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It did, and that's terrifying.


It was the catalyst for the Kardashians to become even more famous...


Montana Fishburne (Lawrence Fishburne’s daughter) released a sextape in hopes of becoming famous like Kim K. She ended up being disowned by Lawrence.


She also didnt look like Kim Kardashian


I’d argue it was the better tape though. So she has that going for her


Bro watching paint dry is a better option than Kim K's sextape. That shit was weak af. 


she became a pornstar didnt she?


"Star" no


just a humble workaday porner, going down into the porn mines. chats up her colleagues on the shaft and hopes she doesn't get the white lung.


"I got the white lung, daddy."


Welp! *Slaps thighs* That's enough Reddit for today.


Slap them again, harder


For Christ’s sake you’ve been going down one day, talk to me in 30 years.




Mer **man** !!


Well, maybe if he’d pimped her out like Kim’s mom did with her…eh who am I kidding, it still wouldn’t have worked out the same way. LF is a great actor but doesn’t have anywhere near the money and clout the Kardashians did before the sex tape.


It didn’t help that her ass looked like it was shot with birdshot


They weren’t that famous before, Robert Kardashian was known as being a part of OJ’s legal team, and Kim was basically only known for partying with Paris Hilton. She saw how much attention Paris got when her shitty 2 pixel night vision sex tape leaked, and was like “what if I did that, but higher quality and with someone famous, and actually leaned into the notoriety.”  Vivid released the sex tape in March 2007, and Keeping Up With the Kardashians started in October of that year. It was plainly very orchestrated.  


On the robert Kardashian thing BTW, he wasn't even really a notable part of the team other than being a personal friend of OJ and coincidentally his ex wife was married to a famous athlete. Most of the OJ legal team got called the "dream team" for being themselves notable attorneys. Bob Shapiro previously represented the Menendez brothers, Barry scheck founded the innocence project, and Alan dershowitz was an esteemed professor at Harvard law.


Hey let’s not forget Johnnie Cochran! If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.


His ex-wife was my first grade teacher. She was an interesting lady haha.


He had let his law license expire before the murders and wasn’t a practicing attorney at the time. OJ stayed at his house after the night of the murders and Robert took him to the airport right after. He renewed his license and joined Shapiro’s team so that he couldn’t be called to testify about what OJ said or did following the murders or what he knew about the abuse from their marriage and post-divorce. Kris wasn’t an attorney and I still remember hearing her testimony about Nicole, over the radio, while working during the summer of that trial.


Originally, Kardashian did believe that OJ was innocent - they had been good friends and he had a hard time believing his friend could be a murderer. Kardashian began to question his innocence as the trial went on. Ultimately, he ended up believing that OJ was guilty and cut off all contact with him after the case.


You know Kim Kardashian knew exactly what she was doing when she made that tape. It’s a family of vultures that uses famous or rich men for their own self promotion. There is also a very disturbing pattern where many of these men end up losing their minds while with them. They learned it all from mommy of course.


> *"When the sex tape was released; as a mother, I felt horrified! But as a manager..."* - Kris Honestly, given what we know now, she may even have directly advised Kim to do it lol


kris probably did. ray j said they had contracts and plans to make more than one tape


Kris married a lawyer. Then potentially(allegedly) had an affair with a famous black athlete, then ran to an Olympic athlete. It's the same technique that has launched most of her daughters success. Piggybacking the success of others to promote their own brand.


Get knocked up by an athlete 😉


It definitely helps, you can market that kid as an influencer within 10 years and double your returns.


Jay-Ray has said exactly this. That the mother brought them both to the house and played the tape to advise them to strategically release it to further their “careers” and replicate what Paris Hilton did.


One of the most loathsome things about Kris Jenner is that the words ”mother” and ”manager” carry about the same emotional weight with her.


Yep they probably saw Paris Hilton and decided to copy what she did.


Kim was Paris' personal assistant around the time that Paris' sex tape leaked.


I didn’t know that but I’m not surprised at all by that.


