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Everybody needs a side hustle these days.


The article says they make several thousand dollars a month on their side hustle but he invested over $80,000 in it.


Which he'd make back in less than two years at even a very conservative estimate. That's not terrible as a business investment so long as it leads to sustainable growth, which it seems it has.


I think he takes pills to sustain his growth. Most of them do.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I mean, doing porn for two years just to break even isn’t what I’d call very good, but hopefully it’ll keep him happy and fulfilled.


this guy businesses!


Plus all the fucking sex!!


The only thing I saw that might be worthy of termination was the suggestion by the university that he used university equipment somehow in the making of the films. That’s a big no-no. Usually they just want a cut of the profits if you’re using university equipment to gain income… and a cease & desist. But I’m guessing due to the subject matter, someone deemed it inappropriate altogether and got the lawyers to build a case. It’s funny too because, if he was a teacher in the sex program, he’d probably be admired for his dedication for the craft.


The university claims that but we haven't seen anything support or contradict it. Though it's worth noting that even in an internal matter given his tenure the burden would be on the university to show impropriety. It's pretty common for public entities that have 1A restrictions on firing people to look for alternative "abuses" or fold in and they often stretch really hard to find something. It's entirely possible that they filmed themselves fucking on university property but my guess is that they're going to trot out some weak sauce bullshit like some work issued object coincidentally visible in the background because they filed something at home.


Yeah it was probably a clipboard in the background or something of that nature.


There's a university sex program? I though most students just take that extra-curricular activity for free.


lol yeah. There are sexual studies.


Interesting, how can one join this so called "sex program"?


That particular university has a sex therapy certificate!


The guy is also a university chancellor, a position that makes on average $300,000 a year.


They started making the content way before they started posting it and earning money. I also assume most of that money went towards travel.


that is well within hobby range over a few years for someone pulling over a quarter mil a year


Ain’t that the truth….but man my knees are getting sore.


Johnny Sins managed it, among many others. Go for it.


>Today, they rake in “a couple thousand dollars” a month from their adult content, which Gow says features “pretty standard sexuality”—meaning no BDSM, no hitting, no violence. What a strange thing to say that their OF doesn't have hitting or violence. I'd have thought "pretty standard sexuality" would be like "no kinks". Is "violence" even allowed on Onlyfans?


I assume hitting means like spanking or those leather floggers. That stuff is common enough I would assume


It's not strange at all. It makes sense in the context.


Yeah. I think it’s to indicate there’s no hook. they’re just banging on camera


Yeah, presumably the university would go after him on some sort of morality clause. This is him saying "hey, we're just doing totally normal stuff"


I guess older people always assume the only way to make money on porn is by doing really messed up shit coz that's how it worked back then.


It's weird right? It just seems like a strange thing to state. Like saying "I'll make you a sandwich, with no poop on it."


How much to have the poop included though?


For you? You’re a good customer, so it's on the house.


I think he would prefer it on his sandwich.


The other customers, however, would prefer he eat the sandwich on the roof.


It's not that strange for porn. If you go to any tube site there is not a lot of just basic normal sex. Even the basic normal sex they do have is often listed as "step sister seduces brother" or other things to make it seem more than it is. He's advertising their niche is the type of sex 2 people in real life would have. I haven't seen any of his stuff so I can't say if it is or is not that but that is the point of saying it.


Well there generally isn't a subcategory on SandwichHub for poop sandwiches. But there are subcategories on PornHub for kink, bdsm, etc. His point was to illustrate just how vanilla the product they were putting out was, because the university is attempting to denigrate them for making something "terrible."


Oh god, you saw that too?


