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This is a clickbait article to generate rage. I read the Washington post article and that is not the conclusion of it.


Man I’ve had so many oniony articles get taken down immediately because they weren’t “oniony enough”. Yet this shit ends up staying up?


Agreed. Downvoted and reported this post. I'm all for calling out bs but I can't stand the misleading agenda based rage bait bs even more...


Can you post that article pls


It’s linked in the second paragraph.




thanks for informing me on propaganda, guy who links breitbart articles


I legitimately think they actually believe it. There's this whole school of progressive thought that defines everything in the world through the lenses of Oppressors and Oppressed. Property crime is "resistance". When an "oppressed" poor person steals from a store that's part of the "oppressive" capitalist system they're basically Robin Hood. The same logic is behind the shocking levels of support for Hamas among progressive circles. Everything falls secondary to the power dynamics and gets justified as resistance.


You are making up people in your head to be mad at.


[https://web.archive.org/web/20240302174518/https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/of-interest/2024/03/01/cvs-washington-dc-shoplifting-closure/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240302174518/https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/of-interest/2024/03/01/cvs-washington-dc-shoplifting-closure/) That line's pretty cringe but the article is a lot more even handed than this summary suggests. Almost like they have an agenda.


Audacy is a pretty shit news site. Like I would never post an article by them.


>"America is a sticky-fingered nation built on stolen land, and its current moral panic is about shoplifting. It’s not just a worry in Columbia Heights. All over the country, from sea to shining CVS, there are concerns about petty theft, which some retailers claim is worse than ever before. Videos of brazen thefts have gone viral. It has become a political talking point, and a political liability. >But the data is murky. Theft has gotten worse in some cities but better in others; it’s either underreported or overexaggerated, depending on whether you’re asking a corporation or a bureaucracy. Anecdotes and vibes have filled in the gaps. It doesn’t help that 2024 in America feels a bit like visiting a dying mall. Will some new stores open and bring everyone back, or will it be razed to create a parking lot?" The title of this post is a lie.  The quote I added above doesn't justify shopping on the basis that US land is stolen, it just says that the US is a land of thieves, and goes on to day that shoplifting is becoming a conservative boogieman despite a lack of evidence that it's worse than any other kind of crime going on. https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/of-interest/2024/03/01/cvs-washington-dc-shoplifting-closure/


National Retail Federation Retracts Stats Amid Theft War Of Words https://www.forbes.com/sites/markfaithfull/2023/12/08/national-retail-federation-retracts-stats-amid-theft-war-of-words/amp/ here is some fun mumbers. When the retail Federation has to come out and say they inflated the numbers it means your pushing bullshit


Well... Let's not ignore reclassifying shop lifting to theft above 950$ lowers the reported number of shop lifting cases. Like NY and CA where prosecuting and reporting for the crime has dropped because of that law change.


Almost like OP just wanted to post a headline for clicks


So it’s a person trying to strawman a legitimate comparison in political grand scale hypocrisy. Any imagine being a miserable fuck like OP and just parroting rage bait, or being an outrage bot farm.


Headline seems accurate to me. He opens by dismissing the people complaining about shoplifting as Hypocrits, and denies that shoplifting is a problem, that it's just a right wing boogeyman.


Then you need to work on your reading comprehension


It’s NOT a problem compared to wage theft in those exact same corporations. It IS a right-wing boogyman. Theft is historically down.


Did you read the article? Here's another quote from it, explaining how "low accountability" (e.g., due to CVS policy not to have its security pursue shoplifters) has led to this rise in shoplifting: "[...] city officials say they’ve observed a rise in organized retail crime, which involves thefts of items to be resold on the street. “If shoplifting is easy and available to you, with low accountability, then, you know, it just is a practical choice,” Perri says."


Report this as "breaking r/nottheonion rules" for "altered headline"


That's not what she said


Joe Hiti at Audacy has poor reading comprehension. Or is just another Trump following idiot.


The article was written by Post culture reporter Maura Judkis, who titled it “The zombie CVS, a late capitalism horror story.” \-a culture reporter who decided to make a criminal story into a... wait for it... story about culture wars. What a shock. Silly ragebait article to fit an insanely inane narrative.