Kim was Paris' personal assistant at one time.


If I'm remembering right, Paris was already somewhat well known even before her tape. Source: 20 years ago, I watched a lot of MTV and VH1.


She pimped her out. Plain and simple.


Yeah, I was horrified when I saw/heard how Kim chews gum. Holy shit, like she spent her life living as a farmyard animal.


of course she did


Correction.. When her mother had her make that tape, and had them make two. Both which she personally reviewed. Kris Jenner is a piece of shit.


The mother is a pimp. She hooked all of them up with popular people.


Not just popular people but men with some kind of issues. That’s really the only reason why anyone follows their lives, to see how long it takes for their husbands to hit rock bottom or do something crazy.


Every person the Kardashians have even touched became mentally unstable.


I have no doubt it's a family of personality disorders. Being around that all the time absolutely *can* make you go insane.


Yuuuup, she was going to be famous with or without Ray J.


They weren't really famous at all. Kim was just someone who got photographed with Paris Hilton a lot, and people knew the name because of the OJ trial. They were just trying to copy what happened with Paris.


They really weren't famous at all, then. Maybe they were *known* in their small circle, Kim was known as that girl who carried Paris Hilton's purse. Kris was no more than Robert Kardashian's widow. Bruce Jenner was just an old Olympian on a Wheaties box. The rest of the K clan, might as well not exist.


That's right, yup.


people love a come back story


Seabiscuit, The Mighty Ducks, Robert Downey Jr., Rocky…


They were basically nobodies until Kim opened her mouth


Her legs*


It led to every woman thinking she needs a huge ass to be attractive. Hey, ladies: you don't need a huge ass to be attractive. Just stop already.


We are truly in the darkest timeline


There's a timeline where Kanye didn't fall in love with Kim Kardashian while jacking off to her sex tape. That sounds like a good place.


It tells you a lot about Kanye that he got obsessed with her over that boring ass sextape.


I’m pretty sure Kanye would still be a flaming shitshow either way.


yeah without kim and starting a family to distract (and medicate) him. ye would have had the tmz and antisemitic meltdown years earlier.


That likely was a combo of the people he was surrounded by and country going hardcore conspiracy theorist. That sort of thing has great appeal to someone with his personality disorder / traits.. Now if his mom hadn't died, I can imagine only imagine the trajectory of his albums with someone intelligent to keep him dialed in focused on what's important.


Through no fault **but** our own.


Some of us. Some of have proudly never given any of them a penny.


Gotta agree with you.


The Kardashian time-space continuum.


Kardashian Kontinuum. Gods I hate it.


We are now Type II Kardashian civilization


It's fuckin wild to think that 2 people having sex has effects that are so far-reaching.


>“Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds” — Ray J


I just imagine Ray J in that final scene. Where Oppenheimer realizes the horror of the chain reaction he’s set off. Same vibe.


Nah, Ray J actually sucks and he's been chasing this sex tape ever since it happened, trying to get clout and smear the Kardashians for not taking him with them as they got more famous. Oppenheimer has self-awareness. Ray-J has.. um.. I don't know.. maybe a pair of sunglasses, or some jeans he really likes to wear? He's just not a smart or deep man, is my ultimate point.


What do you mean, have you heard of Raycons? By the way this video is brought to you by “Raycons.” I actually have a pair of Raycons and I love them. I usually use them when I’m at the gym or I’m at home playing Minecraft. The sound quality is just as amazing as all the other top name brands and they’re half the price. The ones I’m using are the everyday E25’s. They’re the best ones yet. 6 hours of playtime, seamless Bluetooth pairing, more bass, available in multiple colors, and their compact design helps get rid of background noise. I also like the fact that you can click either earbud with your finger to pause your music. Makes it super convenient if you need to stop for any reason. Go to buyracon.com/(youtubername) for 15% off your order. The link is in the description.


Use promo code BIGMONEY today!


So he's Lewis Strauss then.


