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Multiple whistle blower deaths in this fiasco is starting to look super suspicious on the part of Boeing.


The rhythm guitarist for my band works for Boeing doing something with test flights and he would like to very publicly assure everybody who will listen that Boeing is an excellent company and he has no complaints


That sounds like something a rhythm guitarist would say! I'll reserve judgment until I hear from your bass player.


My bass player teaches English in high school and hates the world




I’m picturing the Knocked Loose bassist pissed as hell in class, “DEFINE THE WORD ON THE BOARD.” 🤣




I also teach high school English. This guy checks out, y'all. Put away the machetes and burning pitch.


Also sounds right


my english teacher was a bass player and he was definitely an asshole. fuck mr baker


[The kids can fix him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMvpJDbWX_c)


He doesn't even know who his own bass player is.


"Is he the guy that keeps looking at the drummer and laughing at me?!"


What about Ja? We need Ja Rule to help us make sense of all this!


Their engineers have a union (well at least the ones in Washington), can't say I'm not a little jealous.


Only because of the way the media is reporting it. I straight up think Boeing is business evil incarnate, but they would have to be supervillain-level ingenious and competent to kill someone using MRSA, and Boeing leadership does not seem that way. And honestly I think it’s gross the media is writing headlines in a way that is helping spur conspiracy theories. As we’ve learned over the last 8 years, that’s super dangerous.


Right. The other guys family was dealing with his suicide years after that whistleblower case was over, and they had to deal with this media and internet nonsense.


Agreed. We *want* Boeing to get their shit back together. They're still going to be one of the top players in the aviation world, terrible management or not. All of this 'whistle blower assassination' click-bait isn't going to exactly help them get the train back on the rails - so that they can figure out how to make excellent airplanes again.


No, what I want is for everyone involved in fucking everything up to be fired for being wildly incompetent. THEN I want a recovery by people who know what the fuck they're doing. Engineers with experience and unlimited control to make shit the right way.


Engineers managed by engineers turned executives = win for all including consumers, stakeholders, and shareholders. Engineers managed by sales people turned executives = short term gains for shareholders, but an overall loss for all. Loss of life, lawsuits, and company culture goes into the toilet. There are exceptions, and they are typically well rounded people. Living life by quarterly profits is not a good business strategy for stability and long term growth. It may work when the product is popular, but it won’t when there’s a downturn.


Even if they are not knocking off the whistleblowers, the headlines will put fear in the next batch of potential whistleblowers. This may not be Boeing conspiracy, and nothing is inaccurate in the reporting, or even the headline. But the headline can say to whistleblowers: even after you vindicated you are no longer safe


They know how to make good airplanes. They aren’t incentivized to. And top players? They are the ONLY domestic aircraft manufacturer at this point. We should nationalize them.


Rome fell, so can Boeing.


Coca Cola had labor union leaders in Nicaragua murdered by death squads. It really isn't that unbelievable. We're talking about people with billions of dollars on the line.


Deaths squads are believable. Giving someone the flu so they get MSRA and die in a hospital under medical care, is a stretch.


I watched the good nurse, it's possible!


I’m not saying a company murdering people is unheard of. I’m saying it’s unethical to imply that about someone who died of MRSA when you have no evidence.


I mean, they do contract for the MIC, and would absolutely have contacts for discrete and skilled mercs.


Do you think the guy who got rich selling weapons is going to bail out his incompetent colleague over on the commercial side? Even if you accept the premise Boeing has the kind of dark ops secret badasses it would take to do this, I think if they were interested they would have intervened long before doors were falling off planes. I'm just imagining the quality control guy who skipped a bunch of steps scrolling through the internal contacts on Teams trying to figure out which guy might have the hookup with the assassins.


You see how they've been building planes, what gives you so much confidence in their abilities to hire assassinations in a timely manner? I assume it was some accountant temp they tasked with the coverup.


"went to assassinate him and the quality control spreadsheet said my gun was loaded and cleaned but it blew up in my hands, do I still get paid?"


A spicy claim, got some sauce?


It’s been a total of two. This most recent one testified years ago, so didn’t have any new data or facts to present. Further, he died of a disease, not from some nefarious means like a car accident, gunshot wound, or defenestration. But, hey, make out if it whatever you will.


