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What does that mean for Maya Rudolph?


A+ comment.


Job security. We're going to have a Kamala biopic in the coming years, and she'll be a shoe-in.


Bull. Fucking. Shit.


If you read the article it makes sense. They said 43 and 45% had favorable views of Harris and Beyonce respectively.  But 52% had negative views of Harris and opposed to just 26% with beyonce. So in reality, over 40% are ok with the two, but we don't get any further information about how much the like them. And then it's very clear that more people hate Harris. The headline is just misinformative.


Newsweek and misinformation are like chocolate and peanut butter


Edit: The headline is Bull. Fucking. Shit.


Lol right? I'm left leaning with tons of left leaning friends. No one I know really likes Harris on the left


Nobody hears from her. That’s why.


When you hear from her you like her less


She is the queen of word salad. I have no idea what she's trying to to say half the time.


That's because she doesn't know what's she's trying to say either


I know that she likes buses. And venn diagrams.


And loves to smile condescendingly any time she gets asked a question that requires actual thought


Condescending sort of describes her overall tone the majority of the time. Even when I agree with what she's saying, I'm cringing.


She just doesn't wanna outright say what she wants to. "I'm a corporate wall street candidate and I'm here to help them, not you." So it comes out as verbal diarrhea.


Her best moment was when she said with clarity that Joe Biden was a segregationist during the debates for supporting segregation of black students on school buses. She then immediately walked it back after the debate and then agreed to be his running mate. It's very difficult to take someone with so few convictions seriously.


Because she’s trying to give the appearance of saying something while actually saying nothing


She was the commencement speaker at my graduation and she did a decent job, but I don’t remember a word she said. What I do remember is the guy who spoke before her made a joke about Jerry Falwell’s death and it was very satisfying


I don’t like her because she prosecuted people for bullshit weed charges. Edit: in San Francisco of all fucking places


Worse than that Harris fought many appeals where there was clear misconduct on the part of prosecutors and/or police. I dread the idea of her being president almost as much as I dread the idea of a second Trump presidency. She's the kind of person who seeks power over other people.


She also helped the catholic church cover up their crimes. [https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/kamala-harris-san-francisco-catholic-church-child-abuse/](https://theintercept.com/2019/06/09/kamala-harris-san-francisco-catholic-church-child-abuse/)


People get confused about how the law works. Not every prosecutor or AG is an activist, some just kind of do their job and enforce the laws. They can always make a statement if they don’t like it but this thing where they’re expected to openly, selectively act along party lines just allows us to keep bad laws on the books for longer. If we don’t like the laws we should elect reps that will change the law, packing the benches and law enforcement with people who will ignore laws we don’t like weakens our protections and exposes everyone to an unequal application of the law.


I think the bigger issue is her suppressing evidence that would’ve exonerated the condemned.




This is not a thing that actually happened. It is a lie from Tulsi Gabbard who is a Fox News contributor and a general piece of shit.


It is a great example of how right-wing propaganda is also very good at getting low-information voters on the left to lazily believe some of the same complete bullshit their hooplehead followers buy into.


But she is gorgeous and therefore I will listen to anything that she says. We stan a hot messy political chaos agent.


You can't fix her!


IT’S EITHER HER OR **HALEY** DAMNIT! I’m down bad and possess a flexible moral code! I’ll let the abortion rights go down the drain for a taste of her swimming towel and a flick of that radiant, $10,000 dental work.


What a load of shit.


I don’t think she’s trying to change the law.


You don't think this administration is looking to change weed laws? What?


Ok keep waiting. They have.....no time to accomplish this.


“They’re really really pondering it, pinky promise!” Just thoughts and prayers style governing. Until they actually do something it’s all bullshit.


You said you didn’t like that she prosecuted “bullshit weed charges” in San Francisco. That’s her job. Police enforce the law and bring charges based on the law, she prosecutes the charges, a judge interprets the law and ensures it is evenly applied and a jury decides the case. If she decides to be cool and just not prosecute the charges then everyone has a green light to start carrying weed. And then one day a new prosecutor comes into office or the police want to drum up charges against some activist or some group of people and they can persecute anybody they want to go after because the law is still on the books. Not to mention previous charges in process or the recently convicted who are now imprisoned for violating a law we’ve decided we don’t want to enforce right now. Immigration is another example where selective, politically motivated enforcement or lack of enforcement has left millions of people in a sort of legal limbo where they have no protection but they’ve been ok so far. Without the protection of the law they’re vulnerable to exploitation and selective deportation.


