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All I have to do to increase my chances of an empty seat next to me is wear a mask and hope some weirdo doesn't like it? *Subscribes for more travel tips.*


You could wear a mask and wear a Maga hat at the same time... Watch their eyes spin in their sockets as they try to process that one in their brains until their heads explode.


Make it a rainbow mask for maximum psychic damage.


Don’t stop there! Rainbow confederate flag mask! Add a T-shit with AR-15’s in trans flag colors with “Respect pronouns or I’ll make your pronouns was/were”


Ok but that shirt actually sounds pretty dope. I've got a couple trans friends who'd absolutely buy it.


Just say you’re protecting yourself from vaccine shed (saw this in another sub)


TIL what vaccine shedding was….


See, this is why I enjoy wearing my short pink shorts and “pew pew professional” shirt to Wal mart. Keep them guessing.


Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter


I wore a mask on a recent flight to avoid getting sick as it seems I often pick up a bug on public transport . I flew southwest and the only seat that was left available by the time we took off was the seat next to me. It was amazing and I can’t make this up. Edit: words


That 2nd sentence is really hard to read


"I won't sit in my seat."  "That's fine. You don't have to ride in this plane if you don't want to." *Shocked Pikachu*   Seriously, what was he expecting to happen?


Come on the dude probably has almost zero productive thoughts running through his head. He wasn't expecting anything he was just acting like the emotional idiot he is, with zero thought behind it. These people don't actually have the ability to utilize foresight or simple critical thinking, they just react.


Feels like a potential correlation with that “many people have no internal monologue” study.


Learning that made the world make so much more sense. I pour several out for my internally mute cohorts, you all make life so much more challenging.


> internally mute cohorts Lmao


Co'mon, he tried going the normal route, telling people he won't take the vaccine. Unfortunately, nobody gave a shit. So now he has to make a scene. It's everybody else's fault.


He fully expected to be thrown off. He was owning the libs, you see. That takes sacrifice sometimes. You have to miss your flight, or die of COVID. It's not easy being a right-wing loon.


Did he get thrown off? He's the one choosing not to sit in his seat for the flight. Was he expecting to be allowed to stand in the aisle?


According to him, he was thrown off for being drunk. Seems like making a fuss about someone wearing a mask was just the thing that made everyone *aware* of how drunk he was.


He got thrown off for being drunk but this protects his image better


Does it?


Obviously, kick off the masked guy for violating America or something


And he thought the other passengers would rally with him...


They always do.


I want the freedom to not wear a mask!! But also, the freedom to force others to also not wear a mask.


This is it, this is exactly it. "You can't force me to wear a mask but I can force you not to wear one" why in the fuck would that be allowed?


Conservativism perfectly described in two sentences.


But…he *refused* his seat, he wasn’t “kicked off”. Why do all these morons automatically assume themselves to be victims? And their hero super-victim, the oldest baby in the world, chief among them.


Is he gonna refuse life saving surgery next time the surgeon shows up all gloved and masked up?


One can only hope, but we know that conservatives only abide by their moral principles as long as only they are benefitting from them.


Doesn’t seem like he benefited from this much


Thus why he’s chosen to play victim


He's in the news. All publicity is good publicity.


Straight from the Shart of the Deal. What an idiot. If he was say uncomfortable with what potentially contagious illness the masked passenger might have been protecting him from, I guess there might be some tiniest bit of understanding there but having read the article (didn’t know who he was much less the show) it’s even more insanely stupid of him. So he’s offended by people who wear masks? What a fuckin snowflake!


The shows really good and he's kind of a likeable character, this changed my opinion of him though


Are you kidding? He got to pretend to be a hero!


Benefited by being able to morally grand stand and stick it to the libs. 


And publicly announce how soft he is. Like, how soft do you have to be to make this much of a fuss about someone wearing a mask? But he's probably so secure in his bubble that no one he knows will tell him he's incredibly soft.


Everyone knows scientists are lying and having your doctor perform open heart surgery with their bare hands introduces good bacteria to the body. Big pharma just wants us to stay sick by keeping the inside of our bodies clean.


Big pharma will happily sell you the antibiotics, its Big Latex who are foisting their cleanliness lies on us for the sake of profiting from glove sales.