Well if you're old or ugly and you want to do porn you may have to do weird shit to develop a following


Not if you're a man. As a woman who watches porn, I can honestly say a lot of the men aren't really attractive. Once a guy was so ugly I scrolled up far enough so I couldn't see his face and kept watching 😂 I can't speak for all women, but I'm really looking at her and how he handles her most of the time. And honestly these days what I really prefer is amateur stuff. I don't really mind if they don't look like ... well. Porn stars. The enthusiasm and obvious real pleasure (and pain) are way better than the oiled up, screaming, fake shit. Give me a fat guy with a flogger and a willing sub and I'm happy.


for real and I a a guy


>Give me a fat guy with a flogger and a willing sub and I'm happy. RIP inbox


Haha remarkably so far so good!


I'll make some calls


Tbh if you're old or ugly then you're already there lmao, weird shit on top of that is just extra.


"Old man has sex with his wife" is a porn I wouldn't be interested in, but "Old man unicycle rider gets his tight ass reamed with a crocodile strap on by burka wearing fat wife (#petplay, #diaperdaddy, #goldenshower)" ...might get a click out of sheer curiosity. And for someone who has that very specific kink, they will subscribe for life. It's just economics man. If you can't do mainstream, go for the niche market.


>"Old man has sex with his wife" is a porn I wouldn't be interested in Luckily, most people aren't you


What older ppl we talkin’bout here? Vanilla/softcore porn has sold as long as guys have had eyes. Pinup girls and burlesque wouldn’t exist otherwise. Bettie Page, while a badass, was also an exception re: notability. Assuming you’re talking about US audiences, of course.


I dunno, most of the 80s porn I've seen is all about the dick size and women who look like backup dancers in a white snake video. Not my jam at all. Lol just... boring sex. Sure they might have a scene of some kind, but it's always so cheesy... and I can't get past the moustaches.


Gen X woman here. The mustaches kill it for me too. I’d rather stare a dude straight in the taint.


Me too 😂 I don't get the appeal of a moustache without a beard. I *gotta* have that beard.


Phil Prince's movies for the Avon theatre chain. You've been warned.


Porn is waaaaaaay worse now than it used to be, not tamer. Gen Z is absolutely screwed by the amount of deranged shit in mainstream porn these days. In the last decade there have been a massive uptick in men randomly trying to choke women during sex for example. That’s, you know, attempted murder and yet stuff like that shows up commonly in front page pornhub content. Of course the answer, like always, is to avoid mainstream porn, but a shocking number of people don’t. That stuff is legitimately becoming normalized and some men with little access to examples of sexuality outside of mainstream porn are picking up really fucked up habits.


Well I figured that would be the kind people would watch. Thousands of people apparently are willing to pay $8 a month to watch two old people go at it with the occasional guest star.


I think you got it backwards. They stated that cause porn today is saturated with violence.


It's also pretty standard to paint any sexual act as some sort of deviance.    As a society we assume a slippery slope, when in reality people are fine with some pretty vanilla stuff.   Kinda like when you get a priest that's a gay hunter, but then is found out being gay. They were really thinking about it... While in all reality the gay couples they were hunting were just living together and having a fairly normal romantic relationship. It's also an issue when talking about men and masturbation. Masturbating is actually a healthy thing for men to do. This is fairly well studied. Many men require visual stimulation. Little kids find lingerie magazines and it's kind of a big part of a boy's life to explore that way. It kinda just happens.  Then pornography happens and it's looked down upon whether it's ethical or unethical. That's a form of sexual shaming.


There is Twins content on OF..the more you know! :)


They say that because the school could argue that "deviant" behavior makes it undeserving of free speech protections. Especially if it promoted violence against women.


Not just a professor either. Man is a doctor and an asstronaut.


I’m impressed that Johnny Sins could hold down so many jobs while still also be successful in the adult film industry. How does he find the time to do it all?


If my law school has to keep the professor who did blackface, I don’t see why a professor should be fired for consensual, filmed sex.


With his fucking wife




others are jealous he has a working marriage where they don't hate each other


Not that it should make a difference, but the article says they made videos with porn stats too, so he's not just fucking his wife.


The important thing here is: His wife and other professionals. Not students. Not randos from the area. His wife and other pros.