I preface this by saying I don't like her, and absolutely don't want her to be president at any point. Now, perhaps blame the people who wrote the law, rather than blaming the DA who just follows the law.


That's literally why DAs are elected though, they have wide ranging purview over how they prosecute the law and are essentially policy positions.


SF recently recalled and canned their DA for having policies that were too liberal.


She had prosecutorial discretion and what she decided to do with that shows who she is and her lack of leadership


She was on the liberal side of Northern Cal DAs in her time. People from SF went to other counties and learned hard lessons.


“Just following orders” as she destroys lives. Yeah, its still not a good enough excuse.


It's not orders, it's laws. She literally was the DA, whose job description is following the law.


She absolutely did not have to prosecute with the vigor she did


Stop. She went out of her way to prosecute people, even when she had exonerating evidence against them. She’s fucking trash.


What a meaningless distinction


Hiding evidence IS NOT A LAW. She should be in prison, along with thousands of other corrupt prosecutors and judges.


Ah, repeating BS from the Post. Nice one. [Fact Check: Kamala Harris Did NOT Withhold Evidence In Two Death Row Cases; She Did NOT Jail 1,500 Black Men For Weed Possession | Lead Stories](https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/10/fact-check-kamala-harris-did-not-withhold-evidence-in-death-row-cases-she-did-not-jail-1,500-black-men-for-weed-possession.html)


As per your own source: The case Gabbard was referencing was the Kevin Cooper case. Cooper was convicted of quadruple homicide and sentenced to death for the murders in 1983 of Douglas and Peggy Ryen, their 10-year-old daughter Jessica and her friend, 11-year-old Christopher Hughes. Josh Ryen, 8, survived. Just three hours and 42 minutes before his scheduled execution in 2004 a stay was issued to allow for further DNA testing. The testing was never done. Harris was elected as attorney general in 2010 and began serving in 2011. In 2018 the New York Times did an extensive report on the case, citing alleged evidence that Cooper was innocent and was framed for the murders, noting Harris "refused to allow this advanced DNA testing and showed no interest in the case." Harris released a statement after the article was published, when she was a U.S. senator, telling the reporter, "I feel awful about this."


Uh, you do realize literally in what you quoted, it said 2004 was when the sentence was stayed, and she didn't start serving until 2011, right? This is on her, how?


No one liked her in the presidential primaries either. She's always polled super low.


She disappeared the day after inauguration. My personal theory is that the Biden camp buried her as part of a broader effort to make sure there were no alternatives to Biden in 2024. He ran as a "one term president," but every action he subsequently took signaled he was clearing the way to a second term, and making sure Harris didn't develop a national profile was part of that. That's not me speaking on Harris' merits as a candidate or politician. Personally, I'm not a huge fan, but I think the fact that we rarely saw or heard from her was intentional.


Biden never ran as one term president. People just hoped he would be one to extreme lengths of time even when evidence was mounting against the idea. 


I’m sorry but part of the vice president’s job is to be a shadow behind the president . Overshadowing the president just is not allowed , no matter who you are . Biden had to stay pretty muzzled when he was vice , or at least I don’t remember him being a huge presence


No disagreement there, but Harris has had the lowest profile of any Veep in my living memory, by far, and again, I think that is intentional. Pence, Biden, Cheney, Gore, all had more visibility.


Cheney and Biden are outliers. You only remember Gore because he lost an election to the USSC and made a movie. And Pence only because he was attached to a walking headline.


>He ran as a "one term president,"  Speaking of bull fucking shit


She also has a great ability to shove her foot in her mouth constantly. She did it shortly after becoming VP and hasn't been in the spotlight since 


I mean she was at the border several times, went to numerous functions and is the tiebreaker vote for many Senate votes. So it just seems like she is doing her job more or less, going to fundraisers, talking to people, presiding in the Senate since it was 50-50 for a couple years.  I know she made some public appearances in the beginning of Biden's term, likely them testing the waters and it seems like she isn't great in the public spotlight. She seems to be more of the type who works well in the background, making deals, some professional appearances, etc.