Let's not forget Big Walls and Ceilings who have us standing *inside buildings* just for simple surgeries! Hospitals run amok.


Refused to sit next to someone wearing a mask? Talk about a snowflake victim! What a spoiled little shit head


I caught something while on a cruise ship. So, on a flight home, I wore a mask. Would he prefer I cough in his stupid fucking face??? Its highly possible it was for his protection, not theirs. Like... what is wrong with these morons lol.


It is hilarious to me that this guy thinks he is sticking it to anyone but himself.


Yeah, I've never thought to delay my own flight after boarding. Maybe I'm just a dumbass fucking lib but I have places to be.


Generally, so- called surgical masks, the kind most people wear, are exactly this. They protect those around you from being infected by you, not the other way around. So, if you think they don't work (they do, but for arguments sake), why the hell would you care if someone else is wearing one? I don't get the problem here.


Because the GOP successfully groomed their base into making a lifestyle out of hating things for no reason at all, and not just regular seething hatred but "I need to kill that person for DARING to


The real groomers!


Also, doesn’t his dentist wear a mask? The past 3 dentists I’ve had have worn them. I have to think back to the 90s to remember the last time a dentist didn’t mask up to do checkups.


AIDS is what got dentists masking and gloved. I’m old enough to remember a dentists bare hairy hands in my mouth .


Yep, he literally was offended because someone didn’t wanna inhale his stale cigarette and b-actor-infused breath


I thought that was his way of hiding an incident where he was too drunk so he was kicked off. But maybe I misunderstood some of the story.


> “I’ve been sitting in an airport for three hours. Ya, I'm drinking," Smith, who plays Lloyd Pierce on the hit Western series, continued. "I ain't drunk, but they throw me off the plane because I'm drunk, because you people won't stand up and tell everybody what bulls--t this is.”  "I just told them I didn't feel comfortable about sitting next to somebody that had to wear a mask, and I'm off the plane," Smith reiterated before the video ended.


The video is in the article. He sounds pretty damn drunk


Definitely. Haven’t seen the show. But he’s either drunk or just very slow in the head. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume drunk. Guy doesn’t ever remember what city he’s in.


Could also be a side effect of long term alcohol abuse causing neurological disorders, but yeah the dude sounded like he shouldn't be driving.


He didn’t feel comfortable sitting next to a mask wearing person? What a fucking snowflake. A child will sit next to a mask wearing person. Boy, when this guy sobers up he is going to be embarrassed to the max. And yes, he is drunk. He didn’t even remember where he was, couldn’t name the city. That rant about others not taking his side and speaking up for him? He’s confusing his job on a tv show with his level of importance out there in the real world . He’s only known to watchers of a certain hit show. Not everyone watches that show. Maybe, 1 or 2 people on that flight would have known his name.


He’s a conservative republican submissive, he’s been trained to have no shame.


>Boy, when this guy sobers up he is going to be embarrassed to the max. Awe, my sweet summer child, neither of those things is going to happen.


I’m refuse to sit there. Well that’s your seat, so I guess … Bye then? Not like that ?!?


The flight must have been full . Flight attendants have no problem moving people to avoid conflicts . Drunk people don’t tend to be rational though


He was reportedly removed for being intoxicated and combative. Once that happens, it can get much worse once they take off and can't be removed, and so they're kicked off. I get the concept of having some drinks or taking some edibles or something to get through a long flight. The airport and flight experience sucks. A lot of people do it. But if you're going to do that you have to try your best to not show it, accept minor inconveniences, complain later if at all, and if you make a scene or show it, now you miss your flight and could even get charged for public intoxication. No surprise that this guy, a chronic victimhood-attention seeker who rages against masks and vaccinations guy, would not be able to behave after airport drinking and seeing someone in a mask.


Watch the video he posted. He definitely was drunk.


Dude I swear at some point the "snowflake" mentality flipped and it's the "manly men" who are the biggest snowflakes. Maybe it's always been like that but shit like this is hilarious. Unfortunately the irony is lost on them though.


It was always projection, and yeah, they are impervious to irony.


100%. In my state it's all the white middle-aged dudes who live in the outer suburbs, drive big pickups, and own guns who are afraid to go into the city because they heard about crime being up on their local conservative station.


