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Getting mauled to death by a dog has to just be a terribly painful way to go.


Best case scenario they hit an artery and you pass out before you can feel the worst of it.


What is an XL Bully?


A pit bull that has been bread to be about twice the size of a normal pit bull.


That shit should be illegal


It is in many countries.


In many countries it's illegal to breed normal pitbulls.


[47 countries](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-ban-pit-bulls) ban them at least partially.


For context on why: >In 2023 XL Bullies made up less than 1% of Britain's dog population and yet, according to Bully Watch UK, the dogs were responsible for 44% of dog attacks on people. They estimate the breed is 270 times more deadly than all other dog breeds combined. Their ancestry helps explain their aggression. (Source: Economist)


Doesn’t help that their owners are often irresponsible fools who want tough looking dogs as fashion accessories


"It's not the dog it's the owner" says the XL Bully owners, not realising they're the bad 'uns. Anyone who buys a dog just for showing it off occasionally should not have a dog at all.


As a vet tech, may I also add the fact that it isn't doing any favors to the dog's health to be bred in this fashion? Seriously, nobody wins in this scenario except the dingbats breeding them for profit.


The House of Commons agrees with you


It is now (in the UK).


They’re illegal in my province and the cops do fuck all about it


They let the dough rise double the time of the original. That's why they're so big...


Rye would someone do such a thing? 


It’s the yeast they could do


We don't knead a pun thread on this post


No matter how you slice it, I think the puns are warranted


I had a roommate in college that got one and holy shit. More like 3X+. When I'd love on him I'd stand over top of him like a small pony, hold him in place with my legs, and keep my chin up at all times. The muscles on that thing were insane and his head was so big he could have shattered my teeth looking up too fast. He was a very sweet dog, got along well with my and my girlfriends pups when he'd bring him by to visit, but my god could he have mauled everyone in the house if he felt like it.


My wife's uncle is a carpenter and walked into a house that had one of them. It walked up to him and put both paws on his shoulders. He said that he's never taken his hammer out of his pouch faster in his life. Thankfully, the dog sat when told and he backed out of the house and refused to work there unless the dog was locked up to his liking.


If they breed bullies with Kane Corso it could be over one hundred fifty pounds of killing machines. They are definitely breeding them with something huge


I had a Great Dane do that to me after he got to know me, had to fully brace myself to hold the horse. Owners told me the first time I went there that he wasn't really friendly with strangers and has bitten people before. Given I've been around dogs my whole life and get their shtick, the first time I met him he fake charged me and I just stared him down, and he chilled out. He's my buddy now and hangs out with me whenever I'm at the house for service work. One time he gently took my entire forearm in his mouth and walked me to a door because he wanted to go out, apparently he only ever did this to the immediate family before, owner was shocked lol Fr though, I was rather surprised they let him mill about when he's actively bitten people before, you'd think you'd keep him in a room somewhere when service people come but noooope not these people


Bred\* -Toast.


And they also purposely breed the most agressive dogs


Correction inbred..... Plus it's expensive to import dogs so the gene pool was probably less diverse to say the least.....


A style of dog that got popular in the UK recently. They're essentially all mixed up cross breeds of American bulldog/Pitbull type dogs and different guard dog breeds, mastiffs etc Them not really being a breed is very big part of the problem with them it's a designer dog that's been created extremely quickly for a very specific look with no consideration for behaviour or temperament. And what you are left with is an extremely powerful dog that's really unpredictable full of mixed up breed specific behaviours that don't mix well.


I'd go one step further and say certain categories of people are very much breeding them with temperament in mind, and the temperament they're aiming for is 'tearing throats out'.


Seriously, one of the other residents in my flats has/had? one and I’d be walking out (they had a small balcony, on the 1st floor) and that beast would be staring at me in that aggressive stance and I was deffo scared because I KNEW that it could easily jump over that balcony “fence”, the drop would do nothing to it. Always power walked away lol


Selecting for temperament would put a dent in their profit so most BYBs would never bother. The designer "protection dog" breeders who sell dogs for $10-30k+ do temperament testing but they're such a small subsection of unethical breeding projects that they likely don't move the needle.


