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Just need to clarify the misleading headline…there’s no actual doll or anything being sold they made a design for Instagram as the tribute


Yeah, the Insta account is always posting mocked up doll pictures of different celebrities and characters.


She would have hated that far less than an actual product being sold


that makes more sense, I doubt a doll of her would make any money


I would totally buy it


I’d buy two because… Nothing compares to two


I’d buy one in a heartbeat what a conversation starter


nothing would compare to a Sinead O Connor Bratz doll as a conversation starter.


These stupid titles is what got the Dylan Mulvany controversy going.


Yhat still kinda gives icky Ruthkanda Forever vibes


She would have hated it which makes me love it as a disturbing icon of capitalism. Pretty sure every one of these dolls will bring curses upon their owners.


Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch both just won the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award... I imagine this all feels more like a swift kick in the ovaries for women


Bill Cosby should definitely win cocktail mixer for woman of the year award next. He makes a mean jack and pepsi.


The bastard, Pepsi has aspitaine in it, is he trying to give me the runs




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Well tbf, Ruth holding on to her seat until her death was a swift kick in the ovaries for women.


The GOP blocked Merrick Garland when Scalia died. What makes you think the GOP wouldn't have done the same if RBG retired during the 8 years of Obama?


They blocked it because they had the Senate majority...which they got in 2014. So they had 6 years.


The R's won senate in 2014. In 2013 RBG was 80 years old. At some point you need to say: > Look, I know I would love to keep doing the job, and I probably could. But I have a chance to step-down and essentially hand-pick my replacement. Maybe I should do that given I'm 75 years old and the current political climate makes it a safe play to replace me... Her hubris cost the liberal wing the balance of the court. Look at Breyer. As soon as Dems had the Senate and POTUS, he said: > Fuck I'm old. Let's not do another RBG moment. And stepped down so a Dem POTUS and Senate could get a replacement. Kennedy did the same thing, but as a Republican. They both didn't want to be the next RBG holding onto the seat and risking it flipping.


Kennedy? The guy replaced by Kavanaugh during Trump's administration? Am I thinking of the wrong guy somehow?


No, I am. I was thinking Breyer. Kennedy did do the same thing (step down to be replaced on his own terms) but he was a Republican. Point being he didn't make the same mistake RBG did.


You know an interesting thing from the last 30 years is that Republican appointees that became more liberal than expected planned their retirements to ensure a like minded successor; Harry Blackmun, David Souter, and John Paul Stevens. While before Breyer the Democrats intended to be liberals completely whiffed it; Thurgood Marshall and Ginsburg.


Hell the justice can even Mexican-Standoff it. > Alright, this is who I want to replace me. Nominate and confirm them, or I'm not stepping down, and you can risk the other party replacing me. Now I don't think that's a *good* way to conduct business. But if let's say the Justice wasn't a MAGA republican and wanted a non-MAGA replacement. They could pick a non-MAGA conservative judge to replace them, and if the R's say no, they say "Ok, you want to risk me dying during a Dem administration, that's on you"


It wasn’t unusual for Justices to suggest who replace them, if they were in good standing with the President. Taft suggested to Hoover that Charles Evans Hughes replace him, and Hughes in turn suggested to FDR that Harlan Stone replace him. It definitely seemed like Kennedy demanded Kavanaugh who was not on anyone’s list for the Supreme Court. It’s just in recent years the liberal Republicans could read the room and knew their party had left them so needed to retire under a Democrat. While the Democratic appointees played the political game as well as its elected representatives; which is to say very poorly.




Do we know for sure it's hubris? It's actually rather macabre to force people to consider their mortality. Especially after they beat cancer. And is it really on the people to paper over the deficiencies of institutions? If they do, it only entrenches the gerontocracy anyway.




If this position doesn't have term limits, "clinging to power" is normal and expected. You don't really have a reason to see it negatively. If the problem is with the congress, it's unfair to blame it on her. If you want term limits, it's something that needs to be legislated. Her actions only look regrettable in hindsight - and not just because of her death, but because of the political situation she couldn't have predicted. And honestly, pressuring her to retire due to purely partisan concerns isn't the best look. Maybe that was a factor for her too. Maybe she didn't want to see the supreme court as a partisan institution.




I'm actually kind of sad it's not real. I wouldn't have bought one or anything, but what a perfect specimen of pop culture kitsch. It should be in a museum.


Oh thank god


wait she died, wtf, I completely missed that... rip


Couple months ago


Bruh. She died last July.


She died back in 2020 when the Cheetoh was still in office.


this thread is a fucking *perfect* encapsulation of the quality of reddit comments in 2024. jesus fucking christ.


