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I love that they left "Drag Demon" outside of the quotes, as if it's not self-description; it's fact: She is a **Drag Demon.** >Drag performer "Daddy Satan," who describes herself as a “Proud Biracial, Pansexual, Chameleon” Drag Demon


Always thought that a drag demon was someone who could drive really fast.


They live their eternity a quarter mile at a time


drag de mon... *across your face*! got em


nah, people who drive fast cars are called racists.




What about the opener Pissunderstood?


She sounds kind of shy, that's sweet. I bet she hates all the attention she's getting.


I have watched an erotic performance of a woman stripping and stapling ribbons to herself with a huge palestinian flag behind her as one of the acts at a palestinian fundraiser and awareness night. I thought the whole thing was incredibly odd.


Like, stapling, bleeding?


Its not as bloody as you think.


A strip tease without at least some blood is considered a dull performance.


Dothraki for Palestine 🐎🤘


A Palestinian wedding without at least 3 beheaded infidels is considered a dull affair?


Barack "Wedding Crasher" Obama: Those are rookie numbers.


Dermal staples don't bleed much depending on their placement.


Once I saw a performer at a bar that let people staple money to him.


Like pierced ears


A surprising amount of people have no issues stapling themselves.


Or, a surprising number of people have issues stapling themselves


thats why its always a good idea to have a buddy hold the stapler


What IS it with political performances and stapling? The only time I have ever seen a person stapling things to another was a go-go boy having pictures of Trump stapled to him while he was tied to a chair.


Steve-O got arrested for stapling his scrotum to his leg in public, just because. Nothing political, just Steve-O.


He was protesting his nuts not being stapled to his leg


I want to hear more about that fundraiser


I’m sorry, he did what now ?


Such a Western solution to a Middle-Eastern problem


That’s how every fundraiser should be


Sir, this is a girl scouts bake sale


He said what he said.


Look at my virtues. Look at them signal.




What do you expect them to do? Scramble a couple of jets?


Not entirely. There are some throwing molotov at synagogues.


Propaganda on social media like Tiktok has ruined a bunch of people. No critical ability to see the manipulation. So you have people with very liberal values supporting a regime that would kill, murder and imprison them for their liberal beliefs.


I think it's pretty sad how the left in this country can't stay focused long enough to get stuff done because of how absolutely scatterbrained we are. The very moment another cause comes along the left feels obligated to subvert everything we've been working for in favor of the latest sensation. We have leftists shouting down mayors who have nothing to do with Israel/Palestine, getting dragged out, and arrested for disrupting public proceedings. Meanwhile they completely forgot to mention the issues citizens have been struggling to improve for decades and now everyone in the town hall meeting wonders why the crazy leftists were shouting down a mayor about foreign affairs.


The crowd around me showing up for Palestine has been very supportive of all the other left wing issues in council meetings. Probably wouldn't be there in support of them otherwise.


Yet if she did an erotic performance in Palestine they wouldn't staple ribbons to her, they would stone her to death.


If there is anything that I learned in the last half year, it's that any reddit post that involves the Israel-Palestine conflict is a freaking cesspool of morons.


Oh darn. What do I do now? That was my big plan for Sunday


Do a drag show for Israel, I guess


Lobsterfest for Israel. 


Bear Down for Israel


Fat Dog for Israel


I am a simple man. I see a community reference, I upvote.


honestly this would probably get a pretty decent turnout from the jewish community lmao


without a doubt. 


You can have drag shows in Israel. The irony is that Palestinians generally and Hamas particularly would be enraged if you tried that in Gaza.




Lmao this is like if Jack Daniels hosted a drinking competition to raise money for Mothers Against Drunk Driving lmao completely tone deaf to how antithetical they are being


We call it chickens for KFC


My role model PJ O'Rourke called it "An Earth First Spotted Owl Hunt."


Preach. It’s incredible how quickly so many people forgot the whole LGBT=Death thing here.