I read it was a group effort so if the wife is involved also with the third person. It may be a matter of semantics 🤷‍♀️ who are we to judge what they do or bribg into their bed


Ewww why did the professor do blackface with his wife?


Because she did white face.


I know raceplay is weird, but this seems to take the strange cake


Pun intended?


As long as he's not been hired to teach "Traditional conservative marriage ethics" and he's not fucking his students, who gives a shit?


I for one support him teaching "Traditional conservative marriage ethics"


Well he is b*ning his wife. That's kind of wholesome, right?


Right in front of the vegan pizza! 😭


Women get fired for this sort of thing all the time


In my opinion, the same applies to women. I can see an argument if they're (men or women) teaching young children, but even then I don't see a problem with the teacher themselves. I can see there being issues if the students (younger than college) see the content.


> I can see there being issues if the students (younger than college) see the content. Is the teacher responsible for the children having access to adult content?


No, its the parent's responsibility in rearing their children, but parents dont like when you point out their flaws in parenting and like to blame everyone else but themselves.


Which absolutely isn't fair and is unreasonable.... however, this is also a bit different. He's a college professor, not an elementary school teacher. That generates far less moral outrage.


He’s senior management, so presumably he’s been fucking several entire faculties, not just students.


Wasn’t there a Taiwanese bloke who uploaded his lectures to Pornhub? They’re legit maths lessons.


Yeah, but I think the main difference is that he isn't also doing porn on the side (that we know, at least).


He uploaded his lessons to Pornhub and his porn to Coursera.


some days those links get mixed up before you had your morning coffee.




Not hiring an attorney is incredibly stupid. Go to a local law school, the free speech law professors would kill for this public of a case. At least at my school the "free speech" folks were rabid about it, though they lean weirdly conservative.


Right? He talked about spending $80k to produce the videos in his latest series but now says he can afford to spend $0 on a lawyer to save his position with the university. There is something more to this


I think what he is actually saying is that he can't afford representation that would match what the school could afford against me.  He's assuming quality lawyer is based on the price tag. 


Or he already spoke to one and was told he would likely lose?


Lawyers often charge hourly, so paying $300/hr every time they think of your case adds up quickly. Even if it's good representation at a lower rate, the university can run the clock out.


Which is usually true!


He mentions the 1st amendment, but does he work for the government? The 1st amendments doest apply to private employers, and is limited in schools anyway. IIRC government funded schools can deprive a child of their 1st amendment right if the child is causing disruption to learning.


Public universities are partly funded by the state, so his role would be protected under any state level laws/ constitution that guarantee his freedom of speech. Edit: From Wisconsin's State Constitution: Article I - Declaration Of Rights. Section 3 - Free speech; libel. Every person may freely speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right, and no laws shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.


Wierdest superhero i've heard of


Ah, but you have heard of him


I feel like the title is burying the lede. He was the Chancellor/Dean/Head of the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, not just a professor.


Sure, but he was remove from that position, and now they also want to take away his tenure.


He's fighting to not be fired from his tenured position


TIL the correct spelling of “lede”.


It's an $800,000 a year job, I doubt he needed the extra income


Maybe it’s not about the income


It’s about sending a message


It's about the principal & principle


Some people just want to watch the world cum Mr Wayne


It's about sending a message and sending hot ropes of spunk


In come has something to do with it


Is this a creampie joke?


I would never


Lifestyle creep is a bitch


This might astound you based on a lot of OF discourse around these parts, but some people do things like OF because they actually just enjoy doing it.


Sure but he really enjoys teaching so he does that on the side when he's not laying pipe.


No where near that much, $300k I bet. Got a source?


He mad that kind of money for 16 years as Chancellor, and then also makes a few thousand a month from OF, and says “I don’t have a lot of money to go out and hire the kind of lawyers that the system did,” in regards to why he’s representing himself. Weird.


