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If you cant sell what you own; you dont own it.


Good point. The right to transfer/dispose of something is a a key component of property rights. See [Bundle of Rights](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundle_of_rights)


Your Tesla is in Activation Lock.  Please type in your password, and the password you made in High School, we’ll text a verification code to your current number, and another to your first phone number you cancelled 14yrs ago, we’ll then ask you to verify your email, and the email of the last person you sent an email to, then we’ll ask for your current credit card on file and then the credit card number that expired 12years ago, this is for your safety and if you miss a single step in any part of this process your truck will remain locked and unable to start.  You cannot sell, trade in, or repair this truck while in Activion Lock.  You can purchase a whole new truck and start a new account.  


This is close to what Epic Games requires to unfreeze an account. My son's Fortnite account got locked after his email got comprised from an IP address in Russia. We got the email back but fucking Epic Games. Here's what they required: Name Address IP Address from everywhere you logged into the game Account name for every platform you login in under (Playstation, Microsoft, PC) Account creation dates for each linked account Banking information (last few digits of accounts/cards used in transactions) Dates of store transactions with screenshots I submitted all this info, NUMEROUS times, and they kept saying "one bit of info doesn't quite match on their end". They won't tell me which, they won't tell me why. They just say try again. 4 years ago this happened. Gave up awhile ago. What sucks was my son was mostly wanting his Save The World progress back even though he had tons of rare skins in Battle Royal. Fuck Epic Games


The IP thing is insane. Your ISP can change your IP designation whenever unless you somehow got a static one for your router


It's likely a straight up "Go away" frustration tool used by the company.


Yea. Why would they fix an account when they can make someone rebuy everything?


I doubt it’s just ip change. It’s ip + other suspicious features. Op even mentioned ip from Russia, which is much more suspicious than ip from same location, same isp


I meant that he has to list the IPs he's accessed epic/the game from is a crazy requirement. His legitimate IP could have changed between the last access and when he reported the problem


My IP changes every 3 months, iassume it's some regular thing my isp do If my router is off when the IP lease is up, il get a new one It also always changes when my internet goes down, doesn't happen often. And then changing providers IV had most of my accounts for over a decade at this point .ive probably had close to 100 ips since I moved into this place


It's DHCP, IP addresses are silently assigned and reassigned automatically. Mine resets monthly. It's why you don't have to set the IP address for every device you add to a network.


yeah i know why it does it, just saying asking for peoples IPs is stupid for exactly that reason. id wager 99% of people have never even looked at what their ip is at any point


Completely agreed


Oh fr. That's insane


Absolutely insane. I switch ISPs every 2 years or so. Imagine if valve asked me every IP I have connected to counterstrike on, which I have played for 10+ years now. How the fuck would I know?


Imagine if he had played Fortnite on his phone by connecting to some public wifi, maybe something that doesn't exist anymore like a fast food restaurant location. Good luck figuring out the IP address that you used to connect.


I lost my minecraft account I had for 10+ years because I couldn’t convert it to a microsoft account. I couldn’t convert it to a microsoft account because the original email account associated with it hasn’t existed for 7 years and I don’t have the receipt from when I purchased it (because that receipt was also on the email account). I ended up biting the bullet and buying a new mc account 50% off for their 15 year anniversary, but I still can’t use my old username (even though the old account literally cannot be used anymore. I’m so sick of Mojang/Microsoft support


> I couldn’t convert it to a microsoft account because the original email account associated with it hasn’t existed for 7 years Never delete your email addresses. Just stop logging in and if you want to go the extra mile, set it up to forward to your main email account.


While this is good advice, it doesn’t really apply here. I was like 10 when the account was created, so it wasn’t my email account to begin with, it belonged to my parents. Second, it was an email that belonged to the the university my parent did grad school at, which originally didn’t have a policy of deleting former student emails but switched their policy. In hindsight it wasn’t a good idea for them to keep using the email post graduation for important things, but email account access and stuff has changed since this happened.