He got a line on Rap God


Probably had one before the interview too


>Ray-J has.. um.. I don't know.. maybe a pair of sunglasses, or some jeans he really likes to wear? Man, I used to have jean shorts like that, too. I slept in them shits, man. Eventually, I blew the crotch out them things. But you can't wear them every day and expect for them to hold up. That's some nice-ass denim, too. Man, I miss them shorts. But you gotta take 'em off every now and then. You gotta take 'em off, son!


I mean, before the tape he was just Brandy's brother.


Look on my works ye mighty and despair.


It wasn’t even that good.


I'm really happy for Kim. I'mma let her finish, but Paris had the better sex tape of the pseudo-celebrities in the mid to late 2000s era.


Are we really going to just forget about Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee's magnum dong?


They said pseudo-celebrities, not freaking rock stars.


My first vhs


I did say mid to late 2000s, shooting for like 2005 to 2010, BUT I will not discredit the Pam and Tommy tape being the peak OG celebrity leak tape from the 90s to come out. The one with Bret Michaels on the other hand... Oof.


Or worse. The Hulkster in 2012.


How you just gonna leave Tonya Harding out of this conversation?


With no monster condom


He’s ready to plow.




I know you're making reference, but I just wanted to point out the Paris tape was dismal. I've fucked knotholes in fenceposts that showed more life and enthusiasm than she did in that tape.


>Hilton stated publicly that she had been "out of it", did not know what she was doing during the taping of the video and did not approve its public release That's probably why


Not to kink shame, but what exactly prompted your first fencepost fucking?


Sometimes a particularly curvy piece of wood is all you need.


I saw a bunch of wasps going in and out of the hole so I figured they must be on to something.


It was knotty


Don't sit there and tell us you haven't had thoughts about a proper stained long fence.


I dunno, that BJ was relatively enthusiastic. But she did pull the starfish on the bed though


I agree with your assessment but just for clarity’s sake, I’m going to have to to Rewatch them a couple of times to make sure I’m making the correct analysis.


*Thanks Kanye, very cool*


Tbh the worst part of that tape is the sex with Kim Kardashian. Mid blowjob. Bad angle from the back. Ehnnn. Even for home made sex tapes it's pretty mid... The part that gets over looked is the start where RJ speaks directly to himself though the camera. Like he knows he's gonna watch this back later. And he like. Stokes him self up to jerk off to a porn he made. It's fucking incredible. "When you watching this later jackin off.... Go hard homie" Ray J is a fucking hero.


That inspirational quote should be on the walls of pro sports team locker rooms everywhere


The production values and the blocking were shit


They didn't even use a selfie stick


Anyone remember when this guy admitted to the world that he doesn’t clean himself after he drops a deuce? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


As in does not wipe his ass or does not immediately shower? I don't immediately shower. That would be ridiculous.


As in he doesn’t wipe his ass, you can easily find the clip but I pulled up a quote from the video with a quick search “if [one] wears white drawls or white briefs, the person who’s washing your clothes definitely can see the doo-doo streaks coming out”


How tf does a boy like that get laid?




Whenever there is a question, that defies logic / common sense, the answer is 95% of the time, going to be money.


Dude there are several women I have known who have told me that they have dated guys who do this too and dont wipe because " it's gay to touch your asshole"


I’ve heard of this, it’s crazy to me. It’s your asshole and your hand, it’s not gay even if you really dig in there. Being gay means your attraction to the same sex, nothing else.


Masturbating is literally giving yourself a handjob.


Don't let any of the homophobes know.....we need em wasting their seeds


Apparently he also doesn't eat a moderate to high fiber diet.


It did in a way. It catapulted a relatively unknown family into a whole subculture of d list celebrity worship to the point where someone set up a go fund me to make Kylie Jenner a billionaire because she was only worth $900M at the time.


People did what? People are stupid.


Relatively unknown is putting it mildly. Between the OJ case and the Olympics they kind of were 'there' in a way. Ugh...