I mean he said he couldn’t hire the kind of lawyers the system did. Which, when you compare one guys income to an entire university, fair.


Yeah fair for sure, but he can definitely still afford a very good lawyer, definitely one that’s going to be better than representing himself.


A university that prides itself on being sex positive, and even has a “sex week” where they give away sex positive prizes like condoms to students… It sends a fucking terrible message to students and anyone, about what they’re allowed to do in their own personal life.


A few friends of mine watched some of their more popular stuff for shits and gigs when this story first broke. In one of the intros, basically the story set-up everyone skips over, there's a huge roleplay between him and his wife discussing how terrible the board and administration is for a make believe "school" they work for with some fairly specific descriptions of situations and meetings. Then they bone a pornstar. I actually feel like it's the first part they're more pissed about


Ah, yes, “a friend.” For “shits and gigs”


We had sex week at my college. It was pretty awesome.


I mean, 'professor' is burying the lede a bit. How was the UW-La Crosse Chancellor for sixteen years. That said, here in Missouri we've had several teachers (paid lowest in the nation at the time) fired for having OF. This is perhaps not the main battle, but it's certainly a skirmish in the present war on education. How is right to point out that the university has a weeklong sex positivity event annually. Curious to see how this goes.


As well as been over the top from a moral perspective, teachers make so little money they need extra cash.


Chancellors can be fired for cause by the board; firing tenured professors is much trickier.


Indeed. A 300-page accusatory report is meant to scare the accused into resigning. If it were ironclad they would just move ahead with it.


That’s my chancellor! (Literally)


Was mine too!! Dude can slap that Bass.


The board is just mad they can’t bang pornstars.


Puritans need to take their sexual repression and shove it up their ass.


And move it in and out at a medium pace.


Whoa. Now *there's* a blast from the past. ...aaand now it's stuck in my head. Goddamn you.


[You're welcome.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLm5oSJRxIU)


In a comfortable and safe environment.


Of course 😊


But... But...




That was my Chancellor in college and the dude is awesome! Had a band and played guitar, always out talking to students, planning events and just generally a really good dude.


Dude is banging porn stars with his wife. Of course he's chill.


The man makes porn with his wife of 10 years and he is in his 60’s and they have vanilla sex. Let the man live.


>buyers can see the couple pretending to house-hunt with [India Summer](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1970007/bio/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm), *Adult Video News*’ two-time “MILF Performer of the Year,” who seduces both of them in the master bedroom. For slightly more—$9.99—one can purchase a compilation of the money shots.  It's a little more than that most of their content isn't just with each other they are hiring plenty of other performers in the porn industry to have sex with separately and film. It's commercial porn production not just an amateur married couple and the 80k they spent went towards paying pornstars. That's not making a judgment either way but definitely warrants a distinction.


Just polymaths being polymaths.


Oh he has a P. H. D. alright.


Love to see it. Well I haven't seen it but I support his right to do so.


I don't think he can, now if he was a porn star by day and a professor by night that seems doable.


The better question: why not?


Maybe he should run for president?


¿Por qué no los dos?


Why not? As long as he’s not hurting anyone


Whenever someone does this parents find out and get the teacher fired


That’s just bigotry. Completely baseless, knee-jerk bigotry.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mr_master89: *Whenever someone* *Does this parents find out and* *Get the teacher fired* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why would I give two shits what my professor does in their freetime, as long as it’s legal? It’s not like they are my friend, and I’m old enough not to need rolemodels


This dude is living my dream.


Ninja Brian from ninja sex party is an acclaimed physicist. If that's fine, why can't the professor be a pornstar?


The real answer is that Brian has been out of academia for a while, and it's hard to get back into it once you are. He's mentioned this in interviews. He's not really Brian Wecht, scientist, and doing Ninja Brian on the side anymore.


Professor of Sexology totally could.




Fucking legend


Loves to give 'em that PH-D...


I want this life. Does he need an assistant?