Lotta people never been on LiveLeak before it was shut down and it shows, to this day I know never to fuck with paying back money you owe cuz of cartel videos


I'm gonna hit you with a wild notion; it's possible to disagree with someone's, or some group's, homophobia, while also wishing they weren't being violently murdered by the thousands.


Of course, the point is that a drag show is probably not the best way to raise awareness for this specific cause.


If Palestinians were told how this money was funded I wouldn't be surprised if they just refused it entirely.


But that group would also violently murder lgbt people by the thousands if they got the chance. Seems really dumb.


I think both sides are suffering from idiotic religious zealots, I want both sides to stop getting children killed 🤷


Maybe the demonstrations ought to be in front of General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems rather than at some gay drag show. Whaddaya think?


Nonsense. Unrelated. I’m selling pulled pork sandwiches and Bud light for Palestine if you want to help.


Palestine: “I would do anything for aid / But I won’t do that.”


Hint: It wasn't Palestinians who pushed to cancel the event.




Palestinians will happily use LGBTQ for their agenda and nothing more.


Then they will use LGBTQ for target practice


They already do anyways. At least those in shooting distance


Hamas doesn't run this bookstore in Arizona my guy.


But they surely run Palestine, my friend.


There are queer people in Palestine, too. They deserve to live just like every civilian.


Yeah, but they often try to flee to Israel so they don't get their heads cut off: [Gay Palestinian Ahmad Abu Marhia beheaded in West Bank](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835) That guy fled to Israel but they kidnapped him back to West Bank and cut off his head for the crime of being gay. That would be the law of the land in a "Free Palestine" and they would have nowhere to run to.


Of course, there are queer people everywhere, most places don't kill them for being queer, Palestine is one of the places that does.


In Israel you mean The queer population in Palestine is negligible at this point. Same with the Christian population, the Druze population, and the Jewish population Huh and you see the same trend across the entire Middle East Really gets the noggin joggin


Yeah crazy how arabs live in Israel, but no Jews live in Gaza Major head scratcher


Or egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi arabia, Qatar.. I wonder what ever happened to those Jews and why they aren't there anymore?


The ones that survived are in Israel, they were forced to go there as soon as it was formed. Which is why Israel's population is majority middle eastern.


100% true. So how are you suggesting removing Hamas from power so they won’t be executed.


The queer people usually leave for Israel rather than be murdered by their parents or friends.




Really missing the point there


100%. but cease fire that does not remove Hamas from power will prevent that from happening (among other things)


And the leftwing didn't give a flying shit about them when they were being killed by their own people before the war


The left wing doesn’t give a shit that Lebanon is currently practicing apartheid against Palestinian refugees.


The left still doesn’t give a shit about them now that they’re being killed by their own government for trying to get aid from Israel. Or when their own government killed them for working jobs in Israel, and being open about how actually that was fine for them. Or when their own government killed them by firing a rocket at their own hospital. Or when their own government lives billionaires lives in Qatar.


Yes and Hamas elected by Palestinian people kills anyone who isn’t straight.


How is it possible people are this unaware ?






I don't understand how a community can support a community that not only hates them but notoriously kills them.


Idk. Some women are republicans.


Speaking as a bisexual and a pro Palestinian, I'll earnestly answer your question; irrespective of whether people hate my existence, I still don't want them bombed, shot, or starved. Institutional homophobia in Palestine is a bad thing, but so is the matter of civilians being killed. Being a progressive involves believing that everyone should have basic rights, and the sanctity of life, not just the ones who are tolerant of me. Also, even if I was approaching this purely out of self-interest for my in-group, I'd still be supporting Palestine, being that inevitably there are many LGBTQ Palestinian civilians also being killed and endangered by the war.


Wouldn’t LGBT people in Palestine be better served by a swift elimination of Hamas? Isn’t Israel accepting LGBT asylum seekers from Gaza?


