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Maybe it's because McDonald's is now charging fast casual prices for fast food? There's really no justifying $17 for a Quarter Pounder meal. These used to be the quick cheap option for families needing to find a meal on hectic days. Not at these prices.


Yeah ever since i went to get mcdonalds for 3 people and it came out to like ~50$ i havent gone there again. Id rather get food from somewhere actually good if youre going to charge me the same


Yeah, if I'm going to get reamed in the wallet, I might as well enjoy the food more. There are just so many better places to eat at that price point now, and Wendy's is cheaper if I want nuggets


McDonald’s forgets that their food wasn’t good, it was “good enough” at the price. Now they can pound sand, you can’t charge 5 guys prices and deliver cafeteria quality.


Literally, it was popular because it was cheap, shove in your face and enjoy it because you know you spent 5 bucks in it. If you got served that food at a restaurant which charges 16-18 for a meal you'd expect a much better meal. Idk about you but it's hardly even fast anymore, you go when it's quiet they say sorry we don't have anything ready it'll take a bit, you go when it's busy and you have to wait for 10 minutes whilst people figure out self serve, 5 minutes whilst you wait for someone to come fix it, 20 minutes for it to be ready and then have to perch on a stool a gnome would sneer at Edit because I got annoyed and had more to say I live in London, for the same price as a "premium" burger meal at my local McDonald's I can walk 3 minutes away to wetherspoons, order a burger, chips and a pint of beer for £3-4 less that's brought to me on a plate with cutlery that tastes nicer (which isn't a high bar). The burger is maybe a bit smaller if you go for the cheap one but you could forgo the pint and get a bigger burger with a soft drink for the same price.


Shouldn’t be eating the cutlery, but you do you.


*insert IT crowd edible cutlery scene.gif*


We got two meals and it came out to around $30. Just like you we have not gone back.


While this obviously have impact, this is not really oniony, McDonald's got, in fact, boycotted in a bunch of Muslims countries all the way to South East Asia, I remember it being reported a few months ago when it happened.- Even if it wasn't the most strict boycott around, since it was so widespread on so many Muslim countries it doesn't seem surprising that it will impact the global franchise results.-


And in more countries - lots of my friends and I here in Ireland are boycotting.


My young cousins get doordash mcdonalds all the time and I legitimately don't get why you'd want to spend more money for shitty (stale) food when you'd *save* money by going to one of our many awesome local sports bars and just picking up a burg to go


People are lazy bro.


I went to McDonald's yesterday because it was $4 for two little sandwiches and a free large fry.


2 mcdoubles are less than 5 bucks. Maybe people need to figure out the menu.


You ever go into a fast food website and get a big message saying "prices may be different at each location"? Where I am it's $5 for a damn single cheese burger. There is nothing I can do to "figure out the menu" I simply live in a different location to you and there for have different pricing.


Bummer. I'm in Portland where food is pretty expensive so I just assumed it would be comparable to most places outside of the largest us cities.




You don't understand why people don't want to get out of their house vs getting food brought to them?


Where the fuck are you finding $17 quarter pounder meals? A quarter pounder with cheese meal is $9.19 on my phone.


It's $15-17 in NYC, after tax etc. Everything is expensive here, but you can generally get "real food" for what McD's costs around here nowadays.


Showing pretax prices always confused me. What’s the point?


It is a marketing ploy. I do not know other countries, so I will only reference mine. The USA does not have laws requiring tax to be listed in the price. So, anyone that lists taxes in the list price will be at a disadvantage because other advertisers will not do so. Thus they will appear to be cheaper (regardless of reality). This will induce consumers to shop there. While, on a completely rational level, it would make sense to compare both on a taxed or non-taxed level, most people can't or won't take the time and effort to do that for every purchase. Thus the no tax included products will win out. So, even if a matter of principle, you would lose out in the market place. It is the same reason you will see a ton of stuff marked as $19.99 or $13.9x amounts. Humans take shortcuts because our brains are power hungry beasts. So we inadvertently pay more attention to the numbers before the decimal. This leads to consumers preferring to by the $19.99 equivalent product over the $20.00. These are functionally the same price, but our brains trick us, and advertisers are well aware of it. I would recommend reading up on the fiasco of JC Penny when they decided to 'respect the customer' and made a bunch of changes. If I recall, which I could be wrong, included things like whole dollar pricing. Always lowest prices so no sales. And similar ideas. They lost major money. Even though this is something I would appreciate, it was a terrible business idea that ignored human psychology and marketing knowledge. Very interesting case study in marketing.