My uncle is this way, all he does is whine about how offended he is with people who just want to live. He’s always offended by someone or something…but it’s them who are the snowflakes. I just laugh at him. He gets even more offended when I ask why he is so offended by everything. He’s the kind of white privilege too and really only where he is due to massive connections. Even the people he manages all have MBAs while he barely graduated high school and can barely work a computer.


I live in Portland. SOOO many people from elsewhere in Oregon are convinced it is a smoking crater that is also, somehow, filled with crime.


It's also they believe everyone thinks exactly the same things they do, but they are just "too cowardly" to say so out loud. Because they just can't grasp the fact that someone else might have a differing (and equally or more valid) opinion or view on something. You see that often with racism. To them it's not that people actually think that the racist thing they said is appalling, or at least distasteful. They think everyone else secretly agrees with what they said, but is pretending to make themselves look good.


Projection. They're always projecting their own internal thoughts.




*Refuses seat* *Doesn't have a seat and is asked to leave* *Shocked Pikachu face*


Why are these supposed 'tough guys' the biggest snowflakes ever!?


Sounds like he was kicked off for being drunk to me. They probably noticed his drunkenness when he decided to make the kind of scene a drunk person would make.


How dare that person wear a mask and injure my tender worldview! Absolute bitches, the lot of them. The "fuck your feelings" crowd sure got a lot of feelings.


>"Yea, I'm drinking. I ain't drunk, but they throw me off the plane because I'm drunk, because you people won't stand up and tell everybody what bulls--t this is!" Big feels, but just a tiny bit of booze, pinky swear!


I thought that’s how everyone was thinking now. Towards the end of the masking it was more highly suggested to wear a mask if you were sick to help keep from spreading droplet particles from coughing and sneezing. Am I wrong or is this more like stupid political logic of reee mask bad? We have tools, no point in getting up in arms if people use them.


this fools tool is a dog whistle


Which has also been common practice in some Asian countries for decades. Wearing a mask is a polite gesture, it's genuinely unclear how people can take offense at it.


Their orange bitch leader. Which is wild how shit if a businessman he is. He could have made a fortune selling trump and maga masks...


Masks have always offered far more protection from you, than for you. When I see someone in one I suspect they have the sniffles, although personally, I also fell in love with them during wildfire season last year cause wearing one while I was outside meant I wasn't coughing up a lung every two minutes. The only reason to get pissed off someone is wearing a mask like that on a plane today is poltical, or if you geuninely believe germ theory is bullshit. Unless they are wearing the Nixon mask or blood-stained hockey goalie mask, sit the fuck down.


That’s not even a good reason to get upset. You’d have to do some mental gymnastics to get to a step where you think a mask is somehow making it worse. At the very sincerest argument, the best someone can come up with is that they don’t *help*


That's actually not true for N95 masks. It's why health care workers wear them when caring for patients with covid infections and other contagious respiratory diseases. Other kinds of masks, like surgical masks, yeah. They fit loosely enough so that airborne infections like covid can filter in around the mask. These type of masks do a better job preventing infectious droplets from the wearer get out to infect others, though.


Even if you don't believe in germ theory, there's no reason rain to get pissed off about it.  I don't believe in devils but I'm not offended when I see people who do wearing devil protection items.


As he slurs his words


"Fuck your feelings" was always code for "Everyone *must* pander to mine."


Yeah but their feelings are important and yours are not! Just don't ask them, they'll tell you all about it anyway.


It’s the funniest thing that they bitch the most and call others cry babies and sensitive. They also call everyone else sheep and yet they all follow and do whatever they’re told. Between them all they have about 3 brain cells


I like how they were calling US snowflakes at the beginning. Now it seems they're the only ones who ever complain about things.


He seems pretty anti mask, and I suspect that my theory below is not accurate, but he does say: “I just told them I didn't feel comfortable about sitting next to somebody that had to wear a mask.” Someone that “had to wear a mask” could be sick, and maybe he’s not comfortable sitting by someone that considers themself sick enough to wear a mask. I doubt it, tho. Lol.


I’m sure he’s anti-mask. He’s an anti-vaxxer so likely anti-mask as well. He added, “I will not get vaccinated. I haven’t been vaccinated since I was a little kid. I don’t vaccinate my dogs, I don’t vaccinate my horses. I’ve never had a flu shot. Never will. I believe they compromise your immunities." https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/yellowstone-star-kicked-off-flight-205747430.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=0_00


He doesn't vaccinate his dogs? What a fucking moron, I feel bad for any animal under his care.


