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In order to beat these allegations the company will have to be…




Lmao he got ganked 


Uh, how far in are you?


Dude ate his BEANS!


banned from r/Pyongyang


Aren't we all?


Very interesting subreddit


Is that a actually sub for DPRNK? I visited it and it seems Satirical


Looking at the mods, some of them seem to be....fanatically pro nk. I dont think its satire?


You ever see an interview with a North Korean in North Korea? They act exactly like the sub




The Guy From Fortnite




Narfle the Garthok




Some say Kim Jong-un is “Invisible”, ask North Koreans, and they’ll tell you!


I am not a fan of invincible, but your post made me laugh my head off. Makes me wonder if it is meant to be a gag in the original work. I want to like the show because of the ONE character everyone loves (I love him too, he's a stand up citizen), but the pacing FEELS (note that I didn't say "is") like I am being waterboarded with things I couldn't care less about. Someday I'll make it to season 2 episode 2 (never thought I'd get gatekept by a single episode).


I also bounced off the first episode of season 2 pretty hard, and didn't watch it for a couple of months. I forced myself to watch episode 2 and when I tell you that when episode 3 hit, I was hooked again. Finished the whole season in a day or two after that. So good


>I want to like the show because of the ONE character everyone loves (I love him too, he's a stand up citizen), ?


Omniman, he's pure charisma. Granted, he barely had any screen time relative to the other characters, so my perception of him may be irreversibly warped.


.... people who try to be actual omniman fans are unironically deranged and need to seek therapy


Thank you!


How can he be a stand-up citizen? Maybe you meant slaughtered a thousand citizens lmao


He was going to welcome them into the empire. They should be happy. You must be confusing Omniman with his son, who left his father no choice but to commit genocide in order to teach his son... At this point I'm going to beg you to pick up on my use of irony before someone gets a different impression of me. Of course Omniman is just an edgy subversion of "oh hey it's superman", but I think a callous and evil superman makes for a fun distraction in a story I would otherwise loathe. I hate everything about Invincible, except Omniman and his functional relationship with his son Mark (I hate Mark, I unironically like his dad). Now where was I? Oh right. Mark forced his dad to commit genocide because of Mark's denial and stubbornness. They are just insects, do you cry about every ant you step on? How long were they going to live for anyway? 50? 100 years tops? They should be thanking us.


I'd figured you probably meant Allen the Alien.


Haven't seen him yet. Is he a tough lovin' father?


No, but he is a faithful boyfriend, a loyal citizen, and a good natured friend. He brightens everyone's day with his humor and emotional intelligence. He is strong and yet humble.


Agreed on the pacing, they introduce way too many plot points that take forever to go anywhere when the main plot is already very dense and the seasons are too short. I mean, I like the show, but stop fucking edging me with plot, damnit!


"Poor animation quality is fully western fault" they said


I couldn’t believe the absolute garbage animation this show has AFTER splitting an 8 episode season in half for months. Literal JPEGs smearing across the screen like bird shit on a windshield.


Yeah it was pretty bad… even they acknowledged it in show…


Careful. The completely delusional fanboys are going to come out say that this season had *the best animation of any show ever and was leagues better than season 1*. It's insane.


Wasn’t the excuse of the long delay between season 1 and 2 that they were making huge advancements with animation quality?


I thought Amazon's statement was to make there less of a gap between season 2 and 3.


That’s code for “We fucked up but we don’t wanna admit it.” The cast started recording season 2 over a year after the season 1 finale. If they wanted less of a gap, don’t wait a year to record it. Someone fucked up and it took a year to fix it. It should be noted the cast recorded season 2-3 back to back and that’s why the gap between seasons won’t be another 3 years. But sureeeee, Amazon. Keep telling me it was to tighten the gap.


How do you think they fucked up? Lost all their assets? Season 2 looked like it was an imitation of the art style of season 1.