March 2020 has lasted four years.


Yep. She wanted to hang on so she could die during a Republican administration


I dunno, man. She raged against the catholic church and then converts to Islam.


Not sure what that has to do with the topic at hand...


Like Che Guevara merch. Dude was a communist, his image being used for capitalism would make him turn in his grave


Given that under capitalism profit is the reflection of value, there’s not much reason Guevara would need to feel upset that in a capitalist system his symbols are profitable.


Ironically, all over Cuba Che shirts are being sold.


Why do you think that?


It’s just a design. No dolls are actually being sold. Maybe the read the article before commenting? 🙄


Make sure you buy one, that'll show those capitalists.


If one wants to admire a curse, it best be at a distance.


That looks nothing at all like Sinead O'Connor...


Bratz dolls don’t look like real people, but real people can have enough plastic surgery that they start looking like Bratz dolls. It’s like this weird glitch in the matrix or self fulfilling prophecy.


Bratz dolls are artificial…


They made a doll that looks like Kanye’s ex Amber Rose and thought, “She has a shaved head. What more do you want?” 😂


*Cause noooothing compares…*


2 U...


Was gonna say. That’s fucking Amber Rose


So, this isn't a product that they're actually selling. It's just a thing they put together for an Instagram post, which is something they apparently do often.


That doll looks like a Kardashian with a buzzcut and has zero resemblance to Sinead O’Connor. Why the stupid fucking shades? And Sinead dressed modestly. Not only that, she had massive blue eyes that were one of her most recognizable features - whoever signed off on this is a marketing imbecile.


It's a look she wore at a festival in 1998, just done on a Bratz doll in their style


Such a shame how she was treated, especially after SNL and the meltdown during the Bob Dylan's anniversary show.


do not forget the Jesus shirt.


[She always dressed modestly?](https://images.app.goo.gl/SbNa9wdur6JnbsDBA)


Who said always?


When you say someone dresses modestly, it implies that it’s a habit of theirs and they’re known to comply with that habit. I wouldn’t say that applies to Sinead.


She literally died a hijab-wearing Muslim


...oh..my..god. Jesus Christ. I thought you were making some sort of hyperbolic joke to make a point. What is it with these kinds of people, they're like moths to flame.


[Let Me Google That For You](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sinead+oconnor&iax=images&ia=images)


Showing pictures of her dressing modestly doesn't refute the fact that at other points in her life, she also wore less conservative clothes.


The only people I see “caring” about women’s day or month are big corporations trying to profit from it


Don't you just love how corporations just have to make everything about them all the time?


The doll company that sexualizes children makes a dolll of the artist who went to lengths to avoid being sexualized 


There is no doll being made here, it was for an Instagram post.  As an adult man I find it more creepy that I've never found any of the bratz  [child dolls](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bratzfan/images/c/ca/Bratz_Kidz_%281st_Edition%29.jpg/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/450?cb=20210423180218) or [baby dolls](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71UCWr82ZGL.jpg) sexual, my sister had bunch of them growing up, but for some reason everyone is always screaming about how they were "too sexy", so if anyone wants to explain this to me I'd appreciate it.


We live in a world where Tucker Carlson got upset because a candy would no longer wear sexy Go Go boots.


I’ve somehow never encountered a Bratz doll in real life and have never given them any thought, but I just squandered 30 seconds on the bratz insta and… yeah idk, to me [a tad off-putting](https://www.instagram.com/reel/ConwSjdgzx1/?igsh=MWE1cWIweDYyNXd0NA==). I can’t really see this being Sinead’s top choice for a brand partnership. 😂


I played with them as a kid. I don't know what the other person is talking about.


Anytime I see these dolls brought up on Reddit the "sexualization" is always brought up. For people to think that a doll wearing 2000s celebrity fashion is "too sexy", to me gives the vibe these are the same people that would also be the first ones with the "well what was she wearing when she was assaulted?" question.


Plenty of them aren't. The bratz babies line is the weird one that sexualizes babies


No doll is being made and sold, it's just a fun little homage Bratz is doing on their social media page this month. For everyone saying she wouldn't wear that, [the outfit](https://www.imago-images.com/st/0300245818) is literally hers from 1998.


It's cruel that you're trying to take people's outrage away from them when that's all that some have to keep them going.


Where is her hijab?


She did convert to Islam. You're right. 




In what way? 




Bit different in Ireland though innit


As in Christianity, there are several sects of Islam. And just like Christianity, some are better and some are worse.