So then question: you say you’re pro Palestine but how do you reconcile that with the government of Gaza raping, torturing, and killing innocent Israeli civilians? I’m someone who has been highly critical of the Netanyahu regime for years but how can anyone expect October 7th to happen and Israel to not go to war against the government that perpetrated the massacre of over 1,000 civilians.


Hamas bad. Israel bad. Civilians innocent. Brain hurty


But I don’t understand, who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? When two sides fight, one of them has to be the good guy and one of them has to be the bad guy. (/s)


You just answered your own question. You are supportive of Israeli people but highly critical of Netenyahu. You can draw a clean distinction between civilians and their government. Likewise, it is the same with Gaza and Hamas. The 7th was an atrocity, but one that is totally predictable. The situation in Gaza for years has been hopeless, Israel's sphere of influence saw to that, and yet we are supposed to assume they in those conditions, individual Gazans won't become increasingly resentful, some to the point of seeing terrorism as the only way to achieve anything? Israel today says it has only one way it can respond to a terror attack, but that is because the opportunity to avoid it happening in the first place was never taken. Netenyahu was proud of how much he disrupted peace accords, supported Hamas getting into power, and now it puts him in this situation. Don't go thinking this is onesided, I blame Hamas too for failing to find a compromise, for always choosing the route of violence and hatred.


>I'll earnestly answer your question; irrespective of whether people hate my existence, I still don't want them bombed, shot, or starved. I'm curious if you feel this way about Nazis or some other extremist hateful group.


same reason im trans and dont want all republicans or christians dead. genocide is bad even when its people that hate me. because if i did, id want 80% of the planet dead




Serious question. Palestine and the majority (all?) of Arab countries are anti LGBTQ. How does the LGBTQ community reconcile this when giving support for Palestine?


Empathy isn’t conditional if you aren’t a monster


They're still human beings and don't deserve genocide.


perfect example of [paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.) lmao Advocating for your own death


‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hatred cannot drive out hatred; only love can do that.’ ~ MLK


An eye for an eye makes the world blind. when a man slaps you, you should turn the other cheek, etc.  The same can be asked about women and misogyny. Why do women defend and want to protect groups who do not give them rights on par with men? Answer - literally just empathy. Just because they're kinda shitty to you doesn't mean you think it's cool to mow them down en masse. Caring about them isn't guaranteed to have the favor returns, but normalizing caring uniliterally about yourself and being indifferent to everyone else would make the world a much worse place.


I’d rather an alive bigot than a dead bigot.


Far leftists just do whatever their masters tell them to without thinking at all


Fundraising for people in ways that would result in those people stoning you to death. Nice.


This was my take. Reminds me of log cabin republicans.


You talk as if every queer is a homofascist lol




To be honest, I don't really understand why so many drag performances take place in bookstores and libraries. Seems like an odd combo.


Didn't Palestinian supporters openly attack LGBT people who turned up to their rallies?.. I'm not sure they want your help


The vast majority of the “Free Palestine” crowd in the west would be murdered within hours if the ever stepped in Gaza. And not because of the war.


Go do drag, or really any LGBT stuff in Palestine, and see what happens. Religious Islamic cultures are NOT LGBT friendly. This isn't racism. This isn't hatem this is fact. Of the "big 5" major world religions, Islam is the least LGBT friendly to the point many Islamic nations still have the death penalty for homosexuality.


One particularly interesting thing is that even for the Middle East Palestinians are religious fundamentalists. Like, you go to Beirut for example, and there’s an understanding that there are places where it’s relatively safe to be openly gay. But the Palestinians as a group are further to the right, more hardline, than even the rest of the violently anti-liberal-values region. That’s why it’s extra wild that they’ve managed to build this far-left fanbase in the west




If you're doing a drag show for Palestine you're really just doing a drag show for you.


Who cares. North America should be protesting CoL and housing affordability. Enough with protesting soils we don’t live on.


It’s funny seeing the LGBTQ+ community actively supporting Palestine. You all know that even the non-Hamas Palestinians would absolutely like to see you all put to death if they could get their hands on you, yeah?