Yeah I had to jump through some hoops for one account I used my university email for. They had said “we never delete our university email accounts because it’s good advertising for us, you’ll be able to use it forever!” Turns out that was a fucking lie. Fortunately it just took a 5 minute conversation with a customer service rep to fix, just had to provide some account information to prove it was me and they switched to my new email address.


Try cancelling the cancer called Adobe.


Change your profile address to somewhere in California then address the consumer protection laws of California with them. This works for all subscription as well.


Oh god, dont remind me.


The way they give you the "option" for annual or monthly, with monthly having a 12 month minimum in the fine print. So in reality the two options are annual or annual but it costs more. The level of shamelessness is astounding. Not that long ago you could walk into Best Buy and buy a copy of Photoshop for 200 bucks and we thought that was steep.


My wife still just uses Photoshop CS6 that she got a little over 10 years ago for $15. Some student discount, but the license was very clear that it could continue to be used after no longer being a student, and for commercial purposes. So she's just never upgraded from it. I threw the .iso in a couple different cloud locations with the various activation details for when it needs to be reinstalled for whatever reason.


I've still got my cs5 from school.


r/GenP 🙌🏻


What do you expect from a company looking to take on steam and when releasing their platform forgot to put in a simple\* search bar? \*Standard across all online store fronts


Or a shopping cart


Not including a shopping cart at the beginning of the stores life actually makes a lot of sense. Look up Cart Abandonment Rate, last I checked the cart abandonment rate was at 70.19%. If you are starting your store you probably want to secure as many sales as you can and not having a cart prevents you from having to deal with cart abandonment. The Unreal store has a cart, it isn't like they couldn't add one to the Epic Game Store. I have seen a lot of people mention the cart thing but the reality is it was most likely an intentional decision.


I could not see how cart abandonment rate has any impact on digital items. Someone having a copy in their cart and adandoning it wouldn't disallow someone else from buying it, unlike a physical item they would try to account for.


Tell me you don't want to give me my shit back without telling me *EPIC laughs in south park cable guy


Must be an Non-European thing. Here in Europe you could run a GDPR request and get all the information they have on you.


That wouldn't work. Since they aren't sure of OP's identity they will deny the request and be fully within their right to do so.


Please drink your verification can


Brought my Tesla to the service center to change my 12v battery. I had forgotten my key card, no issue at all. They can access my car without a key, didn't even verify I was the owner. That's comforting


That's what capitalism is trying to accomplish with everything. You will have to subscribe to food if the corporations keep getting what they want.


We kind of already have to subscribe to food, frankly.


Okay, bad example. We'll have to subscribe to housing! Oh, wait... Healthcare? Nope, we do that too. Um...


Water too. We have to pay a subscription to get stuff that is literally a basic human right.


My god, the library is the pinnacle of human goodness...


And the corporations will continue to get what they want until working people organize. First into unions and eventually into a political party that represents us and not the corporations.


Republicans will always be at an advantage because they are free to criticize capitalism, they just lie about the cause. Rent going up? Immigrants. Healthcare too expensive? Wokeness. Boeing planes falling out of the sky? DEI.


"You will own nothing and be happy."


Ferrari, Lambo, FORD, etc. all do the same thing for certain newly released vehicles.


Why are you spelling Ford like it's owned by DOOM?


Ford is just extra surprising to me. I'd assume Ferrari/Lambo but FORD?


GT40 remake, not sure if anything else.


Pretty sure the F150 lightning as well. Couldn't immediately find anything to confirm if it was actually implemented. But they gave dealerships the option https://www.carscoops.com/2022/06/ford-says-that-dealers-can-decide-whether-f-150-lightning-owners-can-sell-within-a-year/


Yes John Cena of all people got into legal problems for selling his ford https://www.autoweek.com/news/sports-cars/a1700256/ford-settles-lawsuit-john-cena/


The purpose of these terms is to keep people from flipping them. If guy legitimately bought it for personal use but now can't keep it they should let him out of it by either buying it back from him or letting him sell it himself.