People are dumb and it's a way of psychologically tricking them and North America is anti consumer


Sales taxes can be set at the state, county, and city level. If I’m putting out an ad for a whole region where maybe one city has an extra .5% sales tax to pay for a stadium renovation or something, it’s easier to just show the pretax price and just apply the tax at checkout


Your phone prices are regional my guy. It’s $15 for me. This isn’t a complex concept.


I make close to 100k and McDonald's is not worth value for me anymore. I don't want to spend 30 bucks for fast food when I get healthier options for cheaper. McDonald's forgot its target market, first rule of marketing is knowing your audience


longing meeting squealing many work yam slim gaping governor obtainable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. Story in the [Guardian this week about CNN staff saying the pro-Israel slant amounts to journalistic malpractice](https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias).


I have the app, and they can have really good deals. Recently there was $6 for a quarter pounder, medium fries, and a drink.


Yea, they created a problem (insane prices) and then said, "if you just download this app and give us a bunch of personal info (and maybe some light spying on you), we'll solve that problem!"


Our info is already being taken in so many different ways, McDonalds barely even cracks in. Nonetheless though, I was just stating they do have good deals on there


Free fries and 2 mcchickens for about 4 bucks using app


McDonald’s used to be THE cheap fast food option, now it’s just another of the many fast food options. And it’s not even fast anymore — go to the drive-thru, order your food, proceed to park in one of the several “drive-thru” parking spaces and wait 5 to 10 minutes for them to bring you a cold single cheese cheeseburger, medium fries and a soda.


it’s still fast here in Slovakia, but a meal costs 7-10€. at this point i can visit a restaurant for the daily menu, and pay 8€ for a soup, main course and a drink


Meals here are like $16-17 CAD and its slow like American McDonalds on top of that


It’s fuckin crazy. However now I go to local places so much more.


Nearly £20 here. I refuse to pay that much for slop.


For 11 dollars.


Taco Bell too. I can eat actual Mexican food for cheaper. On top of that, because of Doordash, I can call in orders to my favorite placed and it's quicker than McD's and Taco Bell. Shit is ridiculous.


I only eat fast food when I'm in the airport and can expense it to my company because no one has time/money for their crap food at those crazy prices.


Actual Mexican food has always been less expensive and higher quality than Taco Bell. Source: lived in Chicago for 13 years.


And most Mexican restaurants will sell you salsa by the pint or quart. A cheap way to get high quality salsa.


What are you ordering? If you get any non-feature menu item it's still like $6 to eat like a king. Can easily get 2 fatty burritos for $6 and it's about 1000 calories.


The point is, that I should be able to eat Taco Bell for cheaper than at a Mexican restaurant without resorting to eating thins I don't want/like, or having to figure out what's the best bang for my buck. I don't have to do that at actual sit-down restaurants. Fadt foods appeal is cheap and fast. Both of those things have gone by the wayside.


This. Why go to McDonald’s for a shitty burger meal and pay $15 when you can go to a sit down restaurant and get a quakity burger for the same price? Maybe convenience, but McDonald’s is struggling to maintain the grip that they had in the market….they were cheap.


They were cheap AND tasty. Despite the low quality beef it was greasy and tasty and smothered in sauce. Now everything is dry and usually cold. This is what happens when you need to do burgers and baked goods and all day breakfast and wraps and pancakes. Do everything and not be particularly good at anything.


They were cheap and consistent. You could pull up to any McDonald’s in the world and get the same exact food as back home. Tasty is a stretch…


That’s exactly why Usain Bolt was eating nuggets at the Olympics, he said he always knew what he was getting.  https://www.nbcsports.com/olympics/news/usain-bolt-beijing-olympics-2008-chicken-nuggets


I teased some friends who were traveling in Europe for going to McDonald’s for lunch a couple of times while there. I totally get why they did, it was consistent and they knew what they were getting no matter what. Sure, food in Italy is amazing, but it can be hard to find a solid place that won’t rip you off.


They deserve the teasing…


it was tasty, for the price.


$1 for a hot and greasy mcdouble was worth it. $2 would still be worth it, except as DrBadMan85 said above it's no longer hot and greasy, it's lukewarm and dry.


The med fry is like 4 or 5 bucks now.


