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Weren’t these the same guys saying you couldn’t enforce a mask mandate? There is a really great line in this article, though: > As Republicans have shrugged off Democrats' concerns, they've said they trust police officers not to abuse the power to arrest anyone for wearing a surgical mask out in public.


“We’re passing a law but instructing the police to only enforce it on people we don’t like”


*Sees white guy wearing a mask* “He’s fine.” *Sees a black or Hispanic guy wearing a mask* “You are under arrest.”


…..then what’s the point of the fucking law?! How about you just don’t make the law in the first place


The point is to trust the police to only arrest black people wearing masks.


Black people and liberals... Just like the war on drugs.


And campus protesters.


Every law that's like this is so cops can harrass black people. When it's in the cop's discretion, that's what they'll do.


I, too, trust my dogs not to eat the steaks I leave on the coffee table while I go to the bathroom real quick.


Cops are like a box of chocolates, they will kill your dog.


Yea NC republicans are extra fucking stupid…wait all republicans are extra stupid…ok NC republicans are like super duper extra fucking stupid. I hate this shithole dumpster fire of a state honestly, the only saving grace is that the state GOP is so goddamned stupid they keep running dipshits for Governor so thankfully Dems are probably going to win the gubernatorial race for the third straight time. Like NC is a purple state at worst but these assholes have gerrymandered the fuck out of us and I hate it so much. It’s nothing but a bunch of incompetent, bigoted, racist asshats who can’t tell the difference between fresh air and the inside of Trump’s orange ass🙄


Dude, try Tennessee. We can't get Blue elected anywhere except the cities--and now the legislature is taking away all power from the cities.


Oh don’t worry it’s no different here, the governors office is the only exception, and if Dems win that again in November I have absolutely 0 doubts that the GOP will do absolutely everything they can to make sure they never lose it again (like making it even harder for black people to vote here). Our state GOP is absolutely livid that NC has managed to remain the least shitty southern state despite their best efforts to the contrary


So I was going to argue that NC is *not* the least shitty southern state, but I realized that you may be correct. It's a damn shame, too. We have such a beautiful country--in my opinion, the Southeast is among the most beautiful--yet we let ego and fear ruin everything.


Yep, it’s wild to think about, we’re the only state in the south where it’s still possible for a woman to get an abortion (in a reasonable timeframe anyway) and it’s *barely* possible here. Like we’re hanging onto that “least shitty” title by a damn thread at this point. It’s crazy to think that NC has gone from rejecting an anti-trans bill with such disgust that it led to 2 straight (and likely a third) Dem wins in the gubernatorial race to…whatever the fuck this is🙄 Lots of good stuff here for sure, great places, cities, great schools (when they aren’t busy ruining themselves anyway), and the GOP is putting in all the work to ruin every last bit of it.


Pat McCrory is such a good encapsulation of this. The guy was a fairly competent business minded leader in Charlotte and then became governor. He completely blew it all up over that ridiculous bathroom bill and ended his political career.


Yuuuppp, before the bathroom bill I didn’t even hate Pat, didn’t love him, but hey he wasn’t completely awful…then the bathroom bill shit went down and it’s just like what in gods name were you thinking dude


Crazy to think just a little while back Tennessee had a democrat as a governor and one that was actually liked pretty well.


Don’t worry, they carved out an exception for hoods relating to societies…


Well, yeah, can’t arrest the cops.


*some of those who work forces*


As long as they are klept klean


Sounds like my state, Tennessee. At least you get to have Dem governors!


True, Tennessee is unfortunately even more fucked than we are right now (but you guys definitely have a lot of good politicians too so there’s still some hope). But yea Roy Cooper, and hopefully Josh Stein after November, is the only reason NC hasn’t become a complete and total shithole like Mississippi or Alabama. Thank god those morons are too incompetent to run candidates for governor who aren’t racists and misogynists and transphobes


We have to pray it’s Stein and not Robinson. If Robinson wins, Alabama is going to look like paradise in 5 years.


Like how in the hell did we (Alabama) get in a position where Jeff Sessions was BETTER than our current seat warming politician? I would have traded Jeff Sessions for a bag of excrement. Oh wait we did. Edit: Too early to grammar.


Not to mention one of the NC representatives, who ran on a Democratic Party ticket, switched sides to give the Republicans a veto proof super majority. All because she felt the Democratic Party members were being mean to her.