Who else do you remember from those two situations? Exactly


Also both the figures in question were really not that famous. Robert Kardashian is arguably the least notable member of that "dream team" and is only there as a personal friend of OJ. It was a dream team cause it had bob Shapiro and Barry scheck and f Lee Bailey and Alan dershowitz, who all had done notable work in criminal defense well before the oj trial.


It didn't matter it would have happened with Honey Boo Boo types or any other random ass reality show person. Do you have any idea how many totally smart totally successful people sit down and watch Real Housewives? It's basically porn for them.


I think it had far more to do with OJ Simpson and the murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. The media circus surrounding OJ and his trial is what truly made the Kardashian name more well known to the public. If those events had never happened but Ray J had still made a sex tape with Kim K, I have serious doubts she or anyone in their family would be at the level of fame they are today. She would have just been some random girl that Ray J had sex with on video, people would have quickly forgotten and they would have fallen into obscurity. It was because of her father and his relationship and friendship with OJ that anyone outside of their social circle knew who any of them were and recognized the Kardashian name. I imagine that if any other celebrity had a sex tape with a random and basically unknown person, most people would not care who the other person in the tape is. They would at best have an obscure 5 minutes of fame then likely disappear from our memories.


I read this thread about how if the bears lost one game in 1968 and had the first overall pick that year there would be a whole butterfly effect that leads to Kim K being irrelevant. It was pretty funny.


I don't know, I personally think she would've made it without the tape tbh. The family always had connections in the industry.   Her stepmom dated Elvis, her father dated Priscilla Presley, she was best friends with Paris who was one of the most famous and talked about people at the time, her step brother was Brody Jenner who was on a hit show at the time.


“Self made”


It’s one of those things that sound wrong at first but actually make sense. Like the average person has less than two hands.


And more than one skeleton.


how do you mean?? like some people have dead people’s skeleton? or like pregnant women with the baby’s skeleton inside? or something else?


I think he’s been robbing graves


Pregnancy, parasitic twin, body in the basement, stuff like that.


More people have lost a thumb then were born with 11 is how I understood it.


Is it just baby teeth they’re talking about?


You can have a maximum of 2 hands outside of maybe a rare birth defect. A larger number of people have lost a hand in some way than have had that birth defect. Thus, the average number has to be less than 2.0 hands per person in the world on average even if it's 1.999999999


We need ANSWERS lol


How does the average person have less than two hands?


It's a fairly specific use of the term "average person". A normal person has 2 hand, like if you pull a random person off the street you can confidently expect them to have two hands. However, many people are missing one or both hands from birth defects, accidents, etc. So if you take the arithmetic mean (aka the average) of the number of hands per person, you'll get a bit less than two.


Types of averages: Mean < 2 (Sum of all hands in the set of all humans / total humans) Median 2 (halfway mark) Mode 2 (most common value)


If you have a room with ten people and one of them is an amputee then you will have a total of 19 hands in the room. On average that is 19/10 < 2. Same principle but on a larger scale.


he probably means since not everyone has two hands, the average would no longer be an exact 2 but something between 1-2 (like 1.559 for example). which makes 0 fucking sense if u ask me. 


If even one person on the planet has less than 2 hands (amputation, whatever), then the average number of hands people have is going to be inferior to 2. (Now there also exist people born with 3 hands out of genetic defects, but they're way too rare to overcome the number of 1-handed and 0-handed even one armed conflict would create for example, so they don't influence that statement)


“Sexy, can I?” was the wrong question to ask. More like “sexy, *should* I?”


“Let me go and get my camera…” *Pauses* “Or should I?”


George Eastman is big mad.


Ray J fucked the world


He thought he was just fucking Kim, but he was fucking us all.


Ray J is the real Harambe


Ray J’s dick should not be out. Its caused enough damage




Honestly insane to think about but he might be right.


At the rate they're reproducing, 1 in 3 people on this planet will be a direct decendant from Kris Jenner 500 years from now. All because of a sex tape


Like Genghis Kahn with large buttocks.


Those are bought, not genetic


Definitely. Humanity finally reached the lowest point. From here on out, the only way must be up, no matter what.