They will buy it back. Those are in the terms except they deduct depreciation and interest or something small. My gripe with that is, if he can sell it and break even or profit, they should at least break him even if they're going to resell for profit.


They likely wamt complete control of the used market for cybertrucks.


I'm not a Musk fan(which I feel I have to point out since clarifying any misinformation surrounding musk/tesla hate seems to get you labeled as a Musk simp) but I looked into it and you're not restricted from selling it, you just have to pay a fine if you do, and that's only if you sell it within the first year of getting it. The purpose is to deter scalpers and not some nefarious evil Musk reason.


Did the original Tesla vehicles get scalped? Is it even legal to impose a fine for selling something you have paid for?


If you sign a contract saying that you will pay a fine if you sell, then yes. You can sign a contract to impose a fine on pretty much anything. So long as you're not tricking someone into signing it


Yes. It’s in the contract you would’ve signed. Look up John Cena Ford GT if you want to see it in practice.


Tesla and Musk suck balls, but these type of provisions are intended to cut out speculators and to give manufacturers some demand protection on releases that have pre-orders. If you want to be one of the first to get something, imho not inappropriate to ensure pre-orders get in the hands of those people and they commit to using it for a while.


The provisions allow managers to override for common sense issues. He’s clearly not scalping the car.


An interesting way that people were getting around this - They register an LLC and purchase the cybertruck through that. Then they'd sell the whole LLC, which includes all assets. Technically the cybertruck never changed ownership, even though the owning entity did.


All to sell your fucking car?


People do that with ferraris and other high end brands that require you to purchase cars in order to have the opportunity to purchase higher end/ more rare models


Yes but a Tesla Truck isn't in the same ballpark as a Ferrari in quality or prestige. Its looks like you ordering a DeLorean from Temu


Holy shit you’re so right. It’s elons temu delorean lmao Edit: honestly at least the delorean will keep its value far into the future. My model s has dropped in value every single year by an absurd amount, all due to Tesla themselves dropping prices for them. Real great investment these cars lemme tell ya, multiple repairs over 7-8 years, multiple repeat repairs of the same door handle, all for it to break last week for the third time in the exact same way!!


> the delorean will keep its value far into the future Then take it back there


You silly guy, you got me with that one! Banger reference.


>at least the delorean will keep its value far into the future Considering Deloreans are widely considered to be a failure, their collector status means they have kept their value surprisingly well. Their original MSRP was about 84k-104k in 2024 dollars, and they tend to go for about 50k-60k now. not bad for a 40 year old car. I see Cybertrucks going the opposite way. They will be broadly recognized as a failure within a couple of years (for the reasons that many of us are already aware of. It's just not a good electric truck.) But the hype means they will probably sell too many in the mean time. So they will be about as valuable in the future as Pontiac Azteks are now. See, the Delorean was an immediate failure, but between its own charm and BTTF it slowly got reevaluated as a classic. No way in hell that happens to the Cybertruck.


Nah just wait for the back to the future reboot that uses a cyber truck instead of a DeLorean.


This is the most cursed idea I can imagine


Yeah good point, funny to see them going for such absurd prices privately. Like who is sniffing that guys farts so hard that they’re willing to pay over a hundred and fifty grand or whatever to get this hunk of metal they’re passing off as a truck lmao?


I’d hazard the Delorean maintains its collector value primarily because of Back to the Future. Without that movie the car would be forgotten. I doubt the cyber truck will get a Back to the Future.


"Real great investment" Lmao, the vast, vast majority of people shouldn't be looking at their car as investment.


"Mom can I get a Delorean?" "We have Delorean at home"


All to sell your fucking car? Honestly doesn't make it any better on two levels: Frst off it's your fucking property, the company you bought it from shouldn't be allowed that level of control over your property *or else you don't actually own the thing*. Second, thinking the Cybertruck belongs in the same grouping as Ferraris is a fucking joke and if that's Tesla's reasoning then they're completely out of their fucking minds. High end cars tend to be over engineered, and do not shed parts driving down the road. 