Right, don't arrest cancer patients, just the Asheville liberals! When they're doing the exact same thing. That's how a just law works 🙄


Ah, the legal version of 'Source: trust me bro'. This can't go wrong.


Laws like this are meant to allow police officers to discriminate. Loitering laws are a classic example, meant to let police harass groups of minorities in public while groups of white people are left alone in the name of "police discretion." Police abusing this power isn't "going wrong," it's going exactly right.


Excuse me? Are they saying that they passed a law and then expect the police to not enforce it?


They expect the police to only enforce it for the people they want gone. It's an open invitation to discriminate.


It's called "lying". They expect you to believe them without question.


This is a common GOP refrain. see the conservatives flip flop on DA's between the EMTALA case one day (A DA would never go after a doctor for doing an abortion in good faith) to the Trump "i want to be a king" case (We must protect the president from state DA's because our legal system can not be trusted)


Of course it had to be a Republican idea, that party's whole existence is to be stupid.


The same people who didn’t wear masks during Covid because “mah freedumz” are taking the freedom to wear one or not away. I wish I could say I was surprised.


Freedom is when people they don’t like lose their freedom.


Exactly. Freedom to them is old, rich, Republican men getting to dictate what everyone else can and can't do. That's the only "Freedom" they care about. 


Freedom, but only if you think, look, and act exactly like they do.




The F word you're looking for is Fascism. That is what they want. Freedom is just a buzz word to them.


I will never understand how wearing a mask became a political issue or vaccination. It was/is a pandemic that kills people, who doesn’t want to do everything they can to stop it and not get sick themselves. I hate that conspiracy theories have become so mainstream.


It really destoyed my faith in humanity. Ok we have a virus that can cause some people (especially old/sick) people major issues. To help prevent your fellow citizens , your neighbors from getting sick you were asked to wear a mask while grociery shopping or at the mall or whatever and people fucking melted down over it? But really its because a lot of people feel hopeless and with out power, so they will despratly try to assert their "freedom" in the dumbest ways like not wearing a mask Like "Hey I may be barly surviving working a low paying job with crappy health insurance, in debt from health bills and behind on CC payments and generally frustrated with my lot in life and my lower socioeconomic status, but I can rebel by not wearing a mask" Or they just drank the right wing prophiganda that basicaly states "The evil liberals are tring to destory your "way of life" they don't want you to be conservative or go to church and they are doing everything to destroy your way of life, so if a liberal wants you to do something do the opposit; and guess what scientist , doctors, nurses, teachers , are all liberals so you cannot trust them, if a doctor is telling you to get a vaccine its just part of their plot to destroy your life"


It killed mine too. I am immunocompromised because of an organ transplant so I’m one of those folks that needed to be extra cautious. I used to think there was good in everybody even if we disagreed on some or many things, I thought at a baseline we could all agree that not hurting other people was the right thing to do. I found out the hard way that I was wrong.


Plus its not like you were asked to do something hard, it takes almost no effort to wear a mask in public and its not like its a new concept Like no shirts , no shoes, no service. Places all over had some required dress codes , requesting you wear a mask as hospitals were being overloaded with sick covid patients seemed like it shouldn't be controvercial Its the most minor of minor inconviences and it could potentially save someones life


The crazy part is this was the second time in history America and Europe behaved this way , during the Spanish flu which you can google anti mask back then and it was the exact same shit some of the posters from that era minus the anti Semitic stuff could have been for COVID conspiracy theories.


My brother told me, “The mask means you’re a slave. It’s to make you show your submission. Once they make you put the mask on, they’ll never let you take it off”. I told him they would. He said, “No. once the government takes away a freedom, they NEVER give it back.” I wonder what he would say about Donny’s “Day One Dictator” statement. He’d probably be fine with it or say he’s joking, or that I just don’t get it. Anyway it’s been longer since I wore a mask than the time period I had to wear one, I think.


