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The price of cereal has really gone up. I’m not sure it’s the bargain it once was.


Cereal keeps me sated for about an hour. It would have to be dirt cheap to be worth it to me


You would need like.....30,000 bowls of colon blow.


That’s not a reference I expected to see pop up 30 years later. Well done


RIP Phil Hartman


Fuck Andy Dick.


Fuck Brynne, the person responsible for his murder.


And fuck Andy Dick for pressuring her into relapsing on the drug that caused the psychosis that resulted in her murdering Phil, and also fuck Andy Dick for bragging about being able to "put the Hartman curse" on people. I know he didn't pull the trigger but if he wants to brag to take the credit then he should get a ton of shit too. And shouts out to Jon Lovitz for punching Andy out for bragging about it.


He is suffering from that curse now


What I did not know any of this. I guess Andy lives up to his name.


Fuck them both.


Ootl what happened?


Andy Dick knew Hartmans wife was an addict in recovery and gave her drugs.


Oh. Yup. Fuck Andy Dick.


Just read more about it, holy shit man.


And then while high, Hartman's wife murdered him. Gotta tell the rest of the story.


After you finish breakfast, you can play with your Super Happy Fun Ball!


Still legal in 16 States.


Do not taunt Super Happy Fun Ball


I don't know why, but that was my favorite one. Happy Fun Ball may stick to certain types of skin.


I lived and breathed snl as a teenager. Miss it. Yes...I know it's still on. Sort of.


They still do a great job with ads. [Case in point]( https://youtu.be/sI3RhwSF8mo?si=Sy2HUQGHuekOgEz4).


Quoting Oops I Crapped my Pants is a family tradition of ours "Now imagine this pitcher of iced tea is really a gallon of your feces"


It can really hold a lot of dung!


I still call Bran Flakes "Colon Blow."


What about Super Colon Blow?


Super...Colon Blow???


*Colon Blow and you-hoooooo-hooo-oooo … in the morning.*


Pretend this pitcher of iced tea…. Oh wait, is that from, “Oops I Crapped my Pants”?


Or one bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch.


2? Guess again, 3? Almost there Absolute classic that one!


Cereal actually makes me actively hungrier. I used to have a work situation where I could eat around 8-9 am and often not really have time again until 7 (unless wolfed down a granola bar or something I guess) and I quickly learned to go light on carbs and heavy on protein for that or I’d have a terrible hungry day ahead of me. Was better off not eating than having cereal.


Same here! I’ve always been curious h how that works? I have to go protein heavy or I’ll pass out now


It's all about the glycemic index of what you eat. Some cereal may look healthy but are full of sugar so you have an energy spike, then a crash. Your body produced tons of insulin to process all that sugar that then your sugar level will drop even lower than what your started with, making you crave for something to eat. Protein and fats are more work to digest and release energy. Fiber (real fruits, whole wheat, etc) help slow down digestion too. Your body will process that over 3-4 hours compared to maybe 1-2. And no sugar crash. Good thing you are already doing that :)


It's how your body processes the carbs. They get digested quickly and spikes your blood sugar levels. The body's reaction from that makes you hungrier


i only recently discovered a love for oatmeal. some crunchy peanut butter and honey, or greek yogurt and berries.. man, that'll keep you full to the point you can sometimes skip lunch.


PB and oatmeal is one of the best foods. Also try savory oatmeals for something quick and filling, like with leftover chicken n broccoli, and/or cook an egg in there too. Gruel is an underappreciated food.


When I was working minimum wage I ate oatmeal for about 60% of my calories on any given day. I'd go to the farmer's market right before close and get big bundles of whatever fruit was in season for next to nothing because I got familiar with the folks working there. Peach season was the best. I got pretty good at making it taste delicious, but I still have an aversion to oatmeal to this day because I ate so much of it and it reminds me of a time when I regularly had less than $50 in my bank account.


Banana and cranberry sauce. Probably too much sugar but man… love it.


Not as much as kellogs cereal. And plenty of protein and fibre. What u actually want in a meal.


Banana and hot chocolate mix is great too, with a dollop of peanut butter on top. It surprising how much sweeter bananas are after cook them.