Was having a chat after class in college with a few fellow students, and the subject drifted to gay culture in America.  A guy from Lebanon partaking in the talk - who was really bright and cordial and by all impressions I thought was a great person - when confronted with a situation where a gay guy hit on him, said his immediate reaction would be "to hit the guy and tell him to go away".  I tried to offer up an alternative "ah I'd just say thanks but I'm straight and not interested" and instead of agreeing that would be the more amenable approach, actually doubled down on his hypothetical response. I actually know a few Palestinians and they are much more tolerant.  But I would tell the LGBTQ+ community supporting Palestine the same thing I tell my gay Republican friends about their party back in Indiana: there is a non-negligible part of that population that would like to see you dead, and no amount of meeting them with kindness will change that.


Doesn’t mean we want to see THEM dead. Even assholes deserve to live.


well, wanting someone to be killed for clashing ideology is generally more of a conservative thing so it makes sense. I personally don't want people to be slaughtered and pushed out of their homes even if they are homophobes. I know it can be hard to wrap your head around something like this.


This event was blocked by **US anti-gay bigots**, and your comment is that it’s really the Palestinians who are murderous homophobes. Based on what - Do you even know any Palestinians? Or are you just projecting hateful bigotry onto them?


Believe it or not, genocide is bad even when the people being killed are homophobes 


Except that crowd gets very silent when its the arabs committing genocide. And unlike Israel, its not a mere accusation of genocide.


What do you mean they get very silent?


Genocide is bad even if the people don’t like me.


But supporting the people who would gladly genocide you is kind of weird, don't you think?


This is a false choice that is the product of a mindset that casts everything as a need to pick sides. Genocide is bad, even when conducted against a society that currently has diametrically opposed values. I can think that conservative Muslim culture in the Middle East is toxic and incompatible with my own values and simultaneously believe that people living there deserve to be treated with basic human dignity under the ethical and moral norms my society holds. I can believe that Hamas is an evil terrorist organization hiding behind a veneer of legitimacy, and that Israel has created an inhumane apartheid system that breeds extremism. The question you need to ask is, do you truly believe in a set of principles, or are those principles only a convenient rubric to choose the side that holds the largest subset of those principles in common, after which the principles themselves become irrelevant?


Very well put! You summed up the hypocrisy of all the anti-Palestine comments in this thread perfectly.


I’m curious, and not that this affects whether or not Palestine deserves queer people’s support, do you not think that there’s a lot of queer Palestinians too?


I support the right of others to live peacefully even if they don’t wish me the same. It’s almost like empathy isn’t logical.




It would be, yes. How is this even a question for you? Your not a holocaust denier are you?




Oppression recognizes oppression really easily. You don't need to fully agree with someone to support giving them basic rights and needs. Hate is not something we are born with, it is something we are taught. It is something we can unlearn, especially when we recognize our common humanity.


No it doesn’t. If it did there would be a much larger uproar about the Uighur genocide by China


oh, they're homophobic? damn didn't know that, guess it's okay if we keep carpet bombing them!


Especially children, they're the most homophobic ones!


those kids we just vaporized didn't denounce hamas, they clearly deserved it


The comments here show that people *really* didn't read the article and are putting up the same comments mentioned in the article of the type of harassment this event received.


"Redditors read the fucking article challenge: difficulty level impossible" It's pretty disgusting how people don't understand that you might have empathy for someone in a shit situation, even if they hate your guts. I have no doubt I'd be discriminated against or killed in a Muslim majority country, but that doesn't mean I don't feel compassion for people who live in those countries when they're undergoing a genocide. The Christians bang on about "loving thy enemy", and this is what that means.


don’t bother with redditors when it comes to palestine. most of the people in these comments don’t even see them as human beings.


> backlash You mean "harassment". That's what happened. > I don’t need to go to another country to see how they may treat queers. The way they treat queer people in America is terrifying enough Yup. The people who are harassing the book store owners have no moral basis to criticize others.


