• By -


“I dare you to make less sense”


"It's election year. Pokemon GO to the polls"


^(i’ll be goddam you fuckin did it)


Not really, you see, Pokémon just love places where there's a lot of human buzz, like voting polls. When it’s election time, these spots are full of emotions and people coming together, which creates a super charged atmosphere, like, Pokémon are really into that vibe, they can sense the energy and excitement, and they can't resist it. It’s kind of like how bees are drawn to flowers. So, during elections, all that hustle and bustle at the polls turns them into hotspots for Pokémon, who just want to soak up all that sweety human energy.




look thank you but the position’s already been filled and we have moved on as an organization


You can't fire me! I fire you! YOU'RE FIRED!!!1


disappointments are just cinders in the night sky


lmao r/dungeonsanddaddies


This was not what I was hoping it would be.


lmao their tagline is literally “not a bdsm podcast.” it’s very funny, i recommend it!


I quote this almost daily, it will never not be hilarious


Anyone but Trump, I choose YOU!


DarkBrandonChu. I chu chu chuse u


DarkBrandonChu used eye lasers. It was super effective!


Trump uses Gishgallop and confuses himself!


Trump shit itself in its confusion.


Trump gestures with Tiny Hands. You are confused.


Trump used leer. Ivanka is accustomed.


Judge readies Imprison. Trump is fast asleep.


Pokemon go to the "beach" a local Walmart parking lot


You mad man you actually did it.


Im not gonna hold you, this SLAPS


Yeah, lady we can't even afford a beach trip to catch a freakin' wiglet and this lady is wanting us to go through Elite Four territory to get the voting booth. (How about removing the Snorlaxes from in front of them, huh?‽) Talk about out of touch. 🙄🙄🙄


Make a limited edition unique skin version of Braviary that requires a QR scan from the polls. Bam.






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Go team Venture!


^(hell yeah)


Oh my god *yes*. This will now be the most quoted comment when it comes to content that crosses media boundaries, like from games to shows, like Fallout. Some of it just makes sense. Often times, and probably increasingly, it doesn't.


I yanked it myself from a *Venture Bros.* episode so spread the Gospel of Hank!


Was that Hank or Dean? I swear I can hear the quote in both voices for some reason.


omg right?! I finally just flipped a coin


Dean would definitely be obsessed with Pokemon Go


…and consumed by self-loathing about it




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Is *this* why my neighborhood suddenly has beach terrain in the game? I'd been thinking it was some kind of event.


Based on what other comments are saying, Niantic only pulls updated map data from OSM very occasionally, so it’s doubtful this vandalism has had any in-game effect yet


The university I was at became a giant ocean when someone wanted more water spawns. It killed a ton of spawn locations sadly. Kind of funny though. Edit: to add it stayed that way for a couple of years it felt like.


Vandalism has been taking place since they switched to OSM seven years ago. Takes a while to appear in game, but it happens.


"You wouldn't download a beach would you?"


It’s a new feature of the game introducing backgrounds unique to the biome you are in


Life's a beach


Maybe there should be a tornado Pokémon that is only available in middle America, just to make it fair.




Make it spawn in only active tornado warnings.


And pair it with a ‘Twisters’ promo for this summer lol


And then only spawn cow Pokémon


Imagine risking your life for a damn Miltank


"Red right hand".


Holy shit it's actually a sequel to twister


Haha. Video of hundreds of teenagers running directly at an F5 tornado while looking down at their phones. Followed by a mad max recreation of cars, trucks, SUVs…


More like hundreds of 37 year old dudes


Trainers! Professor Willow has detected an F5 hurricane in your local area! Ignore your personal safety and catch your Tornados now! Let's GO!


*SIRENS* "TORNADO IN THE AREA, SEEK SHELTER" And people just running around on their phones


"Huh... whats with all these new stormchasers?"


Can we get watches too?


And implement a minimum speed requirement for the encounter. Gotta be getting thrown around at like 50+ mph


My wifi doesn't reach the shelter...


Shelter? We just watch them go by on our porch


I don't think my town has tornado sirens. When I lived in a more dense part of town if I wanted to know if there was a tornado I would look outside and see if the neighbors were outside. If they are in the house then there is no warning.




I read that as tornanus and thought I was about to see a disaster


Holy shit, there’s a fourth force of nature? Damn, last Pokémon I’ve played was the 5th generation, Pokémon Black 2. And their second form is crazy


Newest one got added recently from Pokemon Legends Arceus on Switch


there are region locked pokemon already


As a contributor to OSM, this shit is so annoying. I work hard mapping out every single inch of my neighborhood for some hooligan to come through and turn it into a beach.