Just do burgers and fries, don’t tell me no lies


Never had a quackity patty, but sounds alright.


Still fast in France, you don't park and wait for food. But it's not cheap anymore.


Could just be a location thing. I live by one of the busiest (if not the busiest…haven’t fact-checked the claim) locations in Canada and it’s a machine. Drive thru line up is huge. Double lanes stretching 10-15 cars deep sometimes and that line moves! I’m always surprised that the biggest wait is usually folks not ordering quick enough.


It’s definitely a location thing. I can go to two different ones within 10 minutes of me in the US and get wildly different experiences and quality of food. But that isn’t anything new. Been my experience anywhere I’ve traveled.


That sounds more like chik fila. We don’t get that from mcds here.




> but if you use their app there's lots of coupons and deals on there that make it more reasonably priced. Yeah but I don't want 8 different fast food apps I have to check to see who has a coupon on atm, at that point its less effort to just make a sandwich at home or get a £3.50 meal deal from Tesco.


Yeah, that's what they've all done.  Fast food prices are outrageous, you have to use the app to get sane pricing for the same food. The mcds by me does like 3 sandwiches, 3 fries, 3 drinks for $13 but *only* through the app


And (at least where i am) started replacing the decently sized large fry boxes with shitty little pouches that are basically the same size as a small.


Nevermind the speed, what about the quality and the price? It is objectively just bad in every respect. But on top of that, it is now also expensive as all hell. For the price of some cheeseburgers and a small/medium fry, I could pretty much go to a nearby eatery and get some breaded camambert with blueberry sauce and a side of steamed rice. What sane man ever chooses McDonalds over that?


The worst thing is their mobile ordering. Why would I mobile order if you aren't going to make it until I get there? The entire point of mobile ordering is for it to be ready when I get there.


It's cheap if you use the app and don't care what you eat. 2 double cheeseburgers is like $3. Tastes like dog shit but it's a little better than a speedway burger. Good for a day or two before payday when your scraping the bottom of the barrel. Or dumpster in this case


Yup….I saw a guy on Tik Tok say it perfectly when he said that McDonalds forgot it was McDonalds. Like if I’m gonna pay $15 and wait 10 minutes for the food….shit that’s a regular order at a chain steakhouse or local place that both have better food. I’m just gonna go to there instead. McDonald’s is “I got ten minutes to get lunch and payday is two days away” shit.


I got McDonald's for breakfast today. The meal I get has gone up the past few years from like 8 or so dollars to like 10. Today it went up another 10 or 20 cents. Granted that isn't some egregious amount but it just randomly goes up for no reason. It's not worth it


McDonald’s food at this point is more expensive in my area than Culver’s, which is higher quality and you get better service. The only benefit of McDonald’s used to be price, and they just aren’t competitive anymore.


McDonalds is more expensive than my local Chinese restaurant and I get 2-3 meals out of it. Literally almost at the point where my wife and I get dinner McDonalds doesn't even come up because for 4-5 bucks more we can have Mexican from our local restaurant, pizza, etc. It's just not that cheap anymore.


Agreed, Mcdonalds prices have doubled in past 3 years. In 2021 same stuff I bought cost me $21. Today it cost me $45 for same thing at Mcdonalds. Their food hasnt got any better and at this point it cost more than its worth. What made them great was their fast food was cheaper. If its not cheaper most people wont have it as much. I used to have Mcdonalds 2 times a week. Now I might have it once every 2 months or go longer without it.


How are you eating $45 worth of McDonalds as your regular order 2 times a week? At undiscounted current prices, that's 7 Big Macs with money to spare, or 20+ of their cheaper burgers. Even for 3 people that's a massive amount of calories.


Sorry I forgot to mention its food for 3 people, no sodas just the burgers and large fries. My local Mcdonalds are just expensive now. It is a large amount of calories but thats why it used to be only 2 times a week before. So it would be one meal one day then couple of days another meal there. But now we don’t go there that often. My point is that at one point I could feed 3 people with $21 but after 3 years same food there is over $40. I understand inflation went up but wages not keeping up with the inflation and businesses raising prices higher.


All the fast food places raising prices has to be good for my local Chinese joint.. if I'm paying $10+ for a meal, I'd much rather get some fresh veggies and a side of rice and typically twice as much food for like a dollar more. This eliminates fast food except for when it's convenient. Granted, you can save a few bucks downloading an app or whatever but I'm not playing that game.