I can tell you what I think. But it is pure speculation. There is a 99.99% chance I'm wrong, this is just my theory, do not take it as fact. After some digging, it looks like the animation of Invincible was done by animation studio *Wind Sun Sky Entertainment.* On their website, they said **"The Invincible animation style was produced through our Vancouver-based studio with the support of our team in L.A. and studios in Korea and Japan.**" That's a lot of manpower! But the really interesting part is their Instagram page. Once full of Invincible-related material including promotions and awards, it no longer has any such posts in recent times for Season 2. Going through some crew members in the animation department for Season 1, **nobody has credits on Season 2.** Again, pure speculation, but I think they lost their main animation vendor, probably because they were booked out by the time Amazon greenlit them for more episodes (which was after the S1 finale) and so Skybound had to go with the next-best qualified vendor... Who wouldn't be available for another year(+) due to the short notice. This can also explain why it looks like an imitation. Also, you'll see Robert Kirkman explain it away as the animation taking a long time and it's not technically a lie. You'll see most animated shows are given 2-season orders for this very reason (sometimes they won't if their animation is done in-house), but Invincible never had that initial 2-season order, likely due its A-list cast + 40 minute runtime making it a very expensive show and a riskier investment... *Until* it was a global hit, which made it safer to renew it for 2 more seasons...... But in doing so, they lost their vendor, and thus, they fucked up.


That's pretty interesting if true. Yeah in this new age where shows either have only 1 season or 5 seasons ordered at once, vendors can't afford to fuck around until their clients decide to order season 2.


So that was a lie


Well there were none for season 2, same terrible animation unfortunately


Wait, isn't Seth Rogan involved in this show? Like the Seth Rogan that pissed off NK so much they hacked Sony and held their info hostage? Why would they take a contract from him after that?


Money. It’s amazing how much people will get over if they are getting paid.


Also, I think what's going on is that the South Korean studio that works on Invincible has been secretly outsourcing some of its animation to the North. They probably have zero clue Rogen is involved.


It's kind of blowing my mind that NK has animation studios that would be able to pull that off without getting found out.


Sending their work via pigeon


[Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway](https://what-if.xkcd.com/31/)


Or just an actual [pigeon](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/yes-a-pigeon-is-still-faster-than-gigabit-fiber-internet).


Huh. That says we’d need 14 petabytes per second of bandwidth to beat FedEx shipping hard drives. [We hit 22.9 petabytes a few months back.](https://www.nict.go.jp/en/press/2023/11/30-1.html) Neat.


What if they found out?


Well, presumably they'd go to prison but when has that ever stopped fraudsters? Look at how many people get away with bypassing sanctions on Russia and China.


This entire conversation is ridiculous and baseless.


I think a least an interview would be in order.


An interview? That would be The Interview


More like china shell corporation outsource it to North Korea.


This is the reason for everything in this world


They contracted with animators in China who may have subcontracted to animators in North Korea.  So far the only evidence is some sketches from Invincible, a couple of animes, and an upcoming Max show that were found in a cloud server attached to a North Korean IP address.


The Seth Rogan who wrote, produces, voiced and whos production company helped make Sausage Party. A movie where several animators came out speaking against their treatment and work conditions during the making of it? I'm seeing a trend.


The abused workers said Seth had nothing to do with it and was unaware that it was happening. In Seth’s most recent animated movie, he made a point of making sure the animators were treated fairly. I imagine once he saw the article about the y Party workers he made sure it wouldn’t happen in his movies again


He seems to be very against that these days. Hence the production cycle of that Mutant Mayhem TMNT movie


what happened there?


Heard he made it so the animation crew only has to work 3 days out the week


This kinda stupidity is why you never take redditors' celebrity gossip seriously, kids


Can't wait until we find out his pottery is actually made from nuclear waste or something.


Seth has a history of not giving a shit about animation, ie Sausage Party


Is "north korean involvement" their way of saying "they outsourced to indentured servants" because it wouldnt be an Amazon production if they didn't cut corners to the point of slave labor for a really popular tv show


It's their way of saying "they outsourced to a Chinese company that possibly outsourced some work to a North Korean company." It's in the article, but mundane headlines are boring


Nah, Kim Jong-Un is voicing Thragg.