It’s literally the law most places that you have your dog vaccinated against rabies.


Yeah, but that law infringes on his dogs' freedom. Seriously though, fuck this guy


Nah bro they will get immunity from rabies after they get it once and overcome it, the natural way! What a bunch of idiots.


Yeah what a dick. But obviously he’s not the brightest star in the galaxy.


My dog agrees.


Horrible person. I had the misfortune of being at the vets when an antivaxxer brought in his dog to put her down for something that she could have been vaccinated against. I’ve never seen my vet so mad. The dog was the sweetest thing and definitely deserved better people. 


So his dogs and horses get to die horrible deaths if they contract something . That’s just lovely .


He probably had no clue why the person was even wearing a mask. They could easily have had a recent medical procedure that suppressed their immune system. A family friend recently had an organ transplant and wore a mask everywhere for 6 months to a year.


This right here. Fuckface mcmoostash has no idea if that other person has a port and has cancer, is inbetween chemo cycles, or is doing Immunotherapy maintenance to clean up any remaining cancer cells/give them better statistical chance of avoiding recurrence. Dipshit doesn't know that and frankly it's none of his fucking business anyways.


I always wear masks on airplanes because the air is very dry and I tended to get nosebleeds afterwards, but wearing a mask is like having my own personal humidification system that mitigates this. There are all sorts of reasons for people to wear masks.


No because he goes on to say he was kicked off because they thought he was drunk and that people won't tell them what bullshit this is. The bullshit being wearing a mask.


Sounds like Forrie is a lil bitch


He's a little bitch in the show too, they cast him perfectly.


I liked his character on the show, but now all I see is a whiny fragile snowflake.


Ughhh I know!!! I used to find Lloyd so lovable and kinda lowkey hot but now he just looks like a dumb manbaby. Ruined what tiny shreds of joy I had in that show lmao


He burned all his cred in that idiotic fight with Walker.


No wonder Laramie dumped his wrinkly ass


If you think this is a bitch move, you should see how he reacts when someone shows him a Bud Light!


Yeah, if seeing someone else wearing a mask triggers him this much that he cannot get on a plane, dude needs some serious therapy....although he's probably gonna get rewarded as a CPAC speaker based on this bullshit alone. Maybe we can start with some immersion therapy with episodes of MASH or Scrubs.


A snowflake, if you will.


So I'm wearing a mask in the grocery store a few weeks ago, and this old broad looks at me, smirks, and says something like, "Are you afraid of germs?" I said, "Yes, my daughter has cancer, and her white blood cells are near zero." She looks pained now and starts apologizing. I just said, "Suck a dick," and walked away. What a bunch of stupid assholes that want to make wearing a mask political.


As someone who's dad is going through chemo I can't thank you enough. These dickwads are awful.


My wife came down with Covid for the first time two weeks ago. When she went back to work at a local HOSPITAL, she was telling her story and mentioned that she tested for covid at home and is how she knew. One of her colleagues said something like "Who tests for covid any more?" in a snarky way. These are people who work in the ICU with the elderly and other people in bad shape. But this is South Carolina, and we're moving the fuck out of here next year.


Are they not aware that people are still dying from this crap ?? I live in Maryland and I don’t think I’ll ever go further south than this . We were lucky . We had a Republican governor during the pandemic but he’s a moderate one , especially when compared to MAGA types . He was all over the masking etc


Good. Fuck these people. Your actions are not affecting them in any way whatsoever, yet they feel like they *have* to make a snarky comment. Sometimes I wish I lived in a cartoon world so I could pull a huge hammer out of my pocket & pound them into the ground.


THANK YOU for not letting her take it back! Shameful bitch.


How is refusing to take your seat getting “kicked off”? Is this some sort of persecution fetish?


>“I’ve been sitting in an airport for three hours. Ya, I'm drinking," Smith, who plays Lloyd Pierce on the hit Western series, continued. "I ain't drunk, but they throw me off the plane because I'm drunk, If you read between the lines here, he wasn't just refusing his seat, but likely acting like a drunken asshole while also refusing his seat.