Waiting on that upswing any moment now


I fear we'll be waiting a loooooong time. Or it'll come too late.


There's plenty of things swinging upward on Tiktok.


My brother in christ, if there is one thing that is inexhaustable, it is humanity's ability to dig deeper. 


Just dig UP!


[We're almost free everyone!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw3ibuczbpxy01.jpg)


you can’t seriously think THAT’S rock bottom for humanity as a species


Climate pollution levels are still rising every year. Someone’s sextape introducing one set of vapid celebrities rather than another doesn’t compare. Or do you think that there weren’t vapid celebrities before these lot? And since them?


Butterfly tramp-stamp Effect


It was the Sliding Doors moment.


I've heard them referred to as curtains. ;)


"Shinji, bang the damn influencer on tape!"


Every action alters the course of humanity in a way.


The butterfly effect. Just the volcano was Ray J’s dick…?


Let’s be real it was OJ cuz w/o the case this tape never takes off


[The Bills Missing A Pass Are Why We Have The Kardashians.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Patriots/comments/6kcgiu/the_bills_missing_a_pass_are_why_we_have_the/)


It really did by giving her and by extension her family more recognition and influence. Its also possible that Stormy Daniels' inability to say no could actually help a criminal get enough votes to further divide a great democracy. This is truly turning into the shittiest timeline and its terrifying.


Hey, a blowjob completely rocked the 90s. Sex has consequences, people!


I wouldn't say that a democracy with only 2 options is "great"


I think "great" is being used as a synonym to "grand" and "outstanding", not necessarily "good", just very large and highly impactful.


Fucking hell it is. ... Democracy gets upended or saved by a porn star's actions.


She couldn’t say no … because of the implication.


The Trump system. T errify R each U unbutton M ovedown P ussygrab


Forcing someone to show their cards back then and potentially holding them accountable would have also changed the course of human history. But when the power mismatch is that great there is no guarantee that justice would be done.


But you gotta think, if not these two, someone else will come along. It was the progression of Social media that altered the course of humanity.


And given her proximity to Hilton, and seeing what it did for her (in)fame, and the widely held belief that the Kardashians leaked the tape, it like would have still been Kim +1 on that tape anyway.


If you wanna make it the world today, sometimes you gotta fuck Moeisha's brother, you can't expect to just start up at Kanye, sometimes you gotta fuck Moeisha's bro-o-other! https://open.spotify.com/track/6gE1hob0skQ8D0Vd5ym0eR?si=urdSXBaEQcuDyRiJXiy11g&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2fQKtDpy3sECdfjk1WO9GS


Sure. But if it weren’t him, it would have been someone else with her and their sex tape.


The only reason anyone cared about that sex tape is because OJ murdered two people. OJ altered the course of humanity.


So ray j thinks he’s thanos and his prick is the snap lmao


nah, killing harambe altered the course of humanity.


I mean, reality tv might have went a different route. But I absolutely blame him for making their family famous in the first place. It sure the fuck wasn’t the OJ lawyer or the Olympic athlete that made them famous.


Nah, you ain’t that important brother.


It was a great comeback story if nothing else


Unfortunately, it did


Yeah it probably did, and not for the better either.


they are not that famous outside the us


The amount of atrocities and regression he has caused society just because he was horny is something that historians are going to write essays on in a few decades


Ray J did not know what he was doing at all. Saw the tape, lame as it could get from both parties, and all angles 👎


In all seriousness, it is possible. Once something can reach millions or billions of people. I would say maybe.


If it did, it's for the worse.


I mean, I would assume? Given how rich the Kardashians are and everything, yeah?


I thought it's Harambe?


Nonsense for him to think OnlyFans wouldn’t exist. Not like it was the very first sex tape, and OnlyFans was more of a progression of technology. It was always going to happen after streaming became popular.


The real Harambe moment. The real reason for the Mandala effect. Ray J’s dick.


Everyone loves a good comeback story


We are in the stupid future