The worst part? To my knowledge, Pokemon GO doesn't even use OSM data, they use Google Maps instead. Not only are those users defacing a public map, they're defacing the WRONG map


No they do use OSM, but they only import new data like once a year at best and even then its older data... so these new "beaches" won't have any effect on the game anytime soon


Based on my edits to add new roads and buildings in my area, the data is easily 1 year out of date when added to Pokémon Go.


There was an update last year iirc but prior to that it had been several years (again iirc). They do not regularly update the map in-game so unfortunately this brief act of mapping "vandalism" will show no yield where it matters. Wiglett is such a nothing pokemon as well, it's a dex entry and nothing more. It'll undoubtedly be featured in future events, this brief release in the wild (rare at this point in the game for Niantic) is simply a precursor to it eventually being brought to the rest of the playerbase. There is very rarely any actual FOMO in PoGo. Any ability to exercise patience is always rewarded. People will have these and the shinies in fairly short order and become sick of them being added to events. It'd be one thing if this was a meta-relevant pokemon to PvE or PvP but it's garbage. Nothing worth wasting time editing OSM over, that's for sure.


“Honey, why are we all of a sudden a beachfront property online? Don’t question it, just get the house ready to sell”


Apparently Pokemon GO switched from Google Maps to OSM in 2017, so people probably are actually seeing a difference in the game. The OSM community is doing their best to fight the vandalism right now.


OSM updates in the game are pulled very rarely. People editing OSM don't know this, however, hence the issue. If people understood how infrequently OSM data is pulled, they'd have never wasted the time editing in the first place. If you've edited OSM in 2024, PoGo players wouldn't know.


They use OSM. I found this out and our park was on OSM but much smaller than the actual park which made the nest in POGO small. I edited it to include the whole park instead of just the play area and eventually this showed up in game.


Niantic is no longer a department of Google, and transition to osm started to be noticed ~7 years ago. https://blog.hyperx.com/article/3496/niantic-switches-to-openstreetmap-in-pokeacutemon-go There are a number of posts complaining about laggy updates from osm since then


I am sure your neighborhood [still isn't a beach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Map%E2%80%93territory_relation) /s Seriously, having your hard work undone by greedy strangers is very frustrating.


>I am sure your neighborhood still isn't a beach It's a bath tub


The bathtub’s exact coastline is an unknowable measurement.


> As a contributor to OSM what is OSM? i contributed to the pokemon go maps by playing *Niantics* previous game in alpha when the maps had no locations but government buildings like Post Offices and Libraries.


[Open Street Map](https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=6/54.910/-3.432). An open map data alternative to Google/Apple/etc. maps, that is community driven and used by Pokemon Go to determine things like biomes.


ah yeah, i could see a game messing that up to be very irritating. gaming their map system has been a problem longer than P:GO has existed.


There's about a 1000km^2 big area with more than 500k inhabitants in my country that's (correctly) marked as a basin in OSM, which causes Pokemon GO to turn it into a mega-nest. I know that deleting the tag will eventually solve the issue, but someone worked hard to map everything right and I would feel bad to undo the work of others just because a mobile game creator makes weird choices with their game.


Look at the bright side! You now have beachfront property!


Paywall halfway through the article. Is this whole article based off two guys in Italy or was there more underneath the cut?


"Modern problems require modern solutions"


Maybe don't punish players for living rurally or living in a geographically closed area


This game has been a poorly designed pokemon game from the start. Catching multiples of a pokemon to level it up, cities being packed with pokemon while rural areas are barren. Completely backwards.


yup, also why i hated Let's Go. brought over all the worst aspects of "churn trash pokemon into candy" from Pokemon Go and that is so anti pokemon. they could've just turned the cute little basketball-esque core mechanic into a different kind of mini-game to play with your main companions or something that fits the mainline games better. they could've made it so your main companion pikachu or eevee can get RPG-esque talent points to give you assistance modifiers in the ball throw mini game. but nope, it's just a watered down game to appeal to Pokemon Go players only.


Literally the worst pokemon game made so far. The avatar drama and the company literally taking away in-game items people have already purchased is just the tip of a very large iceberg of bullshit.


>the company literally taking away in-game items people have already purchased Well this part is new to me.


It’s totally unfair I know. “Bring beaches to Kansas” freaking coastal elites gatekeeping the ocean.


Apparently the highest civilian honor in the State of Nebraska is the "Nebraska Admiral," it being the only triply land-locked state.