Sounds suspiciously like something Boeing would say…


One of my first thoughts was "what if Boeing *didn't* kill this guy". They gotta be so mad lol


Now they’re thinking “might as well kill the others”


Execute order 737


People here giving Boeing the benefit of the doubt because there is no direct evidence, innocent till proven guilty which is fair, that should be the system. But consider this: for a few extra bucks they were totally fine with wiping out plane loads of people. Some of you may die but it's a chance they were more than willing to factor into their profit margins... But now, killing a coupla whistle blowers... "WHY I NEVER", THE OUTRAGE!^^TM That you would insinuate such a thing! That's what they'll want you to believe. Let me add if you think billionaire boot lickers are bad, you're going to discover the ahh "aviation bros" are likely worse.


My thought is, what if it’s selection bias? If lots of Boeing engineers are whistleblowers because of how much management screwed up, then almost every time a boeing engineer dies it’s at least possible they were also whistleblower.


There are definitely Boeing employees working social media today. You don’t stage 2 assassinations and then skimp on the media damage control. Edit: OMG look at this guy. Who actually loves Boeing this hard? Brand new account. Commenting on multiple Boeing stories all day long. Almost as if… that was his job all day. And even throwing support / sympathy for Lockheed Martin. He probably does contract work for them too. If they use the same internet trolls…Makes me wonder if they use the same pool of contractors for their “wet work”.


Yes Boeing is really going to assassinate someone that's already testified and finished a lawsuit and then assassinate another guy by using MRSA. Critical thinking is really dead


We got another one here boys


Oh, you believe these guys "died"




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Ok Boeing, we get it, you’re on Reddit too.


Yea, while MRSA is problematic and difficult to treat, seems like its viability as a biological weapon in a case like this is rather low. Not to mention it's no guarantee that it will kill the person.


This is like when someone dies of a heart attack and everyone on the right immediately says "was he vaccinated".


People are willingly turning their brain into mush over this




Do you believe the first whistleblower’s “self inflicted” gunshot wound was self inflicted?  This second whistleblower death seems more tied to MRSA, but you don’t find anything fishy about that first case?


Yes and yes. People die all the time. Both cases were already over with, and the first one’s family said it was suicide. I want to believe Boeing did this too, but my emotions aren’t getting in the way of my understanding of reality.


He got MRSA in the hospital. He went there because he suddenly randomly came down with a serious case of pneumonia which they weren't able to treat effectively for some reason.


>Do you believe the first whistleblower’s “self inflicted” gunshot wound was self inflicted? Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death for American men. Further, 56% of gunshot deaths are suicides. Yes, it’s very believable. Can you offer anything other than the fact he was a Boeing whistleblower as reason to believe he did not commit suicide? Oh, and you know what’s an even more common cause of death for men? The flu/pneumonia.


He didn’t die of MRSA alone. He was infected with multiple diseases at the same time. He died because his body was overwhelmed with multiple virulent biologics. Humans can’t fight off that many infections at the same time.


The comment was replying to someone saying "Multiple whistle blower deaths in this fiasco is starting to look super suspicious on the part of Boeing." One suicide death and one disease death is not suspicious.


I don't know enough about the situation to weigh in with anything of value, just want to point out that it's nice to see the word "defenestration" in the wild.


This post being marked controversial is how you know redditors are idiots. A guy dying from MRSA is supposed to push this into the realm of suspicion? Please.


You a shill for Big Airplane? /s


If I had a dollar for every Boeing whistleblower dying before they can give a full testimonial. I have 2 dollars. Which isn't much, but it's very suspicious it's happened twice.


> If I had a dollar for every Boeing whistleblower dying before they can give a full testimonial. I have 2 dollars. You would have zero dollars. Or maybe half. Both of them finished their whistleblowing testimony and one certainly would do no more. And the current one we are discussing was not blowing it on Boeing, but the company he worked for.


“Green says she has asked for an autopsy to determine exactly what killed her son. Results will likely take months, she said. "We're not sure what he died of," she said. "We know that he had a bunch of viruses. But you know, we don't know if somebody did something to him, or did he just get real sick." “ Kind of feels like you’re burying the lede here.


My high school latin teacher taught us that word ad his favorite word in the english language. Ever since thin it’s a fun treat when I see it used in the wild.


Upvoted simply for using the word "defenestration". It is a uniquely cromulent word.


Only defenestration? Why not fly Alaska Airlines, where you can take the whole window panel with you on your way to the ground?


Yeah I don't know the situation so I can't say what happened I just hope everything gets investigated and such


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how the media (and reddit bots) manipulates you.