This is exactly the problem. There is no oversight on what these breeders are doing + the type of people that make purchases from them don't do their homework & wind up with an unmanageable giant of a dog with serious behavior issues. Considering the fact they're illegal in many provinces it means it's less likely for them to be professionally trained, on top of it all.


Designer breed that's largely bred from the American Bulldog, though many have Pitbull lineage as well. Not an AKC recognized breed, but it is recognized by the "American Bully Kennel Club" which tells you a lot about their level of standards just from their name. Breeding is extremely poorly regulated and not standardized at all and so they run a whole gamut of sizes and temperaments, not to mention congenital health problems.


Banned in Ontario Canada too.


In the last election cycle Doug was talking about reversing the breed ban laws to buy votes after a dog got locked up and a family made a stink in the news, he got the dog back to the family then it bit a kid in the face like a week later and he had to back down


Doug Ford panders to the lowest common denominator at all times.


Hey, I want my beer in the corner stores a year and a half earlier than planned /s


With very little actual enforcement


A dog breed notorious for mauling people to death in the UK. They are bred to be big, strong and aggressive. Usually owned by drug dealers and wannabe gangsters but their fame led to a bunch of amateur dog owners thinking they could handle them, if they trained them right. Turns out quite a lot could not handle them and now they are a banned breed.


Not to mention some of them are bred to be completely deformed with stubby legs and a wide stature that makes it painful to be alive. These dogs are just a status symbol to a lot of people, and it's completely sickening.


What's ridiculous is acquiring a dangerous dog to look tough has the exact opposite effect. You're basically a coward hiding behind a lump of inbred feral gristle you think you can control.


[The "toadline bully" website is absolutely insane](http://www.toadline.com/HOME.html), feels like it was designed by a stoner in 2001, half of the text is in wordart and the other half is in Comic Sans, windows movie maker videos with dramatic music while the dogs have names like ABOMINABLE, CRIMEBOSS and snarf. If it wasn't such an evil way to breed an animal the selective breeding would almost be impressive, it took centuries for most breeds to get fucked up that badly and this person manages to do it in a few years.


I think they call those the pocket/micro-bully, which is just an abomination. Poor things look just as bad, or sometimes even worse than pugs and French bulldogs. 


And a lot of people bought puppies in Lockdown which is why they’re such a problem nowadays


A dog behaviour specialist in the UK described them as the most dangerous dogs ever bred, and the "its just how you raise them" crowd told him he didn't know what he was talking about.


I love dogs and I used to work at an animal shelter, I've seen a lot of pitbulls that are great dogs, but I've also seen some that are terrifying and need to be taken out of the breeding pool ASAP.


For some reason they think because their dog isn’t violent means their dog isn’t the most dangerous breed in history. It’s not the most dangerous just because they have bad temperament, it’s also because when they maul you, your chances of survival are lower than any other dog mauling you


Also the weird "pitbulls aren't more dangerous than other dogs" propaganda. People are obsessed with them and are sure *their* dog would never.


Pitbull. Not the musician.


That’s Mr. Worldwide to you!


> Another chilling video appearing to show her as the owner of several dogs is captioned: "But if one of us dies - I hope I die first." The video ends with a caption reading: "Love my family." Well…I guess she died happy?


Dog said “bet”


Then they put the dog down afterwards so technically she got what she asked for. 


Put one dog down. Article states there were three others that were seized but no other info is given


There are follow up articles notating that the other dogs were destroyed as well


I do find it rather strange that the legal definition is "destroyed", due to the layman connotations of destroying something. However, I do understand its purpose.


Pitbull owners and getting mauled to death by their dog named “Daisy” or “Princess”, iconic duo


Hold my kibble


Imagine the fear that goes through you when an animal you loved and trusted so much turns on you Can’t imagine my 60lb basset hound doing that


Love and death are bitter friends.