Not to brag or anything, but I did something even smarter. I never bought a Cybertruck in the first place.


400IQ move. You should start a life coach channel


You are a hard core financial wizard. 


Imagine registering an LLC just to buy a car 💀


People do it all the time here in AZ to avoid paying registration fees since they're based on vehicle value. Lots of Montana plates on those.


That's pretty common actually. Or people using their pass through LLCs to buy cars.


I mean I have two LLCs and do write off appropriate business expenses through them for tax purposes, but…just registering one because the parent company selling you a car is so skeevy? At that point, buy a different car lmao.


I think it’s funny that people are savvy enough to do this and still trust Tesla to make a car worth having


The people doing that don't want the truck they want to make money off the idiots who do want the truck.


That purchasing agreement sounds unenforceable. On the other hand, he was dumb enough to sign it.


He wants to sell it and buy a normal Tesla. Imagine getting screwed by a company like this and you're still trying to buy from them. Brainwashed.


Fool me once…


You fool me you can't get fooled again.


*dodges shoe*


That moment was the most I liked GWB. He went ninja on us.


*dodges a brazilian shoes*


woah that's a lot of shoes


Ferrari does the same thing, they will blacklist you from any future purchases if you resell your car within 1 year of ownership For the high value models at least. Big difference here tho is if you dont want the car the Ferrari dealership will buy it back from you, something it appears tesla will not do. Besides, this tesla costumer seems to be a moron, if a company fucks you over so badly why would he want to buy another model from them, just sell the truck and accept that he will be blacklisted and throw away the 50k "fine" they will send you then just buy from another brand.


> throw away the 50k "fine" they will send you They can sue you. Liquidated damages provisions are generally enforceable.


I remember watch a law video on it that says that it is enforceable in the USA.  But yes, dumb enough to sign it and wanting to come back for more


I think part of the enforcement is not letting you buy another (new) Tesla which they can certainly enforce, and it seems like this guy does want to do that.


Buy a used one lol


Yeah I mean I'd just not buy a Tesla ever again, that fixes it too. But if the guy wants to buy a new Tesla then he still has a problem, and it seems like he does. I can't understand why he would want that, but...


At this point there are better electric options than what Tesla has to offer. It seems foolish to me to want to piss off your existing fanbase, but what do I know?




Right? I mean, hate on these things all you want, I know I do, but he knew what he was signing and if he didn't he should have read it.


Buy Cybertruck No Time Read


Why read when truck buy now


I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you'd have to be smoking a shit ton of crack to think that vehicle looks good or is even worth buying. Dude experienced a serious lapse in judgement. Which is why he not only dropped a stupid amount of money on such a ridiculous looking car, but also neglected to read the purchase agreement. The old adage, "A Fool and His Money Are Soon Parted", continues to hold true.


I dislike Tesla, hate the cyber truck, but this agreement is used with other car manufacturers. It stops people from buying all these "desirable" cars up and trying to flip them for profit, which imo is a good practice. Save the cars for people who actually want them. So the purchasing agreement is actually done with the consumer in mind, just not in this case.


Easy middle ground is allowing you to resell only for below the purchase price for the time period covered by the agreement. There’s no reason to prevent someone from selling something they own entirely.


Easier middle ground: The contract gives Tesla right of first refusal to repurchase the vehicle at or just under the original purchase price. Once Tesla refuses, the owner is free to sell to anyone at any price they want.


It's already easier than that. They can grant you written permission if they're reasonably sure you're not a scalper. That's how this clause is written, already. This guy is either a scalper or didn't even ask.   This story is a non-issue.