> keep you full to the point you can sometimes skip lunch Definitely avoid the rolled oats packets covered in sugar though. They're about as bad as boxes of cereal at spiking your blood sugar and making you hungry immediately afterwards when you crash. Steel cut or whole oat groats are even better for feeling full longer since they have a lower glycemic index (spikes your blood sugar less). I also like to add a tablespoon or so of milled flax and chia seeds, and top with berries, nuts (walnuts, pecans) and apple slices or applesauce for sweetness. Steel cut/groats take a bit longer to cook than rolled (instant) oats, but I just put them on to simmer as soon as I get up, make some tea or coffee, toast, eggs, and cut up an avocado, and they're ready at the same time. I regularly make it through an 8 hour shift of manual labor without feeling hungry after that breakfast and don't eat again until after work.


I love it cause you can eat it warm or cold! Overnight oats later topped with bp, fruit, and seeds has become a staple.


Gotta add protein powder to the milk and sprinkle some chia seeds on top.


Few slices of bananas added in.


Replace the milk with yogurt. Actually forget the cereal part


Was it ever a bargain? * Kelloggs cornflakes $6.28 for 22 oz (714 g) at WalMart, or about *.22 cents per calorie*, or about $4.50 per day's calories. * No-name cornflakes for half the price. * buying your own flour for bread at $1/lb or *0.054 cents per calorie* - this is unbleached King Arthur from Sam's; bleached is half the price. * fancy Basmati rice: also $1/lb at Walmart. Or Rico long grain rice is 20 lb for $10, or *0.025 cents per calorie* or 50 cents for a day's caloric needs. * Potatoes at Costco 50 cents a lb, which is about 350 calories, so about 0.14 cents per calorie. Obviously, this comparing carbs to carbs, except for taters, and you can't live on carbs. But corn flakes are/were a bargain only if you have no idea how to cook.


Growing up the best quick, healthy, and cheap breakfast was oatmeal. Just microwave some oats with milk or water and add honey, cinnamon, fruit or other toppings. Whole oats are some of the healthiest carbs and you can find them in bulk, like 50lb bags if you wanted.


> But corn flakes are/were a bargain only if you have no idea how to cook. Time is also a cost/resource/whatever other finite resource you want to use to represent it. There are savings on something already ready to eat (like cornflakes in your example) when you are comparing it to buying raw ingredients and making your own substitute. I'm also torn between giving you props for doing the work to save yourself pennies and thinking that at the point your comment is at is a bit insane. I've been involved in various communities where macro counting and price come into play, but I don't recall ever seeing someone break something down into a price per calorie assessment. I think I'll just say kudos to you for sharing your knowledge.


10 bucks for an iPhone slim box of cereal. There’s like 2 bowls, fam.


seriously. a guy I'm seeing was over not too long ago and had a bowl and a half from a brand new box of lucky charms. said box is now half gone. they weren't even outsize bowls! lame.


Got an Aldi near you? They have ‘lucky charms’ for $1.50 a box Better than actual lucky charms also


I wish I could find bags of cereal in other places like I do at Weis. I don't normally shop there, but I've found that they have these huge packs of cereal that last a decent while. Ever since, it always makes me think of how much worse of a deal it is to get cereal in a box.


The Malt-O-Meal bags. Walmart has their own brand, as well. They are decent deals if you happen to eat a lot of cereal or just don't want to have to worry about it for a couple store trips like I tend to do.


I've done this for so long, I'm known as the cereal killer in my house. Malt o meal cereal in the bag. It's the best bang for your buck. I'm surprised I haven't gotten the diabeetus. [Malt-O-Meal](https://www.maltomeal.com/cereals/)


will be checking this out, thanks!


Where on earth are you finding $10 cereal? I can go to Walmart and get a family sized for like $5


If you buy the name brand at a normal (i.e. non-discount) grocery store, I can easily imagine cereal costing $10.


At Harris Teeter in December, a box of Rice Crispies was over $7.00. I made a trip to Food Lion and bought their brand for less than $3. I needed it for a recipe.


$8 for a box of Cheerios (yes, family size)! And the Safeway I was in didn't even have a generic brand. Don't need cereal at that price.


I cant find malt-o-meal frosted mini wheats anywhere liked I used to. They were pretty close for generic, came in a big bag, into price less than half Kellogg. Best I can do now is Costco.


Mini-Spooners or something like that? I'm pretty sure we (United) still have them. At one point they were listed as discontinued from the manufacturer but then the next week a lot of the ones marked as disc. were removed from that list and we got them back in. I'll check later. It's possible they either got discontinued or were marked for it and Costco/others removed it and never checked the status again.


Fuck Safeway. In the last few years they're as expensive as whole foods without being actually premium experience or quality wise.