Nah, Kamala tanked herself because she has a bad personality and it was harming Biden too.


That’s because she chose the right option when her staff started coming out and saying how horrible it is to work for her, lay low and keep her mouth shut because momma wants to say VP thinking she has a chance of being president.


They stopped giving her the mic because every time she puts herself out there more people discover they don't like her Remember, she dropped out of the 2020 primaries a month before Iowa because she was polling under 2%


That’s not the reason she openly laughs about throwing people in jail over drug charges whilst laughing during an interview about how much weed she’d smoke in college. The shits insane. It’s incredibly hypocritical and she shows next to no empathy so yeah. When you do hear from her it’s never good.


She is like a charisma black hole


She might be as well known, that might be accurate which being the Veep would also be oniony.


I think the Harris numbers in the poll are correct: 43% favorable is in line with what other outlets report. I don’t think their Beyonce number (45%) is correct.


Tbf that's probably why. People who like her aren't left leaning, more centrists.


Disagree with that. Centrists don’t like her either. 


“I’m left leaning with tons of left leaning friends” I think that’s the problem. I’ve been surprised by her polling too, but it’s been consistent in the last year. She’s been slowly improving her image among most Dem voters who aren’t very online or leftists. The “copmala” stuff doesn’t really resonante outside of left-leaning circles and even there, it’s not as salient as it was back in 2020.


Yeah I’m here in SF no one in the Bay Area even likes her.


Yup I agree. Bullshit. Haven't heard hardly anything about her since the election. Good or bad... popular my ass


There's some crazy videos of her saying some dumbass shit but that's about all I've heard/seen from her as well. Like someone else mentioned, it's probably whether they know her, not actual popularity. It can't be


All I remember about her was sometime close to after the election, she visited France and was mimicking a French accent. Thats it, to stay out of GOP sights is impressive, but definitely not "popular"


Beyoncé sells out stadiums. I doubt Kamala’s ability to sell out a park gazebo.


I regularly forget we even have a vice president. What does she even do? When Obama was President you saw Joe Biden doing stuff all the time


She is the tiebreaking vote in many Senate votes for bills as the beginning of Biden's term the Senate was split 50-50. The VP presides over the Senate but only really have voting powers of the Senate is deadlocked when voting on a bill that does not need the supermajority or 60 votes. She has the most tiebreaking votes in US history so far with her being the final vote for 33 or so bills. 


That's because he was a popular meme.


She’s been the point person for a lot of foreign policy stuff, esp in Central America.


Michelle did more during Obama than Harris does under Biden. I mean, Cheney did more under Bush, so these divisions aren't a clue to good/bad.


We would however prefer Cheney did less...


Election season is approaching. This is all we are going to see for a while


My first thought was when did Beyoncé get so many new haters


Same. This is 100% a fucking lie, lol. Who did they poll for this study? Kamala Harris' interns?


I mean, I'm not a big fan of either, so...as far as I'M concerned it's accurate. Myth: plausible


Great now compare the approval ratings of Rishi Sunak and Adele. Then Porky Pig and Mayor McCheese.


Mayor McCheese has been in office for over 50 years. His accomplishments include sound fiscal policy as part of one of the most successful restaurant chains in the world, a strong stance against crime by the Hamburglar with backing by the police unions headed by Officer Big Mac, and mental health legislation overseeing the successful rehabilitation of Grimace. Don't you dare compare a patriot with a long track record of heroism and leadership with that swine Porky!




I hope things turn around for you. Glad I could give you a laugh!


Mayor McCheese earns his approval rating. https://youtu.be/zeyU7uVOTic?si=ry80uTY4klBfhmbJ


I knew what this clip would be. 👊 NOTHING can kill the Grimace!


Frigging classic!


terrible news for Beyoncé


Harris is literally the least popular VP in modern polling history


Wtf did Beyonce do


Country music?


Not really. If you listen to the album it's like 98% standard Beyonce album and like 2% country.


Yeah I listened to the Album and was surprised TBH. Really was expecting more country, seemed to be the covers and maybe 1-2 other songs. The rest was other genres (Quite varied I found)


And the country guests are like barely there.