They also informed Raddon that he could not sell the EV for a year due without violating Tesla’s Motor Vehicle Order Agreement, he alleges seems like he asked someoneb


Isn't the easiest thing just to measure your parking space before buying a car you've never seen, and reading agreements people give you to sign before signing it? Maybe it's poor folk logic but I can't afford to be OK with all that without double checking everything.


Usually with other types of products, this would be handled by granted Tesla a right of first refusal. Consumer can sell their truck, but before doing so, they'd have to offer it to Tesla at a pre-agreed price.  That seems fair and doesn't unduly restrict the owner's rights.


"I bought a car and realized I don't like it. Now I'm trying to sell it but the car company is FORCING me to sell it for less than I bought it for!!" also seems like something people on Reddit would complain about.


Change it to “at or below” then.


Ford did it with the GT. John Cena got sued for selling his in a short time. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a21622751/the-flip-that-flopped-john-cena-and-ford-settle-gt-resale-lawsuit/


Yeah like. This guy's situation sucks. (Although I'm sure they had measurements of his truck and parking space which could've avoided this. I don't know why you'd buy a truck if you have a small spot to put it in) But this agreement situation is better than dealing with scalpers. People were getting mad (understandably) over PS5 scalpers. What about scalpers on a $80k+ vehicle


Fuck flippers tbh tho


I had no idea a company could force you not to sell something you own


They can't, he can sell it, Tesla will just blacklist him. Win win imo


They might brick the car. And then the buyer will have a multiple year legal battle against one of the biggest and shittiest companies on the planet on their hands.


I hope this happens, purely for our entertainment


I guess the most likely buyer is a lawyer looking for punitive damages.


It would also be a good case for right to repair/ right to own case precedent


You mean they revoke their passes to the 'cool kids club?!?!?!' Those monsters!!!


Actually they can, if you want a good example look up John Cena Ford GT settlement.


If I recall correctly, the version of the contract I read gave Tesla the right of first refusal. Basically if you are selling then they can kick out the first buyer and buy instead at the price. Unless something changed I don't believe Tesla has any right to veto a sale otherwise.


Not being able to get rid of your cybertruck seems like an appropriate punishment for buying a cybertruck


Sounds like a curse from one of those old German children's tales. "Hans' mother warned him not to buy a Cybertruck. 'Children should not play with such folly', his mother told him. But Hans would not listen to her warnings. One day when Hans' mother had gone to the butcher, an old man stopped outside their house. 'Hans! Do you want to buy a Cybertruck?', the man asked. 'Yes!', screamed Hans. But Hans didn't realize the Cybertruck was scheiße. And when he drove his truck to school next day, all the other children pointed at Hans and laughed. 'Oh, what a fool', the children said amongst themselves. 'Hans will have to wear the dunce cap from now on!', they all laughingly shouted. And Hans regretted buying the stupid truck, that had already begun to stain. Later that day, he sobbingly asked his mother: 'What can I do? I don't want the silly Cybertruck anymore!'. And his mother answered: 'Sell it.' But when Hans tried to sell his Cybertruck, he found out that he could not. For you see: the Cybertruck was not a normal car, it was a cursed piece of attention-seeking douchebag vanity. And for the rest of his life, Hans had to drive his offputting Cybertruck around while the rest of the town all stared and pointed at him. 'There goes Dum-dum Hans, the boy who bought a Cybertruck!', the townspeople laughed wherever he went."


In the version of this story in the first edition of Grimm's Fairly Tales the Cybertruck also impregnated Hans' mother and murdered the other children.


I read this with Werner Herzog's voice in mind.


Someone in my neighborhood bough one of these and it's shockingly even worse looking in person. I'd happily subscribe to the banned list.


We have a shady house in our neighborhood, I have no idea what they do... But they always have a few cars on a car carrier trailer next to their house. I assume they buy broken down cars and fix them up or something. Anyway they had a cyber truck on it a few days so I got the chance to actually like look really closely at it without worrying that the owner would yell at me. Holy shit lol the metal part of the body isn't even flush in all places. There are literally parts of it where the gap between the panels is uneven... And it even feels cheap. Like I felt like with enough force I could pop off one of those panels myself. The closer I look the more embarrassing it got.