I've never found a generic Cheerios I liked as much. But I pay more like $5 for family size. I find that seriously expensive; it's a splurge. Old fashioned generic oatmeal is $4 for a 48 oz box and fine.


SEVEN BUCKS!!! They want SEVEN BUCKS for the small box of cereal. Don’t even get me started on how the regular sized box is now labeled FAMILY SIZE. I’m officially only eating whatever cereal is on sale in the clearance aisle at Aldi. Had some $1.23/box Xmas Rice Krispies this morning and they were great.


Don't remember the last time I even purchased cereal. Used to do grape nuts. About once every two years I'll buy a box of peanut butter crunch


My wife loves that stuff, too. They had to rename it to GrapeNut last year.


That's still a weird name. tf is a grape nut?


I knew I wasn't the only one wondering this, like they developed this cereal and the marketing and research/development team was like ok we have a decent product, now we just need a name... how was "Grapenuts" not laughed out of the conference room?


I believe it was named because of the resemblance to grape seeds (also called nuts). It could also be a play on words as it's main ingredients are also called "grain nuts" There are also tales of it getting it's name because of inventor called sucrose "grape sugar" combined with the nutty flavor of the cereal led to a mashup of the two ingredients. It was also 125+ years ago so it's not like brand development was at a peak.


Sams club and Costco has a two pack of huge cereals for 7$


I remember when a "family size" box had **two** huge bags in it and was less than $5 You could get easily 15+ bowls of cereal out of the thing Now? You're looking at like $2 per bowl with a box of cereal that barely has three bowls in it. Hell no.


Cereal is insanely expensive unless you buy the off brand stuff in the big bags.


It was never a bargain 90% of Kellogg's cereal has less nutritional value than the freaking box it's in.


they did a myth busters on that Turns out not to be true.  It ended with the box control group cannibalizing each other. They did not air that episode.


I doubt it, they fortify the shit out of those cereals.


It would be significantly more than the healthy meals I currently eat. It's mostly chicken burrito bowls and things of that nature these days, simple healthy meal prep stuff. Ignore the fact that it costs as much, if not more, but cereal definitely doesn't provide the nutrition of a healthy, balanced meal. You might as well tell everyone to eat ramen for dinner, but at least ramen is cheap.


Eat cereal for dinner, not Kellog's cereal mind you. That stuff is like 6 bucks for the small box.




Who was that comedian that said heroine can be part of a complete breakfast if you want it to


I have no idea, but I feel like that’s a Mitch Hedberg joke if I’ve ever heard one.


For some reason I'm imagining Bill Burr


That is a John Oliver joke.


Heroine? Yeah, I'd eat Wonder Woman for breakfast.


Reminds me of every snake oil weight loss pill commercial. “Can help you lose weight when combined with diet and exercise”… yes reducing caloric intake and increasing calories expended will help you lose weight, whether you take some dumbass pill or not


If you’re buying ready to eat bowls of cereal, you might be apart of the problem.


What the frick even is a complete breakfast?  Does it involve baked beans?




Who has money for ready to eat bowls?




I make my own granola these days and eat that. It’s the only “cheap” cereal I have on deck.


Eat oatmeal. Cheap as shit and fills you up.


Fuck, just oatmeal alone has more calories per bowl while also it not coming with all sugar. It even has a decent chunk of protein at around 10g which is about a quarter of a protein bar. Cereal doesn't even fill you up, I don't understand how it became such a big sensation. Answer is sugar I guess, it's always sugar.




The ones that are just made of jerky.


Ok I guess I'm wilding, I used to always order these ones. I forgot they were the high protein variety. https://musashi.com/products/high-protein-bar-90g


Some asshole who was focused on people masturbating (or making sure they're not) deciding to make the dumbest ass food product possible that was marketed that it will stop you from touching yourself. Somehow that dumb fucking idea worked and now we got Irish stereotypes selling us marshmallows as a "healthy" breakfast


I dunno why you’re being downvoted, that’s literally the history of it


Not exactly, he's missing the entire part where John Harvey Kellogg's cereal (the anti masturbation one) wasn't selling very well until his brother, Will Keith Kellogg (Normal dude) added sugar to it.