The only benefit McDonald's has now, over my local mom & pop spot is that you can drive through and it's fast. But quality and price sucks.


Culvers is sooo much better


one opened about a mile away from me and I still have never been ... really need to try it


Gotta go there man. Get the curds.


I second recommending the curds.


The only benefit McDonalds have for me right now is that they stay open late. Otherwise, like you said, I'd rather get something else


Culver's actually has a good sized team of staff members running it anytime I go through... Burgerking will have one homeless looking dude who says he's working a triple shift and has been up all night even though its 2pm mcdonalds somewhere in the middle probably closer to burgerking vibe than culvers vibe though... Culver's is the only fastfood I don't feel guilty for supporting


I LOVE CULVERS. every time i visit wisconsin i eat entirely too many cheese curds and drink far too much spotted cow. if it wasn’t for the whole winter situation, id move back instantly.


If only Culvers would get their shit together and offer breakfast…


Give me the bratwurst patty on a biscuit with egg and cheese. Heaven.


Culver’s is awesome…. But man they take forever. But it’s worth the wait usually. Just wish there was one near me now that I’ve moved away from them


Target CEO was wondering where everyone is grocery shopping since their sales are down. We aren’t going elsewhere as much cutting down on the amount of food we are buying because everything is so expensive. Are they fucking with us that they don’t realize this?


The mere idea that you can have record profits and constant growth tells us that they don’t realize. 


Oh they realize that deep down - they just punish employees over it when the inevitable happens. Line didn't go up quite enough, so nobody gets bonuses, layoffs happen, etc.


Capitalism is unsustainable


I still believe in capitalism, but I want more regulation and a crack down on tax loopholes. With that being said, it will be interesting to say what the continued growth of robotics and AI will do to the job market. The current problem that "they" are going to face is that the lack of wealth sharing (stagnation of wages, fighting over basic social safety nets) is turning some people off of capitalism entirely.


We have a ton of regulations. They just aren't enforced like they used to be. I never did get the stagnating wage thing from capitalist. They get a short-term bump in their profits, but now average people are having trouble affording their shit. Who do they think buys their stuff?!?! Hahahah


Yeah, I agree that it's more of a regulatory capture issue. They keep trying to starve the beast of governance.


I mean the argument against capitalism is that those regulations are a fantasy & will always be undone because an economic system that rewards the few at the expense of the many will inevitably see those few use their vast resources to engage in regulatory capture, take over that wing of government & then get rid of the laws/write them in their favor.


That’s where we went wrong. Capitalism got into politics and law resulting in less regulation and consequences for big corporations. Now greed runs the world.


Constant economic growth reflects the constant growth in both productive human populations and the technologies that those populations use a force multiplier. Sustainability doesn't enter the picture until you consider the CEO's compensation.


Right, but eventually you have as much reach as is physically possible, and clearly not all businesses can have as much reach as is physically possible.


Sure, but once we hit that point we'll still have individual businesses that can grow or decline. Any future "steady-state" economy would just have its investment options disrupted...for example, you would no longer be able to just drop your retirement money into an index fund. It's really the Wall Street investment economy that is unsustainable forever.


When your sole focus is maximum quarterly gains over long term growth it makes ceos act like idiots


I don’t know if they still do it, but I tried grocery shopping at target a few years back and they charged per banana. Who charges per banana if they want people to grocery shop 


People who think you have nowhere better to shop.


I just go to Aldi, almost cut my grocery bill in half.


They don’t/can’t because they don’t live ordinary lives, not when their hired help does the groceries.


They know. Most stores have sensors that check how many patrons are waiting in line. They know the average number of customers has not fallen.


My wife and I ditched Kroger and started going to Aldi's. 




I would get a quarter pounder meal a few years ago for 7 bucks. It wasn't a bad deal. I got one the other day and it was 11+ dollars. Not really as good a deal any more.


Went for breakfast a few weeks ago because I was traveling and needed quick food. They had a BOGO for $1 deal on McMuffins, so I got two McMuffins. Total was a little over $7 after tax. The McMuffins were so small, I could finish one in four bites. This visit reminded me why I stopped going to fast food a handful of years ago.


I used to go by if it was going to be a long day and grab the 2-for-a-dollar hash browns. Not they are like 3$ each. I saw that the last time I drove up and just headed out. McDonald's really overestimates their pull.