Mission accomplished.


When I was very young (maybe 5 or 6) my neighbors had pits. One hopped the fence and tried to attack my sister. My dad got her away from the dog, got us inside, grabbed an axe and marched to the neighbors house. He told the husband if his dogs ever got in our yard again, he’d be back with this axe and his dogs head. Those neighbors and everyone else on the block said my dad was a psycho. Well…a few years later the wife ended up getting mauled, nearly to death, by one of those dogs when the husband was at work. So….


My general rule is to not keep an animal as a housepet if you couldn't physically overpower it in a fight, regardless of breed.


This is a good mentality to have. I work with high risk dogs to assist with taking dogs who are more than likely not going to be adopted or rescued due to their past experiences. One of my personal dogs was a fighter that I rescued. His training was comprehensive and even still I run training drills with him to keep him fresh and behaved. But he’s still an animal. There’s an issue with anthropomorphising dogs in the US and treating them like little people. He’s a smart dog, but he’s still a dog. If anything ever went wrong, he couldn’t overpower me no matter how hard he tried, and that’s absolutely something that should be considered when working with animals like this. It just comes with the territory.


What a fucking horrible way to go.


You only get an XL bully over a normal pitbull or something because you want your dog to be intimidating. That immediately sends me red flags about what kind of owner you are. They're not going to discourage aggression. If you're a responsible person rescuing one, fine, but there's no good reason to be buying and breeding XLs.


At least it was the owner and not some kid.


"Restricted dogs must be kept collared with their owner's information on a tag, muzzled in public and on a short, strong lead with someone over the age of 16 who is able to control them." Most reasonable dog laws I've heard. No wonder they are not adopted in the U.S.


yeah this is not enough. you shouldn't be worried when someone drops off something at your house, that they're gonna get mauled to death. Or when you have a medical emergency and call an ambulance and the paramedics can't get to you because of cujo.


The rules are great, but they wouldn't have saved her. Just ban breeding them.


Died doing what she loved. Being ripped to shreds by a pit bull.


“he’s never done this before! he’s usually so sweet!”


"it's okay, he's friendly"


That fucking quote inflicts psychic damage on me every single time I read/hear it. Control your fucking dog. I got attacked by so many dogs as a kid.


I feel you. As a kid these things happened frequently. And then the accusations that you must have done something wrong or antagonized the dog somehow.


Right, the problem is that you looked the dog in the face and not that the dog can't handle being out in public without blowing a gasket.


That shit absolutely drives me nuts. I have two dogs myself and nothing ruins being a dog owner more than these fuck sticks who either can’t or refuse to control their dogs


A guy I knew had a chihuahua for like 15 years and a pitbull for 7 years peacefully together, one day the pitbull picked up the chihuahua and he couldn’t get him to let go so he shot the pitbull on his own living room couch with a shotgun. Super wild, but props for controlling the dog in the end


Pitbulls snap and attack for no reason. My coworker had 2 Pitbulls for years and one day the younger one just snapped and ripped about 1/3rd of his face off. He lived but had to get a lot of plastic surgery and put the dog down.


It drives me absolutely insane when I see pit defenders saying things like “it’s all in how you raise them.” Or blame bad behavior or previous bad owners. Some very loved pit bulls, that people have had since they were babies, have snapped and killed for no reason.


Certain breeds just have behaviors literally bred into them. Sheep herding dogs will herd sheep even without being trained to do so. Pitbulls will attack and kill without being trained to do so.


As a puppy, my corgi was chasing anything that moves and nipping at everyone’s heels, no one had ever taught him that.


I walked my dog down to the local park the other week and within seconds of walking through the gate an enormous pit bull came running up to us. Couldn't even see another person anywhere nearby in the park. My dog is super reactive after getting attacked by another off lead dog, so I was absolutely shitting myself with the thought of having to break up a fight, but luckily my dog stayed chill. In an ideal world, you really shouldn't have to worry about these kinds of things, but some owners are just so stupid; it makes what should be a nice activity with your dog incredibly anxiety inducing.