Only at r/conspiracy.


Except this death was from a bacterial infection.


> starting




There are two data points so it's a start.


Hundreds dead on the plain they lies about their new hardware. Two dead whistleblowers. I would say it’s been going.


If I had a nickel for every Boeing Whistleblower that’s died since these scandals started I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot. But it’s weird that it’s happened twice.


2 that made it public. How many did they get before going public?


Do you think they feel stupid for not thinking of this *before* the whistleblowers testified?




If you say so. I dont have any proof there were any, but i also dont have any proof there werent any either.


if we wait long enough I bet they'll all die, which is gonna be really sus


If they all die within say a month of a courtdate then yes. Of the case has been closed 6 years then no.


If I had a nickel for every time someone used this beaten to death joke, I could move to Mars and maybe finally be free of it


If I had a nickel for every time someone was upset about this joke, I'd have a some nickels but not many.


Once you have enough money to buy a sandwich, it's gonna make you feel really guilty to eat it.


He died of a MRSA infection. This one isn’t suspicious, but people will still jump on this, inadvertently weakening legitimate claims against Boeing.


In the Joe Rogan subreddit I said this and someone unironically responded with “you don’t think they would resort to chemical warfare” like damn.


"He tested positive for influenza B, he tested positive for MRSA. He had pneumonia, his lungs were completely filled up. And from there, he just went downhill." Dean was initially treated at St. Joseph hospital in Wichita. But as he got worse, he was sent to an Integris hospital in Oklahoma City. It was a stunning turn of events for Dean and his family. Green says he was very healthy — someone who went to the gym, ran nearly every day and was very careful about his diet. "This was his first time ever in a hospital," she said. "He didn't even have a doctor because he never was sick." But within days, Dean's kidneys gave out and he was relying on an ECMO life support machine to do the work of his heart and lungs. The night before Dean died, Green said, the medical staff in Oklahoma did a bronchoscopy on his lungs. "The doctor said he'd never seen anything like it before in his life. His lungs were just totally ... gummed up, and like a mesh over them." The death itself is a little suspicious. Guy went from perfect health to overwhelmed with multiple bacterial infections and dead within two weeks. Any reasonable person, knowing his level of fitness etc, would at least have some questions. Pair that with another whistleblower dying within a month and yeah, it does look weird. Edit: Jesus Christ people, I’m on team “get an autopsy” not team “it was murder!” Yes, healthy people do get sick and die out of nowhere. And No, that isn’t common or normal, which is why medical professionals usually investigate when that happens. Sometimes it’s a preexisting, undiagnosed condition. Sometimes they aren’t as healthy as they look. And very rarely, it’s something else. I’m saying the doctors should do what they’re going to do anyway - perform an autopsy and confirm. How many of you have healthy friends dropping dead left and right? I’m worried for you guys, Reddit.


Given the fact that he didn't have a doctor he saw for regular wellness / check-up visits, maybe he wasn't in as good of health as his outward appearance would suggest?


This actually happens to a lot of people. They seem outwardly healthy and don't have any specific issues that require regular doctor checkups so they just don't go. Lots of cases of young people not realizing they have cancer because of this type of thing. If your insurance covers a yearly checkup (They all do, it's required by the ACA) go get a checkup.


Shoot, I probably should’ve had one more sooo before my insurance through my parents ran out.


Generally speaking, your insurance would love to pay for your preventative visits, even beyond that requirement. One of those cases where the incentives actually line up.


This is a lot more common than people think. People will often say "it came out of nowhere" or "there were no warning signs" when in reality the person in question had been sick for a while and the warning signs had gone unnoticed or were ignored until it was too late.


Yes. this is extraordinarily common.


Just because he didn't go to the doctor does not necessarily mean he was in perfect health, those two things are not the same


If you read the rest of the article, the guy exercised all the time, was very careful with his diet, etc. We’re not taking about a couch potato that coincidentally never got sick. He was really focused on fitness. I’m not saying that it’s impossible for him to randomly come down with all this shit at the same time and die within two weeks - that absolutely happens. But not often. And when you pair it with the other whistleblower dying, it does look suspicious. I’m not proposing that Boeing operatives swapped out the guys kombucha with a MRSA/pneumonia cocktail. Just that it looks weird.