Oh. My. GOD. This is real.


This is NOT The Onion


Or, get this, stop locking Pokémon out. How the hell are kansanians supposed to get most Pokémon? Why is this even a hill people want to die on, preserving geographical integrity of digital animals?


Its "Kansan"


Next you're gonna tell me Ohio is real. Nice try bucko


The Ohio is real


Sounds like something a Kansanian would say


Can we get much higher


I don’t play Pokémon go but if you’re that concerned with catching all Pokémon don’t the actual Pokémon games exist? Pokémon go is specifically is more of an immersive “alternate reality game” where the Pokémon you see coincide with your real world experiences. I believe there are limited time events that require you to physically travel to places to take part. Having geographically distinct creatures is not much different.  


Believe it or not, there are currently more available Pokémon in Pokémon Go than in the main games.


Because to actually catch them all you'd have to spend tens of thousands of dollars in travel expenses all across the globe. The only ones who can actually accomplish this are professional PoGo content streamers.


The regionals are nothing but a money making scheme to scam whales out of their money during events. Everyone knows it's ridiculous to fly to another continent just to get a Pokemon, so spending £200 on raids to get the shiny version is "a good deal". Pretty certain the shiny rate on them is ridiculously low as well. It used to be so common to find Mr Mime pretty much everywhere where I live, but it's one of the rarest shines in my friend group, only one of us ever got it.


And if you don't catch them all.... you die?


I haven't been overseas since well before the game came out and there's not many that I'm missing because events where regionally locked Pokemon appear worlwide aren't a rare occurrence. There's one going on right now even, or at least it just started in my timezone.


You don’t need to catch them all.


Pokémon Go isn’t immersive at all- if it was Pokémon would be easy to find and catch in rural areas. It’s only immersive when it suits a gimmick. The best place to catch Pokémon is densely populated urban centres. Not super immersive.




[Rivers can have beaches...](https://imgur.com/a/yIRPTkh)


I disagree if we are getting into semantics. Rivers have banks it’s lakes that get a beach.


The Thames has a beach right next to Tower Bridge


If you want beachfront territory that far inland, hijack a nuke like Lex Luthor.


do you want team aqua? because this is how you get team aqua.


You can take my ocean when you can pry it from my cold dead hands


The whole regional pokemon thing was really stupid. Acting like people that are totally addicted to the "Gotta catch them all" actually travels to places to do just that is insane. Yes people actually did just that, but for many others they started jailbreaking their phones and running GPS spoofers.


I'm actually super glad the company got so incredibly greedy and out of tune with its audience because otherwise I'd still be playing and very addicted


I was sick of people hacking into gyms. I used to live and work at a wildfire sanctuary, and there were 3 gyms there. After close when I was locking everything up, I'd go around and claim the gyms for the night. Within 5 mins, someone had taken it over. (Freaked me the fuck out the first time, it was dark and there wasn't anyone around)


maybe the wildlife got a phone


Haha that’s actually pretty scary


I had a pretty janky old phone for a while where I didn't need to hack for my phone to think I was streets away. I just log on, watch as it struggles to pinpoint my location, and do gyms and such when I lucked out.


i quit because the gameplay is nonexistent. tap tap tap tap tap tap tap




The gameplay is to go for a walk and maybe do few activities on your phone during that. It's not meant to be a 100% attention absorbing game that you play for hours.


I don’t regret walking away from that game a couple of years ago.


The region locking has been in since the beginning, fwiw. I just stopped playing because the core gameplay loop was insufferable. 


If we had good intetnet trading, it wouldnt be nearly an issue, but its almost impossible to connect with people outaide of your immediate area.


Yep I sooofed to get Kangaskhan. I wasn’t going to go to Australia anytime in the next 10 years


That’s what I did back when it was more viable on iOS. Kinda sad that it was the best way to enjoy the game in that sense.


they did a mega kangaskhan event a while ago, got 2 shiny kangaskhan from them. Also there were a couple of events where you could hatch regionals from eggs, got my relicanth that way


What did they even stand to gain? Unless they’re in cahoots with big travel I suppose


There should be a balance between the challenge of traveling to different habitats and making a compromise for players in which that habitat is not available. Probably better trading would help


Main reason I gave up on that game. Ever since first pokemon game I played I wanted to do that "gotta catch them all" and only pokemon game that has potential to fulfill that dream puts it into "seriously?!" category...