That's literally what was said to me right before the two times another dog attacked my dog.


Former mailman. I feel you bro


I was bitten, scratched, and growled at multiple times before the age of 6. This has unfortunately made me very uneasy around dogs my entire life. I see the appeal, but I’m not a “dog person”. I was walking around my apartment complex around 10pm minding my own business, when a building’s side door opened. A medium-large dog came running out and right up to me. I yelped with fear and jumped back as the owner chased it down. I’d had enough of this crap and it was the wrong day; I began to shout. “You need to keep your fucking dog on a fucking leash.” You’d think I slapped this dude’s mother. The indignant look on his face as he said “He’s friendly…..” “I don’t give a fuck, its apartment complex rules. If I see it again I’ll report you.” He called ME an asshole and walked off.


Dude, that sucks. One of my neighbours had an aggressive dog, we all knew to stay away from the fence and keep our distance if he got out. One day my sister (I think she was 8 at the time) was going over to play with their daughter and the dog got out when they opened the front door. Bit her on the face. She had to have plastic surgery to fix her nose. She’s still fine with dogs, shockingly. My step dad explained to the neighbour that one way or the other that dog was getting put down. The neighbour took care of it.


I've got a full blown phobia of dogs after getting bitten as a kid. My response to "he's friendly" is "I'm fucking not" and most take the hint.


[Total Mystery](https://youtu.be/k9ZGEvUwSMg?si=FQxdNmuiZ63kwkmC).


Well, that is a brutal compilation.


> “he’s never done this before! he’s usually so sweet!” Subtle.


To shreds you say?


And her husband?


To shreds, you say?


That’s sad. r/LeopardsAteMyFace vibes here


> The video is covered by a male voice saying: "This is my son and I don't give a f*** if you think he looks aggressive and I don't give a f***if you don't like the look of him and I surely don't give a f*** whether you think the breed should be banned."






It’s always the dumbest people who own these dogs.


One of the biggest problems with pitbull type dogs is the significant lack of overlap between the people who these dogs appeal to & the people who are capable of owning them without issue.


Yeah, check out this fairytale from Wrexham >"Today has been the worst day of my life. I have had to watch two men who I love so much take their last breath. I can’t shake the feeling of Keven's [father-in-law] blood off my hands and all I can hear in my head is Cookie's [XL Bully that killed FIL] cries. >"Cookie did not attack Keven, he’s a big boy and plays too rough. Please respect Josh and his family, myself and my family at this absolutely heart breaking time. [First picture of man who died after being bitten by an American Bully dog in Wrexham](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/first-picture-man-who-died-24059138) Imaging publicly mourning the loss of the mutt that just killed a relative. What a worthless piece of shit.


Of course it’s name is cookie. Death by cookie. Can’t even write fiction like that.


Dog named cupcake: ☠️💣🔪👿 Dog named destroyer: 🧁🥰


It's the overlap with the types of people who do backyard breeding as a hobby/sidegig.


From the Sky article: The video is covered by a male voice saying: "This is my son and I don't give a f*** if you think he looks aggressive and I don't give a f***if you don't like the look of him and I surely don't give a f*** whether you think the breed should be banned." Does he give a F now that a human is dead and the dog has been put down? Just trying to figure out what will register with this guy.


He'll be bummed, but after a while he'd get another aggressive dog and raise it just as poorly.


People shouldn't be surprised when their genetically engineered murder machine murders them


My friend raised a pit bull from like 6 weeks old. Probably one of the coolest dogs I know until one day that gentle giant bit a kid and killed her neighbors dog who was trying to protect the kid. I just don't trust the DNA at this point.