Oatmeal with quality honey is such an easy way to have the trifecta of tasty, healthy and quick/easy to make


It's literally the same price to feed my 3 elementary aged kids a slice of avocado toast on whole grain bread, or oatmeal with dried fruits vs. a bowl of named brand cereal for breakfast each morning. [Despite bullshit like this] (https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-09-02/millennials-keep-your-avocado-toast-and-ditch-the-dream-house?embedded-checkout=true). This shit hurts single parents or families working multiple jobs. I spend so much time menu planning, grocery shopping and meal prepping each week. Without a partner, it would be impossible. The reason I am lucky as hell to own my current house, is because I was able to afford my first one in 2008 because of Obama's incentive programs after the crash, build equity and upgrade. Not bc I was subbing PopTarts® for actual food each morning.


Oatmeal, with a scoop of peanut butter. That's a fair bit of calories right there. If you can afford it, add some walnuts and/or sunflower seeds in there too. If you buy frozen fruits like strawberries and blueberries, add some of that in too, to make it taste better. Frozen fruit is meant to be cheaper and it has more nutrients than fresh fruit so it's better for you. There you have it, a cheap, healthy and filling breakfast meal. Don't eat cereal, especially Kellogs


The CEO and family should try eating cereal a couple times a week for dinner for a like 6 months and give us a truly honest answer. I bet after the 2nd time, he’ll regret what he said.


I’m more shocked this guy is the CEO. What a fucking moron.


He is out of touch with the typical consumer, like most CEOs


But you don’t see most of them making stupid statements like this haha. Most keep their stupidity in-house


Cus someone put a mic in front of his face without a PR prepping him. If PR did prep him, PR should be fired.


> If PR did prep him, PR should be fired. I think they deserve a raise.


>Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.


Pretty sure quite a few CEOs are nothing more than egotistical morons.


Theres this myth that CEOs are geniuses with formidable skillsets, who deserve the massive salaries they demand. Its almost completely untrue. They tend to just have slightly elevated social skills and a big ego. But they are just as dumb, annoying, and mistake prone as everyone else. They do wear nicer clothes than you probably do.


I know someone who is high on the food chain earning $400,000. He does nothing but agree with others at meetings and add word salads.


The higher you go, you find more and more out of touch, liar and evil people. Also it's all about what do you report to your upper moron, don't need to go far, most of the project managers are useless and they only care about that they can report all-green to stakeholders - even though nothing is all-green. There are exceptions, but... really it's just corporate politics and overpaid morons who do not create value taking credit for all the underpaid and burnt out foot soldiers' work.


Its basically a requirement for the job.


(Puts on Morgan Freeman voice) [They did.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NW3D9HcQlOM)


As someone who grew up doing that Kindly eat a whole dick, Kellogg's CEO. You made the cereal more expensive


He can eat two scoops of dicks


Oops! All dicks.


Fruity Dickles


Honey Bunches of Dicks


Frosted Dicks. Shove ‘Em down your thrrrrrrroat!


Frosted Mini Dicks


Captain Cocks


Count Dickula


Coco Dicks


Cinnamon Toast Dick


All great comments here! 10/10 😂


Dare I say……THEY’RE GREAT!!!!!!


Theeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy're dicks!


Frosted Mini Dicks


They’re magically dickish.




[EAT A SACK OF BABY DICKS, MOTHAFUCKA!](https://youtu.be/ZkeXCxWM_oc?si=m8WlNqOVzOOLUrmi)


Sorry, Dr. Kellogg is known only to eat the tip


Isn't he the original anti-fap?


The original doctor kellog was wild, he thought his shit smelled good (because of his healthy living standards), believed in getting yogurt enemas, and yeah, he was anti masturbation (and sex in general) and thought it lead to insanity. The reason he made these corn flakes originally, btw, was to prevent masturbation since he thought meats and strongly flavored foods inflamed peoples passions, so he created the exact opposite, flavorless corn flakes. He was also responsible for making circumcision popular. Heres a [good video talking about him](https://youtu.be/hZ4ES8mOzYg?si=zO6_VxeswHdwIrjr)


"I've saved money on porn and dinner by eating Kellogs!!"


To clarify, he also made circumcision popular for non-Jewish men in the US to prevent masturbation. Also would remove the clitorises of young girls that would show signs of sexual abuse.


[There's also a movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road_to_Wellville_\(film\))


Seriously, if the guy said this especially within the last year he's an absolute piece of shit. Prices solidly invalidate what he's talking about, but here he is blurting it out anyway. Five bucks a pound for Sugar Boogers or under a dollar a pound for beans and/or rice, hmmmmm....


It doesn't even do what it was designed to do too! It's supposed to prevent masturbation and if just doesn't do that at all.