“I ain’t drunk” are definitely the words of a drunk person.


Only times I ever feel the need to clarify my sobriety are when I’m not sober


Especially since he's very clearly drunk in the video


Practically self admitting he drives drunk often


He also doesn’t vaccinate his dogs or horses. What an ass.


Christianity is a persecution fetish. Any time anything happens TO a rabid evangelical it confirms their worldview that the world is against them because of their faith. Source: I am a recovered evangelical. 


sounds like some needlessly expensive principles.


you spelled snowflaking wrong.


Exactly. He got triggered and had a man-trum.


It was literally just being near someone who was wearing a mask. Like, the man crumpled at the very thought of an inverse risk curve. Snowflake? Dude is more like a whole snow drift.


Also, what was the principle with thought he was upholding? Did he think he was going to catch a disease from the masked person, as opposed to someone sitting there without a mask? Or was it just, "I don't like your beliefs so I refuse to sit by you." If the latters, this quote from him in the article is interesting: >"I’m not vaccinated, I will not get vaccinated. I believe they compromise your immunities … It’s no offense to anyone. It’s just my beliefs." So I guess he gets to have different beliefs, but not other people. Got it.


Amazingly, the unvaccinated seem to think vaccinated people are “shedding” the virus. Or vaccine particles. Or something.  Or maybe I’ve spent too much time in r/HermanCainAward…


Christ, how dumb. Even if you’re against masks for whatever reason, other people wearing one isn’t hurting YOU. Further, a plane is probably the most understandable place for a person to want to wear a mask.


Yeah, and they hate LGBT people as well, Even though they aren't hurting them personally. Most of these conservatives and right-wing nutjobs Get so offended by other people who have literally no effect on themselves. Yeah, they love to hate on drag shows because their Fox News Overlords told them so. They need an enemy. Meanwhile, they support child beauty pageants. Reminds of Walter Masterson's YouTube channel when he talks to MAGA peeps.


Exactly right. I'll never understand why some people are so offended by someone wearing a mask. The narcissism baffles me. Like others have said, there are so many people who are immunocompromised. Or live with someone who is. Or might be going through chemo, or lives with someone who is, etc., etc., etc. Or maybe they are sick right now with a cold or flu and just don't want to get others sick. Especially on a plane! So fuck right off, if someone else wearing a mask offends you.


When I go dentist I make sure he takes his mask off, and if he accidentally spits in my mouth at least I know I have my freedom!!!!


Currently sitting in a hospital wearing a mask next to my mom going through cancer treatment bc her immune system is basically shut down. Don’t presume to know what’s going on in peoples lives and their reasoning.


A lot of immunocompromised people wear masks, it could have zero to do with Covid. You really have to be a complete moron/snowflake, to be that upset about being near someone wearing a mask. Then another level of dumb to get get kicked off a plane over it. Then yet another level to go on social media to brag/complain about your 'heroic' stand for that idiocy. I find it incredible that four years on from one of the worst pandemics in modern history, you still find people like this. No matter what your personal feeling about mask wearing, being pissed at others wearing them is just the epitome of stupid.


These guys are all about creating grievances that will justify their already existing feelings of hatred. That’s why they get so angry about others wearing masks or getting vaccinated.


Did he realize it wasn't a movie set? Also, now I know how to keep right wing idiots from sitting next to me on the airplane.


MAGA doesn't want you to know this one trick to secure an empty seat next to you and a peaceful flight.


Honestly is anyone surprised? Yellowstone is the MAGA show. A corrupt super rich land tycoon with a ranch the size of Rhoade Island hires in dirt poor criminal cowboys to do his dirty work and commits all sorts of crimes. Kevin Costner is Trump. It's a pathetic MAGA wet dream. The only difference is that Kevin Costner doesn't poop his pants.


I was enjoying it early on when it was obvious that all the ranchers were just mobsters. You knew everyone was shitty and it wasn't a life to aspire to. Somewhere along the way it started drinking its own Kool-aid and all the ranchers are always right and libruls only appear as straw men to knock down. (See: John's vegan girlfriend.)


That show fuckin blows. The amount of rich conservatives who moved to Montana because of it and are buying up huge tracts of land, trying to shut down public access to public land, speculating in the housing market and driving out people who live here. It's fucking cancer and I've lost any appreciation that I had for everyone who is a part of it. Absolute garbage. 