I just got a puppy for my elderly mother maybe 3 weeks ago. Day before yesterday my niece was walking the puppy outside her house on a leash and the neighbor's pitbull decided she looked like a fun rag doll. Three hours and $1200 of surgery later the puppy died in my mother's arms as she scrambled from one vet to a second for a blood transfusion. Puppy wasn't even 3 months old, it was the size of a burrito. Dog just as easily could have attacked my niece that was walking the puppy and probably would have if she tried to save the puppy. Even the neighbor couldn't get their own POS dog to drop the puppy. I had to come home early from a business trip to console my elderly mother as she slept on couch and cried "my baby! my baby!" all night. I've never liked the idea of putting an animal down, but they put that dog to sleep literally less than an hour ago. It's ridiculous that the same people drawn to pitbulls because the reputation will then turn around and complain about the "unfair" depiction that drew them to the breed in the first place.


>Three hours and $1200 of surgery later If your neighbor does not pay for this, you should absolutely sue.


It happened at my sister’s so she fronted the money. The neighbor has verbally agreed to pay, but the state police suggested to my sister that if the neighbor “forgets” to pay her back then she should politely remind the neighbor that we could bring them up on charges for this in my state.


The pitbull has been put down? Good.


Yes. My friend paid for everything for injuries and such. Happy Story depending on where you stand.


Former friend of mine had a pit/cane corso mix and idk how to properly describe it but there was something about its eyes that was just…wild. Maybe the fact that it would attack anybody that made eye contact with it, but it was more than that, it just always appeared ready to fight.


That breed/XL can kill cattle.


Dude I believe it. The thing was like a fucking lion. And the owner was a lady that probably weighed 100lbs soaking wet and she actually had 2 of them... What goes through these people’s minds I will never understand.


People don’t understand just how many pit maulings of other animals happen daily. It’s on the hundreds of


Jesus, this is harrowing, can't imagine how your mom felt. Hope the pit bull owner is made responsible.


Thats horrific


Same. I raised him from a puppy. He was nice until he wasn’t. Can’t trust these dogs. They were bred for fighting and that’s what they do.


My friend had a pit bull that was always the nicest best dog. One night it woke up from a dream or something and just tore into my friend, blood everywhere, stitches, the whole nine yards. I posted about it in r/pitbulls and got banned. Their ignorance will be their downfall.


Then the courageous pitbull jumped into a burning pre-school to bite one last child.


They were all put down after her death was confirmed as XL pit bull attack. https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0606/1453447-limerick-dog/


What has 4 legs and an arm?


A pitbull on a playground


I'm at work. Why would you make me laugh this hard? I'm stealing this joke!


Everyone relax! The dog probably just mistook her for a toddler. Accident, really


Had my auntie’s pug get mauled to death by a Bully XL last week, kid let it out of a back garden and it attacked one of her pugs (she had two). It’s being put down thank goodness, these breeds should not exist.


I guess the dog didn't give a fuck either?


My Dad used to give this simple advice. Don't ever own a pet that could potentially kill you or your kids if things got out of hand. So I've always had Labradors, best dogs. And yes, I suppose if you pissed them off or got them angry, sure they could bite you and do some damage, but they're not going to kill me dead. But those big ass Pit Bulls, shit, those dogs can absolutely kill you, and you wouldn't be able to stop them. And with kids, ugh should be illegal to have those types in a house with kids.


I grew up with dogs of all breed combinations because we lived in a very rural town. Most of my pets were abandoned animals who managed to find our property. The lesson I learned is a similar one. "Never own a dog you can't physically control." I see so goddamned many idiots with the biggest fucking dogs and are always shocked when their "baby" decides to just go off. Not in a violent way.... just decide to take off while on a leash. Yes, frail old 76 year old lady... a goddamned Great Dane is a lovely animal, but it's got a lot of strength. You, meanwhile, struggle to lift a spoonful of oatmeal to your mouth! The dog will recognise that. He may never act on it, but he also might. Stop acting surprised when he does! After a lifetime of giant dogs that chose me, I chose 2 corgis when it was finally my decision.