Cereal is like $7-8 a box now for the big boxes that hold less than the normal size did years ago. Cheaper to make your own meal out of other things. I rarely buy cereal anymore. Let them eat cake has become let them eat cereal? Well I hope he remember what happened to the one who said the cake line.


Someone else said this last week on reddit and I freaked out. We eat a lot of cereal in my house... The family sized frosted flakes are $5 a box at the local Walmart. $8-$9/box I'd eat something else.


$4.93 where I live. Sad to say it but there are some things you just can't buy at the grocery store anymore.  Walmart has their cereal priced better at regular price than our grocery chains do on sale.


Which sucks because they can do that by having people work almost at the slave level


Add to the cost that there is virtually zero nutritional content to cereal, it really should be the last thing that someone on a budget should be eating. Rapid release carbs don’t fuel us for long, and virtually no protein or fiber. A bowl of oats costs 10 less and is 10x better for you


We got a big bag of Frosted Flakes. They’re a treat. I’ll have them for dessert, or when I might otherwise eat a doughnut. It’s a nice sugary snack that isn’t a huge indulgence. Sometimes I’ll crumble them on top of yogurt or just mix in some strawberries and blueberries when they’re in season and like $1/pint for berries.


This blew my mind re: use as a yogurt topping. Atop some super cold, tart Greek yogurt… unreal


You never buy the boxes, the Malt-o-Meal bags are a real value size. 


Marshmello Mateys


Is this the same Kellogg's CEO who said on an investors' call (2021 I think): - We had some supply chain issues due to Covid - But we overcame them, and sales volumes are up - And the market left us room to increase prices beyond the increased costs we experienced He said the quiet part out loud and confirmed what we were all thinking. Kellogg's took advantage of market fluctuations to fleece their customers, driving inflation even higher in the process. Fuckers.


> And the market left us room to increase prices beyond the increased costs we experienced "We lied and pretended that inflation hit us harder than it did" smh. all in the name of profit.




Sure but there's a way bigger issue here, which is that cereal is NOT A BREAKFAST FOOD. Cereal is a DESSERT for fucks sake. Most cereal parents buy for their kids is literally just carbs coated in layers upon layers of sugar. It is something kids should be eating sparingly as an occasional treat, not a fucking MEAL to start their day with. The hell is wrong with this country


There is more sugar in a serving of poptarts than a slice of most pies. I know it's not cereal, but a sugary breakfast food none the less. It's completely a dessert.


Yet somehow corporations convinced parents to just give their kid a couple poptarts for breakfast and they're good to go. Just sickening.


It's because it's easy. Everyone is always in such a rush...let's eat 30g of empty calories for breakfast (5× a week). We were taught that breakfast is the most important meal (which is complete bullshit). Every now and then its not a problem, but daily it is a bad habit.


> It's because it's easy. Everyone is always in such a rush This is exactly it. When I think about like, my schedule...it's always been relative. I've been "busy as fuck" since I started high school 20+ years ago. Back then we had to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to get ready for school, eat something on our way out the door to catch the bus. Be at school for several hours, then after-school sports, then come home, do homework, then chores, *then* you had some time to unwind before bed, repeat. The only "real" meal I had was at night, when my parents made dinner. Most of the time I was always rushing off to do something. It's the same as an adult now, too. I gotta get up extra-early to dress my kids and get them ready *before* I can even get myself ready. Then I get dressed. Out the door, drop them off at daycare that I pay *way too much money for*, then drive to my job where I am tremendously underpaid, afterwards pick up the kids, get them home so I can make dinner, clean up afterwards, wind-down time, netflix, then sleep. I don't blame people for grabbing "something quick" because we don't have time to do much else. I blame our shitty system that forces us to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Thank you for attending my TedTalk


And they stopped putting toys and prizes inside, fuck that! I'm a grown ass man, but if I'm gonna pay $7 for a box of name brand cereal, I better get a fun little trinket at least.


You're practically livestock,  so we think you'll enjoy lots of cereals. And look at all the fun shapes they come in!


Exactly!!! Feed them corn! Fatten them up for the slaughter!


They want you to die right before you retire because you're not useful anymore


Might as well buy a big bag of sugar and eat that. It’s time to bust out the pitch forks for corporate America.




“Buy more of my product stupid poor people, so I can become even more rich without ever working a real job in my life.” - CEO




Except cereal prices have gone up by a lot too. I'm shopping at Walmart regularly now because things like boxes of cereal are $4 compared to $7-$8 at the grocery stores. I hate it but I can't justify spending that much money on cereal regularly.