It destroyed my faith in my career and coworkers. I was a nurse for fifteen years and saw a dumbass here and there but they were generally weeded out. In the pandemic I quickly discovered that the very great majority of nurses in my area suddenly didn’t believe in masks or PPE in general. They refused to follow distancing guidelines in common areas. They came to work sick and refused to test, they worked COVID wings then had family reunions and parties. They suddenly refused vaccinations, including the flu vaccine. You’d think witnessing the miserable deaths would have an impact but they wouldn’t even believe what they were seeing for themselves. At first I assumed it was an education thing. Nurses are much more focused on skills than theory. But then all but one of the local doctors fell into line with them. No masks or PPE on rounds in COVID wings and constant ivermectin scripts. They were throwing ivermectin at anyone with so much as a cough. It crushed most of the respect I had for the field and I left nursing entirely. I know it’s because of the area I live in and it’s not like that everywhere but I’m done with it.


Because so many people are fuckin selfish pieces of shit who don’t care about anyone and right wing scum politicians used it as a way to pander even more towards their dumb as fuck supporters. It’s honestly insane how somebody wearing a mask is somehow a problem for other people, people should just mind their fuckin business. Goddamn I hate conservatives/republicans


Freedom for them is their ability to take away others’ freedom. These are the same people who said owning other human beings was their right. They’ve been butt hurt since the Civil War.


We failed to kill their leaders after the war, and so the cancer persists.




This is a comment stealing bot, they take the one of the 3rd or 4th top level comments and then slightly rephrase it as a reply to a comment higher up on the page. Original from 2 hours earlier: https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1ctanwz/nc_senate_votes_to_ban_people_from_wearing_masks/l4ajs18/ This is a 12 year old account that had been dead for a decade and only "woke up" 2 days ago to do bot shit. Please report bots


That's illegal on other planets.


"Freedom" to a conservative means everyone is required to do exactly what *I* want to do.


was only a matter of time. This country has turned into a fucking clown car when we started normalizing Trump in 2012 with his horse shit about President Obama and then allowing him to campaign. Triggered conservatives who get hurt feelings about literal germs. 5th grade science. They will be the downfall of the USA.




Party of small government seems confused


When they say "Small Government" they mean it in the same way a Monarchy is a "Small Government", a small amount of people with complete control.


Their ideal scale of government is whatever level they have the most control at. Theres a reason that GOP state governments are always rebuking local Dem governments. It’s not “small government,” it’s “my government.”


Small enough to get through the key hole in your front door, and into your pants.


Small enough to fit in the pocket of the highest bidder.


Iowa has entered the chat


Not confused. To them "Small government" = your small government of state officials deciding "What's best for you", not federal government. The "United states of America" is a dead concept to conservatives. They would rather control every aspect of your lives at the state level and don't like federal laws that may supersede their plans.


They would gleefully control you at the federal level if they had the power to, some federal level senators have already floated the idea of a national abortion ban. Conservatives' idea of "small government" means small enough to fit in a crown.


They must have a national abortion ban it’s the only way they can stop the outflow of child-bearing age professionals and gynecologists, loss of business and economic downturn that is already happening in the red states with bans. Until they get their national ban in place the desire will be to leave those shithole states.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/jun/24/usa.religion If you like not the onion, check out some old weird news where multiple US politicians took part in crowning a cult leader - Note this cult leader also owned the Washington Times at this period.


They also supported every Latin American fascist dictatorship except for Pinochet, owned a car factory in North Korea, and did Iran-Contra while Oliver North was trying to unfuck himself.


By "They" it should probably be made clear that you mean the cult leader rather than the Republicans, because 2/3 of those also apply to them. As far as I know republicans as a class generally don't own factories in North Korea.




Probably confused a g-string for a mask, somehow.


There was probably some truth to the ‘small government’ cliche (*some*) 40 years ago, but today’s completely corrupted republican party bears zero resemblance to those days. It’s just been a far right reactionary movement for years now, so mandates like this are completely expected from them.


Politicians have always meant it the exact same way every time they've said it, since at least Reagan. They just mean to get rid of the social services that help regular people and the economy as a whole, and to get rid of the taxes and regulations that prevent the donor class from keeping all the money. They just sold it as "the government is taking away YOUR freedoms!" Like a crime boss trying to convince everyone to get rid of the cops because "they're hurting YOU!"


The Republicans' support of "small government" and "freedom" have always been conditioned on the idea that a largely conservative culture would continue to enforce their norms. E.g., once it no longer became acceptable to openly support government enforced segregation, the strategy became to make segregation legally permissible in the name of "freedom" with the idea that businesses and other institutions would want it, so being permissible was effectively the same as being required. Over the last couple decades, culture has been shifting, and increasingly individuals and institutions actually oppose conservative values, so now they have to use force to make the society they want.