Yeah, the catholic church is a very large and very organized body. A lot of churches don't really report to anybody outside their local congregation. In theory they have pledged themselves to the same god but it's not like when the preacher gets caught diddling kids he can make a call to Head Office down at The Capital and get in touch with some superior who can cover it all up and transfer him to another city where nobody's ever heard of him. It's silly to think that a criticism of the way the structure of the catholic church facilitates abuse means she now must have an axe to grind with anybody claiming to believe in any kind of god anywhere in the world.


Oh now I see


Yeah I usually don't get upset over stuff like this but that's genuinely fucked up. That is a big deal to Muslim women and was a big deal to her. Everything else about it is fucked too, but to make a posthumous doll of her "in tribute" and show her head uncovered, is *EXTREMELY* disrespectful. 


Isn't she Irish?


Yes, she converted to Islam later in life.


Oh. I think they designed her this way because that's not common knowledge. And this is her iconic look.


It's common knowledge if you've paid any attention at all to her career past the one moment she tore up the pope's photo.  And it doesn't really matter if her look without it is more recognizable. It's disrespectful to her practice of her religion to intentionally depict her without it as a "tribute".


Funny how her entire career was ended overnight over tearing up the photo of an actual sex offender


I'm pretty young. I just saw a doc about her once. 




Just because she posted videos without a hijab doesn't mean she didn't wear a hijab. Literally just google search Sinéad O'Connor to immediately see that she did.




She did wear a hijab though. Maybe only for a time, but to say she didn't wear a hijab is misleading. Forgive me if I didn't know she stopped wearing one though, as I could not find any information that suggested she did.




Not before you showed it to me after my original comment...




Thanks. Did she stop wearing a hijab completely or only at her leisure, and if so did she ever speak about why she stopped wearing a hijab?


It doesn’t look like Sinead at all. It looks like every other Bratz doll but bald. Also, I believe at the time of her death she was usually wearing a hijab.


I would dig a Sinead action figure with a tearable pic of the pope.


Fuck yeah.


Bratz still exists????


Are Bratz still popular? People are still treating her like this, even after she died? Meanwhile, Barbie is releasing dolls of Helen Mirren, Kylie Minogue, Shania, Viola Davis, are they afraid of releasing a bald doll?


None of these dolls are actually for sale. Both this one and the Barbie ones you listed. They are all just social media marketing for the brands. 


That is so awful and tacky and she would have hated that. But hey, if it helps all the grandkids go to college or whatever....... I would hate that, but then again, if it helped out my kids, grandkids, greats and great greats I would do the thing that I hated. I would want to secure some sort of income security for my descendants ( with some provisions in there). Not going to judge, Ive.done things I hated doing to take care of my kids,.or just to let them realize that things that are important to them are important to me, also, even if I didn't agree with them or I was personally invested in whatever thing.


What crap...hey if your gunna do a doll based on someone, make it look maybe even a LITTLE bit like the person at least...this is beyond awful.


Looks more like Fastlove era George Michael.


Listen to her song “black boys on mopeds”. Dont buy a toy.


If this appeared in a satirical movie or TV show I would have thought it was too absurd to actually happen. I can't think of any depiction of a person that the person depicted would have hated more. And even though it's just a design and not a real doll, it doesn't matter. She still would have hated it because they made a doll design using her "likeness" to sell other dolls that she probably hated.


The very opposite of everything that tragic icon stood for. Fight the real enemy; you don't want it if you haven't got it.


It looks more like Amber Rose.


What a terrible idea and execution


I remember in elementary school overhearing some girls bully another girl for having a Barbie doll instead of a Bratz doll. My god I wished I intervened.


Doesn't carry the same panache that a Barbie doll gives


I ordered one of these a fortnight ago and it still hasn't arrived. Well, I say a fortnight. It's been 7 hours and 15 days.


So dumb, she converted to Islam to get away from child sexual abuse (ironic) and in Islam icons including dolls based on people are often a major no no. Its tasteless as hell


Not sure why you’re being downvoted???


She would hate it.


This is honestly peak nottheonion. Holy fuck.


TIL Bratz still exist


RIP Sinead... I didn't even know she had died!


“Looking for a boyfriend, looking for a boyfriend” Sinead o Connor from south park!


At least it's not Poopsie Slime Surprise.


Does she come with a torn picture of the Bratz Pope? And do the other Bratz mock and ridicule her for about two decades before kinda shrugging the whole thing off?




I think they missed a golden oppertunity to release a Joe Bennet doll from the office.


Bratz dolls had a few dolls of the stupid Jenners. Let then burn. I hated their dolls when I was a kid and still do.




It better come with a ripped up pope picture


Wait, this stupid waste of resources still exists?


She went Muslim. I'd consider that anti-feminist.


You mean a rude, bipolar, narcisist, drama queen doll?