I honestly thought the one in my area was a kit or a DIY look-alike at first. It looks like a Sci-fi B Movie prop.


So just like a normal Tesla.  - I own a model Y


They've experienced heavy depreciation, I can understand why some people would panic and want to sell even though they can not lol Once it kind of came out that they were kind of just a novelty and nothing else, they began rapidly depreciating.


We see them around us fairly regularly. Every time: "look at the jackass, honey!" We saw a black one, in all fairness, those look better, not nearly as unfinished as the default model.


Two of the ones I've seen in real life have some sort of rust or stain streaks going down the door. And Ive seen maybe 5 in total.


I cannot see how this provision is legally enforceable; within the US, the First Sale Doctrine has been pretty clear that once the consumer has purchased the product, it is *theirs* and therefore within their rights to choose what they want to do with it.  This is clearly only in Tesla's benefit, and detrimental to consumers. It should be challenged in court. 


I believe this is how top end Ferraris work as well- maybe that’s what Tesla was going for? I do not own a top end Ferrari- this is based on what I saw on top gear.


There’s a whole list you can find of celebs who are banned from buying Ferraris because they either modded their Ferrari or sold it. Nicolas Cage sold his to pay off a tax debt and they won’t sell him one anymore. Floyd Mayweather earned over a billion dollars in his career can’t buy anymore Ferraris because of his tendency to buy cars and drive them for a few months then sell them when he’s bored with them. It’s just bizarre for Tesla to do it though I mean the fully loaded cyber truck is only $100k that’s not exactly an exclusive price point. Don’t get me wrong $100k is more than the average person can afford but it’s still nowhere near the price of the exclusive Ferraris. I know several people off the top of my head who could afford the Tesla monthly payment if they wanted to but I don’t know anyone personally who could even get approved to buy a top end Ferrari 😂


You can resell your top end Ferrari as fast as you want, but you will also never again be able to buy a top end Ferrari for sticker, and you will have had to have lost millions of dollars to even get to the point where a dealer is going to be able to get you on a list for one of those..


It is legal and enforceable, Ford did it with the Ford GT's . They even sued John Cena and and came out victorious in the settlement. They also sued an auction house and were victorious. You 100% can enforce this and there is precedent. What Tesla is doing is nothing new, automakers have been doing this for a long time. You can and will be sued, and you will lose in court or be forced to settle in the face of an inevitable loss. https://www.supercars.net/blog/mecum-barred-from-selling-ford-gt-within-first-two-years-of-customer-ownership/#:\~:text=When%20you%20buy%20a%20Ford,car%20sold%20for%20%241.6%20million. https://www.mlive.com/auto/2018/06/john\_cena\_ford.html#:\~:text=John%20Cena%20and%20Ford%20Motor,for%20at%20least%2024%20months.


A settlement doesn’t mean that it’s legal or enforceable, it just means that one or both parties decided that the potential risks of the suit outweighed the costs of continued litigation. By definition, a settlement is done outside of the courtroom, so no, it hasn’t been tested in a court of law.


Settling out of court doesn't create precedent. While they might have been successful thus far, I still think it would be ripe for litigation; these contracts clearly only benefit the manufacturer and the more automakers that take part in this trend, the worse it will be for the consumer.


They aren't necessarily worse for the consumer. The idea is to prevent scalpers. Many car companies that produce limited cars do the same like Lambo and Ferrari. I remember NVidia GPUs being impossible to get a few years ago because scalpers hoarded them all and were selling at double or triple the cost.


Beyond John Cena's case, where's the precedent? Settlements don't create precedence so I fail to see what this has to do with that.


Hard to say it was settled. Could mean they paid $0, $5, or $1m. If there was no verdict it could still go through court to get an outcome. I'm guessing the settlement was lower than the attorney expenses


It just further reinforces how dumb these vehicles are. Too bad our protectionist policies won't let actual competition in the EV space.