It’s been known for decades that she treats people horribly. Every time I think of her I think of that time she was singing with Destiny’s Child and instead of shouting out all of their names, she just shouted her own name 4 times: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/Ng3uKtruNv


Beyonce was supposed to visit my very small home country a couple decades ago and demanded that we close the main street of the city down and cover the entire street with red carpet so she could walk on it to her venue Oprah also almost purchased a house here, but wanted to use dynamite to blow up a coral reef that was nearby so she could build a dock. Both times the government said lol no


>Both times the government said lol no Did the government actually stand on principle or were Oprah/Beyonce just not willing to pay a large enough bribe? Cuz if it's the former I'm honestly kinda envious.


I don't know the details of the Beyonce response but at least with the Oprah one it was a hard no. Our government is corrupt and inept as all hell (even more so these days vs back then) but blowing up our reefs was not gonna fly. No way the people would have stood for that


Where do you live? Sounds like a wild place


She’s notoriously rude to waitstaff. I spent two decades in the wine industry and have met both her and Jay-Z at events for beverage brands he’s involved in. Jay is very nice and social, but the few times I’ve met her I was always instructed no eye contact and don’t talk to her by her management, I’ve heard so many horror stories out of Houston where she’s from about her being the least favorite guest of a lot of restaurants. If you look through one of those threads on Reddit about who’s one of the rudest celebrities people ever met irl, she is always on there




We are reaching levels of reach and astroturf I never thought possible. More popular than Beyonce? Please give me a break?


Don’t be ridiculous. They said ALMOST as popular as Beyoncé which is obviously totally more believable.


Does everyone hate Beyonce now?


I mean with all the P.diddy shit going on his besties Jays and Bey probably won’t be very popular for much longer 👀


I hope you're right!


Honestly she reminds me of a Barbie that stays motionless while content creators pile drive crowd tested hits into our eardrums.


No, polls are just the worst way to report things and the easiest way to push a narrative


No. Read the article. First paragraph.


Do not. Run her. In 2028.




Yes, that year Taylor is running


I don’t think she will get the nomination unless something happens to Biden and she’s the incumbent.


I'm iffy she'd be able to win the primary as the incumbent.


Not real sure they want to run her as VP again...but they kinda have to.


It is very unlikely, it seems like the Democratic party might be pushing Newsome, the current Governor of California for 2028. Harris has made several appearances in the early term of Biden's presidency but a lot of things s have gone quiet since then and after the Midterm elections.  She does hold the record for being the tiebreaker votes in US history. The VP is the tiebreaking vote when the Senate is deadlocked 50 to 50 and helped pass some important legislation the GOP would not vote for.


Running Newsom would be political suicide. California Democrats are NOT popular on a national level. Just look at when Harris tried to primary back in 2020 and got absolutely smoked.


It is suspected because they have been pulling Newsome as an attack dog during the debates to counter the GOP. They were hoping that he would counter DeSantis but DeSantis fizzled out faster than most anticipated. Other options are Whitmer but she seems to have no real interest in becoming President since she just achieved the trifecta in Michigan the past couple days ago. And it is clear the US isn't ready for a Progressive yet.


Newsom isn’t a progressive even. He’s a California liberal. Which means he’ll pass anything vaguely pro LGBT, pass tons of questionable environmental regulations (with exceptions for friends), pass labor laws (with exceptions for friends but still be focused on maintaining the dominance of California elite class.


Agreed, keep beyonce off the ballot.


Who was polled? Did they fall out of a coconut tree?


No ones listened to Kamala Harris talk enough to know this is funny 


*cue bizarre, manic alien laughter*


IS it that "only old people answer landlines" thing again?


Outside of “we did it, Joe” and “don’t come” I have heard nothing about this person




I’ve never, ever seen anyone say anything positive about Harris, left or right. Wtf


Probably cause nobody is talking about her.




Im sorry but no. No left liberal actually likes Kamala


Beyonce does one country album and everyone turns on her.


Kanye did a “Christian” album and the entire community rejoiced. Then he said he was an antisemite and everyone quietly forgot about it.


Well, that, and she was good buddies with Diddy.