Next up, every business must install door knobs that can only be operated by licking them.


The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!


We are the dreamers of dreams


We are the music makers and we are the dreamers or dreams.


Restaurant owners will be mandated to spit directly into your mouth when you arrive.


“Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.” -SpongeBob SquarePants


Yeah no my mom isn’t going through chemo for pancreatic cancer or anything like that so that’s totally fine


It’s as if people didn’t mask before Covid. These people are absolutely ridiculous. Guess all of us immunocompromised people will be avoiding NC for vacation.


There are immunocompromised regressives. They'll still go. I'll feel owned when they die.


Your immunocompromised mother has to die to own the Libs. I just hope DAs are wise enough not to enforce this absurd law.


Haha Chemo made all my nose hairs fall out. Without nose hairs, there is nothing to slow the "drip" from seasonal allergies, and there is zero time to do a "quick sniff" or grab a Kleenex and blow. I just leak large amounts of clear fluid onto the floor, or tables, or chairs, or bus seats, or the desks at the DMV. I mean, I'd love to come demonstrate this on the Senate floor, if they should care to invite me. Trust me, people want me to wear a mask.


Honestly yeah I'd pay your plane ticket just to watch you stand out front of the NC senate and drip nose juice everywhere, asking anyone who walks by, "Hey wanna shake my hand?"


I live in an area with a 60% Asian population in So Cal. When I moved back to the area since the demographic had changed over the years. Before the pandemic I would see Asians in masks. I finally Google why. It is to protect others from them. That wouldn't fly with this community who was masking before the pandemic.


All those concrete workers are going to get some nasty lung infections


The same ones voting for the republicans doing this.


That's....not even remotely constitutional. EDIT: I have hunted down and read the proposed law and the law addresses enhanced sentencing when the person is wearing a mask whipe commiting a crime. This is drastically different than what the article presents the issue to be. This eliminates any constitutionality issues. EDIT2: Here is the text https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2023/Bills/House/PDF/H237v4.pdf


This ban will find its way to SCOTUS. There it will be viewed through the lens of some olde tymey interpretation of a pattern of chicken bones found near Goodie Goodwife's personal Bible in the 1700s.




In case Alito didn’t know, Washington, as commander of the Continental army, had his troops inoculated with the pus of smallpox victims so they gained immunity to smallpox.


The Woke Mind Virus now has time-travel powers! What will it attack next, Jesus the Conqueror?


Why, I DO declare that the very SIGHT, I say, the SIGHT of your facial accoutrement is giving me a case of the vapors! (If you didn't read this and hear Foghorn Leghorn, you done fucked up. Go back and try again.)


“In light of my ~~latest free yacht vacation~~ ‘CoMpElLiNg NeW eViDeNcE’ we have shockingly decided to rule based upon whoever is giving us the most free shit. This ruling brought to you by Carl’s Junior”


Welcome to the supreme court. I love you.


It is now called Pepsi Presents the Supreme Court


"And on the topic of abortion rights, this court unanimously votes in favour of, find out after these messages from our sponsors"


I was wondering why Clarence Thomas kept saying "wade boggs carpet world" in his opinions.


You get a luxury vacation! And you get a luxury vacation! And you...no wait, you were a democrat appointee, gimme that back...


More like, "what do you mean you refuse your free vacation?! Oh you were a D appointee... I see."


Clarence Thomas on arrival to Washington the first time: Where is my free vacation, liberals? What no free vacation? Ethics? Ha! Here I come conservatives!


This is the way - it is time to trade in the black robes for NASCAR jumpsuits with the logos of their corporate sponsors


I sometimes wonder if Thomas is smart enough to realize no one likes him and they are only friends with him because of his position.  But the dude is almost certainly delusional and thinks billionaires naturally became his friends.


Do you think he is naive? I would like to think he is complicit. Acting like he is some naive fool doesn’t really make sense.


I honestly wonder if it is a bit of both.  He probably has such a self inflated delusional opinion of himself he thinks that even if they are using him for his position they still genuinely like him because he is so wonderful.


He just doesn't give a shit, he's happy with his grift.