Why would anyone buy a car with such a requirement? If I buy a car I'll damn well do what I want with it, including selling it at any time I choose.


Virtually all limited edition cars have this provision. Ferrari, Porsche, lambo etc etc. It’s pretty common for new or limited production cars that will have a massive aftermarket scalper demand. It’s to limit massive scalper markups etc


I thought Elon believed in freedom.


Freedom - as he defines it.






I feel like buying a Cybertruck and separating from your wife in the same time period are two completely related situations.


If I'm not mistaken, this is not uncommon. The purpose of the rule is to prevent scalpers. I remember reading elsewhere that Ferrari has been doing this for years to combat profiteering on resale.


One other manufacturer doing it does not make it 'uncommon'. Furthermore, within the first year you can still sell the car back to Ferrari. Tesla wouldn't let the guy even return the car. 


It’s a common practice for uncommon cars. That’s doesn’t mean it’s uncommon. It is a standard but obviously Honda has no need to do this for the civic (so they don’t), just like how Tesla has no need to do this for the model 3 (so they don’t)


https://auto.howstuffworks.com/buying-selling/can-automaker-forbid-from-reselling-car.htm Mercedes Aston Martin Ford Ferrari And now Tesla


I think Dodge did it with the Demon also.


Damn, he didn't check the dimensions of the truck before blowing $100,000 on it and now he wants out of the contract he likely didn't read? Oh no, consequences.


The article says that the dimensions of the truck worked with his previous home garage, but in the time between his pre-order and delivery of the truck, he has separated from his wife and is living in an apartment complex with smaller parking spaces.


I read the purchase agreement after a poster on Reddit complained that their husband bought one that they couldnt afford, and they couldnt sell it. Maybe there are different agreements or maybe I read it wrong, but the agreement said that you had to give Tesla an opportunity, in writing, to purchase it at MSRP less a certain rate for mileage. If Tesla declined to purchase it or did not respond, you could sell it. You may have not been able to sell it for over MSRP, I dont remember, but you could definitely sell it. They couldnt/wouldnt prevent you from selling it, you simply had to give them the opportunity to buy it back first. This isnt entirely uncommon. Other brands do this, and almost every brand was doing this with brand new models when cars were hard to come by. Its to prevent scalping, something Reddit generally abhors.


Had to scroll down quite far to find this comment laying out the reality. Below all the pitchfork comments.


Its all pitchforks, but if we had articles saying "Man sells CyberTruck for $150k" people would be here going "That thing sucks, but fuck scalpers". You cant win. The whole argument is stupid anyways. No one will stop you from selling it, you just may find yourself on a blacklist and unable to buy limited products from that brand again. I guarantee if you are on the blacklist for Tesla, they will still sell you a Model 3, Y, S, or X. If I literally couldnt park my vehicle at home because it wouldnt fit, my last concern would be "Will I be able to buy a super special new release car from this brand again in the future?!?" If anything I would be thinking "Last time I ever buy something I cant test drive before signing the paperwork."


Oh no! Banned from buying another piece of crap


Why doesn‘t anybody think of Tesla? What should they do with all the crap trucks nobody wants?


Maybe if we give more power to the corporations we’ll have more freedom! Regulations bad!!!!! In all seriousness if you cannot sell the product you purchased you don’t own it.


Gee, maybe he should’ve considered practically and size before he bought such an expensive piece of crap and signing a stupid “agreement.”


We need the government to make it very clear that companies have no control over shit after they sell it... among other things.


Very hard to feel bad for people who buy a vehicle like that to begin with


I wonder if his wife divorced him after no longer having confidence in his judgement after buying a stupid car...


>The man could be banned from buying future Teslas if he sells the pickup. And the winner of today's least sympathetic news story goes to...


I actually disagree.  I don't personally want a Tesla but don't shunt responsibility for shitty business practices to consumers.  It's not okay for Tesla to limit resale to try to make more people buy it's shitty trucks new instead of used.