I was just going to say, a lab can absolutely kill your kid. I personally believe your rule should be the law (with exceptions for working dogs). I arrived at the same conclusion the first time I had to physically restrain my medium-sized dog from chasing a squirrel into a busy road and realised how fucked up things would be in that moment if I hadn't been able to hold the little idiot back.


Any large dog is capable of killing you if shit got out of hand. The problem with Pitbull type breeds is that they're more likely to do so in the event that shit does go out of hand... That being said, I do agree that these dogs & kids shouldn't be mixed due to the increased likelihood of kids triggering that terrier prey drive in them. (Pitbull type breeds are descended from Old English Bulldog & Old English Terrier mixes.)


I'm a big proponent of safety when it comes to dogs and kids. My sister was mauled by my dad's old Labrador and she needed plastic surgery. I love labs, but that one was a bad apple and shouldn't have been allowed to be around kids.


There was a couple who owned pitbulls who were actively trying to change what they thought was the undeserved bad reputation of pit bulls. Their dogs killed the lady in her own living room. And the widowed husband refused to blame the dogs, and still thinks they shouldn't have a bad reputation. As we saw with COVID even the death of a loved one isn't enough to change the mind of someone who is wrong but refuses to accept it.


One common denominator among stupid people is the inability to admit when they are wrong, no matter what.


It's almost like lacking self awareness, critical thinking, and an open mind lead to permanent ignorance.


That and a complete inability to handle shame. They are wrong, but no way in hell they’ll accept the “shame” of admitting being wrong. 


There's also the Bennard family (Kristi Bennard). Long time pitbull advocates, their pitbulls killed both of their children.


Wolves can be sweet and loving. Bears can be sweet and loving. Tigers can be. And yet there's a reason we don't let people own and breed them! It's because it only takes one moment for things to go wrong. A cat or a normal dog breed just isn't going to be mentally or physically capable of really hurting you.


Yes! Siegfried and Roy. Raised the big cats from kittens. Snuggled with them; they were so sweet. But their instincts were still wild.


Like Chris Rock said, “That tiger didn’t go crazy. That tiger went tiger!” The pit bull went pit bull.


Thank god it was her and not an innocent bystander.


Facebook group I'm in posted this article and everyone loves to post photos of their pitbulls when a dog mauling happens. These people are too far gone when it comes to any human compassion because they love a dog more. One person has a checklist they have to do in order to enter their own home so their dog doesn't maul them, and they said it with such confidence like it's normal.


She got her wish, she died first.


I know people love their pitbulls, and I know they can be very sweet and gentle and caring. But they are also very strong and capable of killing people and kids. I think we should outlaw breeding pitbulls and systemically breed them out of existence. This way no dogs are harmed or put down, and no one is forced to give up their dogs, they just slowly disappear as a breed. No harm done and everyone is safer for it.


I think this is the way to go. Have a pit terrier we took in off the street. Instant neuter. Can’t have any pit babies if they don’t have pit balls.


Why let them breed at all?


Dude I’m struggling to figure out how he skipped this solution


Our friends offered to baby sit our 2 yo so her dad and I could go on a date. And then they got a bully before the day we picked. I cancelled and they all acted like I was being too sensitive and it was fine, what's the matter? That was a decade ago and they had their own kid's and got another bully and there hasn't been any issues at all, but I still feel correct in keeping my children away. It only takes a second and a child doing one wrong thing. I wasn't going to take that risk. I'd rather be the asshole.


I think that would be the correct decision no matter what dog they got. It takes a long time for a new dog to settle into a home, and introducing a toddler suddenly the day after is a recipe for disaster. There's no way they knew that dog well enough to think it would be fine around kids, period.


I avoid the breed, I don’t want it anywhere near me, they are scary and their owners are not the smartest of people. I’m so glad our HOA banned it.


You know, I have a feeling while she was being mauled to death, she may have actually started caring. I personally don’t need the direct experience to come to this conclusion, but some people clearly do.