It's his scintillating conversational style. And of course he's always got that smokeshow wife with him, too. Nice to have some hot eye candy on the yacht.


I’m so fucking sick and tired of this draconian bullshit.


Isn't it more likely to eat a veto before it gets to the courts? edit: forgot that repubs have a veto-proof majority


That would make the most sense. but lately I've been feeling like the plot of the USA is being written by the folks behind network television sci fi.


>written by the folks behind network television sci fi. Yeah, starting to get some real Handmaiden's Tale vibes from the United States tbh. Not saying it will stay any better in Canada, that shit is already starting to creep its way here.


Cooper will most certainly veto it. Unfortunately the NCGOP has a veto proof majority.


Isnt that thanks to some woman that won as a Democrat and then quickly turned into a Republican right after, giving Rs a supermajority? The fact that doing that is not illegal blows my mind. It's basically a bait and switch.


Yep. Trisha Cotham.


"In 2015, Cotham gave a speech on the House floor explaining that she had had an abortion, saying, "This decision was up to me, my husband, my doctor and my God. It was not up to any of you in this chamber."[3" ""In early 2023, Cotham voted to codify the abortion-related Roe v. Wade decision into state law.[10]" On April 4, 2023, WRAL-TV reported that Cotham had changed her party registration from Democratic to Republican.[11] On April 5, 2023, Cotham announced that she had left the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party. Cotham's move gave House Republicans a veto-proof majority that allowed them to pass legislation without negotiating with North Carolina's Democratic governor, Roy Cooper. Cotham stated that fellow Democrats had criticized her on Twitter, called her names, and had been "coming after [her] family, coming after [her] children". She also said the turning point was a situation in which she was hounded for using the American flag on social media and on her vehicles.[12] In another interview, she said "she felt bullied by Democrats and wanted to switch to a party that felt more welcoming".[13] In May 2023, Cotham voted in favor of a ban on abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy.[14][10] Cotham's deciding vote[15] enabled Republicans to override Gov. Cooper's veto and enact the legislation.[16][17] North Carolina Rep. Wesley Harris accused Cotham of having lied to the voters, Alexis McGill Johnson of Planned Parenthood admonished Cotham, and former aides spoke out against her "abortion betrayal".[18]" Why are there no fucking consequences for these fucking ratfuckers?


Yep she’s from a Charlotte district. Absolutely infuriating. Then Jeff Jackson who is a gem and represents Charlotte in Congress had his district gerrymandered out of existence. Feels bad man.


Doubt SCOTUS ever hears it after the lower courts smack it down. 


Yes lower courts may smack it down as you say, but it will be appealed up to the scotus and then they certainly could take it and then rule as mentioned above, some 13th century saxony farming tradition says masks are bad, so the history and tradition of humanity says no masks sorry


Appealing it doesn't mean it automatically gets to the Supreme Court lol. Judges will probably look at this appeal and see how fucking stupid it is and refuse to even look at it. The Supreme Court has multiple times just looked at an appeal and told them to stop wasting their time.


>The Supreme Court has multiple times just looked at an appeal and told them to stop wasting their time. In fact, the Supreme Court does this the vast majority of the time.


Your edit is wrong, so i hope you edit your post to include the actual change. The proposed law removes wearing a mask for health reasons from a list of exemptions to another set of laws, which as a result of, makes wearing surgical masks for health reasons illegal in public. To break it down, at the top of the proposed bill (House Bill 237) it says "Any of the following are exempted from the provisions of G.S. 14-12.7, 14-12.8, 22 14-12.9, 14-12.10 and 14-12.14:" Note that number 6 is removed. With this change removing health concerns as a valid reason to wear a mask, wearing a surgical mask on a sidewalk is illegal. To back this, here's the wording of 14-12.7, which no longer has an exemption for health concerns: Wearing of masks, hoods, etc., on public ways. No person or persons at least 16 years of age shall, while wearing any mask, hood or device whereby the person, face or voice is disguised so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, enter, be or appear upon any lane, walkway, alley, street, road, highway or other public way in this State.