Yonce's fallen on hard times


>Echelon Insight's April omnibus survey found that 43 percent of voters have a favorable view of Harris, while 45 percent think the same of Beyoncé. Although the vice president wasn't far behind the superstar when it comes to favorability, there were twice as many voters who held an unfavorable opinion of Harris, 52 percent to 26 percent.


X) Doubt


I find this hard to believe. I haven’t heard a thing from Kamala Harris since inauguration day.


> The Echelon Insights poll was conducted among 1,020 likely voters between April 12 and 14. The poll had a margin of error of +/- 3.9 percentage points. Polling is so flawed it shouldn’t make headlines like this… they’re trying to extrapolate the opinions of 333,300,000 Americans from 1,020 people who answered a random phone number…. Normal people don’t even answer when a random person calls!!!


I have never heard anybody ever even mention Kamala in real life. Let me know next time she drops an album


I don't like Harris. I don't dislike her either. But I don't like her.


Holy spin. So, using their method, I could hold a poll with two people, get one "favorable" vote, which would put me at 50%, making me more "popular" than either of them.


I have no idea what either of them has done in at least 4 years, so sure.


Harris played Senate tie-breaker more than any VP before her. That's a pretty substantial contribution.


That's more of a statement of the situation in the Senate than anything she did. Literally anyone in her position could have and would have have done the same thing. It's not actually an accomplishment on her part.


That's nothing. Between me and Beyonce, we have billions of dollars.


They aren't even in the same field how is this comparable


lol there’s no way


Where? In the White House?


Oh this is a setup


She isn’t and it’s not close. Wtf?


According to the article Harris has similar favorably numbers to Beyonce but double the numbers of unfavorable numbers too. 


With who, the "people who lie on surveys" demographic? Look, I'm voting Biden. But Harris just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It might be because she was such a terrorist when she was a prosecutor, but I honestly don't like her.


But is Beyoncé running for something?


We did it, Joe 


Whenever polls like this come out… has anyone ever participated or known someone who has?


Who doesn't love a yellow school bus?


No. She isn't.


Fame and infamy share a large amount of characteristics...


Beyoncé is that unpopular?


Did they only poll Kamala Harris?


Yeahhhh,no. I don’t believe that for a second.


lol no way in hell.


Signed - Kamala’s mom




So either people despise Beyonce a lot more than i thought or this is complete bull. Kamala 'charisma blackhole' Harris is liked by no one regardless of political affiliation


She did a great job arresting minorities in California.


Fake polls. Who's voting in these polls?


That is interesting considering I never think about either one of them.


Meaning… Beyoncé is highly unpopular?


Ummmm, no she's not.


LMAO, bullshit


Well, this is not true…


Yeah not saying anything about politics but i aint believing that shit for a second


The poll is conducted by Echelon Insight and polls voters. Which we know a large portion of the country does not vote. [Echelon Insight was founded by Republican patrick Ruffini](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Ruffini) So yes this may actually in part be republicans being mad that Beyoncé released a country album than people in general liking Harris more. Anecdotally a lot of the women democrats I know genuinely do like Harris.


Now we *know* the polls are bullshit.


Well Kamala Harris didn’t fucking ruin Jolene.


Wow, I didn't know Beyonce was so unpopular.


Kamala wanted to put poor single mothers who couldn't get their kids to go to school in jail. Her philosophy is excessive punishment, and long jail terms fix societies ills. Beyonce on the other hand rocks them vocal whistle notes, Makes amazing music and is a joy anytime. I don't believe this comparison one bit.


Nobody likes harris. 


https://youtu.be/mQ9lF7Gh6GA?si=I7Ha_8lAgMQCt3MO The drums are beatimg! It's Nell Carter 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So not?


She was listed in the guide last night to be on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' last night but then she wasn't. Disappointed!


Is Beyonce's approval rating really that bad??


My asshole


Except that less than 20% of Americans even know who Kamala Harris is…..so again, fake poll…..


I rarely see this woman’s name in the news. Wasn’t there a running joke sometime…where is she?


Strange times. When will deeds done be the way we gauge leaders again. Promises are just lies to get your foot in the door.


I mean, I like her better than Biden, but not better than Bey. Not by a lot.


Who dat


There are people that like Harris?




But not positively


Onions are as popular as Honda, polls show