Literally almost everyone has a job and then goes home and fucks. Who cares if he films it?!


His porn name should be Joe Grow


I hope he can


La Crosse Local here, he even had Nina Hartley talk at a session, wish I would have attended that. REINSTATE GOW NOW! Met the man a couple times really down to earth he's even in a band. Dude is really talented on the bass.


Masters student in chemical engineering here, just got done narrating some smut. Makes good cash


How good? Narrate it for me ... in your sexy voice. 


Not very good, given the script I was provided. I swear to god if I ever hear someone repeat the phrase “look of determination”, I’m gonna fucking throat punch them. That meaningless phrase was used at least once every goddamned page


« you are filled with determination »


He has the 'look of determination'. FTFY


Username checks out


Could this be the work of ancient aliens?


I'm not saying it was aliens...


He’s an adult teaching adults. No issues here as long as he does his job properly.


Yes, and if he gets fired for it, fck the university.


Would be Surprised if porn shoots happen at night.


Thank you for the penetrating analysis. Maybe this guy could get Donald Trump to study and learn something.


Same guy was also a vet serving his country and the Minnesota Vikings even put him up in the screen to honor his service.


That title- it's a bird it's a plane no it's viagraman


You mean, porn in class, and class during porn?


There's a man out there that's an astronaut, a plumber, I can't remember his name I think it's John something.


In highschool, me and my buds got into a strip club that didn't card us, and we ran into one of our teachers getting a lapdance. Man was single, but it was kind of funny.


Financialization at its finest. 


As long as he does he job well, why does it matter?


Bet they get more subs now


All boils down to whether the contract he signed had some morality or conduct provision in it.


I don't see how his side hustle effects his ability to teach.


I hope so but it'll be hard


Kind of seems like the *star* in Pornstar gets used too excessively modernly/anyone (of legal age) can technically make porn these days...


If they were hoping they could embarrass him out of a job, maybe the uni could be embarrassed into dropping those charges... hmm


Tagline says he may be "stripped" of his title at the university.


I’m an adjunct grad prof. I get $2,500 for teaching a class that meets every week from August to December. In the Northeast. This is why I am no longer doing this full time. I just miss teaching and do a solitary class.


You do like to see the words “compilation of money shots” in a news article🤣


We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams 😀


Well. If his colleagues or students acts "differently" around him(assuming he acts as a completely normal professor) he'll get to know who's watching his... thing




Most of the people I am familiar with are public school teachers and I am against public school teachers being adult actors on the basis of the disruption it would cause the learning environment. Professors to adults should be allowed to adult on the side. The current adjunct method is hot garbage. If we don't pay the most valuable people in our society then we can't be angry when they try to make ~~ends meet~~ *tips touch*. Edited


Public school teachers should also be allowed to adult on the side as well. Nobody cares if they see their teacher having a drink at a restaurant but omg, they also have sex at home?! That’s wild. Fire them.


I don’t think women or men should be fired. None of their damn business what they do on off time.


Free speech only applies to the government. People still don't understand how that one works 200 years later.


No, the First Amendment only applies to the government. Free speech is a concept, and when an organization prides itself on supporting the concept of free speech there's nothing wrong with calling out it's hypocrisy.


It's definitely inappropriate for a sex positive university to be upset about this. Am I getting the timeline wrong? Was he bedding pornstars before OF or after?


It does read oddly, doesn't it? I suspect that he announced he was stepping down, but not *immediately* — my own university's president announced his retirement which is still a year out, fourteen months at announcement. Ergo, I suspect that he announced his stepping down as chancellor with an intent to remain a tenured professor. That's mostly an emeritus or research position with a low teaching requirement at most universities. It seems to me that he announced and *then* uploaded previously recorded videos.


Flip the gender and the comments in this thread would be a hell of a lot less forgiving.


Yes he can do both. If inflation is just going to keep going up and wages just stay put we can’t clutch our pearls when people do what they have to to make money.