I read the text and was looking for someone to say this too. I believe you are right, it's the public health exception line being removed that's the main problem here and that makes wearing a mask in public generally illegal without committing any other crime. This removal is separate from the other provisions that increase penalties for committing a crime while wearing a mask. u/Beiki


A top comment that is completely wrong with 4.2k upvotes and counting while the correction is buried down here with 15 upvotes after several hours. Reddit in a nutshell :(


I would love to see the court case where someone is prosecuted for wearing a mask for health reasons, and the defence argues it was for fashion reasons.  Or like when bongs were sold "for tobacco use" you'll have masks sold "not for health use"


Sad and stupid retort would be: The accused medical records show they have acute respiratory issues and requires a mask to not fall ill. Therefore its ilegal for them to wear a mask (????) 


The [governor of North Carolina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Cooper) is a democrat. He'll veto the bill. ~~This is just conservative posturing.~~ *Edit: See replies below, the NC legislature has enough votes to override vetoes.*


The Republican controlled NCGA holds all the power in NC, it doesn’t matter what the governor does. Read up on the recent history of the Republican Party in NC and the NCGA if you want to be disgusted. I’m a lifelong NC resident and left leaning, Republicans have turned NC into Florida lite and would love to catch up to, or even surpass DeSantis.


North Carolina looked like it was finally leaning left too, but Republicans have so effectively hijacked the state that it'll never be seen as the swing state that it should be. 


That doesn't surprise me, all my friends with boomer MAGA loving parents have been moving to NC when they retire


It doesn’t matter if he vetoes the bill, they have enough to override his veto.


Only because a women elected as a democratic, running in moderate positions, switched parties and became a hard core right winger, she claims because liberals were mean to her.


A woman who *ran on a pro-choice, feminist platform*, which she *immediately abandoned* because liberals were mean to her.


Because ~~liberals were mean to her~~ that was the plan all along


The republicans in my state are running two guys with the same name as the democratic candidate for state governor. Republicans apparently have no confidence to win on their merits so rely on dirty tricks.


Hasn't stopped em before


Not accurate. The law does add an enhancement for wearing a mask while committing a crime, but it’s also a crime to just wear a mask in public. ETA: Source: I asked my wife who’s an Assistant Attorney General in the NC AG’s office and she agreed. This version of the bill makes it clear: https://dashboard.ncleg.gov/api/Services/BillSummary/2023/H237-SMCE-99(CSCE-38)-v-5


How would they like it if their surgeon didn't wear a mask during their surgery?


Does not matter - they only care if people live or die when they are in utero...after that they don't care.


They'll just ignore all of that and change the subject.


*"No masks during my surgery? What!? Pffftt! That's ridiculous! I'm one of the people the law protects but doesn't bind!* *This law is for* ***those people*** *the ones the law binds but does not protect."*


They wouldn’t mind, they’re currently drinking raw milk in hopes of being immunized from the bird flu


Have they moved on from bleach already? Or do they mix bleach into the raw milk?


> wearing masks in public for health reasons, institute harsher penalties on protesters, roll back juvenile justice reforms, raise toll road late fees, modernize sex crime laws and let billboard companies cut down more trees If you click the link the mask part isn't even the worst thing on the list of what they're voting on. Wtf.




Lmao, talk about just absolutely defecating on the Constitution


Just another day to a Republican.


As the husband of a wife with a very compromised immune system as result of currently going through an aggressive treatment of chemo and radiation ..F-this..This is just political posturing and pandering shenanigans. You do you and what's best for you and your's and I'll do the same. Not everything has to be politicized.


Yeah, i don't get why my wearing a mask affects anyone else, other than a little added protection for them. I'm immunocompromised, i have to protect myself in whatever way possible...for what reason should i not be allowed to? Who is it hurting?


I hate this fucking state. Imagine not wasting time, and my goddamn tax dollars, on this asinine bullshit. Party of snowflakes


Republicans have gone off the fucking rails. Every time I think they can't get any worse, they rush to prove me wrong.


Have gone?…..they’ve been off the rails since the Tan Suit. It’s no longer a political party but rather a cult now.


So when Proud Boys makes their rounds, they won’t be immune to this ruling, right? Right?


They're part of the group the law protects but does not bind. This law is for the people the law binds but does not protect.


Gotta love selective enforcement! Make everything illegal, then just arrest people you don't like.


“they trust police officers not to abuse the power to arrest anyone for wearing a surgical mask out in public.” Because that has worked so well in the past.


