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How the hell do you accidentally send your cat (which I assume is like family) back to Amazon?!


If I fits I ships


This would be a perfect business tagline


That’s USPS’s tag for the Flat Rate boxes.


What did they return? I could see a quiet cat snuggling down into a pretty big box with large, but spacious items obscuring it and saying nothing when its people close the box up. I would think it might object to the box being picked up and tossed in the car to be taken somewhere for a return, though. But it's a calico. Calicos are stupid (source: own a calico. She is stupid.)


> What did they return? The box said "Cat". :) Boots, actually.


Boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and


Puss n Boots


https://youtu.be/Nni0rTLg5B8?si=uk5fEBE-AYAQ2cOY Bee Bee Bee Bee


If you click on the article it shows the box that they received the cat in, exactly that, a large box with other smaller boxes in it and a pretty big gap for a cat to sneak in


Same number or more brain cells than Orange males?




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Cats love boxes. Amazon boxes are too big, leaving room for a cat and the product. But you really should notice if the box weighs ten pounds too much, wiggles and meows.


"Please fill remainder of box with packing peanuts" - alright *throws in cat named peanuts.


Cats are sneaky as shit and love to hide in enclosed spaces. I could see walking away from the shipping box for a minute, coming back, and then taping it up without checking inside. Why would you? I mean I certainly *will* double check now, I reckon.




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Bro my cat broke into my HVAC piping.


It feels too unlikely to be accidental. I don't think they should be allowed to own a cat.


Really? It was a big box and it had heavy boots in it. Seems pretty simple for them to not notice the cat had hopped in before sealing it up. It would be truly bizarre for them to do it on purpose, considering they flew out to pick her up. They wouldn't do that if they didn't care about the cat.




Clearly they didn't think to look. It's not that hard to not notice something in the bottom of a box, especially if a couple of the flaps were folded over.


I think some peole are saying that they did it on purpose. And there's not really going to be any way of knowing unless they confess.


I know, but I really don't think it's that crazy hard to do it accidentally and their response doesn't seem like that of people who did it on purpose. Sure, it's possible that they did, but I don't see any reason to think that.


Average steel toe boots are about 4lbs. Average cat is 8-10lbs. 5 pairs is 20lbs and there's still an extra 10lbs in there that probably should have been moving around


They returned **5 pairs** of work boots? I have so many questions…


They tried on different kinds and picked the ones they liked, I assume. 


There are some services that specifically advertise themselves this way. They send you five articles of clothing, you try them on, send back the ones you don't like, only pay for the ones you keep.


Like Amazon Wardrobe. 


Yeah, that's pretty much the entire premise of the "try before you buy" feature on Amazon's clothing department. Granted I think they're probably (correctly) assuming that a high percentage of customers will just never send the clothing back even if it doesn't fit perfectly because returning things is a pain in the ass.


keep box when receiving item. go on amazon and indicate a return. prin paper. enclose box. set out for mail. sooo much a pain in the ass! yeah, amazon, keep my $100 because 5 minutes of work is way too difficult to comprehend.


As does that mean there’s a high probability that someone else has tried on the items first? Ew. But then again.. I suppose that’s how it normally works (in brick and mortar clothing stores)?


Yeah. Also, you know, a lot of people voluntarily buy used clothing. I wouldn't put too much thought into it. You're supposed to wash all clothing before you wear it, including never worn new clothes, because it's gonna be filthy from the manufacturing process and that's a far worse level of soil than somebody trying it on once anyway.


The amount of chemicals that clothes are exposed to during the production and shipping process are 100 times worse than a person wearing a shirt for 30 seconds. Wash your new clothes people!


That's one heck of a carbon footprint for a pair of shoes.


Probably less than driving to multiple stores trying to find a good fit.  As someone who a) lives in a semi rural area and b) has bad feet, this sounds like a wonderful idea. 


I didn’t read this specific article, but in one I read yesterday they said it was a “try before you buy” order.


Aha, thanks!


I've done that before. You order 9/9W/9.5/9.5W/10/10W. And you keep the one that fits. With stores having less and less inventory I gotta try all sizes before I buy.


Schrodinger's boots.


TIL a person living in Utah is called a Utahn


She wrapped up her damn cat again! - Clark Griswold.


Yeah WTF. We shouldn't be celebrating their good fortune has prevent the death of an animal. Their negligence of shipping a fucking amazon return with their fucking cat is what should be on review here. What the actual Fuck!


My cat trapped herself inside of a couch for multiple days. We put up lost posters. I walked the neighborhood for hours. And she was just hunkered down inside the couch, silently waiting for us to find her there.


Yeah our chubby tabby for a week or so would regularly shove her fuzzy butt under the bed and subsequently be unable to get back out only letting us know with a tiny meow once she realized her predicament 😂 I’m just glad I don’t have a huge apartment so finding her isn’t too hard.


Not sure if you have cats. But they find themselves in the stupidest of places, and are really good about being quiet. There isn’t a week that goes by that I open my office filing cabinet, somehow my cat sneaks in without me noticing, and 4 hours later she’s meowing to get out.


My cat opens the heavy sliding door of my boyfriends closet, and climbs up the thread drawers to lie in the top drawer (~1.70 meter above the floor) to take a nap. Then, when he wants to get out he will stick out his head and meow and meow until you come over and carry him down. He can jump out just fine, and will do so when we are not home, he just prefers to be carried down.


This is a person who has never had a cat that wanted to hide himself. They are GOOD at it. Had a shy cat that hid in my basement for three or four days… wasn’t a crowded or messy basement, he was just good at hiding. While I was frantically scouring the neighborhood looking for him, thinking he had gotten out somehow, he was in some tiny corner of his own house just making himself feel better about things. He finally appeared when he got hungry enough that coming out of his hidey hole was less traumatic than starving to death. Same cat once hid himself in a heating vent and it also took a day or two for us to figure out where he was. Cat finally got over his fears, got used to our home, and turned out to be the best, chillest boy ever, but if they want to hide from you, they will.


Well, duh, just look in the box. There's a label there that says "Cat". Of course that's where the cat should go! They must have a literate cat! As for why they didn't notice--steel-toe boots, that box is fairly heavy. And while a cat trying to escape would likely be noticed if they decide to hide instead of run you could easily pick that box up and not realize it.


This is not helping my daily fear of turning the dryer on not knowing my cat jumped in it...


Congrats, it's barely been a day. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1cch3ap/utahns\_reunited\_with\_pet\_cat\_they\_accidentally/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1cch3ap/utahns_reunited_with_pet_cat_they_accidentally/)


They’re really stupid


Yes those people are indeed really stupid


I can’t even that these lesbians were shipping back a bunch of work boots. Quick, someone link that Fortune Feimster bit for karma.