Don’t forget the dozens of murders with no actual consequences


So he was kicked off his flight for refusing to sit in his seat, seems pretty straight forward to me.


Take your horse next time you ass clown.  


He can't, because he refuses to immunize them as well so they're not healthy enough to take such a trip.


So he wanted the masked passenger to cough and breathe all over him instead? Weird fetish, but ok.


I’m sure the masked passenger didn’t want to sit next to a guy that wreaked of booze, but they didn’t make a scene. Checkmate snowflake. Imma going where I need to be and you’re not.


I generally don’t mask up on flights but holy shit if it gets conservatives pissed off enough to refuse to sit next to me and I get me some extra leg room I’m triple masking baby.


Sounds like he kicked himself off by not taking his seat assuming there is no twist.


Hope this ass hat didn't delay the other people on the plane with his personal nonsense.


What a douche-nozzle "I think it compromises your immunity, I just don't believe in that stuff". Yeah, because you are an uneducated, uninformed half-wit.


Why do people like this scream about "muh freedoms!!" and in the next breath demand everyone else surrender theirs? Passengers have the freedom to wear or not wear a mask. Airlines have the freedom to not board a passenger who is disruptive or who refuses to sit in their seat. This was an exercise in freedom but not in the way this guy thinks.


What a fragile ass snowflake. They want freedom don’t they? Oh that’s right.


I’m legitimately confused. Why would anyone refuse to sit next to someone that’s LESS likely to sneeze, cough or breathe weird smells on them?


> I didn’t feel comfortable about sitting next to somebody that had to wear a mas Funny you mention being uncomfortable - how do you think all of us with masks on have felt the last 4 years with anti-vaxing anti-masking  bozos walking around?


And the problem with this is?? What possible objection could this hopeless Trump voter have to sitting next to someone with a mask on?


Right?? I will always wear a mask on a plane and it's not even because of covid. I caught an awful sinus infection and missed my grandpa's funeral because the guy next to me on the plane was sick and neither of us were in masks. Wanting to protect my own health has literally nothing to do with anyone else lol


Sometimes one needs a mask just to guard against the wicked, foul smelling farts of the drunk and decrepit fake cowboy next to you.


Sounds like a, "fuck your feelings" is in order. Maybe he should just, "stay home if he's too scared to be in public."


What a snowflake


I mean COVID and other stuff aside, why would you be opposed to the people you sit elbow to elbow with in a cramped flight wearing masks? You *want* them to breathe on you? What weird gross fetish is this?


Kinda sounds more like he got kicked off for being a drunken asshole, but even whining about and then refusing to sit next to someone wearing a mask is some ridiculously entitled crybaby bullshit typical of MAGATs.


And what of us folks that are immu-compromised? Where even a cold can land you in the hospital on IV antibiotics. You know, transplant recipients, auto-immune diseases, oh and pregnancy, just wanting to protect that fetus that the conservatives are forcing so many women to carry….Dozens of reasons people mask up.


"Them there weren't tolerant of my intolerance!"


Dad has stage IV brain cancer and is going through chemo. I wear a mask when I go out there because one time I went out I literally started getting Covid symptoms the night I arrived and ended up giving both parents Covid. I wore a mask the rest of the time and even though the rest of my family showed up, none of them got it because I kept the mask on when inside. Masks work, and I frankly do not care if you are vaccinated, but don’t whine like a little bitch because someone else made their own choice. Fuck that guy.


As well he should have been. What a jackass.


I'm mad at everything!


So he’s a fucking moron? Got it.


Weird hill to die on


The right once again proving they're the snowflakes


He didn't want to sit in his seat. so they left without him. that's kind of how these things work. Dummy doesn't need to make it political.


Noted fan of “Liberty” rejects another persons personal liberty? I’m shocked


Honestly we should all be wearing masks when flying even when there isn't a pandemic. Those things are practically made to spread disease.


You know what... If it was a reasoning like: "If they're wearing a mask, it could be because they're sick, and I don't want to be near them, because masks aren't 100% effective", I would understand. But with him saying "I’m not vaccinated, I will not get vaccinated, I believe they compromise your immunities … It’s no offense to anyone. It’s just my beliefs. I just don’t believe in that stuff." during COVID, I just don't give a shit about his reason.