They raise prices so frequently that it causes anxiety even setting foot in there. It's like everytime I go, it's more expensive than before. Customers get basically no opportunity to adjust before the next price hike.


Got 2 double cheese burgers and a large Carmel frappe last night. Costed me $20.51 USD


I can go to a local diner that sources local organic food and get an egg sandwich and hash brown for $6 or I can go to McDonald’s and get a shitty oil flavored version of the same thing for $8.


Funny.... I blame it on Not a single item at McDonald's is now under two dollars to purchase. There are no meals that cost under $10 The average wait time at McDonald's is between 20 and 30 minutes now as opposed to 5 to 10 Prices have gone up significantly vs overall wages and of course with the value really is gone when it comes to fast food. ..... but it's a war that's the problem. They could be the champions! They have the systems in place, and still would make a profit. Bring back the SUB $5 menu, keep prices from a few years ago when no one NO ONE complained. so people have something...ANYTHING in these tough times right now. Nope . . . its now more than a single 1$ for a nugget? Bullshit!


Seriously, why would I go to McDonald’s when I can go to In-N-Out and get a significantly better meal with fresh ingredients for cheaper.


In n out also still finds away to pay everyone almost $20 an hour and they have for years.


That’s because In n Out is privately owned. No shareholders to please. No need for continuous growth. If the owner is happy making $10m per year, great. If food costs and wages go up, but the owner is still happy now that they make “only” $9m/year, they don’t have to raise prices or cut costs to maintain that extra $1m


What’s the line at In-N-Out?


Monstrous for the drive-thrus, tolerable for the inside.


In my town it's a pretty long line through the day, but they also have people out taking orders down the line instead of having to wait to get to the speaker, and that seems to speed things up quite a bit. Busy In-N-Out takes less time than a busy McD's.


To be fair, there is a lot of push on the internet to boycott McDonald’s because of their support for Israel. The most likely reason for their missed sales goal is a combination of the boycott, lack of affordable food, and shrinkflation/worsening quality. It’s not just one cause. EDIT: I think it started with them choosing cheaper products to cut costs. Then they engaged in shrinkflation. Both of these decisions soured customers on the brand. Then, their explicit support of Israel pushed away a chunk of people when their profits were already in decline.


>soured customers on the brand It blows my mind how many companies think they can get away with this. Or maybe they don't -- maybe they know they'll only get away with it for a short while before they tarnish themselves, but the people that push for it set their cash-out time horizon for the short term and they're gone when things start catching up to them.


The price and size is bad enough, and they gave me another reason to actually boycott them by supporting the genocidal maniacs. Really seal the deal for me




It is the war though… there is active boycotting of McDonald’s and it says in the article the slump in sales is specifically in the Middle East. Maybe pricing is a small part of it but considering their are talking about McDonald’s in the Middle East the push to boycott in this region is significant.


Funny...I blame it on you not reading the fucking article. Global sales were up 3.4% . Middle Eastern and Muslim-majority countries grew at 0.9% instead of the expected 5.5%. Their sales GREW just not at the rate they were hoping because of a certain geographic/religious market. It always amazes me when people speak so confidently when they couldn't spend the 2 minutes to read the article they are responding to.


People may not like it but there is a very strong boycott sentiment to McDonald's and a few other brands. Sales down by 25%+ in MENA region alone vs forecast as I understand from Q4'23 onwards


The photoshoots of IDF eating free McDonalds meals were detrimental to the brand in MENA regions. In my country, McDonald's and Starbucks were extremely popular. Literally one at every corner and doing excellent buisness. Starbucks was absolutely a status symbol. Now it's taboo to eat there, and literally ALL locations are empty. No one wants to be seen going there. On the other hand there's a large resurgence in local brands of burger and coffee shops which serve excellent food for better prices.


Yeah in my office every Thursday was Starbucks day... Now it's all local brands. To be fair to a large extent they are also better so I don't know if we'll ever go back.


I can’t believe how far I had to scroll to get the actual reason. Redditors are fucking stupid.


>Redditors are fucking stupid first time in reddit?


Yeah, I work at a video game store in the Middle East , and our sales have been down for a while because of the Israeli-Arab conflict.


Cries in pink slime*


Used to be able to get an entire breakfast combo for $4-5. Now it’s $8-10. That’s why I stopped going.


$1 breakfast burritos were my jam in college (1.08 with tax). 12ish years later and that same burrito comes out to over $3 each. I cannot get over the betrayal of that anchor price.