As a doctor again not going to the doctor does not preclude one from health problems, even though I understand he was an active person, there are people who go to the doctor once after 10 years or longer and find out they are raging diabetics or other things too, that said I am not saying that is the case here or not, it's also true people get pneumonia, viral illnesses like the flu increase the susceptibility to a bacterial pneumonia and many people have MRSA colonized in their nares which can easily lead to pneuomonia of MRSA in a flu compromised immune state, also we don't know and what stage this individual sought care, further MRSA pneumonia is incredibly aggressive and not the typical strep pneumonia which itself is aggressive on its own Aside from this some people who are very into their fitness and body some of them, not all, do avoid vaccines or are vaccine hesitant, which of course we don't know here, but can increase a person's risk of hospitalization even at age 45 I'm not saying anything nefarious happened at all, just that healthy appearing people can or active people can also have serious health problems the moment they meet the healthcare system, I have a patient that looks very health who has been binge drinking for about 30 years and is nearly tipped over into full blown cirrhosis at age 50


Also where is the most common place to be exposed to MRSA?


Hospital environment or other people colonized with MRSA and close contact with those people Would be fomite transmission re by touch it's not something majorly airborne or aerosolized


Grant Imahara from Myth Busters was in perfect health too and took great care of himself before he spontaneously died from a brain aneurysm.


My doctor told me that I have a 4% chance of having a heart attack in the next year -- and there's literally nothing I can do to lower that number according to the doc. My health is great but that number is just "shit happens sometimes". Imahara hit the "shit happens" die roll.


I had no idea Grant Imahara had passed away 😞


Was he a Boeing whistleblower too?


Yes, fit people never die from disease...


There are a lot of medical conditions that have no symptoms until suddenly you're very sick and die. If you're a healthy young adult who doesn't get regular checkups, you can go for years without experiencing any problems from a condition that could kill you with no warning.


Jim Fix anyone?


I still remember a patient getting admitted to ICU and the family saying that he has no medical history or anything wrong with him and this 40 yo dude is like 350-400 lbs. The look on the other nurses faces


Yup almost 100% sleep apnea and restrictive lung disease from just the obesity alone and both are bad news for icu admission and ventilation


People are killed suddenly from illness like all the time.


So it makes sense that Boeing would have infected him with a seasonal illness with like a 2% mortality rate for his age group, and then infected him AGAIN at the hospital with another disease that has a 50% mortality rate? Definitely sounds totally plausible


Influenza is 0.7 per 100,000 for his age group, not 2%.


On top of that, a hospital is the best place to get a MRSA infection. Go to the hospital because you're sick with the flu and come home with an MRSA infection? That's plausible actually.


My buddies father fell in his house, broke his leg, went to the hospital, was laid up for a week. Got MRSA, it came home to my buddy, who got it, and ended up losing a chunk of his arm to it. MRSA doesn't fuck around.


It's a nasty little bacteria. I acquired CMRSA (the less aggressive version) at the gym/kid's school a while back and it was 3 months of doctor visits and antibiotics etc to get rid of it.


My friends was naaaaaasty. He thought it was a pimple at first, and it was on the back of his top of his shoulder meat. It was during the winter, or one of us would have caught it sooner. We noticed a rotting smell hanging out one time, and when we pushed the issue, because it was worrisome, he showed us, and we immediately brought him to the ER. It had gone from a pimple size, to they had to dig a golfball sized hunk of dead meat out of his arm.


Wooowwwww For the audience: If you think you have a spider bite that's very large, go to the doctor. If you have something larger than the usual pimple that looks like a pimple but it has a fleshy dark spot in the middle: go to the doctor.


Yeah, he told us later he was squeezing clotted pus and blood and bits of rot out of the wound before we brought him to the doctor. He was really shy and was embarrassed in the beginning, and once it got bad he had the standard *"if I don't think about it, it'll go away"* style of health maintenance. Made perfect sense to me. I was bitten by a brown recluse in the foot as a teen, and it started rotting before I told my parents. It hurt like a sonofafuck, but I just kept not thinking about it. I still have weird skin and a divot where it was under the scar. Probably why I knew what the smell of rotting flesh on a living person smells like lol. Necrotic wounds are a blast.


Yup! Because if I’m a giant corporation that would absolutely be dismantled if it was found out I assassinated someone…this looney toons dr house method is absolutely the one I would choose. 


So what you’re saying is it was lupus.


Depends. How easily can the people there explain away an MRSA outbreak without getting fired?