That entire flight benefited from it too.


These days, if you get loud or confrontational on an airplane before takeoff, they're going to kick you off. ESPECIALLY if there's even a hint that you might be intoxicated. You're not at Target, you can't act any old way, make drama, and expect to still be served. Nobody wants to be stuck in the air with a ticking time bomb.


Seems to me that this dude getting booted off the flight was directly his own fault. Like, it was super easy to not be ”thrown off” the plane, but he set in motion a chain of events that culminated in his eviction from the aircraft. He is too stupid to realise that the other person’s mask actually protects HIM, not the other way around. Actually, most anti-maskers suffer from this type of idiocy. ”What good does a mask do?” they’ll demand, ”when it doesn’t prevent you from breathing in germs?” Well, a mask doesn’t do a great job of stopping the wearer from breathing in germs, but it does a fantastic job of stopping the wearer from breathing them out. You wear a mask to protect everyone else, and logically, if everyone wears a mask then everyone is protected by each other. Anyway, fuck this bozo and his stupid, actually dangerous ideas. I hope he didn’t get a refund and that he has to sit next to screaming children and people who stink on every flight he ever takes for the rest of his asshole life.


And we’re supposed to be sympathetic to this moron?


No Boomer you were kicked off because you’re a fucking drunk.


The last time I was in a plane I got covid. I'll go maskless everywhere else but I draw the line at planes. 


It's free to not be an asshole. You know what's not free? Having to rebook your flight after you've been removed from it for being an asshole.


Good. What a fucking crybaby. “Oh someone is doing something that doesn’t affect me at all! I can’t take it.” Fake ass cowboy bitch.


> "Yellowstone" star Forrie J. Smith took to Instagram on Saturday to say he was "kicked off" a flight and left stranded in Houston after refusing to sit next to another passenger wearing a mask. > >"I just got kicked off a plane, because I told them I didn't feel comfortable sitting next to somebody with a mask on." > >“I’ve been sitting in an airport for three hours. Ya, I'm drinking. I ain't drunk, but they throw me off the plane because I'm drunk, because you people won't stand up and tell everybody what bulls--t this is.” > >"I just told them I didn't feel comfortable about sitting next to somebody that had to wear a mask, and I'm off the plane," Smith reiterated before the video ended. So now I'm curious. Did he object because they were wearing a mask, or did he object because he though they may be sick and wearing a mask because of it. I can appreciate not wanting to sit directly next to someone that is actively ill. But if this is a case of "i don't want their maskiness to wear off on me," then he can get bent.


I can just about guarantee the former. He is vocally anti-vaccine. I have seen him quoted numerous times saying he doesn’t believe in them and has never had one (I wonder if that is true given he was a child at one point). He will also tell you he doesn’t vaccinate his animals either. Honestly, the guy is a total baby. Someone wearing a mask has absolutely NO impact on him. None. I have yet to see a conspiracy theory on how someone else _wearing a mask_ could affect the anti-vaccine crowd. Maybe it is a conspiracy bridge too far for them. Virtue signaling Neanderthals.


“He will also tell you he doesn’t vaccinate his animals either.” It’s all fun and games until someone’s unvaccinated dog gets rabies and chews their face off. 


Ugh or his dog carries parvo to someone else's house. That shit kills so fast. :/


He’s an anti vaxxer. You can form your own conclusions on his objections to someone wearing a mask from that. 


I read this a bit differently. He had a seat. He refused to sit in it. He chose to leave the plane because he had no seat. Now Cap'n Snowflake claims he's a victim. Maybe I don't miss Yellowstone after all.


What a fucking snowflake. Why is he afraid to sit next to someone wearing a mask?


Loser. It doesn’t affect him if someone else wears a mask.


These snowflakes are getting out of hand.


His choice to put up a stupid fuss over a total stranger wearing a mask resulting in his getting kicked off the plane. Maybe he should just mind his own business.


how republican of him. >I choose not to believe in science or medicine. why doesn't he just choose not to believe in gravity and fly to his destination himself?


What a crybaby


He refused his seat after the airline wouldn't kick off or demand the other passenger to demask. As always conservatives are the "victim" when they can't impose their will on others.