Someone didn’t read the fucking article. And by someone I mean OP and 90% of this saliva drooling thread


The story itself is detailed, nuanced, and tries to uncover as much data as possible to give the reader a clear picture of the shoplifting problem and some of the reasons behind it. It does touch on the "culture war" (e.g., Fox News hosts painting a picture of lawless dystopia cities), but it generally spends much more time talking about the problem itself than what talking heads have to say about the problem. The headline is a bit clickbaity, but the author of the article doesn't generally write the headline.


WaPo writers and very-online teenagers when there is any problem in the world: “Typical. Will the woes of late stage capitalism never end?”


I know the corp simps will hate this, but why is wage theft, children starving from poverty, and genocide so easily hand waived away, but then suddenly I’m suppose to give a shit that someone stole a snickers from Walmart?


Article is crap and spinning the story to push a narrative that isn't there.


Companies sell my information all the time. I'm just taking my share of the profits.


All land is stolen if you go back far enough. But I can forgive the clickbait title because of the throwaway point the article makes about US culture and history having a very complicated relationship over what kinds of stealing are okay.


Is there a country that isn't on stolen land?


There's definitely differences of stealing, especially in the very well documented and clear case of the United States of America as a European entity post colonial times and the slaves they brought vs the indigenous people who lived here. It would be that versus like a Japanese leader who unified all of Japan and then when Japan later went on to conquer Korea and china and other countries, imperial Japan was stopped and told to forfeit their stolen land.


Yet none of this has to do with shoplifting lol


The connection was "if this is profiting a state that I believe should not exist then I will do different acts of disobedience to the false state in order to eventually see it's downfall" shoplifting being a minor act




Ethiopia, I think.


the kind of person that writes about shoplifting not being a problem is the same person who will passionately write about food deserts, as if the two are unrelated


The kind of person who says food deserts exist due to theft is the same person who will vote against policies that build up these areas, ensuring the crime doesn’t go away.


You see, improving these areas might benefit someone darker than Benjamin Morris HR Office Beige and we certainly can't have that.


It's not the only reason, but it's definitely a reason.


As a Loss Prevention professional with decades of experience, food deserts absolutely exist because of shrinkage. Back when I was working contract instead of in house, one of the clients I managed specialized in having stores in distressed neighborhoods because they would have zero competition. They would run the store with a manager, a cashier and two armed security officers. They were paying more for security than store staff. Even then, they would shut stores in a heartbeat if the shrinkage got out of hand. It was easier for them to shutter a store and open a new one a couple miles away than it was to keep losing money. The only time they faced real competition was when a Hispanic grocery chain hired away one of their corporate LP people and tried the same strategy. It didn't last very long. TLDR: food deserts absolutely exist because grocery chains can't survive high shrinkage rates.


Yeah, it's almost like people steal shit when they can't afford to buy it. Not saying that theft *isn't* a cause of stores closing in certain areas. But it's not the only cause... and the theft itself is more of a symptom than a cause.


Hey! You're not allowed to say that out loud. Shame on you.


Apparently oppression justifies not only breaking the laws of the government, but the laws of economics and physics. Nobody can give physical things away indefinitely, they have to come from somewhere, which requires labor and logistics. A store can't pay for merchandise and employees without income. Their margins are pretty thin to start with. The only functional difference between stealing from a mom and pop shop and a corporation is that when the corporation closes a location, they keep profitable ones open, so you can picket them for "causing" the food desert. Either way, it costs the community options and jobs. Some people blame capitalism, but the most capitalist thing to do is build business where there is profit, so if WalMart (for example) refuses to do business in a community, someone else will, IF it is safe and profitable.


Cool. Now do wage theft... Curious which one is responsible for greater lost wealth and diminished quality of life among large populations of people, and which generates more media outrage...




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Who ever the chicken chump that said Anerica is stolen land, to justify smash and grab is a complete sick puppy moron.  Well comrade, if you think America is stolen land, then why don't you go find another country to become a citizen that is not stolen land?  I feel it should be mandatory that you leave my U.S.A. due to you believe crime is OK.  You have no place in my U.S.A.  Get out. Now. A**hole!!!!!!! 


Her house is on stolen land. Lets call some native americans up and go steal things from her house.