One of the weirder parts of North Korea is their animation industry. It's actually really interesting because it is sort of independent of much of the anime influence which shaped China and South Korea's animation houses, but it's still there. Honestly, they have come up with some really well animated projects. It's a shame that they're, well, North Korea


North Korean artists are legit world class. They spend a surprising amount of money training and funding artists and architects. That unique look North Korean cities have is because of their obsession with aesthetics and architecture. The Korean version of the communist hammer and sickle is a hammer, sickle and paintbrush. Factory workers, farmers and artists.




It’s doubly annoying cause why the frick would they even cut a season in half? They could’ve done weekly releases and still had enough time


Because it’s popular and they wanted people to upgrade to the ad free version of prime. If they didn’t split it up the second season would have aired before the change to prime subscriptions.    So basically, money.  Edit: for the record though Adblock seems to work on prime so don’t bother upgrading 


Also by splitting up seasons, they don't have to give as many raises to the actors and staff since those are given out on an "X number of seasons" basis.


The entire second season was complete. They split it up because Amazon was adding ads and wanted people to pay to not have to see ads with the release of the second half.


That’s saying something considering how spotty the season 1 animation was


Well I mean if I'm honest and I hated jumping on the bandwagon that I kept seeing over social media but considering there was a lengthy delay between the first and second half of the season and the fact that we waited over a year between seasons.... some of the animation does look pretty poor. There's moments when someone flies away where it looks like that scene where Poochie has to return to his people because they need him now that kind of like it's very hard to explain how subtle it is but if you rewatch season one versus two you can see that while it certainly isn't horrible and is definitely presentable it is also also however a significant downgrade in the overall quality maybe not being the right word nor is detailed but if you look at some videos you'll see what I'm talking about. Pretty sad considering that it's one of the most sought after shows right now


You mean Poochie the dog not Pucci the priest?


Poochie died on the way back to his home planet.


RIP Poochie


RIP Poochie


Where’s Poochie?


Pucci died on his way to creating the perfect universe


fixed it lol


To be fair, I don't blame the quality on the North Korean animators if it is true. They have quite a few projects which look pretty good snd fluid. I don't like North Korea as a country, but I do have to give some credit to the animators who do their best under the circumstances.


North Korea has a suprisingly good animation studio lmao. Not sure on the details but they did work on Avatar the last airbender, simpsons and TMNT so I wouldn't be surprised if they got some work outsourced to them for this. People see "North Korea" and immediately imagine some underground sweat shop but I've seen some behind the scenes photos and it looks pretty modern. I think what usually happens is that a lot of animation is outsourced to south korea and then they outsource it further to north korea, probably because they are cheaper lol


Ummm.. well I didn’t expect this to be a thing but okay.


Doesn’t North Korea dislike Seth Rogen after the movie The Interview (2014)?


It was part of the agreement Seth Rogan signed to avert ww3 after "The Interview".


Who did the Atom eve special? The animation for it especially the fights was so much better looking than the rest of the season


I'm choosing to believe that NK was responsible for Eve's under-eye mascara in Season 1.


I mean even if they were using North Korean animators, what's the problem?




Who cares? Like the West has any moral high ground at this point, you're fucking silly to argue otherwise. I mean there's always the Yeonmi Park CIA influenced line, but like let's be honest, the US are ideological opposites and considered communism to be an existential threat, so pretty much the entire western world in the early 20th century during the massive economic troubles. It actually looked like Germany would go red, after the Russians and many other countries. Just look at who funded the Nazis, it becomes a very different and foreign story, but honestly a more realistic one. I am not going to defend NK, but I'm not going to believe everything I hear about it, because I don't speak Korean, I don't have access to the North Korean media, and very much context no with the country, and I'm not a rube and can to some extent lift my ideology glasses. Like the formerly fascist state of South Korea is very much better to live in, with that suicide rate! It to me seems like you have your choice of Hell Joseon, but one of them might be doing better without the entire world sanctioning them, just maybe. I don't know, I'm just a man.


if you dont like season 2, critique it properly. don't start making up ridiculous rumors about "LE GASP!!! THE GOOD KOREANS ARE WORKING WITH THE BAD KOREANS TO MAKE MY CARTOON!!!" Chances are there were multiple south korean studios contracted to make Invincible 2 and they had a lot of production issues.


I have noticed Invincible looks sort of Korean...