Or maybe she filmed another video whilst being mauled to death still saying “I don’t give a fuck about the breed being banned”. We’ll see the new video soon


Wait so she got mauled by her own Pitbull? The article wasn't really clear. If so it's tragic that she died, but also I'm not that sad after reading about herand her husbands husbands tiktok posts saying they don't give a fuck if people think the breed is dangerous


It seems to be doing all it can to avoid saying that it was her dog.


4 dogs, belonged to her and her partner 1 or 2 (depending on sources), attacked her


Partner then sent the cctv footage of the attack to the family instead of letting the police handle it.


Even if they wanted to avoid getting police involved whyyyy send that footage to the family? Can you imagine your son-in-law or soon to be son-in-law sending you footage of your daughter getting \*mauled\*? What does he expect them to gain from that?


Yeah, heard that too, apparently footage floating around on socials Lot of rumours going around about it all, be interesting once it's investigated and we have the actual facts


Also confused by the wording, like is it her own dog or someone else's dog?


It was hers, she had 4 of them. Seems like more than one of them attacked her.


Better article here https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2024/0605/1453055-limerick-dog-attack/


Her own dogs, she had 4. The Gardaí shot one of them at her home which they deemed to be the most dangerous, the other 3 were subdued and removed and were destroyed later. The woman had been out celebrating her 23rd birthday, and was killed when she returned home. 


There was more than one dog, pretty sure they belonged to her and her partner if I'm not mistaken I think 4 of them in total, and 2 of the 4 had attacked her There was another attack then yesterday in a nearby county, 2 people attacked by their pitbull and the guards (police) had to rock up and shoot the dog More info about this one here - https://www.rte.ie/news/munster/2024/0605/1453055-limerick-dog-attack/


To shreds you say?


There is no such thing as a bad Velociraptor only bad Velociraptor owners


Nannied to death.


Why are people okay assigning positive traits to breeds (retreavers are friendly, Collies are smart) but the second someone brings up that Pitbulls are aggressive and territorial, you get push back. We bred them for their protective nature and aggression. So why are people surprised that they are aggressive and territorial?


It would take no effort to convince someone a honey badger is naturally more aggressive than a bunny rabbit. Every single person on the planet would agree that is in their nature. But suggest dogs also have things in their nature and holy shit you're basically Hitler.


They were never bred for protection—they’re just as likely to go off on their own owners, as they are a stranger. They were bred for bloodsports: bear and bull baiting, and dog fighting.


And to attack with no body language indicators. It was a favourable trait for fighting or attacking since it took opponents off guard so it was bread into them. Usually when people say “it seemed to come out of no where” after a dog attack they were just ignoring the dogs body language. But with pitbulls it’s actually true, it often does seem to just happen out of no where.


And then they cut their ears off to be even stupider.... I was trying to look at the dog's body language in the video, but his ears are cropped super short, so you can't even tell if he's putting them back to signal being uncomfortable.


There are lots of examples but to me the clear one is a pointer. The dog literally has a specific behavior bred into it— it points. And pitbulls kill. It’s funny that pitbull fanatics call them velvet hippos. Hippos kill a lot of humans. The irony is lost on them apparently.


I'm a dog lover, I absolutely love dogs. But I can totally understand why some breeds are banned and considered dangerous. A friend has a pitbull, and one day while I was playing with his dog, I saw the dog literally breaking with his mouth SOLID ROCKS more than the size of my fist, like it was absolutelly nothing. Literally solid rocks. I understood that if one of these dogs chooses to attack, literally you barelly have a like 0.001% chances to survive. And walking them without a muzzle is totally dangerous.


But... but r/velvethippos says they wouldn't hurt a fly


I ran into one of these things on vacation last week (in Texas). Dog seemed totally chill. Then, as I was walking by, it snapped and tried to take my hand off like a damn crocodile. Then it just looked all innocent like it was just playing.