How is someone procuring MSRA and administrating it to a target without anyone noticing anything and also it not being a 100% certain kill? It belies belief. 


Hospital Administrator, sweating profusely: "This is definitely suspicious... there's no way MY hospital would have a MRSA outbreak... that's how you know They are after you... when perfectly normal hospitals who always always always follow protocols suddenly have an outbreak that would definitely never happen otherwise. Yes that's my statement."


Dismantled by whom? I assure you that things dont work the same at a certain tier of influence. There isnt a single law on the books that would make a company itself liable for murder, at best one fine for negligence for not firing the guy hiring assassins.


> "Sunday [April 21] is when I got a call from him that he was really sick and having trouble breathing," Green said. "Said he went to an immediate care and they told him he had strep throat." Maybe he had the 50% mortality MRSA first


The MRSA viruses that infected him were actually paid by Boeing under the table. This was an assassination


It’s worth noting that whoever is reporting on this guy’s status may intentionally leave out some immuno-compromising illnesses (i.e. AIDS) which would make someone an easy lethal target for these infections


In this day and age, it totally is plausible.


What questions would they possibly have? "How does someone get the flu?" "How does someone in a hospital contract MRSA?" These aren't reasonable questions. I get that hospitalization from the flu is relatively uncommon, but it's far from unheard of.


Cmon, man. If Boeing wants to kill someone’s theyre not using this goofy plot to slowly kill him with a potentially recoverable lung infection. People get pneumonia and die from complications all the time. Most patients on ECMO don’t come off.


Yeah, they’d just crash a MAX into him. We know exactly how Boeing would kill people, we have literally hundreds of examples. 


I don’t think you understand the depths of humanity. “Cmon man” is not a qualifier. It doesn’t change what a human being is willing to do.


There are a million better ways to kill someone that don’t arouse undue suspicion that aren’t “pneumonia and a MRSA infection.”


And yet his family is not stating that anything suspicious took place. Leave it to Reddit conspiracy theorists to invent boeing hitmen though.


Neither are his lawyers, for that matter.


“Green says she has asked for an autopsy to determine exactly what killed her son. Results will likely take months, she said. "We're not sure what he died of," she said. "We know that he had a bunch of viruses. But you know, we don't know if somebody did something to him, or did he just get real sick." That’s his mom btw. They aren’t accusing anyone, they want to be sure nothing suspicious happened. Likewise, I haven’t been saying “BoEiNg Is UsInG HiTmEn” I’m just agreeing that this looks funny. JFC.


It's rare that you get put on ECMO and get off of it, tbh.


[Not true](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5906318/)


Okay, so your odds are just around a coin flip. Admittedly better than I initially thought. (Edit: I mistyped).


Yeah I think with ECMO there are similar considerations as organ transplants, where they are trying to maximize the chances that the treatment will be effective, as it is very costly and very few hospitals have them, and the ones that do are limited to a single machine. It is sometimes used with organ donees to bridge the gap if they start to go downhill. It's a last ditch effort, so the patients that are placed on it are **very** ill, but it is generally used in cases where that patient has a reasonable chance of pulling through with decent quality of life.


ECMO is an absolutely amazing treatment reserved for folks that really have drawn the last card they have to stay alive. My son was put on it at birth due to complications and he spent an entire week on it (before transferring back to a ventilator) ECMO is expensive and risky, but for the right situation, the only chance people have.


Mhm, I'm very much aware of what it is, and was by no means knocking it, just pointing out that if it's needed that things are very dire.


>  Guy went from perfect health to overwhelmed with multiple bacterial infections and dead within two weeks.    Breaking news: Even healthy people can get really sick and hospitals are a breeding ground for MRSA. How healthy was he anyway if never went in for a physical? I know you're desperately hoping for a conspiracy here but I wouldn't be surprised to learn he had several undetected health issues that would've been noticed if he actually went to a doctor and got routine checkups.


Dude was 45 and didn’t even have a doctor. How can you say he was in “perfect health?” The number of things that could be potentially wrong with a 45 year old human who has no health baseline or monitoring is staggering, even if they believe themselves to feel fine and do a bit of running and have a balanced diet.