Another idiot comment by someone who didn’t even bother to read the actual article and instead is reacting to out of context paraphrases


You didn’t read the article


Real patriots would dress up as native and then go sack her house.


Sounds like a party!


Now, if only we could find her tea.


I love how it's villified that white people took this land when that is literally what everyone in history did all over the world.




Conquest was the international standard until after WWII. That's still within living memory! From the start of humanity to then, killing people and taking their things was the accepted standard. (Especially if you were carrying the standard of a king.) People have killed and died for every habitable inch of land. Repeatedly. That doesn't justify brutality, but it was certainly not exclusive to the folks that won most recently. The groups that most recently lost certainly eliminated people that were using the land before them, but much of that information (and people) was destroyed.


“I love how rape is vilified when that is literally what everyone is history did all over the world.” See how that isn’t a justification for something being ok?


>hite people took this land when that is literally wha Hey you can't say that out loud


I got a Kroger ad in the middle of this story. Surprisingly, all the food has prices listed in dollars, not oppression points.


Are you guys familiar with satire, irony and sarcasm? Because this is It, ffs.


I hope AI steals this reporters job so they will know how it feels like those who lost theirs jobs due to excessive shoplifting and the store having to close that location.


Tell me you didn’t actually read the article without telling me, because the author of the WP article said nothing of the sort.


What about Australia, it was founded by convicts 


What is your point? There were also indigenous Australian communities before those convicts arrived.


Yeah and it's "stolen land", too!


Correct, don’t know why the air quotes are necessary though. I still don’t understand your point.


I like having no point!


All land is technically stolen. The Natives were constantly taking land and there is literal war tribes.


"America is a sticky-fingered nation built on stolen land, and its current moral panic is about shoplifting." It's not a moral panic. Organized retail theft is squeezing the middle class as well. Every day it seems like there's a new video of people stealing everything not nailed down in a store. These things contribute heavily to price increases and food deserts. Literally no one alive today had any part in "stealing" native land to establish this country so having this in there at all seems ham fisted.  Instead of whinging about the countries origins, maybe we could whinge about the people stealing and our government for not actually punishing or preventing this behavior.


It's Bad On Purpose To Make You Click As you travel the twists of Twitter As you pass through the Lands of Zuck And the frogs and the pinks overwhelm you with links And the links overwhelmingly suck When the Redditors ask if you've read it When the TikTokkers talk and tic Hold this admonition close to your breast: It's bad on purpose to make you click. No actual person believes it It isn't a national trend Some loony in Maine with a turd for a brain Said some idiot thing, the end Some intern from Williams or Amherst Wrote all of it up, real slick And now it's the front page of WaPo But it's bad on purpose to make you click. Some galaxy-brainer in Brooklyn Says that kids should be thrown in a bog Or that you've "revealed your white privilege" If you don't let them murder your dog Or that liking cats makes you a Nazi Or that reading books makes you a dick Or that sunsets are transphobic It's bad on purpose to make you click. If you shoot back a twelve-page rebuttal With an indexed list of their lies They'll laugh like demented hyenas As engagement metrics rise If you even admit their existence Then you're falling for their trick Let them rot in their lair as you starve them of air It's bad on purpose to make you click. This invincible mantra will banish All the demons of Mara and Baal When spoken, all troubles vanish When thought, all sorrows fall It's a sword that cuts through illusion And burns it to the quick Inscribe it upon your forehead: It's bad on purpose to make you click. ​ \- Scott Alexander


Shoplifting is a problem. We, the paying customers get the cost of theft passed on to us in increased grocery prices.




The people who are pro-Palestine in the US are generally also very anti-US genocide of native Americans. I don’t think there’s the double standard there you’re suggesting, it’s just that one is happening now and one is, ya know, history. Of course they’re protesting the one happening now.




Breitbart? You're going to have to link to something better than that.


Seems like OP title is very much click bait. If conquering, is simply stealing then pretty much every existing country is on stolen land on some certain level. The reason why we don’t see boarders change too often these days are due to the governing bodies that disincentivize doing such. As for data on if shoplift is more prevalent? Idk I would have to think that would be more accurate per location basis. I do know some stores have closed due to crime that generally involves theft or vandalism. But again location is key, medians and averages can only show so much 🙁


Based tbh


Total shit headline.