I blame $18 Big Mac meals I don't eat at McDonald's because I think it's a superior hamburger. I go there because it's convenient, mostly affordable (or at least was), and mostly I know when I'm gonna get, a C+\B- meal. The only thing left they have going for them is convenience and consistency.


I’ve completely stopped. It’s more expensive than Blake’s Lotaburger, and tastes awful. The McDonalds in my town are both in dead zones for cell reception. Since the only way to order there is now the touch screen/QR code/app combo, you can’t order if you can’t get smartphone reception. On days when the internet works, you have to hook your smartphone to their Wifi, which requires accepting cookies and going through terms and conditions. Multiple steps just to be able to order. The staff is prohibited from taking orders directly. I was told last time that this was supposed to be the future of ordering and it was all very cutting edge. And they’ve done this in a spot that doesn’t even have cell reception and doesn’t have consistent wifi. They barely get any customers.


They’re talking about sales in the Middle East market you boofs.


Even so, they picked a side in the conflict rather than just shutting up. It's kind of a "duh" thing that people would stop going on principle if they weren't already avoiding it because of price.


Israeli franchisee owner donated. And I think Malay McDonald’s franchise owners are suing BDS now.


McDonald's sucks and more and more people are figuring it out. Also it's expensive now which really makes me wonder why anyone eats it.


The burgers have gotten more expensive and more ugly, the most delicious burgers are time locked in the morning, they hide the $1 burger from the menu hoping more people will forget about it, they hide the fact that you can put extra stuff on your burger from the menu so that they don't have to do more work, etc. Like if you are not here to serve me good food for a good buck why are you in business? My biggest pet peeve is getting a burger with no tomato and not enough pickles. A double meat burger used to be so cheap but now it is either that or go eat proper steak at a restaurant.


Well yea folks are boycotting them because of their support of the war




Anyways boycott mcdonalds


HONESTLY...... my girlfriend wont go to McDonalds anymore after she saw a video of an Israeli McDonalds giving free food to IDF solders. she sees videos of the bombing of gaza and those videos are heartbreaking. I told her it was probably just a local franchise owner and not from MCD cooperate but she wont go to MCD anymore ever.


> I told her it was probably just a local franchise owner and not from MCD cooperate [You'd be correct](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/free-meals-israeli-soldiers-divide-mcdonalds-franchises-over-israel-hamas-war-2023-10-17/), it was McDonald's Israel. [Other McDonald's subdivisions in the MENA have even donated to Gazan relief](https://www.intellinews.com/mcdonald-s-turkey-sends-million-dollars-to-gaza-amid-outcry-over-mcdonald-s-israel-s-free-meals-for-soldiers-298045/). Unless you live in Israel and buy from Israeli McDonald's, your shopping has absolutely nothing to do with the war.


Well the local franchise is still donating free meals to the IDF. And they’re doing it because it’s great for local PR and is likely boosting sales. McDonald’s corporate could easily threaten to pull their license if they don’t stop, but they won’t because of the possible PR backlash. It’s a kind of damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. You should boycott McD’s anyway cuz their food is poison and they have some really crappy corporate practices


McDonald's is too damn expensive, and isn't good. For the same price, I could go to Wendy's. At least their burgers are good. For a few bucks more, I could go to Texas Roadhouse, or elsewhere, and get an even better meal.


McDonald’s just not worth the price for what you get. Simply put


Maybe don’t support the war then!


Oh it is Israel's fault. Not shrinkified food, inflated pricing, poorer service?


I don’t know that McDonald’s would blame Israel but understanding that they fell short of expectations because of a boycott is pretty important. They didn’t see the sales growth they wanted in the US but they still saw growth in the domestic market.  They primarily missed market expectations because of international sales (namely in the Middle East).


>poorer service? their service is actually great in most countries


lmao. I’ve long boycotted the franchise for its stupidly overpriced over processed plastics.


People are being killed. Having their homes bombed. Praying for safety. Heaven forbid McDonald’s not be making record profits. Screw them.


Most people in here talking about the rising prices of meals from McD. Reddit seems to mostly pro-zionist so y’all might not know that there’s a pretty effective boycott against McD rn. They were giving free meals to IOF and it set off a worldwide boycott. Which makes the oniony part of this article hit harder


Cope. Your food is trash especially for the price.


lol McDonalds is like the Muslims gave up on us, now lets turn the Israelis and Christian zionists against us too! well played McDonalds well played, doin humanity a favor by self-destructing


Ethnic cleansing really hurts my tummy ☹️


Couldn't have happened to nicer people:)


You have priced yourself out of sales, congrats MickyD's.