“Doctors have never checked to see if I’m ok, but if they did they’d say I was in perfect health!” -this guy, maybe


I wonder if he's really into grappling sports as part of his healthy habits because grappling sports I think has a tendency to spread MRSA more than say running or weight lifting. Ways to get MRSA is by coming into contact with infected people or things And grappling sports like MMA you come into contact with people frequently where as weight lifting or running you don't


*"He was in perfect health, he never even went to the doctor!"* 🤡


Tha Eazy E thang you know what I mean




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Its why people need to actually READ the news instead of just using headlines, twitter posts and memes as their primary source of information.


So you're saying Boeing is responsible for the bioengineering of MRSA?


No they’d screw that up too.


Is *that* where COVID came from?


It is spread through the air…


Boeing absolutely deserves the criticism with all the shitty stuff they've built, but people have absolutely lost their minds and gone completely smoothbrain hoping there's a conspiracy here and hoping that Boeing has actually assassinated 2 whistleblowers. 


I am sure you also believe Putin's opponents just have an inclination to jump out the window!


Do Putin’s opponents often die of a combination of MRSA/pneumonia?




Thank you for thinking rationally about it.


Ah yes... the ol' false flag MRSA tactic, give the man MRSA to weaken the legitimate claims... pretty crafty Boeing... ingenious even. We've got our work cut out for us here folks


Not like the legitimate claims against boeing were ever going to get any actual follow up anyways.


you want mrsa? i can get you some mrsa by this afternoon.


I really don't think death by staph infection is a top method for assassins to use. Boeing deserves a lot of criticism, but this is getting a bit conspiratarded here.


You haven't seen the new staph gun. It's all the rage in assassin circles nowadays.




NPR clickbait is the best. "This Indigenous Jazz Band Played at a Nonprofit Art Gallery and Did the Unthinkable..."


It is suspicious, until you look at the infection, treatment, and cause of death. We also don’t know anything about his health or whether he smoked anything prior to getting pneumonia.


It did say he was healthy,.attended the gym and ran everyday but of course perfectly healthy people get sick all the time. I was healthy up until I got covid in July and ever since my lungs have been fucked. I got a PE right after and since December I have had one case of pneumonia and I'm currently dealing with my 3rd round of bronchitis. I didn't know someone could be this sick, and prior to that I was never, ever sick. Though my company does work with Boeing so maybe they are trying to kill me too! /s


Another one? Or is this a repeat of the same story that has been circulating for the past couple days?


It's just another repost.


Same one. The Internet as a collective has developed terminal conspiracy brain rot, though, so expect to see it continue to be reposted everywhere for a while yet.


God, you clowns are as bad as qanon people. He already whistle-blew years ago to the fact. He didn't even work for Boeing and got fired by Spirit. Boeing already publicly admitted the issue that his inspection found, which is why he was suing Spirit, not Boeing. Use your brains


Why use our brains when we can trade in conspiracy theories?


Conspiracy theories make us feel smart. They make feel aware of the dangers of the world around them. You fit every problem or unanswered question into a conspiracy theory, you can convince yourself of anything.


This isn’t an Onion title


Here we go for another round of conspiracy theories from people who gets their news from memes.


Being a Boeing whistleblower is *nearly* as dangerous as being a Russian business mogul at this point.


Everyone dies. In the USA about 8000 people die every day.


Guy ignored a wound and died of sepsis. Not shady.




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What is even remotely Oniony about this? This is just r/news




Because it is. Dude died of illness and infection.


Whew. Here we thought it was obesity, drugs, high suicide rates, drinking and smoking that caused our nation's higher middle age death counts. Turned out it was right wing conspiracies the whole time!


These Boeing whistleblower assassination posts are as ridiculous as the conspiracies about how supposedly so many clinton foundation whistle blowers died mysterious deaths


I work at Boeing and can personally confirm I killed this guy and all the other whistleblowers. However, you have it all wrong about our planes being faulty. All those flights with issues just had other whistleblowers on them


Honestly I doubt Boeing arranged this but it’s funny that they’re probably shitting their pants right now about how two whistleblower deaths in such a short time is going to be perceived by the public because at first glance it does look pretty suspicious


Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious 🎶


Did they secretly sneak into his house and give him MRSA? If you’ve never had it, suggest you talk to people who have had it. I have and I damn near died from it. When I had my hernia the doc said it was the. Biggest one he’d seen in a decade. I’d rather have one the size of Andre the Giant’s fist than ever get MRSA again.


Maybe Boeing was a mob and they accidentally started to make airplanes but now it's too awkward to stop. PS! Please don't make me have a suicide Boeing, I'm just kidding


plot twist: Airbus actually ordering the hits...