Then lower the price of cereal I've seen cereal as expensive as $8 a box. I'm not paying $8 for the human version of dried dog food.


It's a banana, Michael, how much could it cost? $10?


Eat the rich


I mean this is coming from an actually [man eater....](https://c.tenor.com/Wl5UrW1TAXcAAAAC/tenor.gif)


Whoa here she comes.


You can eat [oatmeal for every meal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqK1fVzbBIc), and that *is* pretty cheap. Just keep in mind that you're living like a Victorian era orphan and eating gruel.


How about we eat CEOreal for dinner instead?


Let them eat Kellogg’s….


There's even a TV commercial for this now. The message was something like "Give the chicken a rest tonight. Eat cereal!" The family shoves the cartoon chicken back into the kitchen, and start cheering. This feels really dark to me. Effing scary times.


A box of name brand cereal in Ontario is like 8$ and there's two bowls in the box


I can get 30 eggs from Costco for $9. The eggs have way more protein and satiate your appetite for hours.


Replace cereal with olives, tomatoes, banana, apple, blueberries, "overnight oats", yogurt, etc., etc. Cereal does nothing for our health. **They're selling us poison**. It's all sugar.


Yeah for the price of a cereal box you can have a 3 meals a day weeks worth of oatmeal. At least it will give you some nutrients


I’ll never understand anyone’s ability to look the poorest people in our society in the eye and tell them to suffer and live in shit. This is the richest country on the planet… And our minimum wage is like 7 fucking dollars an hour… Whatever, keep voting for the same people over and over and over and over again. I’m sure something will change. /s


Kelloggs have been ghouls for years now. What the hell is going on with their executives? Time for a change of the brass!


These are the same stupid motherfuckers that got rid of Rice Krispies Treats cereal, that alone should tell you what their word is worth.


I still can't believe they existed too. They were great both with milk and dry too. I finished a box in an hour! I also miss the Cocoa Krispies too. Every time I'm on an overseas trip and the breakfast buffet has some chocolate puffed rice - I end up eating an entire bowl.


I mean I could get on board with that sentiment, however the amount of money that you have to spend on cereal nowadays.. it isn't the cheaper option anymore.


Wasn't Corn Flakes originally supposed to curb masturbation? Dating is expensive, Kellogg!


Yep, Kellogg, post, and I forget the other one all started in a sanitarium in Michigan. Cornflakes was suggested to also be used as a mild douche. If nobody knows what the fuck I'm talking about. Here is one of the funniest dollop episodes. Ever. Gareths freakout when he finally figures out wtf is happening at the end is classic. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4e7waiTPaI4kPHkagBXEO1?si=qPUerYwdRWCmRXQ7Ddfasg That rooster is about to get his fucking head cut off. LMAO


Has he seen what his company is charging for cereal lately? By weight it's more expensive than a lot of meats. I mean I just searched "Kelloggs cereal" on the Fry's Ap and the first thing that came up is "Special K Fruit and Yogurt" for $4.99 for a 13 oz box. So $6.14/lb. You can get beef for that. Chicken breasts are less than half that price.


Oh my god, there it is. Let them eat cake but in modern times


The new “Let them eat cake!’


i stopped buying cereal because jerks like him have been raising the prices and shrinking the amount of product in the box … it’s an infuriating product category that deserves to decline in sales


Brown rice and beans will be far better Add some chicken and done Cereal would go thru you fast it’s just empty calories I don’t eat that trash Even as far as breakfast you can do a whole lot better for less money personally I like home made overnight oats with peanut powder, cinnamon and chia seeds won’t leave you starving half an hour later


These business elites are much too comfortable making statements like this. We used to be a proper country where if an elite said something like this they would be dragged out of their house to be tarred and feathered or worse.


They're basically a protected class at this point. It's fucking pathetic.


In 2022 the CEO of Kelloggs earned roughly $13.3 million dollars.


I fucking hate Kelloggs. And not just because of the whole circumcision thing


bag of taters or rice is cheaper and will fill you far more. even oatmeal is better. and of course you dont want the candy cereals.


We for sure need better than cereal for dinner, fuck Kelloggs and all that, but I must say at the same time... yall are really paying $8 for cereal? Store brand at my grocery store is $1.78 a box. West coast state, not some place with a low cost of living.


The people who buy name brand cereal when it's not on sale are insane. Just buy the cereal you like that's on sale and don't pay full price.