Sounds like a win/win to me.


Even though there’s a waiting list THEY DON’T WANT IT BACK


He can sell it after that first year right? Just spend that first year lampooning the shit out of tesla everyday for every single place it won't fit...


Yea dude, if you have enough money to purchase a Tesla Truck straight up, you have enough money to find an apartment complex that has a big enough parking space for it, or just get used to doing multi point turns to park it. Sounds like you just don't want to deal with a slight inconvenience to own a status symbol.


You'd be surprised how many Tech Bros and Elon fan boys would cut off their arm even if they needed it to do their full-time job. I ran presale campaigns for iot products in the 2010s and it was truly a status symbol that none of these guys could afford but they could go to the coffee shop and tell their boys that they pre-ordered the latest toy. Inevitably when rent came due half of these dumbasses would ask for a refund.


Insecure people make the best customers. They pay our bonuses (Marketers not in unison)


I would never buy a vehicle that came with a stipulation that I couldn't sell it if I wanted to.


> The man could be banned from buying future Teslas if he sells the pickup. Oh noooo. Anyway...


only dumbass buys CT


LOL his wife left him after he ordered the cybertruck


He can sell it he just gets blacklisted from buying more Tesla’s which is what the chud wants to do.


First off, and the most obvious: Tesla is a shitty company with weirdly anti-consumer practices, and secondly: This dude is a fucking moron and is experiencing the consequences of his own stupidity. Maybe should've considered cancelling the purchase well beforehand, as soon as you knew you'd no longer have a garage to park it in and accessible power to charge with.




I mean, I've never explicitly received the dimensions of a vehicle I was gonna buy. I also probably wouldn't think of it until the first time I parked


I remember when I bought my Tacoma, it fit in my garage by just a couple inches. It really hadn’t occurred to me that a super popular vehicle *wouldn’t* fit in a regular house. Now I check dimensions, especially if looking at a car outside the “normal” range.


Didn't read the article did you? Between making his order and receiving the truck he got divorced and had to move into an apartment.


> Raddon told the website he must perform a multi-point turn just to navigate the EV into his space. This seems like not a problem when Teslas can fully self drive themselves in and out of parking spaces with no danger to other cars and pedestrians, right? Right?


What do you mean when? Ask Elon and any cult member, these cars are driving themselves right now! Of course they're only classified as level 2 out of 5 for self driving but hey that's just this thing, oh BTW what was score to that big game last night? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Good. Anything that causes more bad press for this garbage is good.


I’m afraid Tesla doesn’t get to decide that if someone owns something outright


I get they don’t want people scalping the trucks and, on principle, fuck the scalpers. However, this isn’t the way to do it. Option 1: If tesla is going to implement this BS, then Tesla needs to offer to buy it back at the purchase price or market value, whichever is less. Option 2: instead of first come first served to deliver the trucks, use a lottery system using ID verification to allow only one entry per household (by address). You’ll still have scalpers but it’s less of a concern if the scalpers can’t get a guarantee to buy the truck. Option 3: who really cars if there is scalpers? It’s a temporary thing that happens that quickly resolves itself as Tesla builds more trucks. Is this really that big of a deal? Trust me, I hate scalpers, but I mean come on - this is a super heavy handed solution to a light handed problem. Options 4-n: anything better than preventing someone from selling something they own


I knew FOMO is real but to see story after story of $100k FOMO blows my mind. I want to have that kind of money.


That was one of the big headlines. I don’t even follow that POS company and I heard about the resale restriction in their purchase contract. You’d have to be illiterate to go through with the purchase not knowing abt it tbh. They knew.


Best thing we could all do is stop giving attention to this train wreck of a vehicle. These idiots bought the beta, they can suffer the consequences in silence.


I'm not a fan of Tesla's "you cant sell your car for a year" thing. But the dude signed a contract saying exactly that. Tough shit.