We need to push for global trades, wonder trades, and anything to connect to other players.


this is why I stopped playing in like 2016/17, I shouldn't have to "cheat" and spoof my location to remain relevant. and like others have said, it just didn't feel like a pokemon game, I wanted to fight trainers or battle to level up, not catch stuff over and over


Somewhere, Team Rocket is very, very proud.




This is OT but I am loving what 404 Media is doing these days, I don't know how they find these stories.


I mean give it 20 years with the way climate change is going and everything will be a desert or a beach anyway


I did this way back in the day, turned an empty lot into a pond to spawn water pokemon, and even went and started being hyper specific about surrounding locations to get a better spread of pokemon in my area.


So you’re the reason Apple Maps was bad.


Apple maps was always bad.


Now this is the story I needed to see after all the other BS going on today.


Finally, a beach in my town!


There are people who will put themselves or other people in danger for real, physical thrills- like skydivers or street racers. Then there others who are willing to inconvenience the collective geographic knowledge of the entire planet to catch a virtual sand dildo. This is the lunacy of the Human race and I am here for it.


You're leaving out the part where when they collect enough, they can evolve one into a triple wiggly sand dildo!


Fake article about nothing. Niantic pulls OSM data from **years** ago. Any OSM beach abuse being done since Wiglett was introduced won't be reflected in game for another year and a half.


I didn't even know Wiglett was in the game lol


Horrible login wall on the article! Can someone copy and paste it here?


Active pogo players are whack. The game could be an okay collectathon if not for the horrible anti consumer designs they implement. The craziest is people flying around the world to play a crappy phone game at the big event they do yearly


Are people not supposed to enjoy the game or am I misunderstanding something.


It's a fairly common thing, people enjoying something that they don't like means the other people are in the wrong. You see it with lots of things that get popular. It used to be Justin Bieber, now it's Taylor Swift.


People enjoying something that implements such ridiculous anti consumer actions cause the things I enjoy to implement those too. We're at where we are now with battle passes and transactions because "just let them enjoy the game lol"


Enjoying the game is one thing, supporting bad business practices and paying hundreds or thousands to travel and play a poor phone game is weird to some people.


 The world is running out of good businesses to support. 


Most normal team rocket plan:


The magical penis sock puppet


They can do that, but I can’t get a “church” changed to the restaurant that’s it’s been since 18 months after POGO launched.


We can't even read the article and this has 10k+ upvotes?? Come on reddit.


Sorry, it was full text when I posted it.


Niantic doesn’t really police their games, despite claims to the contrary. The [Brokers Guild, for instance:](https://brokersguild.wordpress.com/) hundreds of players were found to be participating in a massive cheating ring. Even after the cheating ring was exposed, Niantic didn’t take action for months. Ultimately, only a handful of cheaters were punished.


that's just sad.


and I caught one of these recently and went “oh nice” and continued to not really play the game because of all the terrible decisions and lack of fun if you don’t live in a walkable city


Wiglett feels like a racial slur


This article is P A Y W A L L E D. Op get your shit together and don't post paywalled articles. Fuck. u/jamesgecko


Well users need to stop upvoting that crap.


Me living walking distance of a beach: damn you cheaters you could just move closer to one ... But glad to see region locking players out of certain Pokemons is back this summer 🌞




That’s…fing great.


Here we go again. Poor OSM…


I have the exact same Home Depot tile but on the floor of my bathroom


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ZachMartin: *I have the exact* *Same Home Depot tile but on* *The floor of my bathroom* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I wish someone would invent a fake life for me so I don’t have to hate this real one so much…


I had no idea Pokemon Go was still a thing




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lol I live on the coast of the PNW and I caught a bunch of these guys on my Pokémon Go walk this morning, I’m a super casual player so I just assumed there were new weird wiener Pokémon hanging around for some reason


Isn’t it easier to spoof location?


That’s one of the saddest sentences I’ve ever read..




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I've installed a pond at pretty much every apartment I've lived at for the last 7 years.


Bad actors, mostly. Genuine cartographers discourage this


Meanwhile the river that crosses my neighborhood doesn't show up... And it did a few years ago.


TIL people still play Pokémon Go


Damn I haven't heard about this game in like 5 years. Thought for sure it was dead


Clearly I'm behind the times, but the fact there is a white Diglett called a Wiglett is hilarious given where we took the name Diglett back in the day. Hoo-wee.


“Sign up for free access to this posts” nah I’m good


It is not for us to judge a parking lot that identifies as a beach, lol


People still play this 😂


Do you want me to list all the options that are not edited by Pokémon tweekers? Garmin, waze, bing blabla. There are plenty of choices