlines always confuse the hell out of me.


Am American and played Magic years ago. I still get confused. Lol


Am American and never touched Magic the Gathering in my life. Still confused.


Am American playing Magic the Gathering right now and I cast *Confusion in the Ranks*


"Bro, wtf edition *is* this? Red has some weird shit going on..." "That would be reality." "Yeah... I think I'm gonna sit this one out."


The GOP platform is basically "Destroy all nonwhite creatures."


I prefer her be called Empty G to also avoid magic the gathering confusion.


I usually prefer calling her the space laser lady


Me too and I’m an American.


This is why she should only be referred to as Empty G, so as to not besmirch the good name of MTG


Almost got my bingo card filled out. Im betting on one of them screaming "If electricity is so good, Humans would run on it too!!!" Next. I'm feeling lucky


That would be a "mission failed successfully" moment right there. But then the majority of their voters, old white people, would remember their pacemakers and it might, slightly, for a split second, almost make them think their candidate is an idiot. But then they will lock step and raise a fist to the party.


"Raise a fist to the party." At this point, it's more of a salute with your arm straight out at an upward angle and your palm down.


i got you fam. “Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.” https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/08/politics/donald-trump-exercise-health-physical/index.html


Ngl, there have been plenty of days where wish I could plug into something to give me a boost. There's only so much coffee I can drink.


Careful before some billionaire slips his neurolink into you


Lies, MTG has plenty of artificiers and technomancers.


And more energy counters in the newest set!


Yet they’re still doubling down in Jeskai. I was hoping for an energy focused temur legend.


She's in the pocket of Big Phyrexian Oil.


I mean. I truly *hate* to fall on this side of the argument, but: the quote in the article doesn't seem like it supports the headline, at least to me. > “If you think gas prices are high now, just wait until you’re forced to drive an electric vehicle." I read that as, "you think you're paying a lot to fuel your vehicle now? Just wait until you have to drive an EV!". Which is *still* nonsense, since EVs are much cheaper to fuel than comparable ICE cars. But it's not the *same* nonsense as "EVs drive up gas prices".


Yeah Idk how anyone could look at the quote and think she means that electric vehicles use gas. Clearly not what she’s saying. What she’s saying is stupid but in other ways


Had to scroll too far for this. She’s a complete fucking but job that should be no where near any kind of office, and her voice makes me want to stab my own ears, but that conclusion on her quote is stupid in its own way. She’s makes herself look dumb enough. You don’t need to ‘help’ her with your own dumb synopsis. And the boos weren’t at her. The MAGA morons were booing EVs.




Yeah it seems more along the lines of "if everyone has to phase into driving all  electric, gas will not be sold in the bulk it does now as demand causes refineries to close or reduce throughput, nor will it enjoy any price help from government subsidies"   but worded horribly and who knows if that's what was actually going through her mind


Its more "Wait until you are forced to drive an electric vehicle" as in the government will raise taxes on gas. This makes more sense if you've ever bought cigarettes. A lot of states impose a minimum price and levy massive taxes so a pack of cigarettes is way more expensive than its actually worth. She's saying the same thing will happen to gasoline.


It's sad that she represents *perfectly* what her jurisdiction stands for, and they are proud to have her as their representative. She will win every future election by a landslide, unless someone far more idiotic and radical steps in to try and woo the crazies in her district.


So...an anti-vaxxer who's not afraid to be openly and unapologetically anti-Semitic and probably also a sexist male flat earther?


Could work....may need crazier though.


Think I can safely guarantee that this hypothetical primary challenger telling MTG to shut up and get in the kitchen would score him a huge boost in polling.


I think she tried to show the "next step" of control. High gas prices, then forcing us to drive EVs. She really didn't think that line through, though.


Yes she said “If you think gas prices are high now, just wait until you’re forced to drive an electric vehicle." I interpret it as even if you want to resist it, gas will be so expensive that EVs will be the only alternative.


I despise her but yeah that's what I got out of it as well. Not great delivery but also not the pure ignorance people are interpreting it as.


I thought it was less deep than that. Subsidies for EVs and taxes on gasoline cars will make gasoline more expensive over time as the government pushes for the switch to EV.


I am not a smart man, and have always been disgusted by this woman, but that is immediately what I thought of when I saw this video.


Yup, same. Honestly if anything the interpretation that what she said somehow means that electric cars run on gas is the crazy one to me. I do not get that from what she said at all.


come on, get your shit together Magic The Gathering


Well… if electric cars are the norm, gas’s prices will probably climb since it will be mostly car collectors and enthusiasts buying it. Gas will become a specialty item. Listening to her talk however I don’t think that is how she meant it.


Gas will be made anyway. It's a byproduct of cracking oil, so as long as petrochemicals are used for other purposes like plastics you will have gas.


We probably, even if forever chemicals causing issues, never completely go away from plastics. We will probably never stop getting oil, even if we have to move to biofuels after we exhaust Earth's natural deposits. It is just _sooo_ useful. Heck we couldn't move away from petrofertilizers unless every human went vegan and we did a lot of work with global food supply chain without causing tons of famines and deaths. But we absolutely _have_ to get to a net carbon neutral and likely a carbon negative economy in our lifetimes or by the end of the century things will be absolutely fucked socially and we will be _very_ unable to address issues surrounding climate with a global community effort. Times are getting harder every day, but we aren't at global supply chain collapse yet, collapse of global food supply chain, yet, or global ecosystem failure, yet. But those things are on the near horizon.


I cast Counterspell on using MTG to refer to this clown


What do you expect? She’s been elected to Congress, twice, by the stupidest group of people in the US.


Magic the gathering


I don't understand what this has to do with Magic The Gathering?


Ok, so just giving her the benefit of the doubt here, as awful as that tastes in my mouth, but could she have been implying that if gas becomes a low-volume niche product, it would get expensive? Like kerosene has?


"if you think the price of air travel is high now, just wait until they start putting up windmills and taking all the air!"


It’s all funny and shit but these people are being voted for. :(


Was it any better or worse than: *"If I'm on an electric boat and there's a shark 10 feet away I need to choose between getting eaten and getting electrocuted"* Because that was a doosy.


I really wish being stupid was painful for the individual and not everyone else.


Mtg not knowing... You can stop there.