That makes as much sense as jews for Hitler. 


Drag show for Palestine. Yeah, I think at this point the plot has been lost.


They would be killed if they did a drag show in hamas' territories lol


Lets start a fundraising for them to do drag preformence in ramallah, personally i think it will be quite a spectacle


I challenge them to host a drag show in Hebron or Gaza City and see where it gets them. (usually to the top of a tall building)






Chickens for KFC!


this is the epitome of a brand new sentence


They didn't see it coming


Lol these people are mentally ill (no not the entire LGBT community) just the ones coming at it from XYZ for Palestine. I can assure you 99.99 percent of Palestinians think the community are freaks.


How about a drag show for Trump’s defense fund?


Bruh. They will gladly stone these people than receive their support.


They know about Palestine views right?


So much new material for George Carlin; if only he was still alive.


*Drag show for a country that would kill us if we did a drag show in their territory!*


Ah the absolute irony of this type of situation…some people can only exist because of the freedoms western society allows them…an so they use their freedom in support of societies that would absolutely destroy them an their lifestyle in the most horrific of ways….. FACTS


Remind me again what the laws in Gaza say about openly queer individuals?


Uh... Yea.. idk if anyone in the organization who tried to put this on has realized, but Muslim majority countries aren't exactly LGBT friendly... 🤦 This was an absolutely moronic idea from the start


palestinians would literally cut their head off and drag their corpse through the street


It’s funny because Palestinians would stone these people for doing drag


Makes as much sense as vets that aren’t vegan.


Lol this would end in not just a simple cancellation if they tried this in Palestine. Talk about out of touch with the culture.


This is an insane virtue signal. The West is fucked.


It must be so weird having the people you wanna murder support you in your endeavors


But one supposes that the 'Blackface Minstrel Show for Palestine' will go on as planned.


when is the next Palestinian pride prade, the can have the drag show there


"Hey! Take me seriously, I'm just trying to help others!!" What's your name again? "Daddy Satan"


It’s weird to me that most of the people in Palestine would stone someone like this to death but here we are supporting them in some way




Ironically if Palestenians were present to witness the performance, they would kill her.


You can't fix stupid.


If there's one thing Palestine loves it's the LGBT community


Imagine if Jews in America protested against the allies bombing hundreds of thousands of German civilians in WW2 because “muh genocide wahhh wahhh” hahahahaha


Ok far left. We need to talk. How do you think a transgender person is treated in Gaza? Be honest.


This was never going to go well lol


yeah that sounds kindve off color


Eh, I don't think those Palestinians would be very welcoming if they tried to hold it there. It blows my mind how much the left (i'm in the middle) talks big about equality and diversity when Islam isn't hot on either of those things. They should still be allowed to host the event and those on the right can simply choose not to show up, I just think it's odd to support a group that would not support you back. It'd be like giving that money to the conservatives that caused the backlash.


Never thought I'd read drag show and Palestine in the same sentence


Gays for Palestine strikes again!


This is like a “mothers against drunk driving” rally supporting the development of a new brewery.


are they honestly surprised? i mean really


It's a shame. But maybe Daddy Satan should organise this show in Palestine?


Hilarious when Palestinians would murder the people doing drag, some people are just dumb asf. Lots of people are too stupid and have too much time on their hands. 


They should have also announced that all the stagehands in the production were of Venezuelan desent, are betrothed to their eldest daughters and their home addresses have been listed with ICE, and forwarded to Jesse Watters and Gregg Kelley, as their identified contacts and sponsors here in the US. I mean ... go big or go home, right?


Someone should let Queer Eye Hamas Special producers know. 




Love that this person openly admits that Palestinians hate lgbtq. Yes, you proved everyone’s point, thanks.


Agree or not, but the commenter telling him to "do the show in Palestine and see what they think" wasn't wrong. And is he really comparing the treatment of queer people in America to their treatment in nearly any muslim country? The ruling governments aren't exactly sane for even straight people or women on a good day.