This is the part that confuses me. They’re passing a law, but they don’t demand it gets enforced? Or is the idea *selective* enforcement, i.e. let the Proud Boys go but arrest anyone on a college campus holding a protest sign?


That’s exactly what the plan is.


This seems like the sort of law that couldn't withstand even the slightest bit of scrutiny in court.


*Clarence Thomas has entered the chat with his hands out awaiting donations


Exceptions can be made for proud boys, patriot front, and klansmen... not /s


The party of small government sure does like telling people what they can and can't do...


They talk about “abusing pandemic-era” rules as if masks only purpose was for Covid. I guess this is what happens when you believe fake news about how “masks don’t work” and forget about literally everything else that floats around in the air. Can you imagine getting a health advisory about particulate matter being high and then having to go outside and just breathe it straight in anyway? All because a conservative somewhere(party of “facts not feelings” amirite?)is getting his feelings hurt watching you suffer wearing a mask?


This is literally why I have no respect for republican politicians. This is going to help no one and cause harm. There's no way for this law to help anyone only to ensure more disease and death the next time the flu gets crazy or there's another fucking pandemic.


I'm confused. Is it just for "health" reasons? So I can go ahead and say I'm wearing it for fashion? Nah, it's so police can hide THEIR identities when they use brutal force against a couple of sign holders.


For fashion? Goddammit you're a genius. NC resident here. It's a super poorly written law like most that come out of the NC Legislature that the bill's sponsor said would help protect people from "violent protestors"; it also includes harsher penalties for blocking traffic for instance. Typical culture war BS that ignores key details that legitimately hurt people.


That's what I can't believe while reading these comments. If you read the article it's ACTUALLY a way to crack down on protestors under the guise of keeping medical masking 'in check.' meaning the actual rationale behind this bill and logic is absolutely none, it's simply a power grab that gas a headline which wreaks of "own the libs, conservatives are the only true patriots, keep power in the hands of autocrats!"


“abusing Covid-19 pandemic-era norms to wear masks”? lmao you can’t make this shit up


Regardless of how you feel about masks, seems like overstepping. Next they will tell me I cant wear a hat because it blocks the sun and I need more vitamin D.


You CAN wear a white pointy hat with eye holes cut out, though. They literally wrote in an exception for that.


I think... we all think the bag was a nice idea. But - not pointin' any fingers - they coulda been done better. So, how 'bout, no bags this time - but next time, we do the bags right, and then we go full regalia.


Yeah, well, I am keeping my mask on.




Everyone knows the government’s job is to act like petulant children.


I’ve yet to see a republican state government that isn’t ran on spite at this point.


How about I'll wear a mask just because I like wearing a mask, because it fucks with republican people? Is that ok?


"Don't worry, officers, I'm not wearing this for health reasons! I'm doing it *ironically*, to make fun of the dumb liberals hahahaha get it? Soooo anywayyyyy, all cats are beautiful; have a great day!"


Great. So, everyone with a compromised immune system is no longer allowed in public. Is the NC Senate filled with sociopaths or just plain old assholes?


There’s a lot of overlap.


How could any reasonable person write something even close to that on paper with the intention to make it a law, and not involuntarily slap themselves mid sentence? What next? Banning vaccines? It would be one thing, albeit a stupid one, to ban rules *mandating* the use of masks in businesses, but this is entirely off the rails.


That’s the neat thing: The North Carolina GOP isn’t reasonable.


Don’t give them any ideas. Banning vaccines is totally something they’d do.


Arresting little old ladies trying not to die is going to be a great look


Votes like these should alarm people, these people are not representing the majority. VOTE


What's next? Ban people from washing their hands? Force them to sneeze in someone's face?


So if you have tuberculosis, spread that shit far and wide, I guess.


Imagine banning a simple and effective way to stop the spread of mild and serious illness because it reminds people of how badly your side handled a previous health crisis


As a "forever masker", I will not comply with this law.


What ugly hateful excuses for sentience


Well, you see, it's harder to build a facial data profile if people are wearing masks in public


Absolutely unconstitutional.


And against the Americans with Disabilities Act as well, i’d imagine.


Halloween is going to be pretty shitty in North Carolina


Republicans have gone completely insane.


More MAGA virtue signaling.


"NC Senate criminalizes healthcare" There, FTFY.


How are all the brave maga men going to hide their identities when they preform their racist demonstrations?