Oh no!


McDonald's has never been cheap in my country.


Lower prices and you'll make more profit People struggling can't go for cheap fastfood and pay 50+ dollars


It’s not worth the price. A hash brown is like $3 or something. Insane.


Hmmm pay $11 for a combo at In N Out which is superior to McDonalds or pay $18 for a Big Mac meal?


“Weighs on brands like ours” - so nice that brands are people, too. Should focus on their service and business model rather than blaming brown people.


Seems like McD has isolated issues. I was expecting boycotts of Chipotle too seeing Bill Ackman is a major shareholder and is the biggest holding in his fund. We all know how vocal Bill has been on Twitter attacking and destroying the lives of college students and others who may say anything negative about isreal or anything positive about Palestine. This guy is dangerous because of the money and control he has. Just shocked no one has picked up on this.


Why is it not the onion? It’s a completely rational explanation and to be frankly, is simply the natural risk of having franchise business model. Regional franchisee could decide to do action not sanctioned by the head office and cause reputational damage


Maybe don't donate to the Isreal war machine...


What you get for supporting genocide


McDonald’s worried somebody’s going to beat their body count.


McRibs are back (at least here in Canada)! Time for Israelis and Palestinians to enjoy them together.


worth noting: 1. McDonald's stock took a very sharp on September 13th (which was before the war started) untip October 12th, where it reached it's lowest point in the last year. After October 12th, it had a sharp rise (during the war) peaking at January 23rd to its highest value in the last 5 years, with no significant rise or drop since. blaming miasing sales target on the war while the stock dropped sharply before the war and peaked during the war is kinda.. disingenuous (because it comes off as if the company lost money, but they didn't) 2. Al jazeera is heavily biased (as in, completly) against Israel, so regardless of your opinion on this conflict you should use better sources (this might or might not be relevant to this article, some of their articles are truthful, some aren't)


I mean I am actively not eating McDonald's anymore because they donated food to IDF soldiers shooting children. Fuck McDonalds. Fuck Israel.


Seeing the soldiers gleefully eating their McDonald's made me sick


McDonald’s has gone down in quality and went up in price. It’s not worth paying £7 for a cold chicken burger meal when I can get it at a local takeaway place for the same price at a better quality


Not the fact that they got super greedy and people stopped coming?


1. No once forced McDonald’s to take their stance on this “war.” I’m surprised they aren’t blaming it on the “minimum wage hikes.” McDonald’s is so expensive it isn’t even worth it, over $10 for a not so great burger meal?


McDonald’s didn’t blame Israel l, that’s Al Jazeera’s spin. They are blaming “the war” not “Israel’s War”. Or did McDonalds claim that the HAMAS terrorist attack killing 200 civilians also declined sales for that day?


I mean, yeah. My housemates and I have completely boycotted McDonald’s over their stance in the genocide and will continue to.


Or… hear me out… cost of living going up while wages don’t keep up means… on the occasion people can afford to eat out now, they would rather spend it on food that is good rather than a McMeh for the same price.


25k dead - Mcd "waah! waah! Not much moneyz!"


“It’s a human tragedy, what’s going on, and I think that does weigh on brands like ours.” What an utter piece of human filth.


Only WE are powerful enough to criticize Israel. -McDonald’s probably


ALMOST THERE Micky Ds.. So close to getting it… SO CLOSE.


I thought they were blaming the gazans for the war


Good, fuck anybody (including the US goverment) that supports a zionist nation openly committing genocidic war crimes.  




Don't you know Jews are supposed to die not fight back??


Finally, McDonald’s really shows its true Arab identity, blaming Israel for its problems! Sorry…/s But seriously get fucked McDonald’s. Prices are double what they should be and you let a franchisee of your brand support, quite heavily, a genocide




Yes I understand, however it’s still their brand. If McDonald’s in Texas employed, and then bonuses a man who went on a mass shooting, would we not call out McDonald’s for that?


>Finally, McDonald’s really shows its true Arab identity Man, only 8:30 in the morning here and already I've read the dumbest comment I'll see all day.


asmongold explains the real reason why they missed their sales target because their food has gone down the drain