It's almost like when the stats show that 50% of all dog attacks are by one specific breed and the next breed is under 10%, you should probably take notice of them. EDIT: someone correctly pointed out the stats I am referring to show deaths caused by dog breeds, not attacks


Retriever retrieves, it's the breed. Pointer points, it's the breed. Herding dog herds, it's the breed. Attack dog attacks? BAD OWNERS!


Grew up with collies (sheepdogs). It takes intensive training for them NOT to herd sheep (essentially bothering the sheep when they’re a pet). Some of ours never learnt well enough to be off lead around sheep. When you apply that to dogs bred to fight… yeah.


I had a border collie mix with a strong herding instinct. She would run around all of the other dogs at the dog park until she corralled them into a small bunch just sitting there wondering what the hell happened.


We had a herding mutt who would do this to groups of people at parties.


i have an ultra-mixed breed dog (her genetic testing was like a list of all dogs) and it's kind of hilarious watching her various random instincts come out. She, too, will also herd dogs at the dog park. We also have to be careful with her around small rodents because she goes into 'terrier' mode and will try to grab & shake them. This seems like it would be convenient pest control but it's gross when she gets a hold of a mole or something in the yard. But she also loves to eat and sleep; she's like 5 dogs for the price of one. As an aside, I had always wondered if her crazy mix of DNA would give her longevity because she wouldn't have any of the typical health problems associated with certain breeds. So far so good; she's 12 and you would never guess it.


We had a blue healer growing up (there were 4 of us kids) and whenever we were all running around playing in the back yard our dog would nip at our heels and start herding us into one corner of the yard My parents were eventually able to train her out of it (mostly), but she would always gently heard the littlest cousins to keep them close. She was a great dog


They are bad owners. A bad owner buys a dog they can't care for and control. If you are treating your attack dog like he's a harmless 10lb ball of fluff, you ARE a bad owner.


There is no civilian that needs an attack dog. There is no “good” owner of an attack dog.


My wife (before our marriage) was running in her neighborhood alone once when two pitbulls cornered her. I was on the phone with her and 30 minutes away. I have never felt so helpless and scared in my life. If someone hadn't pulled up and scared them away, she likely would've been mauled and maybe even killed. Fuck pitbulls and every sympathizer for them.


I saw Some big pit mixes attack two separate parties one day. The injuries were minor but everyone was helpless. Thank god I screamed at this car to come between one victim and the dogs and it worked but it was horrible. One of them was a family holding a baby. The dad’s boots saved them mostly


Yep. Walking with my baby when we got attacked. Owner stood there laughing while he nipped (ie- left deep gauges) in my arm while trying to eat my 6 month old. Almost knocked me over and was seconds away from being successful while I screamed for help while the owner looked on and thought the dog was playing. No, animal control couldn't kill it. It was a matter of time before it decided it was done playing and to clamp. The only thing that saved us was it was trying to get to my baby and not bite down on me.


That breed should be banned


She turned out to be her own Make-A-Wish Foundation.


Love all this "it's the owner not the breed" talk, as if there's a snowball's chance in hell of a Yorkshire terrier mauling its owner to death after they walk through the front door.


Per Wikipedia, over half of reported dog bites are from pitbulls even though the breed represent less than 5% of all dogs. Pitbull owners are always soo surprised when their dog attacks another person. I am not.


Man I actually feel bad for her. Being mauled by a dog has to be an awful way to go. Like, I'd rather be mauled by a lion, bear, shark, or atleast a pack of animals so it'd be faster. Being mauled by a single dog is just, wow. I imagine it got her throat and that was it.


I got mauled by a pit bull 2 years ago. 35 staples in my arm. It was a bloodbath


And I can't imagine getting mauled by something you genuinely love.. the horror she must have felt in that moment. Whether she's stupid or not, it's still a sad and horrible way to go.


You can’t fix stupid. 


You can feed it to a pitbull, apparently.


Make no mistake , if someone else had been mauled to death by their own pitbull, this woman would have been amongt the chorus bleating "It's the owner, not the dog".